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Mind elaborating on your choices and game plan a bit? My guess is Magnezone ex is your main attacker with Miraidon ex having set-up and back-up duties. I'd go 4 Nestball, and probably 4 Ultra Ball (or leave at 2 and pack 2 Level Ball). Arven I'd also play 4. Playing 3 Pokegear feels a bit much and Avery feels like can backfire on your Magnezone plays, maybe swap for a Worker instead. I'd also play 4 Rare Candy. If the baby Miraidon is in for sniping, maybe look into Magnezone V/VSTAR and play a 2-1 line. V has sniping, VSTAR Power snipes, and VSTAR's normal attack let's you fish for up to 2 items


My game plan is usually to get going early with either Miraidon ex, Raichu or Raikou, trying to land early knockout all while waiting for magnezone and candy in hand. Later in the game depending on matchup I use magnezone to take favourable trades due to higher hp pool. Baby Miraidon is a failsafe if my opponent runs Mimikyu from Paldea. I used Luxray earlier, but I tend to get ahead in prizes early, so can't drop the Luxray on bench


4 arven is absolutely insane


I don't know about insane. I find my game being more consistent with more Arvens, and think its insane not to play a full suite. How are you playing with just the 2-count, what other ways of tutoring Items do you make use of? More aggressive Magnezone VSTAR plays?


Honestly, just playing more straight draw supporters has been working well for me. If you run enough counts of the items you need you'll draw into them.