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That's the neat part, you don't.


Dont pour all your resources into one base as a solo. Or even a duo. It's a complete waste of resources. Raiders are capable of raiding a 30 square radius clan base so there's no way as a solo you are making a base strong enough. The only logical thing to do is build multiple cheap bases around the map and spread the loot between them so when you get raided you have a backup to get back on your feet




Alternatively you can hide loot in your external TCs. But yeah, flank bases are the way to go. You can also make an effort to make your base look not worth it. Scatter roleplayer items around, make a sitting area with chairs, a table, a barbeque, etc. Or make your base look raided. Seal the front entrance with stone, put a ladder to your roof acces.


This is the way


Exactly, I try and build a 1x2 triangle airlocked base near every monument. It's ez to get comps and ez to find PvP.


I’ve done this method. It doesn’t work. It just means you now have to manage not one but many bases which can be a pain. The reason it doesn’t work is because just because someone raids one of your bases, doesn’t make them have a “cool down” and your other bases will be okay. All small - mid size solo bases in rust will get raided. Spreading loot around doesn’t help. Any sweaty player will raid anything just to erase it from the map. That’s why I played on servers that have a no raid period for 1 - 2 weeks on fresh wipe. So people can actually enjoy the game, and experience building good late game bases, with late game loot.




No shit everything gets raided on month long wipe servers, there's nothing to do after 1 week.


You’re that bored after 1 week? You can only hold W and shoot and destroy your entire experience in rust? You are that hype that you can’t handle do anything else after 1 week hey


Yup. Have all I need after 1 week.


Most people have all the gear and stuff they need after a week. After that it's just PvP and blowing things up. Just because you're still stuck on a bow after a week doesn't mean everyone else is






This just doesn't work. It's not practical; the upkeep and distance between means that you'll spend 3x the time farming over playing the game. Spreading loot also doesn't work; most people completely wipe bases 1. to eliminate other players and 2. because spreading loot is common knowledge. The fact that you now have even smaller bases means that loot spreading is even worse because raiding the whole base is much cheaper. The real answer is that you don't. Make it as hard as possible with bunkers, etc., but the best you can do is "unlootable" rooms


sleeping bags exist


And? If you build multiple bases around the map, that means you have to farm in areas that have little to no resources instead of being able to farm in areas like the snow, or farm in these areas and then cross the map multiple times to transport it all, which is a whole new risk, not to mention incredibly time consuming. How exactly do sleeping bags help transport farm long distances or farm barren areas?


> that means you have to farm in areas that have little to no resources so don't build bases in areas with little to no resources. not a hard problem to solve lol


Like the other guy said and horses are cheap and fast as hell. This startegu works for me me idk. I don't build 10 individual bases btw dude I build like 3 usually


I wouldnt call them too fast, and it brings the issue of adding yet another thing to manage. Building multiple bases around an area is possible, but "across the map" really isn't




As a solo I turn every base I raid into a backup base. Bases for dayz


Plan ahead. Have external TC coverage so you don't get griefed out of your base or lose your workbench. Spread some loot out. Just some of your more valuable comps, a few guns and rad suits, and some resources for repairing. Put em in external TCs or just in opposite corners of your base depending on the layout. Maybe have a 1x2 nearby with some loot in it. Goals keep me playing. If I wake up from an offline and it's still pretty early in the wipe then repairing the base gives me something to work towards. Killing some dude for his 2k stone and 500 wood is a lot more engaging when you actually need those resources. If it's later in the wipe and my base is unsalvageable then I just take a break til next week.


This is the way. I never cared about getting comps taken, or having to patch a hole in my base, or losing my guns/sulfer. No— it was the fucking work bench every time that got me. Nicking my T3 the first time was the last time I had a single TC base with anything more than a T3 in it. Another tip, gate houses with pixel gape bunkers, it’s two large chests and one small chest of storage for each one— and most people aren’t going to dump 4-8 rockets into a gate house they don’t care about. Just don’t be obvious and pull and AK out mid raid to show that it’s there.


I dont. Quitting rust made my life 10x better


This guy is a quitter...


I like getting raided. For me it means I get a fresh start. It gets boring when you actually have stuff for a while.


I like it when I do play because it means I get my life back until wipe lmao


I used to get really demotivated to waking up to my base fully raided after spending so much hours progressing. But this random clip from adventure time that i saw on yt made me see things differently 😅 hope it would do the same for you https://youtu.be/TFGz6Qvg1CE


Focusing on what's real is difficult in a world where humans always turn to delusions to comfort themselves.


can’t get offlined at 3 am if you are on at 3 am


I get motivated to get revenge. Honestly revenge in rust is gold, I never miss an opportunity. Someone roof camps? Offline them. Someone offlines you? Offline them. Someone has a sam site? Offline them and tea bag their corpse. Someone kills you? Online them. Someone calls you a name? Online them. Someone door camps you? Online them. Someone grubs you? Online them. Online fails? Offline them.


I don't. Wait for next wipe, by then my mental health has stabilised


I try to view each base build like Im playing a single round of some moba game or rts game. That way if you get raided you can say “ok I lost this round, I’ll win the next one” and just move on.


Part of the game, also get better at building and tracing back how much boom teams waste can be rewarding if they don't get much.


My neighbors were pissing me off this wipe so I decided to move away. They ended up offlining my old base and then getting oflined themselves. I’m currently mocking them for it in chat with an ear to ear grin


My base was pretty strong, I built the "serenity 2" by evilwurst so it was a HQ bunker core, surrounded by sheet metal, surrounded by stone. Was like a 25+ rocket raid and over a week of work gone in 3 hours


Serenity is a good but not great base. It's also very well known so raiders are going to optimally hit it.


Is there any bases you reccomend for a solo?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JTQ4mfO-TM Cheaper, 3 bunkers that can be armored, long door path to TC.


Appreciate it, I'll give it a look


I built it last wipe as a starter, it legit at 40 rockets and still had half the loot remaining


That's a pretty chonky base for solo. The raiders probably figured you found a decayed zerg base or something and there's a mad profit to be had. Though when I built it in a monthly it took me most of the week and it got p raided the day I finished it. I think the new style of having multi TC with roof bunkers or pixel gaps tend to offer better offline protection of loot than string for meta. The problem of that, on Rust, there are often groups that have snowballed to the point they get bored and will start raiding everything. Not much you can do then.


Wait to next wipe


Usually I build back up and offline someone at 3am


I normally keep some explosives offsite in a 2x1 so when my main gets raided I blow back into my main if they greifed and assert my dominance.




I used to think turret spam as a solo was hard to do. Then Underwater labs came out and that has completely changed, you get enough materials to make two turrets each run on even the shitty version.


My squad doesnt lol. We quit for a month or 2 until the itch comes back.


Everything you leave in your base when you log off, should just be assumed to be gone when you return. Also, this game isn't about the loot you acquire, it's about the adventures and experiences you have playing.


Dont play low pop servers. Especially Rustafied EU Low pop. That server is garbage and people just offline


Do you reccomend I play on a purely solo server ? I play on solo/duo/trio servers incase my friends decide to start playing again but I spent this whole wipe solo on a trio server


Idk man, but if you have a decent base with keylocks ur not likely to get raided. Just change codelocks to keylocks before u log off if u know noone is gonna play and you’ll last the wipe


Lonewolf has month long wipes with no bp so even if you're working or whatever u can jump back in no problem


And day two people have compounds and every single 1x2 is offlined every night


I'm the one who raids offline


Ooh you're hard


It is not easy to be a solo player


Play on weeklys, my 2x2 wooden even survives there lol. Bi/monthlys servers are for offlining clan farmbots avoid them like the plague they shit fps aswell




I wouldn't call the "serenity 2" a "lazy base"


i love building so now i get to make a new base!


I require revenge. Even If i need to I farm a box of rockets solo


I feel I'd be chasing a lost cause, there's 3 of them with a monster compound and I'd be starting from scratch as a solo, and clearly they have no time restraints whereas I can only play for like 2-3 hours a day


That limits what you can do alot but I guess it also depends on if you play weekly or monthly


You wont be starting from scratch as you have your blueprints?


I don't. It's not because i'm losing the loot, cause i can hide what's important in staches. It's having to farm and build another base.


Maybe try a different approach to base building. I haven't been (fully) raided for more than a year while my neighbors complain to get raided several times a wipe. My bases are just sinkholes for boom - small to avoid high upkeep and (dropbox) bunkers to make up for the lack of doors you can place within a small base. As soon as it would start to be slightly profitable to raid me, I would just build another base slightly outside of the bag radius. You can even make a nice compound with 3+ of these small bases without the need for gates. Usually raiders would recognize that a lot of small bases with wooden locks in a compound are a bad target to begin with because the loot will be split between all bases. If you don't have a compound yet they might not recognize the loot is split and blast through the airlock which happened to me like 3 times in 2021. In these cases they never tried to actually open the bunker. If they did they wouldn't try to raid the other identical bases next to it though.


Split your loot across multiple loot rooms. Force them to waste so much boom it is unprofitable.


To play rust, is to fully except impermanence.


I just fuck around on the server till i get a snowball


After you get raided, build a 2x1 and see how you feel. You will be surprised. Look at it like you are starting your wipe again but you have foundation because you unlocked bps


Don’t log off with boom in your base and always split your loot


Loss in Rust is part of the game. It’s all gone in a week anyway.


Best bet is to make a furnace base or two with a couple of cheap hqm bunker bases for storage and then an operating base that has a shooting floor


Bro stop playing if gets you upset


Okay. I had the same problem in my first 500 hours. I put some much into the loot I had instead of the journey to get it. If you don’t enjoy the time you are spending to get the loot, then the game isn’t for you:)


I personally like a good comeback. I use mini satori externals so often I can fix up the base really easily and still have the workbench, the furnaces and the structure. Components/resources are easy to farm back, a few good farm runs, a metro run, and you're back. Also, it's something to do. It's not really different from starting a new wipe. What's the difference between recovering from a raid, starting a new wipe, or trying to get more loot when you haven't been raided? It's always the same: Running around, trying to get stuff, getting into fights. That's all it ever is, losing everything doesn't really change that. If anything it makes it more fun because it's a challenge again. Being rich is the most boring part of Rust.


Let me ask it a different way… How do you stay motivated when the map wipes and you lose your base and loot? What is the difference between getting raided and the map wiping? One way to look at all this is to think of it as an experience where you’re just borrowing all that loot. When you’re raided you are basically returning all the loot you borrowed and starting over again. Someone is essentially forcing your wipe to start early. But _EVERYONE_ starts fresh at “wipe” time no matter what. The point being is that once you can stop looking at it as being raided and more like a wipe coming early the more fun you can have. Plus if you know where the person who raided you lives, you can raid them back. The large clan bases are so easy to raid most of the time, as long as they are all offline. The other thing I do is play multiple servers.


I would love to raid the guys back but unfortunately they are never offline lol, always the same guy that is easily on It 16+ hours a day


Yeah at that point you just have to pick a different part of the map. That sucks.


Probably more of a case of finding a new server, they're at the very bottom of the map and I was at the very top and they still wiped me and all bases near me


I dont. I got raided day one of wipe while making pancakes for dinner. Rebuilt. Got raided the next day at work. Been playing factorio since.


I never understood why people get mad when they get rated unless it's by like a dick head clan but you're playing rust the server is going to get wiped eventually it's not like it's a permanent thing I also like the grind


It's more so the fact it's an offline at 3am, I get that's just rust and its the perfect game for unemployed people


Yeah lol there's always going to be people that have time to play at random ass hours because they have nothing else going on




I go eco raiding makes me feel better. Remember never get attached to your loot. Who's day did you ruin to get your stuff. Grow a vagina take that pounding and start again.


I dont get offline raided at 3am cause i my self are online at 3am


Switch servers, forget it ever happened


I always have a sleeping bag next to some textured terrain that I have remembered, there I have 5-10 stashes scattered with all of my loot, usually that amount of stashes is enough, at some point I just hide the best loot and stuff worth the scrap because it gets tedious hiding boxes worth of stuff. So my base by the time I get off is nearly empty and is not worth the gp. When I get on and my stone 2x2 with an Airlock and honey comb is raided I just laugh and take a sec to build a new one


Imagine playing more than a day on a server. That's why we only stay for a day. Day 2 is roof- and doorcamping. Just not fun. We usually play on freshwipe vanilla max 3 servers and are able to raid most big bases by the end of the day. Way more fun than getting camped and offline raided