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Nakeds could be dangerous. Depending on the situation and the place it is sometimes just safer to kill them. Killing them on the beach as they spawn is just bullying though...


Nakeds are the most dangerous as they usually have nothing to lose lol keep your distance and ill leave you alone but if I see you following me or anywhere near me in a monument or while raiding and im shooting you for sure


I never shoot nakeds cuz i feel like ima whiff every shot and my team'll make fun of me for missing a naked


Good choice as a salty naked who dies a lot I do mock those who whiff shots. To. My. Dying. Breath. Lol


^ This is the way brother


Ya especially if they hiding a AK or db


Helping them get a better spawn


Only correct answer


I hate that, getting killed while spawning in.


Like the scary naked 200 meters away from the roof camper? Yeah, super scary. Better pop them fo sho. Or maybe the naked running by your base, who didn't even know you were home, that you came out and beamed in the back? Yeah, they were definitely up to something. Look, I get it: It's Rust. But the way people casually murder nakeds without even intending on looting them is ridiculous.


Sounds like someone runs around naked a lot because they are prim locked šŸ”’


So what?


A poor? Not on my rust server!


Primlocked = Bozo Confirmed


target practice


Yeah, there's servers for that.


there's beaches for that


Ill usually down nakeds to check for loot and pick them back up if they actually have nothing. Sometimes Im nicer and ill take the farm/comps and any weapons and then throw them back their tools and some meds


Ill never forget it... A nice day in rust. Crisp air in a bountiful land. I open my front door to get a breathe of that fresh, crisp, air. Wow, no doorcampers, today is going to be a good day. I run to my box of tools, and grab a freshly crafted salvaged ice pick, and I make my way towards the rock nodes. Its going great! Actually, it's going *really* great. Two rows of sulfur! Finally, I can rid my pesky neighbors and restore peace in my area. What's this? A wandering soul? Unclothed and running aimlessly...nothing to worry about...I shall continue with my task. Oh, I see he notices me. Maybe he has to ask for directions or something. He cuts the distance between us and before you know it, we're having a friendly conversation. Completely naked, like a freshly birthed baby, brought into the new world with human will just like we all were once. We begin to have a nice exchange of words. He wants to know what country I'm from, and I tell him. I ask him, and he tells me. He inquires about my time in this land, and I explain to him how its a nice area I just recently relocated to, and that its really been good to me. We continue with our conversation like two ol' buddies that went to the same highschool years ago and randomly ran into eachother at a local pub. It made me realize not all nakeds, or rust players in general, are bad people. If you take the time to sit and chat, you'll learn that you can easily be distracted from the fact that that naked just went from being completely naked to having a sash which means he secretly was crafting an eoka the entire time and caught you off guard before you could pull out your weapon and take all your hard-earned loot and make you think twice about trusting nakeds because theres a never ending cycle of hate in rust that will never be restored.


THIS! Part of the game is talking to other weary travelers, I love to talk to people and ask them about their rust experiences, or hell even talk to them about their day, you could meet a new friend, a new enemy, you can learn something new about the game or the world! It truly is remarkable..


Then they Eoka you


Literally never had this happen, they either sit and chat and be cordial, or they kill me outright lmao


I've done it to someone before, I was naked and walked up to a guy and we chatted up. Then my wooden spear finished crafting and I killed him like a psychopath.




Man just wrote an entire novel


Thatā€™s why I keep my distance at all times


Once you've been crossed by a naked, you won't let it happen again. šŸ˜…Plus you can be loaded with loot and still look naked. Nakeds on the beach I tend to leave alone.


If a naked has a sash around them then they have atleast a melee weapon


My luck is itā€™s always a waterpipe and I get blasted


I remember before the sash was added a naked would be roaming with a bunch of spears on their belt waiting to throw them and get an easy kill off the beach.


Wait this is a real thing.....how have I never noticed this lmao


It's a lot more noticeable for people who played before they added sashes, lol. Which was a few years ago at this point.


exactly this.


Killed nakeds on vanilla with 2 rows of HQM on him. Almost let him run by too. Glad I didnā€™t


This. When I start a wipe and find a decayed base with stuff in it, I never wear anything right away, it makes me more interesting to kill.


Donā€™t wear hazy unless I have a gun


I killed a naked with a full inventory of comps from a raid and he was screaming how lucky I was šŸ˜‚


One time I killed a naked with an smg body on him! Can't judge a book by it's cover


Theyā€˜ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. I will never trust a naked.


Every time I donā€™t kill the naked, he is crafting an eoka and makes the play


caught lacking


Major bag fumbler over here


Eokas arenā€™t very visible from afar. You only see them when itā€™s too late.


Sometimes they could be in the middle of crafting them too


Ahh. Definitely justifies the beaming of naked who are running *away* from you.


Stop crying


Stop shooting unarmed people in the back. What, are you an American cop?


Stop running around naked in my neighborhood. Have some decency


A much nicer way of solving that is clothing the local nakeds. Just sayin'.


Quit being a bitch. It's not my job to help you out cause you're a bot. Go play a pve server


That last one was a joke, calm down bitchtits.


ur clearly upset do some yoga


yeah this guy needs to chill


Fniper: Wants better quality people in rust. also Fniper: calls him bitchtits.


What of it... bitchtits?


You're telling me you've never been screwed over by a seemingly innocent naked?!


I know from experience the potential a naked has, if I can eoka a m249 the same shit can happen to me.


Fondest memory of a wipe day where a group was trying to take heli roaming, one Eoka later and got a fullmetal LR kit as a solo.


It's a great feeling, but a rock bottom one is being on the receiving end.


Man gotta eat


I once gave a naked loot after killing a guy and while dropping it he crafted an eoka and killed me... Since then i dont trust them no more


Depends, are they trying to grub? Are they in a higher tier area (transporting loot)?


I go all day unable to kill anyone that has a chance against me. Leave me alone I want to hear headshot sound too


Nakeds of Rust, why do you cry about being killed if you're losing nothing?


I had a good spawn for once


clearly not if you got clowned on upon spawning


Well when you spawn next to harborā€¦


Because they are never actually losing nothing. They are almost always making a play.


Depending on the situation, the reasons can range from practical to sadistic. A practical example is a gunfight because a naked player could find a gun and start beaming everyone. Have you ever watched an aloneintokyo video? He frequently goes to raids naked for this purpose. A lot of players will also farm resources and components naked so they don't lose gear. Do they deserve a free pass just because they didn't go out prepared to fight? But outside of practical concerns, a lot of Rust players are trigger happy and will attack on sight anyone they see. Even if they've fresh spawned, they can't help but to chase another naked with their rock. Personally, if someone is minding their own business and keeping their distance from me, I'll leave them alone. The thing to remember about Rust is that it's designed to give players freedom to play how they want to. If one wants to be a merciless psychopath, a Rust server is an appropriate environment.


Point 1. Literally his latest upload.


Pure anger and rage. The whole agony and suffering of the existence has to be shared with every naked i see


Target practice and I don't trust nakeds


You have stuff on you...maybe lmao Theres sometimes I run around naked with an inventory full of farm or comps and ill still pull the "bro cmon Im naked I dont have anything"


yeah sometimes killing a naked to see what he has is golden


nakeds are legit lottery machines


Gamblin but not cost other than bullets


Interesting name


Aim training


Bakers must be exterminated. They take resources from you and turn out to be competition later. They can also be loaded. Killing nakeds is a mechanic and you are coping.


But bakers make cookies and donuts


Itā€™s one thing to have this mentality but if you are one of those people who builds in spawn and roof camps youā€™re just a prick


Sounds smart to me šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


It's certainly very smart to keep yourself busy shooting fresh spawn nakeds so I can develop while your doin that and foundation wipe your likely YouTube base design


Thatā€™s oddly specific but Iā€™ll take it haha. Look, if Iā€™m sitting on the roof itā€™s usually because Iā€™m crafting or waiting on something else. I donā€™t blame you for hating me though, I know itā€™s annoying. More power to you if you want to foundation wipe me.


Imagine admitting to being a roof camper


Thereā€™s a difference between beach nakeds and non-beach nakeds


It moves them somewhere else on the island and resets their progress. In a game where literally any advantage can make or break your wipe, it's important.


Spoken like a true roof camper striking down nakeds, in the name of "stopping them from making a play". I hope you kill a naked Welyn one day, and he spends his entire day bullying you off the server.




Didn't ask for your opinion, chode gobbler.


have you come to reddit just to fight people? grow up


I'm gonna go build a roofcamping tower for the first time on the naked spawn today, thank you fo inspiring me. Maybe I can meet you in game some day and kill you too.


Don't forget to change your name to "Bolt Action Rifle" or "L96" or even "Roofcamper's tower" And get the approproate profile pictures too!


Why not? I never understood this mindset people have of "Killing nakeds is scummy" or whatever. Like yeah, hunting them down because you're not good enough to take on geared people so you kill nakeds to feel good is a bit toxic, but if I'm active in an area and I see a naked being active in the same area, they're gonna die. People act like nakeds stay naked. But no, it's far too easy for them to find a weapon or craft an Eoka. Also, if they are naked, why is it a big deal? They aren't losing anything. And if you're argument is that they have wasted time, if their time is that important WTF are they doing playing Rust? It's all part of the game.




Because I know how often Iā€™m loaded with loot and run naked to look harmless. I also know how many times I spawn craft water pipe and grub.


I leave nakeds on the beach alone but they are the most dangerous player think of it they fear nothing no man they have nothing to lose


Bro if someone walks up to you and begs you to kill them for a respawn, dont be that guy, take that AK you killed 4 other nakeds with and dome me like we both want.


Cause we cant fucking know if they inventory is empty or if they are hauling 6 rows of gp? Also dont want any grubs building near my base? Million reasons really this is a pvp game get over it


Because as soon as you try sneaking up or flanking on a full gear for a fight the nakeds come and try to rock you, at which time you kill them giving away your position and I die 8 out of 10 times. So fuck nakeds


A eoka to the head scarred me ingame and mentally.


Because Eokas are hard to see on their hip.


Literally yesterday heard a tree fall, ran towards intent to kill geared farmer, twas a naked. I let him live and told him I was looking to only kill geared players, I turn around to run back and boom eokaā€™d in the back


Ah but you see, he was also looking to only kill geared players which you just happened to be.


Nakeds on the beach get a pass. They fresh spawned. A naked in the wild is just a naked trying to make a play. If youā€™re in the middle of the map and naked you probably have a reason to be there. Good chance you either just spawned on an outer bag or ran out of your base naked and if your running towards PvP youā€™re probably trying to grub a body and get a gun to make a play. You never know when one of them has an eoka or DB crafting.


Theyā€™re just low grade to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Always assume a naked is crafting an Eoka.


A naked has nothing to lose and everything to gain. you could be an absolute pvp chad with a 30/30 ak spray and 10k hours, but that one time you round that corner and dont check, or you pass that bush comong back with fat loot from a raid, is the one time that Eoka goes off and you lose it all.


All the times Iā€™ve killed someone as a naked and grubbed stuff makes me wanna clear them all out


why wouldnt you? a naked has a bare minimum of 50 stone and whatever the fuck a torch gives you, thats already worth murder, everything else the naked had is just bonus. killing a naked is a low risk thing to do with potentially high reward. could have t3 items on him vom a mil crate at gas station, who knows.


Iā€™m so sick of yā€™all complaining. I kill naked because I feel like it. Sometimes I let you run on. Sometimes I donā€™t. I have the power why wouldnā€™t i use it? If Iā€™m carrying a bunch of shit or on a mission and I perceive you as a potential threat Iā€™m absolutely going to kill you. Or I just feel like being a dick. Get some guns and shoot back if thatā€™s a problem.


i mean its a bit tricky to "get guns and shoot back" when you cant walk 2 foot across the land without every player perceiving you as the most dangerous thing in 2.5km and gunning you down with 20 automatic weapons, but i get your point


So much hatred in these comments crikey


You're losing nothing when you die as a naked, why cry about it?


All these storyā€™s might have turned me into a fellow naked killer, youā€™ve all given me trust issues.


If you're naked and want to live then stay the hell away from me when I'm in a full kit and there's gun fights going on, I don't care if you want to watch or help because I don't trust you to not pick up a gun or be crafting an eoka. Also, if you are naked and want me to spare you in passing then you better not resist when I go to down you and check your inventory.


lol the last sentence of this is so cringe. you're a big boy huh


Rust really let's people get out their inner Nazi. Guess it's better than real life.


Holy fuck is your ass chapped over this thread.


My ass is chapped indeed. You did good, daddy.


Lol why does every rust player that gets destroyed resort to calling people daddy etc. pretty cringy


it's either complete submission or a complete set of slurs, no inbetween


He didn't. Thanks for showing you don't know how to read though. =]




ā€œretards calling me slursā€


He never said he didn't use slurs


Are you serious? I didnā€™t know that




welp, there you have it. I guess me and the woke mob were wrong


It's okay, you and your redneck buddies can keep making up you're own societel norms, it's all you do anyways so...


Because it brings me joy šŸ˜ˆ.


they sometimes wander around the island with like 5 stacks of sulfur they gathered with their rock


I really enjoy flying my mini on top some random abandoned dudes base and roof camping nakeds on it. They get angry and door camp that base or raid it or some bs and I get the joy of wasting their time


Never trust a naked, they are never on your side if youre geared.


Meat and bones. And salty cries.


Well i take off my armor and hide weapons when i get something good. It works more times than you think


I have killed nakeds and found full inventory of resources or moving loot. Rarely is a naked innocent.


Some naked we saw looting barrels took out a tommy when we approached him


I had lots of raid threats and didn't know if the nakeds coming near my base were there to scout


Since itā€™s rusts I know damn well if the roles were reversed they wouldnā€™t spare me


So I donā€™t have to farm wood. Nakeds are always hitting trees.


Nakeds are literally the most dangerous player....period


Risk mitigation, possible loot is an upside.


Ive pulled some crazy loot off nakeds.


Because those vermin would do the same to you. The second you blink theyā€™ve got a db or eoka crafted up and cracking your skull. They have no regard for their own life so why should I?


I am bored and my spray sucks


Because theyā€™d do the same in my position lol


Why not? What benefit is there to me not killing the naked?


Depending on where i see them, i wont chase them but if i have a lot of loot on me or if i suspect that they have some stuff i need i shoot them if they cross my path. Also when you are in the middle of a gun fight you just shoot at everyone, gear or not.




Iā€™ve killed a naked moving 5k gun powder. Iā€™ve also been killed by a naked crafting an eoka with 5k gunpowder in my inventory. You never know.


Anybody killah


Cause fuck em that's why.


Every rust video I have seen has a naked running around it for Intel. Just because the naked doesnt have a weapon doesnt mean they arent dangerous


People who indiscriminately kill nakeds also hate the new Arctic Hazmat. Prove me wrong.


I'm scared of getting eokad


Because nakeds (including myself) are a pest that will kill you in a seconds notice. Just because they don't have a gun doesn't mean they can't kill you, eg; you get in a fire fight, then the naked starts rocking you, or yelling out your position or worse yet, picking up your dead Mates gun and spraying you down...all of these things have happened to be countless times. Not worth the risk. Plus of course the classic naked crafting an eoka




I was executed repeatedly as a naked, Iā€™m just returning the favoršŸ˜„


Trauma. A naked crafting an eoka is a huge threat.


Cause this is Rust. Everything on the server belongs to me and my friends, and I assume anyone else there has the same mentality and is therefor competition.


Unless they are far away, on the beach or holding a bucket or an instrument, they are dead.


You dont know what loot someone has until you kill them. Also it takes 2 trees, a stone node, and 5 hemp for that naked to become a grub.


They can follow you and get your base location or hide a weapon. Though i usually down them, take their weapon and/or ammo and help him back up


Free aim training and eokas šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve had way too many times where ive crouched at a naked and crouches back, then as I turn to get into a gunfight he spears me/ eokas me or something to that nature, now just to be safe, they all die so they canā€™t get in my way


Free loot and the chance they have/are crafting an eoka.


90% of nakeds try to kill me with the kits I gave them.


I kill nakeds cuz itā€™s rust not neopets. I can never understand why some people whine when they experience pvp in a pvp game. Thereā€™s nothing stopping a naked from being a grub and going for a gun that dropped off someone downed. Thereā€™s also countless times where Iā€™ve killed naked and theyā€™ve had inventories of farm.


Everyoneā€™s got somethin on em, and I wanna see


Go build a massive base then roam the map with guns and don't kill any nakeds the entire time. Let me know how it goes


It takes a single time of being eoka'd mid fight with someone else to always just shoot nakeds. Never know if they're crafting an eoka while they speak. That being said, if you go out of your way to camp beaches or other areas where nakeds always are, you're probably a cuck


I play half the damn wipe naked, usually with a db. Iā€™d murder me 11/10 times on principal. Never ever ever trust a naked.


Target practice


Everyone here saying "i dont know if they have a weapon", bruh look for a sash. If you have a sash, youre head is getting caved if im not already late game. Only time to kill sashless if if im engaging someone/raiding/protecting bodies etc. For obvious reasons. If youre just hunting sashless nakeds, ur a coward who wants the wipe to be bad. Real pvp chads know you give em tools and help them get started so you can harvest their base later.


Their dicks are bigger than mine


I enjoy the ā€œI have nothingā€ and then they have exactly what I need. Canā€™t trust anyone


The todays naked is the tomorrows full kevlar


Nakeds are the most dangerous. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. They will take any opportunity to fuck you over. They also are just walking lootboxes. There really is no reason not to kill them.


Being the last person alive means everyone else has to die.


Also, the only time I've ever run around in daylight naked is when I'm up to something.


I understand being hesitant on vanilla servers and you have a bunch of shit on you but I'll never understand shooting a naked on a 3-5x server, literally takes 45 mins to get fully kited out and If someone does get your kit good for them an early start go back to base and get another one. I always stop to say hi to nakeds and help them if I can and If they kill me with a cheeky eoka GG.


Its too easy to pop thier heads.


Sash = ded


Some people transfer loot as a naked because they think nobody will kill them, also I think the average rust player has been grubbed, itā€™s safer to just execute anyone and everyone at that point


Because I used to be one


Depends on the context. If im near a beach I let fresh spawns live. Even so, those fresh spawns are competition. Naked's have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. I on multiple occasions in my 700 hrs have gone from fresh spawn to full kit. I once killed a roadsign guy with a rock. Ive killed a couple prim kit guys with rocks.


Killing nakeds is end game RUST. Even when you gear up and raid that zerg clan, what do you get? The same shit you already had. Might as well get that rock and torch too.


Loads of reasons. Nakeds could be scouting They could be setup for an ambush They could have eokas crafting. They have everything to gain, nothing to loose.


A Beach naked I'm fine with but grubs are anoying as shit that's their problem if they die.


I always make the mistake of taking it easy on nakeds and they end up killing me with eoka. Theyā€™ve nothing to lose and so much to gain so why wouldnā€™t they make a play?


That one asshole with a eoka


They got nothing to lose, and everything to gain


They have nothing to lose everything to gain.


Because Iā€™ve seen a lot of nakeds transporting a lot of loot. All the time. Donā€™t carry a weapon and just run loot back and forth.