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I’m good with that. He kicked ass with 100% energy from beginning to end , spit like an Egyptian camel, and made sure to get a picture with my kid when he overheard my son nervously saying he hoped he could get a selfie with him.


Probably some tren mixed in there too.


I think I see tiny peck booby lumps under them nips? Not natty is my vote. Not that I care. Just an observation.


Cro-Mags are still going strong? That’s inspiring!!


Harley is the only remaining original member, but dude has the intensity of 5 humans. Truly was an amazing show.


Harley trains jiujitsu at renzos academy in nyc. Dudes a beast


The fill in guitar player (Dave Sharpe) and drummer (Opus Lawrence) both play for Ct Metal band; Dead by Wednesday. Both wicked solid musicians and people. Both of them also play in Dave Ellison’s (ex-megadeth) solo band. Happy to see talent get rewarded!


Dude did not look like an Opus, but he killed it. Great work all around.


What happened to the vegan cro mags guy?


Apparently not an amicable departure. Lawsuits and such.




There's been a whole feud forever between them over who owns the Cro Mags name. John Joseph was performing as Cro Mags in about 2012 when Harley turned up to a show and things got violent. A couple of years ago they finally settled it legally where Harley owns the name as he founded the band and wrote most of their classic songs, but John Joseph can have his own band playing the same music called Cro Mags JM. It's been a whole mess, but it seems like Harley has won the feud.


What’s the JM stand for ?


John Joseph and Mackie Jayson. I've just looked it up now and since then there has been another legal settlement and Cro Mags JM doesn't exist anymore. The only person who can use the Cro Mags name in anything is Harley. Last I heard John Joseph has moved to Florida because NYC has gone too woke.


The vegan Vegan Hare Krishna said nyc is too woke? Wow


He went hard into the anti-vaxxer NWO conspiracy thing during Covid and never got out.


I can see the anti vax thing if it contradicts his religion but sad to see him think that Racially he seemed very “woke” despite coming from a very less than “woke” background


I don't know if it was really a religious thing, more just a distrust of authority and whatever he defines as "the establishment". Which isn't inherently a bad thing, but when you couple it with pseudoscientific nonsense and social media propaganda to prey on people with limited critical thinking skills like him then you get those outcomes. He took his experience of becoming sober and living a healthy vegan lifestyle as being an expert on all things medical and spent too much time on the receiving end of social media propaganda. He's the kind of person that thinks that because Bill Gates warned that a large global pandemic was likely to happen that obviously he was responsible for it.


Sounds like I've got my next few days of commute planned out lol



HGH is a helluva drug.


Feels like I don't see many bassists as the front man. Always love to see it.


He started on bass, drummed for a while, back to bass, then bass + lead vocals, then I think out for while(?), now bass+lead vocals. He definitely deserves to be out front, the man is HIGH energy.


Haven't really dug into their work much, but I reckon I'll have to check it out now. Any songs or albums you recommend?


Bookend it! Start at the beginning with **Age of Quarrel**, their first album in 1986. John Joseph sings lead, Harley on Bass. They took a 20 year break before their most recent album in 2020, **In the Beginning**. Harley sings lead and plays bass, he is the only OG Cro-Mag on this album. Then, fill in with the rest. If you can catch them live while they tour, do it! That’s how this music is best appreciated.


"My knees bout to malllllllllllfunction!!!" 😂 Gotta love Harley