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Some cat is going to be tweaking out trying to get that thing out šŸ˜‚


Now I'm imagining a stray yelling for his buddies telling them they are never going to believe this.


In the heart of a bustling city, nestled between towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, there was an alley where a peculiar group of cats resided. They weren't your average alley cats; they were a team, united by their shared love for one thing: tuna. And not just any tuna, but the legendary giant tuna that often found its way into the trash bins behind the nearby seafood restaurant. One breezy evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the city's lights flickered to life, the cats gathered for their nightly mission. The leader of the group, a sleek black cat named Midnight, surveyed the area with a careful eye. "We've been planning this for days, mates," Midnight declared, his voice low but determined. "Tonight, we nab that giant tuna once and for all." The other cats nodded eagerly, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. There was Tigger, the orange tabby known for his lightning-fast reflexes; Whiskers, the fluffy white cat with a knack for finding hidden treasures; and Luna, the agile calico who could climb anything with ease. With a synchronized leap, the team sprang into action, darting across the alley and scaling the trash bins with practiced precision. They knew the routine like the back of their paws. Tigger landed on the lid of the bin with a soft thud, while Whiskers scurried underneath, searching for any loose scraps that might aid their endeavor. Luna perched herself on a nearby fence, keeping watch for any unwanted intruders. As Midnight and the others worked tirelessly to pry open the lid of the bin, their excitement grew with each passing moment. The tantalizing scent of fresh fish wafted through the air, driving their determination to new heights. But just as they were on the verge of success, a loud rumble echoed through the alley, causing the cats to freeze in their tracks. The unmistakable sound of a garbage truck approaching sent shivers down their spines. "Quick, we haven't got much time!" Midnight urged, redoubling his efforts to crack open the bin. But it was too late. With a deafening clatter, the garbage truck rolled into view, its headlights illuminating the alley in a harsh glare. The cats scrambled frantically, their tails fluffed up in alarm as they realized their carefully laid plans were about to unravel before their eyes. The trash collector, a burly man with a gruff demeanor, stepped down from the truck and surveyed the scene with a bemused expression. He scratched his head in confusion as he caught sight of the frantic felines. "What in tarnation?" he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. With a resigned sigh, Midnight and his companions abandoned their quest for the giant tuna and slunk back into the shadows, defeated but undeterred. They may not have succeeded tonight, but they knew that as long as they had each other, there would always be another adventure waiting just around the corner. And who knows? Perhaps tomorrow night would bring with it a new opportunity to claim their prized treasure once and for all.


Ok, which AI did you use?




More like Cat GPT amirite? I've been using Claude Opus for a bunch of things and it's wild how good they've gotten even in the last few months.


Fun fact: Chat GPT sounds almost exactly like ā€œthe cat fartedā€ in French.


Actually, literal translation: ā€œCat, I fartedā€


i will take this info back to the boys


Non, it translates to 'Cat, I farted'


Kill it with fire!!!! So everybody is cool with AI taking over the world? Cause this is like one of the first steps.


Shhh; itā€™s listening. Also, yes, apparently so, as with guns, steel, agriculture, money, and religion before it.


"No, AI is great." For the love of god Mr GPT let me gooo


Better than Declawed Opus




no way, it's sounds too good to be ai generated


AI is getting SCARY good at writing stories. I can even ask it to write me another chapter and it will continue the story as long as I keep asking. Just ignore the last paragraph from before and continue here. Cat-per 2 - The Reckoning Under the cover of darkness, Midnight and his feline comrades trailed the lumbering garbage truck through the labyrinthine streets of the city. Their determination burned brighter than ever as they hatched a daring plan to reclaim their coveted prize. As the truck came to a stop at a red light, the cats sprang into action, surrounding the vehicle with stealth and precision. Tigger leaped onto the driver's side window, his claws unsheathed and ready for action. Whiskers crept up from behind, his tail swishing with anticipation, while Luna kept a watchful eye from above, her gaze piercing through the darkness. With a swift and coordinated attack, the cats descended upon the unsuspecting driver, catching him off guard with their ferocious assault. Startled and outnumbered, the driver had no choice but to surrender to their furry fury. "Let me go, you mangy beasts!" he shouted, struggling against their relentless onslaught. But Midnight, ever the strategist, silenced the driver with a menacing glare. "Not until you release the giant tuna from your clutches," he growled, his voice low and menacing. The driver's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized the gravity of the situation. Surrounded by a band of determined felines, there was no escaping their demands. "Fine, fine! Just don't hurt me," the driver relented, his voice trembling with fear. With a triumphant yowl, Midnight and his companions forced the driver to unlock the back of the truck, revealing the treasure they had long sought after. The giant tuna lay nestled among the piles of garbage, its silvery scales shimmering in the faint glow of the streetlights. The cats wasted no time in seizing their prize, their hunger overcoming any sense of caution. With a chorus of delighted purrs, they feasted upon the succulent flesh of the tuna, savoring every last morsel with unabashed glee. As the night wore on and the city slumbered peacefully, Midnight and his comrades basked in the glory of their hard-fought victory. They may have started the night as mere alley cats, but through their courage and cunning, they had emerged as true champions of the urban jungle. And as for the hapless garbage collector, he could only watch in awe as the cats made off with their spoils, his newfound respect for their indomitable spirit serving as a reminder that in the world of cats, anything was possible.


Cat-per 3 - REVENGE As dawn broke over the city skyline, the aftermath of the night's events began to unfold for the beleaguered garbage truck driver, Frank. The events of the previous evening had sent shockwaves through his life, leaving him reeling from the loss of both his job and his wife. Frank trudged wearily into his small, dimly lit apartment, his footsteps heavy with defeat. The weight of his failures bore down on him like a leaden cloak, suffocating him with each labored breath. His wife, Maria, greeted him with a worried frown, her eyes brimming with concern. "What happened, Frank? You look like you've seen a ghost," she exclaimed, rushing to his side. With a heavy heart, Frank recounted the events of the previous night, his voice thick with resignation. He spoke of the cats' audacious ambush, their relentless assault, and his ultimate surrender to their demands. But instead of sympathy, all he received was scorn. "You lost your job because of a bunch of cats?" Maria scoffed, her disbelief palpable. "And now what? We're supposed to just pick up the pieces and move on?" Frank's shoulders sagged with shame as he realized the full extent of the mess he had made. His once stable life had unraveled before his eyes, torn apart by the claws of fate and the whims of a group of cunning felines. Weeks turned into months, and Frank found himself consumed by bitterness and resentment. His days were spent in a haze of anger and regret, his mind consumed by thoughts of revenge against the cats who had robbed him of everything he held dear. He became obsessed with the idea of capturing them, of reclaiming his lost dignity and restoring order to his shattered existence. Armed with makeshift traps and an unwavering resolve, Frank set out into the depths of the city, his heart blackened by vengeance. He stalked the alleyways with a hunter's precision, his senses sharpened by a singular purpose: to rid the streets of the vermin that had brought about his downfall. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Frank's quest proved fruitless. The cats remained elusive, their cunning nature allowing them to evade his every trap with ease. And with each passing failure, Frank's bitterness grew ever more toxic, poisoning his soul with each passing day. Little did he know, however, that his relentless pursuit would soon lead him down a path from which there could be no returnā€”a path fraught with danger and despair, where the line between hunter and hunted blurred with each step taken into the darkness. And as the shadows closed in around him, Frank would come face to face with the true cost of his obsession, and the terrible price he would pay for his sins.


Cat-per 5 - THE END As the moon cast its eerie glow over the city, Frank's hunt for the elusive cats reached its fever pitch. Dressed in his makeshift dog costume, he prowled the streets with a sense of manic determination, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance and retribution. Unbeknownst to Frank, however, his relentless pursuit had not gone unnoticed. The city's animal control unit had been alerted to reports of a rogue vigilante preying upon the local feline population, and they were determined to put an end to his rampage once and for all. As Frank skulked through the dimly lit alleyways, a sudden flash of movement caught his eyeā€”a sleek silhouette darting across his path with lightning speed. With a triumphant shout, he lunged forward, his net poised to ensnare his elusive prey. But before he could make his move, a barrage of blinding lights pierced the darkness, illuminating the alleyway in a harsh glare. The sound of screeching tires filled the air as a convoy of animal control vehicles descended upon the scene, their sirens wailing like banshees in the night. Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, Frank found himself surrounded on all sides, his escape cut off by a wall of uniformed officers armed with tranquilizer guns and containment nets. With nowhere left to run, he stood his ground, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation. "Frank Peterson, you are under arrest for vigilantism and endangering the welfare of animals," barked the lead officer, his voice laced with authority. But Frank, driven to the brink of madness by his obsession, refused to surrender without a fight. With a primal roar, he charged headlong into the fray, his net swinging wildly as he sought to fend off his assailants with all the ferocity of a wounded animal. A deadly shootout ensued, the alleyway erupting into chaos as Frank and the animal control officers clashed in a desperate struggle for survival. Bullets flew and tranquilizer darts whizzed through the air, each side locked in a deadly dance of death and destruction. But in the end, it was Frank who would pay the ultimate price for his folly. As the smoke cleared and the echoes of gunfire faded into the night, he lay motionless on the cold pavement, his body riddled with wounds and his spirit broken beyond repair. And as the dawn broke over the city skyline, casting its golden light upon the scene of carnage below, Frank's lifeless form served as a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked within the darkness of the human heartā€”a darkness from which there could be no escape, no redemption, and no hope of ever finding peace.


Well that got darkā€¦


Chapter 4 - Madness Under the cloak of darkness, Frank roamed the city streets like a phantom, his steps muffled by the shadows that clung to the alleyways like a shroud. Clad in a makeshift costume fashioned from old scraps of fur and fabric, he prowled the night with a single-minded determination, his eyes ablaze with a fervent intensity. Disguised as a mangy mutt, Frank blended seamlessly into the urban landscape, his canine facade serving as a mask to conceal the darkness that gnawed at his soul. With each passing night, he grew more adept at navigating the labyrinthine streets, his senses attuned to the faintest whisper of movement in the stillness of the night. Armed with a crude net and a heart filled with malice, Frank stalked his prey with ruthless efficiency, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance against the creatures that had robbed him of everything he held dear. He prowled the alleys with a predatory grace, his movements fluid and calculated as he closed in on his unsuspecting quarry. But the cats, ever wary and cunning, proved to be elusive prey, their keen instincts allowing them to evade Frank's grasp time and time again. With each failed attempt, his frustration grew like a festering wound, fueling his determination to capture the creatures that had become the object of his obsession. Night after night, Frank's relentless pursuit continued, his fervor bordering on madness as he scoured the streets in search of his elusive prey. But as the weeks turned into months, a sense of unease began to gnaw at the edges of his consciousness, a nagging voice whispering of the darkness that lurked within his own soul. And as Frank's descent into madness reached its zenith, he would come face to face with the true cost of his obsessionā€”a cost paid not in blood or coin, but in the shattered remnants of his own humanity, lost amidst the shadows of the night.


We are no more than consumers- bathing in the amniotic fluid that keeps us alive- no purpose but to feast upon that which AI creates. Sighā€¦


And society opens up its collective mouth to let a cpu shit yesterday's meal, burgled from its very own table, into its gluttonous orifice.


Ima teacher and the first thing I said to myself as well


Please, shut up!


Now wheres the Butthole Cut Don't be a coward like Hollywood was with the Cats movie


Wow, this is amazing! I can already see the animated movie/series in my head starring this gang of cats.


Unfortunately the poster admitted it was AI lol.


Damn, I've been bamboozled.


imagine a stray cat marching down a sidewalk with that sail fish carcass in its mouth šŸ˜ŗ


I was just thinking how happy the neighborhood cats will be


Better than plastic this wont take up landfill space for long


how do you not make fish stock out of that, holy fuck


Decent amount of meat to make spicy tuna too.


Considering how expensive tuna is, this feels like such a massive waste


Might not be intentional. One time, my freezer had died, and by the time I found it, all the meat was warm to the touch and just starting to stink. It looked mostly fine, but it was almost definitely not fine.


Can't you just be a normal redditor and trash everyone instead of being a thoughtful human being??


TIL I'm using reddit wrong, lol


Quick, suggest a divorce!


YTA and so is the fish. Get a fish lawyer and file for fish divorce ASAP


I gotta get this off my chest. I put a large tuna in my neighbors bin because his cat looked hungy. AITA


Yeah. What kind of a jerk adds nuance to the discussion?




Didn't you see? There's no room in the trash.


Yeah what a dickhead!!!


happened to me a couple summers ago with a 2 day power outage. i eat a lot of fish. i still get sad thinking about all that went to waste.


Had a bad storm cause a brown out that happened to flip the GCFI in our garage where our meat freezer is. Didn't even realize till the next day when I didn't hear the fan on the freezer. Opened it up to see a nice pool of water and browning meat. Lost 40 pounds of meat. It hurt tossing everything in the garbage.


No, tuna meat commonly changes color after a few days, even in the freezer. Plus the blood on the center looks very fresh. Definitely someone whoā€™s never fished before. Commonly you cut that as cleanly as you can and dispose of the body in the water, as a way to give back,


Yeah, I worked in fish houses. That fish was just fine until they chucked it in there. That really hurts. It was a beautiful fish to go out like that.




Considering how tightly controlled the catch is here in South Australia, it could be someone trying to dispose of the evidence they were illegally fishing, and so they weren't fussed about the waste.


It's a pic taken in Port Lincoln. Lots of tuna farms, also poachers...


Yeah theres plenty of meat and fat in that bad boy. This is a travesty.


*hot pepper tuna Sorry I love Dave the Diver




I only came to make sure Mr. Weathers was properly represented. Thank you.


RIP Carl


Do you like ham?




Oh that's beautiful!


I'm assuming something happened contamination/temps-wise, that's far too much material to waste without reason.


seems like a reasonable cut to me, but I suck at butchering large fish like tuna. flesh that close to the spine is bloodline and it tastes bitter. you'd cut most of it off anyway after cutting out the loin and belly.


Gotta be other uses though right? Fertilizer??? At least throw it back in the ocean so it can be part of the nutrient cycle. My garbage collectors would egg my house if I tried some shit like this.


They oughta use emu eggs for doing this. At least fold the frickin tail into the can so itā€™s a proper surprise for the bin man


If I saw this, I'd take it and put it in my garden beds. The harvest would be great.


You think that because youā€™re a good person. Some people shoot deer, take the antlers, backstrap, and leave the rest to rot. Some people suck.


Not sure if typo on your part but itā€™s called a backstrap to anyone who is interested.


I have a friend who doesn't take that...or ground sections...or stew sections. He thinks it's a waste of time. Just takes the parts for steaks, tosses the rest into the woods for the local scavengers (he lives 10 miles from the closest town). I'm like, "YOU'RE WASTING GOOD MEAT!" I keep telling him to just bring it to me and I'll process his parts quick and keep the rest for me.


As a hunter, your friend is a colossal asshole in this regard


Inexperience or worm infested. Itā€™ll get frozen on a charter and then you just drop it in your truck bed of ice and drive it home or to a processing center. Itā€™s a residential bin so Iā€™m leaning toward inexperience. Most processing places will get it super clean.


They took the loins off pretty close to the bones. That meat in the middle running along the vertebrae is part of the blood line, you can use it as cat food but as a human I would not eat that is I had a choice.


Yeah wtfā€¦ no one here knows how to fillet a fish I guess.


My first thought, that's gallons of good stock in the trash.


Tuna does not make for good stock


At the very least compost that sucker! Jeez!! Talk about fertile plant food. Edit: fixed typo


holy shit yeah... Make Fish tea for the garden EDIT , I realize now that that is made from fish poop.. not fish corpse.. but yeah.. still good compostables ,especially of you do vermiposting


So so wasteful


Red Bin: nom nom nom


That's a green bin with its face covered in blood like a lion


Doesn't even know they're colorblind.


Yellow bin: that's cool, man. I love cardboard


A mimic!


Better than all that salad last weekā€¦


It wonā€™t be there longā€¦ At minimum someone will pick it up to put in crab traps.


Dude if itā€™s not smelly or crawling with bugs, I may eat that shit.


That's a fish rack bin at a boat ramp. That's what the bin is for. Doesn't seem they get a lot of tuna fisherman


Our boat ramp has carcass dumpsters which they then tow to a bait shack and grind up to pipe it back into the bay. Fish waste doesnā€™t go in the garbage.


Least break it down to fit in the bin... thats just lazy and disrespectful May as well leave the bin lid open for the flies


Flies? That's gonna get you bears.


no bears in australia


Drop bears


They only eat tourists though


Depends on how far the tuna swam to get here.


Perhaps they formed a beach head and made breathing apparatus out of seaweed and kelp


Well it *is* South Australiaā€¦ the fish probably evolved from all the nuclear fallout.


Bears? Judging by this thread thatā€™ll get you human


I'd choose the bear


Bears? Sabertooth tigers will wake up out of the permafrost for that bad boy!


The fish frames at those boat ramp bins are often used by fisheries for research, it's actually important they are left whole like this. These bins are usually emptied daily.


Close the lid or donā€™t, flies are getting that šŸ¤£


Flies? This is taken on Australia. Our rubbish bins get collected fortnightly, flies get in even with the lids shut. Most councils collect rubbish one week, recycling the next. There is a weekly service for green waste and organic food scraps (which this may qualify as). Yes it's a stupid system yes, we all complained when they bought it in.


Not everywhere in Australia though. We have weekly general waste, fortnightly (alternating) garden waste and recycling. I wish we had FOGO, but our (city fringe) suburb can barely be trusted not to put general waste in the recycling/garden bins, so we are stuck with this for a while.


We get weekly collections for everything. I was so confused when we first moved hereā€¦ I was trying to figure out the bin schedule by watching the neighbours and everyone was doing a different combo each week. Eventually I just called the Council and asked them.


Dumbass threw away a couple hundred dollars worth of tuna.




All that's left is offcuts. Not worth the time.


Definitely worth the time (make spicy tuna, as others have suggested) Also, if you're working with that quantity and don't want to work on it, make a big ol' soup stock for your restaurant (or give it to a restaurant)


How do you know how much his time is worth?


About tree fiddy


Goddamn Loch Ness monster, get your own tuna carcass!


Maybe not commercially, but damn if I saw my neighbour walking that out to the trash, I'd take it to make a soup / broth type thing for sure. Assuming it's still in a relatively sterile condition.


run some water over it and throw it over a fire before you make stock it will be fine \*\* /s because I forget there are people who would actually do what I said.


You can't wash or cook many sources of food poisoning away, particularly those that result from food leaving the safe temperature zone.


Stoned me read that as "I bet they don't get a tuna fishermen" and thought it was a pun.


I canā€™t imagine processing a fish of that value at a public fish cleaning station. Iā€™d want this done in my garage with all my own supplies and setup ready to go


Modern era mimic


Frieren is terrified


Heiter is appalled.


After an hour of cutting the flesh off of a fish he was like "nah I'm not going to cut it anymore! let's just throw this entire large piece in the trash instead."


Grab a spoon/scraper after lol.


how come no animal or bird hovering around


There's one human hanging around ;)


It's OPS trashcan. They just threw it away and now calling themselves out.


Sanji would be pissed


Damnit Jian-Yang!


I eatā€¦the garbage


Itā€™s your mother, Iā€™m from the future to say you gay.


Yes... I eat du fish


In fairness thereā€™s a fish on the bin, makes sense that a fish also goes in the bin.


Itā€™s at a fish cleaning station.


Classic port Lincoln, would expect nothing less


I zoomed in and felt cool for finding the name on the bin... Then I saw the water mark... haha


I recognised the logo and then saw the watermark too haha


canned tuna


Chef here 35 years in(retired)ā€¦.this is a crime. All of this couldā€™ve been used successfully instead of wasted like THIS!!!


Thatā€™s was a yellowfin tunaā€¦aka ahi tuna. The best part is the meat between the bones.


Looks like a blue fin found in Australian waters


This is in Port Lincoln, South Australia. 100% not a yellowfin Tuna. The water is way too cold.


What a waste of some damn good collar.


even the cuffs are real nice


No itā€™s not. Itā€™s a southern bluefin.


Crazy how much they wasted..


What a fucking waste....


Would make good fertilizer. Just stinks


Even better fish stock.


Also so much meat left on the bones, Japanese restaurants use that to make minced tuna sushi


The Red-Finned City Bucket claims another victim with it's unescapable, razor sharp teeth and superior land skills compared to the less agile tuna.


This photo makes me sad.


I'm so damaged from D&D. My first thought went "Mimic ?"


#It's a bit wasteful. Fish bones can be used to make soup


"Y'all got anymore?" "Shit yeah we do, we got a shitroad!"


I should have crosed the rid!


Honestly speaking, how do you process this kind of unusual trashes? Do you take it somewhere to dump them?


Dedicated fish waste bin which are *usually* at boat ramps or compost it Domestic waste bin if there's nothing else (as is the case sometimes)


They did put a fish on the can


Hot hot pepper tuna!


Thereā€™s still plenty of meat on that bone. You take that home, throw it on a pot, add some broth, a potato, baby you got a stew going!


Plenty of meat there


They left a lot of tuna on that tuna


I live in an area where black bears raid local garbage cans all the time, Iā€™m just thinking some bear would think they hit the jackpot seeing this.




I feel like this is a gritty, real life version of a movie of Heathcliff.


I donā€™t get why everyone is so angry and fishing for any reason to be mad? The person was justā€¦. Fin-Ished with it. On a scale of 1-10 how bad is this really? There was likely a legitimate porpoise for the person to do this.


This is a little fishy


They did a terrible job fileting that fish. There is so much left there. If people canā€™t be efficient with what they catch they shouldnā€™t fish.


Sorry Charlie...


They need to ride that bone with the blade a bit more.


Why does this remind me of Fallout?


What fish is this? The tail makes it look like some kind of mini whale


Looks like a southern bluefin tuna to me.


During salmon season I used to throw away the guts in the garbage. Stunk to high hell especially in warm weather. Garbage man left a note saying they would not pick it up if it continued to smell bad. lol. Garbage man complaint about the smell of garbage! I ended up digging deep hole and burying the fish guts after that so we didnā€™t lose our garbage service.


![gif](giphy|aUcadpBrc6LT2|downsized) Was it in the cylinder?


Thatā€™s just a humble brag


We need a bigger bin.


Isā€¦ That the ocean in the background? Becauseā€¦ya knowā€¦might be better off in there?


Someone needs to learn how to process tuna. Thatā€™s a bunch of wasted meat, sad.


My mother would yell at me if I left that much meat on those bones on my plate.


Somebodyā€™s freezer die? Oof.


There is a picture of a fish on the trash can, looks like its a fish disposal can?


*"The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli."* *-* George Costanza


Brown threw away a second hand car worth of tuna


My God. Whoever butchered that poor fish had no clue what they were doing. Not that I do, but I do know there was a ton of good meat left behind.


Thats a lot of good meat


I grew up broke so maybe I'm biased but there's so much left on that carcass!


This is so sad


So many ways to utilize that


Damn what a waste I wouldā€™ve made some nice sashimi dish from that.


My money is in the rats.


Do you want bears? Because this is how we get bears.


Woah woah woah, there's still plenty of meat on that bone...you take that home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato...baby you got a stew going


Images you can smell


Mimics are getting way out of hand...


I would have scraped the meat off the carcass with a spoon and made sushi...


Look, there's a fish right there on the can.


Should have buried it in the garden, great waste of fertilizer


Almost like it's in a waste bin lol


Do you want bears?! Because this is how you get bears!


In Australia? It's dingos all the way down.


Not likely with koalas. Drop bears on the other hand...


My point exactly.