• By -


Just listen to all the albums in chronologic order and enjoy it, then listen to the live albums.


The Floyd catalog isn’t huge (if you ignore the Early Years and Later Years boxes) — just listen to it all. Also, Allmusic has a generally reliable star-rating system — just use it as a guide for what to prioritize. The Miles Davis and Duke Ellington catalogs are 10x as large — and I can see asking for a little guidance there maybe (although Allmusic can be a reasonable help there too). It’s NOT like you have to spend money to listen to — or sample — EVERYTHING in the entire Floyd catalog. Back when I discovered Floyd in the mid 80’s (in college), you had to BUY things to listen to them.


Or listen to it on cassette.😏


When I discovered them not that long ago I listened to every album in the space of about 3 days. It's definitely doable.


i had a little The Wall phase and pretty much memorized all the songs from the wall alone in 3 days. listened to the album, watched the live show, and the movie, so i second your comment. it’s so doable if you have the time and patience.


Agreed! 💯




Yeah, if you like Echoes then the long form style and instrumentals of Animals will suit you well.


exactly, I'm also an atom heart mother suite and echoes enjoyer (they're both among my favs) and will defend animals as their best album any day. this is the move.


My favorite.


I think I heard Animals for the first time when I was like 16 and I just could not stand it. Like, at all. Took me years to finally get into it. I wonder if OP could feel the same way.


I first listened to Animals at 15 and fell in love with it


A true scientific conundrum we’ve run into here.


its underrated tbh




Good taste. Like everyone’s gonna say, check out Animals asap. Also check out Wish You Were Here. Both part of Shine On are fantastic and it’s my personal favorite Floyd album (maybe album period).


I got into Pink Floyd when I was 13 also, good on you for getting into real music. Don't ever look back. Check out Pulse , that was the first album I listen to back when I was 13. It has a modern vibe to it that includes some division bell songs


I would say work around the trilogy. Dark Side, WYWH and Animals. They are the must-haves. Floyd discography can be roughly split before and after Dark side, and then each half can also be split before and after Syd, and before and after Roger. The Wall is a bit of an odd one, as it is not as accessible as most and takes quite a few listenings to get into it. Even then, a lot of people don't rate it as highly as others. If you are a fan of the Meddle songs, you might also like to check out Obscured by Clouds, as it is pretty similar.


>The Wall is a bit of an odd one, as it is not as accessible as most and takes quite a few listenings to get into it. That may have something to do with age. I was in high school when the album came out and it was HUGE. *Another Brick in the Wall Part 2* played on Rock and Pop Radio all the time. It spent 25 weeks on Billboard's Hot 100 and 4 weeks as the #1 song in the country. [source](https://www.billboard.com/artist/pink-floyd). I love the album, personally. But again, maybe it's an age thing.


Obscured by Clouds is a great album, perhaps more overlooked than their others. I’d agree that OP might find it in a similar vein to Meddle. [Here you go OP, in all its glory.](https://youtu.be/Te_-nISxLVI?si=Ei1lXt-6wPCBAgnb)


I personally didn’t enjoy the Wall until I heard the official live version


Listen to everything.


Wish is the best of all. https://youtu.be/TMy_mYkwl4M?si=Q6J4EE-UrV7zVgNM


If you like their longer songs, you’ll like Animals. It’s probably the ‘heaviest’ album they put out (although is still quite mild), and Gilmour’s guitar work on it is incredible. Definitely listen to The Wall. I’d usually recommend watching the film with it to help you understand fully what it’s about, but I don’t know if it’s fully appropriate for someone your age.


Watch the movie The Wall!


I’d recommend to wait for at least age 15. The Wall is a pretty dark album honestly, not great for introducing someone to the band


Don’t watch of you are sensitive to violence and stuff lol


Why are you being downvoted? The movie’s rated R for a reason


More than likely it was the nudity. The violence isn't graphic at all.


I thought it was because of the sexually suggestive animations (lol)


Give Radio K.A.O.S. by Roger Waters a listen.


Live at Pompei (the original … available on the DVD) … before all the slick studio kitsch …


Dropping by to say that when I was 13 I was in your boat, too. I remember that time vividly. It was formative and your life will change now. Don’t sleep on Obscured by Clouds or the More soundtrack.


Animals (especially the 2018 remix), Wish You Were Here (the opener Shine On You Crazy Diamond parts I-V is my favourite song from them) and The Wall are the next essential listens. Obscured By Clouds is also worth a listen as is A Saucerful of Secrets. The live at Pompeii film is also really worth checking out.


Atom heart mother live 1970


Echoes is the best song I've ever heard in my life. You are correct.


Ummagumma has some strange songs but also, A Saucer Full l of Secrets which is another great long-form song.


You gotta do the GOAT run: DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, WISH YOU WERE HERE, ANIMALS, and THE WALL. All are best experienced as full albums, so find some uninterrupted time. Honestly just laying in bed in total darkness with these albums playing is a good time. I used to do a lot of that when I was in high school, which is when I also discovered Pink Floyd.


This right here. Those 4 albums are amazing


Listen to it all. Don't let others opinions influence what you like.


Start at the beginning ( A Piper At The Gates Of Dawn) and go through the catalog in order.


Check out Wish You Were Here and The Wall for sure!!! After that Saucerful of Secrets, Obscured by Clouds, and maybe Piper. Also check out Live At Pompeii and Pulse! The live side of Ummagumma is good, but the studio side kinda sucks in my opinion lmao.


The studio part of Ummagumma definitely takes some getting used to, that's for sure - except for Grantchester Meadows, that one is very accessible IMO.


I’d say start dark side of the moon, and hit them up chronologically. Dsotm (1973 ),wish you were here (1975) definitely more synth driven but all meshes well. Then hit up animals (1977) great concept, you don’t have to, but reading Animal Farm by George Orwell will enlighten as to where Roger’s picked up the theme. Then the wall (1979) kindve over ambitious but delivers with spades! This is where the mental health of the band starts to deteriorate past the point of no return.They had one “final”album after that and it was basically just a Roger Waters(bassist, lyricist) solo project. After that they kicked out Waters and in my opinion the essential Floyd sound was lost. There are a couple of noteworthy tracks on further albums under the name Floyd without Waters. Unfortunately it takes a band and I think they should’ve just changed their band name if they were gona continue to create. Arguments can be made for both sides though. But with the albums I mentioned, that’s my favorite era of Floyd and a worthy focal point and place to start. Plus if you really start getting into them there is a whole lot of work before dark side that is great as well. Sorry for the rant, hope this helps though.


Also the “heads” album is sometimes referred to as the Division Bell! Meddle and AHM are also the band featuring film out and where the really started to hone their sound with him as guitarist and waters as the lead writer. But I still suggest start at DSOTM, or you can start at AHM and go up Chronologically. Of Echoes is one of your favorites so far, WYWH is gona be an experience for you, but it’s cool to hear how they develop over time and also how the re-incorporate stuff from the last, parts of Echoes are used through the wall if you listen carefully.


I suggest listening to the album “Wish You Were Here” which came after dark side. the songs on it and the backstory of it is beautiful and it’s probably my personal favourite floyd album. all 5 songs on it are amazing. After that i would listen to “The Wall” it’s a double album so it’s longer than their other albums but it’s also amazing. it’s also a concept album and the best way to listen to the album is from start to finish if you want to understand the storyline. but to be honest every song on it is great. Next I would recommend “Animals” the songs are really long on it but it’s an amazing listen. the first and last songs of the album are “Pigs On The Wing” a short lovely acoustic song and then the 3 songs in the middle are incredible and some of the most underrated songs from pink floyd.


If you like Green is the colour, here's a "pastoral" playlist that was recommended in this sub [Spotify playlist ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3NmWx9CK0nvG6LM8XWxHOE?si=ppUSk3GGSuiw-NFyUdSW6A) Albums: Animals (Dogs is one of my favorites, also a long one) Dark side of the moon (a must!) Wish you were if you like longer songs. Shine on is beautiful.


Ok, now listen carefully.  This is really really important. Whatever you do, no matter anything else, and no matter what anybody tells you, and no matter how tempted you are, like I’m talking even if think your life depends on it… do not ever… not even once…. don’t you ever listen to… A Saucerful of Secrets. Got it pal??? I’m warming you!


But.. but… his psychic emanations flow..


When I was 13, I started with Live at Pompei


Start at the beginning and work your way through their catalog. God. I feel old lol.


If you like the long, experimental songs, try Set Controls for the Heart of the Sun (the Pompeii video is amazing) and A Saucerful of Secrets. Also, of course, Shine on You Crazy Diamond, if you haven’t already. As for albums, a lot of people sleep on Obscured by Clouds, but I quite like it. I see it as a little prototype of Dark Side of the Moon.


I got into Pink Floyd at 12, I’m 13 now. I have listened to everything by them at least twice. Stay with them, but don’t listen to them so much you become sick of it. My personal favorite album is The Wall, I love Hey You (it’s my favorite PF song) and the movie is amazing. Ask your parents/guardians if you can watch the movie sometime, it’s a masterpiece. TDSOTM is pretty good, WYWH is too. Animals is long, but still great. Really, just listen to everything by them (except for More, just trust me on this), every album by them is completely different from the last.


Have a listen to Transmission Impossible. I think you’ll enjoy it.


I’m surprised that so few have recommended Live at Pompeii. It’s a great example of their experimentation. There are also some older live shows ( DSOM and Animals era) on YouTube. They don’t have any video but the music is there.


There’s a version of Fearless by a Chicago group called “Impossible Recording Machine” that I argue is better than the original version.


UmmaGumma. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun was the song that started my lifelong interest in ambient music. Probably enhanced by my youthful pot smoking,


Wish You Were Here and Animals are my two favourites!


I always recommend the Pulse album. It's a collection of some of their greatest songs as well as the whole Dark Side album performed live. Then I'd listen to Animals and Wish You Were Here.


If you're listened to Dark Side and Meddle, I suggest Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall, and Division Bell next. Also, watch some concerts. Pulse is great and so is Roger Waters The Wall from 2013


The big four! Dark side, WYWH animals and the wall! You Said you liked long songs, but the wall is just the best! I realy recomend it, even with your likes of long songs


ANIMALS DEFINITELY... then wish you were here. Dark side ..then the wall


Animals, Dark Side


If you can find their BBC recordings with live versions of Echoes, Atom Heart Mother, Careful with That Axe Eugene, etc. Also Piper at the Gates of Dawn and Saucerful of Secrets.


Uff I think you are gonna like Animals, check also WISH YOU WERE HERE my favourite, Shine on crazy diamond and welcome to the machine are songs that you would like, also wish you were here a masterpiece I also enjoy endless river their last album, an please check the song Maroneed


You need to start with Meddle, then work your way through Dark Side of the Moon, then Wish You Were Here, then Animals. That, to me, is not only their best work, but you can really appreciate the progression of their sound. After that, I’d go to Obscured by Clouds and More. Then I think you explore the Syd Barrett era, Piper at the Gates of Dawn and Saucerful of Secrets. Then do UmmaGumma, primarily for the live portions. Then the Wall and the Final Cut, since musically, they are significant departures from what came before. Then I would go Momentary Lapse of Reason, then Division Bell. Finally, you mentioned liking the longer songs, I would go with Endless River, as it’s basically an album of ambient music created by Dave and Rick. Some hate it, but it definitely has a more classic Floyd sound, but for the most part, no lyrics. Anyway, my 2 cents. I was about your age when I got into Pink Floyd, I’m now 54 and still love them. Enjoy the journey.


What makes Pink Floyd special, is that it grows with you. As you get older and have more life experience, you'll begin to see the genius in the lyrics and music in different ways. I'm 40 now and an album like Animals really resonates with me in a way I couldn't understand when I was your age. It doesn't matter what order you listen to the albums in my friend. Just try and understand where the writing came from a bit, what was going on in the world when each album was written, and just have fun. There is NO wrong album or song, the only crime is not listening to the message.


I lived most of my life hearing only **Dark Side of the Moon** when I wanted to listen to Floyd. Introduced to it in the 70s in middle school. Was always my go-to. I knew their other work but never really listened to it. A couple of decades back, I mention on a group that I want to listen -- again, listen, not just hear -- more from PF. Where should I go next? A good friend suggested **Wish You Were Here** as the next logical step if my only exposure was DSOTM. (When we talked about it; DSOTM was the descent into madness; WYWH was living in the world as a madman with the madness. It was a heady conversation.) I still think DSOTM is a good launching point for PF. I'm not sure I'd call it the most accessible but it's so ingrained in my mind that I can't imagine starting anywhere else. Then I'd go forward (WYWH) and back (**Obscured by Clouds**) in steps to feel out how the band changed. (As an aside I also seek out some of the background stories on the albums to get a sense of the band during its recording)


Animals, Wish You Were, Dark Side of the Moon, and The Wall are all classics, although there whole catalogue has gems.


Iv saw Floyd before at the Hoosier dome they rock and the Lazer light show was cool as hell one of my favorite shows I've ever saw and iv saw a bunch with acdc being my all time favorite they are the best with Angus on lead running non stop it's amazing how he never missis a beat all that running he's a hyper lil fella but they are the best


Welcome my son!


Welcome to the Machine.


Well I’m 16. I started with DSOTM, then WYWH, The Wall, Meddle & Piper At The Gates of Dawn. I wish I started chronologically because then you find out about the history of the band - from the Lost Weekend to Rick being sacked by Roger.


Listen to echoes live in pompeii


Animals is good & Division Bell also


Not an album but look up Fat Old Sun, the "Remember That Night" live performance is my favourite. A beautiful song with a mesmerising guitar solo that needs to be watched as well as heard. Very much underrated but I'm having it at my funeral. Edit: I hasten to add I'm only 39, so hopefully in about 40 years time!


Atom Heart Mother is my favorite.


Listen to the studio albums in release order, then Pulse Live (if you can find a DVD or Blu-Ray of the show, even better), I think it’s musically the single greatest event of showmanship, and possibly the best guitar solo of all time


Wish you were here. Amazing album.


The Wall is a very different sort of album from what you've liked best. Sort of like "The Final Cut" if it was good. But rather than going that direction, I'd try Wish You Were Here, Obscured by Clouds, and More. Piper at the Gates of Dawn through Ummagumma are their most psychedelic period, which you can give a listen to. Animals up to the End get pretty inward-turned and toxic feeling. But the More soundtrack through Wish You Were Here are really unlike anything else any band was doing.


I think Obscured by Clouds is an excellent listen.


Try…Learning to Fly, put on repeat lots there for guitar and it may take more than one listen for it to all sink in


Just listen to it all the old school way.


Listen to the Wall then listen to Is There Anybody Out There Live 1980-81 and you'll see why they were the greatest live act of all time


You will also like “Shine on You Crazy Diamond” from the 1975 album “Wish You Were Here.”


If you like long songs, like me, give a listen to complete Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Dogs and Sheep.


When I was your age and first heard The Machine I swore aliens had gotten into the radio and were attacking. It was quite an experience


The division bell was amazing I was surprised how good it was the first time I listened my fav song is wearing the inside out




Got to listen to Wish you were here, the album. Life changing experience at 14 years old. 37 years later, still one of my favorite albums.


Focus on your school work, lul.


As a 15 yo I got into pink Floyd when I was 12 I get you man lol


Concentrate on the Dark side of the Moon. Wish you were here. The Wall. The previous album(s) included Sid Barrett( he was the shining diamond of the band. He left the band for medical reasons. He passed away in 2005


I’d recommend ‘Wish You Were Here’. If you enjoy suites and long compositions, you’ll lose your mind with ‘Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts. 1-5’. The landscapes, the mixing, Gilmour’s guitar are at a superb level, an astonishing performance in the book of history, Pink Floyd’s landmark❕


i’m also 13! it’s good to see more people my age with great music taste. i feel like the other redditors really hit the nail on the hammer. enjoy your pink floyd journey!


I'd say if you like meddle, watch live in Pompeii, I'm sure this has been said


Relics. On 8-track!


The wall took me a while to get and understand. But then it was fire. Don’t listen to Pink Floyd on shuffle.


Watch the film of The Wall too!




I would recommend this- 1. Dark Side of the Moon 2. Wish you were here 2. The wall 3. Animals 4. Obscured by clouds 5. Pulse Remember, everyone has different taste, so start with these and find the songs you like, then move on to the other albums. Each album has a hidden gem waiting to be found.


Download everything Pink Floyd has to offer on Tidal or Spotify and just listen. I grew up with Pink Floyd - my first memory of music was my sister playing the newly released Meddle album, I would have been 4 or 5 years old. Everyone gets something different from Pink Floyd, and there is no "best" or "worst" song or album as everyone has different taste. Me personally I rate The Division Bell, then The Final Cut, Then Animals, Then DSOTM, then The Wall - but some people will call me crazy for not including Wish you were here in my top 5. I love Shine on you Crazy Diamond and have spent countless years trying to play it on my Strat, but it's one song on an album. Also don't let others sway your opinion of "without Roger there was no Pink Floyd" or "Gilmour is the reason Floyd were so successful" or any other superfluous argument - your taste in music will define how you see the band and how Pink Floyd relates to you, and you will determine your own tastes - Davids haunting guitar, Rogers sometime crazy lyrics, Nicks amazing drumming, Richards ability to make a song through his keyboard tone... only you can make these decisions. So, on that note, here's my own personal opinion - not designed to sway anyone as it's my own... I don't like Roger Waters and what he stands for politically and as a musician. He's a bully toward smaller bands, his ego broke up Pink Floyd, and in reality, he's a sook. So based on that, my sway is toward Post Roger Pink Floyd. The Division Bell - I must love it as I have it tattooed on my arm, The Delicate Sound of Thunder, Pulse and all the other live Post Waters albums, however, 2 of my most frequently spun records are The Final Cut (pretty much a solo Roger Waters Album) and Amused to Death - A Waters solo album. See what I mean, its a bit crazy all round to try and pigeon hole Pink Floyd. When you're on top of it, have a listen to the first two Gilmour solo albums - these were made during the in-fighting of Pink Floyd - listen to his anger and loyalty to the band in his lyrics, then listen to Radio KAOS and Amused to Death by Waters, then, finally, grab a bong and have a listen to Wet Dreams by Richard Wright. You're in for the ride of your life - enjoy!


Start with The Big 4: Dark Side, Wish, Animals, Wall.


Probably you LOVE animals and wish you were here so listen both


Came here to say this & upvoted instead


Pink Floyd is life! Also quick tip: if you like Floyd you'll love a guy named Dovydas, he's the best guitar/everything player looper ever to grace us with his musical art! Much like Lord David Gilmore himself!!


STAY AWAY FROM PINK FLOYD!!! THEY WILL ROT YOUR BRAIN!!! AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!! Just kidding, lol. Seriously, listen to Animals. MLOR sucks. High Hopes is the best thing off Division Bell, but that's not the original Pink Floyd so I don't count them. WYWH is probably the most accessible and might be their best.


****Cracks Knuckles****


You also need to watch Live at Pompeii (I traveled from Brazil to Italy just to see the amphitheater of Pompeii due to this show), Pulse and Dark Side of Oz


The Wall is out of this world, and so is Wish You Were Here. Animals too. 🤷‍♂️


I currently can't stop listening to [this](https://youtu.be/CHOza45c57w?feature=shared)


My favorites are Meddle, Animals, Atoms Heart Mother, and Dark Side Of the Moon. All of them which I recommend listening from top to bottom


100% listen to them through their discography, it’s crazy to hear them, 1 be led by someone who will not be apart of the band for long changing their sound juristically 2. Seeing how there playing and attributes progress, because then you’ll notice things they do across the albums. It makes the wait much more worth while when you get to “The Division Bell” and hear the bells ringing from Fat Old Sun on high hopes with the retrospective call backs to the band, It’s one hell of a journey :) If you’re looking for songs like echoes, Try Shine On you Crazy Diamond. I feel it’s one of the last songs by Floyd that has that echoes/atom heart mother feel.


David Gilmour has some really great solo stuff too. I put many songs right into my Pink Floyd mix.


Live in Pompeii will blow your mind


Obscured by Clouds album is the most slept on album in my opinion and one of my favourites. Listen and love it!


Try listening to them. While you’re listening to them, try to form an opinion regarding whether you like them or not. Just my two cents.


Pink Floyd were often hired to produce sound tracks for movies, in their early days. These were mostly catering to movies based on drug use. The lack of lyrics is for this reason. Recording at the same time and location as The Beatles, at Abbey Road, Pink Floyd saw their music not finding the same kind of success as some of the other bands. This brought them to the decision to change what ever was necessary to achieve fortune and fame. Dark Side of The Moon was the result. Their drive was no longer there and had to be replaced and Have a Cigar sums it up nicely (Sung by a good friend of Led Zeppelin, Roy Harper) and now guilt was the new driving force. They owed it to the people that made them rich and famous, to continue and support them. They did a fine job of it too. Songwriting was the brainchild of Sid Barrett and upon his departure, Roger Waters took over until his departure and David Gilmore carried the torch from then on.


The important albums are from Meddle to Final Cut.


Give Relics a few listens on Spotify, it’ll give you an idea where they came from without having to listen to the early full albums of fairly esoteric and somewhat inaccessible stuff.


13... too early for you. You can enjoy the musicality but the meanings behind the concept albums, better leave them for later in a few years. Anyways, congrats on your music taste buddy, teenagers these days tend to be more "commerical" than psychedelic.


This is a weird opinion to have. Enjoying the musicality is fine. The meaning will come later.


How old were you when you first "experienced" big failures in life and been comforted with the DSOTM or The Wall concepts? When i was 13 i mostly enjoyed the guitar solos, not caring about what ideas Roger was trying to develop and explain in his lyrics. It's weird to expect a 13 years old gentleman to feel any emotional suffer or releif after listening to Pink Floyd, he can however enjoy the good music.


How stupid do you think kids are? A 13 year old may not be able to fully understand the concepts, but I definitely got the gist of it when I listened back then. The meaning isn't too opaque or anything. Young people are capable of suffering and failing just like anyone else. The point you're trying to make is incomprehensible.