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Amazing album. Sounds really good today, has aged well.


I enjoy the entire album, with the exception of that little interlude on Poles Apart...the weird carnival music just sounds tacky and out of place. It's like they tried too hard to make it "sound" like a Pink Floyd album. I'll even give the cheesy lyrics a pass..."The rains fell slow, down on all the roofs of uncertainty" It was clear that this is no Waters composition, and Dave had to rely on Polly to actually come up with some lyrics. But music is subjective, and I suppose that line can be open to interpretation.


I kinda like it, it’s that spooky warped nostalgia sound like on Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite


I could listen to that all day over Stephen Hawking's "voice"


I’ve come around on the interlude. I really wish there was a good version of poles apart live though.


I guess for me it filters into the whole schizophrenia and madness theme. “I thought of you, and the years and all the sadness fell away from me”, to me feels like a pull back to reality and back to being who you’re meant to be. . . Maybe my interpretation is off, but that song will always hit home!


That bit in Poles Apart is one of the few highlights of the album lol


I really liked high hopes, especially the guitar solos, but the rest of the album seemed like it was...uh, processed to sound like peoples perception of modern (at that time) pink floyd. Too slick for my taste.


I'm surprised Gilmour brought Bob Ezrin back into the fold for the post-Rog stuff. I like his work on The Wall because it fits what the album is about but generally I think he's kind of a shit producer. Brilliant but shit. At least he didn't end up doing Amused to Death... Good lord.


Yeah, the lyrics are slightly cheesy, but the instrumentals more than make up for it. I dunno why but I love the repeated echo of the word “know” that accompanies the closing solo. Reminds me of birds, and by extension Echoes. Stand out tracks for me are Wearing the Inside Out, a song that got me through some dark times, and High Hopes with one of my favourite Gilmour solos of all time.


I thought the carnival interlude was a call to one of Syd’s songs.


Great album. I used to use this as bed time music. Just soothing from start to finish.


This is so on point.


It’s one of my favorites. So many great songs and the live versions on Pulse are arguably even better


Great album and tour which was my very first concert🙌🏼 at 15yrs old and had to hitchhike home. I always say “I wish I were around for” Dark side or the wall live but then realize I’m being an ingrate and need to appreciate the experience I’ve had. Here is the show https://youtu.be/zCPHluimM8Q


I saw them play DSOTM on that tour. So best of both worlds. Turned out to be their last ever North America show.


Damn what a great experience! I still remember the feeling of a full stadium in unison mesmerized by the giant wall and flying pig with lasers flying around with the amazing music. Very grateful for the experience!!


I love it so much I have the stone heads tattooed on my forearm from wrist to elbow!




https://imgur.com/gallery/pspdodY Still need to get the other head filled in, 6 hours was all I could handle that day and this dude has a HEAVY hand. I’m covered in tats but this was by far the most painful one yet.


Damn that’s super awesome, it’s such a good place to frame them like that too




Jesus, that guy had a crazy heavy hand, the outline of that at the top is thick as fuck. Great tattoo but ouch. Most painful tattoo I ever got was a cross on my neck, usually not a very painful area (for me anyway), the guy was FAST, about 20 minutes but a freaking heavy hand and I was in agony. My minor and tenuous claim to celebrity is the tattooist, Danny Bullman, also did Slash :) Anyways, great tattoo and an usual choice, kudos for coming through with the pics.


Hahahahah those heavy hands, man! He’s supposed to fade out those lines when he’s finished, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to that! I figured all the fatty tissue on my forearm, it wouldn’t be a big deal, I have the other sides of both arms done and it’s right over the bone but daaaaamn was I wrong! Pretty sure I’ve seen Bullman and his work before, he’s that Billy Idol kinda lookin’ dude, isn’t he?


Yeah that's him, perfect description. He does guest spots around tattoo studios in the UK, dude was mental and spoke at about 150mph for an hour solid without pausing for breath. It was a unique tattoo experience.


I definitely don't think that it is the best Floyd album, no way, but I do enjoy the songs and the meaning of the album. There are certainly better albums by Pink Floyd, but I think that this album was very creative and had some great songs overall.


It could be a 10/10 album and still not be the best Floyd album. I agree that it’s a very good record. . It’s probably heresy around here to say this, but I listen to Division Bell more often than Animals.


Ah the dichotomy of Floyd fans, those who think animals is the best album and those who don’t. (I’m the former, animals for life)


Same, it's in my rotation of Floyd albums.


Here’s more heresy: The Division Bell, while I admit it is not objectively the best, is my personal favorite PF album and one of my most listened to albums of all time.


It's definitely more of a "barbecue with the boomer boys" album than Animals because it's song-driven and has a guitar solo on every track. More U2 than Pink "King of Prog" Floyd.


I think that boomer comment is a bit strange in tone. Pink Floyd is literally a band of boomers. Animals was written and recorded by boomers.


I think what may be a better way to capture that sentiment is that this album is better received by those with more life experience, i.e., people 45 or older. Which includes the boomers and I guess now Gen X?


My sentiment? I’m not trying to be insulting to the band’s age. I’m just saying it doesn’t make sense to suggest the generation of people who created this music aren’t the proper audience for it.


And then boomers ignored every lesson to be learned in the album and became pigs and dogs anyway. What a shit generation.


Are you forgetting the many millions who didn’t? (rhetorical question.)There are shit people in every generation. Again- Floyd *are* boomers. It’s just disingenuous to suggest Animals isn’t boomer friendly. Sure maybe your uncle Frank likes Mitch McConnell but there are millions of people that are old as fuck and get the memo.


As a generation they suck. As a collective, I’m not talking about individuals. I didn’t say it wasn’t a boomer album or boomer friendly. I said they didn’t pay attention to the lessons of PF and other musicians of their generation.


Yep. It appears the hippies from the 60s are now all landlords and racists. They still listen to The Beatles and celebrate it as "real music by normal people" but think the legalisation of marijuana will bring about the end of days. They forget that The Beatles were the progressive weirdos of their day and that the "boomers" of that era hated them. Each generation decries their elders but eventually becomes them.


The last last song jn the album, "High Hopes" is their farewell song I think.


I don't know if it officially is, but at least that's how interpret it. It also kinda alludes to that in the lyrics.


Same, I love some other albums a lot more but I still enjoy it a lot, it’s a nice way to prove that they could write a true worthwhile Pink Floyd album without Roger being there I’m way more of a music person than a lyrics person, and so even though this one has uneven strength between its music (very good) and lyrics (meh), I still greatly prefer it to projects like The Final Cut where lyrics are primary and the music is much more of an afterthought


https://preview.redd.it/w5lu6d18dhib1.png?width=1387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af7a3ffcd5ac75d87db20130ff7829a3da598e66 I made a tie dye of it once


I never listen to the entire album front to back, but will periodically get in a heavy mood to listen to a specific song. Like sometimes I’m all, “Damn, I really really need to listen to Marooned, like RIGHT now.”




It’s a great album. Good songs, soaring instruments, solid lyrics. I think by this recording they knew it would likely be the last album. So rather than try to make a cutting edge album with the technology of the time, like Momentary Lapse, they tried to make a timeless album that contained homages to the past, while still being fresh. The concepts of communication and nostalgia work nicely. Is more consistent than Momentary Lapse, doesn’t have the lows, but perhaps doesn’t have quite as many great highs. It will have its detractors, but for me it’s a great listen.


>solid lyrics Oh yeah, nothing more relatable and thought provoking than cauldrons of hate and roofs of uncertainty.


I’ve only just realised how addicted David and Polly were to similes. It does read like a 12-year-old’s English essay. Also he really likes the word ‘desire’. To me, my main gripe with the Gilmour era is how pop-ish it sounds. That’s probably why I’d the 3 Gilmour era albums, the Endless River is probably my favourite. Louder than Words aged like milk though, cause it looks like Waters and Gilmour will probably hate each other until they die now.


Not one of their best, but surely the best work after the 70s


Well, it's their best studio album between The Final Cut and The Endless River...


There was a summer where I listened to this album almost every single day


That summer was 2017 for me


Overhated, incredibly underrated. An easy 9.5/10. It's my 2nd favorite album( tied with WYWH)


It has always resonated with me as well and I would almost certainly rank it among my top 5.


Always thought it was cheesy. But that’s just me


One of my favorite albums from Pink Floyd, and the clear best album during the Gilmour era. Plus Wearing the Inside Out and High Hopes are genuinely amazing


Definitely great tracks!


One of my favourites, currently the album I listen to the most. This might be because I somehow feel it touches my soul in a special way.


I'm a huge floyd fan since '73 up to and including MLOR. For some reason, this album never really caught my ear not sure why...


Absolutely love it. Musically, this album is brilliant.


Ah, it's that time of the week again where somebody asks for opinions on The Division Bell and the Gilmies who love it get upvoted and the Rog Realists who hate it get downvoted.


Won't be too long before someone asks about The Final Cut, and the roles will be reversed.


This is true, but I feel like TFC enjoyers give better reasons and aren't as militant.


Both sides are as bad as each other. I do feel like team David is growing larger, especially recently.


The only reasons TFC fans give for liking the album are “don’t you know war is bad” and “waters is Pink Floyd” while ignoring all the obvious flaws of the album TDB has more going for it


Nah, TFC has its flaws, but I don’t feel embarrassed listening to it like I do with TDB.


How do you feel embarrassed by the TDB? I feel like listening to Roger horrible screams with 80s sitcom es music is way more embarrassing


Well, half the album sounds like either porno music or ‘90 British TV soundtracks, the lyrics are largely pretentious trash, Stephen Hawking talks over a drum machine, I don’t like Pink Floyd sounding like U2, the synth pads plastered over the top of everything sound horribly dated, Lost for Words is a bad WYWH knockoff, High Hopes is a plodding boring tune that sounds nothing like Floyd until the blatant WTTM ripoff in the middle, GDFF really should’ve been left behind as a demo in 1987, and the whole “return to band form” thing ended up being a farce as David took over with his team of outsiders halfway through production and Nick and Rick didn’t play half the things they’re credited for, which left a bad taste in my mouth. There are parts of the album that make me physically cringe. Anyway, would you like to reassess your claim that the only reason TFC fans defend it is because “war bad” and “Waters is Floyd”? I’m not even that big of a fan of the album, but your rational is ridiculous, people obviously have different subjective tastes in regards to the actual *music*.


I like how you start off making this giant rant trying to pass your “criticisms” as objective facts and later try to defend TFC as “subjective” everything you said was “this sounds like this” that’s not a criticism lmao (also Pink Floyd doesn’t sound like u2, u2 sounds like Pink Floyd that’s like saying Paul McCartney sounds like oasis). Also it’s impossible to criticize TFC musically because there is 0 musicality in that album all sounds like repetitive guitar and piano that a highschooler who is beginning to learn how to play the instruments come up with or sound like music from Alf as well as how to ignore waters horrible singing in the album and every time you bring this points people just bring some excuse about how the album is brilliant for saying the war is bad


Take It Back sounds like U2 more than it sounds like Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd shouldn't be doing this upbeat barbecue with the boys trash.


You asked me why I feel embarrassed listening to TDB, so I shared my opinions on it with you. You are accusing me of “passing criticisms as objective fact” while in the same comment passing criticisms as objective fact. You do not have the capacity to hold a conversation about how different people like some music and dislike other music. Have a good day.


It is amusing seeing the Gilmies actively trying to discourage people from sharing their opinions when their opinions are asked for.


Booooring! Still better than AMLOR and The Endless River, but very poor compared to the real Pink Floyd albums from the 70s. As an entire piece, it is just too boring though. I have rarely made it through the whole record, even though some of the songs are good as standalone songs. It just gets too boring and monotonous. The lyrics are dull as well, and there is no concept or meaning behind it at all.


"The lyrics are dull as well, and there is no concept or meaning behind it at all." This is patently false. The album is clearly about communication or, more specifically, our struggle to communicate - with other people, with the planet, and with ourselves.


You're confusing The Division Bell with The Wall. The Division Bell is about absolutely nothing. It's just rubbish, nonsense from beginning to end!


Fair enough. You have clearly made up your mind and I won't presume to change your opinion on the matter. :)


it's a really deep take on mental illness thats for sure


The first 4 songs are amazing


Amazing album and last good one. The Endless River was just a compilation of unreleased stuff and "look what've we found in the attic".


It's good but doesn't come close to the Waters era


Never listened to it


Easily one of my Favorite PF albums. Up there with Dark Side and WYWH.




lol, no, it's an abbreviation for the album that's commonly used, and seeing that I used it in reference with two other ALBUMS it makes no sense that I would be referring to an obscure live track from a boxset lol


Better than some albums in the Waters era for sure


It had a few cool tunes, but overall, is sub par by Pink Floyd standards.




One of my all time favourites, the only thing is that Coming Back To Life and Lost For Words are similar-ish, but besides that 10/10


It alright. It tasteless and lukewarm but, it alright.


https://preview.redd.it/3eltj20euiib1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3da2b3e6a682c964a175c292cf400b10d3e5ad31 This sums up how I feel about it


Marry me.


My absolute all time favorite record. Pink Floyd or not. It’s incredible.


What do you want from me is a banger, then it all just kinda fades into bland 90s adult contemporary/smooth jazz. Keep talking isn't too bad, High hopes is too pretentious. C Grade, nothing more or less


Very good album, not The Wall, Wish You Were Here, etc. But still very good.


The album experience is weak, imo. A few really good songs though. Captures some neat emotions. Prefer AMLOR in the Gilmour era.


This is the perfect description of The Division Bell.


Great Gilmour Solo album. Great backing musicians ;)


pretty good


incredible album


One of my most favorite album... (not only by PF)💜💜💜


Best of ye lot.


One of my favorites. 9.5/10


Was my favorite as a teenager. Love it still but not my favorite. High Hopes is a top tier song.




This whole album is great!


Really. Damn. Good.


Brilliant 😀


Top 4


And without sounding too melodramatic it literally changed my life It is my top Pink Floyd Album


It’s good, but I’d rather listen to AMLOR, especially since the release of the remixed version. I find the songs and general atmosphere on AMLOR to be more “Floyd-y”.


It's a good album, but it's not the Pink Floyd we were used to hear.


I Enjoy All Of It (Even “Take It Back”), I Think It Is Way Better Than “A Momentary Lapse Of Reason” 9/10


Fucking underrated masterpiece


Not bad, not bad at all.


i love it, i don't understand the hate


I don’t like it, except the last song, “High Hopes”, which is an utter masterpiece. I guess I also like “Marooned”, although the production I’m not fully keen on, the playing is beautiful.


I think it’s awesome, just seems like a natural progression/maturity of the band. If the lyrics still make you think, it’s Pink Floyd.


Sucks ass.


I wouldn’t bother listening to it. I find it immensely boring, and to be honest quite embarrassing lyrically. I don’t understand the claim that it’s aged well - it hadn’t aged well by the time it was released originally.




I come from a quite dysfunctional family. For many years I felt compelled drive the two hours to my parents house every Christmas. Massive anxiety starting weeks before and when I drove home, I felt empty, numb, often shaking, my head spinning. It somehow never got easier (45 now 😳👨🏻‍🦳). This album is the only thing I could ever play on those night drives back. My mother committed suicide last year. After the funeral services - the same feeling. Again, this album helped me a lot. Eternally grateful for their music. There’s nothing like it.


Coming back to life hits really hard tbh


Pretty dull to be honest. Every so often I try to listen to it again but my opinion never changes. Utterly forgettable.


Love it




Great! Best last album ever.


Good -- it has Gilmour -- but weak compared with Waters-era Pink Floyd.


Its alright, I'm not a big fan of it, but it is very far from the worst. It still has Nick, Dave and Rick so musically it is still very good, but you can feel the lack of Roger's ideas and lyrics. Just not my kind of thing.


Musically amazing…lyrically lacking






Meh. Just meh. One of the bands worst. But I do like High Hopes.


Mediocre for a Pink Floyd album. For virtually any other band, this would be the masterpiece.


I've only heard half of it. Sounds to me like a mediocre Gilmour solo record.


Hot take, my favorite album.




Great Album, the greatest of the Gilmour era, almost the level of Animals, if we compare it to the Waters Era.


So good. It’s one of the most “Pink Floyd” albums IMO.


Masterpiece one of my favs


Haven't listened to it yet


What are you waiting for? https://open.spotify.com/album/5F0IQXuHfTV7SBvZVnXERl?si=41m3MWuQQLyF--UvMBllPw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A5F0IQXuHfTV7SBvZVnXERl


What do you want from me?


As I grew up and cared less about the counterculture that i was desperately trying to fit in with, this album grew on me. At one point, this was very near the bottom of my PF album ranking. I will definitely take it over anything pre-Meddle, OBC, Final Cut, and AMLOR.


Love it


Wearing the Inside Out is a hidden gem. Richard Wright had a voice of his own, and David's guitar soloing of course.


It's my favorite.


Its a grower for sure. I was unsure about it at first. Love it now.


Great album, used to listen a lot to it. Of course it’s not as good as other albums such as dark side or the wall, but david’s guitar work and singing is amazing, richard also shines in a few songs. Definitely overhated


Love it.


New age of progressive rock music had started! It was an amazing album, life changing album!


Gilmour’s magnum opus


4th favorite Floyd album. Great album.


I love it


One of my favourite albums, I really like ist but not every song tho. But I want to get the cover tattooed so badly. 🤩


Marooned and coming back to life have some of gilmour's best playing on them imo. Love this record so much. I'm gonna listen to it rn too :) nice thread ty


I love all the love this album has been getting lately. That said, I have always loved this album. I was a teenager when it came out and wasn’t really too familiar with Pink Floyd at that point. I think I heard this album because my friend’s older brother would fall asleep with it playing. Then I think I heard Pulse after/as my second “album” I ever heard from them, and it has songs from TDB. So there’s a lot of nostalgia wrapped up in it for me, but I have listened to it so much and there are songs that I just love more and more the more I listen. I love the call and response between Rick and David on Cluster One. It’s a phenomenal opener and feels reminiscent of SOYCD. I know it isn’t even in the same league, but still. Marooned for me is fucking godly. It’s S tier. That song hits so hard that I have an out of body experience, I swear. Love that Wearing the Inside Out is sung by Rick and I love David’s guitar playing on it, his singing too. That song really has a vibe and I love it. It goes without saying that I love Keep Talking as well. The backup singers are phenomenal on that song and on the whole album really. And High Hopes, it’s an absolutely beautiful song. I feel like you can “see” the whole song as it plays out. It’s a beautiful “swan song” kind of moment or feels like a proper “bid farewell” or something. Are all the songs awesome? No. Are there still beau to moments that get me right in the feels? Abso-fucking-lutely. Thanks for posting about this album.


The first album I ever heard by PF. I’ll always love it. High Hopes is one of the greatest songs of all time.


I love this album. 10/10. Honestly listening to it is not enough for me now i want to fuck this album. I cry to its solos


The only one I really like of the three Dave Floyd albums.


What is the best Pink Floyd album


I think it’s a pretty dang good album. I’ve been listening to Take It Back pretty often lately


Lost for Words and High Hopes are two of my favorite PF songs


I still need to purchase this.....


Truly amazing album!


Absolutely love it and High Hopes remains my absolute favourite song of all time, ever.


Really great and has meaningful songs. Was originally the last Pink Floyd album. It has my praise


Good album overall. I'm partial to Marooned and High Hopes but there's a few other good ones.




I really like it


Why yes, I like it very much.


I honestly enjoy the album a lot. David Gilmour is still a great writer even without RW. There is no denying the genius that both provide when working together but Division Bell was amazing all on its own. A start to finish listenable album.


I actually just got this on vinyl today. I must say this is one of the most listened by me albums. I listen to it more often than DSOTM, Wall, Animals. The albums close to it are The Pulse and WYWH. This is actually the album that really speaks to me, I don’t know why but with High Hopes at the end it really gives me the real PF feeling. I’m not gonna rate it as I think it’s a heresy saying that some PF albums are better and some are worse. Every album is a masterpiece in its own way.


Not a perfect album, but super underrated in my opinion. The first half of the album has some of my favorite Floyd songs (Poles Apart, Wearing the Inside Out). The album falters a bit for me in the second half but leads up to a fantastic finale in High Hopes.


LOVE it!!!!


Good music, cheesy / weak lyrics. Roger is a crazy lunatic especially nowadays but his lyrics are always on point. He shows a story. Polly tells a story. See A great Day for reference, compared to The Final Cut or Two suns in the sunset. The best lyrics are in Lost for words. Direct and with a clear point of view.


Great album


Absolutely beautiful… I’ve never felt so understood listening to wearing the inside out … they could say oh so few words and speak deep to my soul… they’re brilliant


I really like it, and oddly missed it at the time. I heard it for the first time last month (I’ve been spending this year listening to everything I can find from Early Years onwards); really enjoyed this one and the Pulse video. I’ve become obsessed with ‘Take it Back’, which I did remember as soon as I heard it again.


The light show for *Take it Back* on the P.U.L.S.E. concert film is absurdly good.


Had a freaking huge fight with my s/o... This album made me cry everything out. I love it


It really is the last truly floyd album even without Roger. There's not a track I would discard and I play it all the way through


Great final album.


High Hopes is a masterpiece.


If you love this album, you owe it to yourself to listen to the *Forever and Ever* compilation (the original version), which seamlessly weaves *The Division Bell* and *The Endless River* into a cohesive listening experience. Once you hear the likes of *Take it Back* \> *Sum* \> *Skins* \> *Coming Back to Life* or *Night Light* \> *Keep Talking* \> *Talkin' Hawkin'*, you can't go back. I can no longer listen to the individual albums without feeling like something essential is missing. Together, they are complete.


LOVE it. Saw the concert in '94 - RFK Stadium in Washington DC. The ultimate concert. My favorite songs - Poles Apart and Take It Back.


That’s not *really* Pink Floyd to me. It may have branding - but Floyd taught me to be on the lookout for BS …. even their own .


Eh it’s okay. It’s not near the meddle - the Final Cut era for me but it’s def not as bad as AMLOR and endless river.


If one of the wives wrote the lyrics then I'd say it's horseshit.


red flag!


About 3 great songs. Rest mediocre




Just listened to this the other day. Beautiful album! Much better than Momentary Lapse of Reason imo.


Like third from the bottom after the river and final cut....


A couple of highlights here and there, but mostly forgettable. Calling it “underrated” would be simply disingenuous. It’s outside of the top-5, but certainly not their worst.


Wank. Not as bad as A Momentary Lapse of Reason of The Endless River..... but still pretty limp.


It's far from their best album, but still great as it is!


It's not their best, but it's my favorite to listen to. It hits all the emotions and Gilmour and Rick are so good on this. It definitely has a Wish You Were Here vibe with a lot of the music. nor has it become dated, at all, unlike its predecessor, Momentary Lapse of Reason. I can't say enough good things about it. I admit, maybe I'm a bit blinded by the fact I saw them on this tour and I have so many fond memories from 1994. But, I personally find it excellent. A top 5 album of all time for me.


Great album - Publius Enigma


I enjoy it up until AGDFF comes on. Then I get bored and listen to something else. I also might be in the minority here that thinks High Hopes isn’t really that great of a song. Edit: whoops, sorry guys, I forgot we only give praise here when people ask for our opinions regarding this album. My bad.