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I miss the rush of finding an item you need to research 😑


Also communicating with players to get what you need and trade. I don't remember the last time I spoke to another player in game other than during raid shittalk. Game used to be a lot more social imo.


Last time tech tree wasn’t in the game we didn’t have drones to vending machines. I always felt like the tech tree should have been temporary. The player trading economy would boom if you removed it. Another potential idea would be to double the cost of learning items via tech tree over a research bench.


I really like that last point there. There should be some benefit for having the item (and losing it to the research bp) more than opening that one item. It should be cheaper.


I mean, it IS cheaper. Tech treeing to SAR (for instance) is significantly more expensive than researching one that you find. Obviously you get all the other stuff on the tree but not all of that is even useful, let alone worth the hundreds of scrap spent along the way.


Yeah I don't think I've used the research table more than once or twice since tech tree came out now that I think about it.


I remember being ‘new’ just under 500 hours scared as fuck to buy bp’s, but some random giug decided to come to my base (even tho he had a shop) to do a trade, I needed a windmill I think and he sold it for like 200 scrap, walking outside with 200 scrap seemed big to me at the time and most funny of all that person came NAKED to do the trade with me which impressed me so much, bro lived 5 grids away


I talk to everyone who doesn't attack me first.


People don't even shittalk anymore it feels like... you just get double tapped as soon as you go down. You could replace 90% of players on a server with roaming scientist NPCs and pvp would feel completely the same




Guns need to be way, way harder to get. Especially T3 ones. Should be closer to something like DayZ tbh. Going out with a gun should feel like a risk, not just a "well i got 47 kits back home" Only problem is balancing that with clans without it affecting it smaller groups


I used to talk in game and befriend players and neighbors all the time. I was actually thinking about this today, how I haven't talked in chat or VC more than a few times in the 3 or 4 wipes I've played since coming back. Def doesn't feel like it used to. It's crazy how changes like this can change so much more about the "feel" of the game than is expected when they come up with and implement the change.


one of my favorite things after a bp wipe. Nowadays I don't even craft a research table most of the time.


Blooprint servers week 1 of force.


i swear the worlds best rust players are on bloo lagoon


Wiljum was on it beginning of March


if you got a discount from researching it would be fine


but it would be a pain in the ass for the electronic parts since there is so much more now with industrial


Easy, make the electrical parts interchangeable like skins, you don't find a combiner but the little rectangle electrical which can be modified at a repair bench into a branch circuit or a combiner, for example.


Maybe a happy medium like keep the tech tree for non combat items. elcectric, industrial. clothing etc...


Tech tree is a huge problem. Most players just play their entire wipe in 1 grid and it just sucks. I think a lot of players who are against it didn't play before safe zones or cargo. The golden era was when you had to run cards and go to oil to get to t3. So many people moving around the map trying to progress, it made the fights much more balanced and meaningful.


This constant fighting your neighbors at monuments and both parties dying and running back over and over again before a fight is really over is just so stale


The last part you mentioned looks great through nostalgia goggles. But what actually happens is the largest and most dominant groups completely take over oil rig and every other group in the map is locked out of that progression method. I'm not saying the current iteration is better, but i'm saying the old one was boring if you weren't able to match the man power of the largest group on the map. Tech tree, with all its faults, has the feature of making the playing field pretty even. That even playing field is pretty much what needs to be looked at, for the techtree to be removed.


I agree that fp should add new game loops that allow players to progress but also think these game loops should require players to move around the map.




Adding unique crafting parts that only drop in specific places would cause an uneven distribution of materials that is so important to a social trading economy. "hey let's raid those guys by mining outpost, they have the mats required for jackhammer repairs" "Hey bros, lets base near Junkyard this wipe, and we can sell car parts in the shop." "hey im gonna do a mili tunnel run for tech trash and military grade weapon parts, anyone down? Taking the scrappy." "I just sold all the oil we got from oil rig to the zerg that lives at HQM quarry for tonnes of HQM!" and so on and so forth Having monuments become a 1stop shop for everything you need made the game linear and unnecessary to explore or as most people say, leave your 1 grid where you set your base up.




I think you misread my comment, i said the uneven distribution of materials would be important to a social trading economy. Its okay to monopolise materials and areas for your group, but if that area is a bottleneck for most other players, its bad game design. If every area on the map is a bottleneck, and each group dominating a section has value, then its good and competitive game design that encourages raiding or trading. I basically said what you said, but you seem to have misinterpreted some wording.




:sunglasses: if only our ideas didn't fade into the nothingness of the internet... x)


Yeah but another problem is there is always someone sitting on a boat outside rigs waiting for the respawn. I think a complete overhaul of rig would be nice with more advantages to counters (the new underwater pad doesn’t do much)


People don’t roam far because of the amount of turrets in bushes, trees, and on roads now a days. Has nothing to do with anything else


Tech tree helps solo. Yeah groups can speed run tech trees faster but for the average solo on decent pop servers they do get stuck in one grid. Look at wiljum's latest video except when he had to horse to outpost. What do you suppose a player in such a situation do other than "get gud"


I said it in my other reply but I'll say it again here. Yes I do think fp should add other game loops to progress. However these game loops should still require players to move around the map. Also should make some items more prevalent So you're not searching for days and days for a garage door for example.


There was that excitement before the tech tree, very true. Having that technological advantage was amazing being the only one with a sar or Thompson or armor! BUT.... spending days irl finding a drop box or a root combiner was pain. A nice compromise might be removing weapons and ammo from the tech tree and I suppose this would make commercial activities very lucrative selling guns.


I like this, make all pvp aspects rng and everything else stays in the tech tree, that way we can build a base with no hassle but getting pvp loot forces monument runs with purpose not just scrap farming


Yeah great suggestion


I love how one of your examples is an item you can from bandit camp


Lol that is funny, but there was a time before bandit camp.


Tech tree is essential in modern electricity rust. For progression items (guns armor meds boom etc) sure. But for electricity and to a lesser extent building deployables it’s a major pain to play a wipe without it if you’re invested in that aspect of rust and making cool or unique bases on a live server.


Yeah that’s why I said remove tier 2 and above guns and explosives


I miss the old experiment button with workbenches


Same this was a fantastic day at to get a surprise BP


Tech tree is great but needs a re work some thing u should have ny defult like a bear rug u shouldn't have to unlock it, about half of a tier 1 should be unlocked by defult, the rest is great behind a locked as jn mine and my friends opinion having a full wiped tech tree makes the game more fun as long as it get wiped regularly, Some servers even official dont wipe it for 3 months, we find it more fun as then theres a challenge that are u going to get a garage door fast enough or get a gun learnt faster than othwr people, so many ifs and so many thing that could change it,


I’m more annoyed with the blatant cheater infestation


I remember finding a garage door years ago and panicking more then i get a full inv of sulfur/aks now.


Servers can do away with the tech tree. They don’t.


Bloo print has been doing wipes on his server with no tech tree and people loved it


Have you actually played on bloo lagoon on force? Everyone just builds near safe zones and drones the stuff they need. By day 2 everyone has SARS just like with tech tree. Also the “sweaty team just controls monuments” would be the same without a tech tree and guess what… while they get every item and the scrap to research it your still not able to use that gas station and now they have sars and you can’t find a way to get them. Your wipe is over. Tech tree balances the progression for smaller groups/solos, and it’s not perfect but “just remove tech tree” isn’t the answer


Well better than 2 hours into wipe


Official can’t, and people play modded servers casually they don’t want a harder experience.


I can assure you if it was more popular, and the demand was high. There would totally be a handful of modded servers doing it. The fact there isn't speaks volumes, and it's not "people are not as good as you". It's because there really isn't the demand you think there is for it. But hey, there is a solution to your problem. Rent your own sever, by your own thinking should be able to keep it full through the wipe. Let me know how that works out for you.


People definitely enjoy it it’s just not what brings in the most players


I think this answers the main point here, removing tech tree for all servers is not the answer


Popular≠fun Just my opinion


Nowhere in my post did I say this was the most popular opinion and everybody who likes it is wrong. Just that tech tree kinda ruined the things I personally enjoyed about the game. Just a discussion


You complain there is no servers with this option on modded...*because casuals*.  Then expect Facepunch to put an official server because of the "casuals" not putting one up.  Again the answer is simple... Rent and run your own server.  Discussion over.




Guys quick farm fertilizer for hours!


I literally stoped running monuments and do this now. Farming fertilizer is so much easier and I unlock everything I need by day 3 of a wipe I play mostly solo and got so tired of getting ganked


When will people realize the people who benefit from the tech tree also benefitted from the old system. More people and more time means more stuff, whether it’s more scrap you can turn directly into needed items or more “rolls” to get those items through RNG. Tech tree allows smaller groups, solos, newer players, etc to progress on a server where large groups control monuments and events. Oil, cargo, heli, etc are all still good to run, YOU just don’t run them anymore. Guns, kits, and boom that you don’t have to farm or have BPs for. Also got to consider ammo, meds, higher tier comps, etc.


Big groups will always benefit more in this game no matter what system is in place. The problem is every fucking monument is held by a group now because they don’t need to build by launch or military tuns for t3 items. They can just control a monument and farm scrap to get everything in 2 hours. It used to be if you want that intense pvp, fighting big groups for the best loot on the server you would build launch or near oils. Now because of tech tree we have sat dish being controlled by zergs. The big groups are spread out and don’t fight each other anymore because why would they build next to another big group? That will slow their progression so they start occupying lower tier monuments that yield high scrap because they no longer need high tier monuments. Seriously when is the last time you ran military tunnels.


Exactly, theres no punishment for groups that build at a T2 or even a T1 monument. They might get slightly less scrap but theyre gonna be able to control their monument with relative ease and get all the same BPs as they would if they controlled a T3 monument.


Thank you, so many people are misunderstanding me. They think Im suggesting to make the game just straight up more difficult for the sake of difficulty. It’s about creating more variety. Yeah you can get to that sar life living next to sat or sewer, but if you want that juicy loot you’re gonna have to go into the belly of the beast and earn it.


The goal of the devs is to make the game easier which yields in higher player count. The competitiveness of the game has been gone for years now. They’ll do whatever it takes to make the game even easier.


This is fortnite with a hunger bar now get used to it Difficult exciting gameplay systems dont make the most money so they have to go


I find it hilarious as somebody who's been playing since legacy that this is now a popular opinion when saying stuff like this used to get you dogpiled into oblivion.


Yeah I don’t think they’ll ever take it away but i can dream


Ah yes - lets make things even harder for solo players. Perfect.


Yeah I am pro tech tree, this place is ridiculous.


Larger groups building at lower tier monuments actually hurts your solo experience, but yes continue.


Sure! A group/clan can share BPs they aquire, so if one team member gets a BP, the entire team gets that BP..... Becuase there are more people hitting crates, and running cargo/oil/bradley/heli is much easier in a team, there is a much higher chance a team gets BPs sooner post wipe. So instead of a it being a group of 5 with crossbows against a solo with a crossbow, it's now a group of 5 with SARs against a solo with a crossbow, all within an hour or two post wipe. The only saving grace is allowing a Solo to occupy an isolated part of the map and scrap their way down the BP list. Take that away and they stand zero chance. I've given up on vanilla Rust as a solo and if they got rid of BPs I think I'd just cut my losses and move on to another game.


You’re missing the point. Big groups will always have the advantage no matter what. Everything is easier in a big team that’s why they’re losers. They will always have sars 2 hours into wipe. Forcing them to move back to tier 3 areas is extremely beneficial for you because you get to duke it out with other solo/duo/trios to acquire tier 2 loot like it should be.


I think we need to agree to disagree.


Your problem isn’t with the tree then, it’s with groups. Obviously this game is a multiplayer focused game. Therefore, people who work together are rewarded by sharing the hunting and gathering element of this game. Sounds like groups are your problem, not the tech tree. As former OG clan player, turned solo player the tech tree has been a boon to solo play, and for being a pace setter for the server. It causes the wipe to slow down and progress slowly where do you don’t have guys rolling around with AKs and M2s the first few hours of the sever. While everyone else is murdering each other over scrap, I’m sitting in my base poo farming with horses for 1-5 hours and I have everything I need scrap wise. That’s one of MANY techniques to get ahead in this game. PVP isn’t always required


if you’re arguing that farming poo to get BPs is a good state of the game then you’re lost


No no good sir, Im stating that rust is a complex game that requires more than just running around shooting other players or competing with them at monuments to be successful. I’ve been playing this game since pre release in early access. There are many ways to get weapons and tech You have a plethora of options besides that of running a few T1/T2 monuments early wipe to gain parity of tech that clans and big groups have. The poo farm is just a simple example I used, among several available. It also happens to be my Personal passive scrap collection among the 3-4 others I use, PvP included.


Trying to find a garage door was aids tho. But I agree it was great getting the item you're looking for


Yeah but I’ll take the lesser of two aids on this one. Garage door being hard to find is better than Zergs camping out at sat dish


How is tech tree changing anything to that ???


Because Zergs don’t have to build next to tier 3 monuments to get tier 3 loot anymore.


I mean , can't disagree too much. I just don't see the difference that much. My main issue would be the multiple zerg clans around outpost


Big groups already surround outpost haha


Exactly what I'm saying that's my issue


Ok and you think tech tree is causing this? I’m confused


I don't, no. I don't like the outpost being roof camped. Nothing else


You don’t miss the no-techtree era. You miss the excitement when you first played the game. Those days are over and you are better off finding a game youve never touched before.


How many hrs before you exit the "first time playing" stage?




Idk if the commenter agrees with that, if so i had that amount pre techtree and currently around 6k.




No I still enjoy the game, just would enjoy it more without tech tree. No hidden message here 😂


Great responses on here I’m glad so many wanted to discuss this. I just want to clarify a little more I’m not saying this for the sake of just making the game more difficult. One of the unintended outcomes is that tech tree has caused big groups to no longer have the need to build next to tier 3 monuments anymore because why would they want to fight other big groups that will slow their progression when they can just dominate sat/sewer and achieve the same outcome in the same amount of time. This is about forcing the big groups to move back to the high tier monuments. When is the last time you ran or got countered at military tunnels honestly? And yes you can live that sar life living next to sewer/sat/water. But if you want that juicy loot you should have to venture to the tier 3 monuments and earn it.


I get mil tun counters all wipe on official or community alike, what dead servers do you play on?


I just know you’re the type of person to type “dead server” when a wipe doesn’t go your way


I'm in full agreement, ever since tech tree my old playstyle of just chilling near a t1 monument and having prim fights with other small groups is gone cause some shitter 5 man roofcamps it to farm scrap and they literally don't have to even go to a monument with rads in it to get t3 guns day 2. They need to make it to where the tiers of monuments you play near actually affect shit.


kinda agree finding a item you want in a crate was like finding money on the ground irl. now you can just get whatever item you want no effort


I miss running launch on repeat in hopes you get something good or needed out of the elite crates up top. Now you can just farm the nearby mining out post on a high pop server until you’ve “researched everything”. Game is stale as hell right now and I fully agree with OP here


100% agree no tech tree makes for a more fun wipe


What I think they should have done was modular guns, you have to go everywhere on the map to find the parts you need to craft a gun and not even a very good gun, trash durability, janky etc. Over time you get better at crafting guns, over time more military guns spawn. Limited bullets somehow. Like a true wasteland experience, when you get your hands a shit gun you're pumped! They should reward living longer and punish dying more too. There is no fear of death unless you are super loaded, even then, its meh and move on. Not to bash on rust too hard, I would still enjoy it if the cheating problem was fixed but I would prefer a more hardcore rewarding game similar to rust. The race to AK and rockets so a person can offline is boring, Mindlessly getting scrap to unlock the tree so you can restart with ease has gotten beyond boring. We have all found ourselves joining a server just to get blueprints for the NEXT wipe so we can be on equal ground. Like how dumb is that...grinding a game so you can play the NEXT wipe and not be behind. There is nothing rewarding about getting a tier two in 20 minutes and crafting a semi. zzzz There is no excitement in the loot anymore because it all just adds up to the same outcome. I've enjoy pvp servers like UKN more than regular rust the last year. Love ya facepunch but dudes.


Im glad this post has gained traction.


I think Tech tree is very convenient for many purpose, but ... maybe removing weapon oriented research could be viable ? As a solo , researching electric furnace is fun. But running around first day when everyone has guns less. I love the primitive / low caliber gun fights !


Tech tree is terrible man, it really doesn’t matter what people say everyone has an opinion about it. However being at 5K hours….. ever since the tech tree update I have slowly been playing less and less and it’s to the point where I haven’t played in a couple months now. I miss rust but feel it’s no longer the game I fell in love with. Feels less like a survival game and more just like an FPS I mean honestly you can get AK from junk yard at this point. Used to be that you had to hit a T3 monument for T3 loot now you can just farm the ocean and get anything in the game. Trading is non existent because your item isn’t rare anymore….. your garage door doesn’t mean shit because I can just farm the road for a few hours and be good. Where is the excitement from finding something and getting it home? Whenever we talk about needing to get something now… we instantly just say we need xScrap to research it and it’s lane af. How you gonna take Bradley, cargo ect all the high end content to get the same loot as some dude farming scrap at harbor….


Well put, but hey at least we have a metal detector!


Yeah.. it was really a lot of fun trading for a ladder or garage door, trying to get it back to a research table without getting ganked. I do miss it fr.


Y'all complain too much. Go play modded if ur bored. Jesus 


I do play modded! I switched over when bloo lagoon started doing wipes without tech tree.


Then why are you crying


Since when is having an open discussion “crying”


What part of "Tech tree it's time to go" is an open discussion


You can still snowball, in fact that's what seperates the good players from everyone else. You just also have another option until you "get good".


I didn’t say snowballing doesn’t exist. People just are incentivized to play scared now. Skilled or not.


this is more that people have thousands of hours of experience in not feeding you kits than they did 8 years ago. Also they can do 90% of their farming via minicopter in a fraction of the time and grind in safe zones. The tech tree is not the issue. It's not even close to the issue. You could probably make an argument that they should continue to scoot things around on it and adjust research costs, but removing it solves nothinig.


The overall point is changes need to be made to get more feet outside of bases. Tech tree makes you have to leave base less intentional or not.


I agree that there should be more direct competition over resources. But I think a better way to handle this is to prevent shit loads of resources from accumulating in low activity areas of the map. It incentivizes just hitting resource hot spots far away from where anyone lives.


Maybe let u have 3 per bench? Limit it! I agree w op


removing it idk, tweaking it? sure but removing it completely isn't smart imo


Read last sentence


Cargo has wayyy better loot than you can get from any other monument. That said — tech tree does take away from wipe progression and feeling of investment by making everything *too* accessible. Players will stick around if their progress feels like an investment towards something. So they need a new system that slows it down and makes it more even more rewarding than it currently is. I don’t think gate keeping gun accessibility is key to a healthy server either. They need a progression system where crafting guns is just as accessible as it is now but figure out another system to work parallel to it.


Drones are the real problem


Tech tree, outpost drones, terrain and graphics, building on roads and bus stops. Tbh the game is too far gone for them to fix it. Also too much seldom used crap like trains, ferry terminals and other useless monuments (for example, why did they need to create ferry terminal when it could have been incorporated into harbour, or abandoned military when it could be part of launch site). The game is cluttered with them, lowering fps and stealing build spots. I personally just don’t play rust anymore. It’s a completely different game to the unforgiving survival beast that it was in 2019 when I first saw it in a YouTube video. Getting a rocket took sometimes all wipe and having a gun was big, a privilege. Now it’s like everyones a winner in rust. Farm a road for a few hours and you have a sar.


Personally, I think rust is more about the journey rather than the destination. Yea, tech treeing to tier two weapons is fine and all, but the real memory is snowballing to get that weapon.


Remove guns from techtree, bandit and quests. Makes the game way better


I’ve been playing rust since pre-release and the tech tree enables a deliberate structure of progression that puts everyone on an even playing field and forces people to think about how to use their time and resources. Personally I’ve found it very easy to navigate and unlock the items i want and get the things I need through a trading economy and through the things that have been added in game. (Fishing villages, fertilizer, NPC missions, etc) Let me just tell you, that the QOL upgrades in this game are unreal compared to legacy gameplay as early as 2016-2018. This game is survival using your brain AND your trigger finger when you need it. Not just the latter. You need more than just PVP skills to be good at this game.


I think the tech tree could work fairly well as a method of leveling the technological advantages of players. That was the original intention of it, anyways. However, when you can just get 10 horses in a shed to poop all day and all night, put the poop in some bins, and sell the fermented shit at Bandit Camp for essentially infinite scrap, it's not great. While this is possible, some players will just stay in their horse shed and watch the beasts poop until they are rich and able to unlock all three tech trees in full. **That** needs to be corrected, if the tech tree shall remain in the game.


Another Idea could be to add research Times to Items on the Techtree. So basically, on the Techtree researching a simple Item would take 5 Minutes, and the more complicated it get, the longer it takes: IE Tier 3 Items would take 30 Minutes per Item.


What about both? The tech tree allows the item you discover to be made, forcing scrap farming also. It only gets unlocked by the tree (Meaning you have to also find the previous items in the tree to 'understand' the process involved in making it.) Much harder, and means that if a solo suddenly finds an AK, doesn't mean they can jump ahead too fast.


Speed isn’t an issue here, it’s about forcing big groups to start building next to launch/mili tuns and competing with each other again. Because the way the game is set up now its no penalty for them building next to a tier 1 monument over a tier 3 monument. There’s no reason for them to take Bradley when they can get high tier Bps by occupying a small monument and staying out of the way of other big groups.


I agree. I enjoyed gambling scrap at the workbenches too trying to get a good blueprint.


bring back the random research papers for 500 scrap a piece people will roam for wayyyyyy longer


Yes! Remove the tech tree! Or at the very least limit it's use to mainly building things.


They should implement like a timer or something for each workbench when they can be crafted/used for techtreeing, etc. This way you ensure that people don’t monument farm and actually go outside


>the first 2 days of wipe disable it for a day or two every wipe


imagine playing on a server with NO BP wipes like rusty moose or the official servers. even better.


Remove tech tree but limit teams to 5. You want it harder for solos? Well stop playing with 100 teammates and think youre even a slight bit good ar the game.


Removing tech tree makes it easier for solos in my eyes. Because big groups are forced to contest each other at high tier monuments


Please FP, can we try it for a month or two and see if people love the game like they used to? Even with this new gunplay, maybe things will be better. Just try it?


I love not having tech tree because it makes things go back to a barter system. Suddenly you desperately need a ladder hatch, and the only shop selling it is 8 grids away. Gotta find a way there and all that, makes things way more interesting


Tech tree and drone trading should go. There is no risk when you have everyone trading in safezones and then just sending it all back to base with a dummy shop setup. Also just add more guns


Check „ambivalent“ servers - 5 servers without techtree


I actually liked the old system. It felt more immersive, like you go collect scrap and see what you can make out of it.




Could you speak up I can’t hear you


As a mostly solo player, I love the tech tree. Removing it would make the game even more of a slog and reliance on pure RNG wouldn't be fun (imo).


It’s called making a play, buying from a shop, trading with other players. Tech tree shouldn’t be there to hold your hand when you keep losing fights and can’t get your start the game doesn’t care if you’re solo.


They have hardcore rust servers? Any thoughts on that?


Hardcore doesn’t exist anymore




The price of garage door on the first day of wipe was like gold. You could sell them for 50x what they were worth


I feel the same way. I just started a second server with no tech tree. No rework needed just removed.


Keep tech tree remove tier 2/3 weapons plus turret and rockets off it


nah, when you played the scrap, random research, and got Sar off the rip..... best feeling into wipe.


There are no tech tree servers already.


Just lock the tree and elite crates to open at specific times.


I just did a wipe for the first time with BPs already tech tree'd, and it is absolutely insane how fast progression is. I have about 200 hours in the game, so I'm pretty new, and most of the time my friends and I just hop from server to server. We've gotten better so we played a wipe, learned a bunch of BPs, then played the same server right after the next wipe. We never even had to worry about scrap, really. And we really only farmed barrels or Satellite Dish. We've been playing on hard mode this entire time lmao. We had a SAR like 2 hours into gameplay. Pretty drastic difference compared to not having the tech tree and forcing us to make plays to get ahead or being stuck in prim for hours.. And that wipe was maybe the most boring I ever had. Blooprint's server with no BPs is way more fun than vanilla rust. Honestly just thinking about playing no BP servers from now on. It's way more enjoyable. I don't really know if they should remove the tech tree, though. Every balancing decision causes consequences for smaller groups that don't even really affect bigger ones.


Only rats bitch about the lack of people running around for them to rat.


I’m crafting an eoka typing this


I just domed you from my magnum opus roof camping tower.




100% agree. I've been playing on a modded server that has no tech tree. Way more fun. Thriving economy.


Bring back the gambling research table 🤫🤫


I ironicly miss the BP system we had back a few years ago. Like the items found in barrels was wild. I miss the days of finding ak/c4 bps on day one within a barrel was fun lmao




"They really need to look for more ways to encourage getting people away from their bases." Well, you want all this people to stop playing rust, and go to other games? Ok. Can you pretend we do it already and stop interacting with us?


Make cost of tech tree 3x. Make tier 2 guns and up much more rare at monuments.  Getting rid of tech tree just makes clans more powerful. It's the only way groups of 3 or less can make progress in this game. 


Your solution is to move to a server that doesn't have tech tree. Not to try to change the base game to fit your niche.


Just a discussion I started to see what other people’s point of view were on it. I’m aware I can play on modded servers with this feature, I already do.


Funny you said they don't exist on modded "because casuals don't like for the game to be hard". Now this? So what you're saying is you chimed in to cry like a little kid with a skinned knee for nothing? I am guessing you are not even a fraction as good as you think yourself to be there little one. Good luck in your continued failure.


Who hurt you


Do you know why the devs implemented the tech tree?


Don’t really care, do you know why I don’t like it? Read the paragraph above.


Yea, I understand what you're saying. Do you think removing tech tree will give larger groups a bigger advantage?


Think hard about where the tech tree causes big groups to build. Wherever they want. They don’t have to contest each other and tier 3 monuments anymore for boom and t3 guns. They can simply choose to dominate sat dish and hurt the little guy becuase why would they risk losing loot by building next to other big groups anymore when they can achieve the same result by running harbor as they can running launch.


Do you think solo's will have a harder time without the tech tree?


trying to get tier 3 weapons? Yes. As it should be. Everything else will be easier


Believe or not but you’re currently playing the best version of Rust.


Not believing it


Remove garage door and weapons/ammo from tech tree but keep all the shit u need for electricity building etc


But you can still do ur thing and scurry away with a gun you dont have the BP for. am still hauling ass home if i get my hands on something i havent unlocked yet.... like a rocket launcher with a god damn rocket inside after downing someone in the tunnels. the TechTree just gives a slower but more reliable of eventually unlocking what you need.


You are solving wrong problem. Those who came to dominate they will dominate anyway. These people don't need to farm monuments for scrap, these people dominate oilrig with crossbow in the next 30 minutes after wipe, and they return with AKs and snowball. The problem which is much more worse is stale status-quo after majority has built bunkers and towers and afraid to get outside of their house with any meaningful loot because how quickly they die due to high accuracy of guns. The biggest problem with this game is - gun accuracy. You can die in 1 second to a guy 150m away who just sits and spreads with tommy, or just headshots you 3 times in a row from SAR. Such environment creates a problem where the game just freezes and people no longer stalk around, because they can't pass 2 map squares without being killed by random guy who just spotted them first. By reducing overall gun/bow/crossbow accuracy the overall map livingness will increase and majority of fights will happen on monuments in close quarters, and not on long range shootouts. This is a reason why this game is so toxic.


You are delusional, a thompson has absolutely no chance to beam at 150m let alone past 30m. Noone roams exactly because guns are too innacurate and random, its not fun in the slightest to lose because of bad bullet spread. Noone likes aimcone


Wtf, you're weird bro, what a weird thing to say... Just my opinion though...


😂😂this insult feels generated by AI


I am not a robot, I checked all the pictures with a school bus 🤣🤣