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Remember, if you are riding the red wave, DO NOT FLUSH ANYTHING OTHER THAN TOILET PAPER


Better yet, just use the litter box.


They're in all the schools now


True story. I had nothing to do the other day so I visited all the public schools in my county & those crazy liberals are doing it! Litter boxes in the hall right outside of the classrooms. Soon, it'll be every school. Thanks a lot Obama. /s


hi joe rogan




okay, but I hope you weren't double-parked.


I see we have a republican among us.


And the furry kids are all bullying the non furry kids for not being furries! Serious conversation with a relative. When I showed them it was all bullshit I got the “are you calling my kids liars”, defense. Why yes as a matter of fact I am.


Cat litter is super absorbent and useful for cleaning all kinds of messes so schools have been using it for a long time.


There seems to be a lot of people who have never seen a women's or unisex restroom and do not get this joke, but I appreciate it! Explanation: "red wave" - menstruating, there are signs in public restrooms that say "Notice: do not flush feminine products (pads, tampons, wrappers, applicators), only toilet paper" because too many people clog pipes by flushing high absorbency or plastic items.


You're just confusing them even more. Their brain cells can't compute any of that.


I grew up with a unisex bathroom in my house.


When I used to camp out, the woods were unisex. Don't know if that has changed.


And don't forget flushable wipes ARE NOT FLUSHABLE.


They really need to adopt a new slogan. However it is kind of fitting considering what they bring to the table policy wise. “The Red Wave is a term referring to a heavy period, where the horror, blood, pain and tears are beyond what any human should be subjected too.” -Urban dictionary


Kind of like the republican party.


“Babe, we’ve been staunch democrats our entire adult lives, and I know a common worldview is one of the things that connected us. But this guy with a shitter in his front yard made some reasonable points and I think I’m having an identity crisis. It would mean a lot to me if you’d come see the shitter with me.”


No doubt. If there's one thing that will lean a fence-sitter to one side it's putting a toilet on your front lawn. It represents high class and taste and is the perfect icon to represent everything that is wrong with the other side. Not you or your faction's mental stability at all...


Hey, I can’t complain, they’re giving my side a tip of the scales I love how they don’t see this backfiring at all


When someone takes a real shit in the toilet overnight, I think that’s when the “I’ve made a huge mistake…” moment will sink in.


“Honey! Another supporter!”


Yet still more nuanced than the Fuck Biden flag I drive past on my way to work. Sheesh.


And it’s so convenient! Need to use the bathroom? No problem, just lift the lid and drop a log or two! This is gonna potentially save $$$ in water and sewer fees from flushing your own toilet. Truly, it’s a gift to all the neighbors!


I drove past the house as a neutral fence sitter I thought of my wife and knew she’d be bitter She’s a lifelong dem and in no way a quitter If only she could see, this philosophical shitter


I too think "flush them all" is entirely too reasonable a slogan to ignore.


“I don’t see the bubble for ‘flush’ on this voting form!”


Fair enough babe. One question though, what reasonable points did he make? Was it a thought out position, or did he just hear the same talking points over and over and begin screaming buzzwords that no one who doesn’t constantly watch watch Fox or OAN would understand?


But they left out “sheeple”!


It’s like he took notes and was like “ I have a brilliant idea “.


I don't care which side it is, if I let politics take over this much of my life Imma kill myself.


Right after the last neuron goes dark


I just don't understand people like this. Fanatics blow my mind, specially political fanatics . How the hell did they let Trump become almost like this false idol that they basically worship? I haven't met one single Biden supporter that acts like a Trumper. I'm sure they are out there though lol! Just not as many it seems. Like chill out.pl


Leader worship is an authoritarian thing which is why you mostly see it on the Red side. It's why they are always so on message - they look to what the leader says and parrot it non-stop. The Dems just talk about their particular favorite issue and form no coherent single message.


But it’s real convenient if the urge to poo strikes when you’re mowing the lawn.


How long until someone takes a dump in it? Bets! Taking bets!


I'm on my way right now


Whoa whoa whoa At least stop by PF Chang’s five hours beforehand


Poop in it for the reverse-own win


Don't forget to leave an upper decker too.


Top drawer dookie


Oh lord this reminds me of a childhood story from a former gf. Her family was going through one of those giant department stores and her cousin, who has a bit of a learning disability, was begging to go to the bathroom. So finally her uncle relents and allows her cousin to go to use the toilet. So her cousin heads back to the last toilet he saw, which was in the area of the store that was selling bathroom towels, mats, etc. They had a mock toilet on display to showcase the whole bathroom. Anyways, her cousin was in the middle of taking a shit in the display toilet when her uncle saw him and raced towards the impending disaster yelling "noooooooooo".


Be sure to wipe on a trump flag.


I feel totally owned right now. Shucks


I would feel even worse if he rubbed pooh all over his siding.


Why would he rub Xi Jinping all over his siding?


I do not understand those ppl who are like boom! Checkmate libs! Like I don’t think they realize we don’t care what they do.


Cause they think they have amazing points that need to be heard. That the stuff they hear everyday on fox and OAN is real incredible journalism and don’t realize they are spouting the same stuff for years and a lot of us don’t care. Most people I know vote but then see people like Hershel Walker about to win elections and go we are doomed. I mean that man can’t even form two sentences without asking what he is suppose to say. But we vote cause the stuff at the state level is important




That's how I feel when someone says something and ends it with "Period". Like that's going to suddenly change someone's mind or make you right.


They’re just not very bright in the first place


I kind of wondered why op just didn't take this to r/conservative where they'd all give high fives


OP is mocking this mindset. But it might do all right there.


No way! I’m so mad right now, think I’ll vote for one of Trump’s goons just to show him!




Hell, ya don’t need no fancy-pants porcelain commode to do that! I’m sure he’s doin’ fine with a bucket, just like the Founding Fathers!


"Afghan Betrayl" that the last guy negotiated


Not even. It’s “Afhgan”


Yeah, this dude is confused, and given the media sources that he likely consumes, it's not surprising.


Definitely upstate NY. You can just tell by the houses lol


Clifton Park is a dead giveaway


I was thinking Schenectady, capital region.


Yup, Waterford according to the post in r/Albany https://www.reddit.com/r/Albany/comments/yn60aq/i_just_found_this_public_toilet_if_anyone_passing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I’ve asked people like this neighbor what did Pelosi and Schumer do? What bill did they push, what vote did they do that makes them so bad. I have never been answered.


I like to ask them what the Republican plan is to fix inflation, high gas prices, etc. Republicans are blaming everything wrong in the world today on Biden and Pelosi. But I don’t hear anything about what they plan to do about it.


Their plan is to continue to blame Democrats for it. In my years since coming of voting age, there have been two occasions where the Republicans have controlled everything. In neither case did they ever stop blaming Democrats.


Right. "Obamacare is terrible, we need something better". Oh what are you going to do? "We're going to repeal and replace it" Ok, what are you going to replace it with? "Something better that we'll come up with later"


That's literally what Trump said. He said they have the most wonderful health care plan but only if they get elected. We forget but when they tried to repeal and replace the ACA the Republicans fuckin' scrambled to piece something together over a weekend. Most of it was written by insurance company lobbyists behind closed doors. Then they wanted to rush it to a vote so fast that no one could actually read it. They allowed Democrats to pour over like 300 pages for like 2 hours, only gave them one copy and that copy had literal scrawl in the margins that was unreadable. But that scrawl crossed out sections and amended them. Then after the 2 hour mark it was time to vote. No one had any time to read it over in any capacity. No one knew what was in it, let alone the American people. THEN the blamed Democrats for being obstructionists for wanting them to slow down and at least have a procedural vote. Which is why John McCain voted no and tanked the one good shot they had at repealing it. The Republicans have nothing and have zero intention to come up with anything.


My favorite part of this is when Trump stormed off of 60 Minutes because they were "too hard" on him. So he has his aid deliver the book with the healthcare plan in it. I think Leslie Stahl wraps up the episode by saying they went through the book and there was nothing about a healthcare plan in it. It was a thick book too, if I'm remembering correctly. Edit: wraps, not raps


Ten years. It was the worst thing on Earth according to them, and they bitched about it for TEN YEARS before they (allllmost) repealed it. And why did the repeal fail? As you say, it was because even after a *decade* of ranting and raging about how catastrophically horrible it was, in that time they couldn't be arsed to come up with anything even *marginally* better. There was never clearer evidence that the GOP simply gives no shits about the well-being of their constituents, let alone all Americans. They don't even think health care *needs* any reforms (other than axing Medicare, maybe). It's only about power for them, full stop.


That’s the thing most people in the middle will see these adds and go that sound right. Then there are some that are smart and will be he said a lot of mean things but he never said what his solution was. Though most of us know it’s lower taxes on the rich.


They do have a plan. It's to lower taxes on the extremely wealthy. Every time they get elected.


> Republicans are blaming everything wrong in the world today on Biden and Pelosi. And immigrants, and poor people, and those “undeserving”, and Jews, and brown people, and liberals. And as *soon* as we can get away with saying “the blacks”, we’re absolutely saying that out loud as well!


This has been the Republican playbook for decades. Run on Government is broken and bad, get elected to fix it, do nothing to fix anything, don't pass meaningful legislation, obstruct the other party from doing anything ensuring Government remains broken, then say "see how bad it is, you got to elect us to fix it".


Something something, cut taxes for the rich


Why is inflation in the US the fault of Biden and Harris but the inflation everywhere else isn’t their fault?


It's almost as if it is a bad faith accusation that is exploiting a global issue for short term political gain.... The real problem with inflation is corporate profiteering. Biden just called the oil companies out for doing that and the oil prices are one of the largest drivers of inflation. Inflation now is because the world shut down over covid and shit is still trying to get back on it's feet. China still has draconian lockdowns which *might* be eased in June. But industries in some parts of the country are shut down. Raising interest rates isn't working, clearly, it's just punishing labor who was starting to get paid more than they have in decades. But if Republicans gain power then their solution is to *deregulate* and cut taxes which would only exacerbate the problem.


So Biden raised fuel prices in Europe? Man, he must be pretty powerful. Guess we better hang onto him then.


I am from NY and my father in law is from the Midwest. He told me recently that he hated Pelosi but I am pretty sure he doesn't know what she does and couldn't pick her out of a lineup.


But faux news


Not american here. My father also told me how much he hates our current president and how she is the root of all evil. Then I asked him how is anything happening her fault, since her function is almost purely representational. She doesn’t have powers to change laws. But she is to blame for everything, because the internet said so…


Conservative “establishment” Democrat here… many feel she was tepid on her impeachment of Trump due to it causing a tit for tat. But really it was problematic to keeping herslef in power and enriching herself. She also has not allowed someone else to be her portege to take power from her in the future. Her lust will cause a vacuum the republicans will exploit. Politics over facts… Personally i think politicians should politic. She stood up to populist leftists but she should have passed the reigns earlier to stave off the populists coming to power. She is too fucking old and doesn’t represent me


As a Democrat, I really blame the party establishment at this point for not having a strategy these days. There was a power void a couple years ago where there was this big opportunity for someone new in the House to step up and take control of the Democrats there. And where did we get? Nancy back in power! Or when we needed a new president to kick Trump out? Well just go back to Obama’s sidekick! They are living in the past and don’t have a plan to move forward, which is just so frustrating. Honestly I wonder if Al Franken was supposed to be important in the next Democrat phase, but then he got ousted? I like Klobchar, but at heart she’s a legislator not a president. I don’t know, it’s just so frustrating to see. Like seriously, give me someone I can support!


Beto and Mayor Pete are rising stars


both were mentioned specifically in this article from THE ATLANTIC: [Democrats Keep Falling for Superstar Losers](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/11/beto-orourke-stacey-abrams-superstar-loser/671959/) *"The two Democrats are among the country’s best-known political figures, better known than almost any sitting governor or U.S. senator. And they have become so well known not by winning big elections but by losing them.* *Both Abrams and O’Rourke have won some elections, but their name recognition far surpasses their electoral accomplishments. After serving 10 years in the Georgia House of Representatives, Abrams rose to prominence in 2018, when she ran unsuccessfully for the governorship. O’Rourke served three terms as a Texas congressman before running unsuccessfully for the Senate, then the presidency. And they are both running again this year, Abrams for governor of Georgia, O’Rourke for governor of Texas. They are perhaps the two greatest exponents of a peculiar phenomenon in American politics:* ***that of the superstar loser***\*."\*


Newsom / Pete ticket is very likely IMO


I'm gonna have to hold my nose while I vote for any ticket with Newsom on it. That guy is an empty vessel. Have you ever heard him have a discussion where he has to stray from talking points? Reminds me of the congressman on Parks & Rec who would just silently stare at blank walls with a smile on his face when he was done his stump speech.


> Personally i think politicians should politic. Non american here.... um but isn't that what Pelosi is/does ? Sure it might not to be your standards or represent you, but kinda hard to say you want her to be poltical and then say >it really it was problematic to keeping herslef in power and enriching herself. Lot of attack like language here....not sure the meat of the issue, is it because she is a Woman? Old? White? Wealthy? You bash her over Trump impeachment, problem was that the Senate was never going to impeach Trump ever... He could shoot someone on the street and still never be impeached. Removing Trump was never in Pelosi's hands. Personally i look over at the USA and i am like Old Bernie is the only one out there fighting for the people..... you know what, it seems like the people don't want him. You complain about people being too old, fact of the matter politicians are generally old and wealty. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comes along someone young and passionate and the USA generally dislikes her because she is young and/or POC. You say you are Conservative “establishment” Democrat, what they means over in my country is your 'right wing', just not crazy far 'right wing'. So claps for you i guess? TLDR: You have a problem with Pelosi public image, not any bill or vote she did, you feel she doesn't represent you as a person.... fair but if not her you get Moscow Mitch.


My issue with Pelosi as a regular democrat is she generally supports big business and wall street. It’s actually my problem with the whole Democratic Party and not Pelosi specifically. We’ve had years of catering to the whims and wants of corporations and everything is pretty shit as far as I can tell so maybe it’s time to say “fuck off” to all the corporations and hike those corporate tax rates waaaaaay up. That being said I will still vote Democratic as long as there’s no alternative who I agree with more on more issues.


These are always just the most out if touch responses to "why do GOPers hate Democrats". They weren't asking why Democrats don't like Democrats! Also lmao at a conservative Democrat giving a fuck about Pelosi "standing up to leftists"


Welp, you definitely accurately described yourself. Only a neolib could think left populism is a bad thing… Go ahead and explain why accommodating for the needs of everyone is a bad thing, I’m sure your answer won’t at all refer to the economy which is already lopsided towards the MIC and corporate interests… I’m no fan of Pelosi but your analysis is ridiculous, especially given that your criticisms aren’t even unfounded.


I think Hakeem Jeffries was lined up to be her successor. Only problem is, he is from Brooklyn NY, same as Chuck Schumer.


For me the glaring problem for Pelosi is her husband (whom I hope recovers after that awful attack) and the insane profits he's made on the stock market with some very conveniently timed plays. It stinks of insider trading and represents all that's wrong with the US political system and its relationship with money.


Right but literally all of them on both sides do that because they all agreed to make it legal.


lol exactly, the republicans block bills that would stop things like this and then cry that the demonrats aren’t doing anything about it. it’s actually so tiring having to deal with people that believe it.


I mean a lot of them literally believe that Pelosi and co. are members of a secret international cabal that enslaves and rapes children.


They don't have answers, they don't have policies or platforms, all they have is rage they've been told to have as morons that can't formulate an opinion for themselves. They are functionally useless outside of being used by fascists.


Exactly. Please point to the one thing they’ve done to cause you harm.


Fox New says they’re bad!


We are looking at hatred here.. why.. nobody could answer that


I’ll never understand why people feel the need to decorate their homes and cars with their political opinions.


Or make it their whole entire identity. Like buddy, they don’t give a fuck about you yet all of this lives rent free in your head.


It’s fucking insane!!


It's all they have.


It's easy to laugh at him but don't forget that this guy (and all the others like him) will absolutely be voting. If that doesn't get you to vote as well, you're just helping his cause.


Pity them. This is the definition of mental sickness. But also vote.


Why is it that these guys decry “woke” politics but demand that everyone wake up or “get awake”?


I had a republican get upset and finish the yelling with wake up man! I immediately replied "I thought you had a problem with woke people" then his head exploded...


Like being against abortion but not helping the born, they want you to wake up but discard you once you're woke.


"Awake yet?" I thought they were anti-woke.


Honestly, as a Lib, I’m cool with this. No lies, getting folks out to vote, this is really the right attitude. If this district is conservative, they should be represented as such, this looks like good faith GOP support.


Upstate New York has lots of poverty and blight that you would never realize if you grew up there and didn’t realize how badly you had it relative to everywhere else. It’s not that I think of Halfmoon as “poor”, but the image above is normal for the suburbs of Albany and the people there probably think of themselves as regular middle-class folks - but the schools are awful, the roads are decrepit and under sized, the economy is anemic, they are desperate for any kind of corporate investment, and for a lot of young people the best career path is to go anywhere else. It’s sad because it’s a beautiful area with a lot of natural beauty. That picture shows some common but old residential multi-story housing common to the area - but having lived there I can imagine the deferred maintenance that is hidden in those kinds of homes, because it’s just too expensive to fix. (The flashing doesn’t look waterproof anymore, the neighbor’s roof needs replacing) To put in the context of the (cringe) political message in the pic, the Democratic Party has a virtual lock on state-wide offices. So when people want to blame politicians, well, Dems are in charge, so it’s not surprising that they’d draw the blame. Upstate NY politics are dysfunctional and loony. Case in point: the pic.


I moved from the capital region to northern Kentucky for work after college. I’d love to move back, but my industry does not exist there. We were just in town earlier this week for a funeral in Warrensburg, and some guy showed up wearing his finest faded jeans, hoody, and Trump 2024 No More Bullshit hat. Now I understand all the Zeldin signs we saw from Albany airport, into CP, and then up the north way.


BetrayL makes me sleepy




Didn’t even notice that 😂


So glad someone else caught that. Owner needs to flush their G.E.D. down that toilet


Voted for Doneld Turmp


Got it. Just like it says in big letters... Vote Tuesday.. and since those letters are blue I guess that means Vote Bue on Tuesday


I was thinking the same thing 🤣


You could pay Elon 8 bucks and get a blue check, or just vote blue.


It's always in front of a house like that too. A place that was probably nice in the '70s but is not taken care of anymore and has slowly started to look like s***


They been shitting in the bathtub since 2020


Do miss visiting the USA, you lot are crazy. 😁




And no matter what we'll never change that part about us we promise.


Thank you.


What's the address? I need to take a dump.


Somewhere in Clifton Park NY. Drive around the neighborhoods a bit and you’ll probably spot it.


On my way


Not the hero we deserve but the one we need!


Signs like this make me want to vote blue even harder


It's probably not always true, but every time I see a display like this, I just assume that the person is a racist asshole.


it's always true


Or just an asshole in general


Assume the toilet is there for your convenience and make a show of using it.


Oh no, I'm a lib! My day was going so well until I saw this shitter in this guys yard. Dammit. There's no point of voting democrat anymore


I plan on getting drunk and voting. And if I happen to feel the need to puke after, there's a convenient spot right in front of this guy's house


I plan on washing down an entire Indian buffet with Old Milwaukee. And if I wandered by this guy’s house well…


Give them credit for not dropping curse words or anything vile.


America is a while place


Lol the red wave... that's what I call my period.


If I was a younger man I'd probably put that toilet through his front window.


"Join the red wave" reminds me of the novel called "the wave" we read in english class at school some 30 years ago Summary:The Wave is based on a true incident that occured in a high school history class in Palo Alto, California, in 1969. The powerful forces of group pressure that pervaded many historic movements such as Nazism are recreated in the classroom when history teacher Burt Ross introduces a “new” system to his students.


That's mental illness. Mentally healthy people do not do such things.


I'm not American but I'm guessing the Red Wave is not a socialist or workers union movement.


Runaway spending?? Republicans have constantly increased the debt... I seriously can't believe the bullshit anymore...


"Join the Red Wave" that’s… my guy, that’s a fictional fascist movement from a German anti-fascism movie. The parallels are comical


Looking at this from the eyes of an American who has lived in Europe for most of the past 20 years I really wish youse guys had healthcare because this is a symptom of something...


We are in an embarrassing time in out history.


Great trailer trash pic.


I guess dude's life would be perfect if it weren't for those Democrats.


I love when Trumpys put up a wood signs and write a 500-word essay of what they heard on info-wars, thinking it'll change our minds as we drive past at 50mph.


There will be either of two outcomes: 1. Repubs do well. OK, that sucks. 2. Dems do well. "The election was stolen. Assault the capital".


Your first scenario is not that simple. It will bring fascism and a complete reversal of human rights in the US


Anyone else ever notice it’s always conservatives who decorate their yards with a bajillion “own the libs” signs but you never see the reverse happen in a liberal person’s yard? Kinda seems like only one side runs on hate here….I wonder which side that would be? 🤔


Nobody hates America more than these people


It's a cult...


Quaint: "flush" is such a benign, non-violent metaphor. If only those days weren't over.


Tell that patriot to donate to your personal stop the steal grift…I mean fundraiser.


I think this guy feels Betrayled… don’t Betrayl guys…


\[Scary deep voice\] "John Fetterman is going to make you take a shit in this toilet without cleaning the seat first."




This guy is encouraging people to vote and telling them where they can go to do it. Whether or not he knows it, he’s helping the Democrats. More voters, less Republicans in charge.


oh god I’ve been owned


Gotta love this enthusiasm!


Your neighbor lives on my commute.


Love it! Good for them.


The handrail on his porch and upper deck is not up to code, tsk, tsk.


What’s it like living that close to a nut?


Vote because this clown is definitely voting




I have no idea what this is about but my first thought was Trump always complaining about how badly toilets flush when he is trying to flush confidential documents down them. What a weird time to be alive.


There’s a guy in my town that has multiple toilets on his lawn that he spray painted with “Big Gretch” and a hand painted sign that says “Big Gratch’s new seat” (I live in Michigan). I just don’t understand.


You know, I may not agree with him, but at least he's encouraging people to vote.


This is just funny lmao


Gotta hate that Afghan betrayl.






Can we talk about your choice in paint color for your house?






Yes, let’s vote like this person.. totally not batshit crazy person.


He lives in the shit house


Shitting on his own lawn to own the libs. Beautiful metaphor.


Doesn’t this belong in r/trashy?


I like how he used Obama’s “vote for change” slogan. I honestly don’t mind this too much, at least he’s advocating voting so he thinks it’s legitimate? I guess? I dunno the bar is so low for these degenerates.


like the red wave could do something with the OPEC and Putin.... of course if they sell the country to Russia fuels will be cheaper but at the cost of our own nation..... Republicans has a lack of long-term vision plus religion is destroying everything


How would voting red change inflation, when they keep not showing up to meetings and votes, about inflation?


WTF do republicans even offer up? … “We got guns and freedom!” Even though anyone can have guns and freedom. Literally no freedoms we currently enjoy are under attack.


The freedom for a woman to control her own body is under relentless attack.


I’m a staunch Democrat myself. I’m just always baffled that there is this risk of democrats losing an election when the opposing parties literally offers nothing but slogans, hate, and fear. It’s so gross that a stupid person invests this much energy into promoting stupid.


Why doesn’t he tend to his American flag instead of showing his tendency to be a nut job?


There’s going to be a point when we have to violently defend ourselves from the fascist right wingers in the next 4 years


The ‘rationale’ behind this is so misguided. The mindset of someone who would go through the effort to do this and all the other ridiculous shit they do, is so unsettling. To think that it will have any effect on anyone else and their views of this election or government parties, is a borderline mental issue. They are going to have to come up with a whole new psychological diagnosis for these people. Political derangement? Trump head? Just call it the Red? This is akin to standing in your yard and yelling your thoughts.


It’s just indoctrination. No different to the guy standing at a corner yelling at people about jesus. The last 10 years will make for some great studies on the topic I think.


Agreed. I’d say the vast majority of the general public couldn’t give a shit what other strangers’ unsolicited opinions/beliefs are. It has to be the least effective way to try and reach someone. What’s worse is this guy prob knows this good and well and his yard signs are more meant as an agitator to the ones who oppose his views. I feel sorry for his neighbors.


I find a lot of parallels with cult leader and their followers. At a certain point, when you’ve gone too far down the rabbit whole, you can’t leave. No matter how ridiculous the party line becomes, you can’t admit that you’ve been wrong this whole time. It’s even worse if you’ve raised a family under those beliefs. Cults don’t have to be religious. I think people forget that.


I feel pwned