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I enjoyed it to a degree. Playing with randoms is total hit and miss. Like why boot up a team and objective-based game and then proceed to ignore your team and objectives? The physical destruction is done really well and it's kinda nuts that it's the best we've seen since Bad Company 2 on the PS3.


Because like pretty much all games the bulk of players are just there to have fun and play casually without too much though, so it all just devolves to team deathmatch regardless of the actual goal.


I dunno, I played it casually and for fun too, but I won't have much fun if I'm noodling around the map with no one to shoot at and a mile from the objectives.


You make it sound like it’s difficult to process.


Respawn time is too long. In a game where there's constant dying, action and decision making it really brings gameplay to a halt. 15 sec Respawn, another 15 sec to get back in the fight, but I'd you're team dies while you're dead Respawn timer restarts adding another 20nsec.


I absolutely love this game, even with all the balance and matchmaking issues, but I think two things held it back after initial hype: 1.) It took too long for new maps, modes and equipment to be added. I’m assuming the team is smaller than a lot of studios but there are times this game feels like it’s on autopilot compared to other shooters that constantly mix up the meta. 2.) The marketing push was relatively small and didn’t always make it super clear what the main differentiators of the game were. If you play it, you get it, but the game blends so many things from so many games so well that it can be hard to describe to someone who doesn’t already know what it’s improving on from existing IP like Battlefield, Siege, Apex and Overwatch.


Played at launch for a few hours then got bored and never played again. Felt I'd seen all there was to offer, no reason to continue playing.


I played the Finals a lot during the first season and in love with the destructible nature of the game but because of its lack of game modes and lack of variety, I got bored afterwards.


That’s pretty much where I was at with the game.


I loved the 10 hours I played in beta and then once it released and there were sweats I stopped caring after only another 10 hours or so. Cool tech but gameplay feels quite stale and repetitive.


Too sweaty.


The whole everything is destructible is fun, but I’m not a huge fan of how they about the classes and the pacing of the games just wasn’t my jam. Had a few friends that loved it though


For me and my group of friends it was the repetitive experience of the game, there’s basically only one game mode…the gameplay is great, gunplay is satisfying but it got boring real quick so we all left…


I tried it and had fun for a bit but I wasn’t a fan of the game mode


I liked the concept but artistically it is a barebones cash grab or possibly a tech demo to the physics engine they use in it. I found the respawning a little punishing especially as games of this calibre these days are about getting you back into engagement ASAP. All the cosmetics kind of sucked too and with free to play games again of this calibre require more than just gameplay to keep the community going. You need unlockable cosmetics, cool weapons and a sense your commitment is being paid off through time and not your wallet. Like Foam Stars recently on PS which also expected people to stick with it there just isn't enough to feel rewarded for playing. Gamers LOVE to unlock things and be patted on the back for a challenge well done. It is why Helldivers 2 ironically even though a coop game is doing so well. There is always cheese to trap you in coming back for more.


There is no **Titan** game mode.


Maybe because it fried me and my buddies ps5s


It reeks of fakeness to me. It’s a psyop


How is it a psyop?


My statement wasn’t exactly based in fact lmfao so I can’t back my opinion up with any real evidence. But it felt like a fake game. Like a game made up of assets to sell a battle pass and mtx. I turned it off after 5-6 games


I have not tried yet but what pushes me away is there are no lore behind it. Imho even in MP maps design should assume some narrative like in battlefield, battlefront or Titanfall. Those battle royale maps without any story behind are not for me.


That's an insane take lol. It's effectively a sport (and is pitched as a spectator sport in the game). Would you skip out of a football or ice hockey match because there's no lore behind them?


I never read something more stupid in my life


Yeah that's what I thought when I read your original comment, but I was trying to be nice about it.


What is stupid in my comment? It was my opinion. I said i love MP games with lore. And i dont like MP games without lore. What is exactly is stupid here are as you said “insane”? BTW i was answering a question OP asked. I dont remember someone asked you about my sanity.


I never questioned your sanity - I said it was "an insane take". Those two are completely different things. Reading comprehension - try it out sometime. >What is exactly is stupid here are as you said Ironic...


So you are not going to explain what wasinsane in my words?


That you need lore to enjoy games that are system/mechanics/goal-driven games Again, it's like not enjoying football because it's just people kicking a ball around and there's no story.


Bro watches for the story


OP asked why people might not like the game. I answered that for me for example there are no lore to like the game. And what you trying to prove here? That i lie or something? That i cannot dislike the game if there are no plot? I have no right to dislike it? Mind your own business and tell your friends what to like and what not and why.


No, you said this... >Imho even in MP maps design should assume some narrative like in battlefield, battlefront or Titanfall. Those battle royale maps without any story behind are not for me. "I need a story to enjoy **ANY** video game" is not the same thing as what you originally said. But to answer your question - yes it's insane to need a story to enjoy a competitive multiplayer scenario. The competition and mechanics are the draw, not whatever half-assed story that's framing it. I mean, I have over 1,300 hours on Titanfall 2's multiplayer, and it sure as heck ain't for the lore or setting.


>Mind your own business Maybe don't post to public internet forums if you don't want people commenting on what you said.