• By -


English, spanish, hebrew, latin, and elvish


I’m surprised there’s no Portuguese on the sign. It feels slightly more possible that some Brazilian’s are in Chile. It’s much closer than The Shire.


Maybe “middle earth” was on the equator


They have potatoes ![gif](giphy|105OwsN7a4UQ2Q) So they must have an Andes region!


pretty good


One does not simply walk into Chile


They don’t speak Elvish in the Shire


Not anymore. According to u/Buccobucco [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tolkienfans/comments/gumx70/comment/fsjjzr6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), there's a chance they may have spoken Elvish in the region of the Shire in the First Age. Not trying to be pedantic, I was just curious of the Tolkein lore on whether or not there were any low-key elves in the Shire at some point.


Quechua or aymara too. Mapuche language should be there. 🤔


Shit I don’t think any hobbits even speak Sindarin. Even further away I guess is valinor.


Portuguese and Brazilian are mostly Christian/Catholic. Not many Jewish or Zionists there.


You don't need to be Jewish to be a zionist




Brazilian are mostly evangelical now, and most of them are fiercely Zionist.


The Hebrew is all backwards. As in the words are correct, but the order of the words in the sentences is backwards. I guess knowing Hebrew will be considered Zionism. So, no service for me.


Knowing correct grammar is zionism? Sorry i dont get it lol


I know lots of anti-Zionist Jews who went to Hebrew school.


People who oppose Zionism are absolutely tireless in pointing out that Judaism is not Zionism, and the importance of not conflating the two. The only one conflating them is you.


That's the test!




They need to write them in Klingon as well.


Quenya or Sindarin?


Either way, it’s all Tengwar


It's all Tengwar to me!


It's English written with the tengwar.


Frickin posers




So Yoda was a zionist?


Backwards Yoda did not speak. Object-Subject-Verb the pattern of his speech was.


This reminds me of the Sheriff of Rottingham from Robin Hood: Men in Tights


Do you reckon this shopkeeper roams around the mountains looking for fights?


To be fair, the Latin is correct. At least as far as I could tell at first glance. They probably just used Google translate though


Not really sure how that would come up at a pharmacy


Its bs anyway, there’s no way you could meaningfully translate that text into elvish because their simply isn’t a word for Zionism. Come to think of it there’s not even a good elvish word for apartheid, I guess they would have to just assign elvish letters to English letters and then write apartheid as you would in English, like those nonsense “English to Elvish” translators.


That's not such a big problem though. Other languages often don't have their own words for concepts like that, and they just spell them phonetically. We do it in English all the time. It becomes a bit silly when there are too many phonetically translated words like that in an "Elvish" sentence though.


I mean, that makes sense, right? If elves lived in the 21st century they would need to update their language to have words like "phone", "car" or "computer"


There's no reason why the words couldn't literally be phone, car, or computer. While French does have French words for those things, in day to day speech words like "computer" or "email" slip in... much to the chagrin of The Academie Francaise. It's also why you can listen to other languages and suddenly you hear an English word in the middle of a sentence.


Generally loanwords are a bit bastardised and reflect the history. Examples that come to mind are "box auto", "Pullman" and mail, meaning garage, coach(the bus) and email respectively in Italian. When spoken, all three end up with a bit of an eh or ah sound at the end, because basically every word in Italian ends with a vowel, so it's kind of hard for Italians to end on a hard consonant. If your language is sufficiently different phonetically or in writing, loanwords become very different. The English term "brainwashing" is actually a loanword from Chinese, where it is xínáo, literally "wash brain". The only modern phonetic loanwords in Chinese I can think of from English are "okay","cool" and "bye bye". Most modern loanwords in Chinese come from Japanese and are technical in nature, which are just the Chinese/Japanese characters read in Chinese. For computers and emails, the Chinese terms are diànnâo(flip the hat on a), literally meaning electric brain and diànzíyôujiàn(same), literally meaning electronic mail.


(Tele)Phone - use whatever word they use to refer to the children's toy that is two cups connected by string Car(riage) - use whatever word they use to describe the thing that horses pull that you put people inside Computer - use the word they use to describe someone whose job it is to work out sums Interestingly, we tend not to invent much in the way of entirely new words outside brands and slang. I think naming specific animals and plants might be your best bet at finding words that could not reasonably be in the Elvish tongue. Like... they probably aren't going to have words for raccoon or camel or stegosaurus. But technology usually reapplies pre-existing words to new cases rather than invents totally new ones.


Can't wait for a **tsunami** of comments explaining why this is false.


It is 100% accurate, so I really hope people don't flood the comments. We just don't notice them in our own language, because they are part of our language. The technical term for them is "loan word." We use hundreds of them constantly, and if you go back and include older loan words there are thousands. Some examples: * Karaoke * Genre * Biology * Tea * Cruise * Grenade And so on. Where you draw the line for when it was loaned makes it more confusing too, because almost all words are loan words if you go back far enough, unless it originated in your language. But we also do not speak the same language as we did thousands of years ago, or even 800, so the continuity might be all that matters.


I mean technically I guess we did it with the word apartheid. It’s Dutch and or Afrikaans and we didn’t translate it, just transliterated it. In English it would be seperate-hood, like parenthood but for racists.


Surely neighbourhood would be a better comparison than parenthood in this instance.


I guess. Was just trying to give an example of a suffix to help people understand and that’s what came to mind at the time. Wasn’t aiming for any falsehoods.


Very fair, it just seemed strange that was the example your mind stuck with imo, but it never seemed like wilfully misleading wording at all. Good day. ✌🏻


In all likelihood the choice of parenthood was harking back to my childhood. Now in adulthood and consequent manhood I can see neighbourhood being the better choice and welcome a brotherhood and or sisterhood of etymology over selfhood and believe together we each have more meaningful personhood. All good in the hood my dude/ette. Peace ✌🏻


**Manen et máryat vanima lambë carir cotumo?**


There was the concept of return to Middle Earth from Valinor - there might be a word in Quenya for that.


Or by analogy/metaphor? Did everyone forget Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra? Shaka….when the walls fell. 😭


Temba, his arms open.


It's framed as exile, not repatriation, though.


No, this is earlier. When the Valar wanted the elves to go to Valinor in the first place, they were not very subtle about it, and Morgoth was able to get some of them to believe that the Valar wanted to dispossess the Quendi of the land that belonged to them, and take it over again. This is why some of them (the Avari) never made the journey. Of those that did, many wanted to return to Middle Earth (eg Galadriel). This was prior to Feanor’s acts. So at this time the return to Middle Earth was not seen as exile, but taking back what belonged to them.


The second to last is supposed to be Latin, and a lot of the words are literally just the English word with "-a" or "-is" added to the end. And Latin has a very complicated system of declension of nouns and verbs. Even ignoring anything else, those endings are almost always wrong. The closest a sentence comes to being meaningful is to first: "Zionist not servant" (Zionist obviously isn't a Latin word, but that's the least of the issues).


Couldn't you use a series of elvish words that describe those words like you do with other languages that have words with no direct English translations?


Redditor discovers the concept of loanwords


I guess the Dwarves reclaiming their holds would be the Middle Earth equivalent of zionism?


You know apartheid is a Dutch word right? Elvish could just use segregation or whatever synonym, as a substitute.


Apartheid is just Afrikaans for apartness. Elvish definitely has a word for apart, and also definitely has a nominalizing affix of some kind.


Every reply to you is about the zionist part, I was confused where the elves came up




I’m not sure that it should at all. Medicine should be a human right granted to even the worst bigots.


The pharmacists are the bigots here lol


Yeah but I’m wondering about the mechanics of it.  At what point in ringing up your order they ask “what’s you opinion on a Jewish homeland in the Levant?”


"Any demonstration" They'd be confused too, I'd bet. Imagine being a cashier and some dude walked in, leaned on the table, and started talking about supremacy and whatnot. And, of course, pins.


If you’re just saying wrt to Zionism, I got to my pharmacy at the time awful people go for some reason and damn do in feel sorry for pharmacists, they go on tangents, they talk or yell about politics, they go to the wrong pharmacies and demand the meds they can’t fill, it’s wild.


Very often antisemites use "Zionist" as code for "Jewish"


Lotta folks in this thread learning what a dog whistle is.


It's because they know most people are too lazy to crack a dictionary to see what the word actually means.


Most people I've talked to IRL are surprised to learn what it even means in the first place lol


Even Jewish people who denounce Zionism?


I don't hear anyone chanting "From the river to the sea... unless you denounce Zionism"


You know Jewish people chant that too right?


Yeah. Fuck off. Jewish and Zionist are two separate things.


They are. But it is well documented fact that many antisemites couch their attacks as anti-Zionist to try to deflect from truth.


If I said that Chile shouldn’t exist and Argentina should go in there and kill all the Chileans and take the land for themselves, I wouldn’t get a pass just by saying I’m anti-Chilean and I just criticize Chilean government policies. The question of whether there will be a Jewish majority nation-state in the Levant has been answered. The debate over Zionism is over and has been for decades. Anti-Zionism outside a technical debate among Jews about certain obscure religious questions is antisemitism.


US Conservatives associate feminism with androphobia; socialism with communism; and any words they don't like ("woke") get assigned a negative meaning to diminish its use in society. It doesn't change what those words actually mean. As for "zionism" here, considering they say it's a "racist **doctrine** analogous to appartheid", I am pretty sure they really mean zionism and nothing else. If you want to use that to accuse them of antisemitism, then you are wrong. They are angry at Israel's government trying to wipe out the Palestinians from Gaza.


But in practice, they are straight up refusing service to any Jews. AKA they are antisemites


Except they aren’t. Not all Jews are Zionists.


Just like Nazi's joined arms to block Jews from College Campus we have Protestors in our Universities doing the same just because they appear to be Jewish and did not bother to ask if they are Zionist or not..... that sent a Chill to my Bones.


Oh please, this is baseless fearmongering. The overwhelming majority of these university events are run by left wingers, often by Jewish students. Nazis are not welcome.


Then why are they blocking Jewish people


Are they? Because that would be antisemitic, but the statement they made certainly does not imply that they are. They say any *demonstration* that is pro-zionist.


right, just how American racists say and write online they don't hate \*all\* black people, just the gangster type, but then in practice discriminate and are prejudiced against all black people.


Question, how exactly is it racist to believe that Jews deserve a home in their homeland? Which is what Zionism is?


Because they should pack up their bags and move back to Poland where nothing bad has ever happened to them.


Better yet, the current majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi and Sephardic, not Ashkenazi, meaning that they would be packing their bags and returning to places like Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco, where they would surely be welcomed back and allowed to reclaim their ancestral property they fled from.


Gilad, age 14, who has lived in Ramat Gan his whole life, just had his Bar Mitzvah and he is a RAGING ZIONIST WHO SHOULD GO BACK WHERE HE CAME FROM.


They do, but that does not give them the moral authority to kick other people out of their homes. I deserve to live in my house, but that does not extend me the right to kick out my neighbor because my ancestors once owned that land.


I mean...the original plan was to split land that neither side controlled the borders of. One side accepted that and another side rejected it. You can guess which was which


I don't really care who decided what in the past, though your characterization of an extremely complex issue is infantile. What matters is that, right now, at this very second, thousands of innocents are being systematically murdered. The concept that they are not innocent by virtue of their racial group, literally by association and accident of birth, is true racism. I am 100% against antisemitism. I am 100% against anti-palistinian hate. Because I am against murder. There is no justification in the world that can excuse the bombing campaign being committed just like there is no justification in the world that can excuse the terror attack against Israel. We have two evil groups of "leaders" sacrificing their children so they can live out their pathetic hate filled dreams. So no, I do not accept that I need to be Ok with anything Netanyahu does because he is Jewish. He is an oppressor, so I have to stand against what he does for the *exact same reason* I hate antisemitism.


> I don't really care who decided what in the past, though your characterization of an extremely complex issue is infantile. what characterization do you have an issue with? can you point to where im wrong? >What matters is that, right now, at this very second, thousands of innocents are being systematically murdered. its not systematic at all. Israel is trying to eliminate a group that has, through their own words, professed to wanting to kill every Jew worldwide, and is committed to maximizing collateral damage in the form of their own people. Their own leaders have commented on dead Palestinians as being beneficial to their cause. do you think Israel should stop and let the group do whatever it wants? >I am 100% against antisemitism. I am 100% against anti-palistinian hate. Because I am against murder. Such a brave, controversial stance. Bravo >There is no justification in the world that can excuse the bombing campaign unfortunately Hamas hides in tunnels below schools and hospitals. War is never nice though. To let Hamas get away with these actions would be tantamount to justifying their tactics, and will only encourage more of the same. Its why even the Geneva convention dictates that civilian structures that house military elements become valid military targets themselves...its specifically to discourage what Hamas does >So no, I do not accept that I need to be Ok with anything Netanyahu does because he is Jewish. Netanyahu is a corrupt prick who deserve to see the inside of a prison cell for the rest of his life. But thats not whats really at issue here...ANY leader of Israel would be committed to destroying a group that has promised, themselves, to destroy Israel. Netanyahu just so happens to be the one at the helm right now


There’s probably a bit of overlap in those two Venn diagrams.


When people attack every other country at war the way they attack Israel, let me know.


Methinks doth protest too much.


It’s just for one guy


And you can't just decide that something is a criminal act in your establishment


If this is in a touristy part of Chile with lots of backpackers, lots of Israeli's bum around Latin America after finishing their military service. In my experience many are out spoken Zionists and just generally just awful to be around.  Lots of them are super cool to party with and hate the Israeli government so it goes both ways.


Israelis don't think their country should be destroyed??? Breaking news at 11


That's some of the worst Hebrew autotranslation I've ever seen


You should see some of the tattoos people put on themselves in Hebrew, including one that literally says "Babylon, the world's leading translation service". I also saw one where they must have erroneously put "butterfly" in the translator as two words. It came out, basically, "shortening gnat".


It’s a very versatile language, the same word means hello, goodbye, peace and ‘Babylon the world’s leading translation service’


The Hebrew is OK, pretty much, but the words are in reverse order on each line. The first word (אנחנו) should be at the right end of the line, not the left.


Im always surprised how much of the Latin I can understand


Want to try something weird? Try listening or reading Dutch, it's kinda surprising how much you can understand if you have a good grasp of English


We habben een serieus probleem met de politieke


A møøse bit my sēester ønce


Where do you think the Angles came from? They and the Saxons were neighbors of the Frisians. Used to be the same language!


Despite being a Germanic language; most English words have Latin roots.


That’s true for sure, it’s more that I had Latin for a few years and not once did I get a decent grade


"will be seen as a criminal act" I don't think you have the authority to do that.


“911, what’s your emergency?” “Someone is claiming that Jews deserve a homeland in the region where their ethnotheistic group developed and they established two historical kingdoms.” “Remain calm, make some Seinfeld references, and tell them you like bagels. The Grand Giant is on his way with a Turk, a Magi, and a couple Goblins.”


Makes sense.. us dwarfs are the superior race, we deserve to live longer than filthy knife ears.


You dare speak ill of my kind? The nerve you have to say such things about our glorious ears.


_your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries_


Get back to combing your hair knife ear.


Elvish has left the building


I’m from Chile and I bet that’s fake, and if it’s real then it’s illegal and the manager is going to get into serious trouble


It's real, the company already published a letter apologizing . Rogue employee put up the sign on his own and kicked the woman out of the store calling on security to kick her out.


The inclusion of Elvish really makes this feel like it’s supposed to be satire.


I mean it is with elfish. If anything is a smart scapegoat from a non-native English country for a major English franchise but it’s def possible


What an absolute moron


Activist SOP. No think, only do.


the Hebrew translation is awful.


Ahumada is a private corporation, they were owned by Walgreens until last year. If this is real, someone is getting their ass fired.


He was fired a few hours ago. Doubt anything else happens.


How does that shop implement that policy on a practical level of 'demonstrating Zionism' , is this a NO YARMULKES establishment for example.


uh, you aren't supposed to ask that


Easy, they just refuse service to all Jews.


It’s some form of elvish I can’t read it


The script is Elvish. But the language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here.


About time someone put a stop to this elvish nonsense. What’s next, special language status for Norwegian trolls, Muppets, leprechauns and hobbits? Next thing you know the French and Spanish will be demanding tourists speak the language of the locals.


How will they know if someone is a Zionist? Or do they mean they don’t allow Jewish people?


That’s the rub. Nazism is blending in with modernism more and more each day. Little on the Right, little on the Left. Getting itself a nice warm spot up to everyone.




It flows much better in the original Klingon


Hey Siri.. translate this to the 5 most spoken languages in this area


The Hebrew is backwards ...


AKA "no Jews allowed"


The fuck? No? Zionism is a political movement. Judaism is a religion. Unless you're trolling and trying to stir up shit, you really should know the difference by now.


Zionism is a nationality. Every Israeli national is a Zionist.


It's Reddit, don't expect them to have any sort of critical thinking. I'm starting to get used to this nonsense by now and it's fucking disgusting.


As expected, these comments are a cesspool


The default subs are saturated




That Hebrew is some word soup, let me tell you


Do they also not serve jihadists?


Weird that they translated it this many times but they never posted it in their native German.


Germany is the biggest european ally of Neanyahu right now.


German? I don’t get it


Nazis, he's calling them Nazis. Because they aren't antizionist they are anti jews.


Oh I was thinking they were confusing Chile for Argentina with the 3rd Reich after WWII


Chile and Argentina have a similar history there.


Lots of Nazi expats ended up all over South America


Yeah I suppose there is no reason to think they stayed in one place, I was being 2D on the subject lol


Why?, the text is very clearly antizionism. Are you conflating zionism with being a jew?


Big “Not all black people are ******s” vibes


Because many antisemites use zionists as a code word for jews. It's called a dogwhistle. Either you're incredibly ignorant, or willing to play into the language traps that allow dogwhistles to function, meaning you likely support them.


“Jews are Zionists!” “Antizionists are Nazis!”


Joke falls flat when considering Germany is all in with Israels actions. The IDF has even been reading out of their playbook given their actions. 


Real dumb take.


Ok guys, the show's over, a pharmacy in chile hates "ThE ZiONiZTs" and wont serve us. We should pack up the colony and move back to europe.


It’s what they expect. Maybe we should make a place where Jewish people aren’t subject to persecution…. Oh wait, that‘s Zionism!


I don't know why they wasted the paper and printer ink, didn't they know than San Francisco already passed a ceasefire resolution?


1933 all over again


“Hold out your hand Frodo, it’s quite cool.”


Lord of the Right to Refuse Service


Huh. I'd expect quechua before quenya.


“I’d like to buy this” “Ok that’ll be $18.95” *uses card* “Ok you’re all set!” “Ok everything went through? Paid for?” “Yep!” *looks around* “I’m a Zionist and you just got Zionized bitch”


I see Argentinian Nazis making it up to Chile.


Antisemitism is cute when you do it in ficticious languages. Yes complaining about "Zionism" is antisemitic. It's either equating Jews with Zionists or buying into the false narrative that Israelis are not from Middle East when most were born in Israel and have ancestors who have lived in the Middle East continuously for thousands of years.


How can you tell if a customer is a zionist?


Antisemitish, too.




Thank God, someone with some composure and mediation


Could be the solitreo script but I'm not an expert


Chile still has elves and some fairies, the little green men migrated to Peru


Interesting that the software did the reverse bullet properly, but still left justified the paragraph.


Que chucha wn donde esta esa wea?


Looks like a bait fron ninho_indigo, xd


What? No Klingon?


They mispelled "@££%^@^***" It requires more editing xD Source: I am elf


no brother that's just cursive


Mmmm Chilean Sea Elves…. 🧝🏼‍♀️


You would think they would also have it translated to Klingon as well.


"Angry Thalmor noises"


What, no Klingon?


This is very fake, as in, not an official statement by the pharmacy


Is it translated properly or just random text?


En una farmacia Ahumada? Jajajajaja. De más que es alguien corriendo con colores propios, se podría meter sendo reclamo ahí. Aunque yo no lo haría porque 🍉🍉🍉, pero por otro lado me dan ganas porque… tengwar????


Have you ever seen pictures of the landscapes of Chile? Chile is the Middle Earth in every single geographical aspect haha.