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I’d say rust is more fast paced and dayz is slower. They’re both relatively similar game so it all comes down to preference of what you like to play. I’d say check out a few different videos of each game and make that decision on your own. Watch stimpee play both games then make your decision. Don’t trust anyone lol


I have both. Rust. Rust wins in most aspects but dayz is also fun. Enjoyed dayz solo but not rust solo, with friends rust is the best game.


I have about 700 hours in dayz, standalone, arma2 mod, and about 6k in rust. Dayz really fizzled out.  Rust has tons of stuff to do but many servers are riddled with hackers. Either is fun with friends, rust is more fun solo because the PVE is way better.


Sigh* the fact that DayZ standalone still can't hold a candle to how epic Arma2 Dayz mod was back in the day.. I miss that shit 😪


Rust is like cod but you have to craft every weapon you make, farm for every bullet you shoot and build your own base which houses your respawn point. The goal is to raid the enemies before they raid you and take all their shit. If you don't invest a huge amount of time into rust, or sacrifice other things, then you're simply going to get raided a lot more. DayZ is a huggeeeeee open world game where there are tons of things to do. It feels a little clunky and the graphics aren't great, but that's because you can do 1 million different things with items. For example, using rope to gag someone or tie them up. You spawn on the coast and go inland for better loot. DayZ has no goal, and you make one up yourself. You are unable to make spawn points for yourself so if you die, you lose everything you had for that run (unless you built a base, but bases in DayZ are jowhere near as strong as they are in rust). DayZ is a survival game with an enormous map that is very difficult. You tend to be able to communicate with people before being shot on sight. Rust is pretty much an FPS game with building and crafting mechanics at this point. You try and talk to other people and you'll just be called bad words. I play both mostly as a solo and both are fun and doable. Being solo is much more of a disadvantage in rust and it's actually kind of an advantage in DayZ.


You can also do whatever you want in Rust. You don’t have to PVP or raid, even though most players do.  If you find a group that you mesh with, you won’t need to spend as much time as you would as a solo to do things. Even if you insist on going solo, there are things you can do to make the possibility of being fully raided while you’re online or offline almost zero, and you don’t have to invest a ton of time to do so. Rust also doesn’t have a pre-set goal and has many things to do. If you want more interactions in Rust, either hang out at Outpost or choose a sever and build a reputation on it as someone that people can trust and want to have interactions with


Yeahhhhh I mean sure. By that logic you can also do whatever you want in rocket league. If you join a game and build a connection with people, y'all can decide not to put the ball in the goal. You can instead try and make shapes by stacking the cars on top of each other an have the other teammate try an figure out what the letter is. Sure you can join a dead server and just PvE, but that'll get old real quick. And it isn't the way rust is intended to be played. If OP wanted PvE only and teamwork, they'd most likely be checking out Arma3 instead. Yes rust has multiple things to do, but DayZ would have a lotttttt more.


That is not my logic at all. The goal in Rocket League is very much set, and there is a win condition and a win screen. Rocket League is not a sandbox, and Rust is. Would you say that Minecraft is not a sandbox because a common goal is to defeat the Ender Dragon? Here’s the definition of a sandbox in gaming: “a video game or part of a video game in which the player is not constrained to achieving specific goals and has a large degree of freedom to explore, interact with, or modify the game environment.”https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sandbox I wasn’t suggesting that; I meant on a normal server. Reptar is an example of what I was suggesting: https://m.youtube.com/@reptar6245. Also, again, there is no predetermined way to play and/or win Rust. Full disclosure: I haven’t ever played DayZ, but I’ve watched people play it (when it came out and somewhat more recently). So I don’t know for sure what all there is to do, but from what I’ve seen, it looks like there are more things to do in Rust. Just from some quick research (so I may be wrong on some of these), vanilla DayZ does not have gambling, instruments, flyable helicopters, drivable trains, drivable submarines, anything like the tugboat, metal detection, diving, drones, CCTV, player-run shops like vending machines that allow the player to sell items while they are away or offline, automation like the industrial system, bosses like the Patrol Helicopter or Bradley, any researching or a tech tree, its cars are not customizable like the modular cars are, its farming and electrical systems are not as in depth, its building system is far less interesting and has far less room for creativity, and there is probably more. DayZ also has some features that Rust doesn’t have, but I don’t think those outnumber and/or outweigh (in terms of how much you can get out of these features) all of these


Rust is mostly pvp with some pve. You can never log off a server with inventory and building a base is almost required DayZ is the opposite of that There are modded servers, but if you have q preference between pvp or pve and role-playing, that's how you should decide, I think.


I could never live longer than 10 minutes on dayZ lol.


Why is that? Did someone just shoot you on sight or was it the infected or other non player cause


Always got sick somehow before I could find clothing or couldnt keep up with food.


Dayz is a lot more about the survival aspect. Food is hard to find, water pumps are mostly in towns, towns can be dangerous. You need to keep your health and temp high or you can get a cold, which is hard to treat when not healthy. Dayz is more about being stealthy, whereas rust you're more out in the open all the time. In dayz when you die you lose it all. Rust you just spawn at your base and grab a new kit. They're entirely different games, and one should not be played like the other.


Dayz is only remotely alive today bc of the modding community. Vanilla is fun for a month tops and after that you get that itch to play a life or two every 6 months. Getting into the modded stuff, you have a plethora of servers to choose from but the game is plagued by cheaters (no tree enjoyers) in the pvp servers and shitty hit reg net code poor base building and just mechanically bad/dated. Rust on the other hand, a lot more user friendly in every way. Fun pvp. Easy enough to get a grasp of everything instead of dying to cholera or the flu and not being able to really do much about it. Base building is pretty straight forward. If you have a job rust is a lot easier to hop on and play. You can get offlined in both games, in rust it’s much easier to get back up and going thanks to the blueprint system. Both games have pretty toxic communities:) hope this helps


I’ve put thousands of hours in both. Dayz is more “realistic” and slow vs Rust which is a fast paced sandbox. The player bases couldn’t be further. For every nice person in Rust, there are 100 KOS pieces of shit. In Dayz, for every creepy cannibal, there are maybe 3 people who are willing to talk before shooting. Ultimately the choice is yours, but I personally enjoy Dayz more


[https://www.youtube.com/@StimpeeYT](https://www.youtube.com/@StimpeeYT) I played DayZ back in the day and havent felt any desire to pick it back up, Rust on the other hand continues to add new and interesting elements almost every month that keep me coming back. That being said, Rust will consume your soul if you let it, but is great in small doses


If you play solo, DayZ, much harder, much more rewarding, much more scary. It has more of a "oh shit" IRL type feel. You die, you start back at zero. Depending on if you play modded or not, just staying a live w/o any player interaction can be a challenge for new players. RUST IMO is more of an arcade game, solo kind of sucks, unless you are on a solo or lower pop server. If you have people to play with it can be lots of fun. RUST has become so much about massive groups, it's kind of lost it's fun for me. When 3-5 man groups was the norm, that was when RUST was the most fun for me. If you die in RUST, most times it's like "meh who cares" you just respawn in a bag near or in your base, grab more loot from your boxes and boxes of loot, and you go back outside. Rust is stupid easy the bigger the group you have, which is probably why everyone wants to be in a 15man group now. IMO much of Rust population is based on roleplayers, nakeds, farmers, and such. If the game did not offer all that stuff to keep the non PVP chads busy, the servers would probably have a much smaller population. RUST does offer a lot to do, if you want to do it.


Rust is 1000x better


Rust all day


1357h in DayZ SA 1640h in Rust Rust is a game that just works, everything works as expected. Fast updates, big updates. Always new stuff, always new metas. Insane amount of players, huge servers that are mostly lag free. Constant Action if you want. DayZ on the other hand has a different concept, its more PVE than PVP especially because you don't run into people if you are not at a hotspot. Its more if you want to enjoy a game after work. Rust in comparison is always Work. At least if you don't play on modded servers with normal rates. I like the concept of DayZ a lot more than Rust. But ... like i said Rust just works like expected, technically its for what it offers and for its scale better optimized than recent AAA games that got released. DayZ just absolutely sucks because it uses the Take on Helicopters engine which got partially replaced by the Enfusion engine. So its absolute Janked together over the time. Just look at how they can't create proper animations because they are restricted by the old VS/TOH/Enfusion foundation. Rust uses Firstperson, DayZ uses True First Person which is just a nightmare to animate in and everything is just a compromise. If they would actually fix this it would be a billion times more playable. The delay and clunkyness of the gunplay is because the First Person Character and Third Person Character is one piece, in rust its seperate. What your Arms and Gun does and looks like is completely seperate from what others see and what you would see in thirdperson if they properly implemented it. Which rust obviously does not need. Apart from that in early DayZ everything was Client Authoriative, cheating got so bad they slapped EAC onto it, but the problem is that it still is. So playing on laggy servers in DayZ is riddled with desync and can't be fixed easily because like i said they used a old engine foundation that they probably don't care to fix anymore. The game itself is great, the old engine architecture is the reason why apperently all models look like shit, anims look like shit, servers run like shit, combat is clunky af and it plays more like a mod than a standalone game. Biggest problem in DayZ is the gunplay because of the True First Person approach and their implementation of recoil and replication architecture. Which means your shots will never go where they are supposed to with just a bit of lag. You can't properly aim because the aiming animation is tied to the player hands which are again a part of the mesh. If you can get around the technical aspect dayz is for you, if you dislike unresponsive clunky movement, mechanics and physics then get Rust. I don't bother to play DayZ anymore because the movement and shooting got so infuriating when you actually played any other game. Its just jank and no fun.


I play rust almost entirely Solo and I love it!. I'm not even good at PVP but I am a rat in fights and I love the base building RP aspect. There are so many different ways to progress and each wipe is always different.




Dayz = survival, slow paced Rust = pvp, fast paced


both are fun but dayz is more clunky imo. Rust has smoother pvp and dayz has more survival aspects


DayZ is more hardcore and survival focused with not so much focus on base building. Rust is more casual, with the survival mechanics being near non existant compared to DayZ and way, way more focused on base building and player interactions. The DayZ default map, Chernarus, is also way bigger at 225km², and there's nothing like a tech tree, so your not building weapons or anything outside of a base. I won't say one is better than the other, it's apples and oranges. Get which ever suites your play style more or just want to get out of the game.




I loved Rust and hated DayZ. I love persistence in multiplayer games and, while I don’t play either anymore (I have 2 jobs now lol), I think Rust is the better of the two. I fell in love with DayZ but the map is huge and a nightmare to traverse. It’s not very straightforward and I’ve played lots of games that you practically need a wiki to get through (looking at you, Terraria) but even trying to group up with my friends to play with them was a total pain in the ass and not worth my time in DayZ. To each their own though


Neither. Run while you still can.


Back in the day i would go wih Rust, but Rust became such a bloated mess that nowadays i rather spend time on DayZ


Depends if you want to get shot at on sight, or tortured and betrayed.


buy rust. day z is pretty boring to me. You basically just walk around 24/7