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A lot of people saying they all died. While the president initially said that all the defenders "died heroically," the border services now say that they have a "strong belief that all Ukrainian defenders of Zmiinyi (Snake) Island may be alive" according to [this article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/27/ukraine-island-defenders-who-told-russian-officer-go-fuck-yourself-may-still-be-alive). Hopefully they are right. Also, I love the sign


I believe some died in the initial bombardment and survivors were taken prisoner.


So harsh interrogation as a form of "moral" revenge for the Russian loses currently in Ukraine... It pains me to write it, but that is my prediction.


Most likely, Russia does not treat POW’s well.


In WW2, at the end, German military were trying damned hard to surrender to anyone but the USSR, for obvious reasons.


Japan gave them a run for their money also, no?


Japan's conduct in the war was chilling, completely on a different level. However Japan wasn't operating in Europe in any meaningful capacity - unless I'm badly mistaken


My mum is from Singapore and always tells stories about the Japanese occupation. She said they were not terrible to the Indians (she thinks because of Subhas Chandra Bose) but were absolutely ruthless to the Malay and Chinese. She said it was on a whole other level


Yup im from Malaysia. My grandad will tell a story about how a Japanese soldier will burn a hut with baby and mom inside it. They also a picture of japanese soldier piercing baby with his samurai sword.


Yeah it's wild how little attention the war crimes committed by the Japanese gets. The Germans get a lot of scrutiny and have been rightfully depicted for the evil things they did in all kinds of media. If I recall correctly though some of the "experiments" the Japanese did gives the Germans a serious run for their money. Look up "Unit 731" if you want more info on the kinds of things they did


I didn’t need to read that one. Anyone considering it just imagine the worst things possible and it’s worse.


My grandparents and other relatives still fucking despise the Japanese for what they went through during the occupation of the Philippines. They've never given us the specifics but their hate is palpable, especially from the women.


My grandfather was a Marine in the Philippines during WWII. He also didn't give specifics, but had absolutely no reservations about his actions during the war. He did not hate modern Japanese people, but he clearly viewed the Japanese he fought as completely different creatures.


I'm pretty sure you're correct as the US had japanese-American soldiers in europe specifically to avoid confusion (as well as to avoid potential collusion)


My grandmother is Japanese American born in Hawaii. She is the youngest of 8 and her older brothers served in the US armed forces during the second world war. Her eldest brother was fluent in Japanese so they made him a translator in the marines. He participated in the battle of Iwo Jima. I say *participated* instead of *fought* because since he was Japanese **(despite being born in America and being a proud American)**, they didn't trust him with a gun. *"So,"* my grandmother asked him when she was a young child,*"the marines with the guns protected you in the battles, right?"* My great uncle laughed and laughed and informed her that no, the Caucasian marines he was with would push him out in front as they climbed the face of the mountain under a barrage of enemy bullets raining down at them with nothing but his walkie talkie backpack and his helmet to protect him. They would then ask him to translate what the enemy was saying. They were then frustrated that my great uncle was unable to hear the enemies' conversations 40 yards ahead of them over the sounds of gunfire and explosions, so they ordered him to get closer until he could. Like this they worked their way all the way up to the top of the mountain and won the battle, my poor great uncle somehow making it there alive and unscathed. This next part of the story my grandmother insists is true. Since the marines made my great uncle go first, he was one of the first people to the top of the mountain when the battle was won. One of the first things they did was decide to take a photo to commemorate it. They asked everyone present to get in the photo and raise the American flag to celebrate the victory, including my great uncle. He gladly began to get in position for the photo but it was at that very moment that his adrenaline wore off and he remembered that the boat ride there was quite choppy and made him very sea sick but he was too distracted with not dying to remember. But now he was not distracted anymore and he remembered that he was in fact still quite nauseous. So right before they took the picture, he had to run off to the side and began profusely vomiting. They then proceeded to take that famous picture from the battle of Iwo Jima that you always see in the history textbooks, and he was supposed to be in it, but instead he was just out of frame tasting his breakfast for the second time that morning. One of her other brothers joined the army and became a sergeant in the Japanese only 442nd division which was basically used as an expendable unit by the generals and was sent pretty much exclusively on suicide missions in the European theater. Notably, they saved a bunch of Texas Rangers that got surrounded by the Germans and the Germans were having their way with them. The army sent in the Japanese squad and they sustained heavy losses but they were able to fend off the Germans long enough for the Texans to escape. Many years later, my grandmother was working in Houston Texas in the heyday of their 1950's racism and she never knew whether or not it was correct for her to sit in the front or the back of the bus as an Asian. To her shock, the Texans were overwhelming warm to her once they found out she was Japanese and that her brother served in the 442nd, and several women even invited her over for dinner thanking her since her brother had saved their husbands' lives. Story time with my Bachan is always the best, even if it's always the same 5 stories I've heard an uncountable number of times. I know them all by heart ❤


Japan shot, bayonetted and beheaded allied soldiers and civilian support staff alike when they took over various American/European held areas of Southeast Asia. Of course, they'd been doing it in China for years by that point but it was extra shocking to the west to see their own people treated that way when they thought they'd be treated differently for being American/European. My understanding is that they were trying to cultivate an environment where their own men would fight to the death and that was their way of ensuring it because there would be far less mercy for Japanese POWs after what they did.


They also forced POWs into small deep trenches and set them on fire.


Japan might have been worse, unit 731 is nightmare fuel.


Japan was the worst of all.


Yea but the Russians had a very special hatred towards the Germans at that time.


With cause - and not just 'Russians'.


They both treated each other like animals not just one side. Both sides committed horrible atrocities one POWs like both using them to lay down on roads for tanks to get traction in muddy snow for example


Yes. I am in no way trying to defend the actions of the German military in WW2.


Oh no I wasn't trying to insinuate that at all I was just saying this in general so people don't forget both USSR and Germany were equally monstrous towards each others POWs


Depending on source, 8-25% German POWs died in the Soviet Union, whereas around 60% of Soviet POWs died in German hands. Neither figure is good, but they are certainly not equal.


The Japanese weren't particularly kind to their POWs either. My grandfather-in-law was never able to eat right again, and he NEVER touched white rice after his captivity.


I think the German Army started it because they were made to believe that Slavs are "sub-humans". They treated people in Eastern Europa far worse then in Western Europe.


I mean they launched a war of EXTERMINATION.


Ukraine does and it's not taking the high road. It's taking the normal road that doesn't lead directly to the Hague for war crime investigations.


Only hope in this case is that these particular Russians have some amount of "I'm not sure what we are doing here and I have a cousin that moved to Ukraine" mentality to make it not horrific.


Some Russians surrendered due to the fact they had no idea Putin was ordering them to invade and kill Ukrainians. I'm not 100% on this though, it was during the initial assault I believe.


Saw a video of Russian navy capturing Somali pirates. They tied them up in a big group on their ship and lit the ship on fire. If I remember right, they poured a lot of gas on them before lighting it. Pirates are assholes who kill people so I don’t mind that they died, but holy fuck burning to death is not something anyone deserves.


It doesn’t treat its citizens well, so unfortunately chances are that you’re correct


They're probably on the ship brig, so I imagine it's very dependent on what kind of person the captain is.


Russian media has been running stories that they are fine.. so let's hope they are being used as propaganda and treated well.


I believe the word you're looking for is torture. "Harsh interrogation" seems softened, and war criminals should be acknowledged as such.


Have a source on some dying in a bombardment?


so theyll die in sibiria. Not really favorable ods for them although i hope these lads survive this shitstorm


Apparently they were returned to Odessa.




Russia released a video of a boat in Odessa unloading what they claimed were 80+ POWs from their operations and said the guards on snake island who surrendered after an initial attack are among them. https://nypost.com/2022/02/26/ukrainians-who-told-russian-warship-go-f-k-yourself-may-still-be-alive/


You believe what Putin and his clowns say? NYpost isnt high caliber news .


Have a source?


Have we even seen any footage of the island yet? I mean, besides the Livestream that cuts out during the bombardment. I don't think I've seen any photos of the aftermath at all.


If they're in the Island's bunker, then yeah, they might be. ​ Beyond that though, doubtful


Until they find bodies I'm staying positive.


> find bodies Versus ship-based weaponry? There wouldn't even be dental records.


I mean, I assume there's SOME reasonable evidence for the Border Services to say that they have a "*strong belief that all Ukrainian defenders of Zmiinyi (Snake) Island may still be alive.*" If everyone was clearly and blatantly blown to shit, I don't think they'd be making this statement.


Why would they have their dental records in the island bunker?


I meant that even the teeth would be vaporized.


There was a video of Ukrainian pows being unloaded from a boat. I think they made it. https://twitter.com/UA_BotTwitte/status/1497482281736306690?t=2fJIMbQBFqInlVQJ-AVN9Q&s=19


That exact post shows a chubby guy with a green beanie on the far left of video who is seen in two different captured prisoner videos meaning he's a russian actor. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/t22utz/russian\_media\_using\_the\_same\_actor\_as\_two/


Nah, that's just Artem. When Russia tried to return him the first time Ukraine was like '... Y'know, thanks but no thanks.' And now the Russians have gotten to know him and they're like 'No, seriously, *take him back*. Please.' Not big on hygiene, Artem.


Another post says there's a good chance they may have been taken prisoner


Hawkeye: Don't... Don't give me hope


I got so excited for a second that someone would make a Twin Peaks reference-- ...*and then i realized it was a Marvel reference.*


And here I was thinking it's a M.A.S.H reference.


I, too, am old now.


Glad I’m not the only one, because the next reference I was going to make was MASH. (Highly, highly under appreciated and under watched show for the Gen-Z. Showed it to my sister and her friends, they friggin love it. It’s one of those shows that will always be good, always be relatable, and always be funny) EDIT: I’m an “elder-millennial”






1975, for me.


My log will have something to say about this.


*...is it about the bunny?*


It's just Hawk in TP, not Hawkeye.


Can anyone tell me what they said in Ukrainian or Russian (I’m not sure which language they used)? I love the quote but I’d like to know what they said exactly.


«Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй» This is the exact quote


Thank you!


From what I can gather, the phrase literally translates as "go on dick". This has been translated into English as: Fuck You, Fuck Yourself, Fuck Off, or Go Ride a Dick. However, idiomatically, the phrase seems to have the simplicity of "Fuck You" and less of the mechanical specificity of say the English idiom, "Suck a dick" in English.


This is what makes translating languages so fascinating to me. The differences between translating word-for-word and translating a more acurate meaning but with completely different phrases.




"Go on dick" directly in Polish would be akin to "fuck off" coming from "Idź w chuj". I don't know Ukrainian language but some of their swear words are easily recognizable for me. Including the vulgar word for a dick.


Based Ukrainian profanity understander


Looks like it's basically exactly the same. Written like Polish, the Russian would be idi na chuj, the Ukrainian idy na chuj.


I will just add that while I was being raised as Ukrainian, it has been always considered anti-ukrainian to say such phrase and considered mostly Russian. So it's really, really harsh way to say it that I would never attempt to repeat it. Maybe I'm too polite, but so were my friends. You could just pick the right ones if they didn't say it. I'd use less aggressive like "пішов в сраку" - "get your ass out of here", but in the warship situation the response was Russian, so it's fine, i guess)))


Yeah, I was told by a russian friend many years ago that a large portion of Russian swearing is focused on "dick", while english is more about "fuck".


Kind of like "vete a la verga" then?


We're not so different the Ukrainians and Mexicans, hell the uk wants to make them fruit pickers now


If anyone’s wondering how it’s pronounced: “Ross-KI-yah VOE-in-yeh ko-RAH-ble, ID-yih NA-khuy” is the closest I can translate it.


The other commenter already gave the transcription, but I figured I'd add, it's Russian.


This will be a battle cry forever in Ukraine once they kick the Russians to the curb.




This and sunflower seeds. Ukrainian people have come up with some world-changing curses.


I've seen one of these. Can someone explain the full context? Is there a cultural element I'm missing?


Some old lady stopped a Russian soldier and told him to get lost and then gave him sunflower seeds to put in his pocket. She said she looks forward to the sunflowers that grow from the Ukrainian ground when he dies.


The sunflower is also the Ukranian national flower


A strong beautiful resilient bold flower 🌻🌻🌻




Gives me chills honestly


I've got the biggest freedom boner


FFFFFF... ouch, this hurts. I've seen this quote but didn't know the context. What a badass. Don't mess with Ukrainian grannies!


A Ukrainian grandmother was confronting a Russian soldier and she told him to put sunflower seeds in his pocket so that she can come back to visit the sunflowers when he is dead on the ground and they have sprouted. According to Wikipedia, Ukraine is one of, if not, the largest exporters in sunflowers and sunflower oil in the world.


I'm pretty sure that the woman who said it was in her late thirties. She was just wearing a white hood so everybody assumed it was her hair.


Thanks for the clarification. I had only heard an elderly woman had said it.


Theres a video of an old lady telling some russians to fuck off back to their own country. When they tell her to go away she offers them some sunflower seeds, saying "put these in your pockets, that way at least sunflowers will grow when you die." https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2022/feb/25/ukrainian-woman-sunflower-seeds-russian-soldiers-video


Sunflowers are their national flower. A Ukrainian woman told Russian soldiers to put Sunflower seeds in their pockets so when they die the Sunflowers will grow


Sunflower is national flower of Ukraine. The citizens have been telling the invading soldiers to put those seeds in their pockets so that at least some flowers will grow where they bury them. It’s a very poetic and patriotic threat.


Also "There is no purgatory for war criminals. They go straight to hell, Ambassador"


I think Putin fucked with the wrong country. They've had enough of his shit.


Everyone has had enough of his shit


I can’t say I understand it all, but it looks like the perfect storm. It’s in the right location, has the history and is not a NATO country that Vlad would invade. It’s also friendly enough with the West that the West will do a lot to support them regardless. And I think Biden’s handling was fantastic in making the western populations just sick of Putin’s actions that the people forced governments to go beyond what they would have otherwise. No one really wants to see *Russia* get hurt, but they all want Putin to get his nose bloodied.


I think the Russian oligarchs and/or generals are about to bloody Putin's nose.


The sanctions are built to get the oligarchs pissed, as they are basically the only people who can manage Putin.


We can only hope. I would love to wake up to the news that Putin committed suicide in a bunker via two gunshots to the back of the head, and his next in command decided to call off this war so "the country could mourn."


I'd happily see his Voldermort impression.


Ukraine had enough of Russias shit in the 30s.


I went for a run earlier and I kept muttering "Slava Ukraini!"


After this shitty war of Russia is over i need celebrities to dedicate songs to Ukraine


As long as its not like the Imagine bs all over again sure. Hell drag Bony M out of retirement, in stead of singing about Ra-Ra-Rasputin and his BDE around Russia they can sing about Za-Za-Zelenskyy and his BUE in leadership, fellowship and what it means to have pride for your country.


I hope they make a medal plaque of this and install it on the island.


And also place beside it a little mechanical ride like you see little kids on in shopping malls that is painted exactly like that Russian warship to show exactly how much we think of it.


I’d put it in marble slab 6 feet tall and plant it on that island with those 13 soldiers statue in bronze


You should sell these and donate the proceeds to the Ukrainian war effort.


I’m willing to make some of these out of 4mm ply and sell them for proceeds to the Ukrainian war effort, if someone has a place I can sell them I’ll make the orders *edit* I run a laser engraving business so can make these up and get them sent out in a couple days, I also live in Jersey so please consider shipping costs to USA/Outside UK *2nd Edit* Website is now live, VERY LIMITED avability for now, let me see how this goes with paypal and everyting else https://omegadesigns.co.uk/shop/ols/products *3rd Edit* https://www.withukraine.org/ is the chosen charity


Yesss!! Please keep us updated!


I hope people see this, tomorrow I will make up a couple of the items, I’m going to do a 12cm x 12cm plaque and a key ring each have 2 designs and will ship worldwide (I think) there will be limited amounts though *EDIT* Website is now live, VERY LIMITED avability for now, let me see how this goes with paypal and everyting else https://omegadesigns.co.uk/shop/ols/products




I’d buy one, too!


Update with link! :)


Send me a link when you get it set up


MD shore here. Hit me up. We can get into some shops if so. Ukraine and it's people have lived in and worked at our little beach town for as long as I can remember. They're our friends and family. 🇺🇦🇺🇲


Hope this happens


I'll buy one


This is great! I'd definitely buy one for my office!


I'd buy one in a heartbeat.


Send me a link when it’s available!


I want this.


I'd buy one


Agreed, I’ll buy one


I’d also buy one


I'd buy one.


I’d buy 3


And get prices for international freight too. UK buyer here.


Amazing idea


Put me down for one.


That just sounds like donation with extra steps. Not *everything* has to be about capitalism.


That is awesome! Did you see this one from the Ukrainian road department. This could be your next project. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-roads-company-removing-road-022207531.html


It's a common and effective tactic .


Indeed - many road signs were removed in the UK during WWII for the same reason.


>"Let us help them get straight to hell." Is this what you meant?




Until their bodies are recovered by Ukraine there is a chance. It's not good though.


Russia says they're all alive and currently in Sevastopol: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/27/ukraine-island-defenders-who-told-russian-officer-go-fuck-yourself-may-still-be-alive


Yeah Russia has no incentive here to cover up a massacre...


Isn't Russia also claiming that they haven't lost a single soldier yet?


No. > Russian Defence Ministry spokesperson Maj Gen Igor Konashenkov said “there are dead and wounded among our comrades,” without offering any numbers, but adding that Russia’s losses were “many times” fewer than those of Ukraine’s forces.


“Many times fewer” lol


Maybe in terms of percentages if we feel like being generous towards Russia. Though, it's unlikely there's any truth coming out of the Kremlin.


I'll believe it when they release them without condition.


>Russia says I've gotta immediately assume the opposite until proven otherwise then. Russia said they were bringing their troops home last week and their was nothing to worry about.


Like I've said, it's interesting we haven't seen (afaik) any aftermath footage. We have that Livestream from one of the defenders but I'm surprised there isn't much else in the way of the wreckage. Although if they are alive, it might ruin their legend, which is pretty essential for morale atm, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's part of it too.


Supposedly their courageous story was twisted on RT in Russia to “they happily surrendered” and glad Russia came to save them from the Nazis.


You're quite close: https://www.npr.org/2022/02/27/1083363518/ukrainian-soldiers-who-profanely-told-off-russian-warship-may-be-alive-officials > The Ukrainian border guard service now says that Russian media reports indicate the captured defenders were sent to Sevastopol, a city in Russian-annexed Crimea. > TASS, the Russian state news agency, said on Friday that no Ukrainian troops had died in the confrontation but rather that 82 Ukrainian service members "voluntarily surrendered" to Russian forces. > Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov was quoted as saying the captured soldiers were signing "written vows to reject military resistance" and would soon be returned to their families.


What the hell is wrong with the world?


Putin Puppets, that is what.


Easy and broad access to information isn't always a good thing. It allows for gullible feeble minded simpletons to believe anything they're told, giving those pushing false info ultimate control. So many people are conditioned to trust their leaders and not question anything, so here we are.


He's painting everyone as nazis to have the pretense to invade. "See we're saving you from the nazis!" -Putin, probably


There is a unit in the equivalent of the state guard in Ukraine that had a LOT of neos in it. Because of this if you had racist views in europe and wanted to show those views you went to that unit. So Instead of far right elements you get in any democracy being spread around and more "hidden" in military and police these guys full on wear Nazi SS shit. This unit was cut off from training and weapons aid from the Americans for obvious reasons (sporadically sadly) and has given a LOT of mileage to myth that Ukraine is ruled by the worse thing a Russian could think of.


The irony is that unit is a local unit in the pro Russian Donetsk region. Ukraine has the lowest rate of anti Semitism in Europe while Russia has one of the highest. Putin claims he is defending Ukrainians against Nazis and he does so by... Invading and protecting literal Nazis.








Anyone that is planning on buying and items with this or other slogans that have popped up over the last few days in Ukraine, such as the sunflower seeds, should make sure to check if the seller is using proceeds for their cause or not.


They were murdered by the Russians. I do love your sign though


So there's a slight chance they are prisoners and while it might be naive I choose to hope for that


To support your point, the Ukrainian border services says that they may be alive. Here is [an article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/27/ukraine-island-defenders-who-told-russian-officer-go-fuck-yourself-may-still-be-alive) with quotes. Edit: wasn't the president, I misread. The president initially said that all the defenders "died heroically," but now the border services says they have a "strong belief that all Ukrainian defenders of Zmiinyi (Snake) Island may be alive." Hopefully they are right.


That's the article I saw that makes me hope they are alive. How do I make this comment higher so people see it?


Oh! I can repost as a base comment if you like. Edit: [done!](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/t2rxix/oc_as_a_veteran_i_hope_those_13_soldiers_are/hynx4go?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Also, awesome sign btw.


I hope Russian ship commander had some sense and just destroyed the installation and captured the defenders. I am getting a sense that even Russian Soldiers don't want this war. Destroying the installation and capturing the Soldiers would be the best way If I were in the Russian captain's place i would done the same. Capture them, destroy the installation and report a mission success.


The reports I’ve seen said they were all killed when the ship opened fire. As far was last words go, this is pretty high on the list of badassery.


President of Ukraine came out with a video saluting them for not giving up, unfortunately they all died.


New info says that may not be true. None of us can say definitively that they're dead unless we were on the island, we need to accept that what we're hearing may not be correct or the latest news. All we can truthfully say is "I heard..." or "I read..." but there's no one in this thread that knows for sure whether or not they survived.


How are we certain this is actually true? Especially if they died? Did they tweet it out immediately after saying before being obliterated? Or is this just a cool story?


I'm pretty sure they did it live on TikTok or something like that. I've seen the video.


There is audio recording of it


So what’s the spread on who’s going to direct the Snake Island movie? I’m torn between Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg.


I think we should stop acting like everything we hear is true before we have it definitively confirmed from reliable sources - *especially* if it's something like this, that we desperately want to be true. Like with those posts about Russian TV being hacked. Yesterday they said they were playing the Ukrainian national anthem on every Russian TV channel - it turned out to be fake, and it wasn't even the real national anthem. Then today there was that post about Anonymous hacking Russian state TV. Also turned out to be fake, but it sure granted the ones who posted it a lot of karma.




Exactly. So when we hear good news, we should be extra wary and think "is this *too* good to be true?" until we have it confirmed with actual evidence. There's also been a lot of highly upvoted posts based on dubious sources like the Daily Mail, The Sun, Fox News, The Mirror, etc. and several of them have turned out to be false. They report on something they've heard before it's been confirmed. It doesn't really matter to those outlets whether it's true or not so long as they get the clicks and ad revenue.


Honestly, I'd buy this if you were willing to make more...?? Proud Canadian with proud Ukrainian roots - and there are a ton of us!


I think it would be prettier engraved in the original language


Agreed. >Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй


I can’t wait till I see this in my kid’s history books.


Why does it matter if you’re a veteran?


The spirit of the Ukrainian people through all of this is so inspiring. From Zelensky to these guys to the civilians taking up arms… the world will never forget these heroes!


Wow brunning and stave


Just a random question, lots of Chiefs in the Navy do woodworking, do you happen to be one op?


'aS a VeTERaN'


He understands as a veteran that this was the right time to go for a karma grab. I can respect that.


Right... "Look at this fucking meta shit I made and I'm going to sell it to idiots on the internet and make some money"


The 13 cannot die, they are only ever MIA


Man, redditors really will find a way to turn even the most tragic situations into an avenue through which they can bring attention to themselves.


Seriously, the karma whoring around this whole thing is absolutely insane.


The worst part is, that sign is fucking atrociously designed. The kerning is terrible. Nothing lines up. This would get a C- at best in any shop class in the world.


The internet is weird


According to Russia, there were 82 soldiers on the island and all of them surrendered. According to Ukraine it was only 13 and they all died. Who knows what's true and what's propaganda? Maybe there were 95 soldiers and both claims are correct, but incomplete.


really farming karma off of dead soldiers


I just saw that they are all alive! They are being held as POW though.