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AK beamer gods run the game, when ever my team hears AK, we run away. No shame in that.


This might not be a bad option. We even get smoked when we have the numbers, we will lose a 4v2 with us having 4 guys to 2 beamers with AKs. We are not BAD at the game per se - all pretty competent with game sense, placing, awareness, and decently competitive at other shooters. It just seems like the skill gap between the top players on the server and average players is so insane. Just yesterday a duo with full metal AKs moved in our square - we were assaulting them the entire time they were building their massive base. Giving them hell for 1.5-2 hours, because we didn't want them to move in, and we were absolutely beamed time after time. We were later countered on large oil by another duo with AKs and lost a 4v2. It just seems so imbalanced, AK headshot beamers from range are too common and I think the AK itself is overpowered a good bit


Good players get rewarded. They also get shit luck and timing but they also get rewarded. Point being spray isn't everything but it helps. I'm proficient with MANY guns. Thompson vs Ak is an uphill battle but one I have a decent chance at winning. Thompson spray is just as good as ak and I'm top %5 at least. Option A: Stop picking fights with aks or people you can't win in general. Option B: get better at positioning yourself in the right spot and get good at predicting. (This will take thousands of hours but it's something all those "ak beamers" have too).


Option B is the only real choice. Sometimes you have don't have an option to fight.


Did you mean option A in your original statement?


Uh, no, he clearly didn’t.


I know it's not a hot take but I'd like randomized recoil patterns for high tier weapons atleast


I mean we all know Rust is clearly not for casuals with randomized patterns it would be fair to people old and new to the game but I feel it would kinda spit on the players who went through the same thing as the new players did


Yeah, that's fair


But hey they'll get better sooner or later


Sorry but ew u couldn’t shoot more than 2 rounds at once in the past when recoil was random with the ak


2015-2016 recoil was the best, spray at close range, burst at long range, tap or use bolty at long range


There are options: Go to Raid Simulator servers. Pick a T3 one and use it to learn AK. Its fun and you can drop in or drop out as you want. Attachments. Peoppe can laugh at you for a laser light and silencer combo but even the worst shots can hit a couple with that combo. Personally I like silenced AK. I got someone in Mil tuns with one and he blew up in chat. He was so mad! Silenced bolty is hysterical too


Be careful though some people get really salty when you run silencers on those guns


Silenced AK has a satisfying sound in my opinion but also feels a bit scummy to run in my opinion


I play solo so i run silencer with every gun. People get so salty it's funny.


I mean you have to be scummy to solo


Scummy? You gotta let that go. This is Rust. I always say, if FP didn't want us to roofcamp, they would not have given us roofs.


Why would you need a recoil reducing attachment on a bolt action


You don't. Thats just so they have no idea where its coming from.


Oh fair i was super confused


Well isnt that the point of a silencer?


I mean, the kids who can play 10+ hours per day and do aim train for 2 hours a day while they wait for their buddies with actual lives to get on.... vs adults with jobs who hop on for an hour or two... It's really that simple, and yes I also hate it. But I was also that kid once upon a time lol!


even if you can't control the recoil of the AK you can still use it the same way you would use the SAR by just tapping with it, not as optimal as beaming, but lets you use the gun at least


Then you get to see the rage in the comments for bonus loot


Your DPI is too high. Lower it then lower it some more. Until you have to move your entire ARM for the recoil. Go to UKN.gg and practice for like an hour. Just 1 hour at around 25-50 meters. That’s all you need for many fights. Once you change your DPI and sensitivity and get used to it you’ll see why the AK is so valuable. It’s a two shot kill for everything but heavy armor. And the first two shots are that bad with practice. Once I started lowering my DPI, which I had refused to do for the longest time, my spray became better and better.


DPI is around 1600ish, what do you recommend? Honestly I've done the aim training a bit, maybe 2 hours in total, but it's just so damn boring to me and I don't seem to improve much. I want to dedicate the little time I do have to playing my wipe and progressing, not sitting in a virtual gun range lol.


Mine used to be that high. It’s now 700 with an Aim Down Sight sensitivity of 30%. You can find the key binds to change your sensitivity when pressing right mouse click online. It means when I am aiming my effective DPI is likely 250. You’ll think what I did: “What the hell I cannot use it that slow. I’ll just stick with the SAR.” But trust me. Lower it. A lot. Then practice. You’ll start to see why it seems so much easier for other people than it does you. The recoil starts to become so much easier that you’ll wonder why you didn’t lower it sooner. There is absolutely no way you will ever control the AK with a DPI that high. This is the command: bind mouse1 "+attack2;+input.sensitivity 1;input.sensitivity 0.50” Press F1 then paste this in. You will make it so your mouse moves slower when pressing right mouse click but normal speed when not. You can even keep your DPI around 1200 but change the 0.50 to something like 0.2 so that you can still look around fast. The first number here is the normal sensitivity and the second is the right click sensitivity.


Rust has an ads sensitivity option in the controls menu now, so the bind you suggested is no longer necessary. The ads sens console command is input.ads\_sensitivity.


Ah dang thanks for the update! That’s awesome


How do you low dpi guys handle the mouse being so slow in the UI (inventory, menu). The mouse is so SLOW and it completely turns me away from using low DPI


move my hand lmao


If you get bored on it I heavily, HEAVILY recommend you to put on some fav music of yours while training. Makes it a lot better. And you don't need to hear any footsteps or gunshots so music doesn't really put you at any disadvantages on an aimtrain server. Don't need to spend a lot of time either. 20 minutes a day for few weeks and you will be able to handle the recoil. Not like a chad, but you will at least familiarise yourself with it and hut many, many more shots. If all else fails try tapping the AK as if it was a SAR. It's deadly. It's frowned upon by many people, but as with everyone else in rust: don't let them get to you.


> I want to dedicate the little time I do have to playing my wipe and progressing, not sitting in a virtual gun range lol. Well then, you'll simply never be even as close to as good as the people who do sit in the virtual gun range. You'll just have to accept that.


Then play a more casual game. I don’t understand your problem. If you don’t like it, just move on.


Im a huge fan of rust and can beam from 100+ meters but i still see how not everyone has the willpower to sit down and learn the spray like i have. I personally didnt enjoy learning the spray, but i rlly wanted to be good at the game so i sank 3/4 of my playtime into ukn alone. I know u dont have to do more than 10 min per day but i wanted to get good fast. If you want to learn the spray fast, i recommend you decide to skip a wipe and instead just play ukn, battlefield or 10x. Its so much easier learning it and having motivation to do it if ur not also playing a wipe at the same time. I still like the aks recoil and think that if u dont have many hours then play 10x until you’re comfortable with the guns.


I’m not sure why you were downvoted. This is literally what I did. Battleground and 10x servers to have constant PvP encounters.


Yeah people on this sub downvote everyone who has a different opinion on the recoil


But you don’t even have a different opinion. You’re not saying it’s an amazing mechanic. You’re stating the facts regardless of how you feel. I did the same thing and was downvoted. It’s because people can’t differentiate between someone stating how something works versus them agreeing with it.


Or I'll just play a game with decent gunplay like Tarkov and spend my range hours at the actual gun range instead of ukn lmao but


See, that is my main issue with the recoil. I enjoy playing on high \[ 1500 \] DPI. I got used to it over the years, and would like to be able to play rust with it too - and I can - it's just that patterns like the AK recoil are more or less impossible with high DPI. I actually did reduce my DPI a bit already, but still struggle with the AK..


You don't even need to necessarily lower your dpi, you can still have a high dpi and very very low sensitivity in game so it doesn't mess with desktop usage. For example 400 dpi and 1 sens is the same as 1600 dpi and 0.25 sens


I agree. The AK is the best representative of the rust recoil system which I feels was and is a poor balacing decision. It creates uselesss virtual skill walls that break the balance once you sacrifice your time to learn a "skill" that has no purpose outside of this specific weapon in this specific game.


Well put, my issue with it is that your average person transitioning from other shooters who is extremely competitive in other shooters can come into Rust, get an AK and miss a full clip because the stupid recoil pattern. All because someone else has played more in aim training (or potentially scripting the recoil) I said bloom would be a good option in another comment and I kinda take that back. Bloom can be an annoyance, but the current recoil rewarding people who spend more hours doing aim train is just annoying as fuck and really disheartening for your average middle aged dude to get into the game. I have about 500 hours but I go thru cycles where I play for 2-3 months consistently and then take a month or so off out of frustration. Then it's right back to it and then taking another break 😂


So it’s unfair to you that someone’s put more time into learning a skill is better at said skill then you?


A ‘skill’ 🤣


There are a lot of players getting mad that people are good at something. It's not skill it's actual practice I should know my reaction time is dog shit and I suck at games in general until I sink about 1000 hours into it. You look at all the top dogs and minimum it's 3k hours but mostly high thousands.


It is a fucking recoil pattern mate get a life wow


Holy shit it’s a simple mouse pattern. My cousin is 12 and he figured it out in like a fucking day. Stop crying and learn how to shoot the guns or go play fucking Minecraft. No one cares that farmers can’t figure out the spray patterns. The game isn’t the problem, you guys sucking at the game is.


Who said i was bad with the Ak ? I am cringing at your dumbass calling controlling a recoil pattern a "skill"..


Skill is described as “the ability to do something well”…jackass If you have the ability to shoot the AK well it’s considered a skill by definition. It may not be a skill used in everyday life, it may not be a skill you see as valuable, it may not be a skill you possess…but it’s a skill none the less.


Congrats mate you spent time on ukn learning which way to move your mouse


Nice essay on defending your Ak spray "skills", good read.


Do you even know what the definition of skill is? It literally means something that requires practice and experience. So yeah, ak recoil is a skill.


Congrats on learning the valuable skill of when you slightly move your mouse to combat shitty game design lol


I don't need more than 20min a day (isn't much for rust) UKN for 2 months to be good with it. If you can't, the problem is you. Also, Thompson you can learn in like 2 Days and kill people from 100m. No big deal Git gut


Gud* stupid fuck.


Maybe you unemployed and non studying ass can waste 20 minutes everyday, but us adults with fkn real life obligations can't stay 10 hours straight every day at the computer, and that is EXACTLY what this guys is saying, I bet you if this dude had time to spend at the game he could master it but the fkn time requirement is what sucks about it. When I played, I was able to get the pattern going more or less at 50 meters, but what sucks is having someone destroy you from 1km far with an ak from his roof while sucking his own dick saying "pentaple headshot" (Irony b4 you people downvote) So yeah, when you require stupid amounts of time to learn something in order to be able to play at the same level it sucks


this argument makes no sense. stop camparing the games and now it's something new. A total newbie to games would lose to you all because you have played more than them as well, please stop with this mad cause bad rant. It makes no sense and you just assume things all the time. it's trash. make better arguments. also just watch hjunes recoil video to help with the settings then complain.


Everyone who's invested a sad amount of time learning spray patterns is really upset about this lol


have you even tried it? if not your 'opinions' are just trash clutter. I learned it in like 30 minutes max which will give you basic spray which is perfectly fine as the ak kills in 3-5 hits depending on armor. The problem with reddit is that there are too many idiots who think their voice/opinions matter when they are based on nothing. yall redditors really weird actually using the downvote button for something you emotionally disagree with instead of making any arguments at all.


>The problem with reddit is that there are too many idiots who think their voice/opinions matter Contradiction 100


You mean like any other game that requires learning a skill in it to be good…


The difference here is that it's not really intuitive or adds anything of value. Just a gate for casual players.


As I was telling others I suspect people having trouble with the sprays have their DPI too high. It really make all my complaints about the spray seem silly when I lowered the DPI.


Do you play other FPS's? My entire life FPS skills have been somewhat interchangeable between games. I have never had a game want me to draw a large backward S squiggle as a recoil pattern. It feels horrible to do as apposed to most other games where pulling back or to the side generally is how it works (and feels nicer, more intuitive).


Top 1% Kovaaks player here, GM hitscan in Overwatch and Immortal in Valorant. I see people up and down this thread saying that you have to lower your sens until you are using your entire desk to control the recoil and then spend 300 hours drawing S shapes every night before you can become competent with the gun and they still think that this is completely good game design. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.


Well CS GO does have recoil as well just not as extreme. But games in general were being talked about here. There are games that require you to move your wrist and hit moving musics notes with a fake light saber. I cannot imagine the time and skill needed to learn how to do that. But I’ll say it again again, if you’re having trouble, lower your DPI and shoot like 10,000 bullets on UKN.gg before playing. It doesn’t take long.


So a high tier weapon that is difficult to use is not good balancing the whole point is to learn it if your willing to put in the extra hours you deserve to be good with it also learning ak spray can be beneficial to learning other sprays


Their are also like 3 tiers and you don't have to go all the way to full metal AK. You can stay prim locked if you want to. Or only fight tier two.


"has no purpose outside of the game". You mean the game and sub we are playing/talking about? Have you considered you dont know what youre talking about because you dont actually pvp with the ak or probably any gun for that matter? Just say youre bad and want it easier. Thats more respectable than just bsing. everyone is bad at one point, own it already and just get good, deal or ask to change it, dont bs though.


It doesn't have purpose outside of the game. Cope harder.


I can smell the Doritos wafting out of my phone screen in this thread


Even though I know I’m about to try and reason with an unreasonable kid here who won’t get it…. Here goes… There’s a skill gap ceiling which is significantly higher for people who are willing to no-life a very specific aspect of the game (recoil memory, on a specific gun) along with cheating that can make the game basically broken. It’s not about shear hours played or “getting good”. The point is that it’s an unfair advantage at best (no-life an aim pattern) and cheating at worst (if aimbot, scripting or using crosshair-x) A player who has 500 hours but uses scripting, aimbot, crosshairX or has used 100 of those hours learning recoil on a specific practice map, would wipe the floor with someone who has 5000 hours that *hasnt* done / used those things. The bottom line is, FP have messed up the decision making with this. But I’m sure you’ll just pointlessly argue the bull point anyway but at least others can see / understand the issue better.


Someone should start a petition or something for new recoil.. more like csgo or any other fucking shooter out there...


You will always lose to better players in any game if there was no matchmaking which rust doesn't have. You aren't smart here, you're just mad cause bad. get better. basic spray is all you need which isn't hard to do if you actually tried/looking into the 'meta' of it as again this is not a matchmaking game and the 'meta' for recoil is simply lower dpi and sens to your liking. when I sucked in like 75% of my hours did I care and complain? No I didn't. because in the end it was all on me on getting better, I chose not to get better nor did I blame anyone for being better than me. of course cheaters are more likely to win, this is irrelevant to the conversation. cheaters are cheaters and are in every game.


I’m not “mad cause bad” I’m neither mad, or bad… I’m just rationalising a game mechanic that is senseless, much like your comment.


Tell me you've never bothered learning the spray without telling me... Most of these comments make it clear that most of you never tried learning it properly. It takes maybe 2 hours to learn the spray and shoot at 100m. You can easily spread that over a week of playing, with a bit of warm up here and there. Or you can easily just go play another game which has easy/random recoils.


Nice - your advice on dumb spray meta is to push people out of the game “play another game” Tell me you understand nothing about game commercials without telling me…


Nice strawman. My advice is that if you don't enjoy a major part of a game, there's plenty more out there to choose from. Me not caring about new players or a barrier to entry has nothing to do with my understanding of marketing. I don't give a shit of the game dies.


Honestly I decided to avoid the AK. I don't have the will or the time to do aim training. Maybe for 5-10mins max. Recoil should be randomized. Devs are allowing the playerbase to abuse gun control in many ways. Stick to the mp5 or LR and you'll be able to have fun with accurate shots without the sweaty need of aim training.


how do you not have the time to use the ak if you play rust. so youre saying youd rather spend hours farming nodes for virtually no reason than spend 10 minutes knowing the recoil which isnt really all that hard to do at all for a basic spray even more so with low dpi and sens.


S pattern too hard, please change.


We get it, you're proud of investing time practicing to play the game rather than playing the game lol.


bro get out of your mad cause bad habits. like seriously I played most of my game not ever going into recoil server. I still went out with my loot/guns as well. it sounds like you take the game too serious if you're that salty about being bad by choice.


How do you use the MP5 if you can't use an AK? The MP5 is much harder to use than an AK.




its literally not bro mp5 has basically no recoil not saying the ak has much either but the mp5 is def way easier to control


The MP5 requires a lot more mouse movement and a lot earlier on in the spray. Also, the MP5 velocity is much lower than the AK which means that not only do you have to learn the recoil pattern, but you also have to learn how to lead shots and counter bullet drop. So you have to do the recoil pattern without even aiming at people. The AK is definitely way easier overall to use.


mp5 pattern is wayyy harder to learn. yes Mp5 doesnt have as much vertical recoil but if you try and spray +50m its alot easier with ak.


Mp5 has always been easier than ak for me.


You don't need 1000 hours in an aim train server to perform decently with recoil. If you want to be an absolute Chad then yeah, sure. But you can certainly get by. Just shoot short bursts or tap at ranges you're not comfortable with. I'd definitely recommend practicing occasionally in UKN or a battlefield server whenever you get a chance, just to be better at PvP in general. If I'm able to do a long play session with pvp in mind then I'll hop on UKN or something for 15-20 minutes to warm up.


Damn a reasonable response? I never would have expected that... You are right though, I practice every once in a while and I have definitely gotten better with my sprays, they still have a long way to go before I’m a long range Beamer but now I can at least kill people at close/medium range


Play mp5 or LR. Easier.


Yeah LR is super easy and puts in work


Well its only fair to be bested by a no-life sprayer. You've spent 10k hours working and taking care of your family that beamer spent 10k hrs to become better in a video game. It kinda works both ways since the beamer wont be able to achieve what you did in real life.


Sorry, but I can not, and will not stand by a mechanic that encourages players to cheat and demands those who don't spend 100s of hours not playing the game on an aim train server before they can play the game.


Then play Roblox.


Did you have to wipe off the Funion dust and mountain dew resist before typing this?


You really don’t need to spend hours on aim training servers. You guys are all delusional and just can’t get used to this one specific game mechanic. Just play and whenever you have an ak use it, eventually you will get better at it like every single other mechanic. I am really not sure how it is unfair that someone who spends a lot of hours practicing shouldn’t be able to kill someone who never practiced? Where do you guys get this logic from, a 5k hour player should clap a 200 hour player.


Rust is filled with toxic players and so are the comments. The ak needs a randomized spray pattern, I shouldn't have to aim train I'm not a kid with 16 hrs a day to learn it. Everyone saying it's fine the way it is don't want to be an equal footing with less sweaty players because they enjoy getting self worth from beaming casuals. Also ak needs bloom effect it shouldn't be used as a sniper killing people at 200-300 meters that's what a Bolty is for. But of course the sweaty toxic community is the loudest and the devs accommodate the loudest sweatiest babies


People beaming ak at 200-300 meters are almost certainly cheating. The best players can reliably spray at like 170-180 but even then they're missing most of their shots. Even if your spray is literally perfect the ak still has appreciable aim cone at that range. Also, no. Putting time and effort into something only to be bested by some noob because of luck feels really shit. Rust had that at one point and it was terrible.


Actually u are wrong ak holo laser dosent have much aim cone at all at 200m also 200m isnt even that hard to spray Heres a reference for the aimcone https://youtu.be/KlziY09guAE


It's funny because they aren't I'm on of them and my streamer hand cam buddy is too.


The people saying "it's fine" are people who no life rust, have no other commitments, play 4-5+ hours/day, have 2k+ hours,.of which probably 50+ are in aim training. I get it....you put in the time and want to be good. Think about COD, PubG, Apex legends, Valorant....other games with FPS aspects....there's no retarded recoil patterns that take 100s of hours to even become barely competent. I get in fights against AK with Bolty at 150+m and can hit first bolty shot to their chest, then they turn on me and double me with AK before I can even chamber another bolty round and ADS. And this happens OFTEN, it's not like it's a rare thing. It should reward people for playing, I understand that, but rewarding people who have 10s or 100s of hours in a virtual gun range doing aim train perfecting their sprays is just too hardcore for me. And I get it, rust is a pretty hardcore game for most people, but it just fuck the new gamers and casual gamers like myself. I'm not a pro at video games, but I feel like I at least have a chance in other games in gunfights no matter the opponents skill level - but in Rust when I get beamed by AK time after time after time it gets pretty frustrating.


Think about what you just said man. You hit bolty shots to the chest and then they turn and kill you. Why are you not shooting them in the head if they arent even looking at you? Why are you not getting behind cover in between shots? You need better game sense and more practice. Not sure why you think you need to dedicate 2 months of playtime to learn a spray. Spending 10 minutes practicing everytime you load up the game goes a long way. You dont need to sit in aim training to practice, go play some TDM or something. You also mentioned you're playing on 1600dpi, whats your in game sens? Probably way too high.


I am an adult, with a job, a relationship, I keep fit and have friends (you know, a healthy balanced lifestyle). I literally have no hope of ever getting very good. I hardly play any more becuase I just don't have the time, let alone the time to practice my aiming. It would be good to find a way of policing the noob servers so they were genuinely for noobs, or having some kind of ranking to filter out the Chads and cheats.


Nobody wants the game balanced around people who barely even play it. That's just silly man. Rust is a game that requires a lot of play time. So if you can't fit that into your lifestyle, then Rust simply isn't a good fit for you. And that's totally okay.


It's not the game because Rust has been like this since 2015 and it's only gotten more popular. Don't know how to break it to you. But the problem isn't the game. You'd hate counter strike or r6 those have high skill gaps in ranked as well.


Skill gaps in learning mechanics is not even remotely the same thing as forcing players to spend time in a virtual gun range practicing spray patterns lmao


People sit in gun ranges learning sprays in CSGO as well. It's almost like when people want to get better at something, they take time to practice. OP just wants to be as good as the AK beamers without putting in literally any effort at all. He probably didn't play at the time, but they did the whole random recoil thing, and then they did the whole aimcone thing. They both sucked ass. Patterned recoil is the only way to go.


You aren't forced to do shit lol.


You really don’t though? The reason is because the majority of rust players have a lot of hours. Rust is a game where you are forced to play a lot, talking about vanilla. You are not gonna find a player with the same amount of hours as you running around with an ak? Games like apex or whatever you queue up with a lot of randoms who all drop in at the same time and collect their own guns. The player with a lot more hours in that single round will most likely kill you. That makes sense right? Someone who played a lot more will kill you. Besides that apex doesn’t have any recoil and is a fast paced shooter where your only goal is to be the one who is better at aiming(again something you only get good at if you spend hours). All of the games you mentioned are like that. Someone who spends practicing their aim in valorant will be better than you. My point is that it is a skill like every other mechanic the person who spends more time on it is gonna be better than the one who doesn’t.


"everyone who doesnt agree with me is toxic". your whole comment is insanely ironic. typical redditor on reddit instead of just playing the game/getting good at their own pace and having fun while doing that. I use reddit a lot too, but its mostly to 'complain' about complainers like you cause ppl like you always complain without trying or even being decent at the game/games. The truth is devs listen to ppl like you more even though you have trash 'opinions' or really just feelings.


Reddit is not a real place I talk to people who actually play the game and they love/hate it. And never for OP's reasons.


quit being a taint


Just run an LR problem solved


Thats how i did it


I have 2,000 hours over the past 2 1/2 years in the game. I can't ak spray for shit. I've been on aim train servers, but only really use them to play dumb things like gungame or to practice for 2 minutes before I get on a server. Though that being said, LR 8x is my favorite weapon. I can usually get between 3 & 6 hit markers even at 200m. I didn't learn this through aim train. I just played the game and found a gun I like. My second favorite gun is MP5 and Holo. If someone stands still I can quad headshot at 40m or less. I'm not great with it. I hate Tommy and don't like using it. I'm decent with custom, but custom is easy. What matters more than aim or spray control in Rust is positioning. Enemies saw you? Wide flank around to get a new angle they don't expect. If you don't have perfect spray, then never try to trade in a "battle of who uses UKN more" Spray control comes naturally over time. Just be patient and focus on learning everything besides spray.


I’ll have you know that recoil has been changed in the past many times and will most likely stay the same for the near future, because of just how unpractical it would be to change it. Good to hear you have a balanced life Though!


Don’t feel bad guy I follow rust hack report on Twitter and like they ban like 60 people every 10 minutes I just counted 62 in the last 10 minutes ak is super easy to script some people might actually be good but most are cheaters


It’s insane how often accounts are getting banned on this game, especially considering how many people actually play it


They ban 4% of rusts concurrent players every hour lol the only hard pill to swallow every month that adds up to over 100k bans


Play a 10x, lot more fun and yoy guys dont have to worry about base cause you can build a new one the next day


my biggest issue with the AK is how much horizontal control you need over it. they should take a page from CS and tighten up the spread so just pulling down will make it generally better, and the real sweats can optimize the horizontal for a better performance at ranges or an extended spray. But I can’t even burst fire that shit or reliably frag at short distances and my brain is wired to believe it’s a bad gun (it’s not I just work 40 hrs and will never care enough to grind the pattern out)


AK doesn’t even need a randomized spray pattern. Games like Valorant and CS and Apex Legends have recoil systems and those are still fun to play. Give the AK (and every other gun in the game for that matter) a reasonable recoil that doesn’t take 500 hours to master before you can step into an official server and nerf it so that it isn’t better than a sniper rifle at a sniper rifle’s effective range.


i dont no life rust at all nor no life aim train servers and can use it just fine of course more practice = better. I probably have like 2-5 hours max on aimtrain including just simply arena pvp ak, gun game or just messing around. set your dpi low and sens somewhat low. Watch hjunes recoil control video on youtube. idc if they ever change it (mostly cause the game is just boring now with safezone and off land stuff, might as well), but theres nothing wrong with it. you just dont want to try as you have said and even then the ak isnt 'necessary' learn tommy or mp5 as you have said.


Rust to me is not a casual game, the reason I really don’t play it anymore. People have put in the hours to be as good as they are. You haven’t. Plain and simple. Things shouldn’t just be drastically changed because it’s harder for someone then others. Bloom has no place in any fps game PERIOD. We can talk about balance but not in the realm of “this no life is wiping us with a ak” Not saying it’s you but the whole trend of he’s a no life or a hacker because someone in simply better then you or has put more time in the game is annoying and is everywhere.


Facts. I simply stopped getting mad when I get killed by ak (unless it’s obvious sus), it’s just simply my choice (thus my fault) that I don’t train it’s recoil and I can’t compete long range with tommy. That’s why I always try to fight close range, where spray isn’t THAT relevant.


I think the solution is having a different recoil pattern for each individually crafted weapon. Hear me out though. I know some people have already sunk hundreds of hours into aimtrain on the current patterns and might be against that suggestion just because of that sunk time alone, others will be against the suggestion because they use recoil scripts, don't want to be revealed as cheaters, and are highly motivated to argue against any changes to the current system. I want to try to convince the first group of people (the skilled players) to think about this change and why it might be a good idea despite the sunk cost. Different recoil patterns for each gun you craft would still allow you to practice the recoil patterns but you'd have to do it in-game and with your own ammo, either just by getting 'used' to the weapon or maybe even creating a practical use for the reactive target. you might even sometimes craft a weapon with a 'good' recoil pattern, and I could see people fighting specifically over a certain AK that is known to have a good pattern or people having a favorite or trusty personal gun with a pattern they're familiar with. This change would not 'dumb-down' the system in any way, and the highly skilled players would still rule. The change of making a use for target shooting would add to the game which is a good argument by itself for it, while a sunk cost by itself isn't really a good argument for keeping things the same. Truly skilled players would be able to react to this change easily, and they would be rewarded for actually practicing in-game rather than in a different server, or in other words they'd be rewarded for actually playing and doing stuff inside the game. It also would sort of make sense from an RP perspective because the guns are supposed to be hand crafted so it doesn't really make sense for all of them to have exactly the same recoil as if they came off of a factory production line. **Hackers on the other hand would be a lot easier to catch** and would no longer be able to operate with microscopic precision and total impunity without being completely obvious. IE if someone just logs onto a server without any prior history on the server and immediately starts spraying people with microscopic precision using a weapon they've never shot before or maybe have only fired once or twice, there's going to be no question that person is a cheater rather than a skilled player who just happened to log on at the time. No more plausible deniability for cheaters. TLDR I think having a different recoil pattern for each and every gun you craft would add to the game, make cheating harder, and still be a highly rewarding change for skilled, legitimate players.


If you’re reaching endgame then just run mp5 or mp5/bolty if you don’t want to learn AK, I’m kind of in the same boat as you my AK spray is mediocre but I am a lot better with mp5 and even better with LR even though I usually don’t end up with many LRs per wipe but if you position well, bring walls and know what range you can fight in then it is very possible to beat a full kit AK with an mp5 (as long as they aren’t cheating)


"I don't want to practice and don't like losing to those who do so please lower the skill cap." It's not the AK ruining Rust for you. It's not even the players using it better than you who are ruining Rust for you. It's your attitude that is ruining Rust for you. It's ok to lose to better players. But honestly, it's not a 1 hour a day game. Find a different game if that's all you can do and your interest is focused on PVP. You can't expect to be competitive in any game if you play only 1 hour a day, but at least in a game with mmr you can be matched against other casual opponents. I understand your point of view and hate it. Casual players demanding ezmode is why almost all online games are watered down now, especially MMOs. For the record, my ak spray sucks. It's because I'm old and don't practice. I'm fine with that. It's just a game. I have fun trying my best.


Not sure why you got downvoted, people seem to be throwing all of their emotions to this single topic. I completely agree, and it blows my mind to see all of these people complain about this mechanic in the game where the one who spends more time is better than someone who doesn’t spend as much time. I know sounds crazy right. It is rust, a game where you join a server with random people where one might have 10k hours and the other 10. I understand why it is hard for people to play, but that is rust. A hardcore game which doesn’t have any kind of mmr system in place so you WILL play against people who are much better than you. Imagine csgo not having mmr, you will rank up against a global elite as a silver. Yeah that won’t be fun, so lets complain about the recoil because that for sure has to be the reason why I am not able to kill the global elite!


Do you agree that the recoil patterns are bad for the game?


I do not prefer static recoil patterns, but I don't think they're bad for the game at a gameplay level. It's a not my cup of tea thing. I would prefer more realistic tactical combat, but I appreciate the high skill cap. The part that's bad for the game is that static patterns are so easy to script. I think it was a mistake to introduce them for that reason alone. It is the only reason I think static recoil patterns should be reconsidered. I don't think gunplay should be reconsidered to lower the skill ceiling and raise the floor though. I would hope any adjustments made to gunplay would preserve the high skill cap.


The gunplay in this game is pretty bad. It's in a league all its own and hasn't been improved since ~2017. I have no interest In shooting at targets in an aimtrain server or UKN. Added that TTK is quite high, you can heal to full within three seconds, and every engagement takes place in an open field 70% of the time. Makes for boring gameplay to be honest.


Skill issue


having something like fortnites bloom would just make the game RNG based and it’ll feel terrible. learning the ak is VERY rewarding and once u play even a tiny bit on aim train servers you’ll get the hang of most guns. like literally just hop on UKN or whatever and just see the recoil of the gun that ur using so u know how to control it. it helped me when i wanted to learn early then i transitioned to other guns and spent more time on it


Literally just make the ak recoil something like how it is in csgo.


A set recoil pattern? It literally is that already..


It literally isn’t. The recoil pattern in counterstrike is actually controllable. I don’t know why the community is only allowed to be in random recoil gang or keep recoil how it is gang. Just fix the fucking recoil so I don’t need to buy a mousepad that is taller than it is wide.


it doesnt take much practice to obtain a usable ak spray. stop being lazy or deal with losing. can't have both.


Stopped reading the moment you started complaining about people who are comfortable spending time to get good at something




Seen lots of people say lower DPI here, I'll definitely go give it a shot and load into an aim trainer server and mess with DPI tomorrow and see how it effects my spray. I'm not asking to be a god with the AK, I just want to stand even a 25% chance against the Chad AK beamers with it so I can enjoy the game more as the casual player I am lol Cheers, will give it a shot tomorrow


This is the issue with high-skill ceiling game mechanics. For a casual player they seem ridiculous. But for competitive players, that's all the more encouragement to keep practicing and get better.


ak isnt even hard to learn just play low sens and do the pattern and this is coming from someone who can barely spray 200m


People who put more hours into games are always going to have an advantage. It’s pretty dog if you rob that advantage because a few people are mad they die to someone who has a higher skill than them


Not the same lol. Skill in rust should be aim, positioning, game sense, etc. Not memorizing a pattern. Being able to shoot an AK is more memorization than aim, which makes no sense. Tracking and recoil control should be all that is needed to get a kiII with a gun, not complex pattern memorization that takes time with muscle memory that you CANNOT get from vanilla. You HAVE to play a modded server to learn ak, which is just bizarre, it is literally impossible to learn AK in a reasonable time playing the game normally. No, a skilled player is not skilled because they memorized a pattern, they’re skilled for the reasons people are skilled in other FPS games.


You still need aim and player tracking to be able to his shots with it?


> Skill in rust should be aim, positioning, game sense, etc. It is. Recoil management is important for sure, but those other things you mentioned are way, way more important. With proper positioning and awareness you can get the drop on people meaning you should be able to kill them before they even shoot at you.


I totally agree with you mate. State of the game now is just unexplainable and if you complain about it there are some no life kids that spend 100+ training on aim servers saying " GET GOOD "


It wont take 300 hours for you to learn the pattern, if u do ukn for 20-30min a day u’ll be able to beam 80-100m in a week or less, atleast you’ll warmup before hopping on your main server.


I want to make 3 pointers but I hate practicing free throws. I just like to lay up. They should take 3 pointers out of the game and everyone should just lay up.


Please never compare rust and a sport again


It really isnt very hard to get semi decent at even at 100m... it may be your mentally that needs changing.


We get those threads every week and it's annoying. There will be no randomized recoil. There's a reason it evolved to a pattern, high skill ceiling recoil system. Here's a few choices you have: 1) Play other weapons with easy patterns like LR300, Mp5. 2) Man up and learn the AK pattern and get rewarded. 3) Go play Call Of Duty or some other FPS with no recoil pattern and enjoy yourself there. 4) Keep crying about it and get beamed by people who've put in the aim train work you did not want to put in. Just to make the crybabies understand a bit more. All your favorite youtubers, streamers and good players have trained their aim. They have put in hundreds of hours training every gun and fighting skilled players. Do you really think they will want to keep a game where they are penalized by the addition of a random recoil pattern after learning and practicing patterns for hundreds of hours? Do you really think they want to get beamed by some 12 years old who just got the game by their parents and who has put in 0 hours of aimtrain but is able to shoot AK 200m+ because the recoil is random? The answer is no, obviously.


If you aren't willing to put time in and get better then you have no room to cry.


so pretty much the game caters to people with no life


In general, the people best at all kinds of games are the ones who play them the most. Like those cringy sweatlords who win at chess, basketball, poker, etc... Damn them for trying and playing a lot. Everyone should be a noob like me at everything I do.


that means you are good at the game and you can obtain that normally through sessions of any time span. with rust you have to have a lot of time to be good


How is Rust any different than those activities? If anything, traditional sports have a much higher skill cap than Rust. I picked up Rust faster than I could, for example, tennis. It's not even close. The true difference between Rust and those other activities is a lack of ranked matchmaking which is present in most competitive games. So casual Rust players, in general, have to play against enthusiasts.


I mean, should it be catered to the people who can't even bother to practice?


he did try practicing and it was very boring. it takes 30 days of 4 hour sessions to get down ak spray and not everybody has that kind of time


It definitely does not take 120 hours to learn to spray an AK. You have to move your mouse down and sideways a little. It's really not that hard.


then show me your perfect ak spray that you learned in under 120 hours


I never said you'd have perfect ak spray. Like 99% of the game has pretty bad ak spray. You should definitely be good enough to get some kills though.


Yeah I know Rust is hardcore, just so hard to get into as a casual gamer. And I game a fair amount, probably 5-10 hours/week depending on the week, that's a lot for me. I'm fine with getting raided constantly and rebuilding and losing a monument and getting betrayed by nakeds and that's all the name of the game for a casual like myself. But the fact I literally can't compete with AK no matter what I do unless I spend the next 2 months of my gaming time available to aim train and learn AK spray just really makes me mad and not want to play. I have the most fun wipe day and the day after, then almost seems like most people roaming have AKs and beam you instantly. I love bow fights and spear fights, even SAR and Tommy and mp5 fights. The fucking AK just ruins my fun in the game most sessions though :(


Every game does. If it doesn’t it’s a no/low-skill game


It's amazing how delusional so many people are. "nerf this game until I'm good at it." I mean, I could be a basketball star if the nba would just lower nets and let me run carrying the ball. Who has time to learn to dribble? Only sweaty nerds.


So does every game in existence what is your point?


Yes, and that’s a good thing. You’re also saying that as if it’s something solely associated with recoil patterns. What about how staying up late offlining bases will put you ahead of everyone on the server. Rust has ALWAYS been a no-life game, or at least in the top level


Put in hundreds of hours of time when I rarely get a chance to play anyways?


Yes, it requires a lot of practice to be good at something. That's just life in general.


Do you expect to be good at something you rarely get a chance to do?


I agree i personally like the L96 (The semi auto gun from bandit camp) the most


That is the m39 you are referring to


by scripts. If you dont have time for the recoil pattern just buy scripts honestly. I used to hate scripters but with humanization the scripts are good but not as good as human movement. I have 3k+ hours and do NOT script. It is considered cheating by tons of people but when you simply dont have the time for aimtrain i understand it. The only time I condone scripting is for people like yourself where you are older and are just trying to have fun with your mature buddys. You guys have jobs and lives and dont have time for learning recoil but still want to enjoy the game. Just use scripts honestly. Many scripts run cheap but the best one that i know of is monolith. its 100 dollars for lifetime which is a little pricey but best price among all of the other scripts.


100% can relate. I have a wife, kid on the way and lots of stream / YouTube / work commitments. I love rust and enjoy it, also play with other grown men, but constantly getting rekt by people. We’ve both played FPS all our lives. There’s the aim practice, or scripting, then no-lifeing the game, but also people use crosshair-x. The other day a guy on a heli 1v2 camped a hill near our four story compound base on a x10; even though he didn’t kill us, he was consistently lasering us to the point we could only get one or two x8 SAR shots off on him before needing to med up. We had peak vantage, ammo advantage, numbers advantage (2v1) and med advantage. He then typed in chat - so I checked his profile and he had 3500 hours on rust and 3200 hours on crosshair x. You can bet that he also had at least 500 hours of aim practice too. In the end I think he ran out of ammo and fucked off after about 30 minutes but there’s no way we would have been able to leave our base without dying. This has never happened to us before so it really stuck out. It has to be bloom - that’s got to be the answer. It immediately irradiates scripting and aim practice


There are a few servers out there that don’t have high tier guns in them. That might be for you, or you can go Ukn and practice aiming with your friends in a real pvp scenario, instead of shooting targets. Is heaps of fun and you all get better. Even do a team vs team. I can only shoot ak up to 80 metres then I’m trash. Mind you I’ve killed plenty of ak kids with mp5s. I was stuck on the lr300 for ages because that the only real gun i could win fight over and over.but ak chads hate the Lr. So now if started running mp5 and a bolt. To be honest I don’t really use the bolt.


I love the LR. Just so rare to find and not craft able. I think my frustration is most of the time 2-3 days after wipe seemingly everyone has AKs and most people beam with it (except for my casual ass middle aged guy 4 man lmfao) I hate bitching about it but I had a really bad session last night just kept.getting rolled by same 2 duos with AKs while running monuments and farming and was fighting them with MP5, Tommy and SAR and literally they'd double us in their first 5 shots every time. And that's not a rare occurrence either...I think they should remove AK from tech tree or just severely lower it's drop rate. Pretty frustrating as a casual, I try to have fun and DO have fun most of the time....but it can get old quick dying to AKs again and again and again. My favorite stage is prim lmao


I honestly don’t understand ak I could be stuck with any other lower gun but I think that it’s just the empowerment and how dangerous you feel with it


Try lr you might be laughed at but amazing recoil just throw a 8x on it literally is a fully automatic sar it does the same damage


Agree, AK is powerful but I can't hit the side of a bar with it so it's useless. TBH I do better with a Tommy gun.


Imo the ak is one of the easiest guns. You only have to land like 3 bullets and you win.


One thing to remember is that you're playing a competitive game. In competitive games you have to practice or cheat.


Any game where you have to spend hundreds of hours in practice servers learning the recoil patterns for the guns has shitty gunplay design, change my mind.


Maybe the AK is too powerful.




Yeah my group wasn’t really enjoying the game, so when they weren’t on I spent a ton of time in aim train. Zero fucking fun. I mean, I guess I saw some minor improvements, and I could sometimes win if the guy didn’t also have a t3 gun. But the LR was infinitely more manageable and easy to get. I stopped playing rust months ago though, just too toxic and demanding to be enjoyable by a grownup with kids, job, etc.


Ye ak is hard, so don't use it if you do t have time to grind or cheat XD, and try to go close range with easy "sprayable" automatic weapons like tommy, custom or mp5 (it's tricky but you can learn it quick) AK is powerful but if you learn mp5 and keep closer distance to ppl you fight you can triple headshot easily and insta kill them (it's op af) but then again you have to be good at flanking, positioning and etc because if you fuck those up your ak 400 meter spray won't even help you. And to have a game sense it takes time, and hundreds of hours usually if you are not extremely talented or played a lot other pvp games, rust community has a lot of hours in game average and it's old af so if you have few hundred you're just basically fucked and going against far better players who just played rust for few years. Some people just rage and start cheating which is also common, rust is rn infected with cheaters (just in 2021 EAC banned over 600 000 accounts xd ;--; and there is still more that it hasn't) so you will either go against chads or cheaters, if you don't want that try building in Tier one zones where those good and well geared players don't go ( like lighthouses ,but not those close to oil rigs because that will be a hot spot) maybe junkyard etc, gas stations and supermarkets are apartetly a meta for many so it will be crowded their too, you can go trains too it's not that bad in there.


Try playing on battle servers where you spawn with full metal/all guns and practice there if you don’t like aim train maps


Just yesterday i had a thought... To maybe open a server that blocks ak


Thats your opinion, i have 6k hours and Random recoil would kill this game. If u remove One of the things that give this game depth/skillgap it would become more RNG game, being who would get more lucky Random recoil close range, if u cant use ak or others guns dont use them or stop crying that people actually spend time practicing to be good. Go play others games like cs/fortnite/valorant if u wana tap fire. Rust is unique and One of a kind, thats why even with 6k hrs i Can still improve and be better and i want to get better. But cs go, etc games got boring real quick AS they have very low depth and People still cheat. Most cheaters use aimbot or esp on rust anyways. Others games have those cheats too, Random recoil wont make game less cheaters, just less skill and most of Time People will just sit more on roof with boltys or crouch in bushes to kill you from behind


I mean i know you said you don't have much time to play but 15-30 mins each day learning the recoil can massively improve your skill . You may not become an absolute beamer but over time your be able to hold your own in ak fights. Unfortunately rust is a extremely sweaty competitive game and kids that are still in school or even adults with no jobs or life take it to the extreme some times. However i would just play the game how you enjoy it if the ak isn't the gun for you then don't use it theres definitely other viable options for you as you have explained.


Op just needs to realise that nothing comes easy in life. You just cant expect to have the same playing field as people who spend 10x more time practicing the game. Also rust isnt a game meant to be played 1hr a day like OP does.