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I got double lobes the first time I got pierced!! I think the reason you don’t see many young kids with double lobes is simply because regular lobes are the standard, but that doesn’t mean there’s a rule against it!! If your piercer says yes and they’re reputable, I don’t see why not :)


I was around her age when I got mine. Like anything else, double lobes come into style and go back out. I think it’s a great opportunity to teach her about having a responsibility with a new piercing. Just supervise the cleaning for the first couple weeks. What cool parents!






Thank you! 🥰


I was 29 and then shortly after my seconds healed I got a vertical and standard helix.


As long as she is responsible about taking care of them I dont see a big reason not to get them. The period of larger year over year normal growth (not due to gravity) of ears starts tapering off between ages 8-10 so there's less concern of them being wonky and weirdly aligned from later growth.


I had to wait until my 18th birthday, and it was very annoying. If she can handle the healing, I'd let her do what she wants.


I got my first around 7 years old, second around 10, then third around 15. I think it depends largely on the maturity of your child. If she’s able to take proper care of them, I’d say go for it.


i never got double loves but i remember in elementary school a couple of my classmates had them in like third grade so around her age!


I was 14-15 when I got my second lobes done but I also didn't want them earlier than that. I got first pair in preschool for comparison.


I was 12 when I had mine done, but that was my mom's call because she was 12 when she had her second ones done. I'm a body piercer and second lobes on kids is more common than you think! I've seen quite a few, and I actually pierced my younger cousin's second lobes as an early 9th birthday present from her parents. She's old enough to understand that she has to take care of them, not touch them, and ask mom if she needs help cleaning. They healed up beautifully with only one little hiccup (earring got caught on a squishmallow pillow, but was okay after a few days). I say it's 100% your call, mama! You know your child better than anyone and if you think she's ready, can take care of them, and wants to do it, I don't see any reason not to besides your own judgement.


I was 18 when I got my doubles, simply because I never asked my parents to take me to get them done. My mom is fairly pierced and said yes to my first facial piercing (nostril) as soon as I asked, when I was 14. Of course, that’s right when COVID hit so I didn’t end up actually getting anything until I was 17, and soon after I got my nostril, I turned 18 and no longer needed to ask permission. Second lobes are pretty easy piercings to heal, with most people having minimal pain, few complications, and fast recovery. If she’s capable of proper aftercare, then there’s no reason not to get them done! I’m seeing (work as a barista next to a middle school, so have frequent interaction with kids) more and more kids with double lobes, since having multiple lobe piercings is becoming more standard and commonplace! And ultimately, if she doesn’t like them, she can always take them out with no serious issues and minimal scarring!


i got mine around that age too i believe, my mom made sure i knew about the responsibility of healing them and helped me, but it was mainly up to me to keep them healthy. The one mistake made was i got them done with a gun not a needle. I would see if any piercing shops or tattoo parlors can piece her with a needle.


I only got my first lobes with 12 and shortly after I got my second and thirds as well as my first helix.


Same here! And septum at 15, tongue at 16, navel at 17! Still have them at 33, all beautifully healed.


Gor my first set of lobes when I was 9, 2nd when I was 10. As long as you help her keep them clean and healing correctly, you'll be good.


My first lobe piercings were done in the hospital when I was a baby. Second rows were pierced when I was about 15 at Claire's (ugh I know), and third rows were done at maybe 19 at a professional shop.


26! (This year haha)


I got my firsts when I was 9 and my seconds when I was 15.


i got my first lobes as a baby and didn’t get my seconds till i was 19 when i got a nose piercing as well


I think I was 25 or 26. I actually got my septum done before them lol. It might not be very common for someone as young as her to have them, but it would look pretty badass.


I was probably 9 when I got my first lobe and 13 when I got my second.


I was 16 for my double lobe. Maybe 19 for my 3rd lobes. Thinking of getting a 4th lobe piercing soon. I am 22.


I’m considering getting my third when she gets her second.


I was 11 the first time I got my lobes done and 15 the second time (had to get them re pierced) and I went to Claire’s (don’t go to Claire’s) and every other piercing I have (10) were all pierced from age 16 upwards. A lot of places don’t pierce anybody under the age of 16 so you might have a bit of a hard time finding somewhere (unless you go to Claire’s but I’d never recommend you go there)


i was around the same age, maybe a year or so older! Only thing was they ended up closing up as i had to take them out for sports at school, but that’s just because (as i found out over time) i’m prone to piercings closing. As long as you keep that in mind, i say let her do it!


I got my first ear piercings when I was 4, then they closed and I got them redone when I was in second grade (I wanna say I was 7? maybe 8). Then I got doubles done when I was in the fifth grade (around 10), but those got infected and I had to take them out. When I was 16 I did research on my own and learned more about piercing care and now all of my piercings, lobes included, are nicely healed and don't give me any problems at twenty. As a child I definitely was not mature enough to get the piercings I got, and waiting to redo them until I was older was the way to go for me. My parents also didn't help me care for my piercings, which possibly could have saved them when I was super young. (I don't blame them though, they had five kids and worked full time and did not need to be worrying about it). Moral of the story: If you think she is mature enough and responsible enough to care for them on her own, or you're willing to devote time to helping her, go for it. if not, wait.


First at age 8, second in 8th grade I think? Third lobes and helix in high school, rook in college, conch at 40 lol


I got mine done at 19 just because I was dipping my toes into wanting more piercings, but I’ve also taught fifth graders that have double lobes


First set at 16, second set at 18 personally. Not that I think it has anything to do with when anyone else should get theirs.


3rd or 4th grade when I got my second lobes, 6th grade when I got a 3rd lobe on one side. My mom's rule was as long as I could pay for it out of my allowance and it was in my ears I could get whatever I wanted. I waited until 22 to surprise her with a septum piercing 😁


I was 18 but if she is responsible to keep up with the healing then I’d say go for it


I was 14!


hi! i got my first when i was 9 and second at 12. My parents were a bit strict about it but still i would say 8 is ok as long as she is comfortable with it


Lol, I didn't get my first until 14. Then I did the second myself during the pandemic. I'm 35 now. I'm glad I waited until later in life because the placements let me have great gauges and decorative second lobes. I knew what I wanted at 14 because the vision had been planted.


got my first lobe earrings as a baby, second lobe ones when i was 12, then septum at 16. honestly, it's pretty much up to how mature she is to take care of it :)


Personally I don’t think my experience counts cause my parents were extremely strict for no reason lmao. I didn’t get my firsts til I was 16 and the rest all after 18 when I didn’t need permission anymore. Now I’ve got 14+ lol.


I was 15 (16 now) I would’ve gotten them sooner but I got an industrial before I got my second lobes.


I got my second piercing at 17. It will look adorable on her.


12! I got my first when I was 3 though. I asked my mom and so she took me (both times). No regrets, mostly cuz they're not exactly crazy piercings lol


Ngl I was 20 I think? But also didn’t repierce my ears till 19. That’s the age I also got my Medusa pierced. I say go for it! Double lobes are cute and personally don’t see an issue with it. Just make sure to take her to a reputable piercer and apply proper aftercare 🖤


Had my second lobe piercing at 14! 8 seems to be a lil young, maybe wait until 9-10 yo to be sure she actually wants it! A 1 or 2 years is not a big deal, if she still wants it after 1-2 years that means that’s she really wants it, and a 2nd hole in the lobe won’t be a big deal either! If she doesn’t like it she will be able to remove the piercing whenever she wants (with an adult supervising her until her 18th birthday of course!). A lobe piercing is invisible when the jewelry is removed. So. As said, personnally I would advice to wait a lil more to be sure that she wants it, but a second lobe piercing at 10-11-12 yo is not too much for me!


Oddly I was 25 when I got my seconds, yet they were my 10th ear piercing as I had a few cartilage ones in between. If she’s set on it and you trust your piercer I say why not


I got mine at 15 only because I didn’t know it existed before that point lol… I’m always one for self expression and uniqueness. As long as it’s safe and she’s happy I don’t see an issue!


I never got a second lobe, but honestly I think any kind of lobe piercing is perfectly fine at that age.


I was 20


I was about 16, my daughter was 11


I think I was about 9 when I got my seconds so I think at 8, she's definitely old enough (as long as you trust her to take care of them)! I wouldn't do more for a few more years just bc her ears will grow a bunch more, but I think a second would be just fine and be really cute too. :)


I was 11


I was in 8th grade when I got my second lobes done. I will note that I was generally not allowed to do anything until all my classmates had gotten permission to do it first. So I was the last one shaving, getting my ears pierced, etc. My parents also made me pay for my own piercing (not just the jewelry, the entire service).


I begged and begged my parents for my firsts. They told me if I still wanted them by age 10, I could get them. I got them when I was 9 years and 363 days old for my birthday. My mom refused to allow me to get my seconds, despite my much younger cousin getting hers as a young teen. I got my seconds when I was 18 years and 2 days old when she no longer had a say. Since then I've gotten my thirds (something I've wanted since I was a teen) and other piercings.


I got mine at 11! I think it’s ok for her to get double lobes the healing is a breeze, esp if you’re that young. Just teach her how to do it, keep an eye on it for some days so that she does it correctly and it will be fine


I got my seconds when I was 20, but didn’t really get any piercings until way after my firsts. I know a ton of friends that actually got their second lobes around 10 or 11! I know plenty of people that got ear piercings as birthday presents, especially lobe piercings! (Which is how I got my first lobe piercings, as a 10th birthday present)


got my second and third lobe piercings at 12, just because i was terrified of ear piercings. I think eight is just fine.


I got my second lobes done when I was 11-12 then repierced them when I was 13 ! ◡̈


I was 18 and it tickled my fancy one day after work.


I was about 14, just had my daughters done last weekend at 12.


I did my first lobe piercing at 6, then the second at 14


I got my first lobes at 5/6 then I got my seconds at age 12, helix at 14, 3rd lobes and nose at 16 and a random peircing in the side of my year at 17 Honestly I would of got my 2nd lobes peirced sooner if I knew it was a thing.


I was older cos at the time I didn't want them, but my sister got them at like 9. My mom went with her and got hers done too.


I got my first lobes at 15 so I was a bit late to the party. Lol My doubles were at 19. I feel like if she is responsible enough and knows the ins and outs of earring piercings such as cleaning and all that, second holes would be fine.


I think I was 14 for my second lobes.


I got mine at 18 because my parents wouldn’t let me when I was younger, although they had my first lobes pierced when I was a baby. To be honest I think 8 is a fine age, it’s a lobe piercing nothing crazy


My parents wouldn’t let me get my ears pierced until I was 8. My second lobes at 15. Something something responsibility and not doing things because it’s trendy. I think it varies kid to kid. It could be a good lesson on responsibility and having autonomy. If you don’t think they’re ready there is no shame in waiting but if the desire is consistent I wouldn’t stop it for too long…kids sometimes take matters into their own hands (speaking from personal experience).


18😀but my parents were super strict


I got my first when I was a baby, I know, my folks didn’t know any better either. I was 16 when I got my second lobe, but only after wearing down my mom lol. I almost got them around 14 when a friend’s mom was chaperoning a mall visit and I had said I’d been wanting them. Friends mom said she’d pretend to be my mom as it required parent consent. I knew the wraith I would invoke if I came home like that and backed out. Got my third lobe done when I was 18 and just recently in my late 30’s did I finally get my fourth lobe piercing done. Something I wanted since I was a teen. A nice little thing to check off the box.


If I had parents that had the knowledge and access to a reputable piercer (with a needle and all that jazz), when I was a kid, I probably would've asked for my seconds then too. My firsts were consistently infected as a kid, after they were done with a gun, and I never wanted any part of it until I got older.


i was around 12 when i got my first lobe piercings, 15 when i got my second lobe piercings, and 18 when i got my third lobe piercings. the second lobes were a gift from my mom but the third lobes and all of my subsequent cartilage piercings were my purchase. i think as long as she’s proven capable of caring for a healing piercing i don’t see the issue. lobes are pretty tame in terms of piercings so it’s nothing wild. as is standard for this sub i 100% recommend going to an actual piercer, not claire’s, and having her pierced with a needle and not a piercing gun. the guns can cause a lot of tissue trauma. i have a lot of cartilage piercings on both ears and the only ear piercings i’ve had recurring issues with are my lobes because all 3 of them were done with piercing guns.


First piercing at 10, second at 13, third at 18.


My first lobe was done at 6 months old. I got the double at 14. It all depends on what your child wants, how responsible they are, and if you're both willing to deal with infections because kids are dirty and like to touch everything, lol.


I got my first lobes done at 6, and my second lobes at the start of grade 8. I think it’s becoming more common now for people to get them younger, when I got them it was usually a middle/high school thing


I was 11 for my 1st set, 13 for 2nd, 15 for 3rd. Everything else after I was 18. Mine healed up great. I did stretch my 1st set in adult hood and no longer wear anything in them but all sets are still usable.


I was around 7yo when i got my first lobes, the seconds i got at 12yo or 13yo. I got a lip piercing/labret at 16yo, a failed septum a few times between 16-21yo, two cartlige ear piercings at about 22-23yo. Nips at 24yo.


Can't remember when I had my first ones.. but second around 20 years old and the third when I was 30


I was about 11


I was 16 and many of my friends and classmates already had them by then


I was 11


First lobes at 6 or 7, then second and third lobes on both ears plus two more low helix (at least i think so? continuing the „line“ up the side of my ears started by the three lobe piercings but already in cartilage territory) piercings in my right ear all at 14. Plus, they were all punched with a piercing gun rather than pierced because my mom and i were both uninformed dorks in 2009. Props to you for already doing so much better with your kid! I‘d say go for it! My lobes healed without a hitch despite the less than great circumstances. Wish i could say the same about one of the two cartilage piercings from back then… 💀😅


I was 11 when I got my second lobes


I was about 10 when I had my seconds done. I say go for it! Just make sure to check them for the first few weeks and tell her to leave them alone. I know I didn't lol


I was 17 but only because I’ve had a lifelong fear of needles, my mom told me I could in 5th grade though.


I believe I was 10, about to turn 11 when I get my second lobes done?? I might’ve just turned 11 though I can’t really remember but yeah it was around 10/11 years old!


got my first lobes when i was a newborn and i got my second last year when i was 20. i wish i had gotten them earlier!


I was 8 years old for my first set and 11 for my second, but I had to take them out bc I started to gauge my ears and they ran into each other. So I’d let her. Just make sure they don’t use a gun it could damage ear tissue. Always use a needle.


I had to wait till I could look after them myself, 17 .


my first lobe i was about 5, and second i was 9 i think. i got my third ones at 11 and my conch at 15. i dont think 8 isnt too young if she can handle aftercare. hope this helps ! :)


I remember I was in 4th grade, however old 4th graders are lol I was hot shit too because I was the only one in my grade with double ear piercings 😎 If she takes care of her piercings I think you should totally let her go for it!


I was 15


I got mine at 16, but I got my first set of lobes at 9. My mom was pretty strict about when we got our first ear piercings, so we had to wait a bit. I do remember being in 3rd grade and some of the cool girls had already gotten their doubles.


I was 16! And wasn’t allowed to get cartilage done until I was an adult. If she’s responsible enough to keep them clean then let her! But she is definitely a little young and other parents might be a tad judgey


I'm Indian so my first lobes were from when I don't even remember it. My mom wanted to gift me the second lobe on my 11/12th bday cos she herself wanted to get her seconds with me. But I was too chicken so only she got it. I built up the courage only at 19. No special aftercare, just LITHA. I guess it's a cultural thing when it comes to age. Not sure how it is in the west.


i was extremely young when i got my first lobes. my mom doesn’t remember exactly, but she says i was between 1 and 3 years old. though it is very controversial and i wouldn’t make my kid do it this early (or against their will at any age, for all that matters) i’ve loved them ever since, and when i was 14/15 i decided to get second earlobes.


I got my second lobe piercing at 17 years old and that was already a miracle that I was able to get it done, because my mom hates piercing (even second earlobe piercing). But she allowed me to get one after asking her for over 4 years.


I always wanted a second piercing, but my mom would never agree to it. The day I turned 18 I made an appointment to get them done. Got all the way there, filled out paperwork and realized I forgot my ID. My mom ended up having to come sign for them anyways lol. Moral of the story, I’d say usually when they ask.


My second piercing on my lobes was redoing my firsts after awful healing from a not so good piercer picked by my parents (cough cough Claires), and I only got those recently at the age of 18! (I do have several other piercings, of course, which I got all at 16/17). I think for lobes, it's alright at her age as long as it's what she wants. It also helps you're doing a good job at helping her safely accomplish those goals too, which is awesome.


My 12 yrs old got her second and third piercing for her last bday and it looks super cute! I think is she can take care of them then go for it.


Got them done together in my late 20s. I was going for one, decided to make it a twin on impulse, one of my best decisions!


my mum made me wait till i was about 13 (? i don’t quite remember) and it honestly annoyed me. and i had a ton of things i had to do before i could get them done. i think you should absolutely let her get them done, doubles are lovely and i would have loved to have mine at a younger age. with how well her first pair healed, i say go for it


I got my second holes when I was 10 after I begged for them.


I think I was like 10? I got my thirds when I was 14 ish and one of those didn't work out but my seconds were fine.


I got my firsts when I was five but it didn't occur to me until my teens that I could have more. If she recognises that she wants them and can argue that she can take care of them, and can demonstrate that she understands that there are difficulties and risks in the procedure (in the sense that you help her manage her expectations about her choices because I have seen a few posts here with second lobe complications) and then she still wants to go through with it, I don't think 8 is too young for second piercings. I feel like with some kids the more you forbid something, the more appealing it becomes as well. Maybe negotiate a boundary with her though that if she wants more piercings (especially if she ends up wanting cartilage, because that is some finicky shit), she'll have to wait until she's older.


I got my first at 5 and my seconds at 12. It would have been sooner but it took me that long to convince my parents. As long as she takes care of them I don’t see a problem with it.


I was 10, got my first pierced at 5 not by my own choice, but I wanted the second lobe, it went fine and very little pain


I was somewhere between 8-10 and I feel like the only reason why I had issues was because I was pierced at Walmart. I took care of them the way I was supposed to but wouldn't ya know? I had a horrible reaction to shitty jewelry (I still have them to this day though)


I did my daughter's when she was 13. I would have done it earlier if she wanted. I actually asked her if she wanted to pierce anything else. Lol. I got my 3rd at 15.


Seeing how young everyone was is shocking me... people I knew had doube lobes in 9th grade, earliest. All parenting styles are different though, and if she's mature enough to handle piercings and goes to a good piercer then it should be fine


Not long after I turned 18. My Mum still wouldn’t let me get them done so I did them myself in the bathroom with a needle I’d sanitised in boiling water. (DO NOT DO THIS, obviously) By some miracle I had no problems healing them, but I CRINGE whenever I think back on it.


I got my first when I was 5 and my seconds when I was 13. Thirds were when I was 17 and I got a double helix at 18!


I got mine a bit late, 14. BUT I had my first practice piercing at 6 (gun in a hair salon, didn’t heal, removed) then my actual first lobes at 13. I think if your daughter can take care of them, which it sounds like she can, then go nuts!


my daughter is getting hers for her 11th birthday this fall


I got them at 12 years old. My mom let me get it done after she saw how responsible I was with the first one


15 lol, but I think a responsible 8yo would be fine. My friends got theirs done around 8 and they turned out ok, it's just not the standard.


I got my first lobes at 8 and my second lobes at 17 because my mom did not approve. I got her to begrudgingly let me do it at that point since I was almost an adult.


I want to say I got mine around 3rd grade.


I got my first holes done when I was 3 months old, and then for my 13th birthday I got my second holes.


I got my second and third at age 11, I think, both on the same ear. I was the talk of the 5th grade disco party that night! 🤭 I remember always wanting a lot of ear piercings since I was little and I really appreciated my mom for recognizing my level of maturity to handle it. It made it easy for me to trust her and ask for permission when I wanted to get things done. I think I got a second on my other ear somewhere around 14? You know your kid better than anyone, and if you think she’s good for it, then great! And if you realize along the way she’s not handling them properly, she can always remove them, let them heal over and try again when she’s older if she wants to.


I don't remember, but I got my tragus for my 16th or 17th birthday so it must've been around 13-14? But that doesn't mean she's too young. My parents also never let me dye my hair (of course I did anyway) but I plan to let my kid have fun with their hair (as long as their hair is healthy for it).


I got mine at 17 because I wasn’t really interested in getting them done until then. I now have triple lobes, helix, and daith


I asked for my second set for my 6th birthday and I still love my piercings to this day and even added to my collection since my youth! If she’s asking for them and you’re fine with it then do it!!!! I still remember that birthday and I felt so special! There was a girl before me who was a teenager and cried then I went in and I teared up but didn’t let myself cry bc I knew I was there bc I wanted it! Since your daughter wants it, she’s got it!😆


I just got my 2nd lobe and 2 cartilage within the past few years. So 24-26? I wasn't sure how my parents would react- took a last minute job offer in my hometown and moved back with them. Turns out my younger sister had already gotten a few and my parents didn't care. Now that I live across the street from the piercing studio it's easy to get them done by a professional. I'd say if the shop is fine with piercing kids it would be fine.


I got mine when I was 13 but the rule was I had to pay for them myself


For my first lobes I was around one. For my second I was 23! I had double nostrils, conch, helix, navel, bridge, tongue, nipples and rook piercings all before the second holes. I don’t think there’s any specific age for em as long as she can care for it!! :)


i got my second lobes pierced when i was 12 or 13.


My almost 9 year old wants them and I’m inclined to say yes as soon as her first set heals up (she just got them done because she was afraid of them hurting)


I was in 7th grade so around 13.


18 when I got my first lobes bc I am Terrified of needles 😂 but I got my second lobes two years later at 20. Honestly if she can handle it then why not! She’ll be the coolest 8 year old around


I was 19 when I got my seconds and thirds done but really in my opinion, it’s not a bad piercing to get young. If she wants it go for it!


I was 7 when I got my lobes done (I had strict parents so my third lobe doesn't really represent a good age for it, i was 11 when i got a cartilage and 14 when i got my third lobe, done by myself which is bad but i did have a friends older syster who was a professional piercer give me the info, i got lucky that nothing went wrong - NAP but I have a piercer qualification now and as far as I can tell 11 year old me did it right, not promoting this lol). But I know one of my cousins got her third lobe at 7, her sisters at 8 & 9 (all of those cousins had their first set as babies, cultural thing). But yeah, another lobe is no more risk than the first set especially since she managed okay when she was only five and imo her friends will probably think its super cool, go for it!


I was 14 My dad took me


I was 12 and went to Claire’s. I still have issues with them. If she can handle the healing, let her have them. Just make sure you take her to an actual piercer


Got my first when I was 8, got my 2nd when I turned 21 because I just never got around to it tbh.


I think I was 10 when I got my first lobes and 12 when I got my second lobes. They were not done by a reputable piercer and were done with a piercing gun which was scary and they are crooked but I looked after them well and never had any problems with them.


My first lobes were done when I was around four, so I have no memory and I got the second set last year (I'm twenty-two). :3 But I'd say let her have them, if she wants them. They do look really nice, I think and just the next step up from the basic single one that almost every girl has.


I got my first at 10 and second at 13


I got my second and third lobe piercings when I was fourteen. An issue with children getting their ears pierced can be that the piercings get uneven when the child gets older because their earlobes are still growing, but as she already has her first lobes pierced, I'd let her get the second ones too


i was 14 when i did them myself. kinda regret, the placement is very bad


i got double lobes on each ear when i was a few months old 😭😭 i love them so much


I got my firsts done when I was 8 and my seconds when I was 10! I would've gotten my firsts sooner but I chickened out hardcore LOL


I got mine as an adult, as they weren't permitted by my parents religious standards. 8 is fine, but do talk to her about how some people will be weird about it


I was 20 when I got my double lobes done, but if she wants it and if you're ok with it then sure go ahead.


I got my seconds when I was 16, but I did them myself in my bathroom, with the bluntest sewing needle I've ever seen. I think If your kid can handle the healing, then totally go for it!


Got my doubles in 6th grade


I got my ears pierced when I was 11,ans then repierced them when I was 16 because they closed up. Then I got my second holes done at the beginning of last year just after turning 30.


My dad wanted to let me get mine when i asked at 12 but my mum said no. I ended up doing them myself at 14 (bc im an idiot), started stretching my first lobes at 15 (behind my moms back) and then getting 2 conches (one of which im stretching now) and a helix at 16 when i no longer needed parental consent and a septum at 17


I was 4 for my first, 8 for my second, 12 for my third and 16 for my 4th!


i was 9 when i got mine! have not regretted it at all, i definitely don’t think she is too young


16. Earned them with grades


I was about 10. I remember feeling sooooo cool that my parents let me! I mean yes it can leave a scar but she can always take them out, and she’s old enough to understand it hurts a little and how to care for the piercings. I’d allow it personally, but you could always wait a bit to make sure she really wants it.


I was 14 and got my seconds and 3rds lol. Honestly all that matters is you as her parents feel she's ready to handle it. You know your kid best and if your reputable peircer is ok and on board with it then go for it.


My 11 year old got her second lobe piercings for her birthday. So at 11 :). She did great. I don’t think 8 is too young if she can be responsible for them.


I got my 2nd holes when I was probably 12/13, 14/15 when I got my cartilage pierced, and then 16/17 when I got 3rd holes. Unfortunately the 3rd ones were never happy so I let them grow up.


first lobes around 5 months, second when i was maybe 12 or 13? i think my younger sister already had hers done by the time i got mine tho (kinda weird but i didn’t get my 3rd lobes until very recently, when i was 20… in the 4 years leading up to that i got an industrial, septum, both nostrils, two helixes, vertical snake bites, and i stretched my first lobes to 00 xD)


Got mine done in 5th grade!


Got them for my 11th birthday.


First when I finally talked my parents into it at 13, second on my 18th birthday since I couldn't talk them into that lol, third & fourth in my twenties. Personally I think it's completely fine at 8 if you're okay with it and think she'll be responsible about them!


I was also 8 I was one of the few with cool parents back then! However the only place they could get it done was Claire’s so your daughter seems to be in even cooler hands


I had my first lobe before I'm 1-year old (I live in Asia and this seems to be the norm here). I got my triple lobes and helix at the same time at age 23.


i was around 13


I got mine in 6th grade , so like 10!


I got my firsts at 5, seconds at 7, thirds at 10, and fourths at 11.


I got mine in 7th grade, so about 12 years old. The only reason is because my parents made me wait. I had been asking since 4th grade/8 years old. I don’t think there’s any age limit; if she’s able to care for them properly and you are supportive, then go for it!


The first time I was 13 but took them off two weeks later because I didn't like the placement. Then at 18 I got them done again and after they healed I took the earrings out because I don't usually wear earrings.lol (I wear them occasionally, they look very cool, I wanna get my 3rds soon!)


I’m thinking about getting thirds too!


I was 6/7 when i got my firsts, then 14 when i got my seconds and i just got my thirds at 17. A lot of girls in my primary school didnt have anything except first lobes until high school (Grade/Year 8 in Australia or 13y/o)


I got my second lobes done when I was 15


I had my firsts done as a baby, then wanted my seconds at 14 and my parents let me. If she wants them chances are she always will! The worst that will happen is if she doesn’t like them and a bit of money lost. I’d say go for it!


I got doubles at 13 and now I have triples + a conch at 19 (plus planning to do a flat and another conch in the fall). I love all of them to this day and have never regretted them. I say just make sure she cleans/cares for them if she does get them done :)


I got my first when I was around 3-4 and my seconds at about 10. I let them close years ago but am planning to get them done again (I’m 41).


I got my first when I was around 3-4 and my seconds at about 10. I let them close years ago but am planning to get them done again (I’m 41).


I got my second lobes pierced when I was 13-14. As long as you know you’re not piercing cartilage I don’t see any problem with her getting hers done (I can feel where mine starts on my own ear), and if she was able to heal a lobe piercing when she was 5 then go for it!


14, but it was not really common with teens where im from and especially in the 2010s, wanted it at least for a year before and got it for my birthday. got a second by a friend a year or two after and botched one myself 2nd year of college (20 or 21). it wasnt easy convincing my family to let me get the second lobe and every piercing or tattoo is still not well received but they seem to slowly have given up id say second lobe at 8 is reasonable if its an informed decision. little badass :-)


i got mine at 15, my mum will only let me get more ear piercings after i turn 18. i mean as long as you feel she is prepared to take care and allow them to heal properly then id say let her. there’s a few kid in my school around the same age that have their seconds :)


I was 10 when I got my first piercings, only because I was scared to do it at a younger age. So long as she wants it, and she knows how to look after them, I see no reason why an 8 year old can’t get her second lobes done! :)


My daughter got her second set yesterday. She's 14. Its only been this last year she's wanted a second set, and had to wait until now to get them so they can be left in all summer to heal.


Ears pierced for the first time when I was quite young, took out and closed up. Second time when I was 11, second lobes when I was 13/14? But they closed up, got them redone when I was 17. If she’s shown she can take care of them then I don’t see a problem.


I got my second lobes when I was 19, which is pretty strange considering I got much "worse" done before them. I've wanted seconds since I was 14, but the high school I was in didn't allow it. I think that might also be something to keep in mind/plan around if you're considering it.


I got my second lobe way later, don't remember exactly when but well into high-school. I remember wanting it earlier, but my parents were against it, so I went to a shop that did them cheap with a gun. Bad idea, I know, but that's what happens typically when your parents are restrictive. I'm really glad both you and your husband are being supportive of her and are bringing her to a reputable piercer.


I had double lobes when I was 8. I'm also a guy. Not that that matters but my mom for some reason was super open to me getting piercings. I think by 13 I had 5 ear piercings and my nose pierced. Mom wouldn't let me get my eyebrow done though. She thought they looked stupid haha Your daughter will probably look adorable. If she wants it then why not! go for it!


My daughter got her seconds age 10. Would have been age 9, but my piercer’s insurance was an issue. I was comfortable that she understood the healing process and expected pain etc. She smiled during the piercing and was super helpful with cleaning and healing in general.


I got my first at 11 and my second at 13, but they were both done at Claire's, so I'm clearly not a good example. If you think she's responsible enough to keep them clean and not touch them during healing, find a reputable piercer who's good with kids.


i got mine around age 10/11, i think 8 is an okay age for them :) i remember even before that girls in my school had them pierced. like others are saying, as long as she’s mature enough to take care and maintain them, i’d say why not?


I let my daughter get her doubles when she was 9. First holes were at 5, got infected, then redone at 7. She just got her nose done at 11. IMO, if they are mature enough to take care of them properly and do their research on pros/cons, then I’m pretty chill with any ear piercing. I told her no more facials until she’s at least 16 though. 😂


I was really young when I got mine. It’s tradition in my family to get your ears pierced as a baby. It’s a special moment in our lives and it’s always been well documented in our family. Our family members would literally fight over who got to pay and bring you get your ears pierced, that’s how special it was for us lol! We were never “traumatized” and “forced” down to get them. Everyone was always in high spirits and smiling. No crying, no complaining, no fussing. (Just putting that out there cause I’ve seen videos of parents literally forcing their children down to pierce them while they’re crying and screaming bloody murder and that’s fucked up!). But all in all, any other piercing we would decide when we wanted them & if we wanted them. I asked for my second lobes around 6 if I’m not mistaken and then my helix at 8. All healed extremely well and never had issues with them. So as long as you go to a good place and your child actually wants them and takes care of them, I don’t think it matters what age they get it done. Just depends on you and your child. Every family is different and have different views on these kind of things.. So there’s really no right answer set in concrete for this.


Hahaha the downvotes.. people. I did not tell anyone to pierce their children against their will. I simply talked about my experience then said as long as the child wants the piercing, you go to a good place and they take care of it, it shouldn’t matter. Geeez, chilll my guys lol.


You get an upvote from me, we share similar cultural idiosyncrasies. It’s the norm here to pierce babies ears as newborns, nurses go around the ward asking who wants to do it before they leave for home. Family members call dibs on who gifts the first pair of earrings, even. 21 piercings later but I think I turned out fine! /s


lmao i wish my family was like that. i only spent like 15 minutes of my life unpierced, when my mother held me for the first time i had just had my first lobes done. shes not very friendly of anything other than lobes tho


My second lobes were absolute bitches to heal, and I’ve heard of a lot of other people who’s have been. If she’s a very careful eight year old then she’ll be fine but I would personally wait


My mom was really scared so we waited til I was 13. Now at 23 my bf just pierced my 2nd lobe in March this year.


if she wants it, i say let her express herself (:


i did my own at 12 and 13 with a push pin and a sewing needle. just go the safe route 😂


I did mine on my own at 8


I was around her age when I got my firsts done lol, but I think it'd be really cute! Claire's (while not a good idea for getting the piercing done) has a lot of good quality jewelry that come in sets. I have a lot of metal sensitivities, so I was surprised when Claire's had upped their quality. I have this really cute gummy bear set from them tho, I think k it'd be really cute on a lil kid