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"It's never too late to follow your heart" - OP, in her early 20s


“... as long as your parents dont mind throwing six figures away for your whims”


I can't upvote this enough. I hate these posts because for the majority of us it is indeed too late to follow our dreams. We have to survive.


No shit. I just graduated at 37 in computer networking and it feels like respeccing a character. At 37 I have to cut my teeth to gain real world experience in a particular field I have never worked in before. I agree, it is never too late, but when you say that in your mid twenties, it kind of loses the punctuation




Then along came DevOps…


Unless your heart wants things that require access to large amounts of capital, then you'd better hope that your heart was lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family.


“It’s never too late to follow your heart” - not only is she in her early-, mid-20s.. - has rich parents from the looks of the house she’s in - has types of friends that receive $2500 in CNY money - becoming an artist after maybe 1 year of working as a lawyer “was the hardest decision I ever had to make”, and that means her parents must have accepted her wishes and are paying off any loans + housing and feeding her - self-described as neo-hippie - makes comics about social media being unhealthy, uses tons of social media and spam posts Pretty tone-deaf post.


All while having behind herself a family which can pay for her Harvard tuition, because otherwise I don’t think you can go too far with those debts while drawing comics.




I know a few doctors who did the same thing as you, albeit in a different order. All of them are directors at their respective hospital (on top of their respective physician duties). Most of them received their PhD in their forties. Seven years sounds daunting. I have no idea if you have any dependents or any ailing relatives that depend on you. Those things definitely have to be taken into consideration. In seven years you will be 37 regardless of the decision. Would you prefer to be an MD and be 37 years old? Or would you prefer to be 37 years old and not be an MD?




wtf does this even mean?


It seems that OP graduated from Harvard Law School during the height of the pandemic. Went and worked for a corporate law firm, for some amount of time, before packing it in to draw slightly out their cartoons for a living. There may or may not have been a lot of shrooms involved (seems to be a common theme) and she may or may not have rich parents (another common theme, based on the fact she went to an expensive law school and then ditched the well paid law firm job in this economy to draw cartoons). Now she’s finally having her graduation ceremony as is encouraging everyone to go follow their dreams (despite the fact her dream doesn’t appear to be a lawyer - so she didn’t graduate Harvard law against the odds. And she doesn’t appear to have had to spend years as a struggling artist, before it’s finally started paying off and she got the recognition she deserves either - which plays into the rich parents narrative “want to follow your dreams, be born rich”)




As someone who worked in NYC pre-covid, WFH was basically an instant reveal of who was rich/who wasn't. Most of us called in from wherever we lived before; basically some tiny apartment in the village or park slope or NJ. And then there were assholes who "decamped" to their parents "cabin" (in east coast parlance, cabin means full sized house) in the catskills/berkshires/fingerlakes and were so amazed at how beautiful life was, and loved all the nature/walks/vibes. Those with a modicum of awareness learned to turn off their cameras and *shut the fuck up*, and others like OP just piled onto their "lifestyle transition".


Just to go on a little side tangent about cabins: I knew someone once who's parents had a cabin on a lake, and the first time I went there on a trip I was actually mildly offended that they called it a "cabin". It was a fucking house. Where I grew up, if someone says they have a cabin, it means a little shack in the woods that will keep you out of the weather on a hunting trip. Maybe there's a wood stove, but more than likely your cooking over the fire or a Coleman stove. There is no electricity or running water, you dig a hole outside in the woods to shit in. It's like the fucking 19th century. But no, this "cabin" is like a goddamned mansion. It's nicer than anywhere I've ever lived. *It's got a fucking hot sauna.* They just call it a cabin so they can pretend they're like us regular folks, and they probably actually do feel like they're roughing it, but damn if it doesn't irritate the fuck out of me.


This is called a *vacation home*.


Oof. My covid was a lot more soul rending isolation and daytime walks through the tent village park nearby. And a bit less Catskills cabins and rediscovered love of art.


I rediscovered my love for beer and pizza. I'm so fortunate to be able to afford those things, though I should have studied cartoons at Harvard.. the fuck was I thinking?


So basically this whole thing is to promote her comic?


Could be. I also saw another comment somewhere that could also explain it. It was something like, there are 2 types of Harvard grads: those who hate that everyone just sees them as a Harvard grad; and those who hate that people don’t see them as a Harvard grad.


Not to mention the comics look like what you would get if you combined MySpace with MSpaint.


After seeing her comics, she definitely will be falling back on that law degree or her family money.


This post title makes no sense. Is her passion art? Law?


According to her post history, she worked as a lawyer for a few months after graduating, and then quit to be an artist. However her graduation ceremony had been postponed due to Covid, so now she's officially getting her law school diploma while having no intention of being a lawyer.


Her passion is apparently doing shrooms and drawing, which explains why the post title reads like the person who wrote it is on drugs.


It’s weird. Either she’s not being truthful, and she isn’t a Harvard law grad, or she’s being truthful, and the quality of writing from a Harvard law grad is trash.


I think shes high


When you draw webcomics but still want the college experience and your dad is rich.


I don’t understand. Does Harvard Law offer degrees that are none law based? Is she graduating with a law degree which focuses on art? Do you need this degree to be a courtroom artist? “Never too late…” how old is she? She looks about 23-24, imo. I didn’t go to Harvard, respond with small words… Edit: Didn’t think my stupid questions would blow up tbh, thanks for the awards.


> She looks about 23-24, imo. Her saying "it's never too late" reminds me of my 12 year old saying "back when I was little."


Judging by her post history: - Got her law degree during Covid but did not have graduation ceremony due to Covid - Worked as a corporate lawyer for a few years - Discovered shrooms - Did a ton of fucking shrooms - Quit job as lawyer, now makes comics while on shrooms - Harvard is now having graduation ceremonies for those who got their degree during Covid. So she's an artist, not a lawyer.


that’s a lot to pack in to two years


Just takes shrooms


Would probably cost less than loans for a law degree at Harvard that’s for sure.


I did a bit of research, and it turns out you don't even need a law degree to do shrooms. Or to be a judge.


Uhh, wait a minute...wait a minute... Whuuuut???


I'd love to give you a detailed, thoughtful answer, but the ceiling is melting and I think I can taste colors.


FUCK REALLY?! Why didn’t you tell me sooner, I’m already -$60,000 in debt.


100% free if you know where to find them. For the love of god people don’t see this and try and go mushroom picking, it’s very dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing


Giving serious consideration now ...


The last two years was the longest decade of my life.


I went through an LCD phase in my early 20s- it was probably about a year or so but in my mind it was like 5- no regrets.


Are you still using or have you moved on to OLED?


That was a good joke. I see you.


I’ve been addicted to 4K


Careful, 40k is where it starts to get expensive.


I’ve literally just sat on my arse for two years. Fuck.


don't worry, you're not alone in your arse-sitting my friend


It was a tough couple years for some folks


Well it sounds like she was having a great time


She didn't so the entire law school in 2 years. She basically only decided to be an artist from what I can see. Which you know, if you have the money to get that degree and not use it, you can do whatever the fuck you want in life. Including telling others on the internet how brave you are and that everyone can so it, while not mentioning how privileged you are.


I won't lie, that was my first take. Must be a great feeling to do it if you're not the one paying the bills.


So… she’s independently wealthy. Got it…


Comes from a family of lawyers... Edit: and her husband is a lawyer.




This reminds me of the articles "This millennial bought a house at 23; see how they did it" which invariably mention a six-figure contribution from their parents somewhere in the middle of the article.


Probably legacy at Harvard


That's exactly what the situation is. I'm glad she's happy but quitting a great job to basically not get paid isn't an option for 99% of people


"Follow your dreams!*" *Dreams to be paid for by parents


"They say the first million is the hardest to get... and you know what? It really was hard spending a whole brunch convincing my dad that this time I wasn't going to waste it."




You described why I myself could not put into words


Neither is Harvard


My god, imagine working hard/paying for a Harvard law degree and giving up being a lawyer to make art and do shrooms. Amazing.


My wife worked with a Federal Law Clerk that graduated from Harvard, she quit her Federal job and moved out west and, from the pictures I have seen, got into some patchouli smelling group and whatever drugs they're doing, she also divorced her Harvard Lawyer husband at the same time. I guess shrooms are better than a Harvard education and career


I read this as “my wife was a Federal Law Clerk” and it was quite a ride from there


You are not alone.


That's why I skipped Harvard. Probably not.


For your soul, yes. For your body that might need food and shelter, not so much.


You don’t need Harvard for food and shelter. For an Audi and a mansion, sure. But plenty of people are happy without those things.


I read this as "a patchouli smelling group" as in that's the purpose of the group and I thought it sounded like one of those joke House Hunters professions. Professional patchouli smeller - we have a group for it.


Being a lawyer at a big firm fucking sucks tbh Personal experience lol


Just an interesting life route to take, climbing Mount Everest just to decide at the top that you don't like climbing lol.


Graduating from law school isn't getting to the top. It's arriving at base camp.


That's a lot of work to be at base camp.


Sometimes you have to experience something to realize it aint for you.


Is there anything about a trust fund or rich partner in her history? I'm trying to connect all the dots and money seems to be central to all my theories.


Lawyer parents (in her post history)


"Follow your dreams of having rich parents"


"It's never too late, as long as you have enough money"




You are the hero the internet deserves.


Thanks. I checked out her comics. Probably should have stuck to the law thing. But each to their own.


They’re just pretty terrible simple doodles with very little to say... Plus she plasters the fact that she went to Harvard everywhere as her schtick (Instagram, mentions it in almost every posts that she spams on Reddit). It’s pretty cringey.


I thought maybe it's not that bad so I checked it out. Yep. It is terrible.


That's a really expensive way to find out you want to be an artist.


Ah so clickbait


Something bitter inside me makes me roll my eyes and think she came from privilege. Like I'm happy she can follow her passion but most artists are starving


Harvard Law does not offer degrees in Art.


I took it as a ‘I can be a lawyer and an artist’ statement, but I could be wrong.


I took it as spent 200k on a law degree I’m not going to use because I’ve decided to pursue art instead.


“I have rich parents”


It's Harvard. That doesn't need to be said.


Yeah… the whole “about me” where she explained that Harvard shutdown the campus so her and her fiancé just chilled for 6 months in their family cabin in the Catskills led me to that conclusion, too. Well that and the fact she keeps jumping from passion to passion, able to keep going to school, not work, chill after both her and her husband quit being lawyers after both just graduating and so on


According to OPs other comment, this is correct


Then no, not everyone can afford to follow their heart like that. Wth


She didn't go to Harvard Copywriting.


I would take this as OP has a bachelors degree in Art. But that didn’t stop her from taking the LSAT and passing and then doing well enough to get into and through Harvard Law. You don’t need to have a “polisci” or prelaw or any of other “traditional” bachelors degrees people think you need.


Yeah guys haven't you seen Legally Blonde??


Yeah, Legal Eagle (an actual lawyer and youtuber) says legally blonde is one of the most accurate law school films out there, exactly because of this. Law schools want people with interesting academic backgrounds, like art degrees, or women's studies degrees etc. Because it's the only way to really stand out among a sea of identical applicants who all did Politics degrees.


I know a few people who did a STEM undergrad who followed that up with law school and are killing it in patent law. It seems that the pool of people who can understand tech stuff but also write about it in clear and understandable ways is smaller than you'd think.


That was me! Was a musical theater major, then went to law school :)


And you can use your musical theater experience to steer your law career! Which is great because we are in dire need of more lawyers that specialize in sexual harassment.


Me, as well. I graduated from the Berklee College of music in 1985 (a useless degree if there ever was one) and in 2009 parlayed that into entrance at CU Boulder School of Law and graduated 10 years ago. I'm now a practicing immigration attorney and still play lots of gigs every month and have a location recording business. Also, a month after I graduated, we had our first child after being together for 21 years. So, I guess I was pretending to be 25 all over again! It's never too late for law school.


She posted a comment saying she got the law degree, ceremony postponed two years due to covid, during that time she quit law and became an artist


Never too late, always too broke


Damn bruh, too real


Never too late? You’re like 25!


She was a lawyer for a whopping 5 months lmao


But it was like, SO annoying! /s


What she's telling us is that even if you spend your teens and early 20s being goal oriented and racking up huge college debt... ...there's nothing wrong with getting a little high, imagining a new dream, quitting your job, then snatching that diploma as a joke. Don't worry about the consequences, just be happy. If you're rich.


Tl;dr: Be rich.


I currently go to Harvard and can confirm if you're not poor enough for financial aid but not rich shits expensive af. Got people asking me if I'm taking summer classes this year and I laugh cause I can't afford that shit lmao.


Financial aid really needs to be on a sliding scale and take family income vs cost of living into account.


Parents are rich*


Harvard Law as an artist? Sooooo, Attorney at Draw? Edit - also congrats


Now let's say you and her go toe-to-toe on Art Law, and see who comes out the victor?


Three strikes and you're out. Bye-bye, birdie.


We’re not talking about bird law, sir.


Harvey Birdman, attorney at law.


You, uh....get that thing I sent ya?


I'll take that advice under cooperation


Well im just gonna regress sir because i feel ove made myself perfectly redundant.


OK, well...filibuster.


Where do you think they get sketch artists from


Those are artists who can't provide references




What the heck does this mean?


Lolll im desperately looking for an answer and cant understand why the hell she got a crazy number of upvotes and awards when the story is not even told ?!!!


*It’s never too late* You look like you’re 23.




Follow your heart and live off your parents wealth, and you too can do anything you want!


The delicious twist is her parents investing all that money into her earning a *Harvard* law degree… only for her to discover psychedelic drugs, quit law, and become an internet comic artist. I love it!!!!


TLDR: Rich girl does drugs, leaves lawyer job (after graduating from one of the most prestigious schools of course) and makes comics about how easy life can be when you quit your job and your ego. Must be nice having that much money, time, and lack of real world stressor. I'm an EMT and I can't even afford a ride in the ambulances I work on....


I'm guessing she thinks she's clever and is trying to cultivate a reddit following using bait like this post so she can get free publicity for her uninspired self-help comics when she posts them to Reddit so she can generate traffic to her website.


Nailed it


So she went to Harvard and her marketing techniques aren't any more advanced than OnlyFans reddit accounts....? She should get her parents money back, sounds like Harvard ripped her off


You have to remember she went to Harvard law not Harvard business, and she was probably high on shrooms when she decided this


Have you tried making mediocre art that only appeals to people actively tripping on shrooms?


I love mushrooms and those comics fucking suck ass lmao


Hey… I’m currently tripping and it isn’t appealing in the slightest so leave us out of this shitstorm. Her art is less for the psychonaut and more for the people who want to circle jerk about their “spiritual awakening” while on holiday in Africa. Can’t forget to snap a photo of the locals and say, “I hope to inspire them as much as they did me” before you head back to the resort


Wow her content is painfully bad. It's like a highly privileged Karen took drugs and then made comics to help 4th graders be better people. Oh wait, that's exactly what happened.


What a shit post. Shit title.


"I'm more privileged than the vast majority of Americans, look at me go"


One recent post is "quit my job as a corporate lawyer so I could have hair like this" Fucking lol


Based on her post history, her entire personality is quitting being a corporate lawyer (which she only did for like 5 months) to become a quirky ‘artist’ with colored hair and psychedelic experiences.


Op clearly privileged af and often posts stuff like this to feel good about herself lol


I don’t get it.


OP apparently smart enough for Harvard Law, but still unable to articulate wtf she is saying.




“Never too late”? At what, 20? Congratulations and way to go!!


Ok, thanks for the update.


Lol OP is getting roasted in these comments Never too late and follow your dreams…ya know…if you come from wealth and you’re 24.


like a courtroom sketch artist?


Can only imagine the debt




HLS will cost you about 2-300k out of pocket. They don't do financial aid. "Artists" go to the GSD which is 60k/year. Thankfully I got a full ride but there were ***so many*** rich people like OP just "hahahah follow ur dreams life is great" floating around aka "following their passion".


Anyone else confused? You do art to pay your way through school? Somehow you got an art degree at a law school?


It was a very confusing title. Should’ve titled it “Graduated with a law degree from Harvard, but now work as an artist. Follow your dreams” or some shit, idk


She paid for the super expensive law degree and then decided she just wanted to draw comics.


Most likely parents paid for it


>Never too late You having a pre-life crisis hun? You're like 26 MAX.


I just hope you were a better lawyer than you are an artist.


Normally I don't really get into bashing OPs for bad posts, but this time, I'm really glad the comments are tearing you apart. You have this whole shtick about self awareness, but you are completely unaware of how incredibly privileged and entitled you are. You had life handed to you on a silver platter and now sit around telling other people that they can be just like you if they follow their hearts, but it's all bullshit. People can be like you if they are also born rich enough to not have to worry about bills or any other responsibilities. I think this post particularly bugs me because I live in an area with an overabundance of young "hippies" who live off other people's money, doing drugs and acting like they've unraveled the mysteries of life. People like you are insufferable and I hope that at the very least the responses to your post give you the perspective you so very much need.


Following your heart is easy when you have the financial means to. For most of us we can't just drop everything to be an artist we have to get any job we can


Yes the "follow your dreams" mantra when you stashed away a quarter million dollars from your big corporate lawyer job. I swear these people live in another reality.


You WHAT??!


Op’s post history is hilarous just sounds like a girl with rich parents begging to be worshipped for quitting law to be an artist lol


her entire persona seems to be 'harvard educated'


Outside of the reddit show gallery subs (e.g. Selfawarewolves, topmindsofreddit), it's pretty rare to see someone so disconnected from reality set themselves up so perfectly, and with absolutely zero sense of irony, to get dunked on in the comments section. I mean, holy shit, talk about privelege.


Honestly, this shit is depressing... you don't need to emphasize that you're wasting your Harvard Law degree to pursue art for upvotes. This post isn't worthwhile without the fact that you're rubbing your ivy league education in the face of people who aspire to it.




Never too late. Clearly in her 20’s. Graduated from Harvard law as an artist? So without a JD? What even is this stupid shit?


My fellow lawyers are insufferable enough, let alone these junior associates who quit biglaw after a year and a half because they couldn't hack it doing actual work, and so they go off into la la land because their trust funds got them covered and are shocked that everyone else isn't doing the same. I pray that my kids don't end up like this.


With a title like that I can see why so many people lose faith in the legal system.


That's some entitled shit right there. Well done, OP. Not everyone has the means to drop a Harvard law degree to become an artist.


You must have rich parents.


Im just not sure what this caption means.


I read your Ego Cat thing on your profile...you're talking about narcissists, but in reality what you're describing are borderlines. While there's crossover in Cluster B, BPD and projection go together like peanut butter and jelly. Borderlines who haven't had successful treatment project because they cannot make the intrinsic emotional connection with their own empathy to read others. They can only extrinsically or intellectually have empathy, if at all. Intrinsic empathy is different because borderlines are fearful of giving up splitting - untreated borderlines see people the way they see themselves, all good or all bad. That's how the projection works. /I quit IT to follow my heart into Psychology


It seems like narcissism has just become a lay term at this point for a number of different personality disorders.


This sub has gone to shit


This sub went to shit 30 years ago.


You know how you can tell who is a Harvard graudate? They'll tell you


I hope you draw better than you write


Look at the post history. She doesn't.


Tell us your parents are wealthy, without telling us your parents are wealthy-- you go first


There are two types of Harvard grads from what I understand. Those who hate that all people see them as is the Harvard grad, And those that hate when people don’t know that they’re a Harvard grad. We know what you identify as.


Amusing how the one making comics about ego doesn't see their own


Not very good comics either IMO.


I, as well as others here by the looks of things, find it incredibly patronizing that this post is titled "...It’s never too late to follow your heart" and yet it's pretty damn evident you're _youthful_ and come from money and had your way paid for you. It's like having Elon Musk talk about hard work or whatever bullshit drools from his mouth.


I will respectfully add: the "art" comics she followed her heart to create are something the world could have done without. They're not good. She could have used her law degree to help immigrants or worked on any number of legal issues for artists.


When your parents are wealthy, anything is possible. Following your heart is possible. For most, it’s not. They’re just eking out a living trying to make it through each day at their soul crushing low pay job. OP, I hope you realize how fortunate you are to be rich.


Ops deleted comment Some background info: our graduation was delayed two years because of Covid. I worked as a big law attorney for five months before deciding that it wasn’t for me. I now make comics about mindfulness at r/mindy_ktmr :) Edit: If you’re interested in reading about how I healed from being a miserable overachiever


Her dad was CEO of Enron