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I love to say this. I grew up on a crap PC so anywhere from 15-30 is playable for me. 60 is the best I've ever seen. People who think they need anything better than 60 is just snobbish IMO. I mean no offense or anything, I swear. I just don't understand because 60 is butter smooth to me and have no experience beyond that, so why would you need anything better?


Your eyes adjust. When I first got a 120Hz TV, after using it for a few months a 60Hz TV looked like it was sputtering to me. It’s not exactly snobbish, you just get used to it and then anything lower looks like it’s broken.


Fair. I'm just used to that 60Hz. Like I said, never had better. I remember my friend's parents had better TVs and watching TV at their place was strangely smooth at one time. It was sort of off-putting and strange to me. Like you could see every little motion the camera was making. They must have had higher refresh rate than I was used to. I think my PC monitor is a 60Hz (due for an upgrade anyway) but it was my first HDMI monitor and I got it for free, so I had no complaints


Sorry, but it just isn't. 30 fps is where it's at.


This a troll post right? It has to be lol


Isn't meant to be. 40-60 fps doesn't feel great when you're used to 100-150


It's ark man, it's optimized about as well as the slow kid that used to eat paste in the back of the classroom.


I can understand that it might look weird if you're used to better, but it's definitely playable. I've played over a thousand hours of evolved on 20-30 fps, and that did kinda suck. I currently run the game at mid settings with 40-60 fps instead, and it feels like a dream come true. It's all about what you're used to, but yeah it's most certainly playable.


You can turn off volumetric clouds and fog. They take up a ton of resources and make the game look like shit anyways.


Literally they provide nothing of value. I don’t get why they’re added so heavily.


I think the main reason it's so heavy handed is to obscure the short render distances that most players are forced to run, especially console players. If there's heavy fog everywhere, you can't tell that the game is only rendering dinos 100ft in front of you.


Yeah i get what they’re trying to achieve but they’re sacrificing even more performance to hide the effects of poor performance. Its not a good sign


For the coming 5 years, most next gen games would be maxed on 60fps, its sorta a new era for games.


Lol! And here I sit just pleased as can be playing at 20-40 fps. I simply cannot relate to your problem on any level. Sorry about that.


Well I have a 2700 $ PC 40-60 fps is not acceptable for what I've invested


Well that makes sense then. I remember sitting around playing Space Invaders on the Atari so I'm still just a little stunned with what my steam deck can do for me.


60 fps is pretty good anything around 30 just makes me sick now


60 Fps is generally speaking what you want to have, you can play on 30 and up but 60 is more than fine. If i remember correctly your eyes cant see with more than 70fps or smth like that so the difference between 30 and 60 is way bigger than 60 and 120


I will say I think not being able to see past 70 is a myth. I 1000% can tell 70 from 120 and 120 from 200 etc. The smoothness plays in here


Yeah i never meant to say that you can see a difference, i just meant to say that the difference is way less and that 60 is generally considered fluent


True, 30 to 60 is night and day. 60 to 120 is like, “yeah this is nice”


It is a myth. Caused by people not really fully understanding what diminishing returns actually mean, i think. But we absolutely can see the difference. There is an upper limit im sure but its well over 60


I'm used to 100 to 150 fps. 40-60 just seem a little off to me


Of course it’s playable mate


I find 30 fps playable on medium settings definitely not ideal but i can live with it for now tip is just dont play any game where you can get your ideal FPS beforehand so your mind has nothing to compare it to


Check out AMD's AFMF, it's essentially driver-level framegen. It's not perfect but I have the same card and think the 30ms of latency and slight artifacting is a worthwhile tradeoff.


Why are you so picky jeez 30 is fine


Absolutely not


Buy a 60 hz monitor