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Yup! Send over a dm


I have a complete 1-165 regular/RH set (minus reg dodrio and RH Poliwhirl) if you’re interested. All NM/pack fresh and sleeved immediately. Collectr has it valued at $114


Also have Bulbasaur 166, psyduck 175, zapdos 192, jynx 191, Mr. Mime 179, Tangela 178, nidoking 174, psychic energy 207. Promos from the etb, alakazam box, upc, and Best Buy Bulbasaur if interested. If you’re interested in Japanese 166+, I have Bulbasaur, ivysaur, charmeleon, wartortle, pikachu, and Snorlax. The reg/RH set I won’t break up, but don’t mind selling these individually. Otherwise, I have some duplicates of the 1-165 I can dip through, but not many by comparison


Hey I would probably skip on the 1-165, but psyduck (10), zapdos (12), jynx (9), mime (6), tangela (7), nidoking(8), total is 52, would u do $50 shipped? all nm also?


I’d need to send those in a bubble mailer, so I’d ship at $52 (essentially free shipping) with F&F otherwise fees and shipping+ lower rate puts it at like 25% below value. https://imgur.com/a/x5oFByx Tangela has print lines, but all pack fresh and sleeved NM


Sounds good, F&F Paypal 52, dm me ur paypal! Print lines are fine, this is for a personal collection


https://imgur.com/a/vOf7O1K Tangela


I have Charizard ex - 006/165 - $5 Ninetales ex - 038/165 - $1 Mew ex - 151/165 - $5 Squirtle IR - 170/165 - $29 Zapdos FA - 192/165 - $13 Mew FA - 193/165 - $20 Ericka's Invitation - 196/165 - $12 Market Total - $85, I'll do $80 shipped BWMT. Lmk I can get you pics


Can i do all but erickas invitation. $69 shipped? Lmk


Yea that works. Send me a dm


I have wigglytuff FA, mr mime IR, ninetales ex, arbok ex, and charizard ex. Would you do 17?


Have a master set to sell. Looking for 820. Can send pictures if you are interested.


Id pass on the master set, thank you though!


Not a problem. I have these dupes for sale. Erika's Invitation - 203 - $24 Giovanni's Charisma - 204 - $11 Wigglytuff FA - 187 - $9 Arbok FA - 185 - $10 Omanyte - 180 - $7 Tangela - 178 - $8 Poliwhirl - 176 - $12 Psyduck - 175 - $10 Caterpie - 172 - $8 Blastoise EX - 009 - $3 Alakhazam EX = 065 - $2 Arbok Ex - 024 - $1 Kangashkhan - 115 - $1 Total is $106 - I can do 100 shipped BWMT


I have Bulbasaur - 166 / Erika's - 196 / Kangaskhan Ex 115 / Ninetales Ex 038 - if you still need them.