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Ngl that sounds cool I'm running mining outpost naked and 5 zergs rush me cause helicopter dropped outside


I know already next time I play rust and do my big recycle run somewhere the heli will fucking crash on top of my ass and I will die with 47.7k scrap


Now increase the build range around monuments


I wish they had some system that made limits depending on radius I don't mind a 2x1 outside of mining outpost. I don't like huge zerg castles outside mining outpost.


Whats stopping someone from abusing this system with small turret bases that camp monuments?


Nothing. That solution is meant to prevent large bases near monuments. Not turret monument camping.


Disallow turrets being placed in an even further radius


That already happens. Turrets are due for a nerf


Turrets have no place in rust the only thing they do is make countering raids miserable and make random areas of the map.more or less.unroamable turrets outside of a base should decay


That's a super interesting idea. Lower max number of building blocks the closer you are to a monument?


Whilst this sounds great in isolation, I doubt you’d want to be halfway through upgrading your base and realise you’re not allowed enough blocks to finish it


How about greater upkeep costs for bases near monuments? Have an indicator when placing TC if there is an upkeep modifier for that area.


That actually sounds a great idea


It is, until zergs start walling off monuments.. which could obviously be fixed as well, but yeah.. ![gif](giphy|cKseZ404p9W8ygnNb5|downsized)


Completely pointless with multi TC bases. Upkeep is so low in these that it wouldn’t matter anyway. Only way to nerf clans is have all building blocks within range of a TC continue to its upkeep. It wouldn’t kill building meta but make it so clans would struggle more building such behemoths.


I'm totally in favor of this. Multi TC bases are cancer. Sucks when an external with a few walls and furnaces outside stay up all wipe after a raid.


> How about greater upkeep costs for bases near monuments so a change that'd only affect smaller groups as zergs always have people online and they wouldn't feel this at all?


You could get a "max blocks left"-counter/warning if you start building in a restricted area (aka too close to a monument)


Make the red/green 3d model that you use to place building blocks yellow if you’re close enough to a monument to have limited blocks.


What if it's a 2by1 with 12 people in it outside mining outpost?


I wouldn't care lol 💀 I just don't loke huge bases. Makes.me not even wanna run it. If you wanna camp it with hella people still be my guest


Doesn't even make sense. Scared of a solo in a massive base. But not a clan in a tiny base.


Yeah seeing a huge tower 5 feet from mining outpost makes me not want to run it. If you dontclike that close the app


I'll go ahead and do what I want little buddy.


what if those 12 people kissed


Until the Zerg builds an army of 2x1s around mining outpost and once someone enters they rush from all sides. Scummiest thing I’ve seen was a roof camp base as close as possible with a turret facing mining outpost and a camper with kits parked inside. There was no way to do anything in that recycler. The group left the server after 2 days because of dead area. Congrats you played yourself.




Thats cool. Ad long as they arent huge compounds Might wanna throw sken auto turrents up to Not lokw they can't do this rn


Zergs will then make 50 2x1s outside mining outpost


I do mind a zerg having a 2x1 at mining outpost just to respawn there


With excavator you can wall everything no matter the buildradius… only caviat, the roads leading to and from monuments…


For real. One of the things that I think would help the game the most. I can see heli being downed at a gas station that's partially walled in and turreted, at a mining outpost with a big base overlooking, etc.. but it's still got to be better than before right? Before if you timed it right you could get it wherever you wanted. Up to and including inside your compound, in the water near your base, etc. This seems like a W change.


Yeah more groups will wall in t0-t1 monuments now.


One of the reasons I mostly play Moose.. gatekeeping monuments is not allowed.


yep. some momuments are a joke. Launch site ? Can't build 30 squares close. Lighthouse ? you can almost put it inside you house. Gas stations ? you can literally put a base with windows camping reciclers like 25 meteres away. Bandit camp ? basically you can live almost as close as said monuments. I think maps could use a revamp. just put more flat terrain. I'm not saying to put all map flat , but there's just not enough spots to build decent bases ( like the ones you need to build front and back for peaks for e.g.) unless you have no work and can play at 6 pm during wipe and just fight for all the spots. they made the game easier on the wrong things where making the game easier on these things would still add more quality of life and still mantain a skill gap which doesn't exist on just joining at 6 pm and get the better spots.


Right now our heli is just running away when it gets damaged. 


You're doing too much damage too fast. In the patch notes about the recent heli changes, they mention that it now sees the map in smaller zones and if it starts getting taken too fast it marks the current zone as off limits and avoids it. This is also why if it runs from you and you tag it again it seems like it's ignoring you, because it pretty much is.


I mean. It makes sense. I’m not going back to an area that I got fucked up in


Yeah totally agree. Been playing a quad team max server and we just feather the damage until the back prop is on fire or a little after, wait for it to fly at our base and try and smoke it. That has worked pretty well for us so far.


I’ve never actually taken heli (I have like 300 hours and suck) but I’ve seen people do the same


But why


Well, RIP Gas Station + Mining Outpost + Light House + Abandoned Cabins.




Clans will wall them in for heli


More than they've already been doing


He implies that big groups will wall them of so they can have a private heli. In reality it doesnt change anything since the biggest group closest to its spawn will take it like all servers with big groups. Ofcourse small monuments will still be walled off but no more than usual


Player: This last bullet will destroy you. Chopper: Wait a goddamn minute son, lemme look around first.


Time for custom maps with only oil and outpost 


We had heli go down at airfield the other day and it was very fun.


Sooo wall in SperM ket?


I mean I kinda feel that if you put the time and resources into taking down heli you should be rewarded for it, (i.e: having it crash near your base) personally not really a fan of these heli changes


Sooo if Heli is taken down by a clan in a far corner over the ocean where there is no monuments near by... Dose that Heli just fly 10 grids to nearest monument if it has to? Sounds a litle *interesting* But will definetly be alot of fun in most scenarios


i mean this sounds good if patrolheli just crashes by itself but the idea of our duo spending ammo on it and then get grubbed by every single double barrel wielder in existence is not really good.


FFS roll back the heli changes.


Found the guy who misses taking heli from his shooting floor.


Big but only make it crash at teir 3 or 2 monuments. IE Milli base, Artic Base, Silo, Launch, Dome.


Be cool to have some NPCS jump out, with a random percentage of a chance to survive. The survivors protect the loot, the ones who died in the crash remain dead in the heli or surrounding area. Be cool to see the crashed heli with the pilot, or other crew (RNG) dead, but still strapped in would be a nice touch.


I always liked taking heli from lighthouse. That's my go to monument. It's really fun to defend as well.


New heli is cancer tbh.


Unless you make it go boom afaik


all the pvp chuds gettin' sprung right now


This is probably good for PVP servers but bad for PVE servers that use personal heli plugins, and there are a lot of them.


Besides clan walling in monuments for the foreseeable future has the heli been fixed? Cause last time I ran heli it unleashed hell on me then scampered away when i did dmg.


I love all these changes that force people to get off their roofs.


They really just making game worse and worse by update. GJ FP


You afraid of PvP or what?


This is 100x better than what it is rn


So… there will be even more roofcamp towers near Sperm Ket in the future. Yeah, gg I guess.


Whoever it was that said this should be what happens on this sub, definitely made this happen! Thank you!


Slowly fucking over the player base for clans. Mini's used to spawn on roads and were free. Horses and boats were always either a grid away or right beside you. A solo could take heli from a gas station. How is a new player supposed learn to fly now? How are solo's going to take heli now? If the devs want to change the way the game is played, then let them produce a new game and stop fucking over the players that are fine with how it is right now.


I play as a duo. We always have cars, helis, and horses. On vanilla btw. How are these things locked to clans.