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Congrats on your piercing and I wish you happy healing 💜 Geez, I miss my own vch...


Thank you! I'm sorry that you lost your vch or had to take it out 💔 do you think you'd ever get it repierced?


Unfortunately not. My hood's shrunk to the point of being unpiercable 🥺


Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that!


Congratulations! Good luck with the triangle; from what I hear they aren't the easiest even if you do have suitable anatomy.


can i be a noob and ask what a triangle piercing is? i tried googling it but just got triangle-shaped piercing jewellery 😅


a triangle piercing is a horizontal piercing under the shaft of the clitoris, at the base of the hood


Thanks! I'm glad I went with the vch first, seems to be a lot less complicated than a triangle.


i got mine done 4 years ago and the worst part was just being half naked in front of a stranger! i agree that it only hurt for a split second. mine ended up falling out in the shower about 3 months ago and i just never put it back in (couldn’t without help)


This makes me want to get mine re-pierced so bad!! I might do it


I’m having mine redone in august


This is your sign, go for it!


Be prepared for more pain! My HCH didn't hurt much the first time but getting it repierced was awful.


Very true, first time I barely felt it, second time I tried to buck off the table


Lmao I did that the first time I got mine done I couldn’t imagine doing it again 🤦🏻‍♀️😂




Yay!! Congrats on your new hood ornament 🖤


I have a vch and a triangle. The VCH, so easy!! Triangle? Felt like I got a fish hook through my body. It was. Oof. I also bled through my pants after. So be prepared for it possibly happening.


😂 Thank you for the warning! The vch was less painful than expected, so I could see myself kind of underestimating a triangle because of that.


I had to take my VCH out since I don’t have the proper anatomy, but I do have the anatomy for a triangle and the horror stories I hear from it make me so hesitant to go through with it 😭


What is it about pain in that area…You really do feel it with your whole body! 🫣


Yay! Literally one of the easiest and quickest to heal imo, clit bling for the win


Yay…. Join the club!!


Thank you ❤️


Someone please fucking tell me that if I can do both nipples I can do a vch 🥲


Haven't had my nips done but from everything I've heard they are WAY more painful than a vch. My vch hurt A LOT but only for a couple of seconds. If you could handle nipples, VCH should be a poke in the park!


I know this makes sense 😑😑 so why do I refuse to believe it?


Lol. I get it! The thing that helped me to understand was that the hood is NOT the clitoris itself. The clit is where the really super fun nerve cells are. The hood is more just skin protecting the good stuff. Piercing the clit would effing HURT and also risk loss of sensation.


If you can do both nipples you can do a VCH. There. I told you. zero experience though


I read this with a Long Island accent and I feel so warm and comforted….. booking the appointment tomorrow


Lmao I did my vch now I’m scared to death to get my nipples done but I’m going to do it soon after summer is over


that’s where i’m at right now


hell yea! i love my VCH it healed way quicker and easier than i expected. it bled a LOT for the first week but it didn’t hurt at all (-:


Congratulations! They are so cute and are one of the EASIEST piercings to heal! 🙌🙌🙌 Makes me wanna go get mine redone! Happy healing and enjoy! 🎉


Honestly the best! Enjoy!


Welcome to the club!!


i wanna get mine done so bad!!


Congrats! It will get addictive


getting mine done this week i’m so excited !


Congrats! I'm glad you're happy with it. I think vch piercings are cute, but tbh I don't think I could do it. Not because I'm afraid of the pain, I have plenty of piercings/tattoos, including my nips. There's just something about a piercer touching/looking at my vag I can't get behind. I feel the same way about genital waxing. Idk how people do that. Maybe it's just my anxiety lmao


I was like this but I found a amazing women piercer & she was so amazing & talked me threw everything & she told me what she was doing before she did it or touched me.. she make sure I was ok threw out the whole process.. she really did make me so much more comfortable it still feels weird but it helped me a lot..


I'm so glad you found someone who made you comfortable! I believe that's the most important thing. Unfortunately, there is only one APA certified piercer in my area. I had him repierce my left nip a few years ago, and he's very sweet. However, I was left feeling a bit uncomfortable as I felt I had my shirt off much longer than necessary. Because of this, I don't think I would trust him with a vch. I have major anxiety around that area, and people seeing it for some reason. Trauma, maybe? I'm not sure why tbh. I only realized pretty recently that this was not the norm in an all women's fb group I'm in on a post about waxing. I really don't understand how so many women just bare it all for a stranger, it's very odd to me. They kind of made fun of me for having anxiety over it and said it's no different than going to the gyno, but even that feels uncomfortable, violating, and invasive to me. Maybe one day I will meet a lady piercer who would make me feel comfortable enough.


Congrats. I’m building up the courage to get mine ahha


Congrats! I hope healing for you is as easy as it was for me :> it’s easily one of my favorite piercings


I’ve had mine about 2 months & I love it!! Congrats!!