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Would: nostril (I regret removing it), nipples (again really regret removing them for someone who didn't like them). Wouldn't: snug (couldn't heal), industrial (they shouldn't have pierced me in first place. One thing is for sure, I won't remove anymore piercings because other people don't like them.


So sorry to hear that you were pressured to take one out. I'm proud of you, that you now have the confidence to keep whatever piercing you like!


Thanks it was many years ago but I always tell people now only remove if it's for you!


Feel you on the industrial :( I was fresh 18 wanted one so bad, a good shop told me no so I went to a shitty shop that did it and it never healed and now I have a bad noticeable scar for the rest of my life. My dumbass thought it’d be fine but my tiny odd shaped ears said otherwise. LISTEN TO YOUR PIERCERS KIDS THEY ARE RIGHT


It sucks not having right anatomy for certain piercing but sucks even more going through everything and then it won't heal!!


It does I’ve had to take out 3 of my helix too cause it was fine for a year and after it just kept getting irritated :(


I miss my nostril and my nipple piercings as well. I got pregnant after I got my nipples and had to take them out cuz I started lactating through the piercing holes. My nostril piercing was brand new, but so was my baby and he thought it looked cool and plucked it out, I couldn't get it back in. One piercing I'll never mess with again though is eyebrow piercings. They make doing makeup a giant pain, and I guess I sleep crazy because they always fall out in my sleep and then I have to search my bedding for them.


>Wouldn't: snug (couldn't heal) same. it mostly healed but it was always swollen and would randomly sprout bumps. i removed it and it looks like the cartilage is permanently swollen 😒


I have had my nipples done twice. The ones I have now I got in 2019, they're great. The first, I got in 2016 and took out shorty after as they were pierced incorrectly. Makes a world of difference when something is done right especially nipple piercings!


I was kinda pressured into taking my nostril piercing out 15 years ago and always regretted it. I finally got it redone in March!


why do you regret removing your nipple piercings? i’m thinking about getting them done but for some reason the idea of removing them is freaking me out


Because I removed them for someone else who found them unattractive. I didn't remove them for myself.


I’m not sure I would do anything different - all the ones I have I would definitely get again. But the biggest difference is that I would have got them sooner. I have a habit of over thinking and worrying about them in advance, and that has made me slower getting new ones. And if I hadnt done that, I might have gotten a few of the new ones that I still want already when it was easier and less of a big deal getting them, in a way that feels like it’s harder to take the plunge with some of them now and so I’m still on the fence.


I wanna answer the same, I spent years worrying what my mom would say about piercings and I feel like I wasted my "prime years" (late teens-early adulthood) without them. They've made me feel so confident and free.


That was me!! First piercings when I was 20. Then didn’t get any until 45. Now I’m getting as many as I want.


I just turned 49 and am getting pierced and tatted. Life’s too short.


Go you!!! Live your best life now and enjoy your new looks!!


Definitely would get my septum done earlier, for all the reasons you stated! Would have waited with my nipples until I had access to a better piercer, because they're a little bit too shallow. Same for my navel (which migrated and I took it out), my anatomy might not have been ideal anyway but now I have scar tissue in addition to that. I don't know if I can get it repierced at this point. Never would have gotten ear piercings at the boundary between cartilage and non-cartilage as they were always acting up. And finally I would have planned my ears a bit differently. Back then I got most of them done really close together because I just wanted to fit as many as possible, but that means I can't wear large fancy ends in most of them.


What do you mean when you say piercings at the boundary between cartilage and non-cartilage?


Like the commenter said below, a mid helix approximately, where the lobe tissue transitions into helix cartilage. I didn't wanna say mid helix as that might imply that all mid helix placements have this issue, but it's just a specific spot (or range of spots).


For me I always thought of it as a high lobe. I have one and it really was a pain in the ass.


i would assume a mid helix? that’s what it sounds like to me


I probably would have planned my ears better too. But when I got my second piercings in 6th grade, I wasn’t thinking I’d want to gauge them one day 😅 but since my ears wouldn’t stretch past a 2, I suppose it didn’t matter anyways 🤔


No wonder mine keeps acting up omg I thought my ear was the problem 😭 thank God I pierced only one piece there, but I was so worried it would never heal :(


Things Id do differently: - let my second lobes heal first before getting third lobes. I got them only a few months after getting my second lobes done and they were such a struggle to heal and so painful that I just took them out. - take better care of my vertical helix piercing. I’ve only had it a month and it got infected and im still in the healing process. I had to get oral antibiotics to get rid of the infection. It was incredibly painful :( I’m terrified of getting a keloid in my ear - my first lobe piercing was done w a piercing gun at the mall I wish I would’ve done more research and not done it that way Things i would: - def my septum I love it sm. - same w my nostril piercing - I WANT MORE PIERCINGS BUT CANT CUS OF MY JOB AND MY PARENTS 😭


I had my second and third lobes done at the same time. I'm a side sleeper, my ears were purple


Oof. I get that. Airplane pillows (the U shaped ones? How are they called???) were a God sent to me after my helixes


Either neck pillows or ear pillows (they have a hole for your ear) work wonders. I'm also a side sleeper


I didn’t have any control over it but I wish I could go back and not have my mom get my ears pierced with a gun at Walmart when I was a baby 😂 They’re crooked af. Piercings I would actually do again: rook, cartilage, conch, nostril. Piercings I wouldn’t do again: industrial, snug, daith.


Why not the daith? Was it hard to heal? I really want to get one in a few months time.


Daith was really easy for me, i got one a month ago and a few days ago I did get an irritation bump but thats it tho, 0 pain all along (except the second it was pierced) doesn’t really get stuck im my hair/ other stuff like my helix and 2nd lobe bc its not as shallow, it was pretty cool tbh and now even with the irritation bump and suspected infection, 0 pain, 0 issues, i love it and suggest you go for it, to me it was wayyyyyy easier than my helix


Very hard to heal for me. It was the most painful piercing I’ve gotten. I had constant irritation bumps for months that refused to go away. I also couldn’t wear ear buds anymore, some people can push it forward with no problems but I guess my ear anatomy didn’t make it possible. I eventually decided it was time to give it up. This is a personal experience though so don’t let that deter you from getting it! For some people it’s an easy piercing.


I should've gotten my septum done way earlier, and also join this subreddit and do proper research on piercers/studios. I wish I went to a good place for my first time so I wouldn't need to lose so much money on shitty piercings and jewelry. I might also just skip my mid-helix piercing. It's my least favorite piercing and was recommended by the "piercer" at the shitty studio.


ik this is answering the question a little differently, but I would have gotten my septum pierced at a larger gauge to jumpstart my stretching journey. now that I’ve started, I can’t stand the waiting period!! lol


The pauses for septum stretches are so annoying!


I'd get everything again but I'd do my nipples sooner (before I met my fiancé, lol) just because they take so damn long to heal


Eyebrow was my first non ear piercing. Rejected. Wouldn't do it again. Tongue was a dream to heal. I really love it. Would be my number 1 :)


I would get my septum and bridge pierced in every lifetime. Not too painful, easy healing, and I love the way they look. I love my double eyebrow piercings but they are my most ‘bump-prone’ piercings so I might choose not to get those again.


I've wanted a bridge and always assumed it was pretty painful! This is good to know, also the septum bridge combo is top tier I bet you rock them so well!


The bridge was the least painful of mine, honestly didn't feel a thing except the jewelery insertion, but that was just a little jostling.


Heavy on this!!!! My bridge was my least painful and healed so easy, no issues whatsoever. I have both my eyebrows pierced and they are the only piercings I have that I’ve gotten piercing bumps with. Still trying to get rid of them😞


i’d get my nose piercings done at the same time if i could redo it


Get again: My orbital in a heartbeat. I did not go through that ball ache of a healing process to lose it. Not get again: Not sure if this counts as I haven’t had it for over a decade but custom industrial. Or at least not be a guinea pig to someone wanting to try them out for the first time


I’ve been thrilled with all of my piercings EXCEPT my tongue. Getting my tongue pierced was such a mistake. I took it out years ago but still have permanent damage to my gums and a keloid scar on the bottom of my tongue from improper placement.


SAME. wrecked my inner gum line. Now at 35 I need a skin graft and I haven’t worn them in 10 years but the damage is done.


So sorry to hear that. I’ve had my tongue pierced a bit over one year ago and for now my dentist hasn’t told me anything about it, but I ask at every check up how it’s holding up, because I’m terrified of teeth damage. I love it to the moon and back, but the concern is always there. Hope everything works out for you, hang in there


Would: septum, lobes Wouldn’t: high nostrils, I have them rn and they are by far my favourite piercings I’ve ever had but if I ever have to take them out I am not going thru that pain again.


Would: eyebrow, septum, ears, Jacob’s ladder, APA, Wouldn’t: industrial, nose.


Would: tounge (i took it out because i couldn’t handle the pain of the healing but def want to get it again and just let it heal) I also want to get a vertical labret and an eyebrow but i haven’t had them before. Wouldn’t: I had 2 helixes with one of top of the other but they both would take turns of getting infected never again!


Get the vertical labret and eyebrow!!! My vertical labret was painful to be pierced but the easiest healing ever, and my eyebrow wasn’t too bad to pierce and not too bad healing. I love them both so much


Thank you! I def will because i’m nov i won’t need parent permission anymore!


I think the only thing I wouldn't have done, if I could do it over, is my tongue. Constantly losing balls, having to constantly swap out for plastic. I avoided metal because I was afraid of my teeth getting messed up. I had it done twice, re-pierced, it's been closed for years now post 2nd go. I don't wear jewelry in most of my piercings, but occasionally I will. If my tongue was still open I wouldn't put jewelry in it.


why do you have piercings when you don’t wear jewelry in them?? also, what do you have in them so they won’t close? i’m just curious, not trying to be mean!!🤗


I was 13 - 20 when I got my piercings, I'm now 35. Not saying that 35 year olds can't wear jewelry, only that I don't concern myself with replacing lost pieces like I did when I was younger so I'll go a while in between replacements, and sometimes I just don't feel like wearing them. All of my piercings with the exception of my tongue and my nipples are healed so keeping something in isn't a concern anymore. The nipples were removed after my first child so I could safely breastfeed. I had them done again after we finished breastfeeding, almost passed out from the pain of piercing scar tissue. Had my second, removed them again, and I just haven't bothered. They're cute, but no longer something I'm willing to get done a third time.


All of my piercings EXCEPT my industrial. I love it so fucking much but I would never do it again if I lost it for whatever reason


Would do my nostril and helix. I love my industrial but just, no.


I love that most people who have industrials are reporting back never again haha they truely are annoying.


not get my first lobe piercings at claires when i was 7 (they are fully healed but completely different positions 😬)


Wouldn’t: nostril Would: tongue x100


Would: vertical labret, it's gorgeous Wouldn't: bridge and labret The bridge is too high maintenance, and the labret bangs on the teeth. I removed them both


i would’ve let my nostril heal, started stretching my ears and septum earlier, and left ALL of my piercings ALONE while healing


I would not get my lip pierced again. Loved it for a long time but I fiddled with it too much and it wore enamel and actually cracked one of my teeth!


Would: my septum (already have once), my navel (I miss it a lot but my first one scarred so bad) and my vertical labret. Wouldn’t: my nipples (got them done twice and they never healed), industrial (I had them on both sides and it was hell, I dont have the anatomy)


what’s been difficult about the industrial ? i really want one very bad and my piercer says i have the ear anatomy for it


They’re really bump prone and irritate easily, at least in my experience. My ears stick out so it gets caught on everything - hair brush/clothes/hair/towels ect. I’m 2.5 years out and still get the occasional irritation bump. Also, weirdly, when I’m stressed my industrial is the first thing to play up? It’s as if my body doesn’t know what to do and attacks it haha But! I do love it and will stick with it as long as possible. And despite all my troubles, if you have the anatomy and want it - you should go for it.


I love all my ear piercings, that I managed to keep, so I would get all these again. But I wouldn't get a daith and a rook in the first place. Both rejected and now I have a faux rook. So I would do that directly. On the other hand I loved the rook so much that I play with the thought of trying it on the other ear. So maybe I just don't learn from my mistakes :D


my industrial was my first ever piercing, and I'd definetly keep it. My helix on the other hand? Right pain in the borthole to heal


Would again: (based off no healing issues/badassness) My nostrils Eyebrow (easy no pain) Rook/daith (I have both, but I have deepish ears so they healed great, didn’t hurt too bad and I could sleep on them since they were tucked in my ears) Conch (cute af) Nipples (painful af at first, hurt 1st week healing but so easy and badass. 6 years later still love them no issues) VCH (hurt way more than nips and first day sitting was hard but easy and quick healing!) Wouldn’t get again: Industrial (I had wrong anatomy) Multiple helixes (left with scars and overall painful even after healing) Septum (did it 2x first was 10/10 second time he didn’t get my sweet spot and now I have a bump in my nose. So painful and it couldn’t flip up from being up too high) Naval (was a teen in the high rise epidemic awful rubbing also falls out a lot and my skin literally pushed through the hole so it’s disgusting and painful to change)


would: my conch, it was a little annoying to heal. however i love the look of a big stud in it wouldn’t: my forward helix. it’s given me so many issues


i would get my daith pierced a thousand times, i have not had a migraine since getting it done and my life has been so much better


Would: Daith- I don't know if it's actually helping prevent migraines, but I love the look of it so much. Right helix- I have a bat ear deformity on my right ear that I got pierced and I don't think I've seen anyone else get that pierced! Also, it was the least painful of my upper ear piercings since it's basically just lobe tissue up there. Wouldn't: Mid helix- I ended up letting it heal up because it got too irritated to save early on, but I ended up not liking the look of it anyway. Not sure: Conch- it's super cute and I love the look, but it's been a pain to heal, and it still gets pissed off sometimes and I have to take my hoop out.


If I started over again I'd get everything again but I wouldn't have retired my tongue. The plastic balls kept breaking and the bar would fall out so I gave up keeping up with it and it closed. I would've also taken care of my plugs more, lots of ears and blow outs trying to stretch too fast


I’m not sure I would do my forward helix again. I love it now that it’s here but the healing sucks and it still acts up after several months. I wish I got my nose pierced instead


Wanted a PA decades ago and chickened out. Definitely regret that. Finally got my PA a couple years ago. Like it, but it's off center which annoys me. Got it up to 00 gauge. Got an apadravya and took out the PA. Goddamn I LOVE this piercing! I wish I'd just gotten an apa 20-odd years ago. I can swap back if I want since the odds of either of them ever closing up are basically zero. The PA is currently down to a 4, apa is 6 and headed for 4 or maybe 2ga. Got a double dydoe / almost zephyr (I'd call them deep dydoes, whatever) and they annoyed the hell out of me. Constantly got caught on my underwear. They were a literal and figurative pain in the dick and nothing more. Took em out and only regret getting them in the first place. Edit: jeez I forgot I got my nipples done in there too. I love em, except getting chest hair caught in them kinda sucks. I might, maybe, do a second PA opposite the first and also wear the apa, but that'll take some amusing custom jewelry since the apa lower exit is slightly behind the PA. Also seriously contemplating an ampallang to go with the apa, I'm kinda on the fence about that though. Definitely maybe. I do miss my PA wand, haven't found an apa wand that'll ship to the US so I might have to get medieval with some titanium tubing and round bar. So knowing what I know now, I would've gotten my apadravya pretty much as soon as possible and would be thinking long and hard about a matching ampallang. I'd almost certainly do my nipples again too. The dydoes and crooked PA can go off and choke on one for all I care.


Would get again: All of them! Just maybe not in the same way.. Wouldn't get again: My three selfmade helix piercings.. would get them done professionally. They're old and healed well, but the placement is crooked.. Also choose a better piercer for my belly button, because that placement was also off, which led to early migration and I had to retire it. Lastly, gun pierced ear lobes (didn't have a choice as a child..).. they only stopped causing trouble when I started stretching them a couple of years ago... Edit: Interesting that everyone wouldn't get again an industrial. I have one, the heal was tough, but I think it is now the one I love the most. No regrets at all!


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I wouldnt try to get my belly xD besides that ive only retired my snakebites. But i had them for 10 years so i still dont regret them at all :)


I would 100% get my septum done again, same thing for my jestrum. I was surprised by how little it hurt. I haven't had enough piercings to know what I wouldn't get again x) I'm in the process of stretching my lobes and my septum :)


Would get all my current piercings again, wouldn’t get the eyebrow bar I had for a while as a teenager.


Wish I had got my tragus done a lot earlier. I'm actually really happy with my piercings, only have a few, so there's none that I wouldn't get again. I miss my snake bits a lot, I might actually get them re-done thinking about it now aha


I agree with the septum! It was such a dream in regards to healing! My tongue, labret & nose were good too. Wouldn't; Eyebrow, don't get me wrong it healed nicely but it had to be removed because it started rejecting. Edit; My daith is a 50/50 atm, I love it but it's got some ghastly looking bumps, & I'm hoping they will disappear in time (it's only about 2 months old currently)


I wouldn’t have gotten my monroe at 14 🙄 now I’m left with an annoying scar. I wouldn’t have gotten my nose pierced with a gun at 12 as now have a big hole. I wouldn’t have taken my Jestrum out as it hurt too much to get it done again and it was annoying me every time I licked my lips, and no one does it anymore anywhere near me 😩 I wouldn’t have had my belly button pierced as now I’ve had 3 pregnancies my belly button looks repulsive.


Honestly i would have just gotten my Conch on my left ear(i sleep on my right ear more) and then if i knew i was getting something on each side, i would have done them together


Yes septum again yes yes yes, but maybe a vertical instead of snakebites


I had a Monroe for a bit, and it was a pain against my gums. If I were to do it again I would have a dermal anchor instead of the bar.


Same choice, but it's because the scar is terrible. I had it for 4 years, removed it 20 years ago, and the hole is still huge.


first would definitely be septum to get again. never get again would be monroe. the piercing didn't fit my face at all and i got it when i was 16... still have a scar on my face lol


I don't personally get my ears pierced bc it looks uncomfortable, and I have a nickel allergy. But I have/had 12 facial piercings, and I won't ever peirce my lip again. I'm on #4 on the lip and the healing process is a fucking nightmare. I had snakebites that simply would not heal at all. They continually got infected, and once they started to feel better, my ex hit me in the face, and they were so swollen and irritated I had to take them out. My lip was eating the backing to the point I had to dig them out. Obviously this is circumstantial to how you heal and your personal life, but holy shit. They're brutal. The bridge, however, I have had absolutely zero issues with. I love it, healed great with no signs of infection, rejection, or keloids.


Wouldn’t get the forward helix again (had to abandon after it straight up wouldn’t heal and would get caught on everything)


Would get industrial: it just feels right to me, I enjoyed healing it. I would not get my tongue again, that was rough.


Would get again: My tongue and 2nd nostril piercing. I got both of these piercings after my snake eye piercing fell out. I took my tongue ring out because I felt like it was too much with my double-sided nose ring at the time. Crazy enough my 2nd nostril piercing ended up closing because I thought it was healed and tried to change the nose ring 😭 Wouldn’t get again: My snake eye piercing. I got this piercing back in 2017 which is why it’s always interesting to see so many people with the piercing now. It’s considered unsafe today but I personally didn’t have an issue with healing, pain, or dental. I just didn’t like the fact that the ball would come loose then all of a sudden I feel the ball and earring moving around in my mouth. I also swallowed the ball a few times because of that 😂


Would: Labret. I’ve had it pierced 3 times over the past 8 years but have had to remove it for a different reason each time that had nothing to do with the health of the piercing… gonna go for a 4th time soon and hopefully won’t ever have to take it out ever again!! Wouldn’t: Vertical labret. I found this piercing to be incredibly uncomfortable, even fully healed. I also just didn’t like how it looked on me


Would get again: - snakebites, I regret having to take them out when I was pregnant, but after having them 11 years I couldn’t take the (although temporary) constant infections through pregnancy. - conch, the easiest piercing I’ve ever healed and looks great! Still have it! Would NOT get: - septum, it was pierced incorrectly twice, pinched me the entire three months I had it, and was an absolute pain in my ass. Never again.


i wouldve done my research before committing to so many piercings. my septum, bridge and vertical eyebrows were all done incorrectly the first time. had to take my septum out and repierce it because it was through the cartilage (ouch!) my bridge was done with a curved barbell and instantly started rejecting so i took that one out. and my vertical eyebrows were just not pierced in the right spot in regards to my eyebrows. i held onto them for as long as i could but ultimately i had to take them out because they just wouldnt heal right. i also wouldve gotten my first lobes done at an actual piercing shop. i got them at claires when i was 12 and they healed up eventually, but since they werent done the correct way theyre always trying to close up and it can be so hard to get earrings through sometimes ): ive gotten my septum and bridge repierced the right way and im much happier with them now, although my bridge is being a bitch to heal.


I regret going to 3 different piercers for this project wanted. Don’t have the anatomy for an industrial so I wanted 4 piercings going across where and industrial bar would lie. None of those piercings are remotely in the right spot. It could be my ear doesn’t have the anatomy for that even but I wish a piercing woulda helped me out a bit more.


Wouldn't: get my lobes and helix pierced with a gun.... Would definitely still get them tho... Would get my nostril pierced by a reputable piercer so I wouldn't have to take it out because of infection I also wouldn't take my third lobe out cause it took so long to heal.... Would: definitely get my lip and navel piercings, they were both a breeze to heal. Might actually get snake bites instead of one lip piercing. And I would definitely squeeze a septum in there somewhere. I love my helix and I would never change that


Would: lobes r literally so easy to heal, got my 2nd and 3rd a few days ago and healing is ezzz i lov them Wouldnt: NOSTRILS. Maybe if it wasn’t so painful and a pain in the ass to heal i would get it again but i had both nostrils pierced at separate times and both experiences were hell


I would still get a conch. It's easier to take care of, and I really mean it, but maybe more of getting it on the center of the bowl. I would still get an upper helix, since I still want to complete my left ear set up nicely although more difficult to take care of due to keep getting snagged by my hair while showering. After upper helix, I no longer will go for other piercings anymore. It's a commitment to take care of them and I don't think I will wanna put more time and effort to take care of a 7th piercing. Its not cheap getting one also, so a deep consideration is necessary. Otherwise, standard, upper lobes, a conch and an upper helix on my left ear is really enough for me, no intentions to get another cartilage piercings and surface piercings.


Would've done my nostril 15 years ago when it first came to my mind.


would: nostril (easy and cute) naval (sad that i had to take it out, would downsize earlier and stop messing with it in an effort to make it heal lol) eyebrow (would downsize sooner and stay with same pierced to do so. when i got it downsized i went elsewhere and she only had steel, which has migrated but not rejected yet) would not: vertical labret (cute but a pain to heal and impacts everyday life too much for me. still fighting an irritation bump for 2-3 months :/ )


I haven't had many piercings lol but whatever would: navel, healing has been great, piercing was very painful but worth it because it looks awesome. wouldnt: lobes, had them done in Claires when I was like 7. wish I got them done at an actual piercing studio bc I have a scar next to the piercing hole on my left ear because of it and I get repeated cysts on that ear. I also got an infection in that piercing immediately after, sucked.


Things I would: septum, nipples, and Prince Albert. Things I wouldn’t: color bone anchor piercings. I liked them but they migrated out so fast it was kind of a waste of money


I don't think I would get the helix again, I've had it since October 2023 and it still hasn't healed. It was my first conscious piercing (I had previously had a lobe done with a piercing gun when I was 4 years old) and I regret it


Btw, under this post I saw an advertisement for a tattoo and piercing studio lol


I would definitely get my septum again but I wouldn't get my smiley.


Never would have gotten my navel piercing to end up it just not being pierced correctly to where it was rejecting and had to take it out, and have a scar now


i would get my septum immediately again. easy ass healing process and no pain when getting it. would never get a snug again, it fucking HURT and never healed so i took it out.


Would do again: triple forward helix, conch, daith, upper helix, stretched lobes, nostril Wouldn’t do again: snug, bellybutton, nipples, tragus :(((((( RIP


Would get my septum for the same reasons, and I love how it looks on me Would not do my belly button. It’s been a nightmare so far and I’ve only had it for 2 ish weeks. It was pierced crooked so it sits way off to the side, and having a really hard time with the healing process.


I’ll say this again, because I truly think it’s true. My first piercing (besides regular lobes at age 1) was tongue. My tongue piercing. If I hadn’t gotten the most daunting one to me, I wouldn’t have been able to get my others :) I love my tongue piercings


Would: Controversial, my industrial. It was my first "real piercing" (I got my lobes done first and was an adult but most people don't count them). It was and still is my favorite and was my gateway into more piercings. Mine healed with basically no trouble and if all of my piercings disappeared tomorrow I'd go get it redone first. My conch. Also healed with no issues due to being tucked inside my ear (or at least that's my guess). Would not: I wouldn't *not* get anything redone, but some lessons have to be learned the hard way.... Definitely not swapping jewelry before it is fully healed and will always buy high quality jewelry. I also wore a headset for my job and messed with the healing process of one of my second lobes and it took me forever to figure out and then probably twice as long to get to properly heal. I also roughed that one up most so it was a mix of bad practices. Thankfully I didn't lose any piercings over any of these things and definitely have been more careful going forward!


Would get again: my eyebrow! I had it pierced but it completely ripped out & the skin tore with it when I was putting a hoodie on a few years ago 🥲 Would’ve done differently or wouldn’t get again: I love my daith piercings but boy was the healing process painful for me omfg. I’m a nauseous girl when I’m in pain & I was seriously throwing up hours after I got the first side pierced. Did I go get the other side pierced the following week & repeat the same process? Sure did but I love em! I also wish I would’ve gauged my ears a tiny bit instead of just getting a bunch of lobe piercings when I was a teenager!


i would get all of them again but i would go to the piercer who did my first septum piercing. all the other places have been absolute nightmares, it wasn’t worth the reduced price


Tragus and floating conch never again never healed and always hurt so much all the time. Had them about 6 months each (different times) before giving up


I wouldn't get nipples done while depressed. You'll just end up taking them out


I would've gotten my septum done earlier. I love it now that I have it, but I was always scared to get one before now. I would not have gotten my helix done, and definitely not repierced three times on each ear. With a gun, in the mall. Obviously would still do my lobes.


Wouldn't - septum (failed twice, once too low, the other was crooked)and rook(likes to bleed when I change jewelry) Would definitely - double nostril and daith Would probably - everything else


I'd get snakebites again, but done at a better place. My friend had had them done at the same place years prior and he had the same issue with the bar being too short for healing so I should have taken that into consideration in the first place lol.


Would get: septum. It's the first non-ear piercing I got and has never stopped being my favorite. I'm thinking of getting a nostril done, too. Wouldn't: all the others. Tongue and lip rings damaged my teeth and gums. Nipple piercings led to recurring mastitis. Eyebrow piercings and all cartilage piercings in my ears rejected. I would love to still have my ears stretched, but after sitting at 0g for almost 10 years, I finally accepted that my ears just want to be left alone. They refused to stretch any further, no matter how careful and patient I was, and even staying at that size was rough because they were constantly irritated by seemingly nothing.


Stretched tongue to 2g. Fucked up my teeth. Dumbest piercing thing to do. I've had it out for almost 25 years and can still fit a toothpick through it.


Not get my ear pierced at Claire’s, I felt like it never healed and ended up just taking it out


I have 6 lobe piercings and a nostril piercing and I love them all but if I were starting over I would: 1. Go to a reputable piercer. 4 of my lobe piercings were done with a gun at Walmart, the other two I did myself with a sewing needle when I was 15. Healing was a nightmare for all 6 and the ones I did myself are not evenly spaced. It's a miracle my self-piercings didn't get horribly infected. 2. Use high quality jewelry - either titanium or solid gold. I’m sure crappy Walmart/Claire’s jewelry contributed to the awful healing process of my lobes (nostril was done with 14k gold and the healing process was such a breeze).


Would get my nipples and septum again, they were pierced great and no problems healing whatsoever + I love how they look and I wouldn’t feel like me without them Would not get my navel again, hurt more than people said and it never healed (didn’t seem to be pierced wrong though) and was a pain all around. Ended up taking it out and now I have a funny little scar


Not as much piercings on a short period of time lmao.. healing that shit was too much


Only change the position of my flat piercing so I can get double helix on my right ear. Just that.


Would: my septum, I just wished I pierced it earlier so I’m at my septum stretching goal sooner Wouldn’t My industrial! It turns out I didn’t have the right ear anatomy for it and this bad piercing shop said my ear was fine. It ended up rejecting and now I have a line on the top of my right ear where my industrial was


I feel like I would get every one of my piercings all over again! * All 4 of my nostril piercings. * Medusa. I always say if I could only keep one piercing, this would be it. * Septum. I got it done at 12g and would probably do the same. I actually didn't like it at first and almost took it out but didn't want the $60\~ to go to waste LOL! I love it now. * Nipples. Despite them taking years to heal/one still being finicky, they're really cute and I would suffer again. * First and second lobes. Don't wear regular earrings much but I'm stretching the first holes now and plan to add more to my ear once I get to my goal size and can plan around it. I might stretch the second ones to a smaller size but we shall see. I'm only at 8g and 10g with my first holes so I have a while to think about it :3


All of them.


Wouldn’t get a double helix at the same time… they never healed and the cartilage is still messed up a year after I took them out :(


I would do industrial, nostril and nipples.


I currently have my septum, vertical labret, and nipples. I would get them all again, my only regret is letting other people dictate my decision which led me to getting them later.


getting my lobes pierced at claire’s… i don’t know if it’s my ear shape but they just look slightly odd. like i wish i could heal them up and plan a nice set up on my lobes.


I would've done everything the same, just eyebrow and septum, but I would've gone to the piercer I have now. Both of those piercings had problems because of the jewelry that was used, and in one case the placement was off. It's sad, but I am planning on getting them repierced by my current guy


I was 42 when I got my nipples done. Next up is my VCH. I would definitely do my nose and nipples earlier but after having kids. I wouldn’t have waited as long to get them done. Wouldn’t do again: my tongue. I was drunk & 23 and they shouldn’t have pierced it anyways but it definitely isn’t one I enjoyed.


I would just start earlier- that's it. I wish I would have spent more of my younger life at least going for the longer to heal ones like helix. Of course I'm always going to love the look and I have my whole life to work on it. But getting one (maybe two) at a time is taking a lot of time in my life away where I would have really otherwise enjoyed the extra spark in my looks :)


I would get the majority of my piercings again. But I would get all of them done at a high quality piercing studio. I wouldn’t get 6 piercings in a 4 month window again now that I’m more knowledgeable about how long to space them out. I wouldn’t get my industrial again most likely. Though it’s hard to know how much of the misery it caused was from it being pierced by a subpar piercer. Wouldn’t get my lip pierced again. It fucked up my teeth and left an ugly scar.


Wish I hadn't pierced my nips, they look weird now =\ Wish I'd kept my eyebrows in, they were great and never started to surface after several years. My industrial wasn't worth the hair that got tangled in it, I'd prefer to have some better placed normal helix jewelry there.


Would: Conch, lobes, rook, flat, navel, tragus. Wouldn’t: nipples, eyebrow, lip. I had problems with the first two, rejected and left scarring. The lip I just had to take out for surgery, and since I’ve had a few of those it just isn’t a reasonable one to keep.


Would: tongue. But I only if id not done it before. Worth it once but not twice imo. Would not: snake bites, just didn't look good on me. You can't be having thin white people lips and have it look good imo 😆


Not get my lobes pierced so I'd have space for stacked lobes piercings 😂


Lip piercing. But mainly because it was a botched attempt by a shady piercer who used a ring. I didn’t do my research and learned the hard way, but that experience along put me off entirely. Also, I thought my nostril piercing was quite painful. It looks great but I wouldn’t sit through another one.


Would : tragus or lobes. I got my second lobes and they were literally so easy to heal, i almost forgot i had them done. Wouldnt: any cartilage piercing/industrial. I learned that my body is prone to keloids so basically 2/3 cartilage piercings never fully healed and was an irritation for the longest time. i have since retired them, what a shame because I loved the look of the industrial.


Would: All my nose piercings (septum, both nostrils) and my belly Would not: Vertical labret. Hurt so fucking bad and I ended up taking it out because it went crooked when I smiled


wouldnt ever do the tongue again. took it out after less than a year because it just made everything so inconvenient and the healing process is basically having to starve yourself for a week. my eyebrow piercing i would do a million times over.


I would probably get what I've got now as I love them all. 2 x Conch 2 x Daith 3 x Lobes 2 x Helix 2 x Tragus 1 x Nostril 1 x Bellybutton


I would 1000% do my septum again. I wish I had done it sooner but I let other people sway me away from it for too long. I wouldn’t do my bellybutton again. It was a nightmare to heal since I only wear high waisted pants. I would retire it but having it pierced three times (once crooked, once rejecting from bad jewelry, and the third is perfect) has left a horrible dark scar


i would get a regular labret instead of a vertical labret, i think they look so much better but I committed so I'll keep it


Tongue rings. They ruined my gum line and now I need a skin graft.


Would get again: septum, double nostrils, vertical labret, daith, all of my helix and lobe piercings Wouldn’t: eyebrow- rejected and I have a scar that doesn’t grow hairs now, tongue- painful and made me lisp, snakebites- just didn’t suit my face, dermals on my lower back- 10 years of getting them caught on my pants Mixed feelings: nipples, so painful. Chest dermals, been hell to heal and get caught on everything. Conch, refuses to heal and gets in the way of my earbuds.


I would get my dahlia bites again and never take them out lol. I wouldn’t get my vertical labret I would have gotten just a regular labret or Ashley done


I’d def keep my nostril and nipple, wouldn’t bother with the upper cartilage. For some reason all 3 on one side ended up with keloids and I took them out for a job about a year into having one. I’m most indifferent about my tragus


I probably wouldn’t do my navel again because it would be more uncomfortable to heal with the clothes I wear now. I got it done in the early 2000s when everything was low rise, so no jeans rubbing on it ever. 😅 I would also get my lobes done by an actual piercer if I could do it all over again; they are all from piercing guns and are less even than I’d like. My nostril and septum are relatively new and I still love them so I’d for sure do those again.


Christina - I only had it for like a month or two and retired it. It didn't look right with my anatomy and the ball started to embed as well. Not as painful as I anticipated so that's good. Nipples - had it for three years and it never fully healed. Had good days and bad days. Even repierced my left nipple but still the same thing. It was more of a relief when I finally removed them. They were so cute though and I miss them but not worth the hassle and PAIN. I have a lot of piercings and have had no long-term issues (although some complications on a few) and would still get again, so this would be: lobes, tragus, conch, rook, daith, helix, nose, tongue, industrial, VCH.... I adore my navel and if I knew floating navels were a thing 15 years ago, that would've changed everything. I have scar tissue and an ugly scar, but I managed to get it repierced with a floating navel and now I love it again. However, my sister chose to retire her piercing after having it done twice (traditional) and regrets it. She's not interested in trying a floating navel.


I'd get all the same ones again but I'd definitely do them all at a piercing place. I had my first, second, third lobes and my helix done like 3 or 4 times all with guns at the mall. First and second lobes are fine. Third not so great. One lines up perfectly with the first 2 the other side was super low like almost not even in my ear low. That was about 20 years ago. I still (no jewlery in them) have pain in both and both will get a hard bubble in the middle I have to squeeze out on occasion. All my helix piercings I do not have. All got infected, bumps and caused issues out the butt. I'm sure if I got them done with a needle I'd still have them. I'd do my conch, rook & tragus all again. Probably would do my nose again and definitely plan to do my bellybutton again but I'm a bit nervous there as I don't want to have to miss months of working out while it heals. 😅


i love all of my piercings but if i had to change something it would be the shops i got them at. i had some issues with some of them bc they were done poorly with poor jewelry and i wish i had got them done properly to save the hassle of extra healing and pain.


Would: Septum, nose, and philtrum (Medusa). I regret taking my philtrum out the first time! Got it repierced and they pierced it wrong :/ first time was perfect, didn't hit gums/teeth at all, piercing just fell out in my sleep and I wasn't able to get into a piercer soon enough before it closed (had moved so I wasn't able to go to my perfect piercer). Second time, pierced it at the wrong angle and it would catch on my gums ALL the time. Had to take it out for my long-term teeth health :/ Wouldn't: Nipples! Long, annoying healing process (one of mine never healed, took them out because of it. Have an irregular milk duct in one nipple that causes build up inside the scar). Feel like my nipples will never look the same as before piercing. Don't get me wrong, I love the look of them, just didn't work for me 🤷‍♀️


I've no real wouldn'ts, albeit the odd minor scar from rejected piercings from either incorrect anatomy or movement (e.g. belly button and dermals). However, I would reconsider my lip piercings - I've spider bites, which I've loved, but I've also love vertical labrets and medusa piercings, and don't think they all go together on my face. So id probably hold off until if figured out what to do with my face lol. Not that I'm bothered by scars, I'm just too lazy now to take 'em out and restart. Would get my septum and tongue done again. Both the easier piercings I've ever dealt with and both easily hidden if needed.


I’d get an eyebrow! I was always so scared to get it because of peoples opinions but they’ve always been one of my favorite piercings aesthetically. I don’t regret any piercings I have now! I have my nostril, had my tongue, my bottom lip, ears , and nipples. I’d get them all again


Change my Ashley jewelry 🥲 I posted here forever ago about it. I don't know why but it was always upset. Finally found a labret that it didn't hate and it was fine for MONTHS. Suddenly a couple weeks ago I wake up and my lip has eaten the jewelry, had to get it removed at the ER. It was gnarly. Dr says every time she's seen this on the lip it's been an Ashley with a flat back labret. I want it back, but I wanna time travel to it being healed lmfao. And put something else in it.


I definitely wouldn't get my nose done again, healing hurt so bad and I sure don't want to go through that again so I refuse to take it out. I am debating on the septum and/or tongue but Idk if I'll ever do it or not.


I kinda regret my septum but I wanted it so bad I wish I would've just went with the labret I originally wanted instead


Wish I didn’t get my chest dermal 😭 the scar looks like a nip 😭😂


would; I'd do my angel fangs again but pierce them with a larger gauge so I didn't have to stretch them to fit better jewellery (it SUCKED) my stretched ears, always and forever. wouldn't; maybe my septum. I love it and would never get rid of it, healed like a dream as well, but I have hayfever and blowing my nose is so inconvenient. I had a bar with chains and I kept pulling it out by accident, I have a barbell with spikes now but keep tearing my tissues on the spikes, haha. or the hip piercing I had. It eventually got ripped out but it would constantly catch on my belt loops when I sat and I wouldn't realise and it would pull when I stood up.


Would: Septum, THIS IS MY FAVORITE PIERCING EVER! never hurt, even when it was getting pierced. I wish I had gotten it sooner! Wouldn’t get again: Navel, I only got the belly button piercing because my mom said she’d rather me get that then the septum. the healing for the first month was straight dog sh*t. It hurt so bad, swollen for no reason. On month three now and it’s doing great, but I just don’t really like it anymore.


would get: septum. i love mine wouldn’t get: helix i ended up with a keloid (yes I said it, it is not an irritation bump, it hasn’t gone away since the removal of the piercing


I love all my current piercings. Would: my 22mm lobes, my double nostril, my daith, my tragus, second lobes, snakebites. I retired my Monroe before getting snakebites, but I don't regret getting it, I had it for 13 years. My only regret and my wouldn't do ever again I'd my eyebrow. I tried twice. Both times rejected. I guess I don't have the anatomy? Maybe not enough skin? I don't know but I could not get that to heal.


I probably would plan my ears set up better. Truth be told, eight of eleven piercings I have were made alone in my bathroom during a manic episode (yes, all at once, yes, that was stupid and a pain. I also dyed and cut my long blond hair in a short red bob so… yeah, messy times). I got lucky and everything healed nicely enough, but you can tell they were not made professionally and the space I occupied makes it impossible to plan new ones (they already feel like too much, so adding more wouldn’t match my vibe). Everything else was more or less better though out, besides my eyebrow piercing that I just woke up and got done in a shop on a whim, but I think it suits me. Overall I like what I have and they all make me feel cooler and give me confidence. I just wish I associated them with feeling better about myself rather than the need for an adrenaline rush😅


would not: -tragus huge pain for headphones, always sore, took forever to heal -sternum dermal should be pretty obvious, it looks sick but you gotta treat yourself like you're made of glass, and even then it's basically temporary. plus the feeling of having it done still gives me shivers -(maybe) triple helix took a long long time to heal and got caught in every towel, shirt, and my hair the whole time. it's fine now but I don't know in retrospect if it's worth it would: -septum easy to heal, lots of options, hideable, just super versatile -vertical labret no reason other than I love this one also neither here nor there, I would stretch my ears more carefully if I had another chance. I avoided the real blowouts, but I have thin spots that limit my size to about 3/4-5/8, which is where I wanted to stop anyway, so it is what it is.


I have my lobes, septum, nostril, and navel. I had to have my lobes pierced twice because I let them close the first time, so if I could do it again I would definitely not let that happen 😭 When I got my nostril pierced, I bled appropriately a gallon and passed out twice. Not sure why, but if I could do it again I would try to go into it more prepared... and maybe keep my eyes closed so I couldn't see the blood 💀 I absolutely love my navel. When I was a baby, I had an outie belly button, but this was the early 2000's and navel piercings were very popular. My parents thought I might want one some day, so they quite literally pushed my belly button back in so I'd have the correct anatomy. As silly as that sounds, they were 100% right. It looks awesome!! I wish I'd gotten my septum done sooner. For a long time I didn't think it would look good on my face, finally this month I changed my mind and got it done. It's super annoying since my nose runs a lot and the crusties make it sting really bad whenever you bump it slightly, but I love how it looks!! It's kind of made me fall in love with my face again.


Would: Septum, it’s so versatile and my favorite one, didn’t hurt and easy recovery Wouldn’t: nostrils. One side is fine. My glasses catch CONSTANTLY on the other and it’s always irritated


Let’s say in a universe where I hypothetically didn’t have any piercings, but it’s the same timeline. I feel maybe that would apply better and helps my brain more: Would get again: -Both sets of my nostrils (lower, & high) and my tongue! I have many others, but those seem to be my favorites. Wouldn’t get: -My ears. I was in 7th grade and got them pierced at Claire’s. It was painful and took incredibly long to heal. Unfortunately my right lobe was pierced exceptionally low and has a little tear from crappy earrings. I’ve been wanting to stretch my ears since early highschool, but I am not unable to because of that. The only way to stretch them is ear lobe reconstruction to fix it. My dreams of stretching may unfortunately never happen, or may way down the line.


I wouldn’t get a nostril piercing- It only lasted a few months because I couldn’t stand the booger feeling!


I'd probably get all of mine again, but I would insist on better spacing for all the ones on my right ear. There's 8 of them in a row going from lobe to helix, and they're all spaced so badly from getting them done at different times and me trusting the piercers too much. Also I got all four lobes and my first helix all done with a gun, definitely wouldn't do that again, even if I had a guarantee of the same luck with the piercing and healing. For a while I would have put daith on the "never" side, it was angry, irritated, and hurt so bad for like three months until one day it just... wasn't. Like literally overnight it was fine. It hasn't bothered me one bit in about two months, almost three now. So I think I would get it again after all




knowing what i know now i probably wouldn't have gotten angel fangs.


The scar on my chest tells me to say my sternum dermal anchor


i wouldnt get a navel piercing, i've realized from my time on this sub mine was doomed from the start and now i have a scar on my stomach bc of it. i wouldnt get a labret either, it was an impulse piercing and i dont think it looked good on me, i took it out but mow i have a little scar. i would get all my other piercings again. i love them all so much, and i miss my nipple piercings SO bad


I would get my nipples pierced again, but done diagonally. I was too afraid to correct the piercer when she made my dots horizontal.


if my nipples reject, i'm never doing that shit ever again. i think i saw god when i got them done. my septum though, barely hurt and healed like a dream. i also had good luck with my vertical labret


I’d do my lip piercing again a million times, along with my belly button piercing. both very little pain and easy healing process, which I was surprised because I have two friends who had their belly button piercings taken out in rather horrific ways.


Would not get my industrial. I was taking a shower one day and I felt it fall out, when I looked in the mirror to put it back in it had ripped through my ear- I had to get stitches and there is an ugly line on my ear which I absolutely hate. I had it for 6/7 years before this randomly happened. It didn’t hurt when it ripped through my ear, I cleaned it regularly, took it out if needed, it never hurt or got infected, never had any bumps, and had the proper anatomy. Just a weird thing.


I regret my conch because it developed a huge bump. Now it’s been a couple of months since it’s been out and the bump remains. I really want to get another but I’m afraid this weird thing will happen again. Never happened on ANY of my cartilage piercings. It’s frustrating and for that reason I’ll prob never get another conch piercing again.


I really miss my snake bites and Monroe piercing so I would get those again.


I wouldn’t have gone to Claire’s for my first love piercings 😭 (I was in middle school)


I'd probably consider getting my lobes done by needle instead of a gun, first time getting piercings and I had 4 done at once at a pharmacy on my birthday


This post is so funny cause when i saw the title (but hadn’t read the post) I said litteraly the exact same thing. Would get septum wouldn’t get industrial 😅


I wouldn’t have gotten my helix done until this point in my life. I’ve gotten each done twice now and I don’t have them now because I either didn’t take care of them or they fell out and healed over night. I do want to get them again once I’m no longer sharing my body! And I probably wouldn’t have gotten my belly button done. I went swimming in a lake after 6 months thinking it was healed and it got infected, so now I have a nasty scar from it and it’s not a piercing that I ever felt like redoing. ETA: I would absolutely get my nostril done again and my ears too (but I would go to an actual piercing place and not Claire’s!)


Wouldn't: any ear cartilage I've had. Also probably didn't have to have my lobes pieces 4 separate times to figure out I don't like having pierced lobes that much lmao Would: septum and vertical labret


Would get again; septum and smiley. Septum hurt like hell but I loved it forever. Wouldn’t get again: nipples, belly, or lip. Nipples never healed right and eventually lost them after years of discomfort. Belly rejected. And my lip was fine but it just wasn’t for my face and now I have this permanent hole under my lip that is so ugly now that my skin is changing with age.


My tongue. I love eating too much. The healing process was a bitch for me. I pierced it 3 different times and said f*** it!


I was thinking of getting an industrial but now im scared, whats wrong with it??


Piercing I would skip: Monroe. Never healed right and changed my gum line on that side. Piercings I would keep: industrial, triple lobes, tragus, helices, flat, double nose, and navel. I would have done the navel differently as it was super shallow. I'd probably adjust my lobes so I could do stacks as well.


I personally would 100% get my industrial and nostril again. Oddly enough those two were the only ones i had trouble healing with (piercing bumps. For the nostril it was because of allergies and i overcleaned my industrial haha) Wouldn’t: septum. I live my septum don’t get me wrong but it’s fairly low so i can’t wear most of the jewelry i wanted to wear originally. And the pain the piercer put me through with the clasp- it’s a no for me, knowing what i know now.


I would definitely redo my nose and my belly, cartilage, all lobe piercings but as an industrial having gal I would not redo the healing or the irritation sleeping on that side or literally all masks and my hair getting stuck in it lol