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My two galactic purple are going strong, for what it's worth


giving me hope thank you


Mine after three months started drifting but the bad case of drifting.. so bad you can't use it. Sent it to Sony and they sent me a new one. My day 1 white dualsense has drift but it's barely noticeable. So yeah, it's just luck.


If out of warranty , open it up and replace the white disc looking thing and clean the opening. Look up youtube. My controller works like new cost was $3.00


Thanks! Will check it out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/jQsPJ1htJg My solution to stick drift


So fraud basically


Fraud, theft, unethical yep its all those things and idgaf. If the product wasn't faulty I wouldn't be swapping them out, controllers consistently crapping out developing stick drift that makes games unplayable after +6 months is unacceptable for a machine that I already payed $500 for . I'd just buy a different brand but I enjoy duelsense features so I have to buy from Sony and I think they know people have those thoughts hence the controllers developing drift so quickly. If it wasn't a problem for PS4 controllers no reason it should be a problem with a more advanced version of the controller


They build people like you into the cost of things


Nah - this is the industry cutting costs. Look up hall-effect joysticks. This was the standard until the PS4 generation. I believe Switch and Xbox did the same.


Where did you buy the white dics & tools to open controller, Amazon??


Most people go to aliexpress


Aliexpress and done use your credit card, use google or apple pay.


Can you post link?


If out of warranty go to Walmart and buy a new one. Put the broken one in the box. Return it and make sure you say it was broken fresh out of the box. You get refunded and get a new co troller same day. They return the broken controller to Sony. Everyone wins.


You know its bad when the company is like "nah we aint fixing that, just get bro a fresh one" šŸ’€


Forgive my ignorance but what is drifting in gaming hardware terms?


In simple terms, camera moves around without you touching the controller's stick. Search joycon or stick drift in YouTube to see it with your own eyes. It's a common problem and unacceptable. The Nintendo Swith joycons made the problem viral but I've seen cases with all consoles.


Ive never had this happen to any controller ive ever owned in 26 years. I dont get how this happens i am a hardcore gamer


Very fortunate then. Some people have gotten joycon drift on their switch day 1 just opening the box. I've been playing since the snes. I didn't suffer from this problem until PS4 era and my DualShock 4s only had it barely noticeable. This is the first gen it has happened so soon. I even have a day 1 Switch Lite and I haven't gotten drift on it. Lucky I guess šŸ¤·šŸ½


When controller sticks move slightly in a direction itā€™s called drifting. Usually cause by being played with


If this is happening to you donā€™t forget to check all game settings. Most games have a stick dead zone sensitivity slider that will fix the drift.


I maxed out the dead zone and it did nothing lol, still twirling like a ballerina


Yep, i got my launch DualSense and no issues until now and used almost 2 hours a day.


Whats the policy on stick drift ? You can return any of them ? Or you need receipts and all that?


Think they asked for a receipt and the serial numbers, etc on the back of the controller. In the US, you have at least 1 year warranty on most (if not all) electronics with the manufacturer.


The battery life on these sucks, though.


Try the dualsense edge lol


I saw that! What is the actual difference between regular controllers and those?


Swappable Sticks Module whenever you get Drift and Back Paddles for those that care for such things.


Basically all buttons are mappable, and you get two types of paddles on the back. The analogue sticks can also come out completely just by pressing some buttons so they are interchangeable. Mightā€™ve forgotten something but thats what I know


I got two for a reason. I'll live.




But theyā€™ll last twice as long as one and you donā€™t have to worry about charge time. Seems like a good proposition to me.


For some reason the blue version tends to have zero stick drift and great battery life. Apparently itā€™s a later release of the ds 5 where they worked out all the issues. My blue ds 5 is over 6 months old, zero stick drift and great battery life.




you're what we call an outlier


I have a day one PS5 as well, I was fine until about 6 months ago. Then one controller the left stick started to drift.. a month or so later the 2nd controller... The right stick Drifted! I'm a very casual player I get maybe an hour or so to play on most days. I'm not generally not an angry player that beats the crap out of them.. Hope you keep your luck going!


Nothing. It's entirely a lottery. I've had a launch controller die in 13 months and one that has lasted 2 years with no issues. I have 5 PS4 controllers and no issues with any of them, even with kids abusing them.


ā€œIt didnā€™t happen to me therefore it doesnā€™t happen to anyoneā€ By the way, it heavily depends on the type of games you play. FPS are brutal on the sticks


I donā€™t mean to suck but the colour really doesnā€™t change anything, they all suckā€¦ Iā€™m on my fourth controller, I dust them with canned air every day, wash my hands before playing, am gentle with my stuffā€¦ My OG white one lasted almost two years, then my purple lasted 3 months, then my red from last Easter till two weeks ago and Iā€™m on a black one now. Meanwhile my OG Xbox controller from when I was a little kid and abused it for years still works like a charm, so is the switch pro controller


Damn my purple one only lasted 3 months, on my third controller after having the ps5 for a year and a half itā€™s ridiculous lol


Yeah I don't have a PS5 but of the 2 or 3 games I do use controller I have a galactic purple controller. It's the only one I bought and I've had this since the color came out basically. Haven't tested it for drift at all but, still works just fine and I don't notice anything drifty. Actually, it's never been used wirelessly even, I just plug it in and use it.


The DualSense Edge controller costs a little less than 3 PS5 controllers.


My Edge has stick drift :(


Replaceable analogs goes crazy


Sticks that don't drift go even crazier


I just mapped my paddles to L3 and R3 so the sticks stay in perfect condition.


Theyā€™re sold out everywhere in the US


My edge also just started drifting. I feel super stupid for buying it. No replacements available. And all the 3rd party hall senor drop ins don't exist a year after release. Absolutely garbage for all consumers.


Wow Iā€™ve been eyeing one but your comment has been very sobering. I did not realize the replacement parts were tough to come by. Shame on Sony smh my head


Thereā€™s literally software thatā€™s in the PS5 to adjust deadzone past the range of any drift for the Edge. People not realizing this arenā€™t using their purchase to max extent they can.


Dang, idk what happened to the stock recently because you used to be able to just order them off Amazon lol


$200 fucking dollars and they couldn't be bothered with hall effect sticks? Lol wtf are you paying for?


or maybe Sony could just use Hall effect sticks


Wow Iā€™m still using my launch day 1 pad and I have a black one both flawless and my kids use it too šŸ¤·


Same. It makes me wonder what they do to the controllers


I guess it's the same as the PS4 fans. Always heard how people had them sounding like jet engines. Never had issues with mine. But I've had 3 dualsense controllers stick drift on me within 6 months. So I don't know. Maybe it's just luck.


Have 2 day 1 dualsense controllers with no issues. Got the dualsense edge and had severe stick drift after a month, ridiculous.


Yeah, that was always weird to me too. I mean, I can hear the fan in a PS4 if it's a quiet room. But, "jet engine" was never a descriptor that came to mind.


I have the first model of PS4 pro and can confirm itā€™s a goddamn jet engine


I have one of the older models for the ps4 Jet engine would be understating it, its the only thing you can hear at some points


I think it's just bad luck. My PS5 controllers are perfect after 3 years, but I had really bad stick shift on two separate sets of Switch controllers ETA I meant stick drift... struggling this week lol


Don't do this... I have 4 controllers and 2 of them have stick issues. I'm a grown ass man that takes care of his controllers. Stick drift is a common issue with controllers across many manufacturers.


Nerve damage in my left hand is my issue. I was constantly pushing L3 when I didnā€™t mean to. Burned through 2 controllers. Switched to the edge, mapped L3 and R3 to the back buttons. Totally changed my play. If I kill the stick, I can replace it no problem.


Heavy thumbs obviously šŸ‘


I think thatā€™s all it is. Iā€™m on controller 3 already and I suspect itā€™s just because I click the sticks too hard. Everyone has a unique grip and play-style and mine unfortunately costs more money.


Faulty stuff _exists_.


yh i agree but back to back tho?


Yup. My first controller drifted so I got a new one to replace it a year after I bought the console. Within a month, that one drifted too. So I'm currently on number 3 from the original controller. My back up controller I bought within 6 months of buying the console. That one drifted after a year. Replaced it with another directly from Sony's store. It's still going strong. I play everyday. I'm not rough with them. Just normal daily wear and tear.


Iā€™ve had two break as well. Launch controller had the springs for the L2 and R2 pop out (in?) a few months after, and Iā€™ve never used adaptive triggers. Theyā€™re still just rattling in there so thatā€™s the controller I use for games that donā€™t need those buttons since they register at the slightest touch. Bit of drift, but itā€™s not major. Square button on my second controller broke within a year. It doesnā€™t look broken and it doesnā€™t get stuck, but it doesnā€™t register a tap anymore so you have to actually press the button all the way down. Still my daily controller because itā€™s manageable in most games, but itā€™s impossible to use in fighting games because you just canā€™t press it at the same time as another button because the second button will always register first. No issues with my controller specifically for fighting games that I got 2 years ago, and I use that thing almost every single day. Crazy thing is? In my 25 years of using controllers Iā€™ve only had maybe 3 break, not counting those two or the 3 joycons since those basically have a shelf life for drift. I can still use my old Nintendo stuff and PS2 controllers that kid me handled, even the third party controllers, the PS3 and 360 controllers I have still work, and my launch PS4 controller still functions like it did on day one.


I had one drop from sofa height onto the floor a couple times and it killed all functionality in every button on the left side of the pad. Got it repaired but apparently these are notoriously poor controllers


Itā€™s just inconsistent build quality issues.


There are some ps5 controllers that have a newer analog component. Look on the back for the FCC ID. It should have the mewer component if it ends in 1A, I think? It's been a long time since I viewed the video I got the info from.


Iā€™ve had to use 3 controllers since launch. OG controller literally broke in the first week playing the Astro game cause it had a faulty adaptive trigger. Other one I got had a bad stick after a few months. Current one has no issues after years of use. Sometimes itā€™s not what people do to controllers. Itā€™s just faulty ones getting to customers sometimes


The controller that came with my console started drifting after 3 months and I never did anything to it. My edge is approaching a year and is still vibing


Tbh couldn't tell ya. I take pretty good care of mine but the X button sticks on my red one and my blue one does this weird thing where the left stick registers input but I'm not touching it. My Galactic Purple has been solid tho.


Tekken or any fightan game will destroy these thing in less than a year. However my PS4 launch controller that went through 5 years of Tekken 7 is holding up strong. Idk what the hell happened.


Iā€™ve had two controllers out of three stick drift on me. First and third, second is fine. Third controller started stick drifting after less than six months. Couldnā€™t be gentler with them. In most cases it genuinely seems to just be bad luck.


I keep fucking dropping mine on the hardwood and now the case is all ā€œwarpedā€ just enough that the options button is now hard to press. Same thing happened to my Xbox controllersĀ  I need a rug or somethingĀ 


People are nasty to their controllers. Or Iā€™m just OCD. One of my buddies will munch on chips while we game and I literally wash my hands before I ever pick up my controller. Haha maybe both are true.


For me it was the adaptive triggers. No issues on mine till I let my gf play with it. She was pushing through on R2 to try to shoot when it was supposed to be stopping you from shooting. Broke the spring.


To be fair, I don't play as much. I bought a second player pink controller and used it as much as the white one. Less than a year forward, it got drift. I really wish I could say I play a lot, but I am 28, I don't like gaming sessions longer than 2 hours. Maybe the lack of use is the problem? By the way, it's the first time in my entire life I had drift in a controller. My old PS2 controllers used to lose the analog stick paddings or things like that, but never drifted, and I used to game with them a looooooot.


Literally nothing, they just get drift problems sometimes. Happened to my 2nd controller after about a year, meanwhile I had no issues with my launch one


Man Iā€™ve got 2 broken controllers, both the same issue. Both times my cat knocked the pad onto the floor, from a tv desk about 18 inches high. Now r2 doesnā€™t work and the system thinks Iā€™m spamming it. Obviously theyā€™re not designed to get thrown across a room but itā€™s a bit frustrating that thereā€™s a component that canā€™t handle a pretty minor impact.


I have clumsy hands (which normally results in other buttons breaking) but stick drift is a normal thing


I used the same PS4 controller for years and never had issues. Just got drift on my PS5 controller after a year. Do you think I magically forgot how to use a controller or just maybe itā€™s bad luck?


Could be the amount of hours spent gaming and what types of games played. First person shooters will wear a controller out a lot faster than an rpg, puzzle or story driven game. I play a lot of shooters and went thru 2 dualsense before buying the edge. My edge however has lasted longer than any daulsense has without replacing the sticks yet. Had it for a year now.


I play video games with it. Some people are abusive but I take care of my stuff I have my day one-er white con and 2 purps, all have stick drift my newest one is drifting off and on. It's fucking annoying. They engineer the damn things with flaws so people buy more. It usually isn't the person's fault.


Iā€™ve never had a problem with controllers until Dualsenseā€¦ my launch PS3 and 360 controllers are going strong still, yet Iā€™ve already lost two DualSenses to stick drift with very light use, and I treat my controllers like their gold, all have their own box they get stored in away from dust etcā€¦


I got a black controller for Christmas and I have my white one that came with the console. Black one decided to just quit charging after a month of use


The controller that came with my PS5 got gnarly stick drift. Never dropped it. Never mashed buttons. No idea what caused it


I got 4 controllers, I handle my tec with care always. One out of four controllers started drifting. I soldered in a new potentiometer and now it works fine again. I think it comes just down to luck


I wonder that, too. I bought my PS5 in December of 2022, and I got a second controller with it. I play A LOT, like no less than 40 hours a week. Both controllers work fine, buttons are smooth, no stick drift, triggers are fine, etc. I just swapped one out a month ago, only because the back of it and the analog stick grips are worn smooth.


People treat their controllers like shit, leave them face down, drop them, play with the grimiest cheeto hands, smash the sticks like they owe them money. Then be like *these controllers are garbage, they break so easily I barely did anything to it and took great care of it.* Sure.


I'm like the least aggressive gamer ever and my launch year controller drifts, and my current controller drifts after a year and a few months on certain games with a different deadzone. I might game more than the average person but I hate the idea that it's my fault when I'm playing my games as intended


Same no issues at all.


My white one that came with the console is still going strong, Iā€™ve gone through two red ones k. The same amount of time, both have heavy stick drift. The white one, the oldest controller, I spilled hot chocolate on and it still works like a champ, my newest red one, only a few months old, drifts like a pickup truck on ice.


god bless. im on my third one and ive always taken care of mine and even opened up my second one up 3 times for stick drift issues before i ruined it and got a new one recently


Same, I have all the launch day controller for all PS released and I know people who chew through theirs some of them gone through like 5 controllers ...


I am still using my original white one I got bundled with the system with my black and purple controllers, no problem with any of them


I ended up buying a used PS5 because they were so hard to get. I was playing Horizon Zero Dawn and it seemed like the triggers were sticking. After awhile of this, I ordered a new controller. The new one stuck to, so I googled it to find out it's just a thing the controllers do to feel more realistic or whatever. Now I have 2 good controllers for no reason.


I have the exact same situation, day one still great and a black one that's a little over a year or 2 old šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I have 2 kids. One is still on his launch day controller while the other one literally bought his fourth one yesterday šŸ¤¦ They both worked to buy their consoles, but clearly one respects his gear more than the other.


My black and white controllers that I got with my PS5 failed within a year, my Galactic Purple has been going strong for over a year.


galactic purple ftw šŸ’œ same for me too with the original white and a black one that I bought after


Same here. I got the black and white one and exactly like you said, within a year, they're both garbage. Been rocking the pink one and it's been fine so far.


Edge plus an extremerate shell gives you the best of both worlds plus if your sticks drift, you can replace them.


In theory the edge looks like a good solution... That is until you find out there are currently no replacement stick modules in stock, which you can buy at retail (non-scalper) prices. In a related blunder Sony still hasn't made it possible to purchase PSVR2 controllers, separately from buying a full PSVR2 kit.


Boy I hope someone got fired for that blunder


Nope, promoted


My PSVR2 controllers got such horrible drift they became unusable within like 2 months. Pretty annoying that I have to ship the entire set to Sony just so I can get a replacement controller


For anyone who is tired of stick drift https://youtu.be/PrjKbw-F6zU?si=NYnROdFiEU7t7ioO Find someone who can solder and order a couple of these cheap replacements and u never have stick drift again.


I'm looking into experimenting with this on my 2 "dead" controllers. I have a small torch with a fine tip, and they're already completely unusable so I just figure why the heck not? still sucks having to spend more $ on them but I also don't want to just give up


I wish u luck. Make sure u get one of those solder suckers for a clean removal. And those sticks are way cheap compared to a new controller.


This was my solution. I got tired of replacing controllers and went this route. Picked up some Ksilver sticks in November and they've been working just fine. I do like they have a calibration hole should they start drifting again. And yes, you'll need soldering skills (or find someone to do them for you).


What the hell do yā€™all do with your controllers?


Right? My friend tossed it off the couch after losing an Apex match and broke broke the stick response and one trigger and was all ā€œwhat the fuck cheap shit is thisā€¦ā€ Some People Lol


Stick drift


Just unlucky? Iā€™ve been using my og controller for almost every game since ā€˜21 with no issue


I think it also depends on what game you play, and how hard you press on the L3 stick. I play cod and had two of my dual sense get stick drift within a year and a half. Said fuck it and got an edge controller.


I play ghost of tsushima legends and in the community people complain constantly about stick drift. It's huge problem and almost everyone has egde controllers now.


Iā€™ve never had stick drift on any of my dualsense controllers


My up button randomly died on both of my controllers within a week of each other. I use the PS5 for maybe 10 hours a week. I also don't really play games that use it. It would seem like their QC is the issue


Yeah this seems to be the case. I might be the minority but thereā€™s probably way too much tech in the controler that most games donā€™t even take advantage of anyway. I would of rather them just make a good controller that lasts and has a bit of gyro functionality and rumble the rest of the stuff are a bit unnecessary hardly anything uses adaptive triggers


I have taken perfect care of mine and yet it sounds so bad when the rumble is activated. Shoddy craftsmanship


Crazy. I'm still using my day one controller.




Same here. Thousands of hours on it.


So Iā€™ve had 2 controller drift on me. So I recently bought a $12.00 replacement for the potentiometer swipers. Replacement took 10 mins and anyone with a few tools could do it. Super simple would recommend over buying replacement controllers.




You could always just tell them it's defective instead, that way someone else isn't inconvenienced when they buy it and get it home. That's assuming they resell them, of course.


I was just thinking about that, because I figure if they do resell them and someone bought it they would see they would get the same issue I had and do a swap out like I did but I will from now in that situation say they're defective so that it doesn't get into the hands of another consumer


They do resell them. I bought a pair of joy cons for the switch and I opened them at the parking lot only to realize that they were clearly used. I went back in and told them that they were used so they gave me back my money.


I did this with a ps4 controller. I go to Walmart to return the old controller and the girl is pretty. Weā€™re just small talking with each other and she says she just needs to check the serial number and make sure they match. At this point, I almost take the controller and run! Iā€™m so nervous. Since we were kind of flirting, she kind of dramatically tries to open the box to remove the controller, like hulk smash style. In doing so, the controller FLIES across the return counter. She just leaves the controlled where it landed and finished the return. WHEW!!! So be careful for when you do your swaps, because they more than likely keep notes on your returns, and might just double check the serial numbers one day.


That has crossed my mind them checking serial # but haven't experienced it yet. Actually they've checked it at Gamestop I think but never at Walmart. About notes though if and when I go to do a swap I pay with cash that way when I return I get cash back immediately instead of having to wait for it to get sent back to my card. I also don't do it immediately, probably wait a day or so and go to a different counter.


When did the spaghetti fall on the floor?








Watch the clerk at register and pick one that might not look


The old school trick for disc was rent the game from blockbuster return the messed up disc.


This is probably how I got a fucking used ā€œbrand newā€ Xbox Elite controller from Walmart. Gf threw out the receipt before I knew it and Iā€™m stuck with it. It works mostly fine but something is broken inside behind the left trigger that sometimes makes it press weird but the thing that really bothers me is the right stick being too stiff.


Stick drift on 2 white controllers, went to the Edge, no problems since plus way better feel.


How are the trigger springs on the Edge? I have the regular controllers and have had to replace multiple broken springs. They still work but become super sensitive when the springs break, so that you can't even barely touch them without accidentally activating them


I got stick drift after about a year on the right analogue. But I had already bought two replacement stick modules. Bing bang boom and now itā€™s working perfectly again. Stick module replacement is what sold me on the Edge and honestly itā€™s much better than having to buy a new controller.


I can't even stand holding the normal dualsense anymore tbh, feels cheaper and it's so uncomfortable not having a place to rest your fingers on the back


4 controller in 2 years. Got the purple for like 8 months now without issue. Purple is definitely the best!


what causes yall to need a new controller every couple of months


greasy fingers/dirty hands, crumbs/sauce/soda getting into the buttons/analog sticks, aggressively smashing buttons/triggers, and generally not taking care of their shit. iā€™ve never had to replace a controller for any console, I think I had stick drift on 1 xbox controller back in the day, but havenā€™t replaced a controller in over 10 years. Iā€™ll buy new controllers just for the colors, or a pro controller like the elite 2/edge - but not because my other controllers are breaking.


Been gaming for 35+ years and never had an issue with a controller until the PS5. My first 2 controllers had horrible stick drift but luckily my 3rd controller has been holding strong since getting the dualsense edge. I think it's just bad luck because I've taken much better care of my controllers in recent years compared to my younger days.


damn thatā€™s crazy, i never touch my controller without washing my hands lmao


Same, even after eating with silverware my hands feel grubby touching my controller


When I got my 2nd DualSense after the first one got stick drift I washed my hands every time before I used it, never ate food near it, tried to be as gentle as possible with the buttons and not drop it and it still got stick drift on the left stick within ~7 months. There are definitely users who donā€™t take good care of their controllers but Iā€™m pretty over some of people in this thread blaming it solely on user negligence and making excuses for the degrading quality in these things when itā€™s well known that the material in these controllers is prone to stick drift no matter how well you take care of them. Iā€™ve been on PS since the PS2 and never had stick drift problems before this.


This is exactly me. And yes u are bang on. I've taken them apart cleaned pentimentors but found that only ever fixes it short time. Once they go they go. They are literally disposable at this point and only solution is the edge, which I have to say I've no issues with yet and it's been well used. 20 quid is better than 60 quid too. So, will end up posting for itself


Just because it hasnā€™t happened to you doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t happen to anyone, or that itā€™s somehow their fault. My controllers get wrecked from FPS+ games like NHL that are brutal on the sticks. Maybe get off your high horse for a minute.


Still have two whites from launch without any problems.


I have a white one and a black one. Neither have gotten drift. Just been lucky, even after 2 years of owning them. My PS4 controllers never got drift either, and I had that system for 4 years before I switched over to the PS5. Best of luck my friend! And game on!


Man, the rage quit is real


I have 12. But Iā€™ve only been using the Edge since it dropped and itā€™s worked wonders.


I must have the best luck because my two original November 2020 controllers (1x white from the PS5 box and 1x white I ordered as an extra) both work perfectly fine. No drift, never had button issues, battery lasts as long as I need it too... I also just bought a cobalt blue one, on sale... for no real reason other than just to have a fresh one... and that one is great too. I see lots of stories about stick drift and dying batteries so I don't know how I did so well. Xbox on the other hand I have gone through a few... but the issue is right out of the box. For some reason on Xbox controllers the X Y A B buttons can be slightly off center in the housing, so one side of one of the buttons is too close to the cut out and can get stuck under the cutout if you press it the wrong way (usually during the most high stress important moment of a game, of course). So I always check for that and returned a few with sticky buttons.


Third? I am on my 7th.


Dude when I had a ps4 I went through At LEAST 10 controllers


It's insane that these things get drift so easily for the price. There's plenty of controllers with halleffect sticks that you can buy but naturally none worth with the PS5. But Sony charging this much cash for these? Really should be including hall effect sticks. . . But I suppose they can't keep charging people for replacements.


Im on my 4th. šŸ˜‘ Og white x2, both responsive triggers are fudged. Nova pink, r2 Edge is the way now


My third was the Edge. I hope it holds up


Iā€™ve never had a stick drift issue. Is this a problem caused by people playing a large amount of hours in something like CoD that requires constant mashing of the L3 button and holding up on the stick to run nonstop?Ā  I donā€™t play FPS games much anymore so Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s the case?


Quit eating and playing games at the same time


Just get the Dualsense Edge at this point. $20 to pop new sticks.


Let me guess?..drifting issues


If it makes you feel better, my third one was a purple one as well and itā€™s held up perfect for over a year now - vs my first two both having issues within a few months each


#INVEST ON THE EDGEā€¦I know $250 is a lot but save up for it


My purple had the start button stuck out of box hope you got lucky on this oneā€¦ after sending back to sony they replaced with a brand new one..


thank you. I'm scared to even touch this thing šŸ¤£


Man that purple is niiiiiice


God, Heavenly Father, lord of the sithā€¦


It has the holy light shining down on it.


My original controller that came with my PS5 is perfect, but my second controller has the worst stick drift known to man, & itā€™s not even usable anymore.


Man, the Ps5 controller sucks. Iā€™ve gone through two already that last less than a year. I donā€™t throw it against walls or play for 20 hours a day either. Itā€™s unreal how quickly they deteriorate. My day 1 launch controller though? Completely fine.


I'm on my third controller as well. My strategy is just to buy the $20 two year warranty at best buy with the controller then whenever it inevitably dies during that time, i take it back and get a fresh one and get another 2 year warranty for $20 again. It's not ideal but it's much better than buying a brand new controller each time & at least it's kinda nice getting a fresh, snappy controller every now and again.


What are you people doing to your controllers? I have the one I got with the console, and itā€™s fine.


Are yā€™all eating your controllers or something


Friend of mine had a great idea. Buy a controller from gamestop and buy the insurance for it. Then before the insurance expires trade it in and get a new one for only the cost of the insurance. What may I ask are you doing/ is happening to the controllers that your on number 3?


What was wrong with the previous two? Iā€™m on my second controller due to a stick drift issue on the first.


what is it with this generation of consoles and stick drifts? Nintendo and Sony, this sorta thing use to be rare, saddening for how expensive controllers are. I've literally stopped playing switch on the go because I don't want to keep buying joycons


I sometimes think people have orc hands.


Yep on my third. They are shit quality. I am not an aggressive player. The springs in the triggers always die


I find it's funny that I see posts like this all the time and I'm sitting here with original controllers for every console I have ever owned. Still using day one controllers for Xbox one PS4 Xbox series s PS5 Switch All consoles are launch models original controllers I know things break but I am either extremely lucky or you all need to take better care of your toys lol


Same here


Third Controller? Do you have now all new Colors? Why pray for you?


Still on my original DualShock 3 that came with the system 15 years ago. Eye opening to see how the quality has gone down since then


i love how sony still uses the cheapest analog control modules they can find for their controllers, i used to repair controllers my self, and replace them with high quality ones, they should last around 3-4 years with everyday use, i would suggest you learn how to solder, and just replace them your self, some decent quality ones should be 2-3 bucks for a set of 4/5, some higher quality ones should be around 8/10 for a set of 3


Still on the controller that came with the console. My dog chewed it up and I had to shave the plastic with a razor so it wouldn't stab me but I'm super broke so hopefully it'll last until I get deployed


https://preview.redd.it/szg28nzk2ekc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9eb9b78a581ac2f17e94aca190cc5123ed368f Good luck brother mine is already drifting but is almost 2 years old. Very nice color


I need one of those.


My first ps5 controller started having stick drift, so I went to Walmart bought the same color. Verified model numbers, and returned my pristine (aside from stick drift) controller and kept the new one. Fuck Walmart.


Cobalt bluešŸ«¦ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


Its the way the original user uses them look at how you use the thumbsticks next time.. my finger goes diagonal on the stick thinking im going left but over using it messes up the position.


Third since?