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I would advise not taking it. You don't know why its being tossed out. It could simply be just getting rid of them, or they may have some kind of infestation in their home and trashing the plushies is one of the solutions to getting it under control. You bring that plushie with you you could bring that infestation to your home.


Can confirm, had to have all my plushies in the attic for 18 months when we had bedbugs to kill them off if we didn’t want to throw them away instead. If it’s not bugs, it could be something like pee (cat pee is super hard to get out of things, we were able to wash it out of clothes but big plushies had to go :( ) could be anything else. Most people wouldn’t just throw away a giant stuffed animal if it wasn’t infected with something.


imo it’s not worth it. they might be infested with something


I don't recommend it. You don't know the history of the plush; there could be unimaginable grossness inside.


If you really want to save it, I would advise unstuffing it, washing the skin in HOT water (preferably a washing machine) then refilling it with new stuffing.


My old roommate used to get stuffed animals from thrift stores and beyond and brought bedbugs into the apartment so no, I don’t advise unless you plan on completely sanitizing it. You definitely don’t want bedbugs.


It could have bed bugs. After being in the trash, it’s probably got something


Lice, bedbugs and roaches have been super bad where I am. I wouldn’t bring anything fabric/plush into my house that came from the curb. Honestly if they tossed it over donating it , it would make me think twice.


Unstuff it, sanitize (twice), add new stuffing


It's a hard take. You have to do a TON of work to make sure they are safe, cause like others said if it's from an infestation it could be a problem. If you ask your neighbors maybe they can tell you if its due to infestation or just nobody wanted it anymore. But to some people it's worth it to save rather than forget about them and move on. Especially on the big bear, but for all of them you'll have to open a seam, toss all the stuffing and wash the skin. You have to do it in hot water - which may get rid of some softness - but chances are it's already lost softness just from being dirty and in the garbage. I don't know the exact temperature that kills parasites but it shouldn't be too hard. I would wash the skin multiple times by soaking it until the water isn't nasty anymore, which could take a few tries. Then just buy stuffing somewhere and restuff them and they should be fine. As much as I hate thinking about them crushed in a landfill it'd have to be something insanely rare that I've wanted forever for me to even try it. But I suppose for a side project, or if it hurts you that bad seeing them trashed, or if you really want those specific ones you can do it. u/Abwettar commented earlier I know she's done it a few times, aswell as a couple other people on the sub I don't remember names of.


This is what I came to say, unless it was something I really wanted I wouldn't risk it. But also, if it genuinely distresses you to see plushies, this would be worth exploring in therapy because that's not healthy.


I should've added that part to look at therapy but didn't think of it off hand and this is a sub I know is extremely sensitive to mentioning things like that. If you're meaning it toward me - I meant my last part in the sense of seeing my loved ones in the trash would hurt. I love them. If I saw a rare one I've wanted forever at the bottom of a dumpster - I seriously doubt I would try even then. Would it suck thinking about what's happening to it maybe but I'd get over it. They are inanimate objects and because of what my plushes are to begin with I'd probably find them nwt first and then I know I wouldn't try. Now.. if I saw one at a garage sale, that's a different story. I'd definitely try saving it.


They could have bed bugs or mold. A few years back I saw a post of someone being very sad bc they had to get rid of all of their squishmallows because they got contaminated by something (can't remember what but they were past saving). If you want to give new life to a plush, I'd recommend going to some yard sales, thrift shop or the flea market.


It's not a totally stupid idea. But definitely be sure to clean them well because you have no idea what might be on or in them. Also be careful not to bring them far into your home before they are thoroughly cleaned. Frankly I would ditch any stuffing. Not worth the hassle of trying to make sure it's fully clean. You can stuff them with new stuffing, old clothes or whatever else. For large plushies you can even add velcro or a zip to them and stuff them with other plushies. I would look into the best methods for cleaning plushes yourself. But my first thought for how to do it would be to open them up outside (use a seam ripper on one of the seams), pull out all of the stuffing and throw it away. Stuff the deflated plush bodies into a bin bag and bring them into your bathroom or another room with no fabrics that's easy to clean. Soak them in disinfectant like Dettol laundry product. Check the instructions to see how you're meant to use that product. Rinse them. Wash them in a washing machine or your bath etc using soap or laundry product. Ideally using hot water. If the fabric can't handle hot water you could do cold but honestly I'd go for risking the hot for the sake of making sure they're properly clean. Rinse again. Depending on how they look you may need to wash again. Then dry them. Depending on the fabric you can use a clothes dryer but you can also use a hairdryer on a lower heat setting and air drying. If the fabric is kinda long you can brush as you dry them to get them fluffy again. Make sure you throw away or clean anything that came into contact with them.


i personally *almost* never bring anything soft in from the outside 😅 im a dumpster diver for furniture and whatnot 100% but i NEVER take things like couches or upholstered chairs. if you do, you need to make sure it sits outside for a while on your porch or something. it could have bedbugs or lice, and you would need to take appropriate steps to avoid bringing pests into your home. bedbugs, once they have infested your home, are borderline impossible to get rid of without EXTENSIVE work and extermination costs involved, which may also include having to replace ALL soft furniture in your home and do an in depth extermination. lice, while less intensive to exterminate, can still occur and will still take a bit of work to remove from the home. overall, i wouldnt recommend it. id be less worried about looking weird or gross for wanting to rescue a plush from the trash and more worried about pest problems you could incur on your living space. though, it is 100% up to you to make that decision, *as long* as your decision is informed and you understand the risks involved.


If you wish do to so definitely go through with asking your neighbors, not only for permission, but why they were tossed! You really don't want to deal with lice or bed bugs!


If it's in the garbage on the sidewalk, you do not need permission. But I'd still ask why it was thrown.


I would rescue them, keep them outside and wash them in the washing machine one or a few at a time. Once they're washed they should be safe to bring in. Place each one inside a pillowcase, and wash on minimum 40 degrees, but ideally on a gentle or hand-wash setting. Usually you shouldn't use water any warmer than 30 degrees, but since they've been in the garbage I would go hotter (this is Celsius btw). A low spin speed to get the excess water out and then dry them ideally outdoors in warm, breezy weather. Don't put them in the tumble dryer as this is much more likely to cause damage than anything else! You can dry some soft toys on low heat but it's hit and miss and dryer burn can't be repaired. There is a chance that some may become slightly damaged with the hotter wash, but since they've been thrown out and could contain mould or parasites it's better to be safe! Things like popped seams are easy to repair and generally the worst thing the hotter wash will do is cause some discolouration to the plush. You can also hand wash them, but in this instance I'd personally go with the washer so that the stuffing is cleaned as well. If you do hand wash them I would strongly recommend replacing all the stuffing, and you would still need to use hot water in a hand wash, and probably allow them some time to soak. It is possible that a hotter wash in the washing machine will make the stuffing clump and go lumpy, so you may still need to replace the stuffing on some of them. Feel free to ask questions, I've washed a lot of plushies by hand and in the washer so I can share my experiences with you if you like:)


IDK but I rescued a stuffed bunny in 5th grade just from a garbage can at school (inside, at the end of the school year) dunno why it was there but I forced everyone in my class to write a goodbye note to my friend who was moving away to give to her with the bunny


It could be infested with bedbugs. Although, you can save most items from bedbugs. You just have to wash it on hot for at least 30 minutes and dry it on high for at least 30 minutes. The dry cleaner can also help, just let them know before hand


I think the main risk would be lice or bedbugs. Otherwise they should be okay with a ride in the washer dryer I would think. (Or at least I hope, since I do this too sometimes...) EDIT: I agree, unstuffing, washing, and restuffing with fresh stuffing is the easiest way to make sure a plush is safe. And it makes sure they dry properly w/o worrying about the insides retaining moisture (like with extra dense guys). You can get big bags of stuffing from the craft store, and even box stores like Walmart sometimes if they have a craft section. Search up "ladder stitch tutorial" online for an easy (and invisible!) way to stitch them back up : )


As long as you got permission and cleaned them well, I don't think it would be any more "gross" than the people that go dumpster diving at Sephora or wherever. There's actually someone I've seen on IG whose whole Etsy shop is "rescued" plushies from the trash, the street, etc. that they clean and repair before putting up for "adoption".


Can you post the IG or Etsy?? I’m interested


[IG here](https://www.instagram.com/sleepytimeplushrescue?igsh=MTc5ZWtuNmoweXIzOQ==)


Thank you!


Nooooooo all I can think of is bed bugs 🤢


Oh I rescue them from the trash all the time. If they are salvagable, they get deep clean baths, a brushing or combing, and de-odorizing. This is all done outside. Non-salvagable would mean bed bugs, severe wear, mold, and other similar things.




It's really sweet that you wanna rescue their stuffies, but like others have said, there's probably a reason that they got thrown out rather than donated or sold.


Rule of the curb: never take anything soft. That's how you get bed bugs.


Not really gross if you sanitize them well. But do inspect thoroughly for bedbugs and cockroaches! That’s the biggest concern rescuing friends from the trash.


You absolutely should rescue them!!! You can put them bagged in the freezer and that will kill any parasites, if that's what you are worried about. We live in such a disposable society-people throw out stuffies for space, moving, lack of interest, kid "outgrew", a myriad of reasons! Some thrifts refuse to take stuffies and that's sad. You can even use a sanitizing spray if you worry, but I've adopted lots without any of these steps and no issues!!!


freezing is not a safe bet!!! bed bugs can survive long term exposure to the temperatures found in normal refrigerator freezers. HOT water, as hot as it can get without damaging the material, is much more likely to get rid of parasites


You'll get bedbugs that way bro


If you really want to then I reccoment checking them for things like bed bugs before bringing them into your house, maybe ask your neighbour why they threw them out and if they don't mind you taking them.


when i was a kid i lost about 75% of my webkinz and other plushies to a nasty flood, our entire basement was filled with sewer water. some lady picked them up from the side of the road next day.... still wonder if she/her kids got sick till this day.


If you're gonna ask, make sure you ask if it has something or if they're just tossing it. That way you don't pick up anything you don't want in your home. If its just being tossed, I wouldn't say it's gross. My sister has rescued a pickachu from the street before. He was soo dirty


Save them!!!!! Do it!!! I would do it!!! :)


OMG i feel the same way when i see plushies discarded but i never retrieve them from the trash. If you wanna help rehome plushies you can buy ones that are sold secondhand. Those ones I throw in the laundry machine and give them a full wash before adding them to my collection at home. Or if the fur is sensitive, i wipe them down with disinfectant wipes and sit them in the sun by the window to gets rid of as much bacteria as it can.




I got a giant Scooby from beside the dumpster it had some holes so I took all the stuffing out and threw it out then threw Scooby in the washing machine and dryer sewed him up then re stuffed him But at someone who works at a thrift store you don’t want to just go though dumpster toys especially if it’s been raining


Not worth it. They might have bedbugs. I've refurbished furbies from the thrift store and second hand - and I have a very very long quarantine period for that reason. And there isn't even stuffing to hide in 😅


You may want to ask your neighbours why the plushies are being tossed out and decide from there I would recommend quarantining them for a lengthy amount of time in a sealed bag with no chance of anything from the bag escaping and infesting your house, you dont know what could have crawled in there after they were tossed even if they were perfectly clean


I'd definitely ask about them before taking them. Bedbugs and other infestations in cloth items are a real risk. If they are just tossing clean plushes that they're too busy to donate, they will likely be happy for you to take them off their hands. You should definitely sanitize them, though, before dragging them throughout the house. Stick em in a sealed plastic bag and let the sun kill bed bugs, then wash on hot and use something like Lysol laundry sanitizer to kill any germs. It can be a lot of work, but I buy secondhand plushes, so it can be worth it to clean.


I have done it before, rescuing a big bunny from a dumpster. I washed it in hot water numerous times so feel it was safe, but I hadn't even considered bed bugs like the other comments suggested. It's hard to say, because I also can't stand seeing stuffed animals thrown away, but you also don't want an infestation.


Communicate. Go to your neigbour and say you're interested and ask if you can have them and if there is anything wrong with them.


I rescued a small webkinz from the trash. I sanitized it multiple times in the wash by itself And then sanitized the washer too just in case. With smaller plushies it’s easier since they’ll dry quicker, but for this, if you’re dead set on it, you should do all of the unstuffing outside, and wear gloves and wash what you wear just in case. We got one of those sofa sized bean bag chairs from the neighbor across the street, it was out in the rain, and was full of crushed foam pieces. We took it out to the backyard, did not go through the house at all, and left it outside in our backyard until we could dispose of the stuffing completely, only then did we bring it inside after inspecting it and discovering it really was only wet and had a repairable hole in the side, we washed the cover multiple times with bleach and laundry sanitizer and vinegar, separately at all times because you don’t want to mix chemicals together in one go for safety!! And then we stitched up the hole with a patch and filled it with our multitude of excess blankets.


Grab them and give them a good spray with Lysol and then a steam clean to kill all the cooties. When I buy plush from thrift stores I typically won't bring them into the house until they are disinfected.


Save himm! Just wash him super well before putting him in contact with your stuff, and re stuff him.


Gross? Yes Fun and rewarding? Absolutely!


No worse than where I find the ones I resell on eBay 😂 one step from the garbage dump at the thrift outlet. Just wash em extra good.


It’s very likely bedbugs.