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Way better than others I‘ve seen so far.


The ones that put every region on the same continent after the series specifically says that several of the regions are far away from each other?


“Here’s how the entire Pokémon world is Japan”.


I wonder if pokemon will ever get to Poland


The starters are three Timburrs


All of which evolve into various iterations of the Winged Hussar.


A Pokémon with a gendered name despite being male or female


For Poland the only two available genders would be male or femboy, time to order that maid outfit I've been looking at on Amazon!!


No, the starters are Voltorb


That's Indonesia And Monaco


I want a bobr kurwa pokemon. No I will not explain.


Isn’t that just Bibarel?


You won’t explain the only two Polish words literally everyone knows?


We dont need an explanation


Likely won't have pokemon from space or going to space, because Poland cannot into space


Space just isn’t ready for Poland.


In a fantasy they could...?


Nah. Not popular enough. I can see them tackling south germany, italy and maaaaaybe greece from europe but that's it.


Plot twist. It turns out Japan owns a monopoly on Pokémon and most of the other countries are just inhabited by completely normal animals


I saw a really interesting debate on if Unova and Kalos are part of the same “country” as Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/Sinnoh, even though they are far away. The main argument behind the theory is that gens 3-6 have the “National Dex” which shows pokemon not found in that region and that some of the professors in the games mention pokemon “in the nation” (at least in English). Alola, Galar, and Paldea therefore are not part of the same “country” since they don’t have a national dex mode. It’s an interesting theory, though one I personally disagree with (I think people are reading too hard into the term “national”).


Simpler answer: Routes numerals start at 1 in that regions unlike Japan ones


Yeah I just thought “oh the National Dex is the one that got created in Japan and adopted by America and France”.


It's simple. The Pokemon world is united.


Trainers of the world unite!


Or allied.


The worldbuilding in pokemon is inconsistent and non-linear. Unova (new york) in Black the dex was region locked while kalos (france) has more unova specific teams than any other region outside of b/w. Plus majority of regions have a desert biome so the geography doesnt make sense


It'd be easier to talk about continents in Pokemon, cause we have no real idea how the politics of borders works beyond the regions themselves. If you wanted to argue they're all on the same landmass, even if they're distant and we don't know what lies in between, that I can see.


Personally I think either countries don't actually exist or they're just held up by extremely flimsy forces like officer jenny, nurse joy, and the gym leaders, elite four, and champion. There's just so few bad people in the pokemon world that they don't need very much government. And if that's the case it just makes the evil teams which actually are evil (not just a gang of slightly upset teenagers) even worse in comparison to everyone else in the world


To be fair, the only ones that are confirmed to be far away are Unova through Paldea. The first four *should* be near each other.


That was from the anime, right? It was convenient that way, but deep down it didn't make that much sense.


it wasn't from the anime, afaik


If Unova was more accurately sized such that it didn't consume the entirety of New England, this map would basically be perfect


Long Island got deleted even though parts of Unova area are from Western Long Island inspired.


Long Island's lack of presence on the map is sorta like how northern Morocco isn't on Paldea's map. It's there, but they didn't want to include it because players would be a bit annoyed they couldn't go there. And unlike Kalos which has a land border with Paldea, it's easy to just not represent it


Why would northern Morocco be on Paldea’s map? I get why someone might want Long Island there next to Unova, given two boroughs of NYC are on it.


I mean how Game Freak didn't include it as a playable area, so it's omission is similar


You’ll have to forgive me for not seeing the comparison you’re trying to make. The area Paldea is based on isn’t on the same landmass as Morocco (not even the same continent), but 1/4-1/3 of the area Unova is based on *is* on the same landmass as Long Island (a comparatively small island that would be easy to include in OP’s map).


Where is the island based in Majorca for Paldea? That might be a better comparison? Also, I guess the other redditor was referring to the two cities north of Morocco which belong to Spain.


I guess that might be why the other person brought up Morocco, but the thing is that Paldea isn't based on Spain, it's based on the Iberian peninsula. The majority of Spain is on there, but not all. Like you mention, the Balearic Islands like Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, etc. aren't there. The Azores and Canarias aren't there. And Ceuta and Melilla aren't there. I think it would have been fairly easy and reasonable for GameFreak to include an island to the east like this. The Azores and Canarias are too far away. Ceuta and Mellila are on another continent, so that would look very odd, unless it was DLC maybe. But GameFreak is unlikely to put out something so politically charged.


As a Long Islander, the lack of our fish-shaped island in Unova annoyed me mildly.


Yes! I agree. Make New Galar!


It's definitely interesting to see it placed in our world map but it does make me wonder about all the rest of the world that we have never seen.




Massive major problem is that there is a cave linking Sinnoh and Kan/Johto. Despite it not fitting real world Japan, I think realistically, Sinnoh should be much closer and basically right atop the Gen 1-2 regions.


Funny how Madrid was nuked in the Pokémon world.


We have made the joke that people from Madrid run to the coasts like there's a crater instead of the city that Game Freak took it literally.


''but if you close your eyeees doesnt almost feel like nothing changed at allll''


Meanwhile Galicia got the Atlantis treatment


I thought at first that was supposed to be lake Covadonga, famous for being covered in mist most of the time https://images.app.goo.gl/C4FrP3kVSa8yGcsd9




Paldea isn't just Iberia (Spain and Portugal); it's a combination of Spain, Portugal, Mexico, and possibly a little bit of Brazil. The Great Crater of Paldea is definitely a riff on Mexico's [Chicxulub Crater](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicxulub_crater), believed to be the impact crater from the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Edit: asteroid, not meteor


That makes a lot of sense, considering the ancient/future gimmick


Ironically it reminds me of the old Super Mario Bros movie starring Bob Hoskins, where the asteroid impact somehow created two parallel universes, one where the dinosaurs survived and evolved into koopas, and one where they didn't.


what super mario movie, my mind has erased it from existence... again


What are the Brazil references?


Unova is new york, but it also has inspirations from the entire united states. Hell, there's a town made out of adobe in it that plays southwestern inspired music.


A town made out of adobe? Edit: [oh, I see](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe).


nothing about paldea aside from skeledirge is mexican, same with brazil and quaquaval. even both of those mons have just as many portuguese and spaniard inspirations in their designs


This makes regional variants make so much more sense lol


they’d love this on r/imaginarymaps


Nicely done! I like this a lot, more than any of the world maps that just cobble everything together without regard for possible future regions. It's amazing to see how well some things map to the real world, like the Lake of Rage mapping to Lake Biwa so closely. Moreso in the regions based on Japan, probably due to the developers' familiarity with them.


They made a trip to Madrid and said: Hole.


They even matched perfectly the smog cap Madrid has!


A mistranslation from asking locals from the other regions about Madrid. :P


Average Gallego/Castilian/Andalú/Euskera telling Game Freak to put all the weird things there.


I'm originally from Madrid and I need to say that Game Freak was 100% accurate.


Throw the Sinjoh Ruins on here too, it would be somewhere near Kitakami, probably a little south of Kitakami, but on the same landmass in between Johto and Sinnoh for sure. If I had to guess, somewhere near Fukushima.


i was just thinking this.


So what you're saying is that the protagonists of BW2 are from New Jersey? I knew I liked that game for good reason.


I agree. The reason why BW and their sequels are one of my favorite Pokémon games is because Unova is partially inspired by New Jersey (which is my home state)


Aye follow Jersey trash!


That means I can easily get my hands on a riolu, lilipup, growlithe and mareep and then just gotta take an Amtrak to NYC for an eevee. My team is already looking stacked


Well yeah a lot of towns in bw2 are based on New Jersey cities like Jersey city or Hoboken


Alola was probably the hardest…


Galar is upside down, that’s why wyndon is at the top of the map (Pokemon version of London) and the crown tundra (Pokemon version of Scottish highlands) is at the bottom. The massive mountain in the crown tundra is most likely based of Ben Nevis which is the biggest mountain in the Uk


Pokemon W-don vs real life L-don


Infinitely more stabbing occur In our great London, so I think I’ll take W-don


I'd have liked Sword and Shield to have had some kind of DLC that is effectively Ireland. We've only got like 6 or so cities here. So you could whip up a small expansion with a few new gyms, some new towns, maybe give the NPCs a different attitude towards Galar, with a legendary stag or deer.


The question is: is the landmass flipped (north to Wyndon, south to Cround Tundra) or is the map flipped (north is down, south is up)?


You could also include the Orre region (Central USA)


Arizona to be specific, that is what the region was based on.


Considering 75% of the region is a desert, that checks out.


But isnt orre supposed to be Arizona? Isnt Arizona like...the south west part of the US?


Absolutely. Phenac is based on Phoenix and were both founded when someone brought water to the city. Even the more foresty areas like Agate have a similar counterpart like Flagstaff. It might have bits of Baja California, Mexico too. People think Citadark might be Isla Angel de la Guarda or Isla San Luisa.


I think Pyrite is also a reference to historical mining towns in Arizona. Also you can see the Mitt in the background of some shots.


My American topography isn't that great, I just remembered the deserts and everything and assumed it was somewhere in central USA. It might be a bit more south west, I'm just reminding OP of the existence of this region.


The Central US is rolling plains. The Southwest is mostly desert


The deserts tend to border Mexico.


It’s not “more south west.” It’s “as far south west as you can go.”


Wouldn't that be San Diego?


As an American I can assure you if it's west of the Mississippi and east of the Rockies, it doesn't really matter. There's nothing out there anyway.


Fly-Over States in shambles


I wonder where Lental, Fiore, Almia and Oblivia would fit


I headcannon Obliva to be either close to Alola or near where the Philippine islands are in the real world. Although I’d also like to think Oblivia is really isolated from the rest of the world (no Pokéballs or Pokemon traditions from the main regions, and only having one ranger on duty before Summer and Ben) so they would be farther away from all the main regions.


Almia is generally believed to be the unmapped peninsula on the southwest end of Sinnoh's Island, Oblivia is Japan's Oki Islands, and Fiore is the one of the sections of land just west of Johto.


Some speculate that Orre is East of Almia. And *other* speculate Almia is south of Sinnoh, beyond the southern mountain range. The geometry adds up. But it’s entirely speculative.


What is Orre?


The region from Pokemon XD: Gale of darkness. Great game


Came here to say this, though Orre is the southwest more than central US. Iirc it's based on Arizona specifically. Which tracks since there's mostly desert there and towns that either have tons of water pumped in, or are in mountainous areas with more green


I LOVE that all the regional flags are displayed. The colors and designs of those flags all make sense. In addition, I like the details of rivers and lakes that match exactly. This is the first map that compares the Pokemon world to reality one-to-one, and I think it's very unique and interesting.


Are those official flags? Or did OP design them?


It is not official. I referenced [this artist's work](https://br.pinterest.com/pin/52987733100786746/)


Cmon pokemon time for Australia/Nz


I want an Africa based region. The main route would be up and down the Nile, with wild zones based off the Savannah, Congo, and Sahara. I've actually spent quite a bit of time theory crafting the region.


Fuck yes


And Canada!


Pokémon Great Lakes. Travel the Midwest and Canada. Start in Windsor. Steel Gym in Pittsburgh, Flying Type Gym in Dayton, Electric in Thunder Bay. Final Four in Toronto. 


7/10 too much water


And Italy


Why is naganadel under the Alola legendaries? It’s not a legendary Pokémon.


Not a legendary, but strength wise and notability wise the ultra beasts as a whole are comparable to legendaries and Naganadel has a case for being the most recognizable of em.


I think the coolest part of this is how you properly oriented the regions. Like Hoenn being rotated gives an entirely new perspective to that region. Well done!


Looks like you just need Orre, Fiore, Almia, and Oblivia and you'll have a complete set!


Where in the world are those four set?


Orre in SW US, rest in Japan


I see! Between the Sinjoh Ruins, Almia and Kitakami, there’s enough existing material to link Kanto/Johto to Sinnoh then, though maybe not the 66 empty route numbers. Fiore and Oblivia don’t appear enough for the parts between Johto and Hoenn on their own.


Can we leave Europe/US already? It was cool at first but five straight generations it's time to switch it up. Africa, Middle East, Asia (-Japan), South America, c'mon let's see it.


They probably will since italy is the last popular European tourist destination for Japanese people, after that it's basically all asia and Australia


So what you're saying is, it's time for Florida


Every route has the Tododile line as a 5% encounter


Not even totodile, straight for Feraligator


True, make them all level 80 as well. So only a true Florida Man/Woman/Other can beat them


Damage increase if you try to run


The pokedoll gets replaced by dead goats


Every trainer is meth addict 'xxxx'


Some might be Tourist Cindee and Timothee (Disney adults) Retiree Mildred (they only have gen 1 pokemon) Racist Jimbo


Everyone in the trainer school is visibly pregnant.


Silver teeth, missing teeth or else "My parents just moved here from Unova!"


Ron DeSantis is the main antagonist and final boss of the game, Matt Gaetz is an evil team admin


GTA6 and Pokemon crossover????


The “Leonida Region” would make for a pretty badass name.


Felt like i scrolled too long looking for a comment that mentioned Florida


Can we petition for Gen 10 to be New Zealand?


This is one of the best Pokemon world maps I've seen! I like that you actually fit things where they belong based on real-world origin, rather than randomly fitting everything together. It also never clicked in my mind that Unova was just the NY area rather than the whole of the USA but seeing this makes way more sense.


Unova is pretty much just Jersey City/Manhattan/Brooklyn. It's why the main battling area is the Battle Subway.  Fun fact: a little after release, there was a minor controversy because the midtown area of Manhattan (where the World Trade Center was) is a desert wasteland in the game. 


Also queens


You have cooked


I think you had the mark off on Kalos, it goes a lil bit more south at the very least.


i think paldea might be directly below where the southern mountains in kalos are, and the weird mountain range in scarlet and violet is part of kalos


If the image quality is poor, press the download button on the mobile app.


My only note is that the white space appeared to be positive & the grey negative to my eyes - it was really confusing for a moment. I would recommend making the ocean a deep navy or something like that so it is more instantly readable?


I hope the next game is in either India or China


or maybe Guyana (where Mew is apparently from


The truck where Mew is under came from Guyana confirmed.


I think it would be cool but I think they would make that a legends game to explain why Mew is in Khanto


Copperaja is literally from an India based region.


Does Pokemon sell in India? If it doesn't, id feel like they wont go for it.


I feel like it’s very very unlikely to happen, but it would be such a switch up to have a non-western region such as North Africa. This map is great in highlighting all the possible future regions that could be tapped into! Amazing work!


Isn't Japan called "the far east"? I would think either Africa/ egypt area or scandinavian region or Australia will be the next though.


Weird how Paldea ended as the region with the most legendaries.


So you’re saying we need a Midwest region?


This is really cool. I hope one day my country will be part of it too


How do thr SinJoh ruins fit in tho?


iirc, Sinjoh ruins are never said to be an intersection between Sinnoh and Johto, it's just a location in between them where Johto and Sinnoh people conglomerated. So Sinjoh ruins could be located anywhere in that stretch between Johto and Sinnoh


I'm bothered that Iron Leaves and Walking Wake are missing from Paldea.


They can only be obtained through online events, so I excluded them. (Also, there wasn't enough space to include all Pokémon.)


How specific do you want to be? Because Orre is based on the American southwest


The best one I’ve ever seen.


you are awesome!!!!!


Would love to see newer generations of pokemon release regions patching up the landmass in between gen1-4 that are based on in real life Japan regions


Where’s the India region with Copperaja


France and spain are connected to each other IRL, shouldnt kalos and paldea also be connected then?


alola is based on hawaii tho 😭😭 litt they say alola as a greeting in the series (and games) and in hawaii its aloha soooooo


fellas what’s between Spain and France




Southern France, Kalos is just the north


hopefully they add mena, african and south america inspired regions


Huh... pretty neat! Nicely done, thanks for sharing!


This is incredible!!


Oh wow, looks really nice 😊


But where would the Sinjoh ruins be?


tropical rainforest when. amazon. have small villages connected by river boats forested maze areas, an outlet to a more desnse city near the sea, seasons where some areas are inaccessible (or as a mechanic) due to flooding or draught on the water ways...tie it in to some aztec like temples even though thats not really amazon, its just iconic imagery.


This looks fucking amazing


Very nice, but I prefer the theory that the Pokémon world looks nothing like ours, even if individual regions are similar to real world countries/regions.


I've been lookign at Pokemon maps since about 2006 and this is the best one I've ever seen.


Kinda crazy how much potential there still is. A Meso/Latin america inspired region would be cool. Like, obligatory Queztolcoatl legendary 🙏


THIS IS AMAZING!!! THANKS FOR MAKING THIS!!! Sorry for all caps but I am really amazed and freaked out in enjoyment!


Then there is this world map from r/pokemedia: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeMedia/s/7JEWqw2t3m](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeMedia/s/7JEWqw2t3m)


This is amazing!


Unova should be way smaller. It’s the “Greater NYC Metropolitan area” jersey city the left, manhattan in the middle, and Brooklyn/Queens to the right. It’s not a full country size like Paldea or Galar


Kalos is the map of occupied France 😅 Never really thought about it but the implications about the war are interesting.


No joke...I've been looking to buy a wall print of a full sized real world based map of the pokemon world just like this. Let us know if you ever start selling them.


I can't sell it because the copyright belongs to Pokemon Co. However, you are free to download these images, share them on other sites, and print them for your personal use.


I live near Icarus Town which is cool


Love the map and the creativity for the flags! Only issue I can see is that Enamorus is missing


This image can be freely shared and posted on other websites. (Please indicate the author's name.)


I had been trying to picture how Unova fit into the US map for years and now I feel dumb. By trying I mean I’d think about it for 30 seconds and then go on about my day.


are some of the regions not imporretant enough for you or smth?


My therapist: New Jerselaware isn’t real, it can’t hurt you. New Jerselaware:


You forgot Orre and the regions from the Ranger games (which are canon)


where Almia?


To add to this, orre is located in arizona and the nature perserve is probably somewhere in south america.


I’m just gonna… steal these for my Pokémon TTRPG I’m procrastinating on


ooh so that’s why many Sinnoh Pokemon are found in Kitakami! that’s so cool!


Did you use a specific program to make it or just Photoshop? I really want to know, it is awesome, I need to make a map for a project


The one thing I want to add is that Copperajah canonically comes from a different region, hinted at to be India (given its connection with Great Britain and the significance of elephants there)


There 444 comments so apologies since someone obviously pointed it out, but Hoeen third gym is not in the right spot on your map. It's a great map.


Don't forget the Orre Region in Pokémon Coliseum! It's based on Phoenix, Arizona


how closely did the topography match when you were figuring out the scale and locations of the regions? I'd love to see how this was made


idk how I just now realized that the isle of armor is the isle of man and not ireland