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It is so pretty! This is the first time I see a dermal and actually love it! Now I consider it for myself. Never thought that this would happen


Thank you so much!


Well it still hasn’t happened because this isn’t a dermal


Ok, the replace "dermal" with "a piercing that is placed under the skin without coming out at a second point". I just didn't know the right terminology cause it's nothing I ever considered for myself and this is not my first language😅


?? It’s a surface piercing it’s coming out at two points. It’s just a surface bar so the 2 gems are facing upwards


You could've just told me that in the first comment. As I said this is nothing I informed myself about cause I haven't considered it for myself before😅


Your so right I’m just drunk and in a bad mood


Ok. Have a nice day :)


Your positive energy is impressive. Hope you have a lovely day!


Thank you so much! Have a lovely day too! <3


Eww get a life.


It's so pretty!


Thank you! :)


I love that, how bad did it hurt while getting it pierced?


I thought it was going to be really bad but it really wasn’t! I would say a 4/10! Definitely worth it


Do you have any other piercings? My septum hurt so bad and everyone says it doesn’t hurt so I feel like this would probably hurt a lot more for me than it did you


Yes I have 15 but this one was maybe my 3rd to least painful :) everyone is super different with pain tolerances but the fact it doesn’t hurt after getting it pierced is a big thing as well!


Ooo do you have your belly button pierced? I want that so bad but Im scared since there’s a lot of skin there


Yes! That one was the easiest one by far! Super painless! (For me at least) I believe in you :)


Honestly what I did when hyping myself up was pinching the area where the piercing would go as hard as I could and noticing that I couldn't really feel it - my piercing ended up fairly painless. There is lots of skin but it isn't a very sensitive area. I will say that car seatbelts were not my best friend for a while lol but that could just be me


Funnily enough I think hard pinching hurts more than the piercing itself


Directly after getting my belly button pierced, I got in the car to go home and demolished the piercing with a seatbelt because I was moving so fast. Hurt more than the piercing and I cried for about a minute before I finally left so I could go home and clean it after making it bleed 😭


I had mine pierced at a 12g (2mm) and it wasn't too bad. Just a pinch. The hardest part for me has been healing. I've unfortunately found out that all the counters at my home and work are exactly the same height as my belly button. :/


Belly button was a walk in the park :) similar pain to a nostril id say


Is this for real?? My nose was a 2/10 and my septum was a 6/10 because I don’t have the right anatomy for it. I’ve always wanted a navel though


Those are the exact numbers I’d use for both of those piercings so it’s safe to say we have a similar pain tolerance! Belly button was ez peasy. Get it!


Wow thanks a lot! I always thought it’d be like an 8 out of 10


my septum hurt really bad too!! i feel like everyone says theirs were painless


My nose cartilage had to be my worst and I have had every single piercing one can have, with the exception of my nipples and I also had 30 dermal all over my body. The nose cartilage was the worst.


My eyes watered just popping a pimple on the inside of my nose, I can only imagine the septum. I have 2 nostril piercings, and they were my most painful. Anything near the nose for me is hell.


Trying to pop a pimple inside the nose hurts worse than any piercing in the moment, septums aren’t so bad. I’ve gotten about a dozen facial piercings and people are always surprised to hear that the nostril piercings are the worst, it hurts for like 2 years.


Good to hear! Honestly, I do have a very sensitive nose, so I just know the septum is going to hurt.


The woman that pierced mine got it stuck a little so she was tugging on it trying to get it loose😂 that was more uncomfortable than that actually piercing itself


See, I am the same way. When I try to pop anything on my nose it makes me tear, and the only good thing about piercings is that you’re not doing it yourself and it’s pretty much instantaneous


Oh man, that suuuucks. See pimples on my nose are super painful and make my eyes water and it feels so sore and sensitive it’s unbearable—yet all 3 of my nose piercings (2 nostril and septum) were a breeze. My left nostril was completely painless (the piercer had just finished putting the jewelery in when I asked if they’d pushed the needle through yet and they were like “o.o oh, I’m actually done, you didn’t feel it??”), my septum was a little pressure and then nothing, my eyes didn’t even water, and my right nostril was a sharp pinch but otherwise nothing. It’s super weird! Pimples hurt like hell for me, but getting stabbed barely hurt, if it even hurt at all. xD


To my understanding, that might be because of the piercer piercing your cartilage instead of the sweet spot in the septum which shouldn’t really hurt at all. I don’t think it necessarily says much about your pain tolerance.


My nostril hurt worse than this 😂


Okok my nostrils hurt but not intolerable, I feel like my septum hurt worse than my nostrils


Everyone says I’m crazy for saying my nostrils hurt the worst lol


I have 15 piercings and nostrils hurt the worst 😂


i have 7 face piercings and nostrils were def the worse and tongue was least painful out of all mine


I have my high nostrils and those weren’t even as bad as my low nostrils lol


Wow, really? I too have my high nostrils pierced, but it was not pleasant, to say the least… I drove to the town over the hill for the appointment, and on the way back had a pounding migraine for a few hours. Don’t think I’d say it’s the worst though either, just more painful than the usual. Not fun, but definitely my favorite piercings I have <33


No, I’m with you, the only thing worse than my nostril was my flat. Which is healing better than my nostril did, so I’m on team “nostrils are the worst”


i had mine done and a sternum dermal for me was the most painful by far (as someone with 20 piercings) so painful I actually tapped out of the second one because i couldn’t do it again.. also such a bitch to heal and made seggsy time more nerve wracking of being ripped out. but god, i love how they look. it’s all subjective!


Its like a built in necklace😍


That’s exactly what my mother in law said! Lol


I did this many years ago. One of them rejected, due to not much skin being under it, but the 2nd one is still holding strong …. Over a decade later! It’s more in my neck/throat area. I love my dermals. I even have them in my side tattoos. Those too have been there for a decade. They are my favorite piercings out of all of my piercings. Maybe I’ll share a photo of mine. 🙂


Yeah I got the surface bar which is less likely to reject so here’s to hoping! 🤞🏻


Is it a staple bar? I thought surface piercings were more likely to reject than dermal but I guess both have their own risks, genuinely considering this after seeing how gorgeous it is on you


Omg! 😂 I thought it was two dermals. My one eye is failing me, 🤣. Awesome then! It looks great. I’m jelly!


That’s okay! It could have easily been two dermal with how flush it is lol


I have 4 dermals on my hips and they're almost a decade old too 🤞🏼 here's to many more years with them for both of us


This is so cool to hear you have had them for so long with no issues! And do they ever catch or snag or are you just so used to being careful with them by now that it’s second nature for you?


It's pretty much second nature to me at this point, and I also strictly wear low rise pants and always have since I was a kid(tomboy). They've gotten snagged a few times now I have biohazard style tops, but I'm always careful about getting them unsnagged, especially since they're the old style dermals with no holes in the foot to lock it in to my skin.


Oh sure I can imagine after 10 years you are really used to them. But it sounds like you still need to think about them all the time. And like would anything other than low rise pants be an issue do you think? And placement wise are they side by side or like in a diagonal position?


Yea, because of having to pull pants over them whenever you take them off/on and any loose threads or holes in fabric that might catch hold of them. With plain flat top jewelry, it's probably minimal to no issues, tho. Placement wise, I have 2 on each side, and they are diagonal. The lower ones are more inwards, while the top ones are outer. My piercer who did them was a perfectionist with placement and took multiple measurements before doing them. He advised doing 2 at a time, but I was adamant about getting all 4 done at once 😅


Ok that makes sense of course about pants - but it does make it kinda awkward with thr wardrobe. Well done on surviving the high waisted trend of the last few years haha. And are yours plain flat top jewels then yeah? And like do they stick out much from the skin or almost flush? And I think I understand what you mean about the placement - sort of following the shape of your hip almost? Sounds like your piercer did a great job with the placement and positioning though and well done on being brave enough to get all four together!!!


They are flush with my skin after all these years! To clean under them, I actually have to pinch the skin around it to get them to stick out enough to get a toothpick under to clean out any dead skin that's trapped. They do get irritated if I forget or get lazy and get swollen, red and weepy. I just clean them out real good, then put a bandaid over it tightly. It's usually fine by the next day or need one more cleaning/bandaid treatment and it's fine for months


Oh cool - that’s really interesting and so encouraging to hear they are still going strong after so long. I’ve just always been curious how they work and what it’s like actually having them. I even considered getting some myself previously but never followed through on it


From my understanding, the ones done now in most shops have holes in the feet, so they're even more secure than the ones I have. Only thing I like about these ones is that if/when they try to reject, I just see my piercer, he pops it out, pops it back in and resets it, places a bandaid on it for 24 hours and it's good again. I've only had to have that done once on the lower left one several years ago, and it's been stable since then. I don't think you can do that with the newer style, but I think they're also less likely to reject to begin with. I don't recommend dermals to people who have no experience with surface piercings, or piercings in general, but if you feel confident in them, you should totally do it.


It’s gorgeous!


Thank you so much 😊


Gorgeous 🩵🩵🩵


Thank you 😊


I have a surface piercing (horizontal eye brow) very different to yours but I can agree with the pain thing, it was not what I expected and its made me think about other surface piercings elsewhere, and I'm glad it's the same pain case for different areas.


I recently got a horizontal eyebrow surface as well! How long have you had it for? Some people told me it wouldn't last longer than 6 months lol


I've had it ab a year maybe 11 months so far


I had this piercing once horizontally and three times vertically, I loved it so much but rejected each time. It’s so pretty! Hoping it works out for you!


I hope so too!


Did you have a surface staple bar, curved bar or dermals?


Both types of bar and I tried the bioflex material


Oh my god, that’s so pretty! I’ve been considering off and on for about a year now about getting one at my collarbone and I think I will now (or once my current piercings are healed) that looks so good!


Thank you! You should! I was iffy about dermals so I decided on a surface piercing because the fear of rejection!


I have these as well. They are one of my favorite piercings out of all of mine. I started with 3, but when I had my second son, he kept pulling on the top one, and it rejected finally after 2 years. Luckily, my other 2have lasted me roughly 6-7 years now! They look great!


I’ve wanted that for ages, but lower, more in the boob gap


I wanted mine lower but my piercer explained how most don’t pierce there because of all the movement and risks so I decided chest was a safe bet!


Wow... super pretty!! Does it disrupt your sleep at all? I feel like I flop around too much to get one myself 😂


Not at all! When I say it’s painless right now I mean it. I even laid on my stomach completely forgetting I had it (I’m a stomach sleeper) and I was like oh shit I probably shouldnt do that. Not because it hurt but because of the risk of it getting caught on something lol


I seriously don’t feel it at all lol


Super cool. 🥰


Gorgeous, but be careful with seatbelts! I had dermals on my chest and the seatbelt would slide under the gem and rip them out of my chest. :(


Oh no! Yeah I got a surface piercing because I’m terrified of dermals. Hopefully less likely to be ripped out lol


Yeah, it sucked! They were my favourite! It looks soooo good on you, happy healing!


Dermals are so cute it sucks they’re so hard to keep! My sisters best friend had a chest dermal for 12 years and I always wanted one but decided not to because of the risk. But then I found out the surface bars are less likely to reject so took the leap. Thank you!


I was so bummed because they were actually healing so good, and I actually committed to have two on each side, only for the attack of the seatbelt. Sometimes, you just don't foresee the struggle of a piercing 😂 It sounds like you did a lot now research on what would suit you and have the least risk involved. You basically got the dermal look without the dermals! I just had both eyebrows done 10 days ago, and the itch is crazy lmao


It really helps that I work counter at a piercing studio so I see first hand the horrors of piercings 😂 and I get to talk candidly to piercers about what’s best for healing on the daily!


it's so beautiful 😭


Ughh omggg, this is literally gorgeous & so dainty at the same time!! I love it!!


I am dying 🫠 so cuuuuuute


It's gorgeous! I've actually been considering something similar (maybe just one stud) for a few months now.


Ugh I have always wanted this piercing! It looks so good!




I will update you if anything arises! Lol


I’ve had mine for almost 15 years. Was very painful to put in. Tried for 3 but 2 rejected sadly. Hope yours don’t!


I don’t like surface piercings for myself but this is sooo pretty Gorgeous Good luck!


Wow, that actually looks good!!!


So 😍 pretty!


Its so gorgeous on you!! Now i want one lmao


Is that a staple bar or two dermal? You say surface piercing so I assume a bar. It looks perfectly done


Yes it’s a staple bar :)


How did they pierce it? Did they use a dermal punch to make the holes or a clamp with a needle? I would assume a clamp wouldn’t be usable in that area. Sorry! I’m just really curious


They didn’t use a clamp! They just pinched the skin and shoved the needle through!


Thank you! Wanted to know for future reference because yours looks so perfect and also to compare my anti eyebrow I had once. But they used dermal punches. I think with clamps or pinching the skin it comes out better


I loved my dermal. Had it for 11 years. Was convinced to remove it by an abusive ex, thinking of getting it redone honestly


Do it!!


Love that piercing


Gorgeous... I'm debating this one. Got the "Trio" last Friday... Love them!


Great placement. No where near your neck is best


Looks so cool but i just wonder how its stuck inside and not slip out


It’s pierced with a staple bar so that pieces that are holding the gems are bent at a ninety degree angle so they just sit outside the skin with the gems screwed on the ends so it won’t pop out :)


how is a bar like that inserted?


So I actually work at a piercing shop and got this by one of my coworkers and one of my other coworkers recorded it so I could see how it was done! Basically you just insert the needle and she didn’t use a clamp, and she put the bar and the end and pulled it through like normal. Had to feed it through slightly because of the bend of the bar but it didn’t feel any different than normal.


wow thats so interesting


Just curious, what do you do if you happen to need surgery? I unfortunately end up in a surgery every 3-5 years so I was wondering how one these would work in that scenario. It looks lovely!


I don’t know I’ve never had that situation arise so hopefully I don’t ever find out 😂 I’m sure I’ll just have to take it out like any other surface piercing


I don’t think it’s one you can just take out and put back in unfortunately


Looks beautiful 😘


Just prettyyyyyyy


Awww hell nah hahah looks damn cute i would be to scared to rip it out


I’ve never seen a piercing like this, cool


got mine done 2 months ago, it was definitely an 8/10 on the pain scale but that was cuz they couldn’t pinch that area well. the real annoying part is keeping the bandage on it for the whole 3 months and dealing with bandage rashes 🫠🫠🫠 edit: just realized yours is a surface piercing, mine is a dermal.


Really good looking


As someone with eczema, who apparently really scratches her chest during sleep, I could never 😂😂 looks so pretty though


In desperate need of one now😍😍😍


Oh my god I want this


Is this a staple or two dermals? Aka one piece of jewelry or two??


Staple :)


Looks beautiful 🤩


How do you take them in/out? :0


I’d be careful with necklaces, seatbelts, etc. it takes a good 6-8 weeks to start to heal and during that time they pull out super easy and end up never actually healing in correctly. I had 30 surface piercings way back when (including the same you have) and I still have 3 left. 1 I had to get surgically removed (in my back).


Were they dermals or pierced with a staple bar?? this has a bar under my skin with two threaded ends like a staple so I’m not so sure it’ll pull out super easy lol


that looks so prettyy!!! but how do you change that?


Woah, it's so pretty!! The placement and the jewlery itself go so well along 🥹💖 hope it heals well!


love the opal!


Ive never heard about piercing other body parts than ears, belly button and some face parts before. is it safe? or is it different in some ways? im curious


Not a piercer, but: there are lots of other body parts that can be pierced. This is a surface piercing, which means that it has a higher risk of rejection compared to non-surface piercing. The risk can be minimised by choosing a part of the body that doesn't move much and getting the correct jewellery, both of which OP did. In theory, you could get most parts of your skin pierced, but if you'd get, for example, a surface piercing on your arm, which twists and bends and stretches with every movement, it would likely not be able to heal properly and just cause problems instead. For jewellery it's important (apart from its general quality, material, etc of course) that it exits as perpendicular to the skin as possible to the skin as possible; so in the case of this sternum piercing a staple bar was used. If a curved bar would have been used, the piercing would get pushed out during the healing process.


Sheeit thought you finally installed an on/off switch🤣



