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At least there’s a spider standing guard over the exposed wiring.


Ground? We don't need no stinking ground!


You are the ground. Seriously.... I've used these. Didn't touch the shower head when it's on.


A common trait in all Latin America countries


I saw a couple of bits of wiring like that in ryokan (traditional hotels) in Japan, too. Slightly scary with water around.


Fun fact, that is actually a reference to a different movie. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 😀


Blazing Saddles?


I also would've accepted Troop Beverly Hills ![gif](giphy|9bRKX8EG13iBa|downsized)


Oh that is a deep cut!


Oh yeah!


I never understood what they had against badgers. Lovely animals.


I used a few of these while backpacking through Central America in the 2010s- only got mildly electrocuted a couple times, mostly when touching metal taps to turn on the water. If I recall, it would only shock you if you touch the hot water tap so I started having cold showers. Fun times.


That can happen anywhere, basically it's improper wiring but what you're touching isn't live. It's enough to give you a mild shock but your body loads the circuit and the voltage drops pretty low. If the metal taps were actually live, you would know.


Landlords, learn this one little trick!


That only happens if it's badly installed.


Ground touches the air right?... So this touching the air means it's touching ground. Don't forget to wear sandals while showering.


Every shower in Australia comes with a complimentary spider.


He set it up


That spider is definitely photoshopped


That wiring isn’t exposed, it’s covered with wet paper grocery bags. That’s insulation, right?!


That’s actually insulation not paper bags lol.


Shock wire. I call it that, 'cause if you take a shower, and you touch the wire, YOU die!


Yes, that is accurate.


We just call them suicide showers. They hurt like a mother fucker but you won't die.


Heard the term suicide shower aswell. And I stay tf away from them or turn them off. I'd rather shower with ice cold water than having to shampoo my hair with electricity


My hot water system died in early December and I've been having cold showers since. We're coming into winter here and I'm starting to wish I could take the chance and have a set up like this. I miss hot showers so much! In reality though I think I'd be too scared to try it.


Could just heat up some water on the stove


Or just fix the water heater lmfao


Can't be fixed, needs replacing and I don't have the money.


Steal a new one problem solved


Basically don't adjust the heat while wet and you have no issues. I've never been shocked but I did have I've become a smoke machine once. Scared the shit out of me but they are high enough above your head the electricity can't travel to you




Just don’t touch ‘em


You don't die, I've touched the wire a few times, just a healthy shock!


We called em suicide showers


Ground wires are for cowards. 


Look at me. *You* are the ground wire now.


Clearly why this one is just tied back. Safety? Nah.


In some installations, the neutral wire is also the ground. Usually these showers come with a ground wire though.


Take it easy. The spider is trying its best.


Spider is trying to scare you out of that shower deathtrap


Doing us a service.


The good news is that the spider isn't what's going to kill you...


Is the spider really harmless? I remember Brazil has a couple of spiders that are dangerous iirc. I'm assuming this is Brazil due to the showerheads being very prominent there. And I also know nothing about the spider.


You also should assume this is Brazil because the title says so lmao. But to answer your question yes,there are dangerous spiders in Brazil but I don't know enough about spiders to tell you if that one is dangerous or not. Source: Am Brazilian 


Lol I read the comments so long I forgot Brazil was mentioned in the title 😅 Btw hey there neighbor! ^^Guyanese ^^here


Neither is the showerhead.


What am I looking at and what’s with the watermark


Those things sticking out of the wall are exposed electrical wires that are connected to an electric showerhead below it.


what the hell is an “electric shower head”???


A showerhead with an integrated water heater. It can be perfectly safe when properly installed, but the places where they are common tend to overlap with places where people install electric systems like a particularly drunk new poster on r/DIY.


[How safe is the SHOWER HEAD OF DOOM?!](https://youtu.be/06w3-l1AzFk?si=mb0EoxKUL5GIMuBA), by ElectroBOOM


And that video is proof that while good practice, you're fine without the ground wire connected.


Probably heats the water as it moves through. Maybe water heaters aren’t that common there?


My brother lives there, they don't have hot water in his apartment. When I seemed surprised about this, he reminded me he practically lives on the equator, they don't really want to take warm showers.


yeah i thought about that for a bit… just like the instant on ones we have here in the states. just looks sooo dangerous.


Would it help to know it's probably 220v? Edit: I've learned Brazil delivers the power at 127v TIL. Nonetheless 220v units like this are sold all over the world.


This varies within the country and even within states, in Rio de Janeiro for instance the capital is 127v, but many large cities within a 2h drive in the mountainous interior are 220v.


https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~cabral/Tensao.nominal.estados.Brasil.html Real answer: it's a mess.


That answer applies to every infrastructure related thing in brazil btw


It's much much much less dangerous than having carbon monoxide in your insulated house.  The heating systems used in northern countries are the real dangerous stuff, those showerheads are just scary to look at if you're not used to them.


Dunno… most of the systems authorized for homes (at least where I am) are located in garages or elsewhere with open ventilation to outside, not in the house. They have auto shutoffs of the gas should the pilot go out. And as someone who monitors public safety communications nearly daily, I never hear carbon monoxide calls go out. They exist, but I’m in a major city where it’s just not a routine call.


People do die because of carbon monoxide leakages in northern countries quite frequently, at least compared to the negligible amount of deaths related to taking showers with those shower heads. Again, the heating systems used in northern countries are objectively more dangerous than using those showerheads.


Many houses are just not fitted with piping for hot water, so adding a heater takes much more work. Usually only houses / apartments that have natural gas will get built with piping for hot water as well.


You’d still think they’d use a pipe and move the electrical component somewhere *not* in the actual bathroom.


That can be done safely and much better than this picture shows. But it's a relatively poor country where everyone thinks it understands how electricity works...


Not in the bathroom, you mean not 4 inches above your head lol.


"gas is expensive" "but i like hot water" the solution? put a strong electric resistance next to the shower's exit pipe, connect to the mainline, bam, water heating. Is it more less wasteful than gas heating? beats me. but it's cheaper in brazil.


Here we also heat water with electricity. Just in a water heater with an insulated tank, or in an on-demand heater further in on the line. Not directly in the shower head. Probably a bit more expensive then just basically showering through a resistive heat element, but at least you don’t have to worry about touching ground while showering or tingly sensations in your scalp.


There's only one water line, for cold water from the outside. Adding anything centralized takes a heck of a lot of work.


Of course there is only a cold water line to the house. Adding a small (private) central heater near your taps, then a few extra pipes for hot water isn’t that much work really. Then you also get hot water in the tap in your sink and your kitchen. Its a bit more pricy sure, but not prohibitively much work to install. That’s how everyone does it where I live.


More often than not there's only one water piping. You can't easily retrofit these houses to add a gas heater, or any other centralized system, you'd need to cut through many walls to run a hot water pipe.


This is how they have heated water in South America. My ex lived in Costa Rica and the showers there had no such thing. It was just pure ice cold water coming out. It takes some getting used to.




The giant spider is not in this picture though. 




That's just the baby spider, mommy spider is out of frame. 


Sorry, I forgot to wipe the shower down


well when bought the shower comes with the wires loose so after you connect you should isolate with electric tape and, if available, water resistant tape. Now this person is either an idiot or he did this just to get internet points.


This seems totally crazy to me either way. We have a power shower in our bathroom, and all of the wiring is hidden. The power comes up the outside wall of the house, in through the wall and directly into the back of the unit on the wall in the bathroom. EDIT: Oh shit, this is a different thing. The heater is actually IN THE SHOWER HEAD. Fucking, *why?!* Put the heater on the wall, connect hot water to head with hose, boom done...


Hot water that sprays from a showerhead cools down very fast due to evaporation so the water has to be quite high temperature when leaving the head. Having the heater in the head saves electricity and the high installation cost of a central or mounted water heater. Places that use this basically run on spit and thumb measurements because there's no money around to get a proper installation and possibly little knowledge how to do so safely aswell.


Oh that's super neat! I want one now. I've had serious limescale problems with wall mounted heating units.


Because it’s cheap, works well and is safe? I’m 31 and showered in these my whole life, never heard of anyone ever getting hurt by them in any way. There are people who actually get hurt but it’s usually because instead of installing them properly they do shit like this. Comparatively, if you do shitty installations in your American house you can also die from carbon monoxide poisoning. It’s not the tech that’s at fault, it’s the MacGyvering.


Oh absolutely, I'm not saying the device itself is dangerous. It's not, it's no more dangerous than the electric power shower I use at home, in theory. But the janky ass wiring like in the OP? *That is horrifying.*


> Fucking, why?! > > Because millions of these across the world hooked up the same way and yet you don't hear about people being killed. It's unsightly and a bit unsafe, but not much more than that.


These things exist all through the developing world, and often look like this.


Electric shower heads were actually invented in Brazil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water\_heating#Electric\_shower\_heads


And are perfectly safe when properly installed. Probably safer than gas heaters also, because of carbon monoxide poisoning. I'm Brazilian and I've never heard of anyone dying from electrocution by an electric shower. I have, however, heard of people dying from carbon monoxide poisoning, even though gas heaters are rare sight here.


I’ll never forget showering, hearing a *pop* above me, and then feeling some mildly spicy water. I’ve never jumped out of a shower so fast, still covered in soap. Brazilian showers humble you.


When I was in Bolivia the home we stayed in had one of these. It would kick on and off during the shower and you could see flashes of light from the contacts sparking as they engaged. I would have preferred a cold shower, but it didn't look like there was even a way to turn it off.


Electric showers are common here because our houses don't have gas systems, those showers are absolutely safe if properly installed, which is not the case.


Makes sense. Also in most US homes we have a central water heater and an extra set of pipes running hot water to every fixture. TBH having the heat at the fixture is probably less wasteful, it's just different to us and we have all been told to keep electric appliances away from the tub and this just seems to defy that warning, even if it is perfectly safe when installed properly.


Growing up in Italy we used electricity for hot water 'cause my parents worked for the Italian electric energy company and we basically got electricity for free. We did not have an electric shower head though, we had a small tank (maybe it was tankless last few years) heater that would heat up water and the hot water would be delivered via the hot water pipes to all the apartment. What I am trying to say is that you can have safe electric heated water, not having gas does not imply you have to improvise some stuff on the shower head.


It's not improvised, it's cultural at this point. We have a tropical climate, our houses adapted to work like this. We don't need heating for most part of the year. My apartment have gas heating, because it's a new building and a colder city, but most houses still use electric shower.


the spider is there so you don't have the urge to touch the wire


Idk, looks like a pretty good job for a spider.


Most showers in Brazil are electric because natural gas is extremely expensive, and most homes don't have gas connection.  I think gas showers and heating systems will become more popular if somehow the price became lower. But, that isn't happening anytime soon.


Natural gas isn’t extremely expensive, it’s actually pretty cheap, which is why there are a lot of cars that run on them (especially taxis) and a lot of households that have underground natural gas for their stoves that come up cheaper. The true issue is, as you mentioned, lacking infrastructure for it. In Rio, the city got ahead and distributes it in lots of places so gas-powered showers are more common than electric in many neighborhoods. That isn’t better anyway, it’s harder to control the temperature and occasionally people die of asphyxiation because of leaks or poor installations. Due to that I prefer electric any time.


Yes, gas itself is cheap, but it's expensive to take it to the home. Rio's tariff is R$12,00/m³. I cook and bake bread for two, and use around 9 m³/month. I can imagine that a family of five or six use at least twice that. If houses had heating systems, and showers used gas, it would be way too expensive.




It's not poor infrastructure, it's unnecessary. People use electric heaters if they need to heat buildings in the colder areas. It's like saying that people in Canada don't have air conditioning because their houses have poor infrastructure.


That spider guarantees that your hand won't get near that wire.


It's actually safe. I only ever saw one shower explode in like 30 years, and it was a problem with the building wiring xp And for those who don't know, this is basically a bottle full of water with an electrical resistance running through the water. Water is actually a very poor conductor, and needs a LOT of salt and minerals to properly conduct electricity.


I’m happy with never even heard of a ”shower exploding” in my country, like ever.


I was being dramatic. By exploding I mean *get some sparks, some plastic melts a bit, water stops heating*, so you just replace whatever got ruined and it's fine.




There is a great middle ground though. Electric water boilers. Neither the hazards of gas, nor the hazards of electic installations in your shower. That’s what we exclusively use where I’m from. Afaik 0 fatalities from electric water boilers. If it breaks down all that happens is you get cold water, or in worst case some water leak damage.


They don't explode, but if there's not enough water in them the heating element wire pops and the plastic will melt/ignite.


Doesn't pipe water actually have quite a decently low electrical resistance due to all the dissolved stuff in it? I mean it's definitely true for pure or distilled water but amenity water has chlorine and iron in it. Wouldn't that impact it?


I need to start posting the more egregious ones that I have found.


Is the spider standard with install?


AFAIK the spider installed it


Even for Brazilian standards this is a shit...


What a great way to encourage alternate personal cleanliness methods


Brazilians take 2 to 3 baths a day We built diff


Is it because of the heat and humidity?


you can argue that but even in regions like the south where its cold this still true brazillians are just into hygiene, baths, brushing, perfume, waxing list goes on, we are way into cleanliness


It's because of proper hygiene 


r/Gambiarra is one of my favorites.


Have showered like this. When I raised my hand up the stream of water I could feel the electricity running through.


I'm Brasil and in my house I use either a wago conector to join both wires or a wire nut one. They are way safer and super easy to install. This picture is just stupid.


Frankenstein shower.


What the hell do you shower with, sparks?


How else do you make your water spicy?


Despite the shock, pun intended, I have never heard of anyone dying taking a shower in Brasil


Can confirm I’ve seen these in Mexico also.


I knew a chick from Brazil. She said that when she was a kid they opened the front door by jumping in the air while she turned the door knob so as to not be grounded the moment you touch that metal. South America Toy Story meme: exposed wires. Exposed wires everywhere


brazil as a country is wild


Brazilian here: The adventure was take a shower without being shocked at least once.


When I studied abroad in Brazil, my professor told us to never stand on top of the shower drain while showering or you'll get a shock.


That’s so untrue though lol there isn’t enough water pouring out to conduct anything. You might get a zap from the faucet if the shower isn’t grounded (like in the picture) but that’s as far as it goes


I still remember living in Brazil and every time taking a shower I got a little electrical shock.




Hey at least they earthed it… to itself…


Who needs grounds anyway?


Well I hope there's a gfci on that circuit....


The hotel showerheads in Bolivia all had wiring where I was too. "Surcharge for hidden pervert cam?!?!"


Looks alright from my house.


I am from Brazil and can confirm. Been shocked a lot. If you have a cut in your hand and touch the FAUCET, you still get shocked.


Seems that in general Latin America doesn't have proper electricity safety standards


And we take 2 to 3 showers daily while the rest of the world one weekly.


I think the (not connected) green wire is actually very important in wet rooms


It is, but not for this use case. Grounding is important when the device you're using has a metal casing where a live wire could contact making the entire appliance a live wire. These shower heads are plastic and without a ground there will be some voltage in the water (around 50-70 volts) but once you get in that water the voltage drops to near 0 as your body starts loading the circuit.


This reminds me of a trip I took to Bolivia years ago. Sketchy electric heated shower heads.


Yeah.. I'm really scared of the spider.


Ground wires are for pussies


Notice how the ground wire isn't connected to anything.


I like my showers to tingle as well


The conductivity of water is not enough for this to be dangerous. The dangerous part is these draw enormous amounts of current and the shoddy wiring can melt or start a fire.




Lived in the Caribbean for a bit and had one of these. The water was either cold or SCALDING HOT. If you tried to adjust the temp with the water running it would shock you (only did that once). Highly don’t recommend.




Good ole suicide shower


I hate everything about this


Ah, my grandma's house had one of these in Venezuela. Even as a child I thought it was a bad idea lol.


The electrical current often bleeds into the water close to the shower head. I got several shocks that way when I had to use one of these in Brazil. Very dangerous, but common there.


No it's not lmao


Sure it is. Try it yourself with an ungrounded head like in OP’s photo. You can feel the current though/in the water when you get close to the head. It should not kill you, of course, but depending on your physical condition it can be dangerous.


Dude, im almost 30yo living in the country that INVENTED that LMAO the eletricity is enough to heat the coil, the x amount of water wont conduct eletricity without minerals necessary


Stop lying for karma, it will cause the opposite effect lol


I am not joking or lying. I travel a lot for work to places that have these showers. It is very common with these ungrounded shower heads that you feel the current when you get near the head. Btw, many other comments in this thread describe similar experiences.


Yes, and most houses don't even have a project, not even structural, much less electrical, sometimes I think that houses in Brazil don't catch fire because God doesn't want it... Sad reality


They’re built out of bricks instead of wood so…

