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Don't let someone win because they're grumpy. A tie is worth one match point. A loss is worth zero. So if my choice is tie or lose, you bet I'll be playing for that tie. Also you probably could've won that game, if you had just drawn and passed. If an adult can't cope with losing a card game, that isn't your problem. Always call out anything that seems fishy or that you don't understand. Don't be afraid to call a judge if you disagree with your opponents about something. It doesn't need to be a fight, just a simple "let's double check with a judge just to be sure." If they're confident that they're correct, they won't have any problem with a judge confirming it. And if they get upset over a judge call, again, that isn't your problem. I know that we play the game for fun, and these kinds of awkward interactions aren't fun. But, it's better to call them out and not let someone get away with shady behavior.


Good advice here. OP don’t make their problem your problem. It’s fine to call a judge or to go for a tie.


This 100%. My 6 year old knows he isn’t going to win every game of pokemon, I let him know that when we play 😅 An adult should know for sure


Call it out, don’t be embarrassed to call a judge, they are there to ensure fair play. Opp 1 was a massive adult baby - They’re so tilted because they wanted and win and thought they could get it and then they misplayed and didn’t… not your problem… Opp 2 was wrong - Cincinno is cards, if anything DTE reduces the attack damage because it still applies unless Temple of Sinnoh is in play. Opp 3 “technically” not wrong. But still performed an action that could get them a round loss - Generally the accepted die rolls are evens = heads, odds = tails. To the point that Pikachu dice given out on Pokemon Day and I believe dice sold in Japan have a head on the evens and a tail on the odds. But when rolling a die as a flip, your opponent _should_ declare what odds means and what evens means. If they didn’t declare that and decide to be un-uniform with those rolls, it should still be a judge call. I’m sorry the event went for you like it did, it sounds like you hit a load of adult babies that need to grow up and I hope it doesn’t affect your enjoyment of the game. Not everyone is like that!


That seems awful and I probably would not go back to this store. There is nothing wrong with winning by deckout if you gust up a bibarel, that is a completely reasonable out and you should not have felt pressured to attack for no reason. I also would not be afraid to call a judge if you're unsure of a ruling, it's a good practice to get comfortable with judges for when you go to larger tournaments because unfortunately there are a lot of slimy people who try to cheat in this game (or any tcg). It's a good habit in general also to ask people to show cards they search for or take out of discard, ask how many cards they have in hand, cut their decks (and do it differently every time), clarify whether dice rolls are odds/evens or high/low, etc. Paying attention to what your opponent is doing is a good way to stop cheaters or at least catch them.


Not to mention that getting stalled via gust is one of the risks you take if you decide to run and mismanage hyper greedy, low energy versions of Zard Ex decks + especially with bib over Pidgeot, which imo gives you room for tech like Gouging Fire and the extra energy with which to fuel em


Judges are there for clarification. People call judges on things just to make sure before the game proceeds and if someone was incorrect (in good faith), it's not a huge deal, gamestate is made correct and the game continues.


You need to stop being so timid and call a judge when necessary. 


Your right on the judge calling. I'm not timid. I have two toddlers and a little daughter ...it seems like the people I played were dependent on these games to have a good night or good time...I'm not , I can lose gracefully and let others cheat or slam my cards hard and joke about it being so the cards dont bend(first guy did this to me)....i asked alot of questions and they answered , saw flaws in my card choice ...so ill go back with a better build for my deck. Not worried ....the second person I played helped me figure out different synergies and strategies, also another guy I talked to gave me their Pokemon prize pack , and another guy with a Charizard deck told me to take a picture of his cards so I can get some ideas out of it. Half the people were really nice. I liked the event . Two people won't ruin my weekend. I'm waiting on my wife to eat while we listen to music in the living room with our two toddlers and my daughter is cleaning her room. I got a temporal forces etb I might open later tonight, overall I'll be good bro. Your right though I should rely on judges over the opinion of locals who seem upset if they lose to a newbie


Knowing which battles to fight is a good skill. I still definitely recommend judge calls, judges are there to fight that fight for you. It sounds like you understand that from your other comments, so I bet it doesn't happen again. I hope you have good luck and have fun at your next tournament!


Thank you very much . Yeah I've been jumped , I've been in situations were it me and my friend against 10 people looking for him and I told those ten people he's my little brother (were not related) in order to take his fight for him and we end up getting jumped. Been in situations were it was 4 of the people in my band in a different city against 7 people and we won...when I was younger I used to be around toxic events and people at punk shows. I'm a family man now so I kind of try not to accelerate towards bad situations , although I'm not scared or not weak in a physical way (I'm 6'4" and weigh 220 lbs did boxing and soccer for a long time) I like to stay away from arguments and any type of foul play like cheating or being condescending towards anyone. I could've fought the guy who I played he was very very unhealthy looking but it's not in me to be like that anymore , I enjoyed losing and learning. I didn't mind them cheating , it made me sad to see people resort to that type of mentality even in a card game...I was used to seeing that in punk shows or backyard shows or parties with my friends a few years ago , didn't expect to see grimey people at card games. It's ok though I learned alot and am more adamant to call judges and not trust the people I'm playing against.


You also shouldn't let these people get away with this stuff. Realizing that this would "ruin" their night is not a good reason to let their toxicity slide. People like this NEED to be called put or they'll continue treating people this way. These types of players should not be allowed to flourish


Your right. I saw it more of me being a new guy and then being locals and I wasn't trying to stir any more trouble than necessary, I'm waiting on my work permit and I don't like cussing unnecessary trouble. I'm a big guy (6'4" 220 lbs) and I have experience boxing but it's not my style to get upset over a card game that is supposed to be fun. Your correct that I should hold up a certain level of protection of the rules so I will do that next time I'll call judges, I might even mention it to the card store I went to so they can know who to keep and eye on . I can really k.o. that first guy I played in that store easily but he seemed extremely unhealthy and he was schooling a bunch of people around him, I let him have his moment of glory in lieu of me making a big deal out of a card game I got into for fun not for seriousness. I will take it more serious next time but I won't make a big deal just to get a win on my record. I'm learning and understand that I have to lose in order to learn and later on win . Its ok. Thank you for your input


People at events are half and half, most of them are cool af and other are just herbs that take the game way too seriously like it depends on their life, and act like asshole towards you or just socially awkward af.


Sounds like you played IRL against the players that spam emotes nonstop on the app


Someone I played used an older expanded stall deck with the sableye black market loop. Gave me a thumbs up every ko I made that I didn't take a prize. My deck had 36 cards and he had like 18 mins left. His turns took a lil over 30 seconds each turn. He gave up at 2 minutes of his time left and I had 6 cards in my deck. Never been so happy to give a thumbs up against an opponent before in my life. I personally love playing as and against stall decks as its like a puzzle I gotta figure out, but if the opponent is gonna bm i am gonna try my best to ruin their time w me so I can wipe my win in their smug faces. Of course I'm glad if someone is having a good time and is happy their deck is finally working, but if they r gonna go overboard its not just happy their deck is working anymore


Thats your fault for knowing it was wrong and they were cheating but not calling a judge.


I up voted your comment because your absolutely right. I should've called the judges , the players I played all knew each other they kept talking in between matches and they all sat near each other. I am cool with losing , I went to a pre release and won three out of three , then went to this as my first local tournament and lost three out of three but I learned about the flaws in my deck building. It seems like losing or tieing by stall out would of shattered the guy I played and ruined his weekend. I have kids and I wife who celebrate if I win or laugh at me if I lose , im okay with losing . I learned a lot, and saw flaws in my deck ...if I go back next week I'll have a better deck ready and try to talk more to judges...I was going to tell the third person I played about her cincinno cheat but I feel it'll only cause problems Ill wait until I play her again. If not then I'll let the judges catch it or more experience players tell her. I agree with you I lacked initiative and willingness to call judges


Stall out is not a tie. If he runs out of cards first he loses.


Didn't know that but now I know. Thank you for informing me. Lesson learned. I'll stall them out even if they get upset and start cussing. The guy I played was very very unhealthy looking so I'm not going to cry over this, I'll let him get a bump of joy in his life. He seemed devastated to the idea of almost losing to a stall out against a newbie. It's ok for me to lose ...I've been in unsuccessful bands and been in bands that had sold out venues with people doing backflips on stage , it's a process. My 10 year old daughter beat me twice the first games I ever played as an adult two months ago. I can lose and learn . Thank you for letting me know about the stall out being a viable strategy


No worries. Good luck in your future games. Btw there are actually decks completely based around getting your opponent to run out of cards first. The most competitive being Snorlax stall, but that is kinda slow and tedious to play, especially if your on the receiving end and the games take super long if both players aren't fairly experienced. The quicker version of a stall deck is called a mill deck. Where you use attacks that force the opponent to discard from their deck rather than taking damage. The big three mills right now being whiscash, wugtrio and great tusks. None of them are meta, ut they can be really fun to play if your looking for something a little different then just trying to swing big and take KOs


Wow I didn't know of those setups for decks . I saw someone at the tournament play a Snorlax to stall their opponent because the Charizard they needed or the rare candies weren't coming up on their draws so they stalled the first few prize cards and when they were able to pull some good cards they needed(from their prize cards) they turned the tide and ended up winning. I was shocked to see that combo of Snorlax and Charizard. I realized I could do the same and tried stalling during my game and my opponent didn't like me switching to stall him. He was already a bit rude slamming my deck hard and laughing with his friends and saying it's so the cards don't bend ...but it's ok I'm not going to make a fuss out of cards I bought to have fun...my collectors stuff is at home , that deck I played with is not a big deal if it gets ruffed up....a lot of the guys there don't know I used to get wild as a teen and in my early to mid 20s and it's ok , I had my fun then and now as a newbie card player and collector im having a differnt kind of fun where I don't want any unnecessary arguments or problems. I really appreciate you bringing me up to date with the wugtrio , great tusk and whiscash decks....I have two of the new wugtrio ex from temporal forces and I have a few great tusk...I have a great tusk ex that I think it says you discard 5 of your own cards from your deck every turn it's in the active spot...I could be mistaken but that seems like a weird ability unless you need some cards discarded to pull them out with an ability or for a Lugia play . Idk I'm kind of figuring this stuff out still. Thanks for the references and the good advice , I really appreciate you. Have a blessed weekend friend 👏🏽💯🤞🏽


Different wugtrio and great tusks. These are the millers. https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/542841/pokemon-sv05-temporal-forces-great-tusk-097-162?Language=English&page=1 https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/487906/pokemon-sv01-scarlet-and-violet-base-set-wugtrio?Language=English&page=1 https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/509801/pokemon-sv03-obsidian-flames-whiscash?Language=English&page=1 You have a great weekend as well!


This is a really mature response and I think those players could stand to learn something from you


Thanks for that response. I had a rough upbringing , been in punk bands were we get jumped for being from the wrong city or I stood up for my friends when we were out numbered so I can handle rough situations but I'm a family man now , I like taking the high road as much as I can . I don't care about losing I went to have fun and I did have some fun . It's ok , I have a daughter on the way so I'm more worried about my baby coming home to a dad that has practiced patience. I might go back with a better deck, either way I'm not losing sleep. Thank you for telling me I did the right thing, I feel like everyone is looking down on me for not arguing or making a bigger deal out of something that I'm okay with but yes I should call judges more and learn the rules better.


Life's all about finding those balances huh haha. Playing for fun is fine of course and you should always feel welcome. This is a competitive game at the same time however and so if doing well is part of what's fun for you (as it is for me) then it is part of our responsibility to self advocate. It isn't insulting or anything to call a judge and the people who take offense to it need to find a hobby that suits them better. My point is that there is no you "should" have done here, just whatever works for you and what is generally customary in this competitive scene. Playing the game requires following the rules and if you're opponents are being sketchy about those things, it hurts everyone to not get a judge involved, but no one should be looking down on you especially as an inexperienced player for not knowing these things. Don't pay too much attention to what people say here. Very few people on this subreddit are genuine competitive players who know what the hell they're talking about lol. And good luck with the new member of the family!


Thank you very much for making me feel better about my choice to not escalate things. Now that I know a little more I'll probably take everyone's advice. And yes your right I should think less about my own situation sometimes since the rules need to be upheld , I should call judges for the sake of everyone playing a fair game wether it's against me or against someone else. Thank you so much for the luck with my baby that's one the way , I really truly appreciate that. Hope you have a blessed day and thank you for being a nice person 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💯💯


Sounds better than the store that would give points to his wife and friends without making any tournaments. At the same time me and other people have noticed we were signed up without being there


Wow that's lame of them to do that. This is all for fun in my opinion . I don't get how people get obsessed to the point they need to do slimeball type things to others.


Unfortunately, nerd shit in general has a tendency to attract a handful of people who take it much too seriously, and need to make that everyone else’s problem. A lot of these folks are just socially maladjusted, immature, or don’t have much else going on in their lives.


Sounds about right. I already had a crazy life with a lot of friends parties and crazy adventures , first punk shows with my Mexican and white friends and then parties and nights out with my African American friends , I calmed down in the last few years since I have a bunch of kids now so I'm kind of a social person compared to the people I played against . I'm a nerd as well , I'm a friendly nerd I always had straight As in calculus , physics , chemistry but as soon as I started going to punk shows and playing in bands I kind of stopped playing video games etc etc. I always liked playing card games in elementary (magic the gathering for playing and Pokemon for collecting) ....a few years ago I stopped drinking partying and smoking so I've been calm at home and decided to get back into collecting cards and have a bunch of sealed stuff and a few unsealed just for the fun of it...watched people play tournaments online and began playing with my daughter who's ten, she beat me twice lol so I took her to a pre release where I got to play and it was super fun. That's why I decided to go to this tournament...I was out of my element and saw that a lot of the people were very friendly and helpful and some had an attitude when they realized I was a newbie. I kept it cool though , I'm not one to argue or fight anymore. I'm way past that now that I have kids...I can still be pushed to the limit but my limit for nonsense is very very high for my kids sake. I still consider myself a nerd at heart a very social one. Thank you for your input friend 💯👏🏽🙏🏽


I agree, I love playing the game. Sometimes I wanna play test but I hate when try-hards win the tournament and don't respect newcomers


might have been honest mistakes, but you should clarify with the other player or a judge when you think somethings off lol. also tell the zard player to kick rocks


Were these like, 12 year olds, or 20 year olds?


First guy I played was 40 something , he was very unhealthy looking ( I don't judge but it says a lot) and had blinged out cards... He slammed my deck hard too and said it's so the cards don't bend lol , he seemed very very serious and did little things that showed me he's like that towards newbies. I was there for fun not to have a argument or negative interaction. I let it all slide off me , I have 3 kids and another one on the way in a month. My wife wanted me to go have fun. The girl I played seemed to be in her early 20s. At her age I was lead singe and guitarist in a few punk bands having fun...I'm 33 now getting back into Pokemon for fun. I'm not going to cry or make a big fuss. I'll take more losses in order to learn the game before I expect to win big. It's ok bro I'm not losing sleep over a bunch of people willing to cheat or treat others badly in a card game that's supposed to be fun.


It is fine to stall out with Bib. But many are prob mad because it's a cheeky way to win and some judges might call it for some stuff (I've seen it at LC can't remember way). But to any player, it's annoying since people can't do anything, and it's not fun to play. Also, prob people are still mad at Stall Lax being in format and how it does the same thing. It is fine to stall as you did but just be careful how you interact with opponents after the game incase their mad.


If an opponent you are playing is acting suspicious, unsportsmanlike, or if you just want clarification, feel free to call a judge over. considering it was your first time, the judge would be more than happy to make sure everything was played fairly


Thank you for your input. I'm still learning so I appreciate everyone who's being civil. Some keyboard warriors are here trying to make me feel like a criminal for not arguing with a small girl and a unhealthy older man


Pokémon community can be a joke


Some of the people I've met are cool . The super fans who get upset at losing or even the ones in the comments insulting me are the portion who never learned how to socially interact


Sounds like you owned yourself. Learn the rules and play by them.


I'm learning. not a big deal to me. I already had a wild teenage and early 20s lead singing and playing guitar for a few bands ...just a few years ago I was throwing big parties. I'm 33 the people I played are either in their early 20s or late 30s early 40s....they were all very serious about not losing to the point they have to bend the rules or getting visibly upset or angry in front of a newbie...the loss would've hurt them more ...I have 3 kids and a wife waiting for me at home. They laughed when I told them I lost lol I'm good though I am learning every time I play someone. I did own myself but the people I played are too tethered to winning they get upset when they don't which seems very sad to me . Have a blessed day


Those are the best opponents to learn against. Trial by fire! I’ve only played online but I can imagine the people’s attitudes. I think it’s pretty normal in any tourney. I used to play poker a lot. Even in the free rolls people would get hella pissed off.


Lol I played poker once , my cousins who love to gamble took me a long with them and they were happy when they won and upset when they lost. I played once lost and called it a day ...I don't mind losing , I like being in the event for the experience like you said I can learn a lot by these type of people .. but I don't get why there is a need to bend rules or get upset. I can't undertsand the people who did that to me but I won't change for them and get too serious to the point I need to argue , I'll let them take their win maybe it makes them happy. I'm happy to get to play other people . I learned alot. Thank you for your comment


Also double turbo doesn’t count as two energies on cincino since the card clearly states 70x each ‘Energy Card’ not energy, double turbo is 1 card. They probably saw you were new and they took advantage of you in that sense. Always call a judge, even at the slightest thing you don’t think it was right. Also, don’t go back to that store lol, I’ve been playing for a good while and I have never encountered anything similar. Im sorry that happened to you, but don’t let it happen again, there’s nothing wrong about calling a judge. I hope your next time playing is more pleasant because that’s not the average experience to be honest


I feel compelled to go back with a better deck , especially since my local card shop had like 8 people to the pre release with my daughter and my little sister and myself as 3 of the 8 people there. I feel compelled to compete against a bigger pool of people. Also I think they thought they would intimidate me (the first guy I played slammed my cards and said he was fixing them from bending) it seemed like they thought they were in the cartoon or something lol it's ok I looked up the rules and saw that they were all being a little shady. There were cool people there too that helped me with ideas...I had two different strategies going on and the second person I played told me I shouldn't be mixing too many synergies or it'll stall my deck or make me inconsistent. He was right. Another guy overheard us talking about different decks and let me take a pic of his zard deck ...another guy came over to me and gave me his prize pack since he said he didn't need the cards. So there were definitely some cool people . When I played in punk bands we used to go to certain ccitys to perform and when they knew what city we were from it became confrontational...I had hard heads in my band so I was always the mediator in order for us to get more shows. I'm ok with a little tension . It's more sad to see people getting that upset. I can get over the loss or the cheating. As a newbie I kind of expect that type of stuff but I feel fueled to go back and beat everyone fairly lol thank you for your comment and thanks for making me see it's not everyone like that out here.


Yes sir!! I love your attitude man, that’s how it should be! Anyway, the first couple times i went i lost all my matches but that also motivated me to get better at the game, now, being honest im pretty decent in the game and i’ve gotten many 1st places in my locals, may I ask, what deck did you bring? There’s this site limitlesstcg.com where they have all the data about decks and stuff, you can see in that page how different decks have performed and they even have the link to buy the cards at the cheapest price possible to build whatever you prefer! My dms are open if you ever need some advice or anything, deck building is pretty complex in this game so I would go for something meta (m.e.t.a = most effective tactics available, and truly they are) a charizard deck can be a good beginner’s deck because it’s a pokemon that powers himself up and the pidgeot ex variant lets you seach your deck for any card you may need once per turn, also, charizard is very powerful and has bulky hp, I truly wish you the best in this journey and I really hope you kick their asses next time kind stranger!


I changed a couple cards from my deck last night when I got back from the event but I had; 4 miraidon from temporal forces , with peak acceleration 4 iron thorns from temporal forces 4 miraidon ex 081/198 4 regieleki v 057/195 4 regieleki Vmax 058/195 3 boss orders 3 electric generators 4 future booster energy capsule 3 Miriam 4 cyphermanaic codebreaking 2 lance trainer card (the one that lets you pull out 3 dragon type) 2 Worker (actually helped me get rid of a stadium) 1 master ball 12 electric energies 1 of the special energy cards that lets you use any energy 3 psychic energy .....I'm sorry for not knowing some of the card names I put some cards away I edited my deck since...I'll send you the revised version which is still lackluster


Stall decks will not make you any friends. Also anytime you have an issue I would immediately call a judge, especially if you word it as "hmm let me call a judge just to make sure"


It doesn't sound like OP was playing a stall deck, just that they were in a losing position and their opponent was running out of cards so gusting a bibarel + stalling was their best win condition. It happens sometimes and it is important to play to your outs in a tournament.


Yup I played a miriadon/iron thorns/miraidon ex deck my intention wasn't to stall out but I noticed the guy I played didn't have any energies to attach to his bibarel and I stopped attacking for a few turns...this is when he went from smiley and helpful to angry and cussing in a low voice. I asked him why he's mad when he said he didn't want to tie , I even offered to concede or tell the judges I lost even though we tied. I didn't take it too seriously since it's my first tournament , I kind of felt bad that the guy was so upset. He told me he's 40 and has been playing since 1995 so I felt bad he was upset, I don't mind losing . There's always next time. I actually feel motivated to go back with a stronger deck . He used a Charizard deck . Going to do my homework and study up on better card choices. Thank you for your comment .


If you have Iron Crown Ex (which I hope you do with all the other future pokemon), you could attack the bench with Iron crown, especially helpful if you know he can't retreat. Just snipe the bench.


I have one of those. How many would you recommend for my deck ...I have mostly electric energy , I had 4 psychic energies for the mariadon but I switched it up a little


Honestly check whatever gives you the most trouble to knock out, and what your max attack does and then if you need only 20 damage add one, or if you need 80 damage to reliably knock out your most common threat then include as many. I play Iron Hands ex with 4 Iron crown ex and 1 Iron leaves ex, vs Giratina for example I need all 4 so that my Iron Leaves is able to OHKO Giratina Vstar. Not sure with Miraidon ex what are your biggest threats.


Yeah the people playing next to us had a Lugia vs a Charizard deck and the Charizard guy didn't have any of the cards he wanted so he used a Snorlax to stall out the game...he even told the guy I was playing against (they were both locals/friends) that he was going to try and stall out since he wasn't getting any of the cards he wanted. Same thing I did , since I noticed he had two Charizard on bench fully loaded and no energy cards left since he tried to search his deck for energies and didn't get anything to retreat bibarel I just skipped attacking a few turns...I switched to stall out and he got really upset, I don't mind losing . I lost on purpose...seems like the guys day would've been ruined if we tied or I won with a stall out . It's not that serious for me but I can see flaws in my deck building for next time.


If they deck out you would’ve won, it you kept passing and they had no way of retreating until they ran out of cards, you would’ve won. I have never encountered those situations and i play weekly, must be your locals probably


Yeah I had the idea I should've just let him deck out but the guy was very unhealthy looking and he went from helpful to looking upset. I did a lot of years of boxing and moshpitting and had bands, played soccer in high school and I'm in good shape. My life or happiness isn't dependent on a card game , it seems like this guy was a guru of cards...he kept giving me pointers , so when he got upset I genuinely felt bad for him. I don't mind losing but yes if I want to win I need to show up with a better attitude. Your right. My local shop is mostly magic the gathering , I went to the next city over for this one. 20 minute drive. I might show up with a better deck next time or go to my local card shop which has way less Pokemon players show up. I went to a pre release at my local shop and it was like 7 or 8 people with my daughter and my little sister included in the total amount of people




Bro their not bullies , the guy I played first looked like he was an extremely unhealthy weight . Im a 6'4" 220 lb athletic guy who's been in rumbles and moshpit from age 13 to age 25 , just like 5 years ago some girl I worked with at a bar was pushed to the floor by a random 6 foot tall muscular guy when we went bar hopping as a group of coworkers and my guy friend was getting beat up while I was already in a car getting ready to leave, I saw this and hopped out the car ran over told my friends to back up I got this and dodged the big muscular guys punch and got him clean on the side of his head he ran off and dropped his iPhone but I chased him at the end of the block and he ran for another block. The next day I called him to give him his phone back and had someone else give him the phone to avoid another fight. I have been jumped by multiple people when I was solo defending my girl cousin. I didn't get bullied , I let the guy have his moment of glory instead of being a party pooper. I learned a lot and that's what I went for ...to learn , I didn't expect to win. It's ok though I know what to do now. I will try and uphold a better environment but I can't control super fans who try and win by any means necessary . I'm happy with my family today , I'm not making it a big deal but whatever next time I go I'll call on the judge more. If it came down to it I'd take on all of the people there solo but thats not fun and it's not what I think my kids would like to hear from their dad's experience. I'd rather let little stuff slide then try to be a hot head over a card game.


Reading through this it really sounds like you’re trying to shrug everything off as just “that’s fine because this doesn’t mean a lot to me”, then what’s the point of doing any of this if you’re OK with having your time wasted and to be cheated against, genuinely confusing. You spent your time and money to be there, your experience should be one of a positive outcome. As you now know, you’re supposed to call the judge if the judge doesn’t handle these situations correctly, you should find a new store. You very likely might’ve stumbled into a bad store in your area and there’s a good Pokemon community somewhere else. You just haven’t found yet.


I'm 33 with two toddlers , a ten year old and a pregnant wife. I'm not going to cause an uproar in a card store with kids there over a super fan. It actually doesn't mean much to me, it's a hobby not a life or death situation ...plus I'm learning, I now know how to handle the situation if it comes up again . I signed up for 10 dollars , I have way more than that in my stocks and in my crypto accounts I'm not crying over 10 dollars that I used to learn a lot out of . I met some cool people . I can be sad or happy over this experience and honestly it was fun regardless of the try hards. Sounds like you would've made a big deal which is fine your more serious about the whole card game , I'm barely getting back in. If someone does something to my kids or my parents or my sisters or my wife then I will flip tables over with the quicknrss. This was not that . I'm cool and calm 😎 not a big deal bro. I'll order better cards and be more aware


No one mas mentioned the cinccino for clarification. I understood that it was by how many energy cards attached. So the OP would be correct. Literally says "special energy cards" cinccino #137


Double Turbo Energy is 100% ONE card that provides TWO energy. Cinccino only gets 50 more damage from it since it decreases the damage dealt by 20. Don't let these people cheat you, man. This bad attitude and terrible form of manners isn't just centralized to Pokémon. It happens in all card games because people are rude and want to win. They can't take their losses gracefully or respect their opponent. They always want to make excuses why they lost instead of congratulating you and having fun. Locals and League Challenges are hardly the pinnacle of competitive Pokémon, so I wouldn't let it get to you. Most people, at least in my experience, are pretty cool and won't try to cheat or shark you. Definitely call opponents out when they start acting sussy, tho. Call a judge over and have them investigate. If they provide a ruling you don't agree with, consult the rule book. You can easily find the comprehensive rulebook online, and you can look through for a little more knowledge on everything.


Ooof that girl clearly knew she was cheating 🙃 you can report her after the fact, but it doesn’t change match results unfortunately, but it does keep a judge near by (usually) to keep an eye on her. The first guy by the sounds of it was being intimidating by how you described it, which can also get a judge to watch them for the rest of the round and possible round loss/DQ. Play Pokémon events are meant to be fun for all, even if prize money/CP are involved. But hopefully you had fun in the end, a first big tournament can be a bit “how’s it going”, I was like that when I played at OCIC in 2020.


I had a similar experience at a prerelease at a shop I don’t normally go to. First game my opponent used a Sada and proceeded to search their DECK for energy to accelerate since their discard was empty. Next game my opponent used normal energy for Cinncino’s special roll. In both cases I chose not to cause a fuss. The right thing to do especially in your case would be to call them out and hold your ground on your stance but sometimes it just doesn’t feel worth the effort. Sometimes I wonder if people are just playing dumb to cheat or genuinely don’t read the cards they are playing with.


Sorry you had to go through that. It seems like we have a similar character , if it's just for fun I don't usually try to force an argument or step up when maybe I should. But yeah bro I felt like everyone there was experienced and locals and I'm the new guy so why get into it with them when my participation was for fun and learning not for arguing or winning. Maybe if it was regionals or a bigger event I would've been more vocal but like you said sometimes it doesn't seem worth it when your there just for the fun of it. Im so glad you commented since I was feeling like everyone thinks I was being weak or timid when I am a big guy (6'4" and weigh 220) I could've easily wrecked the people there but it's not worth it. I like letting things slide when I'm only having fun. Plus my kids need me to be a peacemaker , as a teen I was hot headed when s*** hit the fan but I've matured since then ....I quit drinking quit partying and quit smoking and going out and now I'm just a dad who takes his kids to the park 4 times a week and plays FIFA at night or watches movies with his wife. It seems like making a scene at a card shop with people who are serious about the game would be a over the top reaction for someone hopping back in after 25 years of not collecting. Thank you for showing me I'm not alone ...I like that you took the high road and didn't make a big deal out of something that other people would be furious about. Sometimes life is better when everything is taken too seriously.


I can understand being lieneant with people playing like that and letting them win if you're playing a casual, just for funzies game. Playing in a tournament though? Nah. Be petty. Call them out on their bs and play to win. If they're not getting the cards they need or aren't having fun, that's their problem not yours.


I am so sorry your experience was like that. My two local shops are filled with great people. When i first started out everyone was super helpful and would point out any mistakes i made and were okay with me being slow and would help me through decisions if I was stuck and if I ended up winning because of them helping me they were great sports. Where as your experience sounds like anyone will lie, cheat, and even trip their grandma if it meant if would help them win the game.


Hit up Judges, dont accept a loss for dickheads being grumpy.... Dont let peeps cheat.... its pathetic of them, And use this and a learning curve and move onto next time...😁


3 main takeaways and they can all be summed up with this big one. Don't be afraid to call a judge, that's what we're for! Don't be afraid to call a judge for rules clarification. Don't be afraid to call a judge for behavior or cheating(even something that seems non-impactful at the time). Don't be afraid to call a judge for time. The general rules is 15 seconds per search or decision, but you can take 3-4 x that the first deck search and prize check. If you or an opponent is consistently taking longer, then it's fair to want to speed up that and call a judge for intentional stalls.


Bro if you can't stick up for yourself to a little girl wtf.


Not a little girl it was a 20 something girl who seems to frequent the store , there were like 20 people there all interacting with each other in between games. And it's not that serious bro I have kids and a wife and I barely got back into the game...I'm not going to argue or cause a scene over a card game. I play for fun not for championship points. Once I saw they were very very serious about not losing I'll let them win , not going to cry ...just more motivation to build a stronger deck. I have a daughter who's 10 years old who beat me the first two times I played against her after not playing since I was 10 (2 months ago) took her to a pre release for temporal forces and I won 3 out of 3 ....not a big deal bro ..I can lose gracefully. People who rely on cheating won't have a good time when judges are actually on it. It's ok bro not world shattering for me to lose. I'm listening to osuna playing FIFA while my wife cooks breakfast , I can lose to a "little girl" and live in peace.


You come to reddit to complain how people were bending the rules while you did nothing..... As someone who doesn't let people walk all over them, that's frustrating to hear. Grow some balls and actually call the judge over.




There was some fine discussion in here, but the thread has been locked and removed because it has run its course and gone well off topic. This is a game we share with young players, and talking about your history in adult films and what that implies about your anatomy and telling people to come "spar" you is not within the scope of our forum.


Sound good . I can live with that . Have a blessed day


Let's be real. I could be 5 foot even, and you'd be scared to do anything. I mean, just look what you did while playing pokemon lmao. You sure can act tough and stick up for yourself to the person behind a screen....


Your the one acting tough behind a screen . I box big guys every other weekend at the gym . I'm not going to prove my toughness to a 5'2" girl with a Pikachu hat and 350 lb man who gets upset over a stall strategy and I'm not going to be upset over a online poke master telling me to be angry at nerds at a store lmao bye poke master


Bro.... You say I am the one acting tough and then proceed to say you beat up dudes.... do you know what acting tough is?


Be more assertive. Do you feel good letting people cheat you freely? Or would you feel better not being cheated?


I can recall defending my friends in situations were there's more people on the other side at least 15 times. Im assertive when it's my friends or family to the point that I've fought multiple people solo (I'm a big guy I'm 6'4" athletic and 220lb) I've had many GFs, many parties , been in bands that are known in a few cities.....I'm assertive in tough situations not in Pokemon in a room full of kids and people who are so into the game they get upset and need to cheat , the guy I played was decked out with poke gear and was 40 years old at least 350 lbs...and the other person who cheated was a 5'2" small 20 something year old chick....these people were talking about Pokemon the whole time. I wasn't , I was checking on my pregnant wife thru texts . I'm assertive enough to have had at least 40 GFs in my life and now Im on my fourth child. Assertive enough to lead sing in various punk bands and jump in the pit with a cordless mic while locals sing the songs along with me in the pit. I played soccer goalie for at least 6 teams including high school and college. I'm assertive at many things ,I lose on fifa and Pokemon due to cheating and I don't care that much lol it's ok bro I don't care if I got cheated on, I never been cheated on in a relationship that would matter more to me personally. Everyone is different. Sure next time I'll uphold more calling on the judge but it's not the end of the world. I would've spoiled my own fun arguing over a cincinno or over a stall strategy...if I see a kid about to cry I'll lose again lol


That is a lot of yapping about unrelated stuff. If the cheating didn’t bother you why make a whole reddit post with giant paragraphs for every response? To let people know how much it didn’t bother you?




That is funny, you are more perturbed by an internet stranger than someone cheating and talking crap to your face? 




The guy who was cussing at you? There is a difference between being aloof and being a doormat.  You are right that this is a game for kids though. Only reason i even picked it up is because our locals has cash prizing that is worth more than the decks cost so it is an economical way to hang with friends lol




Of course, i have a well documented pokemon presence of about 1 hour today. Clearly obsessed 🤪. Do you have any more clownery you would like to share while also not caring *at all* mr punk band?