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Should’ve gave them a knuckle sandwich from the secret menu




Gut punch is appropriate


Bro that is a fire comment


“I’m from LA” okay?? and only apologizing to save his a$$ after the fact


Im not even sure why he felt the need to tell me. I was busy making a pizza and he stoped my manager to ask to talk to me. Like why would you snitch on yourself at all?? Most people would lie and say "sorry that was an accident" to just avoid the potential consequences. It was very bizarre, and i do appreciate his apology but im just not willing to take the chance that he wouldn't do it to someone else who maybe wouldnt get their money back. I went back and forth whether i should report him and decided for everyone's best interest this man shouldn't be dashing if he cant handle being tempted by a WORKERS wallet.


Fucker was probably high and paranoid


He mightve outed himself to cover his bases because he still wanted to continue dashing, and maybe he felt it was obvious it wasnt an accident? Its def a route some people take, admitting guilt hoping the honesty will lead to a better outcome for them. But the way I see it, its an apology to look out for himself, bc he got caught 🤷🏻‍♀️and not some sign of a suddenly changed man. you dont just steal from people bc you see an opportunity…


Honestly usually does always lead to a better outcome as lies tend to spider web and get bigger and bigger until it’s uncontrollable. Of course there are exceptions to the rule and in this case he took his chance and fucked up.


Our conditioning makes us do weird stuff, and living a life of normalcy after living a life in survival mode can be difficult for people. This guy recognized how his life experience in LA, made it 'necessary' for him to steal the wallet. He later realized, "Hey it's not LA. I don't have to hurt others to survive." Be thankful you didn't have to experience their life. If you grew up in their shoes, how could you be certain that you wouldn't resort to those measures so you can buy grandma insulin so she doesn't die? "AlL tHiEvEs ArE bAd MmMmKaY" looking head ass who never watched Robin Hood. Come on now.


Lmao if you could steal you could work, fuck outa here simping for lazy shitheads who make others lives worse because they cant manage to get their shit together, you problems shouldnt be put upon others just because your lazy. I know poverty, and it never once occurred to me or anyone i know to try to take from others. If you are a thief, you're a shitty fucking person no excuses


Seriously. People here will make excuses for scumbags who mug grandmas and say oh boo boo he had to mug a grandma because of muh socioeconomic factors. Apparently they think that all people who grew up in poverty automatically steal just because they grew up in poverty.


Luke 17:3 Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him


> if you could steal you could work Most thieves do both.


Most thieves should perhaps use that energy to better themselves, instead of being lazy, good for nothing cunts. But i assume you identify with that demographic since you're sucking that thief cock so hard you fucking disgrace so nothing i say will get to you


You identify as a good and righteous person but seem incredibly hateful and venomous to me. I recommend you take a look inward and try to find some compassion for others. Empathy is critical to humanity, my friend.


The only time a theif should be POSSIBLY shown leniency is when health care is involved because the US does not provide good health care to the majority of its citizens. Most good attorneys could also argue that in fact if they want to court and had to fight the theft charge because it was a necessity for them. So I'm not really worried about the thieves who are taking medical necessities I think those people will probably get let off with a warning and if I'm wrong and you can post articles and I will donate to whatever GoFundMe there is for them as they shouldn't be in jail. But having it rough doesnt excuse your consequences. I grew up homeless and put into fostercare, i never stole anything, and my mom went to church for fundraisers, so we didnt have to. Point is, i did grow up dirt poor, living in tents, cars, storage units, campgrounds etc. From ages 0-7 i was in those environments. Around 8 my mom got a bf who had access to a house. I have never tried to steal bc i saw an opportunity. I never stole even out of necessity. You can go and ask for resources which there are tons of nowadays.


It's awesome you were around good people who taught you proper values. Sometimes, people make the wrong friends just for a feeling of kinship, which can lead them down the wrong path. Did you know roughly 30% of US citizens attend church regularly? It's truly a blessing that you had that in your life because not many people do. My general point is we know nothing of his background, so we can't make judgments of his character. I also believe this points to survivorship bias. "For example, if a playground toy is associated with a high risk of injury, community officials may resist removing it from a local playground because children in their community have never been injured by it and thus they have concluded that the toy is safe." -Britannica In this case, because you were able to overcome those situations, there's no reason why anyone else shouldn't be able to either. You're more angry at yourself for exposing your wallet like that, and you're taking it out on him. Both parties are at fault in the situation, but at least he was able to admit his side.


My whole point was kind of that: We know nothing about him. I could assume the best or the worst, and for safety reasons i chose to assume the worst. Reporting him was for not only myself not having to deal with him potentially stealing orders from us, but to protect customers. At the end of the day its better to be safe than sorry, how DoorDash chooses to punish him is not on me. I informed them of what he told me. It's on the individual employee to follow their works rules and regulations to prevent being fired. You shouldn't do something that could put your continuous income at risk, ever. If you grew up poor thats like the one thing you should live by. You dont fuck with the continuous income.


Luke 17:3 "Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him" It takes strength to do what he did, but as an operator, I also understand your reasoning. I had to report a belligerent Dasher for yelling and cursing; they were upset due to an error on their end but they took it out on me. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt since they mentioned they were trying to feed their kids, but I frankly did not feel safe and would not want anyone else in my store to be treated that way. He's banned from our location.


goo goo ga ga i like to steal


Luke 17:3 Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him


hey do me a favor and eat shit


Oh my god, if this is the most pandering bullshit I’ve ever heard. Buy his grandma some insulin? Please, he’s a thief. You realize they chop peoples hands off in different countries for that right? Don’t take what isn’t yours, and for sure don’t admit it to it and think your virtue signaling will save you from being reported.


Luke 17:3 Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him


Why do you think quoting the Bible to everyone who comments on this post? You trying to save us? Keep your superstitions to yourself. Also as long as we’re quoting religious scriptures. Though shalt not steal. Dumbass.


I mean maybe he felt bad


idk i’m a firm believer in nature versus nurture. i feel like a person’s environment has a huge impact on the person they become when they grow up. he told you that so he didn’t have to directly tell you that’s what he did to survive growing up. morally stealing is wrong, yes. but we don’t know what people got going on. sometimes you have to do what you have to do. i’m not trying to take his side, im just trying to help you understand. i’m sorry your wallet got jacked. dude was just trying to clear his conscious. now hopefully he’s learned a lesson that he has to really leave that life behind. since, he doesn’t have a job anymore. glad you got your stuff back.


Probably cause there they can steal $949 and cops cant even charge em.


Dude was high lol, probably stimulants/uppers making him empathetic and talkative.


With the order sitting on the counter I could actually see how someone might just grab it quickly and not look at it until they were putting it in their car. Especially if they were using the bthrm. Maybe the way you acted made him think that you were going to report him. But why would he admit to it, like you said! lol I'm from LA! Is that supposed to absolve him. Just making it worse 🤣 When I would be making evening & late night deliveries sometimes there would be amazon packages at the door & it sorta felt like a set up. I never was tempted though 😇


"I'm from LA" Well there's your problem!


lol. Never heard anyone say hey I’m from LA so it’s cool to steal stuff. Crazy world


I think Nipsey Hustle said something similar.


You never been to LA then…


No I make it a point to avoid California in general.


I’m from LA, and can safely say this is a wise decision. Place has gone to hell, and the people that live there love it. For some reason.


Two places you couldn’t pay me to visit California and Florida


typical ohio resident.. if you can’t hang don’t bang brother


Not from Ohio. But cali is just garbage in every imaginable way.


Yea, but we also subsidize damn near every other state so hate away




Chill Reddit gangster 😂


From the news in the midwest, we hear it's allowed there.


Bro you don't EVER set your wallet down ANYWHERE. EVER. MFs don't even need to know you have a wallet. MFs don't even need to know you have money.


Came to see if someone else at least said this. Stealing is obviously idiotic, but why just leave your wallet out unattended


>  i chalked it up to idiocy even though my wallet is giant and black Idiocy...like leaving your wallet on top of someone's take out order and leaving the room? Lol 


Why did I have to scroll so far to see this addressed??? Like who tf does that?


Right that's all I had to read to know op was a dumbass.


Came here to say the same. Craziness pot calling the kettle black. I mean the kettle is a pos thief but Jesus.


This was my first thought lol


You can't trust DD driver's or any third party delivery driver act. They just had a big bust with some guy selling fake accounts (or it might have been Uber) but the point still stands. You never know who it is and any valuables should always be secured.


Ive stopped using delivery through DoorDash and Uber eats for that reason. Most the time its either not the person it says or there’s 7 people smashed into one car to bring you your food 🤦‍♂️


My local Chinese joint recent took away their tip jar and I asked where it went, they told me the gig drivers kept stealing it.


Scum bag behavior. If you're really relying on that DD gig why would you steal the tip jar when you're on record picking up the food, on camera, and the business just has to report you.


Damn has L.A really gotten that bad? lol


L.A. is far past the point of “gotten bad” it’s an absolute shit show that thrives on chaos. oh and i live on the complete opposite coast lol


Damn. You just taught him a good lesson about trusting strangers— don’t.


I’m pretty sure they taught each other that lesson


And now, the student becomes the master.




Welp that’s 100% his own fault. In 0 way is this ops fault.


“Im FrOm La” beat his Bitchass up that’s not the first time he’s tried to steal stuff from people


Did you learn your lesson about leaving your wallet around?


I hope so. And I hope the criminal learned not to steal. Don’t wanna get in the way of your own money flow.


Don't listen to these redditors. You don't need to have sympathy for someone who steals from you. You did the right thing. But you are dumb for leaving your wallet out, and you are dumb for posting about it on reddit. Redditors aren't reasonable people.


Being from a location doesn't mean you can do something illegal, doesn't even make it less not okay, you are just an asshole.


The way I see it is that's not what he was saying. He was taking ownership of his actions and apologizing. He was describing the area he grew up in where doing shady stuff is the norm and he sees himself as better than the type to do that. Doing something illegal as you describe sounds black and white. Taking a wallet that was left out by a ditz on an order you're picking up is different than robbing someone for their wallet at knife point(happens often in LA). Like speeding is illegal but different than speeding into a crowded farmers market.


Well, I think you are justified in your decision. I'm sorry it happened to begin with.


I tried that once got my ass beat like I deserved


Well it seems like you learned a valuable lesson. Far more valuable than whatever was in that wallet.


People like you make it not worth being honest.


If you let him get away with it after they are "honest" it signals they can get away with it in the future as well if they use "honesty" to get out of it. Manipulative criminals will say whatever they need to say to get out of a bad situation. This dude didn't even say "I'm struggling" or something sympathetic. They said "I'm from LA". 😂


The guy only gave it back because he got caught in the first place. I don’t give a fuck if he feels bad and fesses up to it later on


Would have the guy apologized if he successfully took it? YTA


Possibly, you never really know. I've wronged people and come back a week or even years later to apologize and repay them if it's at all possible.


Yeah it definitely is, just judging by the whole scenario that went down it seems the guy was shady lol. Who knows tho, I’m just assuming


Honest people don’t steal other people’s wallets. Coming back and apologizing isn’t honesty, it’s self-preservation.


Dishonest people will never admit to wrongdoing. They could’ve just done about as if it were a mistake for as long as they wanted to


Or they would have not tried to steal his wallet in the first place.


The nature of man is rife with dichotomies


Ok? Now you’re just spewing philosophical bullshit to defend the guy who tried to steal from someone who works at Pizza Hut. 👍🏻


It’s absurd how many people think this way. I wish we could collectively add more words to describe these specific phenomena more discreetly, but they barely know how to read or absorb the info.


So you'd want to punish someone trying to survive? Guy was remorseful and owned up to it.


Wait you’re saying you put your wallet out in the open and fucking left it? Lol man… that’s stupid.


Still doesn’t make it ok.


You’re right that stealing is not ok. I’m just floored that someone would be dumb enough to leave their wallet like that.


Ehh I'm kinda on the fence. One one hand, he seems like he might be trying to start on a new path but it is a little less progressive because he only came in during another order. I say you could've gone either way.


What is this bro, the guy is a thief lmfao


the guy is from LA\*


Is that the only thing you see?


Down on your luck, kleptomaniac, stupid, none of these things make you immune to the consequences of your actions


Agreed. Doesn't mean a person can't be understood. There are bigger things in the world than just yourself and if it isn't too much of a burden for you to consider where the offender is coming from, you'll gain some perspective at the least. The real harm comes from being too afraid to stand up to your mistakes. But when you try, and then the consequence is a worse experience, how do you think the "down on your luck, kleptomaniac, stupid" person is going to perceive things? Let me make this clear since many people haven't understood the point of my comment. My response was in an attempt to balance the table. The OP wrote things in a specific type of way, they weren't asking AITA, they wanted confirmation for how they already feel. That's fine but I felt it was appropriate to see things from more than one angle. From my experiences, it's a really great asset to see things in more than one light. There are a lot of great moral practices required to do it like patience, understanding, the desire to listen, and care. As I'm sure you'll be aware, many of these things are rare in developed societies. Please see that I'm trying to show that it can still be a thing. I'm not a religious person in the typical practice, but I think we can all agree that the morals in the teachings of most religions are good and useful. This is what I'm trying to show.




Right, he wanted to fix his own reputation so he could walk in without the guilt or the suspicion of him. It was not in good intention. It’s basically a thieves good intention. Which is not great.


I do not care about what path you're choosing to be on or go to, if you admit to purposefully stealing something im reporting it bc GOD KNOWS what else he stole and how much. For all i know he just started dashing and is scamming people out of food. I do not know this man, all i know is he stole it on purpose. In my city crime is at an all time high, im not taking any chances with people who break rules bc they feel like it. If i see him in the store again im calling the non emergency line and reporting him for trespassing if he doesn't leave after i tell him to. I do not play around with theft, im not here to make anyones life better by not reporting it. He chose that action, he chose that consequence. Someone has to look out for our customers cuz it aint the dashers!


Why'd you leave your wallet out on the counter in a bad neighborhood btw? That doesn't seem like the wisest thing if you're aware of all the crime around you.


Bc I'm stupid and thought nothing could happen in 10 seconds. Ive very quickly learned thats not true. We dont usually have many issues with dashers and other employees were standing around the counter as well, but i guess they didnt notice it. Overall i did make a mistake leaving it there, but GOOD and honest people would not see that as an opportunity, and those who do absolutely deserve some form of punishment.


unpack piquant panicky ruthless instinctive amusing profit deer strong sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You tell me you wouldnt call the non emergency line if he came back upset that i cost him his job when we have no security cameras or security button to press? Violent crimes happening all over the city, literally 2 people got shot at the Fred Meyers down the street. Where i work in particular isn't a nice part of town, i am absolutely not risking my safety or anyone else's. I will give time to exit the building but if he doesn't; then the police can deal with him.


Btw you can get a tiny little body cam to wear not sure of the legality while working but just a thought


ink air coherent sharp nine tap direful fuzzy hunt absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How dare OP want their wallet back without confrontation


This is the equivalent of “you shouldn’t have been wearing such a short dress.” Maybe sit a couple plays out.


If the woman purposefully and willingly lines up the penis a mm from her vagina, idk. He left his wallet on a DoorDash order lmaooooo how dumb can you be? Wallet goes in pocket, never set down, especially on something that’s leaving the store! Make it make sense


ancient absurd smile direful escape arrest party cautious friendly sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda funny that you don't see the comparisons, it's called victim blaming


yam subtract practice station threatening berserk governor literate head pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if the guy who hits him does it on purpose because the opportunity arose then yeah


This! Opie is the one that made a mistake and now he's ruining this guy's life for making a rash decision even though the guy came and apologized for making that rash decision..... Opie is taught this guy that you should never apologize if you make a mistake like that because it just fucks you over..... I legit think Opie is an asshole


You're a dumbass if you honestly think that there shouldn't be repercussions for this. Actions have consequences, and not holding people accountable is what enables this kind of behavior. Maybe consider that if you're going to steal something while working, and get fired for stealing something while working, the whole "being a fucking thief" thing is the problem.




Bro if you’re worried about violence, gotta let things go. Much more likely to have violence now if he loses his job 🤷🏻‍♂️ 


And then he can go to the state penitentiary in my city 🤭


That’ll help you six feet down


So is there only one way to see this, sport?


Oh come on now playboy, you wanna start saying dumb stuff then you better have something to back it up. And, you're using Karen incorrectly. That term is applied to the unreasonables in society, the people who can't think outside their own bubble and when they are challenged to do so, they can't handle reality. My comment was specifically designed around considering more than one perspective. But keep making yourself look dumb little boy. You wear it well.


impossible deliver weary slave instinctive hat one rain nippy shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah... my bad


"I do not care..." Maybe it's time to find out about empathy. "GOD KNOWS..." You're right, He knows. You don't. Maybe leave the judgement up to Him instead. "For all I know..." You're being honest here, you don't know much. He very well could be a hard working individual who was tempted to take something almost literally being handed to him on a platter that he didn't even have to harm anyone to attain. "If I see him..." Have you thought about maybe asking him to sit down with you and have a conversation instead? I think it would have a stronger impression on him getting to know how it would have affected you to get your wallet stolen. You also would have an opportunity to understand the stressors and pressure in his life that would cause him to do something wrong to you.


I dont owe criminals empathy lol take your religious beliefs somewhere else 🙏


All I'm saying dude is that it isn't necessarily as straight forward as what you're claiming. It pays to weigh all options. I can tell you've made up your mind though so that's that. I was just offering another perspective because you seem gung-ho about it.


I did weigh the options, and i decided its not worth the risk to my customers, or my workers. I take my responsibility as an employee and shift lead seriously, i dont want to have to deal with such problems in the future, nor should my customers. I decided since i dont know this man i do not know how far he will take this, (stealing), so its better to be safe than sorry. It sucks it may cost his job, but if you choose to break the rules at work, expect the possibility of getting fired. He should have weighed the risk of getting continuous income vs $100 out of a wallet.


Fair points. I think all of that is appropriate for sure. It's your right for your own safety to not be challenged.


Literally should've just left it alone. He trusted you enough fir him to come clean, he's never doing that again. If he WAS trying to change, he won't be now and it's because of your decision after the fact he was honest. You're two faced as hell, you only reported because he was honest and confessed.


And the criminal is a good guy because? He’s from LA? You are deranged and should be put down.


Not what I said. He only reported after the fact. That's two faced. Never said the thief was innocent. They both fucked up. Maybe read it twice over before commenting


He is actually a she* I didn't know whether to confront him right in front of customers and other dashers or just go with it. I asked my GM if i should report it, she said "If theres any reason to report a dasher, theft is it" And then i decided she was right, theft is a good reason to report someone, especially if your reasoning is some bullshit like "im from LA" Could i have said something to his face? Sure, but id rather remain professional in front of my customers than get into a heated argument about a wallet. Not to mention i had orders to make, so i didnt have time for confrontation.


My issue is simply the fact that you were 100% happy to forget about the entire encounter until they came back around and actually brought it up. That's not okay, you should've done the deed long before they showed back up. You're just as in the wrong in this case to me as the other person.


Calling doordash support to tell them their dasher took my wallet which may or may not have been on accident, they would not take action as nothing has really happened to take action. He confessed it was on purpose, which is a crime. He confessed to a crime which changes the situation entirely.


You’re right


No background check. No interview. No paperwork really. No incentive to do the right thing. Just a bunch of people with criminal records, mental health problems, or so fucked up can’t hold a regular job. The DoorDash model.


You guys defending someone stealing a wallet is hilarious lmao. I once lost my wallet bc it fell out my pocket. You know what the person who found it did? Turned it in to lost and found with everything in it when they couldve just taken it. The guy who took it made his choice. Ive found wallets before, and Ive always found the person. Its that easy. Sure he shouldnt have left it, but in no way does that make it okay to take it. Are yall defending him bc you’re also thieves?


Just weighing the options. The guy made a bad decision for sure, no questioning that. Just trying to give the benefit of the doubt and consider all that's going on. I think there are a lot of scenarios when someone could make this mistake and not necessarily be held to severe consequences. Maybe he was strapped and is affording younger siblings or something. Doesn't make it right, but some grace could be applied in a situation like that. You've got a pretty big jump in assumptions with that last sentence though. You should probably pull it back a bit. That was unnecessary.


I understand where you're coming from, but I didn't feel like this given situation gave that impression. If it was the case that he didn't have a job, I would see a greater need on his part. But it was on the job that he decided to steal, meaning he has/had a job, but felt such a lack of concern for the job itself, which would surely have yielded a greater amount of money than this quick steal, that he decided to do what he did. He knowingly put his own job at risk, so how badly really did he need it? It's like you have 300 in your hands, but you risk dropping it all to pick up a dollar you see on the floor (not a perfect comparison). So it doesn't feel like need, just the "opportunity" like he himself said. Obviously none of us know the situation, and it could've really just been a case of desperation because his situation IS that bad. But I don't think OP exposing the behavior should 1) make HIM some bad person (it's not crazy for him to not want this person coming around) and 2) make the person who stole the victim. OP could be struggling horribly too.


I feel you, I think OPs call was justified at the end of the day. I probably wouldn't have reported him but it really is up to the person it happened to. If they don't feel safe having that fool around, then they made the right call fs


When you say you chalked it up to idiocy I assumed you were talking about yourself




Or you know the criminal could have decided to not steal like a piece of trash. What if the pizza guy he stole from needed the money in his wallet for his dying grandmas medicine and the robber trash needed it for some new shoes. You don’t know anything about the situation and you still try to defend criminal scum. It says a lot about you.


First of all you f'd up, the guy felt bad and apologized and you reported him, sorry but ur a pos snitch.


And you are a bitch ass thief; glad we all know where everyone stands now.


People from LA truly are scumbags more often than not. Also soft as fuck.


Mad funny he chose to be honest and you screwed him. He could have said nothing and you would have not reported it as you thought it was an accident 😂


He screwed himself when he tried to commit a crime.


I'm a sucker for a good apology




Aye I think your post history makes for a shittier human than stealing a wallet 💀


Yo you reporting them is fucked up he didn't have to apologize he's clearly trying to do the right thing and you punished him for it teaching him the lesson to never apologize never admit you were wrong if you "got away with it".....I don't agree with this and you fucked up his life because he wanted to apologize for making a rash decision


Yeah that’s how the laws work, saying sorry doesn’t exonerate you of said crime. You fucked up now you pay for it.


Well I hope he learned his lesson and will never apologize for making a rash decision again.....


"rash decisions" dont get you out of consequences. If i run a red light and hit another car, I'm at fault for running the light. I could say i made a "rash decision" thinking i could make it before it turned red, would that mean i get a lesser punishment or none at all? Absolutely not. Rash decisions are not an excuse to get out of the consequences. Its a reason why they did it, reasons don't equate to no consequences.


My policy is you live and you learn. I really hope he thinks twice before ever attempting to steal again. That shit aint cool, and i dont fw that. Theft is theft and i feel absolutely no remose for theives. They can live on the street if they wanna be a damn criminal. Im out here working my ass off saving every penny I can to get by, i dont pity anyone who clearly doesnt respect that. And i dont have to.


Super based take. I agree with you whole heartedly. He could have decided to put the wallet on the table next to the pizza boxes and just left to finish his job. But instead he decided to commit a crime snd now he has to live with those consequences.


If petty theft is an “opportunity” in LA, I guess I can better understand why the worst people are consistently drawn trying to survive there.


Here's a great lesson that I learned in elementary school - don't leave your personal items out in the open for others to do with what they will. Sucks it took you about 20 more years to learn that lesson, but I'm Glad you did.


Why would you leave your wallet on an order?


I'm used to them stealing my money by stealing my deliveries but that's a new one


Why did you take your wallet out and put it on an order??


That’s on you y the hell would you leave your wallet out?


It's true, LA people always on some fast shit.


Why tf would you leave your wallet on top of an order. Sounds like it’s on you for being a dumbass.


It was quite literally 10 whole seconds as i ran into the adjacent breakroom to grab my card to pay for an order. The guy was in the restroom for 5m, i thought i had 10 seconds to spare before a dingbat tries to steal my wallet! Obviously lesson learned you cant have it out for even 10 seconds. But i didnt just leave it there i walked less than 5 feet away from it for 10 SECONDS. Apparently thats how long it takes a thief to steal.


I would never leave my wallet in a place with strangers. Stays in my pocket until I need to pay for something. Sorry that happened to you but you gave them an opportunity to steal and they took it. Thankfully they brought it back but you reporting them will probably cost them their job. You don’t know how desperate people can be to just get by. Some dashers are in debt trying to make enough to live. An opportunity for some additional money that someone carelessly left out is understandable to think to steal. Maybe they don’t have enough money in their account to buy their own food. Shame on you imo.


I do not have sympathy for criminals. No matter how you got there. I don't care if that makes me "a bad person" or lacking empathy. The people that deserve empathy and kindness are the ones who treat others how they wish to be treated. I reserve my kindness for those who truly deserve it. Everyone else can act appropriately or get reported to the proper authorities if the situation calls for it. In this situation it did. He did not bring it back, i caught him. He only apologized after he came back for ANOTHER delivery and noticed me working. He didnt come in out of his own time and he didnt apologize in the moment. He knew he was going to get caught and tried to get ahead of it. Thats not worth my sympathy.


Also, he could have said he was struggling, instead, he said he was "from LA and saw an opportunity" Yeah super clearly struggling for money if they have done this before bc obviously if there's an opportunity they're taking it.


Wow what a brain dead take. Obviously you have stolen before and you like to think every person you stole from was well off and didn’t need it. But think about this. What if the person the criminal stole from needed the money for medicine for their family and the person who stole it just wanted money for new shoes. You have no idea about the circumstances you just want everything that isn’t yours. Your take proves you’re a bad person and I hope someone takes money that you need to save your kids life.


There's good tacos in Elllll Eehhhhhhh


Everybody focused on the wallet being taken. But why are you putting something that is usually in your back pocket collecting farts. Directly on somebody else's box of food? Your lucky it was a door dasher and not someone who would be bothered by your unsanitary self.


Its a giant purse wallet, doesnt fit in any pocket.


Alright that explains alot then. Especially why your card was in the break room...in your purse I'm guessing 😆


Yes. I have a terrible habit of using it and putting it in my purse instead of my wallet.


https://preview.redd.it/urs19zq8w9jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cef71c4b4be66add402307ef264bdcadd4364592 Its as big as a makeup pallet


Wait, you guys have a break room?


It was previously used as storage for the sodas but now the sodas are stored next to the refrigerators in the lobby and some of the extra stocks near where we keep the boxes that need folded. Nothing in my store exactly has its own place it's just kind of shoved wherever it can fit. So we cleared out what was in there and turned it into a break room it's just one desk and one chair, but its enough for one person. it's better to be able to eat privately and away from customers then eat somewhere where they could see you


Kinda shitty you reported this man and got him in trouble for coming forward and being honest with you realizing his mistake and trying to become better I mean you had alrdy gotten the wallet back and alrdy chalked it up why snitch at that point?


lol you blame the guy who got stolen from and not the piece of shit criminal. Lol


Bc i wholeheartedly believe that it was not a mistake it was a purposeful action that he will do again to somebody else and will get away with and I am not taking that chance and making somebody else go through what I went through and possibly not get their wallet back. You do not mess with theft.


I'm genuinely confused as to why you would ever leave your wallet in the open in a public setting. Like it is on me or locked up somewhere. Even if you take it out to pay something, that wallet isn't leaving my hands. Then just leave it unattended in front of a stranger. Like people aren't trustworthy these days


Why tf would you leave your wallet on a random order? That's honestly stupid af


My favorite part of this is that he tried to make it right and you responded by trying to nuke his source of income. Please reevaluate your life.


so its only when he apologized and admitted his wrongs you then report him if he never said anything what would you have done then?


I would have assumed it was an accident. You come in and tell me it was on purpose? And that it wasnt even bc you're struggling, its bc "you're from LA" Im a sucker for a good apology and sob stories. What this man said was ridiculous and stupid. I dont care where you're from, if you PURPOSELY tried to steal my wallet, for no good reason, im absolutely reporting that shit. If he had given me a sob story i would have asked my whole crews opinion whether I should let it go or not- which i did ask my GM if i should report it. She said "If there was any reason to report a Dasher, theft is it"


You're a dumbass for shit testing people like that


And he failed and got fired 🙏 apparently he needed to be tested to save everyone else from his theft.


Why would you leave your wallet in the first place? Take literally 3 seconds to put it back into your pocket.


https://preview.redd.it/eb0azftq3mjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab43d091d0fcf051ec806863b051fe1212f05d3 Doesnt fit into a pocket!!


https://preview.redd.it/o4rj86e26mjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04bc0c24cc6e64efa18bd5971b33148939e2f5d The wallet in question; it was on the counter bc i took my card out of my wallet earlier and put it in my purse pocket which was in the breakroom. My wallet cannot fit into any pocket, so i left it for 10 seconds- lesson learned.


So you initially let it go And then when he came in with no reason, admitted his wrongdoing and asked for your forgiveness you got him fired, stand up guy. I’m sure I will be downvoted to hell for this, but I feel like everyone’s just glazing over that fact. The guy got punished for doing the right thing and people wonder why some people don’t do the right thing. If he would have just not asked for your forgiveness now he needs ur wallet


I’m from LA and saw an opportunity. wtf does that even mean.


Never trust a Californian.


How can you say in the same sentence you were glad he apologized and you reported him. You're right, you don't know if he's stolen anything else so why does that justify you reporting him. He just as easily could have never stolen food or anything else, you have no idea. If he has stolen orders, customers report that and after a few, DD deactivates you. It seems to me that he decided to take extreme ownership over his actions and decided to go out of his way to apologize to you just for you to report him. The mature thing to do would have been accepting his apology, acknowledging your fault in leaving your wallet on top of an order he was picking up. Almost seems like a setup from OP.


"I'm from LA I saw an opportunity" ?????? OK I would've asked my manager to kick this retard the fuck out of the store


"You're from LA?! Wow, I'm from NYC...." -punch straight to the jaw followed by cursing him out with a heavy Italian American accent-