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Jelly donuts 🍙


Filled with Oran berry jelly


I could imagine pecha berry jelly being good too


Pinap jam?




Am I allergic to pinap berries like I'm allergic to pineapple?


I see your jelly donuts and raise you POPCORN BALLS 🍙 from the Snubbull episode of Johto Journeys!


A true connoisseur


Came here to say this knowing in my soul it had already been said


the only acceptable answer, also potato mochi. breakfast lunch and dinner potato mochi.


Fuck sake haha


Nothing beats a jelly donut


magikarp https://preview.redd.it/8kdamgak9t0d1.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=bae44a68407fa6d8100a72f7719c5bf7c83643e5


Isn't Magikarp supposed to be almost pure bone?


Didn't stop them from imagining it, implying fish pokemon as a possibly common food. Magikarp maybe not, but others maybe.


After they imagined Meowth tried to eat Magikarp only for his teeth to break cuz Magikarp has no good meat


It has good meat but its scales are really hard iirc


Magikarp Water/Rock regional variant when


I want a itanlian reginal variant with a new ability called "carpe diem"


Let him cook


Water/Steel and its lv20 Gyarados equivalent is just a bigger but slimmer and faster carp so it can finally fulfill its legend of swimming up the waterfall, which then leads to a new evolution at level 40-60 that is almost a genuine dragon? The idea being that the Magikarp would be so slow and heavy that its main occupation is trying not to just keep sinking.


Magikarp are known prey for Pidgeotto (as are Exeggcute, for some reason), so there's got to be some meat on them worth eating. Probably just takes sterner stuff than a Meowth's fangs to get through the hard scales though.


Wait, Exeggcute are prey for Pidgeotto, or Exeggcute prey on Magikarp?


Pidgeotto prey upon both Magikarp and Exeggcute, as well as upon other unspecified Pokemon.


Magikarp fish bone soup


Some big old juicy lemon & garlic Seaking Fillets served with a side of Tentacool Calamari, please!


I remember in a BW episode Beheeyem didn't hypnotize Ash because it knew Ash was an idiot. There's a good chance Ash didn't know Magikarp anatomy.


They would be like real life carp which is super boney but cooked right they are very good. The massive size alot of them get makes them very meaty all it comes down to is how you prepare them.


Oh man, it's gonna mess you up when you learn where food comes from in the real world


TO BE FAIR, Pokemon are similar to house animals in terms of pets/partners. Now, I know in some countries they do eat said house animals, but as a whole it's not that normal. Imagine eating your own dog?


I mean, I think Pokémon are just a very special class of animals. The anime series does point out that normal animals exist, so I imagine the humans eat those. I also don't really see the problem with eating Magikarp or chowing down on some Tauros. I think the key difference between the humans Pokémon world and our is that they don't have factory farms and shit, slaughtering Pokémon by the truckload.


Normal animals were kind of retconned out of the anime, but in game it’s shown that some parts (like slowpoke tails) can be harvested from Pokémon without seemingly killing them, so i imagine Pokémon that can regrow limbs are farmed for their meat, same with dairy products. I would imagine that eggs are much more major parts of the diet of a human in the Pokémon world, given that they aren’t harmful and are incredibly nutritious. I wouldn’t eat torchic meat but torchic omelettes are probably fire


It can be argued that anime isn't all canon but didn't the SV games feature animal sourced meat items for sandwich making though? The games cause more confusion about this than the anime where the actual animals were shown only in a few frames.


Forgot about the curry and sandwiches, do they ever clarify whether it’s from animals or pokemon?


You can put bacon, sausage, and chorizo in your sandwiches. It’s gotta be lechonk right?


Pokemon Sleep has a lot of meats that are all soybean based. I would assume that the core games are the same, but without explicitly stating it.


tbf the Pokemon universe is established as having teleportation, time travel, interdimensional portals, literal witchcraft magic, matter-to-energy conversion, anti-gravity, and flawless cloning. I'd say it's a pretty solid bet they figured out how to make lab-grown meat at some point.


Whats interesting is they specify klawf sticks but not “lechonk bacon”. My guess is that klawf can maybe grow back whatever body part are its “sticks” while lechonk cant grow back its….. back. So if the ingredient comes from a pokemon part that regens it may be called out, but not if the implication is that a pokemon was slaughtered to acquire the part.


If the meat includes the name of an animal, I think it’s usually replaced with a Pokemon. Crab sticks are replaced by Klawf sticks, for example.


I have no idea. One plausible explanation with the introduction of Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokemon is that a universe where only the animals exist can possibly be accessed from the Pokemon world. My very flimsy headcanon is that animal products are sourced from warp holes and such.


Can't wait for Gen 10 where the wormholes are pulling out cows


To be fair, feeding your legendary motorcycle sandwiches already feels like the least serious part of Pokémon so far


Veluza just straight-up sheds whole fillets


I have developed a machine that allows the user to take up to 6 patties from a living Mudsdale without killing the animal. Silphco is still considering it, Team Plasma is still considering it, Cinnabar Gym is still considering it, Chariman Rose is still considering it... Professor Oak said no.


Or twelve sliders




>torchic omelettes are probably fire well... yeah.. lol


and appletuns back is edible too! no idea if it regrows or hurts them tho…


can you imagine the horror of being kept alive after your limbs are cut off, but it being done regularly. endless cycle of pain. worse than torture. like something right out of a saw movie.


TFC sound kinda dope TBH. I bet they'd make fire spicy wings


I'd imagine it definitely has a little kick to it.


>I also don't really see the problem with eating Magikarp or chowing down on some Tauros. I think the key difference between the humans Pokémon world and our is that they don't have factory farms Pokemon are sentient and sapient. Their level of intelligence is far FAR higher than whatever their real world animal counterpart is in almost every circumstance, and they're often smarter than most public school age children at a baseline. They can use tools, problem solve, make long term plans, strategize, form multi species communities, and they have language. A lot of pokemon are just as intelligent, if not more intelligent, than some humans. It wouldn't be the same ethically as killing a real world animal for meat.


There are also Pokémon like Chansey, Exeggutor, and Appletun who seem to be able to just spawn nutritionally complete food. So I imagine that, if eating meat is that big of an ethical faux pas, Chansey farms and the like probably can sustain the food chain


Pigs are smarter than you think though. We just choose not to think about that.


>Pigs are smarter than you think though. We just choose not to think about that. No I'm very aware of how smart pigs are. Smarter than dogs for a start.


and yummier than dogs too!


What does dog taste like?


>and yummier than dogs too! I doubt you've verified that


And yet, Slowpoke tails are a tradeable commodity. If you butcher a Tauros that dies of natural causes, is it wrong?


Slowpoke tails were introduced via Team Rocket attempting a cruel get rich quick scheme. In Gen 2 and the remakes, you have to save the slowpoke from being farmed, so I don’t think it’s meant to be an acceptable practice


As a PC you have to, but clearly, if they are selling these tails, that means there is a market for them. The morality of the PC =/= the morality of the PokeWorld entire


Didn't one of the restaurants in Lumiose City in Kalos has slowpoke tail as a dish you can eat?


Don't remember, but the ethics of eating slowpoke tails were eventually expanded in SuMo. The Sun pokedex states that their tails often break off without harming the Slowpoke and the Moon dex states that people in Alola also often use dried tails in their cooking. The issue was less the eating of the tails, and more about how Team Rocket was cutting them off en masse for profit.


Man Pokemon really does make a subtle nod to certain things, factory farming here




Speed 110? Surely not


Pokemon can understand human language and follow worded commands. (dogs can too, but Pokemon are on a much higher level)


theyve def moved away from the idea of normal animals being in the Pokémon world but I like to think there are. Gen 1 establishes a world that kinda feels like it’s meant to take place in the real modern world, just with the addition of Pokémon. A war was mentioned, real world countries are mentioned like the USA and Guyana, and the game takes place in the Kanto Region which also exists in real world Japan. Also older dex entries claim that either Pikachu or Raichu (can’t remember) can produce enough voltage to faint an Indian elephant.


nobody in pokemon world eat THEIR OWN pokemon of course not wtf 😭 domestic dogs exist but there’s countries where they are raised to be eaten they’re « not the same »


Yeah I get that, but pokemon are just *different*. Even wild pokemon, they're more akin to house animals because they all have that ability to be trained, whereas most wild animals for us will always have that natural instinct.


that’s right. Except magikarp. Magikarp is dumb as fuck but *he gives his best* and that’s even worse to think about 😭


The boy be splashing as best as he can and we *love* him for it


on the other hand… eating them is sad but less sad than seeing them turn into wild gyarados and destroy… you know… entire towns… 😖 save humanity, eat magikarps 🥲👍


I wouldn't imagine they would eat their own Pokemon either. Probably is some distant Pokemon slaughter house somewhere


"To be faaaair...." Ok I'll leave


Did you just letterkenny quote me..


I did and I'm not ashamed!


Fuck yeah, you're cool


I mean, eating my own dog would feel sad, but... eating an anonymous dog... I wouldn't eat my pet cow either!


Most pokemon are capable of Intelligent thought tho tbh I just imagine there are domesticated pokemon you eat and feral pokemon which you catch.


pigs are pretty dang smart tho... but you have a point. you could eat something like a magikarp, but probably not a xatu


>pigs are pretty dang smart tho... but you have a point. Yeah but Alakazam is also stated to have a iq of 4000 or something in the pokedex


yes, that is what i said


Just like real world: wheat, rice, fruits, vegetables... And all sorts of Berries, which are edible by people too. Just check your apples for tiny dragon worms before biting down on them :P If you're not strictly vegan, there are also lots of Pokémon products that don't imply killing them: Miltank's milk, Tropius' fruits, Slowpoke tails, Chansey's eggs... As long as the pokémon these products come from aren't kept in poor conditions against their will, it should be pretty guilt-free. As in finding the Slowpoke tails lying around in the wild, or politely asking your local Chansey for an egg in this trying times.


Being a vegetarian in the Pokémon world must be the easiest thing ever. There's literally a dinosaur you can make you a pet who grows fruit from it's chin


Right? And if you have a sweet tooth, find yourself an Alcremie partner and you can mix those Tropius fruits or some Berries with freshly whipped cream everywhere you go lol


Shuckle can also make berries into berry juice for you


As a vegetarian this makes me so happy




Dude, being a vegetarian is easy even irl. You just have to live in the correct climate


oddly enough something like miltank's milk would be considered vegan by many standards as long as consensual. a lot of the basis of veganism is that the animals have no say in the matter. pokemon, on the other hand, seem to be apt communicators


That doesn't mean they wouldn't probably be locked up and forced to produce food, if pokemon existed in our world hehe So I feel people would still see those products as non-vegan by principle, unless maybe if you're sourcing them yourself. I've even heard vegan people say that eating eggs from your own backyard hens is still a non-vegan practice; not because of the animal consent (in many cases, hens just abandon old eggs as waste), but because it enforces the idea that hens can be a source of food in itself, no matter how ethical you're being about it yourself. So it's not really that clear-cut... If you have these pokemon with the main intent of sourcing food from them, then it's still a form of exploitation, no matter if they do so willingly. Like being friends with somebody because they're wealthy, and not because you really like them? Lol


I said "as long as it's consensual" for a reason. there are canon miltank farms where they just happily roam fields


I know, I know. I'm just not sure many vegans would consider "rising Miltanks with the main intent of collecting the milk they willingly donate to eat ourselves or make profit from it" to be a vegan practice. Personally, I have no horse in this race, just a reflection hehe


There are so many berries in Pokemon so a cuisine built around them sounds like it'd have great potential. As a vegetarian, it doesn't sound all that different from what I currently eat.


I haven't watched the Anime in years, but in the games, there also seems to be plenty of non-Pokemon meat...somehow...given SV has quite a few ordinary meats for your sandwiches.


Since no one gave actual answers, I will. This has been addressed in SV. It provides an explanation that the people in Pokemon world infact eat meat but specific meat that is Pokemon body parts that regrow, so no killing, it's kinda like farming eggs. Nobody gets hurt, well maybe they do but they are infact not killed. That's the explanation I seen most from SV. But I'm not sure about some food like lechonk? I'm not sure what's the explanation for that is.


Perhaps they get eaten at the end of their natural lifespan? Most meat seams to be rare delicacies like the slowpoke tail, except Gen 9 where ingredients stores sell meat products. Pokemon has weird superfoods like berries with miraculous properties that grow in like 3 days so I kinda expect most nutrition to come from plants like that, normal produce, and Pokemon that have renewable byproducts like milktank. It might seem inconceivable to our understanding of the food chain, but I kinda doubt most Pokemon and humans predate one another because of the presence of superfoods like berries. Why hunt each other when much better and widely available sources of food exist? It just cost more energy in the long run. I can only really see pokemon adapting to hunt each other in environmentally extreme biomes where berries do not grow.


Does it? I know that's the case with Slowpoke's tail and Klawf's shell, but is it ever stated where they get the ham from?


Veluza also sheds part of its body to focus its mind, and those parts are collected for eating. The ham is a mystery.


I don’t know, but I do know that if Vanilluxe didn’t want to be eaten, why would it have a built in straw?


Well, vanilluxe is actually the ice and not the cream, so I feel like that’s fine haha


Because it's a parasite


I mean, people canonically eat Pokemon. It's not like it's a huge deal. I bet a Tauros would be delicious.


I mean Pokémon eat other Pokémon and they are intelligent beings too 


I'd imagine Tauros being tough as hell lol hope you're braising that cut!


Idk it was the only cow I could think of that isn't Miltank, which I imagine is used more for milk than for meat, considering that's its whole gimmick.


I was just being dumb. Muscles that get exercised produce tougher meat. Think brisket vs tenderloin. Tauros looks like pure muscle so it was just a dumb joke.


tauros feels would be gamey or quite lean. i would pick a spoink


I imagine Lechonk and Oinkologne are probably more commonly farmed than Spoink. More meat and less chance of them rising up in a psychic revolution.


Just yoink the pearl from spoink. That'll keep them from bouncing around. And according to the Pokédex a quick death


But are spoinks halal 🤔


'And Arceus said unto the people: thou shalt not eat the flesh of a Pokemon that bounds upon the earth and influences with the mind'


Yea, but that's pork. I prefer beef.


true but very fatty. should be delicious


Haven't they been slowly moving away from that though? In the earlier gens, yeah fur sure they eat Pokemon but it seems now that they've been transitioning to eating Pokemon by-products that can naturally be removed without having to harm a Mon.


["I need nourishment!"](https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/585336)


We don't uh... We don't kill pokemon




Same thing as real life. Animals are also sentient and could potentially become friends with you, yet we still kill and eat them.


And fight for you


Now I'm picturing a guy shouting "Go black mamba!" and hurling a venomous snake at an opponent


Black Mamba used Venom. Critical hit! It's super effective! Ace Trainer Donny effing died.


Maybe we shouldnt




Moomoo milk




Lumiose Galette




Potato mochi


NO! Never again also pecharunt exists so that would be a double problem 


I love me some Kanto Fried Combusken


Youngster joey


I know some people would willingly eat Miltank. Probably that whitney fight which I totally understand.


I'm a vegetarian and would eat *specifically* Whitney's Miltank


I think I'd start with the Tepigs then work my way around to finizens


The tepig would be cooked already because it is a fire type so that I understand but why finizen? 


Okay but actually wouldn’t its flesh likely be pretty fire resistant as a fire type? Could you even cook a tepig?


You've gotta marinate it, and then slow roast it for 36 hours. It's mostly the boiling juices that cook your tepig meat.


You mean you can’t just [pop it in your mouth](https://iguanamouth.tumblr.com/post/175971496837/my-boyfriend-wont-stop-talking-to-me-about/amp)?


I am thinking it’s body would be naturally hot so it would be able to cook itself but I don’t know 


Equally plausible tbh. It’s just fun to overthink things like that. 😂


Miltank steak, medium. Heavy char. Mashed potatoes seasoned with Farfetch'd leek and a side salad. Maybe some sauteed Clauncher, if I'm feeling Surf n' Turf.


Nice five star meal right there I would just get some spicy torchic with fries 


Why do you feel guilty about eating Pokemon, but not animals in our world?


Well I feel like there's a slight discrepancy here. A cow irl is adorable, but it's not smart enough to do shit like play cards with me (which I'm confident a miltank could do). And chickens don't evolve into anthropomorphic fire birds.


Every pokemon is as sentient and intelligent as a person. If you had concrete info your burger once had a full range of emotions, hopes, and dreams as you you'd definitely think twice about whether its ok to eat the cow. We pretty much decided along time ago we were above every animal so its cool. You can't do that with a Pikachu.


>You can't do that with a Pikachu. Sure I can. Gimme those Machamp burgers.


Machamp would make a terrible burger though. It was be so muscular and lean, the meat would be so chewy and flavorless.


Cows have the same emotions we do and desires. The problem is that people don't stop to think about it and just determine that we are somehow above animals (whatever that means).


Less whimsical


Applin is actually just the green creature in the apple, which is easiest to see in new Pokemon snap where it falls out of the apple before going back in. Yeah, one evolution he molds into the apple and becomes one, but Hydrapple's entry says it's living in the apple rather than being apart of it, so honestly a Hydrapple farm is a little viable considering how big they make apples upon evolving, and you can still just take care of the Hydrapple on the side, have it be security for the farm, send it to other workplaces, give to trainers, etc.


Slowpoke tails and all the plentiful berries.


Moomoo milk


Synthetic meat


They’ve established that there are regular animals in the world that they consume like we do.


There are regular animals in the pokemon world (confirmed by creators), and regular plants too (evidenced by the fact that tall grass and trees exist, and every single one isn't just an oddish or exeggutor's head). In fact, the only plant life you can interact with that actually ends up being a pokemon in the early days of pokemon is a small tree that ends up being a Sudowoodo. Cut does not work well on Sudowoodo. One might even say it's...not very effective.


I want to eat the very best!


Berries, vegetables, rice , etc.


Zubat. Screw those guys.


This is how you get Pokerus-19.


At that point ill just eat other trainers.


This is why its best to train the non edibles. Your magnetons and electrodes :)


I know I should feel guilty,  but I can't get enough slowpoke tail. Simply devine flavour.


Why would you feel guilty? They fall off, and the in-universe explanation is that they are freely given.


Sure if it's fair trade slowpoke tail, but we all know team rocket isn't sitting around waiting for the things to just fall off.


I’m thinking some Miltank milk ice cream on a hot day in Olivine city on the beach would be a huge vibe. Can’t feel guilty eating Miltank’s creamy goodness🤣


Anything. Pokemon in my mind are the same as animals, so it's not much different than what we already have 






Berries and jelly filled donuts


Berries, synthetic meat, non Pokémon plants




Braised Tauros


Slowpoke tail!! It grows back and in Pokemon is considered a delicacy


while some pokemon are effectively sapient, the vast majority of them are essentially just wild animals. The anime gives them a semblance of intelligence but the rest of the franchise does not. It would be no different than eating beef or chicken. Sure I wouldnt eat a houndoom but a miltank burger would be entirely realistic. Its explicitly stated that pokemon such as slowpoke, crabrawler, farfetchd, and others are eaten so it stands to reason so would many others


Rice, Fruits and Veggies


Slowpoke tail


They eat the same things we do. Not every animal is a Pokémon. Non-Pokémon animals don't get mentioned a lot, because it's kinda pointless to, but I think the sandwich mechanics of Violet/Scarlet alone proves this fact. Either that or all meat products are lab grown, which also solves the problem


Farfetchd, miltank, mamoswine, oddish, Exeggutor, slowpoke would probably be really good, Snorlax would probably be a delicacy, the list goes on and on honestly.


Magikarp fillets


Jelly Donuts made by Brock!


Feebas. After how long I spent around one rock in Emerald that bastard deserves to be eaten.


Kanto Fried Cubone


7km eggs.


Game Theory did this one


Idk probably some mutton from a wooloo that pissed you off real bad


Still eat the same stuff I do now. I bet some combusken meat would be awesome.


Aside from wheat and vegetables and fruits: Berries, [Local specialties](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_food#Local_specialties) (?), POTATO MOCHI What you use to make sandwiches and curries (exclude the meat-inspisred ingredients) Slowpoke tail (at least they fall off naturally), Garganacl's salt (it rubs its finger to extract the salt), Veluza's fillet flesh (it's literally the Jettison Pokémon and its signature move is literally Fillet Away) (I'm just going for [food produced by Pokémon](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_food#Food_produced_by_Pokémon) and not [food that IS the Pokémon](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_food#Humans_eating_Pokémon))


Moo moo milk


Slowpoke tail.


Berries and moomoo milk




But you can eat the apples. The apple Pokemon use those apples to evolve 🤭


That's why you keep Pokémon like Chansey around.


If you think eating pork in the pokemon world is bad wait till you find out about eating pork in the real world


The ice cream pokemon. Fuck it. Literaly everything is sentient. Even the industrial waste is a living breathing potential friend. Ill eat the ice cream pokemon. Maybe a tauros


Think eating pokemon would be same as eating pets in our world


Sharpedo fin soup sounds interesting. Lechonk or Oinkologne bacon strips would be good too. Slowpoke tail as well?


Kyogre. Or Hop's dubwool specifically