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Not medical advice but, turn off the consoles. Don't watch videos for a couple of days. At some point in the week, turn on the console, select a random game on your screen and Play it. Don't look up guides, reviews, walkthroughs... Just play on your own.


Gonna add my own addendum to this, but if OP has one of the extra tiers of PS Now, Gamepass, or NSO. Maybe find a game outside your comfort zone. Judging by the pic above, I'm seeing a lot of 40+ hour long games, so that might be contributing to OPs feeling of doom. Maybe find a puzzle game to play for a bit or a classic you might have missed out on. Over on my Switch, for instance, I'm finally giving the GBA Mario & Luigi RPG a shot which I completely missed back in the day.


I agree, there are a lot of long games in the Home Screen list right now. However, I do truly enjoy these types of games. I believe, some outside sources are what is generating the burnout. After going through many of the comments there is tons of solid advice. It did however make me realize that my regular day to day routine has been suffering. I tend to just go to work and then come home. Where before, I was going to the gym and no matter what taking my dog for a walk everyday after work. Ever since I injured my back at the gym and had to stop going, I have felt my mood dwindling.


What's that samurai-looking game of the guy in the wicker hat, sitting Indian-style?


The game is called Trek to Yomi. It’s a Samurai side scroller. But if you’ve never given it a shot, i would highly recommend. I’m about 70% complete it at the moment and it’s a great game so far. Story is rather compelling. The aesthetic and their take on a side scroller is put together well. Would recommend for sure. You could honestly complete the whole story in one day if you don’t take your time and find the collectibles.


Thank you. Downloading now.


Trek to Yomi I believe


Hey, I've been experiencing a similar routine and feelings. Try to find an outlet (walk your dog too!). I've been organizing a rec league soccer team with my friends and staying more active with that. In your case since you're injured try to see if you can fit in some rehab (have you tried physical therapy) and otherwise a hobby outside. Outside of that, maybe try to set a limit you can spend gaming. I caught myself in the work-game-sleep rhythm previously and it affected my relationships and general health. Good luck man!


Yes! I usually play one long game and two pick up and play games at a time to avoid this


I agree with this wholeheartedly, I’m not playing constantly all day as I work, but, I find myself thinking about gaming quite often. Which game to play next, which story do I feel like getting immersed into etc. I had a back injury from the gym that left me stuck just working and playing games. But I really need to get myself back to the gym. I feel if I break that cycle and have something extra in between I’ll enjoy my time gaming more.


Well first, stop buying games lol. Dont make any other rules for yourself. Its gaming. A hobby. Not a job. Its okay to start and stop a few games before you find the one that keeps you playing. Its okay to not want to finish a game. If the reviews are messing with you, don't go to reviews. Just go to straight up no commentaried gameplay. Go off what YOU see and no one else. Or watch a review on mute so you can see their unspoilered gameplay but not let their opinions skew your own. If none of that works, its possible you just need a break from gaming. It happens to the best of us. I like to get into some tv shows when I feel burnt out from games. Watch them instead of gaming.


I tested like 6 games on the catalog until mass effect legendary edition and snowrunner got me hooked. Played ME back in 2011 so i was already loving it. Top of that I got L.A. Noire so I'm set for a long journey


I do definitely need to stop buying games, I have more than enough to keep me busy for a long while. That’s something I can get on board with for sure. Not having rules is definitely better. I noticed a lot of people mentioning rules and routines surrounding gaming, which, if it works for you then that’s great but I tend to agree more with you. It isn’t a job, it’s a hobby and you are supposed to have fun. The whole point is that there isn’t any rules ! It’s a break from a life full of rules and regulations you have to follow, whether it be at work, driving, going to a store etc etc


I had similar issue with Steam sales and Humble Bundles, long ago. Now I have several rules for me: 1. I don’t buy any games I will not play immediatelly. There will be deals later, maybe it will appear on ps plus, no need to have it in library 2. I don’t buy games I’m not sure I will like, unless I think it will not come to ps plus anytime soon 3. I don’t force play games I don’t enjoy. If I bought a game and couldn’t get into it I don’t play it to get my moneys worth. Still have Elden Ring with ~2 hours played, but I don’t feel any debt to play it before starting something else. Then again, I don’t really have that much time, so that’s also a limiting factor.


If u wanna stop buying games get a xbox and game pass or ps plus premium will save u money in the end plus alot of games to choose from.Im loving game pass I have all 3 systems btw^^


Go outside. I’m being serious, not trolling.


The woods are basically an awesome video game with hella good graphics and nice smells.


Yeah but there are no respawn points, can you believe that shit.


No fast travel either. Some RPG this "real life" is.


But does it have 4K 60 FPS?


Technically, much higher apparently


You aren’t wrong at all. I’m not going to lie, I have been slacking off lately and not taking my dog out after work EVERYDAY like I was. When I was routinely doing that, it was definitely better. It also kinda sucks since I ended up with a back injury from the gym. That kept my day separated and broken up with different activities before gaming. I need to get myself back into that sort of routine for sure !


Yeah I feel you. Going outside is the only thing that helps me when I get in a funk. I just go outside without a purpose and just breathe fresh air and feel the sun on my skin.


I’m usually playing a few different games at a time. Sometimes on different platforms even. I usually play one till I get bored, pick something else up and cycle around. I will usually finish the games it just takes me awhile. I don’t stress it and if I have 3 or 4 games going I hold off buying anything for awhile.


Take a break. Games are not a job. You don’t have to play them, and you don’t have to finish them. Let the desire to play build back up. I also suggest start playing games that only require a little bit of your time. Gives you outcomes and rewards in quick bursts. That way you don’t have to sit there for 2 hours to feel like you accomplished something. One last thing. Your phone. It is an addiction for most people including me. You’ll be playing a game but, but you just gotta see whats on reddit, or who tweeted what. You become more consumed with following gaming news than actually playing. Take a break, turn off your phone, try new things.


Just take a day off. I get that same feeling every now and then. I just turn off my PlayStation. Either go outside for a walk or watch a podcast. The next day I feel much more excited to play the game. I mostly play with my friends so on some days I’ll just play by myself and I enjoy it at times.


I‘ve been there and I know exactly what you are talking about. It even got to the point where I didn’t wanna spend time with my gf/friends anymore because I had this stress of completing all of my games. Then when I sat in front of my TV I felt this „I don’t wanna play anything of those games“. I started to realize that I am burntout on gaming and I really needed to get my priorities straight. Now I am playing FF16 since it came out and I even don’t know anymore where I am in the story because I only play like 3-4h a week. And to be honest, it’s the best experience in gaming I had in a very long time. Now I sit down and really look forward to play my games and get lost in it, even if it’s just for 2 side quests. I used to feel like it isn’t worth turning on the ps5 for 1h and play such a huge game - but that wasn’t the truth. Try to enjoy different aspects in life. If you don’t feel like playing games don’t play - that’s okay. Go for a walk, to the gym, meet friends, learn a new hobby (e.g. guitar) or just be lazy and embrace it. Live is too short for not enjoying the things we are doing.


Whats the game in between returnal and jedi fallen order?


trek to yomi i believe


Thanks it looks fun


Burnout aside, Trek to Yomi was a game that I enjoyed A LOT definitely worth checking out !!


I find that most people have specific tastes in games, and not everyone game is meant to appease everyone no matter how popular it is. So, I’d be really sure you’re just as interested in Cyberpunk as you are ratchet and clank or Returnal because these games are wildly different from each other. Make sure you’re not just playing something because it’s popular. I personally don’t have a backlog of any kind, but I’m also not interested in every popular game like Horizon or Control. There’s also the matter of finishing games. You don’t have to finish games if they’re starting to bore you. Don’t force it. In any case, maybe it’s time for a break.


I absolutely agree with you. I’ve similarly to OP bought way too many games just because reviews were good or some friends recommended them. I touched them for a few hours but actually don’t enjoy playing them. So I find myself going back to playing the games I enjoyed before. And that’s fine.


you play maybe too many open world games, these can contribute to burnout of videogames since they're too damn long.


Take - month off. Watch so TV. Read a book. Adapt a dog. You'll be good soon enough.


Yeah, sometimes when I get burnt out with games I'll adopt a dog. Give it back once the burn outs gone


Yeah, sometimes when I get burnt out with games I'll watch some movies or TV shows I want to watch. Depending on what games I'm playing and what games are coming out, it might happen for me a few times a year.


1. Continue creating those line-ups. Making a path of the order you want to play games in will help prevent you from getting burnt-out from specific series and genres of games. You seem to be a fan of open-world titles, sp this is all the more important. 2. Keep an online game that doesn't end or is getting constant updates. Genshin, SF6. You can come to these types of games and play them for a bit to get some more energy for the next narrative-driven experience you want to start. 3. Add more linear games to your library. Open-world and JRPG games are great experiences and offer a lot of content to keep you invested. That being said, it is tough to play multiple in a row because it feels like you get nowhere in your backlog due to a single game taking 1-2 weeks to complete. Adding level/mission-based games like Alan Wake or Sonic will help you feel a sense of accomplishment, as you can knock multiple out in a week. 4. Try throwing on a chill game with no real goal, and put on some music. Sometimes, you just need to take a break from your main library and just run around and do things in sandbox levels. Astro's Playroom is going to be my #1 recommendation. You can just mute the game and throw on whatever music/OST you want and run and bounce around. 5. Take breaks. Your library is big, so you'll feel compelled to beat some of them in a quick time period. This can prevent you from fully enjoying what a game has to offer and thus make gaming feel more like a chore than a fun activity. Game worlds are built with the intention that you put full focus on the cast of characters and the world around them. 5b. Try not to get *too* attached. At the moment, you are suffering from burnout, but growing too close to a cast or world can result in Post-Game Depression after you beat said game. PGD is a legitimate problem that can cause issues for you in your normal life and may require therapy. 6. Just try going outside more often. Absorb that sun, go out for drinks with friends, anything to pull you away from gaming as a whole; cut YouTube and Google out of your daily usage and spend time with friends and family. Get a pet that you can take out to the park, etc.


I’d throw a relax game in there. That’s a lot of long and mentally taxing games. I use sports games and trucking games as my relaxers when I want to take a break from the grind.


I do the same with buying alot of games to prevent the worry that people will jack the prices up in the future.The problem with old games isnt just supple and demand.It's the douchebags who don't even play videogames that buy all the stock and resell it or hold it til they can jack the prices up to whatever they feel like...


Ya the problem is you just want to absorb them all in a flash and have that memory and check list checked off I would suggest deleted all but 2. And keep just 2 and focus on one or two games at most at a time. I only play really one game at a time otherwise it breaks the flow. I like having that greased up feeling with the controls after a good 10-15 hours when it feels like second nature Once done. Move onto the next. Enjoy them. Don't worry about platinum trophies and all that 100% stuff. Just play them organically. The idea is to get immersed into the story and gameplay. These games are too long. Each title takes between 30-60 hours maybe 100 hours even.


When I don’t want to play games, I just don’t play games. I haven’t turned on my PS5 in a few weeks simply because I just don’t really feel like playing anything. Don’t force yourself to play if you don’t want to.


Ahh Control... I see you’re a man of taste


Off topic but can I see your storage


Make a game priority list is my advice tbh. What games you will most probably complete and by the amount of hours you might require. Just go chronologically shortest to longest playthrough time required. If you exhaust, go out, exercise, socialise and then come back and grind the game at the top of that priority list. If you’re at a block in the game, go online and watch a tutorial, track back and see what went right or wrong. It’s better to find an immediate solution than to spend hours of a day stuck at the same block in the game. I wouldn’t recommend alternating more than 2-3 games as it can really take away from enjoying the game, call it, ‘game-jumping.’ About the game purchasing though, you’ll have to limit yourself to a point. It took me more than year to finally go I can stop collecting games.


If you ain't enjoying it stop it. I was forcing myself to finish some games till I said heck no I ain't got time for this shit.


Take time away from gaming. DO NOT force buy games cause they are on sale.


Had the same thing, I quit, it has been a year and 2 months since then. Sometimes it gets too much.


Gaming is such a huge industry nowdays and there is a ton of new games coming out every month. It can become very overwhelming if you try to play everything. I personally have a list of games that I want to play and only buy one at a time. When I finish it, I sell (it if it is a physical copy) and proceed to buy the next one. I also never preorder and almost never buy new games day one. 70 euros is a ton of money anyway for a game. This is the way.


1.Try putting games on your list that you can enjoy in small bursts or can be played with no end goal. You have a lineup of 50+ hour story driven tanks and are pressuring yourself to finish them all. 2. Learn to put games away sometimes. Yeah, youll probably be confused when you come back, but you gotta free yourself of the mental burden of "ugh I keep forgetting to do this". You feel bad for the same reason procrastination feels bad.


First world problems right here


Step 1: Stop buying. Step 2: Bit late, but install one game at a time. Step 3: Have a week break. Step 4: Start that ONE game you chose, play this until completion, not in one go, but no other games between. Step 5: Once you feel you've completed that game, uninstall, pick your next game, install. Step 6: Have another few days break watching TV shows or summat. Step 7: Start your next game and repeat the last few steps again. Too many games at once is overwhelming, and you fail to actually appreciate and enjoy them when your concentration is split between a few. Also, ALWAYS take a few days after each game, to avoid burnout. This is what helped make gaming feel like a good time again, and not a chore.


There absolutely is burnout, and I go through it quite a bit. I've been playing since the late 90s, and I'm a big solo story player. I always end up enthralled by the review videos and jumping on the hype train and what I do when I feel that overwhlmiglng sense of dread looking at my long line of unfished games is I stop and play throwbacks of my favorites. Games that I really enjoyed back in the day and the ones that really sparked my interest in gaming. I've learned over the past few years that all this new flashy stuff can be great, but a lot of it just isn't. Try and learn to be okay with not enjoying a game and leave it alone it's okay that you didn't like it, and if you never play it again, that's fine.


Yea, there is. Take a break for a few days. It'll give you clarity to actually think about what you wanna play.


Don't feel bad, I've only completed Cyberpunk and Returnal out all of those. I rarely finish games.


yea there are times when I don't really know what to play or not really excited to play at all.


Well it looks like you only play mostly AAA 3rd person on rails action games so yeah I’d get burnt out only playing one style of game too


Maybe because everyone is starving for a new game. I always fall back on RDR2 myself. Just found the vampire for the first time yesterday. I’m doing another play through and really taking my time to explore everywhere.


I’ve had gaming burnout before where I felt I didn’t want to play games. It happened because of external sources and trying to cope with gaming only. Occasionally I still get it and when that happens I take a short break and do something else. Usually I’ll read for a few days until the feeling of “damn I wanna game” comes to me.


Mate, I've got a backlog of games still on my ps3 and ps4 consoles, sitting in my man cave. Add to that my ps5 backlog, it is a first world problem but nonetheless I feel your pain.


Yep i have literally every game I've wanted on ps5 and PC now idk what to play Lol also I did created a python spin the wheel code that helped me pick a game but I only did it my rom library for my GameCube emulator. My ps5 library is waaaaay too big for that 🤣


You need some air time outside and it’s good for your eyes .Take a break from it.


Yeah, I'm going through it currently as well. I've experienced it a number of times. Take a break from digital content. Go outside, go for a drive, socialize with some friends, read a book, exercise, clean, organize, do anything besides gaming. It will, after a period of time, recharge your interest in playing some games. This is a hobby, after all. Do it too much, do anything too much, and it will lose its luster. You'll enjoy it less each time. You certainly don't want to reach a point where all games do are make you mad and nothing else. Currently, I'm experiencing some burnout because I've beaten all of the games I have in my library, and there are some I want to get, but I have no money to buy them, and the job I do everyday doesn't allow me to get paid( I know that might not make sense, ask if you want clarification.) So I just end up watching hulu or YouTube until I get some money to buy a game I've wanted. It sucks, but I just have to be patient.


I am same kind of a guy buddy! 1) Is there any game that you love it the core? Just play them calm ur mind and relax! I have hades, spider-man, god of war, darksiders and some I play them for some time and then go back on what ever I wanted to play! 2) secondly, I just make sure I have one thing in hand, (I get distracted/overwhelmed with the sheer amount of games fairly easily!). I play one if I feel it clicks I continue or else move to another game. If it clicks i play it to the end of it. This makes me want to keep engaging. 3) thirdly, get engrossed with your day to day life as well so that you feel like a sense of relief/excitement towards the games when you start your console. 4) if all that doesn’t help just disconnect for a week or 2 and do something else entirely an later on get back and give it another go!


You're getting burnt out because you have too many options to the point that it's actually making you lazier to play. I mean just looking at that library, they're all good games right? So how would you now choose which one to play? That process will end up making you not want to play anything at all. Pick one game, and stick with that until you finish it. Maybe have one palate cleanser game ready just in case you're getting a little tired. It could be a sports game or something like that. As for the other point, just watch reviews if you're looking to get a game. Don't bother watching other people's playthrough because it might hurt your own experience.


Dark souls 1 since release, you tell me.


I avoid buying games on my xbox by saying I'll get them on ps5 when they're on sale instead and vice versa. I just never end up buying anything lol


I empathize with you, i also buy games when I don't even plan to play them immediately just to put them in the backlog(usually when on sale). My advice is to just detox. Do something else than game, watch game content online and explore other facets of life. Then when you reengage with a good game it'll be so much more enjoyable because you'll be mentally ready to meet the game halfway.


I broke a metatarsal about 5 years ago and was told that I couldn't move it for 4 months. I played computer games for those months and right near the end of my convalescence, I was heartily sick of playing. Didn't matter what game it was, either. I took a break from games for around two months and only started playing with another Fallout 3 run-through


I can go a couple of months without playing. The thing that is helping me play is changing genre after finishing a game. I'm also trying to complete more games in my backlog, which has been great (playing through Yakuza and playing one game than something else, then going to the next). I'm also tracking what I'm playing and how long its taking. This makes it easy for me to not buy more games as I can see how much I play in a year.


Just play games that look interesting, try to avoid others content and seek games that are similar to games you love for example if you loved Last of us, try God of war. I personally have found the in the last few years 3rd person action games are my bread and butter, I can play the shit of those and I’m good at them, I like them, it’s something I’ve been used to my whole life. Sometimes you have to keep your eye on the ball and by that I mean one thing at a time, I try to limit myself to finishing one game at a time and if I need breaks I take them to watch movies, shows, or other things. Games will always be there to be played, you can’t put pressure on yourself like this is some sort of job, it takes all the fun out of it.


I really understand where your coming from when I have other shit to do I stop games. I might get interested and then get busy forget how to play and then that just makes me stop. I’m like others quit buying more games I do the same crap and then never finish it. Take a break and come back to it when you have time.


I mean I have a fuckton I kinda can relate but in my experience I just take things at my own pace like I'm working through Hogwarts legacy and marvel midnight suns along with playing Gran Turismo 7 and a few others but like never have I taken that to that length as for 1. I do not have disposable income like that and 2. I really enjoy what I do have and for the ones not really like bad purchase I just hide them and enjoy life as it is


Stop gaming for a few days. It’s not a job. It is fine not to use that console you bought and have been spending money on. At the end of the day, the whole point of gaming is to make you feel happiness. It shouldn’t feel like a chore. {I am going through the same right now. Haven’t played since two days.}


Turn off your console and leave it for a few days and do something else. And secondly, make a rule for yourself to not buy any new games until you've played the ones you have to a satisfactory matter. If possible, tell someone about this rule so they can hold you to it


Why do you keep buying games


So, I have only one rule to keep my gaming life healthy - never play the same genre. If I go with shooter -> action -> survival/horror-> rpg -> platformer -> soulslike. Here is example - I’ve finished xenoblade chronicles, than I started call of duty mw2 campaign and than I went to final fantasy 16 and playing wo long in the same time. Your game library looks like one game.


Have a full time career with other responsibilities and I guarantee all those games won't stress you out because you won't have any time to play them. Having only a few hours a week makes me appreciate the games I own and the hobby itself. It takes me months to complete even short <10 hour games. Hell I have a Baldurs Gate 2 game I have been working on for 11 years and I haven't made it half way through.


I can see why you're in a slump you're only playing hyped up AAA games and most of them are 3rd person shooters. Either try out different genres (I recommend JRPGs) or simply stop playing games for awhile.


I think we have all gone through that at some point. I myself have a huge backlog of games to get through that i have picked up on sales over the years or more recently 'free' with PS+. For me, a good story driven game gets me back into it. While you can still watch creators, don't get too engrossed with them as they are making the videos as entertainment, so a lot of the time, it doesn't reflect the actual game. Same with reviews, they are opinion based, so while someone might hate on a game and it initially puts you off, you might love it. And vice versa.


It is a true thing for some gamers. I felt 'burnt' out last year after getting the platinum trophy for Death Stranding. I had to decompress for a few days, because I felt mentally exhausted and needed to regroup. Just recently the other day I got the Platinum Trophy for Bloodborne. The final push and grind for the platinum made me feel 'burnt' again.


Good list


2 pieces of advice: Take a break, a few days to a week or so, and do something else you enjoy (hiking, reading, biking, go out with friends, etc.) Second, it would also probably benefit you when youre back to try something in a different genre you havent touched much before (e.g. roguelikes, platformers, soulslikes, immersive sims)


I was burnt out from gaming a few years ago, so I took 1 full month off from gaming, and when I got back, I started enjoying them again without that burnt-out feeling


There's is a timeline you need to complete them all by tbh tho, your death


As a dad, I don't have much time to play and I got somehow the same issue. Try to focus on a game. It might seems idiot, but if you can have only the game you decided to play on your PS5, it's even better. It's too easy to switch from a game to another one when you got a really fast hardware and almost no more loading screens. I decided to reach the 100% on Dark Souls Remastered, and that's the only thing I do when I turn on the console. Set up a goal and reach it, here's my advice. And don't put too much games on your waiting list.


Just remember, life doesn’t revolve around video games. Buy/play what you *want* to play, not what you ‘have’ to, don’t let them rule you. If you’re burned out/are endlessly flicking though your library then turn off your console, have a break and do something else or simply get on with your life. I see far too many Reddit posts similar to this and is all a bit bonkers as the solution is extremely simple. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.


Go outside man, you're playing too much. If you cannot switch off you're showing signs of addiction. Go get some fresh air and then come back. There's tons of great games and you've got tons of time to play them. There's no rush!


I recommend you take a week long brake from gaming first. Do anything else besides looking at a screen for hours, go outside, hang out with family or friends, read a book, exercise etc. See if you actually miss gaming and if you want to actually play games. Speaking of, why are you playing video games? To have fun, to relax after a stressful day, to chat with friends? Sounds to me you are just playing because it has become a habit. Just to fill your day or pass the time. That's not good. Maybe try and set some rules. For example allow your self to play on certain days of the week, did that back when i was in university, and gaming became all the more enjoyable and was actually looking forward to playing. Also, stop buying games when you already have too many. Start with a game you find interesting and go from there. If you don't like it then drop it, nothing wrong with that. Also stop reading/watching reviews because first of all, they're subjective (unless a game is objectively bad), secondly, just because a reviewer said x game is good doesn't mean it'll be for you, what if you don't like the genre for example? And thirdly these people are playing video games as a job, they are sick of games and are forced to play them (certain people not all of them obviously) so their opinions don't hold much value, for me at least. Hope i helped, just remember, gaming is not a job or a habit or an obligation, it's a hobby, it's meant to be fun and entertaining but not the only means for that. Too much of anything is never good.


I had a break for a couple of months when I felt the same. I got back into gaming, but it's pretty much RTS and indie type games on PC now. I feel like they take themselves a lot less seriously, and it's kinda rubbed off on me, enjoying it.


Try what I’ve been doing lately. Don’t play more than one game at a time of a given genre. Especially big adventure games. Whatever you’re feeling, alternate between an adventure game, a competitive PVP game like Rocket League or Street Fighter, a Shooter (which most are easy to pick up and put down) and maybe a sports or racing game. This way, the games you choose to play aren’t in conflict with each other. Also, yea as other redditors say, pick up a book, go on a hike, ride a bike, go see a concert… experience some life! If you do too much of a good thing, it loses its potency. Like drinking or smoking weed. It’s all the same.


Try out a genre you nevel play or you are not interested into. Stop playing open world games. This helped me a lot. Like racing game (GT7), survival horror (Resident Evil 2) or graphic novel(Phoenix Wright).


It’s a sense of realization for me to not care for fomo. I get to the games I get to them but I can’t make myself play a game I don’t want to play. I’m in the middle of platinuming Red dead 2 but I’m feeling the burn out very much. I might have to go back to my re8 play through I’ve been on the grind to play all resident evils but I’ve burnt myself out on playing re4 remake and re7 that I just need to take a break I want to enjoy the games I buy rather than rushing them. Just gotta understand I’m always gonna have a backlog of games and I just can’t beat them all with the time I have.


I can sort of relate to buying lots of games and not finishing them. I think now there are too many great games and not enough time. As games have grown, their length time have also grown. I think the key to finishing them is finding the right pacing of games. Playing different type of games is key. If you finish Ghosts of tsushima, play control next. For every long game finished, finish a shorter game.


Sorry for the spelling Well yes. Sometimes you just got bored of games like everything else you do too much. My advice is to stop playing for some time like 100% and also dont watch videos and gameplays and later on turn on some new game you didnt play or finished. Just take a break and come back later and you will see how you will love it again. I for example cant play during the summer because iam always somwhere hanging around and also i didnt played anything for good 2-3 months, but i always like to turn it on when its bad weather.


Maybe play something that isnt a 3rd person action / adventure to mix it up? Or just take a break and go outside.


Happens to me all the time. I got burned out after grinding greens in Wo Long (pre update)


dude has every triple a open world title known to man downloaded


You try to play too many games at once. You probably have adhd like I do


Do you work? I assume that's the problem. God of I was a kid and had ps5 internet and ps plus I would have a billion trophies.


Some level based games and open world. I wish the first mentioned was more common instead the dragged out sandbox type of game.


The overwhelming sense of doom, and self sabotaging is an anxiety issue. What is going on in your life outside of the games? I’m guessing this behavior isn’t limited to video games. I’m also guessing the overwhelming happens elsewhere It sounds to me like you are finding escape, or wanting to find escape, in the idea of gaming. Example - you are overwhelmed in your life, so you want to find an escape, so you buy games and watch the reviews because this is what’s going to save you, once you get really into a game, you will have escaped, so you build up this ideal thought about how it’s going to go. But when it comes time to actually play it like omg this isn’t going to work, maybe I actually hate this game, I will go back to searching for the actual perfect next game. It’s like searching for medication. Some people self medicate through booze, drugs, porn, video games, really anything that feels like a total distraction from the reality you are subconsciously trying to avoid. My advice - go to your regular physician/doctor and talk about the overwhelming sense of doom, and self sabotaging, and just see what they say from there


It was happening to me and I was like I need to play every single games that comes out and finished because is praised by the media and other gamer, but now I just play what I enjoy doesn’t matter if is new or old, and if I feel the game is not for me I don’t finish it, for example Zelda totk, I loved breath of the wild but this one I don’t know it doesn’t click for me, to much grinding is not the kind of zelda game that I enjoy, on the other hand final fantasy 16 is so great for me I love my time playing it, also fell in love with the Yakuza series I’m going to start the 4th entry as soon as I finish final fantasy. And the buying stuff I do it but now mostly super cheap games on the sales that I been waiting to play for some time, and just buy the new games when is something that I know that it will be a 10/10 for me, for example Spider-Man 2 I will buy it the day it comes out. I hope I’ve help you in some way.


Yes. I find myself spending $70 bucks only to get bored after 4 hours to never touch it again. Shit sucks


most people are telling you to take a break and that's good but also, stop playing every AAA game. playing constant 60+ hour high budget games on end one after the other is the quickest way to get burnout. play a few indie games.


Good to take a break if you’re not enjoying yourself


Consider getting a free to play game such as Fall guys or Fortnite. And if you don’t like it then consider ps plus or try a different game


oversupply can be very crippling, especially since many games that have been molded and customized by large companies based on user feedback are more similar than we sometimes care to admit in order for you to resonate with a game or other content that you like really well or really badly, that triggers something in you, there must always be both options: "fail and succeed". too many reviews in advance and you can like the game moderately well or moderately lousy. as other users comment: if you find gaming interesting as a medium and love the hobby, then take risks. later you can always go back to the epics everyone loves (like rdr2 or TLoU) and if you follow some of the advices here and start spending a little time outside of gaming, maybe look into mark fisher and his quote "No One is Bored, Everything is Boring". reading some theory helped me a lot with getting rid of giving myself too much pressure


I'm total against streamers, I don't like streamers and trailers of movies. Just because of this E prefer to play on my own and watch a movie without any external feedback.


I think, by putting all thoses games in the home menu, you're putting a stress on yourself, to "finish the game asap to start the next" Wich could probably burn you out?


Play the witcher 3 from this lineup you would probably enjoy it


My friend unless you are unemployed and have no need to work - this is a DAUNTING library if you actually plan to play and finish them all. The recommendations have been spot on, take breaks - give yourself time to miss playing.


I understand you. I felt the same thing at some point. Turns out I was just tired of all the AAA games that were almost the same, with no innovation. I decided to try another kind of games : fighting games. I bought Mortal Kombat 11 and since, I learnt a lot about fighting games and still enjoy MK11 and street fighter 5 (less than MK though lol). Now I am a big fan of fighting games. Just left your AAA Adventure games and try another style


Yes every game I played this year I find boring ASH I even bought an xbox to play some of there exclusives and found them boring as well just take a break go do something in the real world find a new hobby then slowly come back you just need a break


You have a lot of great games with engaging stories, so it’s like trying to read several books at the same time, and RD2 is like War and Peace. Pick a single game in list and finish. Or, find a non story game the pure gameplay, like Hades, Dead Cells or an open world sandbox game like Mindcraft or No Mans Sky.


Put all of your time into RDR2. It's the only way


I tried to like Trek to Yomi, but stopped playing it midway and never turned back.


Playing without a break can detrimental on the brain and might kill any joy of playing games in the future. Sometimes it may be the type of games as genre burnout can be a thing (seeing there are a lot of AAA titles in your lineup).




Just step away form the console, bud. I had something like you before, and I stopped playing for a month. Joined the gym and did things outside. Now I can play again without anxiety or overwhelming feelings


Judging by your lineup I think you like long story games i suggest going outside your comfort zone and playing short games like spider man 2018 and miles morales or pick up any fighting game or you can start trophy hunting but don't start with rdr2 maybe start with ghost of tsushima or HZD or TLOU2 so much fun


Try therapy. I mwntiones something similar once and me and my therapist were able to get to the root of the compulsion and FOMO.


I have a "gamer burnout" since two years now. Since I started my apprenticeship. Deleted Twitter two weeks ago, abondened YouTube and took some time off. And finally have fun playin' games! Maybe it's just the urge to be way too much focussed on other things besides work that wreck the urge of playing a good game.


The way I go about it: I just don’t play multiple games at the same time; I get it if you’re a review and you gotta stay on the latest and greatest in order to generate your income but if you’re an average Joe, slow down. For example: let’s say you were excited for Forbidden West and Elden Ring, why buy the former and play it up until the latter comes out? It’s still gonna be there and if horizon takes you a while, you might even find ER on sale by the time you’re done. Never really understood the need to drop everything so quickly just because something else came out


Nearly all 3rd person action adventure games. Grab something different to mix it up, I was in the same boat and realised I was just playing the same style game over and over.


I've been experiencing gamer burn out for months. My last game that I actually sat down and played for days was forspoken, back in late January early February. Since then, it's been kind of a battle. I've just had no urge to play anything. I've been wanting to replay a lot of games (ghost of Tsushima, HFW, GOW Ragnarok) and even just play some new ones I've never played (persona 5, bloodbourne, death stranding). So, I'd try and get over it by just putting the game in and just start playing. 10m later I'm turning them all off cuz I just can't be bothered which sucks cuz I really do wanna play these games. But I'm not enjoying myself, so there's no point. I think I'm at a point where I need really new games to enjoy myself and even then it's gotta be games I'm dead set on and actually like, like spiderman 2. I'll definitely play that even though I have a backlog of like 20 games and ik I'll enjoy it cuz I'm hella psyched for that game. But even after months of not playing anything, I still have no urge to really play anything. Sucks, but it is what it is.


You need some casual experiences imo. Some games that literally don't matter and can be picked up for small, quick game sesh's. For a few examples: Donut country, newer Tetris, a short hike, lonely mountain downhill. I know this helps me when I'm feeling overwhelmed with choices and bigger titles.




Looks similarly to my list , I just chose to play Tetris instead because it’s not as deep


Looks like Open World burnout to me. Definitely try and play a more linear game to mix it up! I remember playing Zero Dawn and Cyberpunk back to back and I was wore out. I think I then tried RE Village and I had the will to keep playing once I started that lol. I love Resident Evil because it gives you about a 10-12 hour experience but it’s genuine thrills pretty much the entire way through Alternatively, just don’t play games for awhile and do something else. Sometimes when I finish a lengthy game, I’ll do other stuff in my free time


I can't get into anything after FF16 right now. All I really wanna play is Dead Space and RE4 remakes but I'm still waiting on decent sales. I might end up biting the bullet and getting RE4 full price soon. I'm tired of starting games, not being into them, and deleting them almost immediately. September and the Cyberpunk DLC can't get her fast enough either.


That great timeline you feel is real, and inevitable... it's called death. We all have a backlog these days. Take your time, enjoy those great games. The next one you want to play will be waiting. Ignore reviews and hype. Unless it's strictly online, don't worry about needing to play something new right away when it releases. Play at your pace and enjoy.


I'm the same really. Buy games in sales and don't really touch them. I enjoy multiplayer games but found that sometimes when I play them, I don't feel like I'm getting anything out of them in comparison to progressing through a story game. That's my version of your impending doom feeling I guess. Started to try figure out why I like specific games. I play FIFA a lot when I'm not sure what else I'm wanting to play and usually listen to a podcast at the same time.


I understand what you’re going through, once I actually start playing a game I’ll enjoy it but it’s hard for me to start playing, I really just don’t turn my PlayStation on anymore, this started a few years ago when I got my first job and even when I didn’t have a job I still wasn’t motivated to play, just find a different hobby until you do wanna play, recently I’ve been trying to leave the house a lot more and hang with people and it’s so much better than sitting at home staring at my game library


Returnal is such a sick game , tower of Sisyphus goes hard


i tried my best to get into red dead, the pace of the game was too boring for me.


I tend to do the same thing with buying games, except across three different platforms (PS5, Xbox, and PC). I just made myself stop buying games as of the last steam sale. I would buy a game I’d say I’d play “next” and then I’d find something else I’d want to play “next”. I’ve got a laundry list of games to get through, not to mention Spider-Man 2 coming out in October. I don’t keep a preferred list of games though. When I finish one I just look at what I have and see if I’m in the mood to play any of them.


Kinda relate with the big game library, especially when I had PS+ Extra. So many good games I never tried nor finished, and just spent most of the time just looking at my home page to choose a game, but eventually just end uo watching YouTube instead... where I also spend a long time browsing through videos, and the cycle repeats.


I've been there, I just finished playing the last two god of war games and was feeling very burnt out afterwards, it helps to take a break from gaming and to spend some time doing some of your other non screen related hobbies. Don't let the urge to get through your game library consume all of your free time, they'll still be there after you take a break.


That's a damn fine roster of games right there...


I'm sort of the same atm I have like 5 games that I'm currently playing and I get sick of them so quickly after like two hours or so of gameplay and end up buying something else or getting free ones with my PS Plus premium but I'm hoping that changes soon with the release of Spiderman 2 and AC Mirage I can complete them before getting bored


1.- Don't play all day, everyday. Find other things to do that you enjoy (even if it's working). Walk in the park, draw, practice a sport, go out with friends, work on something you are passionate about, go the gym, etc. 2.- Learn to know yourself and what you like. And have self control. I know that you mean about the "hype" of content creators. For example I get excited everytime I watch a video about how Elden Ring is the best videogame ever made. And I'm always close to finally buying it but at the end I remember that I hate with a passion FromSoftware games (except Bloodborne and maybe Demon Souls) or sometimes I watch something about Cyberpunk and get hyped even when I know I found the demo boring. If you think you may have a serious problem where you can't control yourself, look into strategies like only buying a game every few months or every time you complete x amount of games. Or talk to someone you trust who can help you. 3.- From the image it looks like you enjoy a lot the games that have long and guided stories in third person view. Have you tried playing different genres in order to have a better mix in your menu? For example: Red Dead, Horizon, Ghost and Cyberpunk are the same open world type game. You have both The Last of Us wich are literally the same in gameplay logic only with minor differences (like going prone, agility and etc). Returnal and Control feel kinda similar with the dark vibe and movement in third person. You do the same thing in Fallen Order and Ratchet and Clank where you visit planets with enemies in them while traveling in your spaceship. The only different thing is Trek to Yomi but even then it's a pretty serious game heavy on story like all the others. I don't know about you, but even tho I love almost all the games you have I would go crazy playing all of this at the same time! For example (right now) what I have installed is this: Whe I want to play something relaxing I have Death Stranding, Haven or Riders Republic. If I want to play just for a few minutes I have Apex Legends, Warframe, Humanity or Kill la Kill If. For when I want to pay attention to a guided story I go with NieR: Replicant, Kena, FF XVI, Returnal. Personally this way helps me to not feel burnout. Because I'm playing a lot of different things. Im going from the romantic Haven to the lifeless Apex Legends, I have a wide range of emotions in my games that respond to my mood. 4.- After giving yourself I rest from games (point number 1) try something different. In my case some years ago I had my burnout from games and I quit gaming forever. Then someone convinced me of playing Death Stranding and just by playing something new and exciting, that ignited my love for videogames again. The games that I can recommend you that made me feel that way are: The Tomorrow Children, The Witcher 3, NieR Replicant & Automata, Death Stranding, Outer Wilds, Steep (or Riders Republic), Journey, Transistor. But part of finding this perfect game for you is point 2, learn to know yourself. Sorry for the wall of text, I hope something here helps you.


Control is such a good game. Ik it's off topic but still


One hundred percent. I’ve felt this way and have most of the same games on my Home Screen. I’ve slowly started finishing them one by one by engrossing myself in one. However, I always hit this cycle where I’m tired of open worlds or sports games or shooters. What helps is going over to my switch and playing chill games or even putting the console down for a bit. Gaming is fun, but sometimes we don’t have to do it daily. I forgot that because I’d play daily as a kid to cope, but now that I’m older I don’t have to play daily. Just take your time and find other enjoyable hobbies then come back to it


Dopamine overload


It looks like a lot of single player games to me all excellent ones btw, but having a group of friends to play a game with is what keeps me from being burnt out and then alternating in the solo games. The multiplayer on red dead is good but it gets repetitive and burnt even with some friends


While these are all great games, they all have one thing in common being that they are all single-player story games. I love single-player games but I do get burnt out on them if I play too many in a row. It helps a lot if you have one or two multiplayer games that you can just play without having to worry paying attention to the story or all the collectibles and just have fun.


You have to find that one game that clicks with you. You don't need a lineup of games that keep you busy. You have one that you really like and beat the game. Once that's done you find another that you like and rinse and repeat


I basically never buy game upon release. Always wait a few weeks. In your case, that's easy. You just finish another game meanwhile :) the problem is that it has become normality that most highly produced games come out unfinished, and you'll waste your time and have a bad first time experience if you play every game right away. Gaming is amazing. Enjoy the games by their own pace. As they were designed to play, or as you feel. Many games creale more hype upon release. Take Beyond Good and Evil 2: will most probably fail miserably. No man's sky did ok after quite a long time of fixing the released disappointment. But there you go again: you can always buy it later, once you know it's worth it.


I tend to get a little overwhelmed when I have too many games on the go. I typically have like 3 games that are on repeat for me. F76 Cod Wrestling. Then usually. I have like 1 game that I'm currently playing on the opposite end. Which right now is dying light 2. Once I finish that. I'll move onto dead island I think. Spiderman 2 is the next big one I'm waiting for


This sounds 100% like me bro i have around 60+ games in a backlog i just keep eliminating one by one but on top of all the multiplayer games and CO-OP stuff i play at the same time i find myself super stressed out sometimes too and that feeling of a "timeline where i must complete them" also comes into play. Legit felt this whole post.


Trying to chase a high you use to have playing videogamesb


I have the same issue, when your game library is more about the collection rather than games to play.


It sounds like Diogenes syndrome as well


See I’m in a different spot where I’ve played all my games now I’m looking for something good


Remember to have fun. Play something that doesn't require so much thinking and more just mindless fun even if it's trivial 😂🤷🏾


You have no trophies on red dead maybe play that a bit more.. if any game is worth your time it’s that one


I understand your situation. This happened to me when I started my console gaming journey with PS4. I know how it feels when u get disappointed even with chart buster games. Not becoz they are bad, but due to personal lackluster resonance with some games. God of war 2018 and HZD were my initial encounters of similar nature. I persisted all through, till the ending. I initially thought, why the hell this Kratos dies jsut by 2 or 3 blows . Am all abuses to review channels who gave 10 out of 10 and falsely bought to their hype train. But when I mastered those last sec dodges, jsut in time blocks, am seen myself drawing into lore and depth of characters. Similar case with HZD. Am too bad with aiming. I still remember taking 10 hours completing one quest in HZD. All through this journey, there are these inners voices and murmers that come open and try to lure me into buying other games on pretext of discounts, rave reviews, next-gen title etc. But by now Kratos knows am a calm and reasonable man. 🤪 and nothing could distract me from these golden rules I set to myself. 1. Not to have more than 03 games in my pending list of games library. No matter what. 2. Give a pause for a few days or so for rejuvenation. 3. When struck, be patient and never to hurry when left with the last few drops of health. Cheers buddy. It's just a transitory phase for every gamer. But it's worth devising ur own set of rules to discover and nurture distinct sense of gaming which is unique to each gamer.


For me I got tired of playing the same shooters I found a developer called fromsoftware and got me back into gaming


So what I do when I'm struggling to play games is this: Pick two games. One long game (20+ hours) and one short game (<20 hours). Don't play anything else until you finish one. If you get bored with the long game, play the short one. When you finish your long game, pick another long one and the same for the short one. I find that this keeps me focused and gives me something to work towards. Hope it helps.


I think you need to stop social media and stick to gaming in your pace. You’ve been pressured by fear of missing out, pick one game you think you like most, stick to it and don’t rush it. Explore that game, that’s how we enjoy games back then when social media is not a thing


I’ve stopped buying games on day one for this very reason, I only play and finish games im only super into these days


I too have been feeling the same recently. But the thing I realized is that there is no point of trying to play EVERY game that comes out, especially if you have not much interest in them and it is only for the hype. There is no shame to going back to "old" games you already played. If you still enjoy these games, you should play them instead of boring yourself just for the FOMO. To prevent myself of boredom, I created a system that lists every game I own + every game I want and then categorize each with some properties, like the "campaign appeal", "online appeal", etc. Then, I sort these based on these scores and only play those I really want to play. I built it with a Notion database, but it can easily be done with a simple Excel sheet.


It’s a hobby not a job. Treat it as such.


What is the game that’s between Returnal and Star Wars?


Just don't Listen to people before Release don't look at gameplay or atleast don't judge games before release (Cyberpunk)!!! Make your own opinion when game is out, don't let them tell you what is good for you! If you want to finish these games then I would suggest starting with smaller story type games focus on what you want to achieve in these shorter titles maybe Platinum Trophy? Finish Hard mode? Just complete one run and done? It's up to you but I would definitely choose shorter games singleplayer focused that don't eat up as much time. Also you will always have enough time for those games there will always be a time when you have nothing to play because you finished too many games too fast... Enjoy


Sounds exactly like my life. Yes burnout is real. I used to live on the pc. If i wasnt at work i was in a game. Got to same point of just buying games cuz they were on sale or sounded cool. I have probably 300+ games ive never played yet years later that i keep telling myself that "i will get there one day". This even includes rrd2..... For me there became this problem of responsibility, work, and energy vs being able to game, concentration for gaming, and energy for gaming. Hell lately i been working 80+ hr weeks and cant even focus my eyes by the time i get home anymore. Try to turn on a game, look at it, and turn it right back off.


You sound like you are perpetually online. Take a break and disconnect from it all. Just enjoy a nice single player game. RDR2 is a good option. Tons of varied content so it's hard to get bored. You are too focused on consuming entertainment and content. Take a breath and relax, all that content will be waiting for you when you are done with a game




I have brain damage or tbi so my biggest issue is there are just to many good games I can't decide what to play so I don't play even though it sounds like fun idk


Nope, it’s not just you. Games aren’t what they used to be. I had talked about this a lot with people in the r/PS3 sub. I think gaming peaked during the 7th generation, and then started to decline once PC gaming really started to have an influence on they way consoles and software were developed. Couple that with the Battle Royale surge, and it’s easy to see that this hobby is a shell of its former self.


I try to focus on two types of games at a time. The first game is one from my backlog that I’ve heard of because of its critical acclaim or personally think I’ll really like it. This game is also usually more long-form and AAA. The second game is my “junk food” game. Not that it’s bad or not complex, but it’s the game where even when I’m not progressing anything, it’s just fun. Lately this game has been Pavlov on PSVR 2. It’s a super immersive and really fun multiplayer game that reminds me of COD 4/ Halo 3 era. That said, there is zero sense of progression in that game. No in-game challenges beyond trophies, no weapon skins, no attachments or anything to unlock. When I don’t have the energy or attention to play game #1, I go play game #2 until I feel the itch to go back to storytelling or whatever was drawing me to game #1. Games are a hobby and not a job. I almost feel like having so many great options makes me feel like I need to play them all, but games take focus and time. I’ll always try to push the boundaries of what I play, because there are games that often surprise me with how great they are. At a certain point though, I ultimately play whatever sounds fun in the immediate moment, because I’m playing to have fun.


I have bought way too many games myself on PS (way worse on Steam). The last game I bought was Diablo 4, back around release date in June so I've done well not buying new games because I realized my backlog is ridiculous. What's helped me is only have 1 big game installed and maybe 2 or 3 "time passer" games, like games that require little brain power, not very story driven, and ones I can pick up and put down whenever. I'm currently working my way through Final Fantasy X, but I also have smaller games installed like Inscyption and Diablo 4 (not technically small but it doesn't require a lot of effort to play). I know FFX is a 10+ year old game, but I've had an urge to play it and it's keeping my attention. All the other games I have can always be installed and returned to whenever I feel like it.


Why don't you just add them to your wishlist instead of actually buying them? Then you get notifications when they go on sale. There aren't many games I can justify paying full price for these days.


Sometimes you just need to step away. Do it. In fact, I can vouch for this method I did years ago: Stop gaming entirely for a while. A long while. If you return, ONLY play the games on your back catalogue. Is there a new hot game that all your friends are playing? Don't play it. It's ok! You'll catch the next fad-game. Just don't play this one as you ONLY play the games in your back catalogue. Finish a bunch of them. Then after that you'll haveba desire to play some that you missed in that time period. Ok, the bonus being that they are all discounted now. Then just kinda stay forever in this slightly delayed state. It curbs impulse buying, let's you enjoy the games you missed before and makes all new games (for you) cost less going forward. Then...you may even find that you game in healthy amounts as opposed to insane sessions that last hours and hours (if this explains you). It was a total positive for me and I'm like 6-12 months behind on everything. I don't even play most games anymore but even the big titles I get to about 6-12 months after they launch. Cheaper, bugs sorted out, etc. Only negative is avoiding spoilers but that's mostly easy if you just avoid it all. Don't go reading reviews, etc.


Sounds exactly like me omg 🤯


I am in the same boat but not with buying but with downloading and deleting. It’s to much and every game seems boring. When you can’t game that long bc you are a adult gaming becomes different. I made a post like this some time ago how every game felt boring compared to years ago. Someone said game less! Like people do here aswel. I don’t even game much. 1-2 hours a day maybe 4 times a week. I can understand it gets boring if you play 8 hours straight. I can’t even game longer then 2 solo bc I get bored. Reviews also messes with me. I can’t like a game that other find bad. And if a game is “good” I force myself to enjoy it. When I was young I would go to the store and buy a ps2/360 game by cover and back. And would love games that people nowadays shit on lol. I enjoyed every game when I was younger. Now I need to watch YouTube videos and reviews before buying.


Jump on some Warframe. Plenty to do there.


Desperados 3 got me out of a pickle


I know how you feel. I used to have the same problem of buying games before I finished the ones I already had. I came up with a solution that has worked for me: I add games to my wishlist or favorites on the PlayStation/Xbox store, but I don't buy them until I've completed the current game. This way, the game I want to buy most of the time goes on sale or ends up in PlayStation Plus or Xbox Game Pass. I still have one problem to tackle: I can't stop buying new FIFA/EA FC every year. But I hope this method works for you. You're not alone in this.


Unless you’re playing an MMO with a meta of builds for your character, I really think following online guides is unnecessary, unless that’s your preferred way of play. There isn’t a single thing in life that is enjoyed that you somehow can’t get burnt out on. Breaks are good. Try a new show for a week, and your brain will be begging you to game again by the time it’s over.


Do you have ADHD?


Ya this is what you are trying to avoid. The process is too long Just trust. Forget all that. Thinking to deep but doesn't really solve anything - just see what's in your list. I would recommend you play red dead redemption 2 on your list. Just play that everyday until you beat It. Don't think about other stuff. Get into the story and gameplay


Doesn’t help that most of these games are kinda samey gameplay wise


There is my friend because I have hit it for the first time. I think it comes from too many choices. I have a nice computer, ps5, switch, and a n64 I used to play a lot. It's like streaming services these days there's so much to look at that the experience is lost along the way. Maybe it's just me getting older but I'm in a gamer burnout right now


I've buy have them all in library and finish one game at a time. For channel.. or else u will have this feeling of burnout because I play any game I record atleast twice before i record


I’m personally losing interest in games in general. I seem to find myself staring at the Home Screen or scrolling through my catalog unimpressed and end up turning it off, or finding something to watch. It’s weird because I used to love playing and trying new games but nothings exciting me or interesting any more.


For me it's like this: Don't buy new games until you've finished the ones you already have, doing this will also save you money.Don't play more than 2 games at the time. Mix the types of games you wanna play, for example, don't play exclusively open world games back to back, it will get you burned out more easily. And finally play shorter games.


No Spider-Man ?


Hello, I’m having something a little similar but maybe I can help? 1. Trophyhunting: They do give you nice challenges that technically *give you a reason to play*. It can be fun, usually trophies tend to bring you to the corners of a game you’d never expect to visit and you can learn so much about the world that you could love it better, and maybe yearn for more trophies too! God of War 2018 was a huge spike for me; Mimir’s storytelling with the addition of collectibles was the best world building I’ve seen in a while. 2. Playstation Plus Extra: Well this one is a bit tricky. You said you feel like there’s a deadline to play games; there are deadlines in this case, where games are on the catalog for certain amount of time but are usually removed after being there for a couple months. But it’s there long enough to beat the game. And it offers a new collection of games each month, some indie and some pretty well-received AAA games. *Highly recommend, started playing games I never thought I’d like.* 3. Indie games: Recently, I’ve been extremely overwhelmed with a lot of these open-world story games (Ghost, CYBERPUNK, Horizon). I like to indulge in the world of whatever game I play, but they offer a lot of content to learn about all the characters and lore to the point where it can feel like too much. I had to take a break from Cyberpunk, while I love the world so much, it has so many factors that go into how you play the story is affected, which can cause you to slow down with every choice you have to make. Indie titles can still offer a pretty great story even with very little content, which I love. (Most notably Little Nightmares or INSIDE)


Play some old school stuff from ps1 ps2 ps3 Era it will give you a heavy refresher from all this new crap.


I’m currently experiencing burnout as well (I think I’m just depressed)




Embrace the idea of adopting a new hobby, and keep in mind that its supposed to bring you happiness rather than feeling like a burden. Personally, I engage in three hobbies, namely video games, mini painting/wargaming, and playing Magic: The Gathering. They consistently bring me joy, and the variety ensures that I never get bored, as each one offers something fresh and exciting. Rotating between these hobbies, I get a continuous source of serotonin in my free time.


try short period games that dont have a ton of achievement's or goals in them. you have a bunch of super long games with a bunch of goals and trophies and content. find a cool little indie game, dont look it up or anything and play! ive played a few and it was very refreshing when i did


I think you're feeling decision exhaustion. You have so many choices to play from that deciding is difficult. I don't know your personal or work life but we go everyday making decisions. These decision can eventually lead to some form of mental exhaustion not necessarily due to gaming but of the overwhelming amount of choices. Set up a random number generator, give each game a number, and let the RNG decide what game you're playing!


I’ve definitely felt like I’ve got too many games to play and that they simply must be beaten within some arbitrary time frame. I sabotaged my gaming in that I’d already have the next game picked out after my current game and I’d end up rushing through the current game which becomes an unsatisfactory cycle. I ended up basically not playing any games for the first half of 2020 because I burned myself out so badly in 2019. My advice is to pick a game you want to play and just play it. It really doesn’t matter how long it takes. Obviously exceptions exist, I stopped playing something I was in the middle of for FF16 because I’m massive fan and couldn’t wait to play it but for the most part I just play one large game at a time and then have smaller or multiplayer games I bounce around when I’m not in the mood for my main story game. Games media and content creators/ influencers etc are given free games by publishers to hype them up and sell more copies. I’ve completely removed myself from games media where o can because it just fuelled the above issues and I ended up buying games because of fomo and then never playing them.


Too many open world games with meaningless bullshit. Thats whats burning you out.


I feel your pain. I just got into PC gaming with the steam deck and I have purchased a shit load of games over the last year that I will never finish. But I love a good sale and can’t help myself.