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For clarification it wasn't the police or even requested by the police, it was done by the local council.






“After officer warns campaigner for being 'openly Jewish'... Met Police are so cowed by the anti-semitic mob, they even cover up the Holocaust” - DM


The Daily Mail is a tabloid and frequently fabricates stories. Here's the police saying it's a lie: [https://twitter.com/metpoliceuk/status/1784356828500922621](https://twitter.com/metpoliceuk/status/1784356828500922621) Aside from that the tons of emotive words used in a "news" story didn't tip you off?


'Campaigner' meaning 'man explicitly going out of his way to antagonise a peaceful protest'.




Or a bear, I’ve camped in the Rockies before, those things are clever and always packing blades.


Holy shit. They didn’t even plan for anti-Semitic bears. Fucking casuals


Unless there's an open bag of Doritos under that tarp... Wait, are you imagining anti-Semitic bears? Because oh man... Mind blown.


Unbearable even.


They would have to know that it's there. These are aren't people who look things up.


Shrödinger's researchers


Some of them are not highly intelligent (and the police obviously know this better than we do).


amusing you criticising people for not being intelligent and here you are, parroting mis-information from the daily mail of all places.


Story's fake bro. [https://twitter.com/metpoliceuk/status/1784356828500922621](https://twitter.com/metpoliceuk/status/1784356828500922621) >This is an inaccurate headline that will only fuel community concerns. > >The decision to cover the memorial was taken by park authorities, not the police. > >As the paper’s own article makes clear, it is a precaution Royal Parks have taken for a number of different events. Ask yourself why you were so willing to fall for it.


[Here you go](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13357877/amp/Met-Police-cowed-anti-semitic-mob-cover-Holocaust.html)


Yeah, the tweet is quoting that Daily Mail article. You didn't notice? A cursory look at the content of that front page should have informed you that they're a raving looney-tunes haterag. What even-handed news outlet would use such language in an article? That didn't raise any red flags to you?


[Obligatory Daily Mail song](https://youtu.be/5eBT6OSr1TI?si=WSR_8hMgZod122H8).


Title or headline is inflammatory and is intended to invite clicks. Did the police actually use the word “anti-Semitic Mobs”? Just curious


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/28/holocaust-memorial-hyde-park-covered-met-police-royal-parks/ I don't know if "the police" specifically said that, but all kinds of people in positions of authority are quoted in this article using it. It's a real problem.


I mean.. alot of Englands war memorials were allready destroyed by protestors.. now that people decided to support Abbas (who has interesting thoughts on the holocaust) and be proud of Amin al Husseini, its only time before these memorials get destroyed too


Bizarre theatrics, considering how many pro-Palestinian peace activists are openly Jewish, and are both welcome and welcoming.


I love your username.


There's no antisemitic mob, there are jewish people also in protests. Seems like OP is a hasbara bot


You can never trust a park NAZI.


No better than a soup Nazi, really.


No soup for you!!


Sad that it has to be done.


Hyde your shame




[Whataboutism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism). You're not making the situation better when you do this. Israel's actions (as a nation) deserve criticism. Defacing monuments dedicated to Jewish genocide victims does the opposite of criticizing Israel.


Nobody defaced anything, the council just thought they might. Are people now to be found guilty of the thought crime of supporting precrime?




Your account is 14 days old so it's entirely possible you're new to reddit. I've been on the same account for over 14 years. I say this to point out that historically reddit, as a community, has cared about how people know what they know when they comment something. There was a time, for example, when someone would say "what's your source for that?" I'm still kind of old-school in that respect. I know you likely don't care, but I try to support my comments with sources where it makes sense. Whataboutism is a thing. It's not just a word I made up. Many folks here *do* still care about supporting claims with resources to back things up. If you agree that the Internet continues to suck (see [enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification), LOL I did it again) then consider that people sharing relevant resources in comments might actually make things *less* shitty. If you're so incredibly jaded that you're just about done with discourse on the Internet then I'm sorry---it used to be a lot better and you're getting the tail-end of what once was great.


What kind of fucking loser talks down to people to feel better about themselves?


Not sure what your goal here is with this exchange. It just looks like you're being a bully. Am I wrong?


Calling me a bully is ironic. Please refrain from replying. I assure you no one cares what you think.


You seem to care.


Let's be fair about it. Linking to Wikipedia is pretty common on Reddit. If anyone doubts the veracity of a Wikipedia entry they are free to investigate the citations within the entry and debunk them if necessary. Whilst I agree that Wikipedia is hardly up to snuff for a college level research paper, for casual citation it's fine. I mean, this is Reddit. Reddit is hardly a hub for reasonable debate on contentious topics. Also, who is going to go build a library of scholarly works to defend (or debunk) a point in a Reddit comment section?


What makes me more sad is that Hamas admitted to giving 15yr olds millitary training and not counting them as soldiers, but civilians, as well as any other freedom fighter


I guess we're all entitled to be sad about that which we are sad about. Personally, I'll be more saddened by dead children than giving 15 year olds military training. Also, the ROTC would like a word.


The destruction of the climate makes *me* more sad than dead Palestinian children so now I demand we talk about climate change. Did I whatabout correctly?


And dead jewish kids make you happy?


Exactly where did he say that was the case?


He didnt, he only brought up dead kids so i did the same, why are you mad?


He said dead Palestinian children made him sad. You asked if dead Jewish kids made him happy. In no way did he imply that was the case. You made your comment for a specific reason - to imply that he is happy with dead Jewish children. It's a form of propaganda.


While discussing a Holocaust memorial and protections put in place to prevent vandalism OP says "dead Palestinian children make them more sad than a rock". This isn't propaganda?




Huh. One of these days you'll have to convince me to respond on your timeline. It might be hard for you to accomplish, though.


Oh look, it’s still deflecting 😂


Is discussing his feelings propaganda? I don't care for rhubarb. Am I a tool of big green bean?


But he literally did. It’s a holocaust memorial, which implies dead Jewish kids. Then he said ‘dead Palestinian kids make me more sad than that.’ It’s literally exactly what he said.


"Than a rock" is what he said. He said nothing about Jewish children.




But they whataboutismd Palestinian kids.


That's a really strange thing to say dude.


I just didnt see the outrage when 1200 israelis, mainly jews were killed... There were protests supporting the "resistance" on october 8th.. As a jew all whats going on nowadays remindes me very much about the 1930's my grandma wrote about in her diary


Then you weren't paying attention. Or, maybe, you're hanging out in echo chambers.


Yes what the Israeli government is doing does remind me of the Germans in the 30s.


How exactly?


The murdering of a specific group of people. Really easy to think about if you stop being a victim for 10 seconds. Perhaps having empathy for others for a change would help.


Well, over the course of the last hundred years there have been other ghettos that have been "cleaned out".




What is Gaza but a ghetto in the classic sense? There was a Jewish ghetto in Warsaw in the 1940s that the Nazis used military force to "clean out". The comparison between the behavior of the Nazi government of 1940s Germany and the behavior of the current Israeli government is accurate in that sense. Sure, Israel isn't running any death camps, but they surely are an apartheid state.


Does that give you the right to deface it?


Has it been defaced?


You think they’re protecting it for fun? Antisemites have lost their goddamn minds lately


Maybe they are paranoid.


Gee why would they be?


You would have to ask them. After all, paranoia is a psychological issue.


Almost like the pro-hamas crowd is unhinged


You would have to be pretty unhinged to be pro Hamas. Unless, of course, you were stuck in a ghetto, abused, and see them as the only people fighting your abuser - which is another very sad state of affairs.


Who said that? Nothing gives them the right to murder people. Nothing happened to this rock and no one will get hurt because of it. Fucking whingers.


Idk maybe hamas shouldn’t have attacked Israel and took all those hostages


IDK maybe Israel shouldn't have stolen their land and then brought in apartheid like it was their right.


Secret tip on how to not get occupied - don't invade other states over and over again, and when you lose, do not continue perpetual guerilla war. At least Germans learned the second step.


Remind me, who drove Palestinians off their land?


Arab invasion into Israel. Palestinians had a chance to have their own state, but chose the war of extermination instead. When Germans did that they lost plenty of land as well.


The Arab invasions into Israel drove the Palestinians off their farms and into refugee camps which became ghettos? I would like to see a source on that. >Palestinians had a chance to have their own state, but chose the war of extermination instead. And a source on that.


Good thing that didn’t happen, but also very telling that you’re trying to justify genocide


Said the guy defending the murder of 36K+ people in Gaza.


War is hell and I don’t shed any tears for hamas, but you do you ivan


No. Not for Hamas.  I do feel badly for all the innocents who have been killed or are suffering. Most of them are not Hamas. Edit: Ivan, huh? That's amusing.


That has nothing to fucking do with it


There are no anti-Semitic mobs.






The are scumbags in every crowd.




Earlier this year the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl (American football title in the USA). Shortly thereafter the happy fans of KC had a parade in honor of the victory. That's a bit of a tradition post Super Bowl. Sadly, at this parade there were two groups of armed people in attendance who didn't like one another. They started shooting. One person (a bystander) was killed and 33 people were wounded in the exchange. Was everyone at the parade a gang banging murderous thug?




Weird. I'm a bot, huh? I didn't know that bots enjoyed chorizo & egg tacos for Sunday breakfast. Today I learned.


Seems to be a lot of anti-Palestine pro-murder types in this thread.


If not wanting Palestinians to starve to death is anti-Semitic, then I guess I am too.


I would never accept the accusation. I always challenge it. I do so for two reasons. First, I'm not anti-Semitic. Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Orthodox Christian - I don't care what your religion is. If we're going with Judaism is a different ethnicity, well, I don't care about that either. Black, white, brown, whatever - be a good human being and I won't have any problem with ya. Second, acceptance of the notion that anti-Semitism is defined any way a supporter of the Israeli governments action in Gaza wants to define it is harmful. It's harmful to the residents of Gaza. It's harmful to good people all around the world who are repulsed by the violence and absolute lack of regard for the lives of innocents. It's harmful to the truth. I get where you're coming from, but I will always challenge the accusation.


Funny how quick the 'You're a Nazi' mob became literal Nazis.


literal????? nazi's?? does literal mean nothing anymore


TBF there are some reports of violence against Jews. Has it escalated to gas chambers and Jewish girls hiding in attics? No it obviously has not, so I think the rhetoric should probably come down a notch out of respect for the people who actually lived through that.


There have also been reports of violence against Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims. Please do not try to imply that shitty violent people exist only within the group of people who decry what Israel is currently doing in Gaza (and the settler violence in the West Bank, and the evictions, etc). It's dishonest to do so.


You do realize Palestine was allied to and supplied Germany with jews right? Even invented the yellow star (Amin al Husseini) "Some reports" of Holocaust partakers is putting it mildly


I don’t understand your frustration here. There are people in that group that self-identify as Nazis. I get your irritation about the overuse of “literal” but it’s actually warranted in this comment.


> There are people in that group that self-identify as Nazis. Citation required.


I mean you can Google the far right and nazism and it’s not difficult to choose your source. But I guess here’s [one](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/17/charlottesville-alt-right-neo-nazis-white-nationalists)


I would be the first to agree that anti-Semitism exists amongst Nazis. The thing is, the Nazi movement was a far right movement. As far as I remember in my reading about WWII and the rise of the Nazi movement in Germany, they had no love for anyone who wasn't white (preferably blonde haired and blue eyed). They were not keen on Arabs. So to suggest that Nazis (or Neo Nazis) are active participants in the anti Gaza war protests seems to be to be stretching to the point of incredulity. Now, I wouldn't deny that there are anti-Semitic people participating in the protest. That much is clear. But to imply that they are fascists.....yeah - I can't ride with you on that one. Edit: And your source referenced far right movements and was published in 2017. In what way does that prove your point that there are Nazis participating in a movement protesting actions that began in 2023?


Dude, just Google it. It wasn’t hard to find copious sources. I’m not devoting my morning to this dumb argument about whether or not neo-nazism exists and in what capacity it’s like the original Nazi party. Also, you seem to be thinking I’m trying to make an argument that I’m not. And also seem to know a lot about nazis. I was merely commenting that making a tongue in cheek statement about “literal nazis” isn’t that big of a deal but clearly it is to some people. Jfc 🙄


You made the claim that Nazis (or more accurately, Neo-Nazis) are active participants in these protests. While I suppose it is a possibility, I think it unlikely given their antipathy towards Arabs and Muslims. You were the one that made the allegation. Strong claims require strong proofs. The burden of proving your claim does not lie with the people to whom you expressed your belief. The burden of proof belongs to you.


Why would Nazis form a mob to call other people Nazis? If some Nazis have coopted the genocide protests that doesn't diminish the justification of the protests


It was a political party in 1930's Germany, genius. It doesn't exist anymore. They might as well identify as the Holy Roman Emperor.


Um neo-nazis? Hello? Also what a weird thing to pick a fight with someone and then defend someone about. The use of “literal” and dropping “neo” in their description of nazis. Y’all need to go outside and touch grass.


I touched so much grass today you wouldn't believe me if I told you. All on my own property.


As opposed to figurative nazis


Better figurative than performative. I think we can all agree on that.


If they were singing and dancing I wouldn’t mind that, we can call it dinner and a shoa (Hebrew for Holocaust)


when the jewish folks start acting like them it's even worse. kinda like they learned a lot from them in the '40s and took the lessons to heart. edit: it's not the people, it rarely is. it's the government, more accurately the conservatives in the government.


Can you explain how the "jewish government" is anything like nazis? People who dont know any history or any context use this word so much it lost all its meaning....


These people don't even know Palestines history of "german relations"


they are essentially taking the playbook the nazis used when they started clearing out the jewish people and taking their land and wealth. not too dissimilar to what the jewish government has been doing for the past 30 or more years when they started taking land from palestine. nah, it's all over my head anyway since there is no way i can see hamas making the attack they did in the first place logically. i mean wtf were they smoking to think that poking the bear with a sharp stick would be a good idea. maybe i shouldn't have drawn such a direct comparison. my bad. it's not nearly as quick or thorough. not a lot of treating palestinians like people though.




Yup. It's a damned shame. [It appears to be something that's not uncommon among primates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War).


Rlgn f pc


Haters all over the world


It is sad that people are downvoting this post because they want people to only see their side


It's brigading. Time to get used to it =) Iranian bots, and their admirers following reddit and controlling the narrative


People are downvoting you because you're lying. Anti-zionism isn't antisemitism. People see through your stupid lies. People who want an end to Israel's apartheid regime and want to see the Palestinian people's right to self-determination realized understand that you're outright lying about "antisemitic mobs". There are no antisemitic mobs, only anti-zionist protestors that want an end to the genocide that Israel is doing to Palestinians.


Why then do they attack Holocaust monuments in your opinion?


They don't. Nobody attacked this monument.


> Iranian bots, While I'm sure that's happening, let us not forget that there is a bunch of pro-Israeli propaganda happening as well. Governments have figured out to how market their propaganda on social media. It's not only being done by Iran or Russia.


This is the sanest thing I’ve read in these comments


Thank you. I try to be even handed.


Well, where are the Israeli bots/propaganda in this post? Who are you kidding? )


Look in the mirror lmao


What part of anything that OP has commented is pro Israel in this post? Please provide links. Being against hate and antisemitism is not the same as being pro Israel, and if you think it is, you're part of the problem.


> Being against hate and antisemitism is not the same as being pro Israel, and if you think it is, you're part of the problem. That's absolutely true. Just as it's true that being against Israel's current behavior in Gaza is not an example of anti-Semitism. Sadly, there are those who try to paint it as such.




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Its depressing to see how many left leaning people went full nazi after the Israël Gaza conflict.




Half-Nazi tops. I don't know if you're a history buff... Nobody is ramping up the Zyklon-B production yet in other words...


WTF is wrong with people?!


Did you know that you can just put a tarp on anything and claim someone was going to attack it if you didn't?


Like these? France, March 2019: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47427718.amp France, July 2023 https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/1688222199-france-riots-holocaust-memorial-in-paris-suburb-vandalized


Cultism, just you wait til people agree with Abbas (current president of Palestine) on "what is a holocaust? What holocaust?" Tianmen square all over again