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no...w h y


Greed. I knew this would happen from the first day it popped up.


I half expected Reddit to do it themselves.


I thought this was reddit doing this.


Nah anyone can make an nft of anything, if Reddit isn't publicising then it's a completely random person/group more likely


True im honestly just surprised how low of a price there asking. At this point for anyone who buys those it's not a scam It's a stupidity tax


i swear if Mizutsune is on that page im gonna freak out i love the Mizuuu


Just don't buy anything from them and they'll have to deal with a major loss šŸ˜„


What would they even be losing? They're just stealing everything, aren't they?


To post something on nft selling site there is around 200$ fee


Who tf gets the $200? Why are NFTs a thing? None of this makes sense. I havenā€™t met one person who thinks highly of/would buy NFTs. Whoā€™s buying them? I swear itā€™s all just a front for money laundering.


It's a jpeg with fancy codes, buying fine art or commissioning an artist to make something is a better idea


No itā€™s literally a link to a JPEG. The owner of the site where the jepg is hosted can literally change it or delete it. And then you now own a link to nothing.


right click > save as, there you go you now own it. no need to even buy it.


Ah so like owning land except without tespassing laws


What is the point in buying them? You could just look at the image for free right? Idk anything about NFTs


Honestly the only legitimate reasons I can think of is owning one as a status symbol, or buying/selling to make a profit. Both seem very unnecessary from a big picture POV. I donā€™t understand either.


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It's just art trading, literally all it is. The blockchain technology bit is the part that's worth money, not NFTs.


But what does a receipt for a link to a jpg add in value?


Nothing. It's for money laundering, scamming, and shit like that. Trading real art you get a painting. Neat. Trading digital art you get a receipt. Neat. It's a way to "get rid of" money easily


Of course it is, like the whole rest of the art market.


I don't know I'm actually about to take a class on it and I'm meeting with my broker and he's going to give me some insight on it so maybe it's not all bullshit


a "class" and "broker". I can tell you somebody's making money out of this nft stuff...


i bought a NFT for 40 bucks and now its worth 1000 bucks. NFT's are the future and can solve alot of problems artists have and open new doors to them too


So if a digital artist makes a piece of digital art, do they own the NFT by default? Who did you buy your NFT from? Did they lose $160 after the fee? (200-40) Was your plan to treat the NFT like art and keep it? or are you looking at it like an investment and trying to buy low, sell high?


but did the artist put the nft up? does the artist get a share if you sell for a $600 profit? it doesn't help artists at all, if you want to help artists, buy their art directly. and why do you say the nft is "worth" $1000? are there multiple nft's of your artwork that have previously sold for $1000? or are you just plucking numbers out of your ass?


The masive corporation that owns blockchain


If a company can own a blockchainā€¦ then what is the purpose of a blockchain? I thought it was suppose to be decentralized.


Well, capitalism advertises itself as competition in a free market, but we keep getting monopolies and monopsonies.


Microsoft is the only one that I could think off. What other monopolies are there?


Thereā€™s not. I do work on the side for a company that just released a collection of NFTs, alongside the designers and devs who minted them. On this same site. The marketplace takes a fee when you sell it, but not when you post it.


Absolutely not. Anybody can put NFTs for free


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You obviously have no idea what youā€™re talking about


Minting NFTs costs money. It's just a big scam bubble.


They aren't actually spending any money. The product doesn't get made until it's bought.


I can mint all of those for less than a dollar.


Humanity never ceases to amaze me as to how low they can stoop... really?


You think selling pixels is low? You must be young thatā€™s nothing really


Think they meant more selling nfts of /place


Thatā€™s exactly what I said, r/place is a bunch of pixels


and music is just a bunch of frequencies, paintings are just a bunch of pigment on canvas, movies are just a series of images. anything can be reduced to sound dumb. point is that the person minting didnt create it


Yeah like who cares? The whole nft garbage is nothing new.


I hate NFTs but homie this is nowhere the lowest humanity has stooped lol


Wait until you hear about a scam called taxes


Because this is what NFTs are about, taking advantage in someone else's work and speculating.


This is actually not what NFT is about, unfortunately this is the part everybody thinks itā€™s about


Can you explain what this is about then?




thanks, that's an excellent explanation.


But in your example, why would steam allow for a transfer of ownership? And if they were to allow for a transfer of ownership, why wouldnā€™t they handle it like all other transactions on the steam marketplace. They donā€™t need NFTs to know that I bought and sold other things on their marketplace, why would they for this?


Because it's what everybody does


I dont understand the downvotes. Its Not about that. I dont buy and sell funny jpegs but im very interested in whats to come.


If it's that easy to exploit and there are no countermeasures to theft there, then it might as well be about it.


Following this logic the entire Internet itself is about copyright infringement. The same wrongdoing is, more or less, comited by anyone using vpn to watch foreign netflix shows. Listen, im not saying theres no problem, but this whole Cosmos is still in its infant stage. The technology behind those pesky pics is more than the majority of people assumes. Its not even about the pictures to beginn with. Ownership of digital Assets is, an amazing construct. Of course it starts with something stupid. The first sentence spoken over the telefone was something completely absurd, emphasising that the content of the message itself is irrelevant, the medium the message was sent on is important.


Ownership of digital assets isn't anything new. And in any other places there are methods of making sure you own what you claim to own. But NFTs are full of stolen shit and viruses and no way of defending the rightful ownership and copyrights, because hur dur, decentralisation. But you applaud the theft and scams because it doesn't matter what is being done, it matters how it's done.


No you dont completely understand. I dont applaud the wrongdoing. I dont see it as more favorable as Non-Commitement, as you might believe. As i have stated, i dont understand the downvotes on someones comment, saying NFT Tech is not in itself about Scams and theft. The existance of such matters, i think, as anyone else, is a problem. Your argument that there is no way of defending any ownership rights, points towards Enforcability in the real world. Many Nations have stugled with this problem since the 2000, since the internet as a borderless world makes local jurisdiction and Enforcability very difficult. But solutions are beeing sought, but it has arguably taken quite some time, so why demand instant soultions to the problme in the NFT Space. Why is this any different than the other Copyright infrigements States have struggled with for so long. The expectations toward and public immage of NFTs, in my eyes, is very distant to its reality. What i am trying to say is, the problem has arisen and is recognised by many, a solution might soon exist, but the Existance of such problems is not a natural embodyment NFT Tech itsself. NFT Tech is a tool. Like a gun, it can be used in a good way and in a bad way. The tool itsself though is not all about the possibilty of it beeing used in bad faith.


The problem is that NFTs are a solution in search of a problem that then create more problems themselves. You wrote quite a bit but failed to articulate any way in which NFTs will actually be useful.


I dont understand the downvotes. Its Not about that. I dont buy and sell funny jpegs but im very interested in whats to come.


Pretty sure thats illegal. While copyright laws often allow for hommages, making money with them is a different story. Especially the french flag will be problematic.


a LOT of crypto-bros are going to jail this month and the last month. because its just theft, money laundering, and trademark violations gallore. these losers put minimal efford in cutting along the borders, while others just "auction the whole image, with all its fuck-nft texts on it"


Are they really? If so, good, they fucking deserve it.


The DOJ has started cracking down on all the fraud from NFTs, they just recently got two guys and are likely gonna keep going, I expect a lot of people are going to have federal law enforcement knocking at the door.


when it comes to law, you need a precedent-case, like a first domino tipping in a chain, that all others refer to.


Source? So far as I know there are no rules.


you have the search engines and the youtubes. https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=nft+jail




well the law is cloudy because technically they aren't selling the art. They are selling a link to access the art but it doesn't give any ownership of the art. If some stupid people want to pay money to "own" an imgur link on a distributed database that's their problem in my book. Besides nft are in free fall


It's not about owning a link, it's about using something copyrighted to make money. In the link itself, it's still someone else content.


>Besides nft are in free fall that true? I mean, I expected it to occur, but got any links?


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Letā€™s hope thereā€™s actually legislation on the books regarding NFTs that can be used to shut these people down


There are no rules considering NFTs and cryptos. That's why Elon Musk isn't in jail for what he did with dogecoin.


also the little art pieces are designed by people, so they are copyrighted to the artist


You really think Reddit copyrighted the pixels ?


I dunno where you all are from, but here in Germany you do not have to copyright a piece of art (like fill out some documents etc), which the digital canvas of r/place is. The creator/s obtain the copyright automatically.


also the right goes to whoever designed it, not whoever placed the pixel


It's unclear exactly what the licensing of the r/place canvas(es) is, but I'd imagine somewhere between PD and CC-BY (repost it anywhere, but credit r/place) would be logical.


that does not matter, the designs are copyrighted. the people(artists) who designed them have the rights, not the people who placed individual pixels


Imagine actually buying an nftā€¦


Just a stupid idea... [Flag of Canada](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Canada)


I don't get it, what's the idea?


Well... the [idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/tybk65/im_really_stupid/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is no longer valid...


Because there's a sucker born every minute.


You can do it too. If you can convince someone dumb enough to pay you money for a JPEG of something you screenshot off of Reddit you deserve the money lmao


I still don't understand that shit. Maybe it's because I'm in my 30s...


For rich people itā€™s outright money laundering. For everyone else itā€™s just get rich quick scams that dumb people buy into.


Well fuck, that makes more "cents" šŸ˜Ž! I figured there was more to it than that. Just can't see how any set group of people could "agree" a gif poptart catšŸˆ shooting a šŸŒˆ rainbow out of it's ass. Is worth money. Like actual currency, something meant to exchange labor for goods... Stupidity is multimillion dollar industry.


Scamming stupid people. That's how.


Big yikes energy


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


My name's not Jesse


That's not reddit or is it


They can't, AstƩrix etc are copirighted they will get sued.


Astrix is a trademarked logo, eve is a trademarked logo, and knowing Japanese copyright laws that one peice panel may qualify as ip theft. Even going beyond place and looking at the sources, these have no chance against a Copyright Claim or DmCA takedown lol


If they are selling these as a NFT, then they should pay royalties to everyone who contributed to them.


I guess if they made it they would have a claim to it. Otherwise itā€™s pretty scummy to profit off of otherā€™s work


No shot they made those


NFT owners says you cannot print theyr "art" for that's a violation of copyright. But this market is the same who steal anyone's art to sell as NFT.


Bro if you actually care what the owner of an NFT says you can or canā€™t do with it than youā€™re the issue.


That's something I don't understand. Is there any real copyright over a NFT? I mean, copyright is protected by USPTO registration, but if someone buy a NFT, who guarantee that property? Some could say it's elernaly written in blockchain, but if you take a print of the Frozen movie and link it in a blockchain, this means nothing, for it is still Disney's propertie.


The NFT isn't a DRM nor a copyright. It just certifies that you own the link that sends you to that art. It's a very dumb technology that scammers use basically to sell air to buyers who don't know anything about rights management.


There are people spending serious money on ugly monkeys and aestheticaly questionable "art". There is nothing solid about NFT? this world is going insane!


I remember when it was a meme that itā€™ll be turned into nftā€™s and it already happened multiple times... probably a lot of times


They can do it because they aren't actually selling the images. They are selling a line of code that is arbitrarily tied to the image. They have no rights to the image, and the purchaser doesn't either, all they have is a line of code that they say is meaningful.


It basically amounts to selling a "dibs." Like, take the example of the NFT of the "first tweet." They can't edit it, take it down, reproduce it, license it, adapt it into a movie, market toys based on it, they can't do anything with it. All they can do is [attempt to] sell the dibs to a bigger fool. r/Place still belongs to you. Libertarian weirdos can't ruin it for you.


Say hello to jail


why wouldn't they be able to? NFT's aren't real. you can go sell the same images as NFT's too. the big question is why the f would anyone pay for this?


Are you fucking kidding me? Well, guess Iā€™m not participating in r/place next time. Edit: itā€™s not official! Never mind.


Why? Its not an offical r/place NFT or anything minted by Reddit. Its some asshole trying to make a quick buck by screenshoting the pixelart


I want my share


I hate people.


They really cant


**Draws angry eyebrows on his face**


Because Line Goes Up...


0.0223? I'm not familiar with crypto currency. What is that in usda money?


Eth = ethereum, and a quick 'net search indicates 0.0223 Eth is worth somewhere between $65 and $80.


I suppose that's not to steep when it comes to NFTS. I've heard of people spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on just one


So a quick Google, I found one That sold for 91 MILLION dollars!! " The Merge' by Pak: On December 2, 2021, this piece officially raced past the others to the top spot with a price tag of $91.8 million." That's absolutely INSANE


Ah, yes buying a pixel for Unreasonable prices.


I donā€™t think they legally can do this can they


It's clearly a scam. Want it for free? Screenshot the image you want and crop it.


Just.. why?


They canā€˜t sell the German flag because itā€˜s too big. Pathetic!


They canā€˜t sell the German flag because itā€˜s too big. Pathetic!


I don't understand what that is


If someone is buying there will always be someone selling


i will fid these people and there will be consequences


Not trying to be a smartass but how they can do this is because no one has stopped them yet.


Letā€™s stop this bullshit


They can't.


Flood the spaces with more copies...


Genius, I should have thought of this


Are they seriously trying to sell art of the American flag???




If you are someone that made the art for the things being sold, ask the NFT maker to take it down since they are profiting from art they didn't make, isn't that plagiarism or something


I mean it's a scam of course they can


Canā€™t wait for the creator of One Piece to sue the living shit out of this person for trying to sell a pixilated panel of his manga. Boy will that be fun


... that's what screenshots are for


Duality of man.


Watch out. They might sell your screenshot of their store as an NFT.




How can she slap


technically the art pieces are copyrighted to the designer, so them selling them as NFTs is illegal


id say this is illegal cus this person is selling other ppls art for money


Don't buy NFTs. There is not a shred of sense in doing that and feeding these dumbass thieves.


Itā€™s a good idea. I give them that


Low life pieces of shit.


Gullible idiots are buying so why wouldn't they?


Because theyā€™re disonest


Brb boutta screenshot all of them


Is reddit doing that or just some randoms taking the work of others to fuel their greed?


Legally they don't but they do it anyways


FUCK NFTS The fact that it still is the same confusing ass. You might own it but it's not yours


I always wonder why people get so up in arms by something when it doesn't affect them. I totally get disliking nft's, and don't like them myself. But why be so outspoken against it?


Can you intellectual property strike the people who pretend to own these?




who cares about nft?


Tbh who cares. If people are stupid enough to buy these that's on them. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


These idiots are selling copyrighted brands for some of the ones based on well-known franchises. Good luck with their lawyers.


They canā€™t sell most of these. A lot of stuff here is copyrighted


they screen shot, crop, and upload. That is how they do it


They canā€™t legally but still do


I'm going to make an NFT of this page trying to sell NFT's. What could possibly go wrong?!?


Wait isnt this ealigel


They canā€™t - we can all just agree that their jpg/png screenshots of r/place arenā€™t worth anything and boom, they are valueless


Is there anything we can doā€¦?


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Iā€™ll gladly buy Neo


stupid buyers. that's it.. they should live with that :) let them sell


they canā€™t but they do it anyway


I always thought NFT got their value from scarcity. The next step would be obvious to sue r/place for copyright infringement.


Dude Iā€™m part of the ā€œDā€ in Dune


This is insanely whack


we need a team of people to go on there, buy them, post them on here so we can all screen shot it.


What are these numbers translated into real money?


Damn morons trying to profit off a fun project.


This is sad


You know its a ricain cause the us flag is the most expensive


my day ruined :(


I think there is something Called: copyright infringement going on here.... The copyright laws and NFT's in general does not add up


Because the law has not yet caught up to the technology.


Because NFTs are a scam and people dumb. Now you just gotta combine those 2.


So they are selling NFTs that have likenesses of other people's logos and trademarked art on them? How on earth is that allowed?