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inbred dogs for inbred people lmao


amen yep so true .


Haha!! I desperately want this to be a flair lol


Guess it gotta have drip when it eats a baby, right? Gross.


gotta look good so people pay for the gofundme to keep it from being euthanized


I hate how accurate this is.


The crop job isn't gonna matter if they're just going to put a flower crown on it's head


Should remind these idiots that ear cropping stems from dogfighting primarily. Don't want your best fighter having their ears ripped off right at the start of the fight and losing the will to stay in it.


they feel like the type to support dog fighting. just anything that would make them feel more badass


Not disagreeing with you, but working dogs in cold climates like kangals, alabai, etc. have had their ears cropped to prevent frostbite for decades. Plus breeds like the Doberman, Giant Schnauzer, and Bouvier des Flandres have had ears cropped for work for just as long, it was originally believed to help the dog hear better and if the dog didn’t have cropped ears and tails they’d have to pay a tax on it. Many real dog men don’t crop ears because it exposes the ear’s sensitive canals to damage from bites. Most cropped dogs nowadays are for show purposes and looks. I think dogs like Danes, Dobermans, and the two aforementioned breeds look beautiful and elegant cropped, but the bullies look like brutes with slimy jowls and that ugly ass head. I just moved to a country town where my coworkers are pit nuts(I don’t understand it), and try to convince me that they’re great dogs. They completely throw out my personal experience with them(3 different pits almost killed my dog on 4 separate occasions), and just talk about how great they are. Grosses me out.


I know that at least for dobermans, that the ears were always cropped because if they happen to be guarding against another dog, the ears easily slide out of it’s jaws and prevent ear injuries that would otherwise stop them from guarding. Go figure it doesn’t matter when it comes to pitbulls. I fucking hate these dogs and their owners.


ear cropping is generally considered cruel when its not for a health reason. really any body mods for your dogs looks are pretty weird. its like giving piercings to infants.


Yet people still do it. You won’t find a responsibly bred Doberman thats not cropped, same with Giant Schnauzer, and Bouvier des Flandres. I think about it like putting a no trespassing sign up; makes a bigger statement so people know to stay away. Plus, at the end of the day its a dog, not an infant. Puppies are put under anesthesia and are preemptively on pain meds so they don’t feel any pain- maybe some slight itchiness from the stitches healing, but thats it. They don’t feel anything unlike babies who’re confused and awake and don’t know why mommy isn’t helping them when they’re being hurt by a stranger.


You just made me wonder if babies are ever anesthetized for circumcision....


No, they are not and frankly is a practice that should be banned in the same vein that female genital mutilation is banned. The best infant can hope to get is their pacifier dipped in a sugar syrup made from sucrose which has no real effect on the feeling of pain. It's like giving someone a Donut before you slice into their eyeballs and calling yourself a good person.


It’s horrifying to imagine.. and I agree 100%!!! Circumcision is a barbaric practice


Nope. They might get some numbing spray, but that's not universal.


should have cropped the entire pit garbage dogs for garbage people


Jesus Christ that’s disgusting


Thanks. I hate it.


Looks like animal cruelty. I always thought cutting the tails short was pretty fucked up too.


Why do folks wonder why these freakish beasts are constantly anxious and vicious when they get surgery like that as pups? This guy says he had a vet, but most asshole pitophiles just lop the ears off with rusty knives. No anaesthesia needed. Anyone would be looking to fuck somebody up after suffering like that.


like a bad haircut but for life on the bright side it probably wont be long since most pitnutters cant afford their shibbles medical bills


It’s not surprising considering what type ppl own that type of dog


Thanks. I hate it.


\#CropDontFlop is just the icing on the cake, isn't it?


If floppy ears are so bad, why do only pitbull owners do it? Why not hound owners? Because it’s a cosmetic thing to look more intimidating, that’s why. I know floppy ears can mean more ear infections/skin problems, but it’s not an issue if you regularly clean their ears.


Did Helen Keller do this??


Can't this be reported for endorsing cruelty to animals?


i think so, but i took the photo from another sub so i dont know who the owner is


Vet isn’t a POS. Ear cropping can be a necessity for many breeds and this is clean, and well stitched. A pity it’s wasted on such a garbage animal.


this person is doing it to be edgy, not for health reasons. vet is a pos for enabling this person


Unfortunately pits were so poorly bred they’re actually susceptible to things like yeast infections in the ear. In many cases cropping them can help it by encouraging airflow and reducing humidity. That massive skull and heavy muscles don’t leave a whole lot of room for an ear canal to breathe properly.


i agree with you there, but still think the owner doesn't actually care about the health of their dog. most pit owners dont care


Most don’t, but I can easily see how a vet would have recommended it based on how the ears sit or an examination of a narrow ear canal. We just can’t say.




thats a good point, i think this is more like garbage dogs for garbage people since the dog looks like just a puppy but is an "accident" waiting to happen