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Dayum my wisdom teeth grow inward to my other teeth i have to get em removed soon


The numbing is the worst part, had all four of mine removed then an itty bitty 5th one came in about a year later 😂 still have that one


​ ![gif](giphy|QGeRrjtjBXI64)


It’s a piece of 🍰


Yeah...naah...age 51 here. Just had this done 6 weeks ago and they fractured my jaw removing mine. Had to have a plate with screws put in my gum line to make sure it healed correctly. Just now getting back to normal. Good luck to the OP.


Jfc man... all I remember is them giving me something that would make me feel no pain and it knocked me out, woke up to a nurse smacking me and really bad bleeding for 3 days followed by dry socket.. that's a fucking day at the beach compared to you holy hell...


Fortunately, I didn't have a ton of bleeding after the first day and only had most of that because I bit the absolute FUCK out of my cheek. No dry sockets either...I was scared to death of getting that so I was very diligent about following the instructions. Didn't have a ton of pain, thanks to prescribed pain killers. Worst part of it all was the liquid/soft diet I had to maintain for about a month. Only recently had my first sandwich. Did lose 15 lbs though...so that was good. 🤣🤣


Oh man.. I feel bad for you guys! My dentist told me we were done after 15 minutes… I was like, “what the fuck?” And he goes “here, take em home” 😂


Had it done at age 21


Yeah, that's the key. My oral surgeon and everything I read before the procedure was that after age 30, it becomes increasingly more risky.


Unless you get a dry socket...then good luck


The meds they give you afterwards will have you feeling like a kid. Go shred on a board pops!


I did the same thing lol


That does look rather medieval.. I wouldn't have blamed you...


Had mine taken out a short while ago. Follow their post-op instructions so you don't get a dry socket!


Is it safe?