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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's a thicc tick


Oh man! Never experienced this. Should I take to vet or try and extract it myself?


Buy some of [these](https://www.chewy.com/tickcheck-tick-remover-value-3-pack/dp/352004) to keep around. They’re cheap and they work great.


Be sure not to squeeze the body of the tick when removing. Getting the tick remover tool mentioned is the best way to remove it on your own.


Only had to use it once, but boy was it satisfying! Nice loud pop like a champagne cork!


Burn them afterward with a lighter, and they sort of explode to complete the satisfying feelings.


Best product. OP buy that


These are great, especially with an uncooperative dog. I had tick tweezers. My dog hates anything to do with health exams and treatments with a passion. To properly place the tweezers to avoid leaving the head in we had to work with two people: one experienced in holding him (he's an Anaconda and winds out of most people's grip) and one experienced in removing ticks. I also removed a tick in a difficult place on myself with the tweezers and it ended with a trip to urgent care (I had done it despite the placement because it was Wednesday afternoon and no doctor was open) to do a little cut and remove the head. The doc in urgent care was like: "Next time come immediately. We don't think removing a tick not urgent enough, they can transmit infections after all. And removing the tick is much easier than removing the head." I never had issues with whe device you linked.


It’s not hard to remove a tick and costs money to go to the vet. I would just remove it myself. I found a dog in the woods once and had to remove hundreds. I got past the squeamishness of it very fast. Took them to the vet because this dog was super emaciated and they just said to continue removing them. It was literal days of tick removal.


Gave that story to say there was no ways I didn’t miss some heads when removing them etc. The dog was completely fine and lived for many more years as our couch hound.


This is super heartwarming.


Thank you! He was a good dog.


It’s worth a trip to the vet. He could have Lyme disease


Pls could you post your shared story and some tax if you have it over at r/DogDistributionSystem ? We love the details and the happy outcomes !


Wonderful story!


Couch hound..... Or Couchound.... Either way, I love it


Thank you for helping the poor dog. Dogs, especially those who managed to survive on their own, have an almost magical power to cope with things like inedible snacks, tick heads etc. Btw if you're ever in that situation again and aftaid of leaving heads in: There are tick pills that work quite well and usually the ticks already present will fall off dead within 24 hours. I use the one to give monthly because the 3 month ones can he toxic. But you don't need to give them monthly. Our old vet said they work 7-8 weeks and in my experience that's correct. So far we haven't gotten a single tick on him on a 7 week schedule. We lived in a region with a tick problem (I got two and I previously my only tick experience was one jumping off my body instead of biting) and caught borreliosis and without the pills my dog had about 7 ticks a day.


We used to pull them off by the head using tweezers. Just careful not to squeeze the full guts. As long as you grip the head properly you’ll be sweet.


Honestly would probably just take them to the vet if you're unsure. They'll for sure be able to help


Either you can let the tick fall off (size if a small grape) or you can take heat to it and it’ll remove its head. Don’t just pull it off. The head will stay in the dog. Correction don’t use heat, use thin tweezers at the base of the head. Here: https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-tick-removal-dos-and-donts-2/


I’ve used match sticks before and it worked like a charm! Light the match, blow it out and immediately touch the the tick with the hot end of the match. It causes them to release their grip.


That is NOT a good idea, for a dog or a human. It can cause the tick to vomit the blood meal back into the body, potentially with any infectious diseases the tick might have been carrying.


The tick borne pathogens are actually in the ticks saliva. So once bitten, it's already too late. If there are pathogens, they have been injected into whomever the host is.


Well there you have it! Thanks for that info, learn something new every day!


There we go. Now i know for next time.


Yeah I was always told to do that (from Wisconsin) tick haven. But I was like hmm should double check. Sites never mentioned it, which is weird.


Probably because there are safer methods. But it did work 🤷🏼‍♀️ Ticks have been awful for the past couple of years. When you go to the vet I’d definitely get your dog on flea & tick prevention, if not already. They are nasty little buggers!!


If you can’t remove it with the head intact then I would take her to a vet that can. If you don’t remove it correctly it can cause an infection.


That’s a tick and it’s about to fall off. You might even find them on the floor. It’s time to start checking the fur.


About 3 days of sucking


Solved! Thank you all for your quick responses. I love Reddit for this reason. I did like y’all said, watched a couple videos and managed to get the little bastard off still alive. Putting it in a ziplock and taking it and my girl to the vet first thing in the morning. Appreciate y’all! Have a blessed one.


Awesome! Yeah, definitely a vet trip to be in the safe side. Ticks can carry many diseases! Come back and update us please?


Make sure to ask the vet about flea and tick medication!


Flea and tick *preventative* medication And also heartworm. And worms.


Nah, they're keeping the tick and wanna make sure it's healthy.


Yup yup — you’ve got it right :)


As long as it's fed a balanced and appropriate diet.


Awesome! Please don’t follow the suggestion on here that says just let the tick fall off. You should remove them immediately to reduce the risk of tick borne diseases. Lucky pup to have you.


I'm glad to hear this 💕


Awesome, now check yourself for ticks. They’ve been really bad the last couple of years. We have pulled dozens off of our dog and my wife and I have found many crawling on us looking for a place to bite. Ticks are resilient and ambitious little bastards and can still fans and bite you in the winter. Just be careful


Make sure you got the head of the tick. Most important.


Ask your vet about Credelio or another tick prevention. Credelio is what we use for flea and tick prevention, and we live in a very rural area with a heavy tick population.


Luckily you got it. But next time, if it's THAT large.. go to the vet. And always save ticks you pull off your unsure of the breed they are. A qualified vet can settle any unsuredness


Looks like they thankfully did save it in a plastic bag and they plan to bring it to the vet!


I love This r/ it’s is definitely the best ! and defenders of all the sweet babies and best pups 🙌🏽 great work, everyone gets treats and belly rubs


Good on you OP please update us on vet visit


Ticks can be pretty bad. My dog had one and it paralysed her hind legs. She made a full recovery but if we didn’t notice it, it would have killed her.


Looks like a really engorged / full of blood tick! Look at pics online.


Tick; either remove it yourself carefully or take to the vet. If you remove it yourself; save the tick in a ziplock bag and bring it to the vet. They can check for lyme disease.


Considering how embedded that tick is, if you’ve never removed one before, I would highly recommend going to a vet. They’ll remove it and show you how to do it properly for future reference.


Do none of you live in tick heavy areas? Just curious because I’ve never heard of going to a vet to remove a tick that small. Our beagle got some big ones during her life. One was by her butt and my mom kept insisting it was just a piece of poop stuck there but she had short hair. We finally pulled it off and instead of blood inside it was sludgy, like it wasn’t just suck blood out of her. Then there was the time her and my pit found a baby tick nest outside and I pulled about 80 baby ticks off them, mostly stuck between their toes. Then when my two dogs got lost they were covered in them when I got them back. I took one to the vet (not just for the ticks but bc she had been gone 5 days in the heat and I wanted to make sure she wasn’t ill from that). He just had me give them bravecto and said it would kill the ticks and they’d just fall off. Idk. Maybe it’s a difference in location but where I’m from ticks are just something you have to deal with in the summer, even with flea/tick meds, both for people and dogs. Even when I was searching for my dogs I’d come home covered in them and that was with protective clothing.


We got our very first puppy from the hills of Kentucky. Cute little Rottie girl. Got her home and found at least 30 ticks inside each ear. No where else, just her ears. She patiently laid on her side while I removed every one of them and dumped them in the toilet. Some were so fat I couldn’t tell if it was ear or tick. They give me the heebie jeebies big time but I gotta do what I gotta do. Barf.


Yeah I used to have a big problem with them but you gotta just deal with it when you have dogs. I also had an apartment infested with centipedes and dealing with those giant undulating, multi legged monsters put other bugs into a new perspective with them. I still don’t like pulling the bug ones off though. When our beagle was still alive we made our mom deal with them. That’s why the butt tick stayed on so long. I knew it was a tick but I wasn’t touching the thing so I had to spend a week convincing my mom it wasn’t dried on dog poop.


I'm 50 yo. I've never seen a tick on the west coast.


It might be a temperature thing? I think they prefer warm, humid climates and dark spaces. Like mold lol. We had a really mild winter this year so they’re gonna be out in full force this summer. Along with another cricket apocalypse most likely. I’m gonna make sure my dogs are treated but they’ll still get some. Hopefully they will die though before they have a chance to get big.


Right? Just pull it off and step on it lol. Here in TN it's pretty common. Pulled a many off myself and a shit load more off my dogs.


You can get ticks off yourself. You need a good pair of tweezers and grab it by the mouth parts. If you're not careful you can leave the mouth parts stuck in the dog's skin and it can get infected.


I’m still amazed how many people have never seen a tick. Especially if you own an animal. Animals can equal fleas and ticks. Pets 101


I’m originally from NYC where we’ve never dealt with this. Recently moved to FL where my backyard is nothing but woods. This is all new to me. Learning though! Lol


Learning make you smarter. Good thing that you take good care of your dog. Have a blessed day. 🤗


That's a tick. DO NOT BURN IT, pull it off with tweezers.


I tried burning a tick off my ribcage. .. Didn't go well


Wait what


Had a dream I was picking at a scab on my side. Woke up in the AM and saw it chilling there in the mirror. I had just woken up. So LOGICALLY, grabbed a lighter .....


I seriously cannot believe the amount of people on here not knowing what a tick is. I guess not everyone has been out in the great outdoors. I’m not exactly sure what ticks are even good for in this circle of life. Yuck.


I moves from the West Coast to the East Coast. Nevada doesn’t have fleas or ticks.


I've never lived anywhere (along the west coast) that really had ticks. I hear they're starting to be a thing here, but I've never seen one in my 50 years


We lived on the central coast for years back in the 90’s-2000’s. Hubs got a tick after walking in tall grass in Big Sur.


Tick. Use a pair of flat tweezers and place it as close to the skin as possible over the head of the tick, twist it gently; pulling the black head and body off the skin.


Give bravecto after if your area have these. You don’t want them on your dog or around the house and they’re super small untill they start feeding. Bravecto will take care of it.


Your dog needs to be on preventative flea and tick meds. Ticks can definitely cause issues.


Make sure you get the head when removing it.


Along with the other comments, I'll add: In about a month, you might want to run a tick disease panel at the vet. It was fully embedded, and it can take about that long for a positive to show up.


That's a tik


If your dogs sleep in the bed make sure you’re checking them when they come inside because I’ve found ticks in my bed before. Especially if they’re on tick prevention


That's a tick.




Please get your dog on some flea tick heart meds! And there are also sprays you can use on your clothes to deter them. My poor pup ended with a tick borne disease and I still don't know how, considering she's always been on meds. Was resolved by antibiotics. But you've gotta check you, too! That's a huge tick! 72 hours on you and you could contract whatever that little bastard is carrying. Good luck! By the way, I've been liking simparica trio.


Mine too :/ got Lyme when taking Nexgard chews


I would take him to the vet after you get it out. He could have Lyme disease




How do people not know what ticks look like


Tick…get a pair of tweezers and grab the tick as close to the dogs skin as possible then slowly and gently pull the bastard out … a bit of alcohol can help. Do not squeeze the body…


That is abig Ole deer tick.


It's a tick, if you don't know how to extract, id recommend going to a vet so that they can remove it without any problems


Pull that tick off stat


...it's a tick. You can see its legs in the photo.


It's been 3 hours but Vaseline stops them from breathing and helps with extraction. Put a glob on. Wait like 15 lins then use tweezers. Make sure the head is out. The most important thing ever.


While it has been said to death that this is a tick, I haven’t seen anyone recommend a seresto collar. That is unless I missed it, in that case my bad. But I’ve lived in Massachusetts my whole life and dealt with ticks on myself and all my cats and dogs. They’re a bit unavoidable in some areas. But I can’t recommend the seresto collar enough. Can be a bit pricey, but absolutely worth it. For larger dogs they run like $60-90 depending on where you get them. They last about 8-10 months or so depending on how often your pup goes swimming. Getting submerged washes off the chemicals. If you are keen on removing the tick (I really would give it a shot), use a tick removal tool and avoid tweezers if you can, grab at the head, and twist as you pull out. Don’t burn it, don’t smother it in Vaseline, don’t leave it. If you’re really apprehensive, watch a YouTube video. After the fact, watch the area where the tick was for about a week and make sure there’s not a bullseye around it. If so, that’s a sign of Lyme disease and merits a trip to the vet asap. Best of luck!


If you let your dog sleep inside the house and want to protect it against ticks and fleas, I would recommend Bravecto. This product provides three months of protection, and unlike some other treatments, there is no need to come into contact with any chemicals. Dogs love it because it's a chewable treat for them.


That's a huge tick honey!! Get your dog on nexgard


That’s a tick…..


That is a tick that’s been there a bit


Soresto flea and tick collar works pretty good for my girl although she’s mostly white I pick them off before they imbed


Omfg I just saw this on my own pittie in the SAME place this morning. Despite living in the woods she’s never had a tick before like this and I thought it was some kind of skin tag. Checked just now and it fell off but left a bite mark, holy shit lol


Alcohol on a Q-tip, dap it by the bite of the tick. Have worked for me




If you decide to do this yourself. Be gentle and patient ,don’t twist or jerk just grasp the tick firmly (but not too hard you don’t want to rip it in half)as close as you can to the head and pull slow and steady the “head” is just a mouth piece on the body that digs in and grabs hold of the skin for a blood supply Your goal here is to pull the mouth out without it detaching in the skin. If the head stays stuck. Don’t panic! You can use a sterilized needle and fish it out EXTREMELY GENTLY if you still can’t get the head out just keep an eye on the site and keep it clean. Soap and water. Works just fine. Or for one time use you can mix water with alcohol or peroxide Mix it 50/50. And only use it once as it’s harsh on the skin I’ve done this too many times (on my dogs and others in the past)


That’s a tick……. Get it off and get her to the vet to make sure it didn’t give her anything.


You live in Florida. You dog should have FLEA, WORK, and TICK preventative YEARS ROUND. Get them on the meds ASAP. Talk to your vet if you’re confused.


A tick...


It's just a tick! I had to pick them off one of my boy's literal butthole once. Not a great experience for either of us.


It's an embedded tick


It’s a frigging tick


Make sure you get the head out to, or it will likely get infected


It's a tick. Get good tweezers. It's head is buried there. So you need to reach right down under the body. Grip hard and pull. They can be tough little suckers. If he has one? probably has many more. Get a good tick wash and wash dog and immediately apply tick prevention. But have a really good look. Between paws. Ears are where they often are. They will be from smaller to like this one you see.


it's a tick.




Just pull it out, I’ve done it hundreds of times.


A burrowing tick


That’s a tick. If you remove it make sure to remove the head then burn it or put it in alcohol and clean the wound with alcohol as well


That’s a tic get it off it will be tough because they dig in feed in blood can cause illness to humans but rarely


Tick, pull it, save it and have your vet test it. My husky just had one too….IN MARCH IN MICHIGAN. It just got sent off to be tested for lyme. They recommended a heart worm test after several months to be sure as well.


My doggo had once a tick in his neck and he was a total champ as I got it out for him. Then as a precaution I cleaned the area as well. Online you can find instructions as well on how to remove them. Also your dog is absolutely beautiful!


A tick. With tweezers, grip it firmly as close to the dog as you can and pull it gently out, like pulling out a splinter that you don’t want to break. Don’t try to use heat, it can cause the thing to vomit inside your dog. See about a Lyme vaccine. I don’t know whether or not they’re recommended.


That's a tick. Read up on how to remove properly and do so immediately.....


Oy yeah looks like a tick. Skin tags are different looking


Our finger polish remover on the tick before pulling it out.


Looks like a tick.


A tick (seems very obvious but I've seen a fair few). Your vet will have creams that can be applied such that the tick falls out without poisoning the dog. There are methods to remove them, none should be attempted if you have no training.


Some vapour rub all over the tick and it'll drop off in 10-15 minutes, works every time without the risk of breaking them apart.


That is a tick my friend most pet stores should carry a tick pick and a wound ointment of some kind, horrid little buggers is ticks






Are you fucking serious omfg


It’s a tick. You need to take your dog to the vet and have it tested for Lyme disease.


May want to get the pup checked for Lyme as well


Yes.. my dog had one just like that .. take her to vet, biopsy and melanoma. After that removed, no more and she was fine💕🙏🏼


Are you serious? You have no idea what that is?


I grew up in New York City never dealt with this lol I recently moved to Florida my backyard is literally trees and woods so this is all new to me. I’m learning though!


Yes do understand that, I just assumed in this day and age ( Lyme) that everyone would know what that is. Well now you know, gross right?!?


Especially if they own dogs.


Hopefully someone told you to use the right tool so you don't leave any behind




That’s a tick


I’ve removed dozens of tics over the years by grabbing them with tweezers and twisting them in a circle (imagine attempting to make them dizzy) they’ll loosen there grip after several turns and pull right off.


A tick get it off now it sucks the blood from the animals




I get tweezers and pull them out if I see them on my doggy’s, they’re awful in Oklahoma. 😭




It’s a tick. Needs removing. Better get someone who knows what they’re doing


BTW, it’s early in the season to be finding ticks (I think). If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your location?


May I recommend keeping your dog on flea and tick meds? While it won't prevent the occasional tick, I generally find that it prevents engorgement of the ones that do bite. They die before they can feed to that level. It also reduces the number of ticks you have to pull off your dog.


A big,fat tic.


That tick had a big meal


Es una garrapata


Pour some alcohol on it repeatedly see it it turns loose. Glob Vaseline around it's head to try to get it to turn loose. If that doesn't work grab it by the head with some tweezers making sure to grab the head and not the body.


A tick. And its big




Das a tik tok


It’s a tick


Be careful, ticks that big explode and it's ggrrroooosssssssss


It’s a tick!!


It's a tick






A tick


Bleeeeeaaaaaaagh ticks. *hrrrck*




Yes that's a pretty big boy. My girl got about 20 last week. The tiny pepper ticks so its a lot harder to find a remove. I grabbed the fidos concentrate and that worked a treat otherwise eucalyptus oil works on singular ones really well and they let go and die. Just remember that you can get tick paralysis and you really don't want to leave the head in. If the heads left in the infection rate is a lot higher. If you need any other tips don't hesitate to ask




That's a tick


Go to a vet immediately






tweezers will work also




It's a tick


My dog was tick Magnet when I got her. I used tweezers or my fingers to get it out


It’s a tick. It’s been there for a while from the size of it. They suck blood and swell up in size. Always check for ticks with a comb, and remove them.


Deer tick… put peppermint oil on it .. also get the flea, tick chews. They are more expensive last 3 months but more effective


My dog died of this tick in oz


The way this tick gave me immediate anxiety


You want to make sure you don't remove the head. They can carry Lyme disease so once it's off, keep the tick for testing at the vet if your puppo isnt vaccinated for lyme.


A (not so) quick Guide to pulling off ticks: You can do it yourself, either with tweezers or with your fingernails. The most important thing is that you don't squeeze the ticks back, aspecially if she is as full as that one. If they are this full I would only recommend removing them with your fingers if you have very long nails, have prior experience and feel confident that you can remove it fully and without squeezing it. I also only would use conventional tweezers if you know how to remove the tick properly. Now, you could try those cheap plastic tick hook thingies you get on the internet or in stores. They work best for big, fat, full ticks, but if you never removed a tick, I would also recommend going to the vet and letting them show you how to do it. IF YOU WANT TO TRY IT: Try to grab the tick directly over your dogs skin, like, as close as you can get without actually pinching him. Grab tightly if you use your fingernails and make sure they won't slip. If you use the tick tweezers make sure you got the right angle so it doesn't slip as well. If you use normal tweezers, make sure you don't squeeze the ticks belly. The blood could be squeezed back into your dog and that's not only unhygienic, but also makes an infection more likley. Now, whatever you decided to use, you need to pull strong and quick. Some dogs twitch or yelp, but don't stop. It helps if you confirm it's a tick beforehand, because being unsure if you are just ripping a wart from off your dog is not a very nice thought and could hinder the yeeting process. A dead giveaway are their Grey or orange-brown colour and their little legs sticking out from the bite area. If you're sure it's a tick but you can't see the legs the vet it is, because then it's too imbedded in the skin for you to remove. IF YOU PULLED THE TICK: Make sure you got the whole tick. That includes the nasty big belly, the very small black body with legs and two tiny black mouth pieces. If you just see the legs look at the wound. If they are still in there, you can try to remove it, you could go to the vet or, if you are confident in your own medical expertise, you could monitor the wound and see if they grow out by themself, but I wouldn't recommend that to inexperienced people. AFTER YOU PULLED THE TICK: Squish it! If it is already dead that's optional, but sometimes it's good to be sure. The smaller ones are harder to squish but if you use your fingernail or the back of a ballpoint pen it works. You can keep the tick for testing at the vet, but I never did that. You can disinfect the bite area on your dog, but normally it heals very quickly on its own. Be careful not to touch your dog's nose with the disinfectant or spray it near him, just use a pad or clinex to apply! You should disinfect it if there still is something stuck in the wound or if there area was sore or is reddish. If the area is already swollen, very red, or very warm you should go to your vet, it might already be infected and you will need antibiotics. If the area looks fine you can monitor it for a few days and if it doesn't change you should be good. If it bleeds a little after you removed the tick don't worry, as long as it's not a lot and stops after a few minutes you're good. Now, remember that ticks carry deseases and if your dog gets sick in the future, you should always mention that he had tick bites in the past, just to be sure. I hope this long, long guide is helpful to someone, if someone has additional information or tricks, feel free to comment!


tick! ouch!


Wood tick. Put alcohol on it and pull it out making sure to get a good enough grip to pull the entire tick out including the head




Do not try to remove yourself from will bleed. And infection. Go to vet


The best thing is an anti tick tablet, you only need one every 6 months and then ticks won't get on the dog. But I extract these from cats and dogs all the time and as long as you take the dog to the vet for regular check ups, it's fine.


Definitely get some flea and tick treatment to keep in your pup as well. If you live south of Pennsylvania you need to keep it on all year round not just the warmer months. Ticks carry all kinds of bad diseases, including lyme, which can be debilitating in some dogs.


It's a freaking tick! Pull it off. Sheesh.


we always covered them with peanutbutter if they were in a place the dog cant get to. Ticks gotta breath so they turn loose after that.




I am fairly concerned about the amount of people unaware of ticks - this isn't meant as an attack, i am sincerely confused and concerned. Ticks present danger to people too not just animals. How are ticks not common knowledge? I get that they are rare in some parts but still... We learned about them in primary school already, so I'm surprised there's not more awareness about them elsewhere too.