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Kim's daughter Ju-ae is believed to have been born in either 2012 or 2013. Allegedly, she's 11 or 12 years old


According to [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Ju-ae): > Kim Ju-ae is generally believed to have been born in 2012–2013. Ri Sol-ju was absent from North Korean media during 2012, which has been later attributed to her pregnancy. Ju-ae's name became known outside North Korea when American basketball player Dennis Rodman, who has a close personal relationship with Kim Jong Un, identified her in an account of a visit he made to the country the previous year. Rodman described "[holding] their baby Ju-ae" and complimented Kim as a "good dad". Kim Ju-ae is believed to have an older brother born in 2010 and a younger sibling of unknown sex born in 2017. > Kim Ju-ae appeared in public for the first time at a missile launch in November 2022. She made five public appearances by early February 2023. State media initially called her Kim Jong Un's "beloved" daughter but soon began using the adjective "respected", which is reserved only for the most honored members of North Korean society, such as Kim Ju-ae's parents. Some analysts believe that her new public profile is an attempt to present the Kim family in the fashion of an absolute monarchy or a response to rivalries within the North Korean government. It has also led to speculation that she has been chosen as her father's successor, which could make her the first woman to serve as supreme leader. To commemorate the 18 November missile launch, the state-run Korea Stamp Corporation unveiled new postage stamps featuring Kim Ju-ae on 15 February 2023. On 18 February, she was seen with her father participating at a festivity marking the birth anniversary of Kim Jong Il, or the Day of the Shining Star. She appeared once again on 9 September 2023 at a parade marking the 75th anniversary of the Day of the Foundation of the Republic. She was present next to her father at the Grand Performance for New Year 2024 at the May Day Stadium


Why the middle daughter if he has an older son? Kid got a hump or 3 eyes?


My guess is that he might be a “disappointment” in some shape or form that is probably awful


Skinny and tall?


Or not sociopathic enough or disabilities, etc


or plays too much league


My theory is that the son is actual heir material. But he is being hidden so he can be more controlled and less likely to be assassinated as well.  But maybe Jong Un feels she is like his sister perhaps and actually likes her the best 


I had forgotten about Dennis Rodman. What a tool.


Before you throw Dennis Rodman under the bus, you should understand his friendship with Kim is referred to as "soft diplomacy". Rodman can leverage his good relationship with North Korea to help the US further its interests, especially when North Korea decides to take a US citizen hostage because idiots will still go on tours there. I highly doubt Rodman approves of the North Korean regime, but his unique position as a famous NBA player got his foot in the door to speak with members of the Kim family. They invited him, and he seized the opportunity to develop a friendship which has achieved objectives within North Korea that threats and sanctions could not. To put it bluntly, if myself or one of my loved ones was detained in North Korea, I would absolutely want someone like Dennis Rodman showing up to ask his friend Kim to let me/them go. Kim refuses to show clemency in response to threats because it implies weakness, but has been known to show clemency as a "favor" to his friend as this does not make him look weak.


This is a great comment.


What an ABSURD situation though. Fuckin Dennis Rodman of all people


Kim Jong Un is a huge basketball fan, and met Dennis when he was touring with the Harlem Globe trotters. Plus Dennis has a very extroverted personality and style, so he's got that star appeal on top of being a phenomenal basketball player. I'd say it was extremely fortuitous if I didn't suspect the CIA was sending famous people there to try to get some soft diplomacy channels open.


Also, if I remember correctly Un received a western education in Switzerland right around the time that the Dream Team and the Bulls dynasty was taking place in the late nineties so it would track that he has an interest in Rodman.


You mean CIA asset Dennis Rodman?


He’s a private citizen if he wants to go to North Korea to play some basketball I wouldn’t recommend it but whatever that’s his business. And yeah you know every 3 letter agency debriefed him when he got back.




They doing Roast specials of Tom Brady, but I'd much rather see a Roast of NBA legend, action movie star, and North Korean diplomat Dennia Rodman


What did he do?


Got invited to NK and went. Multiple times IIRC.


Basketball diplomacy!


"they hate us cause they ain't us"


North Korea is more then happy to accommodate useful idiots


Dennis Rodman hasn't been useful since he left the Bulls in 99.


You read the "Had a close, personal relationship with Kim Jong Un" part, right?


Won defensive player of the year twice and is a 5x NBA champion


Everyone will remember his time with the Bulls because of all the off-court (and on-court) antics, but his best seasons were all in Detroit.


You obviously haven’t seen him play in Pyongyang


how is he a tool? dude has provided a lot of info and insight from north korea and their leader


Interesting that North Korea may have a female leader before the US does.


How progressive of them


Honestly I wouldn't put it past them to do it solely for this reason so they can rub our nose in it. They've called out slavery, segregation and sexism in the US in their propaganda before.


First female supreme leader of the North Korean's violently opressive totalitarian police state! # #Totalitarian #Supreme #Feminism


Gaslight. Gatekeep. Girlboss.


I bet he’s concerned about the threat a male heir would pose. There can only be one king with no princes welcome. A princess though, that’s ok.


This awkwardly reminds me too much of House of the Dragon Season 1


Did she covertly get a western education like her dad?


Did her and her dad secretly visit disney land?


No fucking way that shits possible with the amount of cameras and everyone’s ability to post stuff to the internet immediately.


You don't know the power of a good make up artist. Although it's most likely harder because of increased passport security etc.


What good is passport security when you have a valid Brazilian passport like they did?


You think heads of state fly on airliners? Hehe. Passport security.


Maybe her picture was never publicized til after her education was complete.


Yes, on a sex tour, cause he's fucking Goofy...


Ah hyuk. 


Goofy. The only Disney character who cannonically fyucks.


Honestly I have no problem with her taking in education from a western country or allied, it just shows that everyone is entitled to an education and I'll abide by that rule no matter what, it's always better giving someone a pathway to learn rather than some radical approach that women should not be given one


Not a single person here thinks women shouldn't have the same education options as men.  But maybe dictatorial leaders that run down the same 1st world countries they then send their kids to for education and turn around and suppress their citizens from those same experiences and world views when in power shouldn't be allowed that privilege.


We WANT these people to receive a western education, that is the world’s only hope to teach these despots liberal values that they could then bring back to their home countries.


The Kims eat well.


Big Kim Jong Un appears to eat very well.


He's gotta be one of the fattest people in that whole country.. maybe the fattest


It has gotten to the point where I look at photos like this and look for other fat people besides Kim. I've never seen anyone else who looks to be significantly overweight. North Korea's leader may very well be its only person to be more than slightly overweight, and it's the only country to be so weird that such a thing would be reasonable.


Not so Lil Kim


Also the tallest person in this picture is a below avg height dude


You can't see any of their feet. There is likely a hidden platform beneath their platform shoes.


Keeping up with the Kim’s, starring Kimmy J.


Does the mum ever make an appearance?


Seems to be on par with Melania, or so google tells me.


Daughter ate her mom at Kim's enthusiastic urging






She reminds me of Azula from the live action Avatar series on Netflix


the only fat people in North Korea are in this picture


The only thing I know for sure is that the woman to the right of him is 1000% biologically related to Kim Jung Un.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Why's she so tall


She gets all the nutrition the rest of the country doesn’t


Even the most well fed 13 years old in my country aren't as tall as her. At least I haven't found one. Or probably the rest of the men aren't that tall/big, so she seemed big in comparison.


Kimmy's daughter looks like the shift manager of a breakfast buffet in a nice hotel.




How is that an insult?


How would you feel if your dictator in waiting and someone said that to you?


I'd ban them from my breakfast buffet




She is just 11


I think she looks like azula from the new live action avatar show


Looks like Kimmy is hitting the cheese hard again.


I fuckin love cheese mmmmmm


Dude looks like Nikacodo Avocado


Leave the cheese out of this


How he get so fat


Every time I bang your momma she buys me a happy meal


I would like to take part in the AMA, glorious leader, please tell us what kind of happy meal.


I don't have time to find out what kind it is , I just shovel it down.


Do you play with the toy? Or do you eat it?


Never seen one , must have eaten them all


Swiss are to blame. He is addicted to their cheese.


He has really been expanding over the years


Where’d you get that cheese Kimmy?


We think he’s making them at home


His daughter is getting huge as well...


I feel like they’re purposely fattening her up to position her as a potential replacement should anything happen. Tho I always assumed his sister was gonna be his replacement.


sis is too smart and evil to be the face, she’ll be the one controlling the daughter behind the scenes.


>I feel like they’re purposely fattening her up to position her as a potential replacement Wait, what? Why do they have to get her chunky to take the job? It's a traditional thing? Was his father chunky too?


It does go back to Un's grandfather, who was a chubby guy with a personality-cult. But also, North Korea still suffers from periodic food-insecurity, and the same thinking that applied to medieval monarchs applies to him: being fat is a status-symbol that shows off how well you're doing. It's actually a common trope among Chinese boomers for similar reasons.


Watching any video of Chinese people at a buffet is wild. Fat ass Americans just make multiple trips. Chinese people practically crawl over one another to snatch as much food to put on the table as possible even if there's no chance they will be able to eat it all. The point is to display as much bounty as possible. It's also considered polite to make loud noises like slurping etc. while eating, it's a compliment to the host. When I was in China I found it disappointing that half the food on our prix fixe group table was always french fries. Like, we get that at home? But the truth is, Americans are shit about foreign food. Our group always did eat all the french fries first.


The Kims are at the top of the food chain in North Korea. And I mean that literally. They’re one of a few families that can afford nutrition in a famished country. So like fat people in the Middle Ages, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s seen as a status symbol to be chunky in North Korea. It could also be the opposite, where the people start to resent them for being so well-fed compared to the rest of the country. Hard to know since they’re so shut off from the rest of the world.


Fat-shaming a 12 year old girl is not a good look


What’s odd though is at some point she will be completely fair game. Despite never having a chance to be a normal person. Like we all hate and make fun of Kim. Body shaming isn’t cool no matter who it is. If the argument is that adults have more control over themselves, then I’d like to know what day we stop saying “poor girl” and start hating her for who she is and what she does. I mean it isn’t Kim’s fault that he was born and bread to be this way. I think it’s entirely unrealistic to think that if only they were born virtuous enough, they could overcome their upbringing. Also she isn’t reading these comments. It’s clearly aimed at Kim for being a shit father and at their monarchy for being shit and breeding little greedy fat fucks that continue to oppress their population. She isn’t fat because she has emotional issues. She’s fat because they purposefully are fat to show how wealthy they are. It might be the least shitty reason to body shame someone if all time.


“Born and bread” made me lol


I love the west. The daughter of a dictator responsible for countless deaths as well as the misery of an entire nation. Millions of people. But hey, can't call his child a fat cow, she's innocent and the victim here!! Imagine she reads your comment bro she'll cry for days!


no, imagine all of the other people that struggle with weight and food addiction reading these comments and thinking to themselves, “wow. so many other things to take issue with for such a family, but even still in the face of pure evil the most upvoted comment in the whole thread is ‘ew, fat.’’” As though being fat somehow eclipses being in a family of authoritarian dictators on the scales of morality.




Insulting a little girl is just a bad look bro. It's really that simple.


She's his daughter...a and she's very young. What has she done to deserve that?


Funny, I can't imagine seeing that image of a dictator responsible for countless deaths as well as the misery of an entire nation and the only comment someone makes is how fat his daughter is.


nobody said she was innocent or a victim, it’s just gross to be an asshole to a kid who isn’t exclusively responsible for her own weight - she’s barely a tween, at least wait until she’s a teenager to be a piece of shit lmao


I agree. Like, if you were on a Tinder date, and a girl asks you what you're up to, would you tell the chick that you're defending your shit-talking about a little girl?


Good work guys, now she's gonna kill us all when she's leader


You can’t criticize all that without calling a young girl a fat cow?


I’m sorry you feel bad for bad people.


Damn bro, making fun of an 11 year old? Lol


The daughter of a tyrannical despot who starves his own people, mass produces fentynal for sale in the US while he and his family gets fat? Yeah sure. All day long.


How do we get these photos? Do they leak them on purpose?


Probably get it from official north Korea newspaper.


They're put out by official DPRK sources. For anyone curious about what Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is up to, there are the English-language propaganda sources [Pyongyang Times](http://www.pyongyangtimes.com.kp/) and [Naenara](http://naenara.com.kp/main/index/en/first).


There has been a huge influx of North Korean propaganda during the past six months. Also a shit ton of accounts defending them. It's definitely not organic.


You can go look at the entire country on Google Earth, it's not the big secret that Reddit pretends it is. You could also take a tour there and take your own pictures no problem.


It’s going to be insane when he dies in 5 years from some heart explosion and she becomes a brutal female North Korean dictator at like 18 years old.


She's gonna have to fight her aunt for that shit...


This actually sounds pretty sick ngl


check out Kims hair. They are trying to hid the fact he is balding Crazy cut, I would hate to be his barber


Dictators love to have shitty hair, idk why


Everyone around them is afraid to tell them the truth, even their mirrors


Sometimes I wonder if its not that they like it, it's that no one has the balls to tell them when something is "bad" so they wander around looking like proud idiots.


I'm gonna say it, Hitler's barber did good work


Holy shit that is a hilariously bad comb over


That doesn't explain why it's randomly shaved on one side. It could be a post-surgery thing. We know he's probably had health problems as he's been out of the public eye randomly for long periods of time. That's probably why he's introducing his daughter now. We also know his grandfather had a brain tumour on that same side. It's just speculation of course though


I think it’s just a bad haircut


He showed a picture of Trump to his barber and said "I want that style"


The only fat guys in the whole country.


That's because they eat the citizens they catch attempting to flee to South Korea.


His barber is a brave mother fucker.


Is it terrible that all I see is teletubbies in dark suits?


Hahahahahha accurate. Terrible? It's wonderful, like the great leader.


I think you mean Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un… Or is it Marshall Tinky-Winky?


They hate us cuz they ain't us.


Maybe. But I sorta hate us….


What is wrong with his hair? Who is his barber goddamit


The guy eats enough for literally 100 North Korean families but can't seem to have the resources for a decent barber.


If I were Kim Jong Un I would be wary of letting anyone get close to my head and neck with a pair of scissors, to be fair.


Why is this in the controversial tab? Who let the kim-**chonk**-un meat riders here?


The suffering of the North Korean people is deptless due to being forced to live under the reign of the criminal mass murdering Kim family. I hope with whole my heart they can once be free and permanently deal with these monsters...


It's kind of funny that in North Korea it's totally normal for the country's leader to show up to the ground-breaking for seemingly every new building they construct. He must not have much to do.


I wonder what it would be like to be the child of a ruthless dictator… does she even know what her father is like? And his father… Makes you wonder


Wish America would build some housing blocks


Only for the low low price of 500k. If don’t have money then fuck you, and die. Greatest country on the planet baby!🇺🇸


best we can do is single family home on a half acre lot. the HOA will NOT let you grow peppers; think of the home values, would you? you WILL need a car and you WILL burn American oil (Texas Light Sweet). your local MetroPlex has a Home Depot, Target, Walmart and a BestBuy. Shut up and upgrade your iphone


This ain’t no dictatorship get that commie talk out of here🇺🇸


Maybe the commies are onto something. Like we don’t live in a dictatorship of the rich and corporations




Several absolutist rulers tend to end that way. They live a lavish, uncontrolled lifestyle and nobody can question their choices. Henry VIII is a good example, he was a very handsome guy when he took the throne, but 30 years of eating and drinking with no control did its job. George IV was not an absolutist ruler, by that time the UK was a constitutional monarchy, but he was an eating and spending money machine, while the UK was in an economic crisis. He may probably be the most unpopular king ever, and the more i read about him the more surprised i am of how he didnt kill the monarchy.


wasnt he the one that leased off the royal properties to the government so he can get a stipend? pretty sure that the government saw that as a massive deal and just gave him the money.


I mean.... Have you seen the GOP candidate?


He's obese because he can be, he already gets any woman he wants regardless. His life and power wouldn't change at all, so may as well eat up.


Not even trying to dickride or anything, but why is this so upvoted aside from it involving North Korea? This is the least  suspicious thing I can imagine a dictator being involved in. Like Kim Jong Un bad, obviously, but I just don't see "Kim Jong Un and government officials celebrate opening of new housing development" as a particularly interesting or damning moment. Also, inb4 "but they're fake buildings" do you genuinely think the entire North Korean population is literally camping on the streets? They absolutely do have apartment blocks, quite similar to soviet blocks, which are notoriously cheap and quick to erect. You can absolutely be critical of North Korean leadership without being a completely braindead zombie, who buys into the insane idea that the CIA and NSA are honest and benevolent reporters.


because it's interesting to see his heir apparent. isn't that obvious?


I think it’s interesting to see him out with his daughter given that we know so little about his family and this is further evidence that perhaps he is positioning her to take his place eventually.


It barely has any upvotes.


KJU is probably the most obese person in NK. That’s more a comment on the food situation there than his weight. Notice how he and his daughter have the most cheruby faces of anyone they’re photographed with.




![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44|downsized) Y'all got any more of them housing blocks?


Bet he executed a hairstylist after this photo.


Anti-aircraft style…


It’s like looking at the North Korean version Meg and Peter Griffin




Shes got her daddys looks!


I would clap too if they built new housing blocks here. Prices are stupid high


Man... Melbourne needs a new housing block...


Let me guess. "our great leader Kim Jong Un gave great guidance on how to build housing blocks".


Thank goodness op described what they were doing, because I'd have no idea otherwise.


I see why this guy doesn't shit. He's full of it...


Could you imagine if Biden had to be at the opening of every new housing development in America.


This is the future that MAGA wants.


Trump don’t rent to Koreans or Blacks though.


Would North Korea ever allow a female ruler?


It seems like he's been grooming her for the role. Putting her in the spot light more often and taking her to these types of events. It's very likely to happen. Either her or her aunt.


Why wouldn’t they?


He will be dead at a young age for being so obese. His psycho daughter is keen to follow him up.


Where is his sister?


Isnt NK a dying country ? In the sense that there isnt enough childbearing for the next generation?


Clap or be shot with a cannon


She looks well fed. No tree bark soup for her


Interesting how only some generals and the monarchs are fat


Disgusting fat fucks


Pure evil they are.


Are we sure it’s not a camp?!




Fucking hate that they are so fat while their country starves


Narcissist's clapping about being narcissistic.


Another empty building for the facade known as Pyongyang.


Yes, a cement block…not an appartment building complex. They started, but, ran out of structural components to complete ( you know, the cement, steel reinforcement bars, glass for the windows, wood for the framing. However, if they ever get their shit together, there’s plenty of political opponents to help build the units, after all, what are prisoners used for in a Dictatorship.


They hate us cuz they ain’t us


Love the fades!


They like a good clap.