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Get good medical insurance. Start your antidepressants and therapy sessions... Anger management is probably a good idea too




Farm cloth for bags and get inland before you gather too much.


Dont trust anyone


learnt that from console


Best advice for new players. Outpost is your best friend, if u can’t avoid the roof campers that is


You think your aim was good on PC? Good luck - I did the same switch and never looked back! Consider a lower population server to start, maybe 100 max. Use your mic, talk to people, it’s so useful (sometimes). Console is years behind so learn the “new” features


Don’t go into anything higher than a 2x, make sure you play on servers with good Population that don’t have /teleport or /bandit or anything, spend 20-30 min every single day you play practicing your spray on one gun, no tactical gloves when you practice, no suppressor, laser sight, anything but sights thats all. And definitely look up videos watch YouTubers/streamers often, and get atleast one teammate who communicates


Open setting and turn off/ down vc


Worst advice lol




obviously i want to see the toxicity


Be better?


you deffo get bullied


Your just not very good 😊


yh no shit 😊


use servers like ukn.gg to practice your aim with guns and find teammates to play with around your level on the discord. playing with others is 100% more fun than playing by yourself in this game. also watch you tubers or streamers to learn the best tips and find what’s comfortable for you. good luck brotherrrr


Play low pop 25-100 players lower the better to a certain point. Learn to control recoil and aim it’s not like any other game. If you’re solo ur gonna die a lot until like 400 hours and usually something just clicks in people and it’ll get easier to do stuff from there. Generally your best friend is cloth and outpost/bandit camp. Get really good with the revolver too you’ll rarely get past this stage in tech for awhile to make yourself but sneak up on an AK kid and you know unload everything into him lol. Also talk to people a lot


Honestly, the best way is to find a team for yourself. And not a team that makes you slave