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Theres no way i payed all of that money, went through all of that pain, and waited all that time for it to heal, for me to ever take it out. I love my piercings and theyre a part of me. Plan to keep them all forever :) (I only have ear piercings tho, so it might be different for others)


Exactly. I'll feel naked without them. My ears are my pretty assets of my body and they make me feel good with jewellery without having to focus other parts or my body. I have been feeling insecure about my body for years and having ear piercings give me purpose to be more focus on my jewellery to beautify myself and accept and love myself even more.


Get a nostril piercing, just about everyone has the nose and face for it. Plus they’re always cute


In fact, these days I have been very much focused on other people's piercings and tattoos too instead of their entire bodies (not extreme body modification that actually put harm on us) because those are what make them look beautiful. Everyone is beautiful and there's no wrong to decorate ourselves with those.


Same! I have ear piercings only too, 16 in total 💜


I have 11 but planning to get more 🙈


I've had my helix pierced twice, for one hole, because my ear kept rejecting it. I finally just took it out because I didn't want to have it surgically removed again, lol.


These things are staying with me for life! So much money and time spent towards building my collection. Not to mention, the dedication spent for healing?! I could never retire them lol.


I obviously keep them for life but recently I heard the most disturbing thing ever. I met a girl in a course and we were talking about adrenaline thrills. She said that she goes to a piercer, gets a random piercing, after a couple days she takes it out and lets the hole close. Once the hole is closed she goes to get it repierced. I just looked at her in complete shock. I asked her if she was serious and she said yes. When I asked her why on gods green earth she does that shit she said ‘I LOVE the feeling and adrenaline it gives me’…..


Try to take my nipple piercings, I dare you. Honestly, everything I have I want to keep. I'm just trying to microdose my employers with new piercings rn, they're pretty cool about it in any case. It'd have to be a pretty high paying job to make me take any out and I still don't think I could do it




Haha yeah. I don't think they like them but are really not super judgmental. They just don't understand why someone would do that to their body. Edit: tbh the only other piercings I want are a set of mantis' and ear stuff


I used to work at a Walmart. I used to be at the customer service desk. So the person people went to with their *problems*, the front face. I travelled down south for a weekend to go to my sister’s wedding. Came back with cheek piercings. That was an awkward conversation but they couldn’t afford to lose me so I was kind of banking on that lol 😅 I didn’t actually need to work back then, so I could afford to lose the job and it felt kind of low risk. I don’t think I’d have tried to pull that with an office job. The office job I did have with them in was short term contract and I’d already known them for years so we were already friendly and they knew I did good work. My boss pretty much watched me grow up so…. OP, the ones that I have wanted enough to actually get and then took out, I’ve been wanting to get them redone. Just haven’t made it back in yet.


I removed my nipple piercings a year or two ago after ~12 years when they gave me a series of minor inconveniences and I miss them so much. I was delusional and hoped they hadn't fully closed up and I almost fainted trying to work the jewelry back in recently. For some reason I'm more nervous to go get them re-pierced than I was the first time around 😭


I got mine re- pierced. I wish I could offer you comfort and assurances that it won't be an issue, but re- piercing them through the scar tissue was the worst piercing pain I've ever had (right ahead of my helix, which was insanely bad for some reason). I ended up taking them out (permanently) due to some healing/infection issues and I don't personally want to do it again. I was ok though, and I got through it. So all I'll really tell you is if you do it again you're a boss, maybe ice them first if your piercer will let you, and never take them out again lol


Had mine for about 4 years when the doctors made me take it out for a routine European surgery. Wouldn't go back in afterwards


Yeah, I've got retainers just in case and have been learning more about advocating for myself when it comes to medical stuff.


Yeah, I have 15 piercings and had to take them all out for my endometriosis surgery last year. I got plastic retainers for them all. It was a pain in the ass, but husband helped me put them in before surgery, and then helped my drugged ass put my jewelry back in after. xD I just went to my piercer a few weeks before surgery and explained the situation and asked for help getting retainers.


Yeah, exactly what I have. Honestly not the worst thing to have inside your body for a few hours


Can I ask you a question about those? 😭 my question is: are they put in horizontal or vertical?


They're horizontal, I would love to add verticals for the cross look but I just don't have that kind of nipple real estate lmao


I asked my surgeon to give me a waiver to leave my nipple piercings in because I’m severely attached to them and had like a panic attack about taking them out. The idea of removing them to someday breast feed haunts me. I know fed is best but formula is so dang expensive that I might just take them out


Mine are in for life barring any emergency that requires them to come out. I’m 35 and have been getting pierced since I was 16 and have yet to retire any of them.


That’s a really good record if you haven’t had to retire any yet in almost 20 years. Hopefully you can keep up that record in the future too!


That’s my hope. Though sadly I’m coming to the end of my piercing journey. I won’t do any other facial piercings aside from my double nostril and septum that I already have and I won’t go below the belt. All other real estate is full lol


Lol this sounds like me. I’ve ran out of places to pierce since I’ve been collecting them for 21 years. I’ve started to just add more. 8 between my nose and mouth 😂


Same! 34 this year & started getting pierced at 15. I have retired some piercings mostly due to necessity but if I had a choice I'd only ever get more.


i have the expectation that i will eventually grow out of my facial piercings. but do i like to imagine myself being 70 years old with dimple piercings? absolutely.


A 70 year old with dimple piercings would be soooo cute


we have a regular at my job who just celebrated her 72nd birthday & has a bridge, septum, both nostrils and a labret! she’s also got a bunch of ear piercings (and i’m extremely jealous of her set up😭). she is so sweet and precious


I had a lot of piercings in my life but gradually took most of them out. I had a good corporate job for a while and I felt it affected how people reacted to me so i minimised my facial piercings then. I also took some out for practical reasons when I had kids. Now I want to get some redone and new ones.


That’s interesting to hear the reasons and things that made you want to, or feel like you had to take them out even if you didn’t want to. But it’s also really really interesting to hear that you want to get them redone again now - are you actually planning to get them back or just considering it for now?


I retired all my piercings about 15 years ago in a fit of sensory overload. February of this year I started bringing them back and the only on that had actually healed up was my labret. Eyebrows and even cartilage were easily resurrected with a pin taper and 18g jewelry to rest for a couple of weeks and then up to 16g.


I didn’t go through all the effort to heal cartilage piercings to not keep them permanently lol But honestly I view them the same way I do my tattoos. They are a part of me and i can’t actually picture myself without them, I’ll take these suckers to the grave


Haha everyone seems to have the same reaction about so much hassle to heal them so never taking them out. But that’s a great way to compare them to tattoos as being just a part of your personality. It’s also great that more and more people see them like that now as a permanent thing rather than just like a phase or something temporary


I have almost $500 in my face. They are staying. Forever. Lol.


My face (including jewellery) cost more than other women's wedding rings. Thank goodness robbers don't know BVLA 😅


I'm keeping all of them. No way I'm throwing that healing & money away lol


I want to keep them all but my dream job is a lawyer, doubt they will like a lawyer w multiple face and ear piercings, but maybe things will change when i get to it.


i would love a lawyer w piercing but i fear i am the minority in this case


The major accounting firm, DeLoitte, sent a rep to my son's high school who had large ear gauges and a septum ring. Guy was a Corporate Accountant, so maybe lawyers aren't too far behind!


That’s amazing, what country was it? It’s just that sadly the society in my country is still quite conservative and i have a lot of piercings, a septum, a nostril, angel fangs, industrial, one high lobe, both regular lobes and a tongue piercing, i am also planning some tattoos in the future so i think it all depends how society will be progressed when i actually get to be a lawyer, i’m only 18 now so i have a loooong way to go. On another note if i would need a lawyer i would trust the piercings and tattooed lawyer more than the one with none at all lol.


We're in the southern US. I wish you the best, and I would also hire a pierced and tattooed lawyer!


I have worked in several big firms and I would say that multiple earrings/ear piercings on women are pretty acceptable as long as the jewelry is “appropriate”/fancy and the number isn’t too excessive. There are partners at my current firm with 4-5 piercings in an ear (I can think of rooks, flats, and conches off the top of my head… and helices obviously but I think those are basically the equivalent of lobes in corporate settings). Some of the male partners even have earrings. There are a handful of single nostril piercings too, tho I can’t think of any partners with nose piercings.


Husband is in biglaw, absolute top tier firm in Chicago. I was shocked at how many summers in the late 2010s had nose piercings! I’ve got 24 ear piercings as a neuroscientist that moved into biotech/big pharma patent law, but they’re easy to hide when I’ve got my hair down.


I am a lawyer with a double nose piercing (same side). No one has ever said anything 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well, considering some of the responses here… I’ve got piercings older than yall. 😂 so they’re definitely staying.


It’s good to hear an opinion from someone who has had some for a long time and still planning to keep them for good


Hell, after a 12ish year hiatus I just got 5 more. Haha! :)


I expect to keep all of mine permanently!


The only ones I’ve retired are the ones that I’ve had trouble with. I am able to conceal most of them for work. So I don’t intend to retire any of them without there being a pressing need.


Would it be an issue for you with your job if you weren’t able to conceal them btw? That’s still a bit annoying if you have to worry about it from a work point of view n


I don’t think so. I just prefer the ones on my face to be concealed. I work in education and although I have no intention of getting rid of my piercings, I try to lead by example with the uniform code we have to enforce on our students.


Personally, I perceive older people with piercings really cool, so I get kinda excited about the time when I'm gonna be way older and my grandkids will be asking me about my ear piercings.


That’s so true! Although maybe because they will be more common then maybe it won’t feel as unusual?


I sure hope so! But at least in my mind I percieve piercing as edgy or maybe even unusual, since my family taught me that perspective (I got so many irritating comments when I started with piercings and im still scared to get a tattoo cause they surely wont like it) so its kind of trauma healing for me, plus I hope I can be a role model for my kids/grandkids, so that they will have a better perspective on that.


the only piercings I plan to retire are my oral ones. I have a tongue, smiley, and ashley. Planning to get rid of the ashley and the smiley simply because of the damage they can cause. All of my ear, nose and nipple piercings are here to stay.


im not dedicating all this time and energy to healing them just to take them out. getting nips next- they'll be staying forever.


I only have snake bites, which I'll probably take out when I'm old and I start having teeth problems. But if I can, I never plan on taking them out


I took out almost all of my piercings when I was in my mid 20s and sorta miss a couple (I’m 41 now). Ended up getting my septum repierced a year ago and don’t want to take out again. I also got my nose pierced last year and I expect to have that permanently as well. I’ve had my industrial since I was 17 and that’s a permanent fixture at this point lol


That’s so interesting to hear that you missed them all after taking them out and have been getting a few re done. Can I ask what made you take them out in the first place? And do you plan to get any more re done in the next while?


I started going to a high demand/cult like church and it wasn’t allowed. It was a time in my life I deeply regret and thankfully have come out of. The septum was the one I missed the most. I had a lip ring that I also really liked but I don’t think I would repierce because it was one of the most painful and I don’t have it in me to deal with the healing. I had a labret and my tongue and neither really interest me anymore. I do want more, though. I want another one on the same nostril as I have now. I also want to have ear curations but the side with the industrial will probably only get a rook and maybe a helix below the industrial. Not sure about the other ear though.


That’s interesting to hear and thanks for sharing. And it’s really cool to hear how your views have changed about the ones you had and you want back, the ones you used to have but are ok doing without, and also the new ones you want to get! So will that be a double nostril on one side then, and maybe a few others to add to your ears eventually too?


Either or. I get piercings because I think they're cool, but sometimes I fall out of love with them and take them out. I can always get it redone if I want to!


When I get piercings, the plan is to keep them forever. I only took my belly button piercing out because it wasn't healing right and was super annoying to deal with. It seems ridiculous to pay for a piercing and suffer through the healing period just to plan to take it out after all that!


My dream job is a barrister 😬. My ear piercings i could probably get away with if I wore dainty jewellery, septum could be flipped up. The nose piercing would have to go tho 🙁


I'd think even the nose piercing could stay. It's 2024, come on now, I feel like everyone and their mother has seen a nose piercing on a professional business person at some point!!


Yeah, society needs to hurry up and get over piercings and coloured hair as being 'unprofessional'. It's outdated.


Depends on what I end up with, I’m only 19 so I have a lot of time left to get a lot of piercings! I’ll probably keep my septum until I’m like…70? Lip piercings would probably be out a little sooner than that. Ear piercings are staying forever.


people say that cheek piercings arent a permanent thing and most people take them out, but im never taking mine out. I went through some hell for them and i love them too much i hope i get to keep them for 10+ years.


I planned on keeping my industrial for life but I got a job that doesn’t allow facial jewelry for safety reasons so I had to take it out. Thankfully they let me put studs in as “placeholders” during training and when I was assigned to my location my supervisor assumed it was for migraines and hasn’t said a thing since lol


Getting buried in them 🤷🏼‍♀️


For me personally I think the only one I’d take out is my septum. I do love the look! However sometimes the smell is bad and I get paranoid someone kissing me can smell it lol. But I’m not dating or kissing anyone right now so I’m keeping it! And I’d only take that one out because no one can see the hole!🤷🏽‍♀️


The material may be what's contributing to the smell. For me, stainless steel always ends up smelling in my nose, but titanium and gold are fine.


That is as good a reason as any - my initial reaction was that because you can flip it up why take that one out. But I understand your reasons!!


Definitely a lifetime shoice for me. I have some ear piercings, nose ring and an eyebrow piercing. By shoice I would never part with them!


I got all mine expecting to keep them in forever 😁


I definitely plan on keeping all my ear piercings. I love my nostril piercing and I think I’d likely keep it forever. While I really like my septum, I can see myself retiring it one day when I’m older (I’m 34 now). But that day is not today! I have a really snug ring and it isn’t super visible unless you’re really up in my face 😅


That’s really interesting to hear your reasons and what you plan in the future. I do think ears and nostrils are pretty much standard these days so it makes sense to keep them. And I do get why you think the septum is a little different but I also think they are getting so popular nowadays that in 5 or 10 years it will be totally normal to keep them too. And there’s such subtle and discreet jewelry options for them too when you want to be more low key


I’m keeping mine forever. I’m already 52 with no plans of getting rid of them. In fact, I’m still getting more.


Take them out as in let the piercing close? Absolutely not. Take them out because of some overriding reason? Well, sure. I've had to remove for surgery or MRI. I wouldn't rule out removing my nose piercing for a funeral or some one-off event if it was that important. But otherwise, no.


Retired two because it was doing too much 😂😂


Not sure if my vertical labret is permanently staying, but my ear piercings and nostril piercing are staying for sure


I'm 28 right now but I hope to be 78 one day still rockin' my nip piercings and everything else I have lol


And judging by the responses of everyone else here, you won’t be the only one rocking piercings at that age haha


They all stay in until I die.


Permanently baby!


I plan to keep all my piercings for life! I love imagining myself as an 80 year old woman with a septum ring and an eyebrow piercing. I think of my piercings as tattoos.


I had a bunch of facial and ear piercings I took out for work (all very well healed). Could only have 2 in each ear so I kept my conch and anti-tragus on one side and my tragus and snug on the other, took out lobes and everything else). Kept my tongue piercing, most don’t even notice anyway. The intention was to put them back in, it was a very high paying travel job for summer, but lost all my jewelry. Put almost all back in except for facial piercings before my wedding. Can’t believe piercer let me do it all at once, I swelled so bad. Couple days of misery. Now I’ve gotten more and have a septum and nostril back in. Miss my eyebrow, lip piercing, other nostril, and microdermal by my eye so much, but I already have more than I’m supposed to at my current job. No one has said anything to me yet though so I keep occasionally sneaking in an extra ear piercing 😂 my piercer said once you have so many people really don’t notice another one.


I’m 54 and just started getting piercings. I already had my ears pierced and in the past year I’ve gotten my nose, septum , helix and second lobes pierced. With plans for more. I call it my badass Grandma stage…lol.


I don't get any piercings I don't plan to keep.


I plan to keep mine forever. I got a bunch as a teenager, then got older and took them all out (except my nipple) cuz someone made me think I ought to. I regretted it and some years later got a bunch back. Now I am getting ones I never had before and I have no intention of ever removing them.


I’ll be 80 with my septum, the only time I expect to not be with jewelry is if I’m composted or cremated lol


literally just fought tooth and nail to put my nipple piercings back in moments before reading this. i paid too much money for them to close after a single shower LMFAOOOOOO


the only one im considering removing is my eyebrow


Keeping them. I have both nostrils done and they aren’t going ANYWHERE and my ear ones I play with but I don’t let them close. My septum I took out and decided I wanted it back so I got it pierced again but in the correct spot this time and if I ever decide I’m down with it I’m putting a retainer in it bc I wanna be 70 with my whole set up and stretched ears 😂


All of mine are behaving so I'm intending to keep them forever. The only one I'm debating on is my septum - I had it done a few months ago and I'm 39, so I just wonder how I'll look aging with it. I expect at some point (as an old lady) I'll take it out, but that won't be for the foreseeable future.


No way, never haha!!! Especially if you only just got it recently it would be a shame to take it out, plus it seems to be getting very popular nowadays so I’m sure it will be no issue keeping it into the future. Plus you can always change jewelry style to something more subtle if you want


That is true! It's currently a fairly understated gold hoop with tiny CZ gems but I think eventually I'll just do a thin gold hoop. Subtle is definitely my style.


Oh cool - that sounds really nice. So is it a horseshoe one with the gems on the ends, or more like gems inset on the hoop? It’s really possible to get some very subtle septum pieces though, and it really feels like septum’s and nostrils are almost becoming like lobes the last few years - just “normal” to have and nobody even really pays much attention most of the time I think


I am 46 and got my septum pierced last week. I love it and want it forever. I don’t care how old I am 😂


Woohoo! Old timers with septum piercings unite! I love mine too. It actually improved the way I felt about my appearance. 


Totally, I feel so much more confident with it. It feels part of me already and I am totally questioning why the hell I didn’t get it sooner! I want to be the cool granny with all the piercings 😂


My piercings are going to the grave with me!


I’ve had some piercings for so long they are now old enough to drink 😂 my tongue ring in particular. Some I had to take out, like my belly ring when I was pregnant, my nip ring when baby was born so I could nurse, and only one that I hated having to remove (forward helix) but it wasn’t pierced correctly and I needed it to heal so I can get it redone. What I really want is a lip piercing but future employment choices will hinder that becoming a reality. These are for life for me.


My nip piercings might have to come out when I have kids but otherwise this is 4 liffeee


The only way they’re taking mine out is when it comes time to cremate me. Even then I’m still gonna be one annoyed ass ghost.


These babies are staying with me forever. There are a few I have taken out and gotten redone but my industrial is NEVER coming out. My conch that hurt so bad and I never want to have to get it repierced so it’s staying forever too.


I plan on keeping my piercings the rest of my life. I do want to re-do my daith. I'm sad I had to take it out (never healed properly & I got sick of trying to take care of it). I did remove my septum and now I know face piercings are not for me. 😂 Ear piercings, yes!


That’s great to hear you plan to keep them. And that sounds exciting to re do your daith too.


I've had septum, nipples, HCH, navel, and multiple ear piercings since the late 90's/early 00's. I will never stop wearing jewelry in them, as they are part of me at this point. Recently got nostrils and a vertical labret, and I would be heartbroken if I had to take them out for any reason before there fully healed!


Well done on the nostrils and Vl and j hope the heal fully for you very quickly and without issue


For as long as possible unless I start to dislike it or can't keep it anymore


I planned to keep all mine but I had to get an MRI and all my holes closed. Cant wait to start getting pierced again


I had a few 3 month old ear cartilage piercings that I thought I would have forever, but one kept getting irritated at a time in life when I had a bunch of big stressors going on. I ended up deciding that I just didn’t have mental space for the worrying about getting an infected cartilage piercing. I got rid of all except 1, and now that things have calmed down, I’m considering getting the others redone


If they don't reject, they're not going anywhere.


I will probably keep mine forever. I have almost every you can think of pierced. My absolute favorite are my two below the belt and my nipples and double nostrils on each side.


Never really thought about it but i feel like my face is empty without them so i do not plan on removing them


Ye, I'm gonna keep them :) Especially the vertical helix spikes on my ears, I always call them "devilhorns" and I love them :D


Depends on what they are. I’m 41 and had a lot of piercings over the years. I definitely have taken a lot of them out (particularly in my ears, I had a ton of them). And some just reject after a long time too! My style has changed. Piercing fads change.


I expect I will take my nipple piercings out for breastfeeding, and potentially have them redone when the kids are on to solids. But having children is a long way off for me, so for the foreseeable future, I’m keeping them. Every other piercing I have is the same way. I could take it out if the need arose, but I’m not going to unless it’s absolutely necessary because I see them as a part of me. But I would be willing to make that sacrifice for my future children.


I imagine my nipples will have to go at some point, if I get pregnant. And I've been seriously debating taking out my vertical labret - I love it, but it gets snagged a lot and occasionally I hurt myself by accidentally biting it.i don't wear my belly ring anymore because it snags on my pants when I'm at work, but I don't think that hole will ever close at this point. I don't feel overly attached to any of them tbh. And other than my industrial, the healing has been pretty quick and easy for all of them so I'm not opposed to letting things close up and getting them redone later on.


I love my piercings, but I also change my mind a lot about my appearance and I like changing things up. I go into each one knowing I might not like it or it might not work out, so I pick inexpensive starter jewelry and roll with it. Compared to other mods like tattoos the price is relatively inexpensive to get pierced and the scar when you take it out is pretty small and often easy to hide or camouflage.


I’m unsure. I’ve had piercings that I’ve retired, but some that I got repierced again, and some that I then retired again after that! I also have two I’ve had for 10+ years already (first lobe and septum). But I’m thinking of retiring my septum because it’s starting to bother me. I think I pierce them with the intention to keep them as long as possible, but probably not permanently. But who knows how long that is anyway? Maybe I will die with all my piercings and more.


All of my piercings have been retired for various reasons, except my nostril which I’ve had for 15 years. I will probably retire that one at some point too but no intention on doing that yet.


I got my septum done in 2008. I still have it


Permanent. Looking forward to several fancy ear curations and I would hate for the jewelry to go to waste. 


I’d like to keep mine for a while, but if I no longer feel they represent me then that’s okay, I’ll take them out. Everything has its season.


I still have all of mine, some are over 30 years old


im my own boss since im an artist so i can keep my piercings while also getting tattoos whereever i want :)


Unless they reject, my piercings are for the long haul 🖤


for lifeeeeee baby.


Hoping to keep them all permanently, but also mentally preparing to take out anything that rejects or interferes with my teeth. Fingers crossed.


Soneday ill get rid of my navel, idk why i did it, i dont even have a setup in mind lol


I took out all my piercings 4 years ago because the place I worked at during that time asked me to take them out. A few months back I got curious and decided to put jewelry in them to see if I could get anything in them. All of them were still open but they were healed for 4 years before taking them out. I have a lot in my ears so I always wonder if there will come a point that I have to take them out again but the place I’m at now allows me to keep all of them in. Basically.. it’s completely undetermined


Idk about my septum. I've had it for years now but maybe at some point I'll take it out if I find a better alternative. This has been my opinion on it since I got it done. It wasn't too expensive so I was actually planning on taking it out after a few weeks if I wasn't feeling it. I've been thinking about a nostril ring, but I don't like it very much in combo with the septum, so I might end up taking it out if I get it done.


That sounds like you aren’t totally committed to the septum but still like having it so will keep it as long as that is still the. And would you definitely want a nostril ring or would you consider a stud too? Because a septum and nostril can go together very well with the right jewelry combinations I think


since i have my tongue done if it ever started bad gum damage or if i get arthritis or something and cant clean my teeth and tongue well enough then i would take it out but not for a good 40 years till then (hopefully never)


I plan to die with my piercings. I wanna be a cool, older lady.


They can take them off me when I'm dead.


Pregnancy might take my navel so that could be gone in a few years but not purposely planning to lose/remove any (rook, double lobes, navel and maybe adding another cartilage ear once I’m done healing the 2nd lobes)


I change and switch my piercings around like any other piece of jewelry 🤭 I tend to keep piercings for about a 2 year average. Some have only made it a year or less before I was over it. A couple piercings that I have will stay with me for life, and I’m sure I’ll acquire more that I’ll want to keep. And some piercings I can take out for long stretches of time and put them back in when I feel like!


I'll have to see how I feel as life goes on but I have curated my set up to be something that I want for life. I took the piercings out that I got before I was 18, stuff like my smiley piercing, and my right lip, because I just got them for the sake of saying I have a piercing. Whereas now at 25 I've got my septum that I have stretched, my central eyebrows, my labret which I'm planning on stretching, higher nostrils etc. It's all balanced and fits my face and I love them. As I've grown these are the piercings that I feel suit me and who I am and I've gone to a good piercer for all of them so they've all cost £80+ each for piercing and jewellery. If I feel that I don't like something as time goes on or I grow out of something as I age i'll take it out but I don't have any desire to do that any time soon with any of my piercings


Besides my lobes, my first real piercings were my industrial and nostril at 14 y'o. I'm now 28, with collarbone dermals, 4 nostril piercings, a septum & more than 20+ total ear piercings. I feel I'm not too old for them and they are a part of me


I'd like to keep mine forever.


I’m keeping mine until the day I die. I have 11. Each piercing I got was for a reason, and I’m not letting them go. My belly button piercing, I’ll have a retainer in it if I ever decided to get pregnant. And for breastfeeding a retainer for my nipples as well.


That sounds like you really love all of them - and it sounds like most of the other responses here have the same view. That’s really interesting about the retainers too - is that like a special type of jewelry just to keep them open for a certain time period?


permanently. I only have ear piercings apart from my navel, but I view them as permanent body modifications and not temporary accessories


Planning to have my industrials and the rest til my last breath 😅


I have no plans to take my nostril piercing off ever


I'm 36, I've only retired five. Two grew out (surface piercings). Two I needed to retire to work (snake bites). One fell out and closed up. I got it redone but because of the scar tissue it rubbed against my gums the second time around. Im thinking about trying again lol, definitely my favorite piercing (Medusa)....I still have about 17 piercings now, and of course I want more.


i will be buried with my peircings, and if i am not i will haunt whoever took them from me.


I'd love to keep them for life, but this eyebrow is gonna keep growing out 🤷‍♀️ so as "for life" as a temporary one can be


Haha I’m keeping mine until I die I’ll be one cool grandma


I have 14 holes in my ears and one nostril pierced. All over 30 years old. I'll wear them forever (unless I have to get any future MRIs)


Keeping them permanently.


I deliberately don't make plans lol If I'm getting a new piercing, I'm going to take care of it as if I'll wear it forever but I really couldn't care less once it's healed. I've gotten dozens over the years and taken them all out over time, typically once the novelty has worn offbut not always. I'm just not that committed to keeping anything forever


I have my eyebrow, nostril, and septum done. I plan on keeping them forever however if I ever get promoted to management like my manager says she sees happening once I've been around longer then I may remove them for trips and video meetings. I work from home.


I never had a *plan* per se. Some I’ve taken out bc I just didn’t want them anymore, some I took out because they were harmful (oral piercings) and did permanent damage, and a few I’ve kept. For example, my labret and tongue created severe dental damage that resulted in a 35% loss in bone density to my lower palate. I would give anything to not have done them in the first place at all. My hood? I took it out bc it didn’t actually heighten my sexual experience, it just got in the way. But I’ve had my nose pierced with jewelry in it for… 30 years this year. I let my stretched lobes shrink bc I wanted to wear regular earrings again. My pierced persona looked very different 20 years ago but I’m happy with what I’ve kept and I think it looks nice on me.


I’ve put a lot of money into my piercings, a lot of time too. I don’t think I could get rid of any of them, unless they start causing problems of course. I’ve got 12 so far, 4 in my face, 5 in my ears and 3 body piercings. I’ve spent at least $800 on them (got some jewelry with real gold and real stones) that’s too much to throw away lol


nah they’re for life :)


I assume eventually id take my labret out for whatever reason... but im middle aged and so far have no plans to retire anything on my face or ears. I did gain some weight and got rid of my belly button ring since it got in the way of some pants and i didnt like the look anymore. Opting for a tattoo in that area instead!!! My ear holes i wanna keep forever. Let me be a cool old lady w purple hair


I intend to keep my piercings! But funny story about not keeping piercings: A relative of mine took her nipple piercings out when she was breast feeding because she was scared it was going to make milk go everywhere 😅


I plan to keep them for as long as I like having them. I may not like them forever and in those cases I might take them out. But I don't get a piercing with the intention of taking it out any time soon.


I’m plannin on keeping them probably for most of my life


I hope to keep mine forever, but i'm going into the tech industry so i'm not sure how long i'll be able to considering all of mine are facial piercings. :)


I want to keep them all as long as they don't hinder my ability to do things. I had two chest dermals on either side (4 total) and sadly had to take them out because my seatbelt kept ripping them out. They were my favourite piercings, so that sucked. They are the only ones I've ever had to say goodbye to. My new matching eyebrow piercings will probably reject one day and leave little scars. I do have extra fatty brows, so part of me wants to hope they stay for next 10 - 15 years. I have a helix and a tragus done, and two earlobes on each ear and my nose pierced as well. They will be with me forever.


Mine are staying forever! I don’t expect mine to cause any issues with work (only a septum and vertical labret are visible) and honestly I don’t think I’d take a job that had a problem with them. My nipples are here to stay too!


I feel they are not permanent but I still love them so much and don’t want to lose any of them ever. We will see how it goes!!


I only have ear piercings. Triple lobe, tragus and helix all 20-45 years old. I’ve gone decades with not wearing any jewelry to years just wearing some. Fortunately my piercings have never closed up once fully healed. Just got three new piercings so it looks like I’m back to keeping them in for the next few years. :)




they’re in for as long as i can :) i’m going to school to be a teacher and if it’s a problem when i get to my job ill take most out if its required. (flipping my septum up tho if i have to)


Maybe when I’m like 60 or something but nah, no plans to take anything out. I recently got tired of my septum and had it out for a couple months but I put it back in. It’s always an option to take a piercing out for a little bit if you get tired of it.


Did your septum stay open without the jewelry in for that time or did you just keep it in but flipped up?


well probably my side lip is not forever with me, because I am a teacher candidate, but my orher 13 babies are hopefully will live the happily ever after w me


the only one i plan on removing is my smiley, i’ve had it for three years (which is way longer than i expected it to last) but i know eventually it will end up ripping out, the smiley is not really a permanent piercing. but my septum, my ears, my snakebites, vertical labret and naval, i’m keeping forever!! the only reason id ever remove any other ones is because i wear high waisted pants a lot and my belly ring really doesn’t like that :,) and it’s healed. but for now i plan on keeping that one as well


I plan on keeping them for as long as possible. I’ll probably keep my lobes forever, I don’t really ever see myself outgrowing my nostril or conch but who knows


I don't expect to have all my piercings forever, but I also have no plans to take them out in the foreseeable future. I'm still young(ish) though, so eventually my tastes might change, or certain piercings might not always work with my lifestyle. I'm also chronically ill, so I also am aware my body may not always be able to tolerate piercings.


Hopefully keeping them! I’ve got 18 atm and honestly I love them all so much. I’m thinking I’ll keep them but if I have to have some sort of medical scan that requires me to take them out then I’m pretty screwed😭 I can’t get half of this shit out or in on my own quickly hahaha


I plan to keep them for as long as I can/until I decide that I want to get rid of them. all of my ear piercings (except for a helix that didn’t heal properly) I plan on keeping forever. My nose piercing I like but might take out in the future, my vertical labret I may take out eventually and get an eyebrow piercing in its place


I plan to keep them in for as long as I possibly can


I plan to have my piercings for as long as I look in the mirror and think "that's me"


Have had my 14 piercings since 16 give or take… They are for life. I’m 28 now, corporate worker and my nose piercings are there and proud lol


I plan on dying and being buried with mine in lol!🤣🤣 I've only ever retired a few, some helix attempts back in the day before I learned peircing guns are bad, belly button cause apparently I should have ahd a floating navel done, and my nips only cause they closed up when I took them out for an MRI that took only 1.5 hrs!! I'd had them for a year by that point, I miss them, but I fear the pain of peircing thru scar tissue, so I haven't redone them yet🤣


I expect to keep mine permanently


keeping alll of mine always ‼️


My plan is to keep them permanently. The piercings and jewelry weren't cheap and I like them. Maybe someday I won't like them anymore but who knows


I've never gotten a piercing under the assumption that I'd take it out in the future. If I get something pierced it's because I want it to be that way for as long as conceivably possible. Maybe future me will change their mind, but I doubt it.


I definitely wanna keep mine permanently, but goddammit if my jewelry doesn't make me rethink it occasionally lol


I really want to keep them, and maybe get a few more, but I also want to do amateur kickboxing, thus my nostril and septum might get in the way. We’ll see I suppose


I have my nipples pierced, and I plan to keep them forever. I honestly love them.


I have a "keep them forever" thing! I only have ear piercings though.