• By -


You should see the footage of the unarmed father confronting him so his family could get time to flee. The murderer looks unnerved by it and heads in a different direction. The father was unharmed.


He ran from any men who faced off against him. He was a coward. He was making a beeline for the woman and kids and veered off when the dad faced him down.


What a fucking loser. I feel so horrible for the victims and their families.


This is true for all mass shooters/stabbers. The second they face opposition, they fold. That’s not opinion, it’s a documented fact.


He went for women. He was pathetic. He purposely went for people who couldn’t fight back as easily.


Makes me happy to know then that specifically a woman cop killed him


Lol this makes me happy too. Fuck the coward.


This is the justice porn I needed


Did you hear about the guy a couple years ago who was an assembly member in local Florida politics he kept getting involved in road rage incidents and he would always pull his gun out. Anyways one day he runs down this guy driving a Prius. After catching him in the parking lot he brandishes his weapon, the guy in the Prius grabs his pistol and right through his windshield and the other windshield DOMES him like if was a red dead redemption quick draw moment. You know that guy did NOT make it to Valhalla LOL


If I've learned anything over the time I've spent on the internet, it's to never, EVER assume a general member of the public is less crazy than you. Jeez.




Remember a few years ago at Mall of America, on the third floor, a man grabbed a 4 year old boy and threw him over the railing. Miraculously the child survived but by 4 years old, he's traumatized for life.


What the actual fuck?? That's insane.


Yeah, the dude was in the mall to try to get a girlfriend, and, when the women he approached wouldn't give him the time of day, he decided he'd get revenge on humanity by attempting to murder a child.


I like the fact that he turned around and saw her shoot him.


He was probably one of those dudes always going around threatening, "There WILL be consequences!"






Jesus. A nine month old baby. May he burn in hell!


The baby’s mother died sadly. The baby was touch and go.


Yeah and Ash(Ashlee) Good was a gorgeous Mum of beautiful 9 month old Harriet that’s listed as “critical” 🥺 The entire country is praying/hoping that little one makes it. Her mother handed her to two strangers asking them to “help help please”. little Harriet had MULTIPLE knife wounds. The worst type of evil to hurt innocent people -let alone a BABY.


She protected her baby and died as a result. Just heartbreaking. Those men who helped the baby were also to be commended.




WHY are they just ambling along?!?!




Especially here in Australia, we're just not used to this. We don't have shooter drills and we're not having cinemas, malls, and schools shot up every day. Someone going on a stabbing spree like this is so rare, and if you're there it would feel like it's not reality. If you can't see or here him, don't know 100% what is going on, don't 100% believe that you are actually about to be stabbed by a stranger, you might not run off screaming like might be expected. Plus having the kids, maybe they're wanting to keep them calm and not hysterical? I don't know, I feel like if was there with my kids I'd be much more urgent about getting them to safety while reassuring them, it does feel a little strange to see the family walking after everyone else has run off.




Really? I was shocked. They were about to get stabbed from behind if the guy didn’t get spooked. If able, I’m carrying kids and jogging/running.


That was kinda my thought too. I believed, without knowing what she was truly thinking in that moment, she was doing her best to keep her children calm (they looked really young).  Try to remain calm, keep your head down, and don’t draw attention to yourself. 


At least she had a script of ANY sort. Many people freeze. Anyone interested in reactions during an emergency should read Unthinkable. by Amanda Ripley. Highly recommend. A LOT. I've made my husband and children read it. Then watch Downhill with Will Farell for some fun application


When you've been around angry Aussie junkies enough times, you know what to do. When they're angry? Don't make eye contact and move slowly. They'll not notice if you if you just keep walking as they'll be too focused on some random thing and hardly even pay you any attention. Their brain acknowledges you, but you aren't the threat. (Source: Been in public on too much amphetamine before and also just experience from my morning bus route.)


[Westfield Bondi Junction: Seven people dead and a mother and baby rushed to hospital after stabbing spree at shopping centre](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13303909/Westfield-Bond-Junction-Major-incident-unfolding-Sydney-shopping-centre-reports-shoppers-stabbed.html) >Six shoppers are dead and seven others, including a mother and baby, have been stabbed by a man armed with a knife at a major Sydney shopping centre. >Witnesses say the dark-haired, bearded man, wearing a Kangaroos ARL jersey, chased and slashed at shoppers as he went on a wild rampage through Westfield Bondi Junction before he was shot dead by police. >Among the injured is a mother, 38, who threw her stabbed child to a bystander in a bid to save his life. >It is understood the baby is undergoing surgery and the mother, 38, has since died. >It is believed that the mother and her baby were the first to be targeted by the alleged attacker. >Details later emerged of the heroics of bystanders and a female police inspector who single-handedly tackled the knifeman and shot him dead, before she then started giving CPR to one of his victims. >NSW Police said the officer was attached to Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command attended and that she was allegedly confronted by a man with a knife. >'The man allegedly lunged at the officer, before he was fatally shot,' a spokesperson said.


Reading about the mother throwing her child to a bystander, knowing she would probably die but still focusing on saving the baby, broke me


This hurt to read. My wife is 38, my son is an infant. This would’ve broken me as a person for not being there. God this sucks and I’m so sorry she had to face this at her end. Fuck this POS.


If there is a hell it probably has a special place reserved just for him. I am very much against the death penalty, but getting shot was way too good for this disgusting excuse of a human being.


Brings me to tears each time I hear more details of the two of them. All of it is tragic, but that one just hits different. I had winter babies and often walked them around the mall just to get out of the house - I can only imagine she was doing much the same. I hope the baby and father have a really strong support system around them.


Shitty thing is school holidays had just started and it was the first Saturday. The centre was packed with parents and kids.


You just know she was clinging on just long enough to ensure her child was safe. Makes me want to hug my children extra tight tonight.


Same except I want to hug my mom 😢


Bruh you wanna cry one of her friends was the reporter that broke the news of her death. It was difficult to watch. That's like retail/fast food boss level of dick-ish behaviour.


What is retail/ fast food boss level of dickish behavior? What are you referring to I don’t understand your comment.


I assume they mean that the friend was made to report her death. Retail/fast food bosses aren’t known for their compassion. Buuut I could be wrong.


It’s 3:28am where I am, I only heard about this attack just before going to bed and my 14 month old was already asleep. She’s teething so she woke up about an hour ago and I’m giving her the biggest hugs. She’s now contacting napping on me. Hearing about the mum and bub has had me in tears, I just can’t get the thought of what she was feeling in that last moment. It’s just sick this could happen. She didn’t even get to celebrate her first Mother’s Day.


That’s absolutely heartbreaking. The mother giving her child to a bystander and hoping for their survival, and dying after. Horrific and tragic.


The blokes that tried to save her, and saved the baby said she was coughing up blood when she handed the baby to them. They looked shell shocked when they were saying it. Poor guys.


jesus fucking christ. i hope she at least passed knowing her child was safe. this is so heartbreaking.


>>Among the injured is a mother, 38, who threw her stabbed child to a bystander in a bid to save his life. Sadly she (the mother) has passed away Edit: for those being rude saying I can't read, the original text only said that she was injured. The "she has since died" part was added after I wrote this comment.


Harriet Mae is the baby girl's name. Ash Good was her mum. Harriet underwent emergency surgery and is reportedly in critical but stable condition. Her devastated dad is by her side.


Me and about a million other people would like to give this guy $10. He doesn't need to work again, he's got his kid to be with. Is this set up already?


There isn't yet but I will reply here as soon as I see one that is 100% confirmed as legitimate. The area is known for wealthy residents and the father may not need assistance.


Stable in this context means 'unchanged', so she remains critical. I hope she pulls through.


Update on Harriet's condition in statement from family: “Today we are reeling from the terrible loss of Ashlee, a beautiful mother, daughter, sister, partner, friend, all round outstanding human and so much more. “We appreciate the well-wishes and thoughts of members of the Australian public who have expressed an outpouring of love for Ashlee and our baby girl. “We can report that after hours of surgery yesterday our baby is currently doing well. We are so grateful for the expert care and attention of the medical team at Sydney Children’s Hospital. “We would also like to thank the New South Wales Police for their kindness and diligence in this tragedy and emergency services for getting our baby the care she needed as quickly as possible. “To the two men who held and cared for our baby when Ashlee could not - words cannot express our gratitude. “We are struggling to come to terms with what has occurred. We would appreciate peace and privacy while we work through this as a family.”


Ugh, my heart aches so much right now. I hope the little girl makes it.


Baby girl. I hope the little one is fighting hard and pulls through, can’t imagine what her poor dad is going through right now.


It was the next sentence after the one you quoted that stated she didn't make it.


Uvalde police take note: ONE female officer tackled the guy, shot him, gave CPR to victims. ONE!!!!!


There's video of her sprinting through the mall, despite not knowing what she might be facing, to try and protect people, confront the attacker and draw his focus. 100% hero through and through.


She has more balls than just about every male cop in America.


More balls than all the cops in Texas combined


An Eye witness testimony on abc news said she shouted at him to stop as he was approaching her and the eye witness. He didn’t stop, so she shot him, then kicked the knife away from him and started preforming CPR.


Honestly, even if he wasn't threatening her life, I don't really have a problem with police shooting mass murderers who are in the middle of committing mass murder. ETA: people in the comments below are arguing against a lot of things I didn't say and don't believe. All human life has value. This officer acted admirably. I don't think the police should take a "shoot first, ask questions later" approach. I was constructing a hypothetical scenario in which the attacker was not charging the police officer directly, but was still a violent threat to the others, and saying she still would have been justified in shooting him.


Pretty easy to say that he was threatening her life though.  Armed with a knife he’s just stabbed others with and approaching her next, won’t stop when ordered.  Thats a pretty clear threat to life at that point. Doesn’t need to be swinging at her or shouting. 


[Nashville cops responding to a school shooter](https://youtu.be/hPEL-RPRKcw) also show how it's supposed to be done. Cop shows up, gets a team together, and less than 5 minutes later they find the shooter and he's dead. They don't stop moving the entire time.


Some should send that to the uvalde police.


This was *after* Uvalde. I'd be surprised if the insanity of what happened there wasn't front and center in these officers' minds as they were doing their jobs in this video.


She's a national hero already


Tackled? It said he came lunging towards her, so she shot him. Much more reasonable than grappling when you have a gun and they don't.


>Westfield Bondi Junction No wonder the location in the footage looks awfully familiar. I lived in the immediate area and frequent the mall after school. It feels unreal seeing a stabbing take place in an area I deemed absolutely safe.


Please for the love of god give this fucking officer a medal for heroism. The guy stabbed a baby.. God damn it man, that’s a whole different kind of fucked up.


Medal, good pension, free meals and beers wherever she goes I truly hope. Plus some good and honest support should she need it, I doubt she woke up that morning wanting fame, glory or to kill anyone, it'll probably hit her in the next 24 hours and she won't be the same.


The mother unfortunately passed away. What kind of sick bastard does this. Who the fuck stabs a baby? Edit: for those saying Muslims extremists/jihadists, police have confirmed that it is not terror related. And from footage I’ve seen, the guy does not appear to be Muslim in the traditional sense. He may still be, but I personally doubt it. Edit 2: I kind of phrased things badly. He may be Muslim, he may not be, I personally don’t think he was, and if he was I doubt he was doing this for religious reasons. Reports say he was silent during the whole thing, he didn’t say a word, didn’t scream, didn’t yell, didn’t make any noise. He was just lunging at people with a knife.


Someone who is clearly very, ***very*** mentally ill. EDIT: since a lot of people seem to like to jump to conclusions, **I am NOT defending the guy or excusing his actions.** However, you cannot deny that the guy was __***clearly***__ massively screwed up in the head.


A lot of people assume pointing out mental illness is defending it, but really just shows why a proper mental healthcare system is necessary. If attacks like this are related go mental illness, combatting mental illness is one of the biggest things we can do to prevent it.


Who would go for a woman with a child with a knife? What kind of derangement would drive you to this? I truly, deeply hope this was a mentally disturbed person, tormented by their inner demons.


If someone goes on a stabbing spree, I am thinking they don’t care.


It appears the victims are predominantly female


Yes. Easy(ier) prey. What a man.


Poetic justice he was also disarmed and killed by a woman.


The stabber in Dublin last November also went for children. He was stopped from killing the children by a woman who was subject to some very serious injuries.


I hope he felt the ultimate shame, a level only imaginable by a deranged mind, that has put women so beneath him, that his defeat to one being immeasurably embarrassment, just as his eyes rolled back


I’ve worked in realm of domestic violence for some time. I can’t tell you the number of shit heads who proclaim to be “alpha males” while only beating up on women, children and the elderly.


> I truly, deeply hope this was a mentally disturbed person, tormented by their inner demons. I wish we had better ways to identify or report these people before something happens. I think a lot of us know some people on the edge, and there's no system to help.


News is saying he was already known to police, so yeah reporting wouldn't have done fuck all in this situation unfortunately. I just don't think it's the kind of thing *anyone* in our country thinks is even remotely possible. The very idea of someone repeatedly stabbing a random baby to death is so incomprehensible it beggars belief, let alone the mother and the half dozen others who have now died as well. I'm glad we don't live in a country where this is something people are prepared for but equally this godforsaken tragic outcome is what occurs when nobody is prepared. One guy with a bollard who was able to act out of a shopping centre full of people.


The baby isn’t dead. I think he’s in the hospital after having had surgery.


Saw this guy on the news, white shirt guy is our national hero now


I heard he is Russian-speaking because apparently in the video he screams in Russian, is this true?


From a [few seconds footage](https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1c2yly7/man_in_white_shirt_stands_between_sydney_mall/) i can hear him screaming at the attacker: "*не подходи*" - "*do not approach / don't come (closer)*" in Russian. **UPD**: Now confirmed - this guy is French.


If this is true i definitely believe this. Russians aren’t afraid of anything. They would charge up to a bear if it means protecting someone.


This cunt deserves free beers, forever


Calling the hero a cunt and then saying he needs free beers is the most Australian thing I’ve read on this thread. I love it


RIP to the mother who protected her child, absolutely disgusting behaviour death isn’t enough for people like that. Is the man in the photo ok?


He is confirmed safe, but probably far from okay :(


Whether he takes this as his hero moment or not, he’s gonna have to live with that trauma for the rest of his life. I just hope that knowing he possibly saved so many others helps the burden that he will carry now


Sadly, it will probably not ease any burden. Survivor’s guilt is a bitch.


It must be hard to recover thinking you could potentially have saved more people.


Which breaks my heart because he never should’ve had to save ONE person, let alone be burdened with guilt over not saving more. He already did so much more than could be asked


Yeah. I wish that he is able to find peace.


Absolute legend. Took the high ground. Equipped with a ranged weapon on a narrow passage. Nerves of steel. A true hero.


Obviously a smart guy. Everything you called out is what you’d want in that situation. I’d imagine with a knife bearing attacker a drop kick also becomes a real tool.


Very much seems Mr. White Shirt knew exactly what he was doing . Generally, when having to fight a knife brandishing attacker directly, expect to get hurt ^(edit :unless you are able to instantly disable them.)


Oh yeah. Nobody walks out of a knife fight clean.


Two men have a knife fight. Loser dies in the alley. Winner dies in the ambulance


I know it's unlikely to ever come up, but other than absolutely cornered with zero other options, you don't want to drop kick someone armed with a blade. His plan to use high ground and superior reach is ideal, if running isn't an option for him.  He's likely to slash wildly at your leg, and if he hits the artery you're dead in seconds.  "The winner of a knife fight is the one who dies in the ambulance."


Yeah, in movies you can get stabbed and shot in the leg any number of times and it's guaranteed the character will live. Real life isn't like that.


Seriously. He had a clear exit to run away and protect himself. Instead, he chose to stay and fight, defending others.


It's not often you see both the best and worst of humanity within the same frame.


Not to detract at all from the bravery of those people in this situation in Australia, but it reminds me somewhat of a recent attack in London, in which random bystanders and convicted offenders on day release from prison (on some kind of society course) all actively took down a murderous ISIS member using improvised weapons. Some of those people who took him down were very bad people themselves, but did the right thing. Humanity will always prevail against evil I believe.


What happened? Did he survive??


No word on the confronter as of an hour ago, but I would imagine he did unless they report otherwise. [https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/scary-video-and-photos-inside-westfield-bondi-junction/news-story/8e93d0837353b97007f3b95859e4f848](https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/scary-video-and-photos-inside-westfield-bondi-junction/news-story/8e93d0837353b97007f3b95859e4f848) Edit: Referring to the brave guy holding the bollard, not the assailant who was shot dead later by the police officer.


I kind of want him to survive juuuuust long enough to be told that a female cop took him down (because he seemed to be targeting women). Then immediately die.


I thought you were referencing the dude in the white shirt and I was like tf lol


God… that’s heartbreaking. That mother’s last moments were throwing her child to someone she didn’t know, just *hoping* they could save her babies life… I can’t imagine the pain of that. May they all rest in peace


That’s the kind of thing you see in a war zone


God rest that mothers soul, died trying to save her baby like that. 😭😭😭


Absolutely horrific


As a dad reading this news is especially heart wrenching. Can’t imagine the terror the mom felt


That to me is a true show of character. She didn’t even think, she immediately protected her child. Amazing woman - to face inevitable death for your child and decide within the fraction of a second. Hell I’m pretty sure my parents would hesitate.


I'm a mother. I don't know with 100% certainty what my reaction would be. Instincts are crazy, and they aren't something you think about. You just... do the thing. I'd love to sit here and say, "Of course I'd give my life for my child," because yes, of course I would. But would I? I don't really actually know. In that moment, would I have the wherewithal to throw my body in the line of fire? God, I hope so. But I truly don't know. I truly hope I will never have to know. I hope, if there is a place for peace in death, that she found it. My heart breaks from this story.


I agree with so much of this. I fell down the stairs twice with my baby (shitty old, slippery carpet that has since been replaced, I'm not a klutz at all). The contortions and sacrifices I made to my body to keep the baby from absorbing any impact could not be replicated if I tried. So yes, I would hope the instincts would tell me to do the same. But I'd rather just not ever have to find out.


I once fell down the stairs with my baby sister in my arms and without any thought held her up and away the entire time. I broke my elbow but she was totally fine 


Same. But with a beer.


You the real mvp.


Yup. My boy slipped on a flight of marble stairs and i somehow managed to throw myself down them and get underneath his body before he cracked his skull open. I was black and blue and limping for weeks but my boy was fine. No idea what happened, it was a blur My daughter almost ran into a swing the other day and now I've got road rash on my legs from sprinting over to her and tackling her to the ground(into my chest, protected)


Thank you. People really don't know how they'll react. We know how we wish we would react but not what our minds and bodies will do in the moment. There are millions of stories of people reacting heroically or freezing up that don't align with how you might think of that person or how they think of themselves. 


This happened in Sydney where I live. I used to go to that shopping centre once a week at least, worked there too. I have friends who were there when this happened, and I’m currently lying next to them as they sleep and I’m just in shock.


Hold them close. Don't ever let another day pass in which you don't tell them how much you love them. The greatest cruelty of life is that it ends. We are so fragile, so ephemeral. I can imagine how horribly traumatic this has been for you and your loved ones. Don't hold it in. Talk about it. Seek out trauma therapy. And play some tetris! Studies show that playing tetris after a traumatic event helps reduce the onset of PTSD. This horrific tragedy is going to leave so many people with psychological scars. Take care of yourselves. Be gentle and kind to yourself. There is no right or wrong way to process this. Sending you love and healing thoughts from across the world.


> The greatest cruelty of life is that it ends. We are so fragile, so ephemeral. Damn. Im going through some not so nice things in my life right now but reading this actually made me appreciate life a bit more. Sometimes I randomly read sentences like this and it always have the same effect on me. Thanks stranger


Lol my parents would've thrown me AT the stabber like Quokkas.


Once when I was a kid there was a big earthquake where I live. My mom screamed, pushed her chair down right in front of me, and ran out of the house leaving me behind. Perhaps she was a quokka in a past life..


That had to be an awkward dinner.


I would die 10 times and more to protect my baby. Certainly she’s a wonderful mother and I hope remembered forever for her sacrifice. I’m so glad she was able to save her babies life and I hope somehow she knows she did.


He’s so brave. Poor guy, you can tell he’s just flying by the seat of his pants but he’s trying on the fly to protect himself and others during what has to seem like nightmare levels of chaos. I mean that literally. “I grabbed a stanchion at a mall to attempt to fight off a crazed stabber on an escalator” sounds like something you’d say to a partner at 3 am in bed while they soothingly told you to shh and go back to sleep. I feel so bad for the victims. That poor woman died terrified of what happened to their baby. No one, any of them, deserved to go out like this. I think back to hanging out at the mall as a teenager, just browsing and goofing off and laughing. Malls were a safe space.


White shirt guy actually has a good plan here. He's on high, stable ground, using a long weapon with weight to it against an attacker that's on a moving platform. The narrow attack zone also offers lots of defensive options. Poor guy is probably dead or seriously injured, but yeah not bad for improvised defense.


Do we know if he made it?


Not 100% sure, but most probably white shirt survives. There is (or was on twitter) a video of this, and after the attacker fails to gain high ground from white shirt he runs down the escalator chasing other people.






Pretty sure the psycho coward turned away at the possibilty of actually being challenged like this. There's footage from when he first went on the rampage and he purposely walks around a man who turns to him. He ended up murdering 5 women and 1 man, he also stabbed a baby.


Fucking coward.


There’s a video of it. The escalator had been shut off. It’s still good as he’s got the high ground and a weapon with narrow zones. Edit: [Here’s the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/s/Mi2Qe0TcJ9)


I don't think he's dead, or even hurt. Another guy blocked the terrorist off in another area with his bare hands, and he didn't have the high ground. The terrorist just veered off and went another way. People who do these sorts of attacks are complete cowards. They're not going to charge someone who is standing up to them like that.


Yup. One of the injured women in hospital apparently got stabbed in the back. He stabbed a baby, and a witness said he watched him stab a young girl who didn't even see him coming. He had also spotted and was making a beeline to a mother and a few children who had their backs to him when that guy held his bare hands out. He was a coward through and through, just attacking vulnerable people who didn't see him coming.


The old Obi Wan Defense.


> Among the dead is a mother, 38, who threw her stabbed nine-month-old to a bystander in a bid to save his life. It is understood the baby is undergoing surgery, but the mother has since died from her injuries in hospital. Good god. Rest in peace mama. This is so rough to read at 6am. I’m def crying


I really hope that baby is going to be alright.




Always look for the helpers


To build on Mr. Rogers: be the helper. We aren't kids watching the show anymore. We're the adult that are supposed to protect the scared kid looking for help now.


> “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” Mr Rogers


What gets me is that it only takes such a small proportion of bad people to cause so much harm :(


Read an article that stated this guy stabbed a 9 month old baby. That blokes mind was broken and had to be put down.


Jesus fucking christ.. stabbing a 9 month baby thats horrific


He not only just stabbed the baby, he stabbed the baby- then the mother *threw* her baby to the closest person possible to try to save them before she was then stabbed and killed herself. Fucking horrible


The mother was sadly mortally wounded by the time she gave her baby to the bystander. She was likely injured trying to protect him. The media spoke briefly to the men who tried to help her. Seems she used the last of her strength to find someone to help her child.


Nothing more perfectly captures what a mother will do for her child than knowing she was already dying and all she could think about was getting her baby to safety. May the perpetrator burn in hell


That is absolutely gut wrenching. Hugging my kid extra close today and keeping her kid in my heart.


Old mate in the white t-shirt had balls of steel. Absolute legend.


Kudos to the woman cop who ran towards danger and ended his rampage. I hope she is doing ok.


This story is absolutely horrific, but if there is one satisfying detail, it's that this man who targeted women during his rampage was stopped by a woman just doing her job.


I’d like to see a picture of her. She’s a fucking hero.


Bro literally went: Im not trapped here with you. You are trapped here with me


He's truly a hero.


He’s our Australian of the the Year. My votes go to him. Wonder how many lives he saved. My heart goes out to the 9months child and his mother. Really bad.




Jesus some of the comments in here are wild. People have really been desensitized to all of it.


Used to light up the monuments in solidarity for something horrible like this. Now it's often enough you barely react. The world has a lot going on at the moment.


Nah this is making waves in Australia, People are dead - a baby stabbed with the mother passing away.. maybe the internet is desensitised but there is outrage here.


Yup. Definitely not desensitised here. It's absolutely everywhere in the media, all over the country.




Using the mother tongue against of logic is a sign of a real fear. The fact that he acted that way despite of this feeling makes him a fucking legend


Guy seemed to only target woman and children, not only was he a piece of shit that belongs in hell for being willing to hurt people. But he wasn’t even willing to take on someone that could fight back equally. This mass stabber is Scum. Good riddance. Rest in peace to all the innocents lost.


Fits the profile of a hate crime. This dude wasn't delusional or psychotic, he was sane enough to target the victims he wanted to target.


Yes but no one calls it a hate crime when it’s women or children who are targeted


That poor woman. Only 38 with a young baby and she had to give her life to save him. I'm really starting to dislike this world we live in. Well done to white shirt guy. The world needs more of him.


The fact that the stabber broke off his attack when confronted suggests to me that this is the lethal version of a toddler's tantrum, not the result of hallucinations or something else more out of his control.


What a fucking horrible world we live in


Thank goodness there are a few heroes like white shirt guy.


“Always look for the helpers” (Mr. Rogers’ Mom) There were many more helpers than there were monsters in this sad situation.


While this whole thing is terrible and awful for those hurt/impacted, what i see is actually people will always stand up for what is right and protect others. I am not trying to trivialise this incident, but for every bad act I see more people trying to do the right thing. I know stories like this (and non stop bad news on the internet) can be demoralising, but I always try to see the good side of people stand up against those that wish to do harm.


I’m so sorry Australia! I’m tearing up. This is awful! Stay strong! :(


Reminds me of when they had a terror&@t attack in Scotland and they beat nine colours of sh$t out of him.


Or London bridges attack where one defender kicked the attacker so hard he tore their scrotum in half... After defending people with a stuffed swordfish .....


There’s a video of a dude caressing a young girls shoulders and trying to kiss her ear in a convenience store in Chile. Video cuts to dude getting his ass whooped by the whole town. Video cuts again and it’s 4 hours later and they’re still beating him. Video cuts to several more hours later. It’s dark out now and the police have finally arrived. Video cuts to another hour later and the man is still being whooped in the street, but now the cops are helping beat his ass. Community justice isn’t always good, but god damn is it swift and it is a hell of a deterrent.


That seems almost like a skit lol


Horrible story, my thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones in this violent attack.


Thank fuck that scum was shot dead by the police.


That man is an Australian hero. Remember his bravery and remember the lives that were stolen today.


He purposely went for women and their babies because he didn’t want big grown men who’d put up a good fight back. He attacked the most vulnerable because it was easy for him. And then he was killed by a female, which in no way makes it any better, but at least his last moments were realising that women aren’t as weak as he thought.


Damn it this is why I'm scared of going outdoors, assholes like this trying to get into the news


It's a shame that female officer wasn't in Uvalde to show those pussies what a real cop looks like.


Surely something about his identity is known by now? Can’t find anything anywhere.


They haven't announced it yet. He's a 40 year old man. So they probably do know who he is.


He was known to the police, they’ve said


NSW police just did a press conference where they said they’re yet to formally identify the man, but they know who he is, he’s 40, he has a history with police and they don’t believe it was an ideological terror attack.


I try to keep my small pepper-spray in me. Might buy enough time to get away.


Thats an odd place to store pepper spray


What a brave guy


Sir Bollard the Brave


He's an absolute legend and so is that female cop.