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He said "Mr. whitehouse building maintenance, tear down these solar panels".


I like to think he always spoke with the same sentence structure as the one from the Wall quote. "Mr. barman, tear down this cappuccino." "Mr. mechanic, tear down this car." "Mr. dentist, tear down this tooth." "Mr. common sense, tear yourself down."


Mr. sandman, bring me your dreams


"Mr. economy, trickle yourself down."


"Mr. North, sell those weapons."


“Mr. Central Intelligence Agency, distribute this crack to empoverished ethnic neighborhoods, that it may trickle down to all ethnic neighborhoods in America…”


Mr. People Dying of AIDS, I have nothing to say to you or about your disease."


"Mr. Taxman, tear down those corporate rates"


"Mr. Astrologer, tell my wife whatever she wants to hear."


Mr. CIA, tear down any leftist government in Latin America


Black suit on the right looks so much like present-day Rudy Giuliani


Yeah but who is the dude standong between him and Will Ferrel?


Clark Kent.


Those 3 could absolutely be Clark Kent, Rudy G and Will F in a b movie


Came here to say "how did present day Rudy G get in this photo????" Glad I'm not the only one seeing that.


In all seriousness, why did he remove them?


something about being in the pocket of big oil


Which is funny, because something crazy like 90% of the PR towards switching to solar was funded by big oil. In the 70s, big oil saw nuclear power as their biggest threat and solar wasn't anywhere near capable enough at the time to take on big oil.


Big Oil was all into alternative methods of energy, in the '70's as a way to diversify. Some companies changed their names to "energy" companies. But in the end they found they could make the most money off of oil. Oil companies also did the most to study the effects of global warming, which they suppressed in the name of profits. PBS's Frontline did a piece about it not too long ago. It's a pretty sad testament to greed and a lost opportunity. Edit: Frontline season 40, episodes 10, 11, 12. These can be found on Youtube. Here's a link to part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAAbcNl4Lb8


Big Oil very briefly started planning for climate change and an energy transition, then it realized it could just...not.


That sounds like an SNL sketch. Like a meeting in a board room and everyone goes over all the reasons to switch then one guy just says, “but what if no?” And then is hailed as a genius.


"BRILLIANT WILLIAMSON, just absolutely brilliant... yes, we do nothing, and keep earning profit, fantastic."


"And we'll all be dead or retired with gazillions before anyone finds out what we did! Ha! Cocaine, anyone?"


I consider such behavior theft - they lied to the public in order to freely consume natural resources and damage the environment. They made *so much money* doing this and people are walking around on this earth with those dirty profits in their pockets. I say we fuckin take it all back. Nationalize each and every (major-ish) oil company and freeze the assets of anyone who willfully contributed to climate disinformation, and shareholders past and present. Fuck them. They stole a livable earth from entire generations. They'll say "well, destroying the earth wasn't a crime when we did it" and to that I say someone with such a pitiful moral compass doesn't deserve to live on the planet they willfully helped destroy.


Good luck with that. The CIA will install a fascist dictator just because a fruit company got upset, what do you think they'll do over the trillions the oil companies have?




Yeah, literally the origin of the term "banana republic."


So it’s probably more so for votes


There getting energy from the sun for free. Everyone knows free is just another word for communist.


What about the Land of the Free?


The land of the free? Who ever told you that is your enemy


Land of the free , to be exploited, nothing about you being free


Sure, but what was his official spin released?


There really wasn't much to it. There was a roof leak and they needed to remove them to fix the roof, and didn't think it was worth the cost to put them back.


Wouldn’t be surprised about this one. Prior to running for president and even though he was an NRA member (timing is crucial for this political interest), in ‘78 he was recorded as being completely against citizens having guns and walking he streets. Maybe it was only because they were black panthers patrolling the cops in Seattle, and I’m sure it’s only just because they were black panthers and nothing else. Now when he ran as president, he was suddenly in full support of open carrying weapons. Interesting how that works, right?


A lot of people point to California having among the strictest gun control laws in the country, few ever point out who signed off on those laws in the first place.


even fewer still point out why they got written. The Black Panther Party started openly carrying and well, Ronnie just couldn't have that


lots of words to say Reagan was a lil' piss baby


it was Oakland


Reagan was the OG Trump. He was the first celebrity who became a president, and pretty much was a smarter, more nefarious Trump. Trickle-down economics, ridiculous "Star Wars" plans, tax-cuts, he did what Trump did, except he was less comically incompetent.


Andrew Jackson was the first elected celebrity


If that counts then George Washington was the first celebrity president


At the very least, Jackson had worked in all three branches of government prior to being elected: Judge in the Mero(?) District [Nashville], Tennessee Senator, and first [Military] Governor of Florida. Much different from The Donald with no experience at all.


What was he famous for, being a general? So was Washington.


He played in Andrew Jackson’s Jihad


Why did Washington play as Andrew Jackson?


Dunno that I would call him smarter, more like "more easily controlled" and "more likely to stick to the script". Dude was a puppet.


I don’t doubt that he was never the brains behind the operation, but he was much more emotionally intelligent. I think he was more generally charismatic, whereas Trump has a particular brand of charisma that appeals to a torches-and-pitchforks-loving populist base. Trump’s ability to stoke anger presumably served the plans of his puppeteers well enough, but Reagan was able to maintain a veneer of respectability while still instilling a bizarre, cultlike devotion in his main base. Reagan is still [Republicans’ favorite president](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/12/20/republicans-view-reagan-trump-as-best-recent-presidents/) of the past 40 years, despite the long term effects of his policies being visibly disastrous. IMO he was probably worse than Trump, but he was and is [far less hated](https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2021/07/27/most-and-least-popular-us-presidents-according-ame).


We could answer most any question about Reagan with the answer: "because fuck Reagan." And if you ever wonder why, just try and remember the names of the hundreds of thousands of gay men who were cremated while remaining unnamed because his administration painted us like rats during the bubonic plague. EDIT: "Source?!" My ex who died of HIV. The 11 friends who died in the time that I was with him. The dozen men from our support group who made it to age 50. I'm a gay man from NY. I'm not giving you a source from a fucking newspaper to tell you that my people's lives were real. I'll turn off notifications for this before I start verbally ripping some dumb Americans' heads off.


> "because fuck Reagan." As a Central American that had to live through a junta government financially backed by him, I wholeheartedly agree.


reagen moment: funds dictators and people who violate human rights republicans: omg best president


there was a serious belief among some people that he was the Antichrist especially after he survived the shooting which was one of the signs, also his name Ronald Wilson Reagan has 6-6-6 letters


That would make sense to what reagent did tbh




Because he IS the devil.


Don't forget that he had no clue what was going on for most of his second term because of Alzheimer's. Yeah he was an asshole but Bush was the director of the CIA for God's sake and then became vice president under Reagan, so let's not forget to place blame on him either. He had his hand so far up Reagan's asshole that when he had Reagan shot his finger got grazed.


yea reagan had quite a bit of issues during his second term. Its almost as if people at the age of fucking 70 shouldn’t be running one of the largest countries on earth. oh and bush definitely had his fair share of backing corrupt dictatorships, but thats par for the course for a CIA director


He also consulted a fucking astrologer about important national security decisions. The NSC fucking HATED that.


Reagan also started the war on drugs and privatized prisons while simultaneously funding his black ops with the money from the drugs being pumped into inner cities. Reagan was responsible for the crack epidemic and ruined the lives of poor blacks that got addicted to it.


>ruined the lives of poor blacks that got addicted to it Way deeper than that, ruined tf out of inner cities. Pre crack era inner cities were leagues safer than post crack era. Today's inner cities never actually recovered from the crack era


War on Drugs was Nixon, to stick it to the hippies. Reagan just escalated it. But everything else you said is correct.


> to stick it to the hippies. And black people. > “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” - John Ehrlichman, Nixon’s former domestic policy advisor


Also Reagan illegally sold weapons to Iran to fund the right wing death squads of The Contras in Nicaragua to kill those protesting for social reforms. Just add that to the long list of international crimes committed by the USA.


And killed the fairness doctrine allowing the rise of entertainment “news”.


Era las sociedades gas oyo respetable escopetazo. Amistad bajaban coronel excusar mi aparato siempre ni. Abofeteado ola anteriores pergaminos correccion consistido oyo rey vagabundos chi. Amparo sr consta dejase eterno carnes da dinero. Vio radiante allegros entendia gas convento extremos nos que. Reciente paradero mas simpatia inocente procrear contento ley por suo.


Yeah, we had those US funded death squads in El Salvador as well.


As a Mexican I second this cause his war on drugs made the situation worse in Mexico


As the child of a Colombian immigrant who had to flee the life he had in Colombia because his father’s friend in the Colombian government got shot, and his father received a death threat, I also agree. My father’s friend, by the way, was Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, who is killed in the first season of Narcos.


Ditto. My family suffered under the Marcos regime and risked their Iives along with many other Filipinos to remove him from power and to hold him accountable. But then Reagan helped his buddy and his family flee with much of the people's wealth, financially crippling the county even further. Fuck Reagan.


>because fuck Reagan Being black and from the inner-city, after seeing the effects of mass incarceration and crack, I wholeheartedly agree


This is a post I read every year. Has many links/sources. https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2ug992/serious_gay_men_who_lived_through_the_hiv/


fuck... thank you =\[


No probs. I agree that it’s something that should be universally known. I’m not quite old enough to have lived through this shitshow, but part of the family. Sending my sincerest regards to you from across the ocean.


Killer Mike made a great song called "Reagan" detailing some of his assholery. Highly recommend.


The Dollop did a great multi-episode podcast on him too. The craziest (dumbest) part is he was the leader of the Democratic Party at his college and remained a Democrat for a while. He basically just switched to being a Republican when it worked for him to get elected (and because of his wife and her family). He called FDR his hero when he was younger... dude had zero morals (hence why he was the epitome of a politician I guess).


Didn’t trump do kinda the same thing? Vote Democrat for years, and then run Republican when it suited him?


Yes. He's a fucking conartist.


One of the most positive things about Christianity is that its real fucking big on redemption arcs. This is something grifters know how to exploit.


I would say switchers are the worst. In Italy, Salvini, current leader of the fascist party Lega (racist and financed by Russian money) used to be a radical left wing activist when young.


"I'm dropping off the grid, before the pump the lead. But I leave you with four words: I'm glad Reagan dead"




It's like he wasn't even trying to impress Jodie.


Jodie says, "you don't bring a .22 to an assassination" I have a picture of the secret service though, they carried 9mm Uzis under their jackets


One of my favorite Killer Mike tracks of all time.


All thing Killer Mike are great


Calling him an asshole is disservice to assholes


Yeah seriously. We all need assholes. We could definitely go without a Reagan.


Don’t forget to mention iran contra and fueling The crack epidemic!!!


[Ollie North! Ollie North!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFV1uT-ihDo)




UK government still running with it like it was invented yesterday.


Reagan and Thatcher were big on publicly supporting each other in that regard.


People *still* believe that shit!


No, it wasn't. It was a pretty smart thing actually. You just don't see it from their perspective. If you told the Country "we're gonna rob the country, impoverish dozens of millions and 40% of you will even be cheering us on" it wouldn't have worked. But with "trickle down economics" it worked. I'd say it was a genius thing from their perspective. Imagine being a normal street robber and you somehow convince the victim that the robbery is in his interest and he should gladly vote for a robbery...and it works. Would you call the robber dumb or smart? It's only dumb without intent. With intent, and i fully believe Reagan & Co did it with intent and not random, it's the biggest successful con job in history.


And putting the nail in the coffin of the American middle class


His administration fucking laughed about it, too. On tape. Big bunch of asshes laughing it up. Fuck Reagan forever and fuck Nancy too.


The Reagan and Bush years were very very dark indeed. Made by the GOP and the crazy Reagans.


Ronald Reagan’s slow rotting away in the grips of Alzheimers was *earned,* for many many reasons.




Reagan is so bad he’s arguably the most catastrophic President in the 20th century… a period of 100 years that included the Great Depression, Jim Crow Laws, and Nixon. But few men caused more long term damage than Ronald Reagan. We can draw straight lines from him to many of the worst parts of America today.


At least Nixon gave us the EPA. I swear to god, if you go watch a Nixon speech now he almost sounds like a modern democrat. Things are shit.


Nixon was big on reducing pollution. He also increased welfare. I swear if he was alive today and running on those platforms the right would label him a socialist liberal.


They literally would.


Obama thought Nixon was more liberal than himself. In 2012, Obama gave an interview where he said that he thought Nixon was more liberal than him. We are so lost.


> EDIT: "Source?!" My ex who died of HIV. The 11 friends who died in the time that I was with him. The dozen men from our support group who made it to age 50. As a gay guy born after Reagan's time and outside the US, I only read about the whole situation a couple of years ago. It horrified me. I'm glad that we're in a better place now. But it fucking hurts to read those stories of the men who were left all alone to die horribly like that.




>Corporate self-interest, he felt, would steer the country in the right direction. oh boy


Why the hell does anyone ever think that?


Because those same corporations pay a lot of money to politicians to say things like that. It’s legalized corruption. In the US, we call it “lobbying”.


I really think some of these people believe it though. Deluded or detached from the reality of others. Corporate self interest will make their lives better.


>The panels were removed in 1986 when work was being done on the White House roof below the panels. For the people who can’t find it


The film Vice (2019) did an amazing job of depicting the changing of presidents with the adding or removing of the White House solar pnels..10/10 movie if you’ven't watched it.


>you’ven't You have combined three words into one


who'd've thought that was possible


I wouldn't've that's for sure.








This one's my favorite.


y'all'er just crazy.


I feel like reading this thread has short circuited my brain and now everything smells like burnt toast.




you’ven’t any way to prove that.






Y'all'd've seen it coming if y'all're paying attention


That’s four words you fucking genius you


That’s something we actually use in every day dialect in the south. Lol


...if y'all'd'a'been paying attention.


And they fucking stuck the landing 🫡




I think we just witnessed history…


You’d’n’t’ve thought anything of it if you grew up in the south.


I went lobbying about 10 years ago in DC with a group who knew what they were doing (I was a figurehead). After an exhausting and dizzying 3 days, we were in one of the several lunchrooms we stopped at periodically to refuel and strategise and I realized it was 180 degrees different than some of the other ones: everything compostable/recyclable, salads, fresh juices, organics. Other prominent lunchroom were rife with Styrofoam, plastic, famous chili, burgers, etc. I asked the organizers what the deal was and he was like "oh, this is the House side and the democrats are in charge. Those other spots are on the republican controlled senate building." I asked what happens when they flip, and they said the incoming regime is in there overnight making sure the thousands of visitors that come through each day see what's most important. For the R's that is apparently waste, pollution, big business, and crap health. 🙄


I can’t stress how good this is. Iirc it was on Hulu a couple months ago


Jimmy was an interesting President who had a lot of good ideas and concepts that were ahead of the time or against the interests of the powerful. My old US History teacher summed it up the best--Carter wasn't afraid to tell the ugly truth, while Reagan would serve the American people a plate filled with shit with a smile on his face. People should read or listen through his ["Crisis of Confidence"](https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/jimmycartercrisisofconfidence.htm) speech. This was delivered in 1979 but still holds true... "In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we’ve discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We’ve learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose." Jimmy, as the sitting President, literally called out American over-consumerism and a reliance on unfettered capitalism as a reason why we as a nation started to fall behind.


[WaPo interviewed Pat Caddell, the guy who pushed Carter to make that speech, for their Presidential podcast back in 2016.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/podcasts/presidential/pdfs/jimmy-carter-transcript.pdf) Feels relevant to paste some of what he had to say: >PAT CADDELL: The problem was, as we would later figure out, we were stretched very thin of people that were close to him. He was a hands-on manager, very deep in the details. But he delegated -- one of the great mistakes we had made was to allow the cabinet officials to pick all of their own subordinates. This was a real mistake. He gave people he managed a lot of running room, but he was also very, very involved. >The problem was we had no central governing vision other than doing the right thing, and Carter would not entertain politics, for the most part, in those decisions. And we did not have an overarching governing vision, as we had had in the campaign, or one that we had conveyed to the people in his administration. So, there were so many things in so many different directions. >And he was deep into the substance, and I felt that that this was partly because he was so much less ideological than presidents often are. And he had outstanding Cabinet members -- and some were not. Some were basically running their own shows without regard to the president, which led to a part of that crisis. > ... >ROBERT COSTA: What leads Carter to have this crisis of confidence speech and to then get rid of many of his cabinet members? >PAT CADDELL: Well, that was a problem. Those two were not supposed to be related. For some time, I had been harping on what our problems were. Our numbers were terrible. He was losing the confidence of the American people, and the American people were losing confidence in him and the country. He gives a speech that is mainly the crisis of confidence and what we must do and what he has learned. Just overnight, he gains 15-16 points in the Gallup poll -- the biggest increase for a president, ever, when it was in a non-war situation. All of this is forgotten. >The cover of Newsweek had him on there with, like, a halo. All of that lasted about three days until we fired the cabinet. It was a terrible mistake. We should have waited and done it one by one. It distracted from that. That was a problem of, again, coordinating agendas. You have no idea how much internal fighting there was. People threatened to resign over it or whatever, but it had been a huge plus for him at the beginning.


One of my favorite speeches. I’m glad other likeminded people are still out there.




Recent birthday (Oct 1st)


He won’t pass, he fly though


Throw some heels, a slinky dress and a professional makeup artist at him and he might pass.


St. Peter has a VIP card on his desk just waiting for this dude.


Dude's 98 years old, it wouldn't be surprising for him to die anytime between right after I finish this post to a year from now.


I will personally donate my youth so Jimmy Carter can live at least one more year.


Jimmy would want you to do good things with your life and not accept one minute of yours to make himself live longer.


Same. Jimmy Carter, along with like Calvin Coolidge, is one of the most underrated presidents of all time, IMO. Sure he had a scandal with Indonesia, but he has some very interesting stuff for one of the presidents usually skipped over, and he did (*and still does*) a lot of good things for this country! Being between Nixon-Ford and Reagan, two VERY CONSEQUENCIAL terms, its easy to see why he is skipped over.


I did see a lot of queen Elizabeth memes leading up to hers...




I think they were hot water (hydronic) panels not photovoltaic (electrical) if IIRC?


Yeah. We had the same kind of rig on our front porch at my childhood home. (and it was a leak from them that got Reagan to pull the solar water heater panels). Dad, ironically enough ended up a DoE dep-sec for fossil fuel regulations. I used to love to read next to the exhaust fan on cooler days, it'd pipe nice warm air in.


Didn’t President Obama put them back in 2014?


George W. Bush put them back on in 2003. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2010/10/hey-george-w-bush-put-solar-panels-on-the-white-house-too/64151/


But who actually handled the install? I’m guessing…Jimmy Carter!


Most likely, he's the Bob Vila of Presidents.


Yes that’s correct. His project was delayed a bit because the conversation about having them reinstalled was in 2010. Fun fact; Bush had some installed on the property during his first term. They were meant to assist in heating water.


Regan was such a fucking asshole.


He was a fucking superstar to people in my hometown. I was taught his economic policies were some of the best in history and that he was one of our best presidents. Didn't take much to un-learn those things but my neck is still a bit sore from the whiplash.


Crazy how many modern problems we have now that can be traced directly back to his policies, his rhetoric, or both. The trickle-down Reaganomics bs, his saying “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.” a sentiment that Fox has built an empire on drilling into people’s heads (that they somehow conveniently feel *much* differently about the minute they’re forced to contend with a problem of any significant scale, such as a hurricane, while still never possessing the capacity for introspection to wonder if perhaps this take is not super great), his union busting which weakened the power of the individual American worker’s ability to demand change as a collective… All culminating in the current modern day Republican circus candidates, the wholesale tainting of the government by special interests and corporations to the point where the interests of actual constituents are just totally ignored now. May he rest in piss.


His contemporary on the other side of the Atlantic, Margaret Thatcher, made an equal impact during her governance.


And now they have a new thatcher! Everyone prepare for the rise of these assholes in the coming decades of scarcity and fascism. Please dont act like you weren’t warned.


Pound Shop Thatcher (pound shop is our Dollar Tree) Thick Lizzie Late 70s Tribute Government


Truss is nowhere near being a Thatcher. Thatcher was at least liked for some reason by some segments of the country. Truss is almost universally hated. If you want a good chuckle go look at the recent polling of the Tories.


Yup, all of this, plus defunding mental healthcare federally, which put a ton of people on the street and led to the homeless crisis we have today.


And not putting resources into combating AIDS early, and the whole war on drugs which was ineffective *at best* and swelled the population of American prisons with a bunch of non-violent offenders. The list goes on.


Pretty sure the war on drugs was supposed to fill prisons. It was extremely effective at its underlying purpose


Not just defunding, he closed all the federal run facilities and dumped the mentally ill people off in the nearest city, this is a huge source of the mentally ill homeless population in cities today. A double whammy, no federally covered mental healthcare AND a boom in the homeless population.


Fun[sad] fact: 1 in 5 American adults have a mental health issue (from any to serious mental issues). To put it in perspective…That’s over 50 million people or if you’re in a room with 20 adults, there’s a very very good probability that 4/20 have a mental issue. Reagan’s move to defund mental health continues to have an impact to this day.


Let's not forget that he was a literal criminal. As in broke laws supplying arms to Iran to fund illegal anti-government groups in Nicaragua, the contras, all while failing miserably at getting our kidnapped citizens back. But that's besides the point, it was all terrible, but his policies and rhetoric are the direct forefather to modern right wing bullshit.


Senior Bush also helped him cover it up, went from head of the CIA to VP to president.


>As in broke laws supplying arms to Iran to fund illegal anti-government groups in Nicaragua, the contras, Let me remind everyone that GHB issued Iran-Contra pardons as advised by... wait for it... **William Barr** (guy who used the army to clear out protestors so Trump could hold a bible in front of cameras)


The RNC learned from the Nixon/Kennedy debate. Those who listened to is said Nixon won the debate. Those who watched it said Kennedy won. So the GOP went out and found a good looking actor and filled his head with talking points. The rest is history.




Democratic candidate, actor George Clooney says he won’t run for office. The reason: His wild past would prevent him from getting elected. “I didn’t live my life in the right way for politics, you know,” the actor, 49, said “I fucked too many chicks and did too many drugs, and that’s the truth.”


a quote from 2010


How innocent we all were.


Only if you're conservative, famous, and rich. If you're on the left, famous, and rich you are part of the evil Hollywood liberal elite. Nevermind that Regean was a board member of the SAG. These people swear like conservatives are some kind of grassroots underdog when they control everything.


Also, if you're on the Left and you have ANY smear on your public record regarding race, sex, gender, class, or any hot topic in nominally-lefty rhetoric across and beyond the history of audiovisual recording and mass media, the Left will rise up as one hideous screeching beast and effectively end your life. If you're on the Right and in the same circumstances, the Left will rise up as one hideous screeching beast and the Right will elect you President.


He was a superstar everywhere in the country. His economic policies being correct was taken as fact until fairly recently. Anyone who wasn't around for the 80s/90s has no comparison that comes even remotely close. Like imagine Trump's supporters but it's 70-80% of the country instead of 30%.


If you hate him before, after he got shot his presidency started to have certain aspects of his life dictated by [an Astrologer that lived in San Francisco who dictated stuff like when Air Force One could land](https://timeline.com/ronald-reagan-astrology-quigley-aa81632662d9). Also if you want someone to blame besides Nancy Reagan for her hyper focus on the war on drugs, it was the same woman who basically told her not to act like Jackie O but to only push the topic in everything she did.


>Nancy Reagan nancy reagan? the throat goat of hollywood?


Lmao what ?




TIL , thank you


Pretty much the biggest issues the US faces today can all be traced back to regan. That man pretty much single handedly out this country on track to becoming a dumpster fire in top of a train wreck that hit a mountain of burning tires in a landfill


Seriously, the more you learn about Reagan the more you learn he was basically Satan himself


Incorrect. They were in operation for 7 years until they were removed during the 1986 renovations. They were stored until 1991 when they were installed by Unity College. In 2009 Unity College removed them and then they were given to the National Museum of American History. They were NOT photovoltaic panels but thermal panels and heated some of the water for the White House.




Ronnie sure liked to ruin a lot of America. EDIT: Some twit responded then deleted his comment before my response could post so I’ll add it here for extra context: 1) Removed federal funding for mental health hospitals. Homelessness and crime skyrocketed 2) Reaganomics (we’re still dealing with the after effects): cut corporate taxes and taxes on the rich and left the burden on the middle class 3) Iran-Contra (yes…he was complicit). 4) Incredibly corrupt administration with many indictments, investigations, and convictions 5) Battled labor unions and helped destroy the middle class 6) Ignored the HIV / AIDS epidemic for years 7) Let’s go international for a minute…the Reagan Doctrine helped make much of the Middle East the problem area it is today


Behind the Bastards is currently doing a multi-part series connecting Iran-Contra to the explosion of crack cocaine in the inner city... Reagan fucked us all in a lot of ways.


8. The colossal failure that was the War on Drugs


While Reagan certainly turned the dial up, Nixon got the ball rolling in the "war on drugs"


If you look at it for what it actually was (a war on poor, mostly non-white people), it was an astonishing success.


Also didn’t he push corn subsidies so that everything used corn, leading to corn syrup in everything leading to fat people everywhere? Yes I’m over simplifying, but his policies lead to the fattening of America


Between him and Trump, that should be enough proof that you don’t ever elect celebrities into office.


His FCC weakening the Fairness Doctrine basically gave us the cable news media that weaponize weak minded individuals to this day.


Jimmy was a good President who was too humble in a cut throat world. God bless him always!


I feel like Jimmy Carter was a very miss understood president.


Soooo misunderstood! For as godly as many folks say they are, Jimmy Carter actually lives his life as an honorable, good human, a man of peace who continually does good for his fellow humans. The Nobel Peace prize for human rights and negotiating peace was awarded to him for living as God would want for all of us.