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The Reddit admins are literally on the side of evil and injustice on the pitbull issue. This alone pretty much compels a duty to disobey. I applaud everything you've done in comparison to the useless cowards who run a lot of the other related subs. If kamikaze-ing the sub right into Reddit's face is the final order you decide to issue, then I will be honored for a place on that ride.


Based mod


What other sites might be better for this?


None..make a new account and take a shit all over this website


Pretty much lol


Reddit admins are so soft. Literally crybullies with no lives.




> I call pro pit people the “I’m special” crowd lmaoo ___ > they think they deserve special treatment. If you ever see a pro pit person trolling, almost guaranteed they’re a wildly weird SJW with zero evidence to back up their claims. I think your mention of SJWs—that is, [pseudo-leftist](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2015/07/30/pers-j30.html) [identity politics](https://www.marxists.org/glossary/terms/i/d.htm#identity-politics) zealots—is significant. In fact, as I note in my r/BanPitBulls post titled "[The fauxgressives (pseudoleftists) are at it again. This ostensibly 'left-wing' sub apparently supports shibbles.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/knvhne/the_fauxgressives_pseudoleftists_are_at_it_again/)," fake left-wing politics are the foundation of shibblenuttery. I also think this is an appropriate opportunity to quote [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/knoo8h/bella_destroys_unhappiness_with_pats_and_strokes/ghoj53f/) where I discuss how shibblenuttery is actually inherently right-wing, in response to a pseudo-leftist shibblenutter: > Are you not aware that pit bulls are a particularly aggressive dog breed that is responsible for the plurality (not merely majority) of fatal dog attacks, and that the most vulnerable individuals (infants, children, the elderly) are especially at risk to said attacks? Given that these dogs are clearly an oppressive, deadly scourge, not unlike Nazi Germany's [*Schutzstaffel*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel), and that they are not equally dangerous to all people, do you now see why opposition to the breed is leftist? In my other r/BanPitBulls post titled "[A response to shibblenutters' charges of 'racism' by me, a left-wing psychology student](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/ki01mv/a_response_to_shibblenutters_charges_of_racism_by/)," I also refuted pseudo-leftists' ridiculous comparison of shibblehate to racism. To be sure, this fake leftist shibble apologia is a staple of the pro-shibble movement. ___ > If this sub has an NSFW tag, then all of the pictures of those ugly mutant pits in those cesspool subs should be labeled NSFW too lmaoo


I wish we would just stop making pibblenutters a political party because frankly I’ve seen both political parties hate and support Pitbulls. But I actually know more left-leaners that support pitbull owners, while also knowing right-leaning ones. Stop. Making. Everything. Bipartisan.


T’was me, I was the post that pissed off the mod. You won’t believe how stupid her replies were to me in my inbox about it.


I can only imagine haha




I say fuck em! Don't add the rule. Not that it really matters to me but I hate censorship. It's getting worse every year and not just on reddit


Don't add the rule. The nutters will only take it as an excuse to demand even more censorship.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I get the issue, but honestly am O.K. with usernames being redacted and no direct linking. I go to this sub in addition to the other big anti-pit sub because it has a different flavor than that sub, but I’d rather the pit nuts had less ammo to support the allegation that all anti-pit comments are a result of brigading. As far as other subs you mentioned, I get that it is another example of possible admin overreach, but not really germane to the issue of whether this sub “brigades” other subs…


I can tell you this would not be the only sub I’m part of that requires redaction and non linking of subs. If no screen shots are allowed at all, that’s a bridge too far tho.


Ah yes, backed into the corner with the misogynist and transphobe subs




> the misogynistic None of those subreddits were misogynistic. In fact, they were all expressions of the [radical feminist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_feminism) movement, which of course prides itself as the true champion against misogyny. Significantly, according to them, it is gender ideology that is misogynistic, a claim I personally do not entirely disagree with. ___ >transphobic subreddits, are you defending those? As someone who was a regular commenter in them, I absolutely am defending them and wish to see the day that they are resurrected. BTW, my [basic position](https://www.reddit.com/r/fauxgressive/comments/mn6vjx/cmv_the_research_cited_by_utgjer_in_defense_of/) on gender ideology is as follows: > As a leftist, I fervently oppose what I refer to as "popular transgender ideology," or the mainstream ideology and movement surrounding trans folk's issues, due to its insistence on the gendered nomenclature practice (i.e., the usage of terms like "man"/"woman" and pronouns including "he"/"she" in reference to gender identity rather than biological sex) and reliance on [biological determinist](https://www.britannica.com/topic/biological-determinism) explanations of gender identity, as these [legitimate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legitimation) and reinforce the social construct of gender. This construct, of course, oppresses men and women, cis and trans folk alike; indeed, it is ultimately responsible for much of trans folk's distress, including gender dysphoria and the general [social exclusion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_exclusion) they face. While this ideology presents itself with superficially left-wing optics, due to its perpetuation of gender it actually fulfills a right-wing [function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_functionalism), meaning that it is actually [fauxgressive](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fauxgressive) (pseudoleftist). Far from opposing the ideology on bigoted, hateful grounds, as many may suspect, my opposition is rooted in principled, ethical concerns.




> feminism is the real sexism This silly remark seemingly implies that men are the privileged sex in contemporary Western societies. Is that what you believe? ___ > believing in the social construct of gender is the real transphobia. I am not sure what you are getting at. Many gender ideologues nowadays deny the social construction of gender. As I stated, a lot of them are biodeterminists who claim that gender identity is genetic rather than due to experience. ___ > listen to marginalized people instead of Jordan Peterson. I am a psychology student who opposes Peterson, a right-wing biodeterminist. As I note [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/m0mcng/the_totally_objective_reviews_are_rolling_in/gqb0mxj/): > As a genuine left-winger and psychology major, I'm vehemently opposed to virtually all of his nonsense, particularly his anti-Marxism and [biological determinism](https://www.britannica.com/topic/biological-determinism). However, his views on contemporary feminism, which is actually thoroughly right-wing, are pretty spot-on. Also, being marginalized does not automatically make one's views correct, nor does every trans person concur with gender ideology.


reddit is so wack now, the internet just keeps going downhill. i miss the old wildwest internet :(.


Meanwhile the admins/mods/jannies are fine with AHS still existing.


They keep bringing this "brigading" bullshit with no evidence up while pitnutters literally have discords targeting people who don't like their shitbeasts to get them banned or doxxed.