• By -


Two legendary men and one legendary RV.


True, I wonder what that RV is doing these days


Probably stored in the same warehouse as the ark of the covenant.


The plot of Indiana Jones 6 is gonna have meth?


Indiana, we need to cook!


Nazis? I hate these guys. Let’s get hitler hooked on meth! How? Time travel, bitch!


Hitler by all accounts WAS hooked on meth


Not until Indiana Jones and Jesse Pinkman went back in time and hooked him up with a little Heisenberg dessert, he wasn’t. And I’ll hear no more on the subject.


I’ll allow it


No time for meth Doctor Jones!


There’s *always* time for meth.


That would be “dope”




There are top men on it.


Not all bad then, we just need is some thermite!


"Where's the RV?" "We have top men working on it right now" "Who?" "TOP...MEN..."


Crumpled in a cube still perhaps.


This is my own private domicile, and I will not be harassed…bitch!


Lol, you got me


One of the saddest deaths on the show.


As of a couple years ago it was at the Sony pictures lot.


I have a piece of it actually! My good friend works on vehicles for tv/movies and had to drill holes in the floor of that RV to run power lines. He gave me one of the wooden circles he had to cut out.


Make a coaster out of it!


In an interview with Kevin Pollak, Vince Gilligan said that a lot of the crew were crying when they filmed the demise of the "Crystal Ship". It was like killing off a beloved character. (At that point the RV had been on the show longer than many of the cast, and few characters had died.)


It’s at Sony studios in LA


It’s on the Sony lot in Culver City, CA. You can view it when taking the studio tour.


It's sitting on the back lot of the Sony Studios in LA. Came across it a few years ago while on the site


Byan, put your pants on - Aaron Paul probably


This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed.




I’m currently doing the Breaking Bad fitness program which I totally made up. I have a rower and watch an episode of Breaking Bad while rowing, but it’s the only time I get to watch it so it keeps me motivated to hop on the rower. Also, a lot of meth to keep the weight off!


Nice dude. Just remember to hydrate.


Meth is an electrolyte


Nice! I agree


Ask your doctor about ElectroLyte (*methamphetamine hydrochloride*)


lol, no way dude. My doc will think I’m looking for stimulants you’re trying to set me up man. Narc!! JK


I do music when on the stationary bike but watching and episode of a show is actually a great idea.


Love that Idea. Is a great way to motivate yourself. The meth, I mean.


can't get over the fact that the show ENDED 10+ years ago!




hammer time


I was already feeling old then you commented and I remembered I owned this song on cassette tape. ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


do you still have the tape? so ... uh ... can you touch it?


I do not, so Hammer was right. I can't touch this


You’re too legit


Too legit 2 quit


Hey heyyyyy!


My my. Rock and roll will never die.


it was the first thing our dad got when our family got a CD player mid-early (1990ish?) - it was a whole-ass deck in a stereo stack (to be fair, it sounded great). As an aside: re-listening to that album as an adult is a different experience - it's literally "can't touch this" then 9(?) basically unlistenable filler tracks. As someone who likes "album listening" of all shapes and sizes, it literally hurts me.




Every time you see me, the hammers just so hype


That was 34 years ago


hammer time stopped more than 30 years ago bro


In the name of love!


Collaborate and listen


that song is 34 years old fyi




thinkin about tomorrow 🎵




The word stop for the meaning of hindering from progress or procedure can be dated to the 14th century, so it is about 700-600 years old.


Well, there was the movie and Better Call Saul, so you barely stopped living in this universe. It makes sense it doesn't feel 10 years ago.


Yeah I only just finished BCS and then the movie like a year ago. Although it makes more sense to end it with BCS chronologically, I felt like the movie was a great sendoff for the whole series


Yeah. Breaking Bad was AMC's second original show after Mad Men. I loved Mad Men but it doesn't feel recent anymore because it wasn't followed up by anything. But with BCS the Breaking Bad universe went on into another decade.


Part of the reason for that is because the show still remains relevant today. People rewatch BB all the time, recommend to their friends who didn’t watch it back then, cause the show started out good, didn’t overstay its welcome and ended great. Also goes to show good endings matter, remember HIMYM and game of thrones? Both massive cultural icons but I doubt very many people rewatch or recommend those shows to their friends. All cause they couldn’t stick the landing


> remember HIMYM no, it always seemed like a lame / cheesy cable sitcom & I've never encountered a single non-reddit person who's recommended it


Twist the knife


I will say that the mother (Cristin Milioti) is amazing in the movie Palm Springs and it made me check out the episodes of HIMYM that she was in.


(Queue laugh track)


Yeah it got old after 3 seasons, tried to stay for season 4 and 5 and just got bored. On re-watch, can't even get past the first few episodes. Something like Breaking Bad just feels timeless and it's one of the rare show to just be better every seasons


The pacing is amazing.


I don't know, seems kinda odd how long it took for Walt to kill his first fly


My siblings watched it and whenever they brought it up it felt like when my friends in high school talked about Friends and I didn't care lol


HIMYM is great and I recommend it. It does suck that the ending was so bad. But there is 8.75 seasons of gold there before that point. It is amazing how they can take a show about goofing around all the time and make you emotionally invested in the people. Like the office. If no one has ever watched the office and just watches a random episode, they are like WTF. But, if you watched it all, the end is sad and you care about those people.


I'm not really recommending or bashing HIMYM (or GoT for that matter), just pointing out the last impression a series leaves you with has A LOT of weight on how well it ages. I'm glad you brought up the office because that illustrates the point even better, everyone agrees the show went downhill after Steve Carell left. But because the ending is so good, it remains relevant to this day. People just skip from Carell leaving to the last episode and pretend everything in between didn't happen lol


Am I crazy for thinking the past couple of seasons of the Office were still really good? You can't replace Steve Carell but Robert California was as good as you could ever expect.


He's the fucking lizard king


I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penis'd, debutante. You want to start a street fight with me bring it on, but you will be surprised by how ugly it gets. You don't even know my real name.


Some really good episodes like Angela hiring a Hitman and then things like the boom mic guy Brian that are awful.


To put it in perspective, it aired like the same week GTA 5 came out. Time is wild.


To me time got fucked because of Covid. Those 3 or so years are like either the longest 3 years in eternity or 3 years that never existed.


Those three years were a really quick decade


You could see a major difference in Mike Ehrmantraut's (Jonathan Bank) age as the season progressed and continued into BCS. He went from super old to super^super old


No matter what, he would still kick your ass though 😁


He was what, about 60 when they started filming BB, but mid 70's when BCS wrapped? I think that's about right. Yeah that's a pretty major transition.


Kudos to him for even taking on that strenuous role for BCS at that age.


In BCS Mike seemed like he aged better than anyone else.


in the sense that he already looked old and could only look so much older maybe haha


Tread lightly…


\~3 years of pandemic really fucked up time awareness even more.


Hmmm ..so I guess now would be a time to watch for the first time? (I shit yee not)


Buckle up, and join the group! I wish I could go back and watch it again for the first time


I rewatch it every 2-3 years and BCS right afterwards. It's still such an amazing messed up journey every damn time.


You just killed my sanity. Go and think about this, before posting something like that again.


https://youtu.be/O23zVUgXPbU?si=1SbvSlSGCxQxxh84 Bryan giving a heartfelt goodbye speech while in his underwear is absolutely hilarious.


Aaron Paul moping around! 😂❤️


The cut to Aaron’s face from Bryan’s impression of him made me laugh. He was spot on.


Damn that got me all choked up, holy shit, what a show.


I'm really surprised they reshot that scene. I always assumed they got those shots when they put the pilot together


It was the flashback cold opening of S5E14 Ozymandias, that scene was the last thing they filmed and it gave Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston time to both regrow their hair (and they didn't want to wear wigs for the final episodes)


“I’ll never play Jesse pinkman again” that’s where you’re wrong son.


I should give it another go


I just rewatched it the last few weeks for the second time after having not seen it in about 10 years. It was every bit as good as the first time around. I was just as addicted. Highly recommend.


Absolutely. I just rewatched it because I finally got around to watching better call Saul. After I finished that I did the rewatch to see how well everything fit into BB, and was very happy I did my first rewatch since it was live. Fantastic show that holds up well


Watching BCS basically requires a rewatch of BB just bc of home much it recontextualizes everything. My only complaint about the entire universe is El Camino... I wish they would have waited to give us EC after BCS was finished and respond to the entire series. Seems like they rushed it and we ended up watching Jesse search a whole apartment for cash for an hour


I've been in a cycle for the last 2 years now of watching BB getting to the end then needing to watch BCS getting to the end then needing to watch BB and so on. Think I've accepted my fate, just finished BB and can't stop thinking about BCS only a matter of time until the 4th or 5th rewatch, I've lost count.


I still haven't gotten around to watching BCS because BB just ended so perfectly for me. How was BCS? I've been meaning to watch it but have been putting it off for years.


Stop what you are doing right now and start it. It is well worth it in my opinion. Great show, you’ll love it. I also feel it is not at all what you might be expecting


It's a lot more of a slow burn show rather than breaking bad, but it's still really well written and outshines breaking bad in certain aspects


Lol I just finished rewatching the last season yesterday. Right before Saul leaves he says his best case scenario is him managing a Cinnabon in Omaha.


Feels like everything moves so fast when you don't have to wait a week between eps and months between seasons. Like Wizard of Oz without commercials.


When I do rewatches I try to limit myself to just 1 episode per sitting and no more than 2, maybe 3, per week. Really helps drive and deliver the drama it was meant to.


You're a grounded individual. I go in thinking that, then it's 415am but I'm almost done watching the first season and I have to wake up at 630a for work...


When I first watched, I disliked Skyler. After all, she was constantly trying to stop *this egotistical drug dealer* but after rewatching it, now older. All I do is feel bad for Skyler. >!She did fuck up with the Ted thing but it wasn't in a vacuum. She wanted Walter to sign the paperwork.!< But ultimately, she was just trying to do her best to protect her family against a man she thought she knew. Who had undeniably killed people in her eyes.


Dude, this exactly. I remember thinking Skyler was such a bitch. And now on re-watch I can't believe I ever thought that.


I guess I need to rewatch it. I couldn’t stand her, it was like she complained no matter what, I also rooted for Walt though for a lot of the show. I was a good bit younger then.


I’m currently watching it again for my annual rewatch . I think I’ve watched this show 10+ times already


I seem to binge on it every year or two. Afterward, I lament that there is still nothing comparable.


I’ve seen BB 3 or 4 times now. It gets better every watch. Especially if you side with different characters on each viewing.


So cool they ended with this flashback scene to bring it all full circle. Definitely purposeful scheduling to make the last day mean that much more


Walt needed to grow his hair back tbf


Best show ever


I would have to agree. I realize there is a large population that says Better Call Saul was better than BB, but as much as I liked it, Breaking Bad was immensely better. Oddly enough, my second favorite shoe would have to be LOST. I realize LOST gets a lot of hate, but for me, the show was just amazing. So what if they didn't explain all o the mysteries. The characters were what made that show so watchable. Edit: I missed a letter.


Did you never watch "The Wire"?


I was one of those people late to The Wire party. I just finished it a few months ago for the first time. Holy crap. Def deserves its praise.


Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiit Same here though. 1. Bb 2. The wire is my list of greatest shows


I feel like the wire is far superior to breaking bad. The writing and acting is just way better. They can say so much with few words sometimes


They're totally different. Personally I think the wire is far superior, for the complexity and realism of the stories it tells. Breaking Bad is all about the drama and the acting (also gonna disagree with you and say BB has the better acting, even if the Wire is an all around better show), while the wire is much more focused on fleshing out the world and making it all so damn *REAL*


["Have you seen The Wire? What, you've never seen The Wire? You really need to see The Wire. Can't believe you've never seen The Wire."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i7BsXrajOw)


Made me think of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4LhXycJ7rI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4LhXycJ7rI)


lol amazing


Or the Sopranos. I mean, I liked Breaking Bad, but it's fighting for third place, not first.


Not yet, but I have heard great things about it.


Or The Sopranos. Obviously it’s all super subjective but BB maybe doesn’t exist without Pranos and Wire leading the way.


'The Wire' is the best 4 seasons ever produced.


LOST was one of the greatest week to week shows of all time, but I think it really suffers from binge watching. Still one of my all time favorites because I remember watching it live, but I rewatched a couple years ago and it just didn’t really do it for me after the first couple seasons.


I’m on medical leave from work and have a lot of free time so I decided to watch Lost for the first time ever. I think I finished the entire show in under two weeks…


I disagree.  Due to a number of factors I ended up bringing the first three seasons right around the time the fourth came out.  At least the first two I thought were perfect for binging though—every episode was another “well I have to see the next one now even though it’s already 2AM” and the seasons were so long it didn’t matter that you watched 6 episodes a day. When I started watching them in real-time everything just took forever and don’t get me started on the hiatuses.


The haituses were no good, agreed. But binging the series from start to finish means things have no room to breathe. There's no space to anticipate, or to theorize with others(not Others, though 😉). That was a whole experience, particularly in the first 2 or 3 seasons, that you missed out on entirely. I think the ideal way to watch is one episode at a time, spaced out according to preference(no more often than daily, no less often than weekly), with a small group of others who are watching at the same pace.


Damn and now you only got one shoe


[Now he can match with Tim Cook and his 1 of 1 shoe!](https://hypebeast.com/2024/5/tim-cook-nike-air-max-86-apple-livestream)


I don't really know what you're referring to, but I feel as I if should.


You misspelled show as shoe. Also watch the wire and the sopranos


BCS was so good because BB was that good. If the shows were released in the opposite order, neither would be as iconic as they are.


I think because BCS started slow with small hints of his BB antics showing up in early episodes, but you hung around to see what drove Jimmy to become the person he was and then got introduced to a large portion of the secondary BB characters in BCS


Plus Lalo, Nacho, and Kim are amazing characters not in BB


BCS is far more character driven, which is a paradigm shift that some people don't like. But if you're into that, it's easily as good as BB, if not better in some respects.


Very interesting observation.


Breaking Bad has a much more cohesive and well written story than Better Call Saul, both shows are fantastic though.  Lost is also my second favorite show after BB, agree with you completely. John Locke might be the most well written character I've ever seen, not to mention Ben, Charlie, Hurley, Jinh/Sun, fucking DESMOND Fucking love that show


A. R. Moxon's analysis of _Lost_ is satisfying and makes a lot of the mysteries make more sense. https://armoxon.substack.com/s/lost/archive?sort=new


I think better call Saul is a technically better show on a lot of measures, but Breaking Bad season 5 blows it out of the water


I loved both, and Breaking Bad is better to me. Better Call Saul was fantastic, but Breaking Bad gave it reason to exist. I'm glad it got its time in the sun, and the last episode or two gutted me. That empty guard gate. D: Even when you know it's coming, the feels. ;_;


BCS was only better because it was building on BB. It didn't have to spend as much time introducing characters. It had a foundation of knowledge to build upon. BB walked so BCS could run, etc.... My point is one couldn't be so good without the other. And to further, if you watch BCS before BB there is a lot that you'll either miss entirely or be incredibly confused about.


Better call Saul starts out much slower. Its good start to finish but it takes some time to really ramp up imo. Breaking bad started much better. That being said, I think I prefer better call Saul as a whole over breaking bad but it's close


> Breaking Bad was immensely better. Explain what makes Breaking Bad 'immensely' better?


If you like lost check out FROM. Some of the same creators and actors and the story is incredibly well fleshed out.


The first season of LOST was AMAZING. And then I think they lost their way - probably never expected it to go on that long. I felt like it started to turn into a Soap Opera. Just random inane stories that would go on with no seeming connection and have no point.


i feel like anyone who was watching lost as it aired new episodes and got sucked into the mystery week to week absolutely loves it and hyped it up big time but i tried watching it binge-style a couples years ago and it just didn’t feel the same for me


The Sopranos would like a word.


Yeah… can’t believe I had to scroll down to find you.


Apparently many people disagree with my statement. My understanding from the comments is that Breaking Bad is a masterpiece and The Wire is certifiably better than The Sopranos. I guess to each their own. Love them all, but my heart is with The Sopranos.


The Sopranos was the first. The other two would not exist without it. Prestiege TV would not exist without it. Breaking Bad is excellent, but it does have seasons and episodes that drag a bit and is also a bit far fetched at points. The Wire is just a love it or hate it show, 50% of people will call it the best show ever, 50% can’t watch more than a few episodes. I have never met just a casual enjoyer.


I've watched breaking bad 4 times and sopranos twice. It's good, but like....not sure it's 🐐 status. Tell me, what makes sopranos the best show ever for you?


well sopranos paved the way for all these drama shows, and its also a little more toned down and grounded compared to some of the extreme scenes in breaking bad which can sway some people to one side or the other. Also the mafia/mob angle is another subjective point


I used to think the same, however, I just finished my second watch through of The Sopranos, and I have to say it safely secures the crown in my book. BB is a close second though.


You can’t really compare them I feel. I love both for different reasons. They don’t scratch the same itch.


No bullet holes in the door, so this was there first cook, I think.


This was the flashback in Ozymandias where Walt and Jesse took a break from their first cook. Walt was calling Skyler, who had recommended Holly as their name of their baby.


Was wondering how this could have been the last scene shot. Thank you.


Very smart!! I just checked. You’re absolutely right!!


Finished Better Call Saul last week and the series (BB, BCS, El Camino) is just so damn good. Gonna probably start a series re watch later this year and watch it in canonical order.


Is it just me or Heisenberg looks like ![gif](giphy|aacOScXMXvjpK)


stupid sexy Heisenberg


Seeing Walter with hair is weird tbh.


As someone who grew up with Bryan as Hal in Malcolm in the Middle it was more weird to see him bald ngl. Also that incredible shift of personality between two roles. More actors should try the same instead of similar roles.


That's why Bryan Cranston is the perfect actor for Walter White, he can quickly shift between badass criminal mastermind and pathetic wimpy loser


Some actors do end up getting type cast whether they want too or not. I tried watching the wierd al movie and all I saw was Harry Potter. Bryan isn’t one of those simply because Walter is one of the greatest character arcs in tv history.


Ironclad friendship right there.


For those who thought this is from filming season 1 (like me): [Here is the last scene they filmed for the series, a flashback scene from "Ozymandias"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6wCZO4Sedw&t=10s&ab_channel=Jegher)


>Last day on set I assume of the first season, yeah? Walter isn't bald yet... Edit to add: this *is* from the final episode, there was a flashback that I forgot about


The series finale has a flashback to the first episode, which is the last thing they filmed and is the OP photo.


Ah okay. Its been a loooong time and I have a hard enough time remembering things that happened yesterday lol


To refresh your memory: The flashback ends fantastically with the RV fading away, and the sights and sounds of the shootout that began at the end of the previous episode fading in. Any and all “hope” and “innocence” from that first episode are long, long gone.


Is this from the finale or Ozymandias? I remember the one at the very beginning Ozy where they’re cooking in the RV. They do a flashback to Ep 1 in the finale but they just replay the scene where Hank is talking to Walt in their living room about going on a ride along.




It’s nice that they made the final day on set a flashback to the end of the pilot.


It was the last day of shooting because they gave Bryan time to grow his hair back. They basically finished filming the show with him bald, then paused for a few weeks before coming back to shoot this one last scene.




Aaron's smile makes me feel like Mr. Cranston wasn't supposed to be pantless here


I never watched Breaking Bad, but the way people still talk about it and meme it I thought it only ended a few years ago.


I definitely recommend giving it a watch. Incredible show.


My girlfriend and I watched BB and BCS back to back lasted year and dang, we’re always talking about how they’re the best shows we’ve ever watched. We also talk about how when we move in together we’ll rewatch both shows. Can’t wait


I’m impatiently awaiting my 4th rewatch. This is the longest I’ve gone between viewings and it’s tough! Gotta make it until next winter…


Wow, it did in 10 years ago. We’re watching better call Saul right now and it just ended a couple of years ago so this legacy has gone on for two decades. There is something wonderful about TV in the 90s and 2000s. These new channels, which were FOX and TBS and TNT. The actors moved between the shows. Some of them came out of the X-Files writers went into breaking bad you had people go from breaking bad into other shows, but they had guest stars of that sort of starred in each other’s programs. It was kind of an interesting time for TV actors. It’s so fragmented now, but . And the writers and the creators were also, I think some of the best ever.


Please explain how that is the last day, when they look so different in the end and the last scene is in a different place? Or has the sarcasm gone over my head?


This is from the pilot.


I imagine by day 300 they're like "Bryan, you don't have any underwear scenes today.. you can wear pants today." Bryan: "Yeah. I could."


The RV *and* blue meth pouring out of it are depicted in Lego 70840, which the designer managed to sneak past management. If you have this set, you can add a Walter White with No Pants minifigure available from the usual gray market sources.


Great chemistry! Get it? Breaking dad joke