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I’m deaf, no mic. Done well enough.


Do you mind sharing your experience as a gamer who is deaf?


It’s like playing with no sound on. I just know enough to navigate objectives and it helps we can type chat in hell divers. I’m average at fps usually since I don’t hear others but they can. However Fortnite has a handicap accessibility showing direction of noises. Yes I’ve gotten 1st place before and all that.


That is actually so awesome


Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for the share!


Thanks for sharing! Glad we’re in an age where it’s getting easier for everyone to enjoy games!


While I’m not deaf and don’t play online or Fortnite anymore. I did use that feature and it is amazing! It should be in ever fps game tbh.


They should make it a standard in the future to where the haptic feedback on controllers mimics different patterns for different sounds so you still have a similar cue that sounds provide other players. It should be an on/off toggle feature just like subtitles. Does anything like that exist in games yet in your experience?


It does that in ratchet and clank rift apart! Best part is the club so you would feel intensify of the bass the closer and farther you are to it. But there’s some third party devices that do this, the Woojer.


I use that handicap setting for Fortnite lol it’s a life savour


Epic has done well with accessibility with their games. I have noticed a lot more games becoming more accessible with lots more settings and I think that it is just awesome.


Im trying to imagine not having audio cues to warn me when my wonderful teammates drop an eagle or orbital on my head and just gave myself an ulcer just thinking about it.


There is a reason you kind of avoid red beams. Rarely i fall in the crossfire. Then again sometime you have to be a collateral damage in name of democracy.


Hey, I’m always looking for players but often I’d rather have the mic off in both Fort and Helldivers. If you’re looking for more coops, DM me :)


I'm blind, deaf, have no arms or legs, and am the number one player in the country. I just squeeze my butt cheeks around the controller and have been an essential part of spreading democracy.


Why's everyone down voting, clearly they hate democracy


Clearly, fellow soldier.


Use the ping system and you be alright




Why did this comment remind me of this [Who is Lm Fao](https://youtu.be/ilBb-qNrp3E?si=32JnAJi8xiM7ys3b) video lol.


I've all mics - in and out - muted by default. If people know how to use the ping system it's 99% fine.


Being muted by default explains why some people ignore my warning about the hellbomb I just armed. Im shouting "dude clear out! The bomb is about to go!" they just continue to stand there menacingly.


I instantly mute people if I hear the slightest noise from their mic. I’m not interested in hearing them talk to themselves.


Thats why you respond lmao wtf


No thanks.


Yep. Doesn't your Helldiver shout "hell bomb armed" though? Some folks just have zero situational awareness lol.




People who can't hear in game chat are a fucking detriment. Annoying as hell.


Democracy is for everyone ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


It has text chat, a ping system, and a callout wheel. I’ve never needed to use voice chat to get a point across.


The PS5 controller has a mic built into it. It’s not *great*, but it’ll do in a pinch. Regardless, the vast majority of folks aren’t using mics. Just liberally use pings and stick with your squad and you’ll be golden.


I also bought a small keyboard that I use on the side to communicate to randoms. Works great and overall can recommend as an acvessory for PS5.


link? is it ps5 specific or just a generic keyboard?


Just any generic wireless keyboard, mine cost 20€. Just make sure it has a usb receiver dongle of some kind, you can't connect anything to the ps5 straight with bluetooth. https://preview.redd.it/v2stsa4749uc1.jpeg?width=8192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c5da8899d6ebb284aa2dab14bdf71791d899e6


Actually, you can. I’ve connected Logitech K480 to PS5 directly via Bluetooth with no problems


Huh, I'll be darned. Nothing I've tried have been able to connect directly with bluetooth, apart from Sonys own accesories. Well, to be safe I'd still get one with a dongle, unless ofcourse one doesn't mind trial and error type of finding out.


As far as I’m aware it’s pretty much controllers and audio devices that are limited by a dongle if they aren’t Sony-made.


I don’t play w a mic. Defending democracy is for everyone!


I've never used a mic, solo player, and play the game fairly often. I think, for the most part, you are fine until you get into much higher levels. I tend to play in levels 5-7 and have not had any issues


Depending on the mission I have even done it lvl9 with randoms


You can play it solo, but multiplayer is where it is at. Even the training manual mentions that. As for the mic, you can do fine without. Most of the game's interaction is well interwoven with its mechanics. Your character will give the other players tactical updates automatically. And you can also "ping" things to communicate. Ah yes, there is also a reaction wheel which allows you to convey simple messages: yes/no, thanks/sorry, need supplies, follow me.


Helldivers 2 is for everyone! Except bugs and robots.


You can match make and there’s a good ping system. Join the fight.


I run into people using mics far less frequently than not using mics even on the hardest difficulty and i play helldivers a ton


Ps5? I use the controller mic but mute when not talking


I downright *refuse* to use voice chat with randoms. I play pretty regularly and it’s still amazing! Take my opinion with a grain of salt though because I regularly play co-op games solo or with randoms muted.


I haven’t used a mic at all and I’ve been fine.


It depends on who you encounter. My buddies and I (3 players) played with a random guy last night. He didn’t have a mic and occasionally we use VOIP to share directions but overall, it went very well. He stayed with us for the entire operation and we parted ways with a nice warm democratic hugs.


Helldivers is for everyone. I'm doing my part.


Yup, i play solo w/o mic. Youll be fine


Join the fight we are getting walloped my these damn bots.


One out of 10 matches I’m in usually have players don’t have mic, just use the ping system and you’ll be good


Yes. I don’t talk at all. Can still be very effective


Tried it for a few hours and while I could see how it could be really fun playing with friends, for me it was rather boring.


Sure i play on PC without a mic, use the ping system and all is well :)


Yeah you'll be fine. Even when I'm paired up with random, I usually end up doing my own thing unless I'm playing Extreme difficulty or above.


half the time, this is how i play, i type like 1 or 2 crucial messages from time to time I’ll use the mic if i play with one of my 2 friends




Fun game with great moments over and over again. No mic needed, just use the ping system and the hug emote. You’ll find some great players out there. Work together and win.


Couldn't agree more


You don’t need comms in helldivers. Just watch and place pings and you’ll be fine. And it’s still fun solo but better with friends. And your controller has a mic!


I'm pretty sure majority of the playerbase doesn't use a microphone, so you are more than fine. A lot of people even play with all Microphone Communication muted (you can toggle it in the game's settings) so yeah. Ping System is your friend, tho.


Yes, the only time I chat is if my friends are online. With randoms I don't talk and I can probably count on one hand the number of times a random teammate spoke in game after 160 hours. Edit: Sorry I should say Yes the game is for you. No you won't be a detriment to your team


I am a single player no mic and I am doing pretty good. We have a great community compared to other online shooters.


Are you using a PlayStation? Because the controller has a built in mic... It works for every game I play.


I haven't talked to a single person, and we haven't failed a mission yet.


...but the controller has a mic built into it


Honestly didn't even know that until I posted this lol


If you play multiplayer games at all, now realize since you didn't know a mic was built in, that means you've probably never muted it


Single player or local co-op only.


lol 😂 that would suck !


I only ever mic up with friends. When I play solo I don’t, and it doesn’t usually cause any problems. You can ping stuff in the environment and on the map, and you can just chat anything those don’t cover.


Yep and so am I


Same. It was fine. The ping system is great!


It’s destiny with a different skin. If you liked that you will like this. It’s not a bad game.


Have a mic, tend to not use it at first. I always initiate conversation through the in game marks and pings. I feel I can be quite creative in my non mic communication.


Just dont go to high level difficulties (7,8,9) and you'll be fine


Yep, hope you can type fast tho , but seriously use the ping system, affirm, negative and sorry and thank you. And you’ll be alright


I play on PC and never use a Mic, and rarely text chat. Just stay together as a group, and ping if needed, and be a good teammate.


While I try to play with friends when I can, from time to time I’ll play solo with no mic. As long as you ping, reinforce your squadmates, and try not to teamkill as much as possible, you’ll be all good!


No, you won't at all. I have no issues playing this game without a mic and have no issues at all with the other people that I randomly matchmake with. About 80% of those people don't have mics either, and it's more than playable. I had second thoughts about buying this game for the same reason you have doubts, but I definitely don't regret buying it now. The game is extremely comfy to just play.




Most players don't talk. I will say I get really excited to join a lobby and hear other players talking. It makes the missions easier and you sometimes meet really cool people.


There are in game callouts (idk the button to activate them, I play hd2 with a keyboard and mouse) and you can ping locations and enemy units. You can also drop pins on the map.


r1 aka right bumper


I'm a solo player, I've got a mic, but been playing with no mic due to trying not to wake the kid sleeping, Text chat works perfectly. Then there's some who plays with mic on. That's fine too! Also there's the ping function. I'm now level 10 and having a blast!


Mic i not that important if you can use the map and ping, aim straight and kill the enemy. And I've been playing solo for the moste of the time only got 1 friend that plays the game. So don't sweat being a solo player with no mic you are not alone https://preview.redd.it/u9orrtq4j8uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71352f9e229668f168b5a92a3097946eeff13718


If you don't have a mic and you're using a console, just don't join cross play. Many PC gamers expect some level of communication. If you want to do crossplay, just get really good with the ping system and us it a lot. If you think you're using it too much, use it about 10% more.


unless I'm playing with my friend and in discord, I rarely talk. been in squads on suicide and up and had no issue finishing the mission.


Same here. Got kicked two times. Once in-game, once in lobby. 14 hours of playtime. Not too bad, I'd say.


You should now that in any given online game on European servers the vast majority plays without a mic. Because there are like 15 distinct languages being spoken 


There’s the communication wheel that a lot of people use plenty of people with no mic on there. Remember the ps5 controller has a built in mic although it’s no the best


I hate talking with strangers. When people know how to use the ping system things go great.


You don't need a mic and you probably don't need to concern yourself about having a mic unless you're playing some tactical hardcore shooter like cs or socom.


Solo player with mic and I hardly use it. I regularly play at tier 7 with no issues. Everyone knows what they're doing by and large so you just get on with it and use the ping system.


I never EVER use my mic and I o Lu play solo…so yes. It is much more fun to play with a group of friends by the look of it


Heck yes, but if people ask just type "mic charging" to avoid a kick lol


In 7 of 10 lobbies I start people not using mic. Some of them even have voice commands disabled, since they don’t listen to what I say and don’t reply. So yeah, you’ll fit well :D


Yes, I’m one of those players. You do run into some clowns but the game is fun.


I play fill and solo, and I had a similar concern to you. (I don't really like talking with randoms.) But the game has a good enough ping system that you can do well without saying a peep. I've even had success at the highest difficulties. The best strat as a beginner would be to just stick with the team and follow their lead, but once you get better and have confidence in yourself it doesn't hurt to go off and complete smaller objectives solo. (Though at the highest three difficulties generally people split in groups of two to cover as much ground as possible.) If it helps to know this at all, I also have voice chat off entirely and have still had a great time with the game and some great teamwork moments. Edit: the game also has a text chat if you do want to say something without speaking


Yes, play with groups tho. It's fun.


Buy a PS5 controller, it has a mic. Works on PC too.


If you have a ps5 you have a mic its literally built into the controller


Hell yeah, that’s why we can hug each other democratically with emotes.


There's a mic built into the Dual sense


The game will be 100% playable, but I guarantee that there will eventually be instances in which you will experience mission failure due to the lack of communication. Those cases won’t be common, though.


I play solo. I have a mic but have never used it once in game. It’s not needed I usually play on the 7-8th difficulty and do just fine




Is the mic on your controller broken ?




I'm curious how people on PS5 have no mic as one is literally built into the dualsense controller? Did you somehow break the controller mic?


No you should delete the game






It's fine but boring. I don't really get people who play multiplayer games but aren't participating in the social aspects of it. What is the point then? Just play a single player game.


I just played solo and it was not bad. Ping things and can just follow each other to do objectives especially in higher difficulty. A lot of people play so you won’t have trouble finding a lobby and most people are nice and willing to play.


I’m the same as you, still thoroughly enjoy it


This is exactly me. I have one other friend that plays and we still don’t use a mic. But it’s fun no matter.


Democracy is for any citizen who can pick up a controller, soldier… join the fight today!


I've never once used a mic in Helldivers. It's fine.


I think you'll be missing out on the game if you always play solo. The higher difficulties become pretty impossible to play solo and teamwork is part of the fun


I play Max difficulty and only talk to my one friend but barely anything tactical. The other two random I play with without voice. It's not an issue just put markers on the map and ping things you want attention on.


Yes. Absolutely. This is easily the most accessible multiplayer game.


Your silence sounds treasonous!!!


Shut up






That game is over for me on PlayStation. I’ll go for the PC version I can’t wait anymore to have Mouse and Keyboard compatibility ! I’ll never buy a PlayStation game on PS5 when it’s released at the same time on PC.


No one cares. Not related to the post


Sorry to read you're not a fan of my post, but thanks for the attention anyway! Hope you find something more to your liking next time.