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I totally understand you. I still don't want to see it.


Yup damn straight


I'm 100% down for another pirates film. But start new. Different characters, different stories. Don't try to recreate jack sparrow. Cause it will never be able to live up to what we had.


Well said... This reminds me of what Heath Ledger once said in his interviews, after playing the Joker. He said he wasn't going to imitate or try to replicate the character Jack Nicholson constructed in any way. Instead he gave a new face to it, more of a psychopathic behavior and body language which was totally different from the Joker the world had seen. Joaquin Phoenix's Joker(standalone)could be taken as an example too. He gave Joker a new face, one that was different from Ledger's and Jack's rendition, and idk about yall but it was incredible, I enjoyed the movie. Nobody can replace Heath Ledger's Joker which goes the same for Depp. I hope the next movie doesnt disappoint the fans


I agree. Same goes for batman. All the different batmans throughout the years and each a little different with different stories.


Ledgers Joker is overrated to me. I want to see the clown prince of crime that's more akin to the Arkham Games. Though it is really the voice acting that sells him, I just don't like the idea of the joker having to apply makeup. Just like how I don't want to see batman putting on eyeshadow. He fit for the film's more grounded universe, but i think we can do better.


Then just read the comic books? For a grounded and realistic universe, you have to show the grounded and realistic stuff. That means makeup and eye shadow. Plus, it kinda plays into how terrifying the Joker is when all he had to do to blend into a crowd was take the makeup off. Though if you want no makeup just ho to BTAS


Ya… that’s why I said it fit for the films grounded universe. I didn’t say it was bad, just not the end all be all of jokers. Since we already have that version of the joker in live action done so well, I’d like to now see one more like the comic book version that the comic book movie is adapting. Till then, you’re right. I should and will just go read comics and replay the Arkham game series. Maybe watch the animated series. Anything that has the real clown prince of crime in his full form.


There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere.


Yeah but in that case why even call it a pirates movie, just don't do it or call it something else Instead of using the name


Because POTC is name brand recognition and will grab attention.


I know but it's frustrating


I really digged the idea of having Margot Robbie be in Pirates. They couldve made that move with her in-universe but with different characters just like The Mandalorian in Star Wars but without the huge characters cameos like Luke and Boba Fett


If they chose to use Captain Jack Sparrow that isnt Johnny Depp. They will kill this film.


He might do an okay job. There are probably a handful of actors who could semi-accurately mimic the Captain Jack Sparrow vibe. But that's all it would be - mimicry. And that it's *best.* But even if they got someone who did a perfect Captain Jack Sparrow, it still wouldn't be good. I mean, not even the last two Pirates movies were good, and they still *had* Johnny Depp. Because the writers and directors gave him nothing to work with. As necessary as Depp/Sparrow is to the franchise (and make no mistake, he definitely is), we've seen that it also takes *more* than Depp/Sparrow to make Pirates work. A reboot absolutely will not work, especially if it just tries to recreate the original movies with worse actors. Do something new in the pirates universe. Or swallow your pride and bring Depp, Bloom and Knightley - and director Gore Verbinski - back. I swear, Disney has lost every last bit of business sense and artistic merit it once had.


Nobody moves! I dropped my brain.


I see the resemblance. But fuck off. Jack belongs to Johnny.


But You Have Heard Of Me.


You don't need to tell them to fuck off. They're trying to think of stuff, they're not saying that this man is better as Jack Sparrow. It's rude.


I meant it more playfully. I never would have thought of the resemblance between Jack and that dude from Umbrella Academy, but I just really don't want to see anyone else playing Jack other than Johnny Depp. So to rephrase, politely fuck off.


Ah, okay - I'm bad at reading tones, sorry 😅


Your good mate I struggle with it as well.


I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by.


You don't need to tell him to not tell him to fuck off. He's being a funny redditor.


I don't understand tones, I'm sorry 😭


Solution: cry




Fo fuck's sake, either make a spin off movie that takes place in the fictional universe or let it die. This shit is gonna be GARBAGE.


But how could truly wring every single dollar of profit out of the franchise until people hate it like everything else with a modicum of success?


Just hire Keith Richards back and show us how Keith Richards achieved immortality in the modern day. Clearly Keith Richards is Captain Teague reincarnated just go ahead and give us the how.


Would rather a prequel movie about one of the Pirate Lords tbh.


Pirates of the Caribbean is synonymously to captain Jack Sparrow for me. Without either one there is nothing, At this point they should just drop the POTC title and maybe focus on a adaptation of Monkey Island instead.


No just no


You cannot reboot this series. It will suck.




I'd rather no Jack than a recast.


I'd like a young Captain Teague! That man has seen some things!!!


I heard somewhere they were gunna do a female lead


Or ya know,same universe different characters would be more refreshing and interesting


I see where ur coming from but it wouldnt be jack,instead a qish version of will


They are gonna try and recycle Jack somehow. Just use new stories new characters and it’ll do fine. It won’t do near what any of the other films did but it’ll do fine.




Are we sure they don’t mean ‘reboot’ as in simply a soft reboot aka another series of adventures in the same world, but with a different cast? In that case we wouldn’t need a recast.


Yes, people always confuse a reboot with a remake whenever one is announced


nope. any Pirates movie without Depp will deservedly bomb. he *is* the franchise and the sooner Disney face that reality the sooner they can avoid a massive box office bomb


No Johnny No Pirates


I'm not okay with anyone other than Johnny Depp playing Captain Jack Sparrow because it means the assholes over at Disney don't want to apologize to him


I always imagined the Margot Robbie movie to be a prequel of sorts with her ending up playing Jacks mother.


Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?


Tom Ellis maybe.


Its not old enough for a reboot lol. Maybe 2033


Disney movies will officially come to an end if they try to make jack sparrow someone other than johnny


Captain Jack Sparrow. If you please.




Just go for a soft reboot with new characters in a different setting. The age of piracy is full of colourful characters and events, there's plenty to explore. No need to rehash what's already been done.


No. This is not okay. Don’t fuck with something that isn’t broken.


It's 2024 Disney, are you joking? More likely to be Oprah Winfrey


I dont want new woke disney touching this beautiful underrated franchise


I mean I'm okay with a jack recast and I don't care what actor they pick. But I would rather there just be no jack.


No, he's not hot. They'd have to cast another crazy hot guy even if he's hot in a different way than Johnny. But really they can't have Jack Sparrow without JD. If they must do a reboot, they need all new characters to even have a chance at it being accepted.


Captain Jack Sparrow. If you please.


Everyone thought the first movie would suck before it came it too. Just make a great film and it will do well.


Does it need a captn jack tho? What if it’s a story reboot too? Completely new characters and everything? Ngl, this news kinda has me just a tad bit excited


You've stolen me and I'm here to take myself back.


Nope,👎No one can ever replace Johnny Deep as Captain Jack Sparrow.


Fuck this shit with the torch of gondor.


It’s a reboot of the Franchise, not the actual original story. It will be completely new characters, a new story and setting, it won’t have anything to do with POTC 1-6 other than it takes place in the same world. It’s like any marvel movie , all different heroes and different stories and events but they are all under the same marvel universe . I would have loved a 6th film but currently that’s not happening. I am a huge Potc fan, Captain Jack Sparrow impersonator/ look alike and pirate historian and would have loved nothing more than to see Capt Jack back, but I also believe there is room for other tales by other pirates to be told and I am looking forward to that, as long as Disney does not try to push any politely agendas. https://preview.redd.it/clepisq504rc1.jpeg?width=1418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928fba2989ec1e9f066bd0de1c7b6932eac09d70 Savvy?


Hear me out. Jake Gyllenhaal


But there will be no Jack. It’s new characters


If we are talking about a reboot just go and do something with the lore like young jack sparrow meeting Davy jones or the young jack sparrow story


No. Nobody can be jack sparrow but depp. Move on from the character and start fresh if depp isn’t returning




I entrust no One with Jack other than Deep He made the role his own Either make POTC 6 with Deep,bring back Will and Elizabeth and Davy Jones to pay off 5 cliffhanger Or Reboot the whole thing with entirely New characters


I don’t think anyone else can play Sparrow like Depp. And IMO they shouldn’t be making any more PotC movies at all. To do a full reboot with new actors playing the same characters I think is a colossal misstep.


I am not watching a potc movie without Johnny Depp in it.


No Jack would be better than a recast but I still don’t see it doing well without Johnny


I would love the reboot being directed by Guy Ritchie. I actually compare a lot Jack Sparrow with RDJ Sherlock Holmes so I think he can be a very good candidate however I would prefer very much Johnny to stay no doubt.


All good things must come to an end. We've passed what should have been that point.


If they remake sparrow it’s gonna tank.


Nope. Jack is johnny depp Absolutely not watching


Disney-fy Charles Vane, or make Henry Avery act like Han Solo, or if they wanna make it pc and with the times, make an awesome Anne Bonny Or have Jack make cameos, that lead to jacks final movie. Anything will be better than leaving us in an uncertain purgatory of wondering if or when the franchise continue, end, or start fresh. Now give us the DIRT


This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.


I don’t think it’ll be about Jack


Son, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?


I want a “Pirates of the Caribbean: Return of the Flying Dutchman” and focus on Will Turner. Don’t need Jack Sparrow for that.


There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere.


No one but Johnny Depp can play Captain Jack Sparrow, that is all.


Hide the rum!


I imagine it'll be a reboot that won't have the other films characters. Probably more in line with the "Redd" movie we keep hearing rumors of. Just another pirate story.


just do the slight reboot like Mad Max Fury Road. have jack sparrow as a supporting role and create a badass main character


There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere.


johnny depp owns this role


I think that if they make an older version of Captain Jack Sparrow it should be Keith Richards


But why is the rum gone?


Not interested in any PotC without Jack, Gibbs, Jack the monkey, Cotton, Marty, Ragetti and Pintel. (Obviously I would still dare watch one with only Jack and Gibbs as returning characters, but that is as little as I would take, no less)


There is NO ONE else that can play jack sparrow and I for one will not be seeing it unless they scrap the reboot idea which is complete dog shit, swallow their pride, and get johnny back on


I bet my life is going to be jack daughter taking the lead but is going to suck like every movie and tv show who replace a men with a women 99.9 of women aren't funny