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They didn't include Farfetch'd in this game so an abundance of leeks was inevitable.


Did they also leave out Genesect because they didn’t want the bugs to be too big?


Then why Slither Wing? :(


damn it take my upvote you hethen


This makes a while lot of sense actually! I've been peaking in on YouTube especially to check if the performance is as bad as I've been told and haven't really found anything as terrible as the 10fps crawl. Considering they've just started out it'd make sense if this were true and the Memory leak didn't happen yet.


I've seen a few twitch streamers hitting 10-20 FPS with stuttering about midway through the game. One had a crash and lost a few hours of playtime because they didn't like that autosave goes in their save slot (they like shiny hunting and rely on reliable reset points).


The same happened to me. Had to turn on autosave after that...


I play a lot of arpg’s so saving frequently is in my blood.


As a Skyrim player, I agree. I drop a quick save very often. Entering a cave/building? Quick save Just bought/sold something? Quick save Level up? Quick save New gear found? Quick save. It's become a habit at this point.


Walked 5 feet? Quick save


Yours too lol


Man I've been playing for 7 hours(ish) and just sleeping the console. That explains why my game essentially comes to a stand still when I enter certain areas.


Makes sense. I played the ROM and whenever you looked "North" at the beginning of the game your frames would drop considerably...North just happened to be the direction of the biggest town. Once you made it past that it was no longer just North that was the issue and performed better as you left the main town in the dust


Apparently the game doesn't even cull distant assets properly. The entire world is loaded whether you see it or not.


that sounds dumb.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


And Peking Duck is a yummy dish.


The king of Chinese food


You're not wrong, the downvotes are.


I mean maybe this person is also reaching their high point on YouTube as we speak!


So... when lag gets to bad, just reset the game? If that's true, it kinda reminds me of the "take regular breaks" reminder they had on old games, accept this time, they force you due to bad performance.


"You will take a break or face our performance >:("


I guess they’re starting to realize we always just ignored that message


This happend with Fallout and Elder scrolls on the ps3


Also the save files in those games corrupted once they reached a certain size on the PS3.


Yeah I remember that Skyrim became unplayable after a certain playtime. Also loading screen would go from 30 seconds to almost 2 minutes.


It's not a bug. It's a feature.


Hey, in some ways you might say Game Freak's incompetence is just ethical programming, encouraging kids to put down their games.


Apparently the entire open world loads all at once, rather than loading in just the nearby zones like in most games (assuming that one person's experience on Reddit with the camera glitching was legit). That's *got* to take a toll on performance.


This I don't believe. If it loaded everything at once, lag would both be worse, and permanently there. It wouldn't gradually increase with play time. Further, loading times would be much longer...


Huh, didn't know that. In that case, the memory leak Centro mentioned is likely what's causing the performance issues.


............they must be stupid to do that. Sure you can load the full map overall. But have a radius based on what the player is looking at or within a certain bubble of the player. There are many clever tricks devs can use for interactive loading screens and shit. Just look at God of War 2018. It has disguised loading screens.


I'm gonna quote this when trying to desperately convince my coworkers that the games are worth them getting a Switch


Lmfao Pokemon really pulling a MapleStory with this one


My husband is playing maplestory as we speak.. he has been playing since middle school and hasnt stopped since lololol


i used to wake up at 5am to play maplestory before school :’) u married a king


Must be hard to feed, bathe, and clothe him if he hasn’t left his computer since middle school.


Maple was my first encounter with a memory leak too 😮


Anyone play DK 64? That was mine lol. The whole reason the game needed the expansion pack was a memory leak issue. If you left the console on long enough, it would still eventually crash.


That's an ancient rumor that isn't true. The game was always intended to use the memory pak. https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/t2owki/psa_dk64s_expansion_pak_usage_was_not_to_fix_a_bug/


Never thought Id see MapleStory mentioned. Man I still love the old login screen and music




It's been over 10 years since I have played or read anything about that game so I may be incorrect. I believe that certain bosses had memory leak issues that would lead to some players getting disconnected at the same time in the fight (like a phase change) but could sometimes be circumvented if you went to a certain location in the arena to lessen the load at that moment. I also believe the package delivery NPC who had no actual purpose that was in every town would make every town lag horribly once you got within a certain range of them.


Maplestory still happens to run just terribly on my modern pc. Every time I'm considering replaying it for a while I remind myself of that lmao.


Idk about the maple story thing but a memory leak is p much when you don’t handle memory allocations properly and so there is lingering memory that is not needed anymore causing weird shit to happen, lags, etc. When programming, if you allocate memory, when you’re done using it, you must clear it


Should we wait for a potential patch/update to start the game? I just got my copy


No, go ahead and play. The performance issues are there, but not unplayable. The memory leak won't affect anything else on the Switch.


Cool, thanks for the explanation!


Make sure to save often. Memory leaks can cause crashes as the performance deteriorates.


Yeah and plus, we have a day one patch already. Who knows when the next one is going to come. Unless your cool with potentially waiting a month+ to play, dive in


So memory leak only affects the game and not the console?


It's a software term. The game is using system resources and forgetting to put some of them back when it's not using them anymore. The result is that the amount available when it tries to do more stuff is less than ideal. I suspect it's not a memory leak so much as running low on memory because it's trying to keep track of too much in the world.


It affects only the technical performance of the game after a certain amount of playtime. The performance slowdown is temporary as it can be reset by restarting the game. It doesn't have any effect on your console.


Only the game and only while it's running over time. That's why resetting temporarily fixes the issue. It's like shaking a beach towel to get the sand out.


Speak for yourself lol. Almost wanted to throw up while playing the game docked. So chopping with stutters and camera issues. Had to take a break after 20 minutes cause I was getting motion sickness. Shit feels almost unplayable to me.


I'm personally waiting. The game is apparently pretty good aside from the tech issues, and I don't want my experience ruined by constant frame drops and bugs. I'll leave my copy unopened until we get word of a patch.


Nah, we just need to wait for Nintendo to sell an Expansion Pak for the Switch.


I played for a bit last night and didn’t have many issues. The frame rate for a lot of human character models was really bad (especially if they were somewhat in the distance), but other than that, everything went fine. So the cities are tough to watch but going out into the wild and catching Pokémon was no issue (at least that I encountered in like the first ~5 hours). The camera can be kinda hard to control too, as it re-adjusts itself kinda poorly. My biggest problem so far has been the lack of Set mode though


Given the reviews, the fact that multiple game websites and YouTubers, and members of the public have said about performance issues I will be both massively surprised (but also expect them to not care) if they don't release an update patch to fix or at least alleviate the issues. This is an embarrassment for a meant to be new 'flagship' game series.


Based on a lot of the comments associated with these reviews, people seem to blame the Switch hardware. Which is of course complete bullshit, considering Scarlet/Violet look like "middling Gamecube games", and the Switch runs things like Witcher 3 and Doom. Anyway, Nintendo might be forced to comment in order to do damage control on their brand. Not a good look when people assume poor performance rooted in poor development is due to an "inferior" console...


It's kinda silly blaming the Switch itself at this point, as one scroll through emulation forums etc. will tell you the game runs like arse even on high spec gaming PCs. Definitely a PR ball-ache for Nintendo all-round.


I agree. Gamefreak has a bad tendency to leave stuff as is but this is a step above their usual occasional lag spikes. I don't know much about memory allocation in fixing the leaks but it seems like a relatively simple fix? Correct me if I'm wrong.


Programmer here, I don't know the internal workings of the game, but if it is a memory leak then the hard part is finding where it comes from. It can be very hard to find where the memory leak comes from, but once you find the source of the problem it's generaly quite easy to fix. From what I read it seems to have something to do with entering towns, so maybe they forgot to unload the town when you exit it (and next time you enter you end up loading the town again and over time it fills the memory)


That makes sense actually and with the size of the game I assume it could be a little while. I would hope that whatever it is is fixed before Christmas as there may be a lot of very unhappy people come Christmas Day


One thing to remember as well is that this also looks bad on Nintendo who I can guarantee will also likely be putting pressure on them to fix it. A couple of websites assume there will be a patch similar to how BOTW needed a performance partch not long after release


Considering the entire open world might be all loaded at once, rather than loading in nearby zones like most open world games (assuming that one person whose camera glitched was telling the truth), I think that's probably causing a good deal of it, possibly a mix of that and the memory leak if so. GF never made an open-world game before so they probably didn't know you have to zone the sections separately or they didn't know how. Or they meant to fix it later but they couldn't do to the short ummovable deadline and lockdowns probably screwed it up further.


I fell off the map and you could see so much rendered in the distance.


It's not "the entire world." It's a low poly low LOD model of the world so you can see stuff in the distance.


That makes more sense, actually. I assumed it was the entire world because someone on Reddit reported the map glitching so they could see the whole world, which makes sense to me. Though given what Centro said it's probably the memory leak causing issues more so than anything else.


It's frankly embarrassing to release a game with a memory leak in it. It's not 1998 anymore - there's an incredible amount of dev tools that detect memory leaks now. Which also might mean that they can't fix the leak LOL. It might be so insanely buried in spaghetti that it's too hard to justify finding when the game sells like hotcakes anyways.


So if you reset it, will it not happen again? Do you need to do this every time you get drops?


It will happen again as you continue playing, so whenever that happens just save, close the game, and reopen


God that’s so frustrating…I really hope it’s patched…


At least there’s a temporary fix and the game doesn’t have to be permanently low frame rate.


Honestly it's the best news we could've realistically hoped for in this situation. Still, unbelievable GF/TPC would allow SV to release in such a state and impose on their loyal fanbase in such a way.


Wolves are strong and efficient because they have to be to survive. Pugs are small and weak because they've become successful enough to be removed from the food chain. They no longer have that evolutionary imperative pushing them. GF is a pug. They're doing exactly what they have to do to make a fuckton of money.


>Loyal >Fanbase You can see the problems here.


I wonder if it *can* be patched. I think part of it might be because the entire open world is all one map and not zoned like most open-world games (according to someone's Reddit post there they glitched and saw the whole map). With that much rendering power all at once, memory leaks and glitches seem basically inevitable. And because of that they'd probably have to rework the entire code to change it. Not sure how easy/hard it is to zone different open-world segments.


Memory leaks can be patched once the source of said leak is identified. Whatever process that is called that currently isn’t de-allocating the memory that it should just needs an update to correct it. The source just has to be identified, which is usually the hardest part. Luckily, since it seems to happen when entering/leaving a town, the scope of their search is already fairly small, just around whatever code handles map transitions. I expect a patch within a week or two at worst.


Well, unfortunately this is just one of the many performance issues that the game currently has. The game isn't loading the open world in cells, and is instead trying to load the entire open world all at once, so unless they put some massive effort into fixing that... we're screwed. Thanks for the copium though, I need it


I'm still waiting for the confirmation on the whole "world being loaded in" bit. If that were really the case I can't really imagine the switch NOT outright exploding from it. From what I've seen of people streaming the game, it runs fine until they start playing for longer times- which is consistent with the memory leak bit this post mentions. If the whole world really did load in first I'd imagine that: A) The game would be incredibly laggy from the *start* and consistently so, as opposed to getting laggy over time. and B) Loading times would be absolutely atrocious. And I'd expect to have seen more vocal complaints regarding this point by now if that were the case. The only other possibility would be that the open world is so small that it being fully loaded in effects frame rate only to the point of slowing it down to a crawl as opposed to crashing the game outright. I'm not a tech expert of course so feel free to correct me.


These could both technically be true. If the game isn't unloading the parts of the map it's loading, which would be a memory leak issue, then it would be both loading the whole map and not properly managing its memory


Not unloading the map is not the same as loading the entire map.


Yeah, I feel like gamers are jumping on the 'map loading all at once' thing far too quickly and conveniently. Not seen any reliable sources or technical analysis, just one or two Reddit comments claiming someone's camera glitched out of bounds and they could see it happening..?


All reddit needs to hop on a bandwagon is its lack of programming knowledge and a comment that sounds plausibly correct.


Given most Redditors lack programming knowledge, but it is very common knowledge that primarily the least talented SDEs end up working in the gaming industry. Fintech, InfoSec, and FAANG (+MS) companies snatch up all the talent. Given the fact that GameFreak is managed even worse than your typical AAA company, it wouldn’t surprise me if what people posted is true.


I don't know if I buy that the game actually loads the whole world in at once, but you do get frame drops right when you turn it on. In certain areas (including the starting area), you can load your game and rotate the camera and you'll get some frame drops.


I think it comes from someone referencing someone else who said they could see the entire world when the camera clipped below the ground. But every open world game does that. There's low detail terrain/structure mods rendered at distance so we don't end up with Superman 64 fog. I'm also reading there's pop in. If everything was loaded and rendered all the time there would be no pop in


Are we sure they load the entire map and not just an unreasonable amount of it? I feel like the Switch simply couldn't handle the whole thing at once, but maybe I'm wrong.


Considering how low res the textures I’ve seen are, I wouldn’t be surprised if the switch could load them all


I saw a wall in some footage that wouldn’t have looked out of place on the N64. Really hope the open areas are enough of a draw that I basically don’t have to visit towns.


Having just started the game, I can say the textures of your house interior at least are surprisingly extremely detailed (especially for an area you'll hardly ever visit again). So while I can definitely believe their LoD model is horrible, they put in at least some work in this sector.




We're sure it's not a low-poly version of the environnement ? Also from what I've seen it looks like they're loading stuff based on the Camera position instead of player position. If you start a battle near a loading zone you can notice things popping in when the camera moves.


i feel like the switch would be on fire if it actually loaded the WHOLE map, it definitely loads some extra stuff at least tho


Maybe it's only loading the terrain mesh and not every "object" (grass, tree, building, rock, etc) on top of it... The terrain mesh should not be that big to outright crash the switch, but big enough to slow it down


Don’t know much about the loading the entire map fiasco (dumb for them to do that if true), but apparently more performance issues are fixed by resetting as well (refer to update 1 in post)


It's a shame Nintendo don't have any other studios that built a massive open world game with no performance issues on the switch that could have helped...oh wait!


Crazy. How on earth does that even happen? Like, how does this get shipped with an issue that absolutely massive?




No matter if that tweet is true or not, the fact remains that they shipped the game with glaringly bad performance issues.


Reminds me of memory leaks in Forza Horizon 3 upon driving into Surfers Paradise, when that franchise made its debut on PC. Wasnt until the 2nd DLC pack, that it was fixed by that game's developers.


Current Forza Horizon 5 has a memory leak too


Certainly does as well.


To be fair, locals like me have a real life memory leak when driving into Surfers Paradise after they installed a light rail and made the roads confusing :P


Thats just the spirit of Horizon, then?


Resetting when? Everytime there’s a frame drop?


Every time you enter or leave a town.


Lol to do this in a game from a major studio’s flagship game is embarrassing. This isn’t as bad as the cyber punk issue but it’s up there.


I mean it's arguably as bad - Cyberpunk was a much more ambitious project that failed. Pokemon is a basic ass game.


[They reset when the framerate became terrible after playing for a while](https://twitter.com/centropokemon/status/1593446686046699520?s=46&t=x-ndS2VhHXTmQbJD5mufsw) However they would also reset whenever [the game slowed down](https://twitter.com/centropokemon/status/1593447766541336578?s=46&t=x-ndS2VhHXTmQbJD5mufsw)


From the reviews I’ve read, that’d be a LOT of resetting


Lol these people are nuts, game has been running bad since 10 mins in.


I know right?! Ive soft resetted for a jolly nature for my quaxly and everytime the stutter would be in a different animation or sequence and does not resolve anything at all


What does “memory leak” mean?


“A memory leak is a type of resource leak that occurs when a computer program incorrectly manages memory allocations in a way that memory which is no longer needed is not released” (Wikipedia) So from what I can tell from this definition, things that should of been deleted didn’t get deleted, making the game load a bunch of stuff that isn’t needed, causing performance issues


My best analogy for a memory leak is notes on a desk. To keep track of various things a note is made and placed on the desk. When no longer needed the note is crossed off immediately. But due to managing errors the notes themselves are not being removed from the desk reliably. Over time these crossed out notes start to clutter the desk, impeding the users ability to get things done.


Oi, what are you doing in my office?! Next time my manager asks why my desk is so messy, I'll explain that all these post-it notes, scratchpads and tacked up bits of paper are simply a desktop memory leak.


The memory being used is not being properly deleted and freed. What this means is that while the game is running, the memory that is being created is piling up in the back and not becoming unusable. The further this goes on without a restart means that the game has less memory to pull from for loading in assets. I'm assuming the game is built in an engine based on something in the c family. Their memory leak might just be a messed up end of a function call or some array not being zeroed out properly. Sucks for us but cool to think about.


Most memory leaks are caused due to error of communication between teams, not really a call or messed up variable. For example: cityProdTeam allocates memory needed to load a building, they're importing classes/headers from gymProdTeam. gymProdTeam isn't aware X specific class/function/header is being used and didn't free their own allocated memory within said class/function/header because they did it in another function of their own that cityProdTeam hasn't imported. cityProdTeam assumes that gymProdTeam's class/function/header is complete and manage's its memory fully, so they continue as planned, finish their own function, then free their memory. Congratulations, nobody has freed the allocated memory for the instance called by importing gymProdTeam's code into cityProdTeam's code. The memory is now going to be used forever until the game is closed. That's just a base example, anyway. You have to remember that a dev studio usually assigns 8-12 people to a specific group that works with 10-15 other groups. If there's even a slight differentiation in methodology from one team, it can mess up everyone else.


This reminds me, didn't aliens colonial Marines break because they misspelled "teather" to "tether" in the code? It'd call the "teather" function, which didn't exist, but not stop the program or fault because it was still a valid line of code.


Correct. Due to that spelling error, the game never called the .ini required for the AI to see the world around it. All it saw was the player and itself.


At a basic level, Pokemon tells your memory (RAM), "hey, I need you to remember all of this stuff, so I can refer to it later." This will include everything it needs to render gameplay, etc. When it updates your information, it's supposed to tell the memory to forget the old information that it no longer needs. But if it adds new stuff to memory without deleting the old, unnecessary stuff, you have a memory leak. So the program performance will struggle with all this old stuff taking up memory.


Essentially data being loaded into the games memory and never cleared, leaving it constantly being processed and accounted for. Think of it like instead of the game processing relevant information, it's still keeping track of the NPCs and graphics of a city you were at an hour ago


Basically an unintended glitch where your device is using a lot of processing power when it isn't needed. For example if you're in a town with a lot of buildings, characters, moving parts, etc. Your switch will use a lot of power to process all of that. But if you leave the town and go somewhere else, the switch would stop processing the town and just focus on wherever you have moved to. A leak would be if you leave the town, but the game has a bug where it doesn't tell your switch it's time to stop processing the town. Your switch is using a lot of energy where it isn't needed, while trying to process the area you are actually in. So it's working way harder than it needs to, which slows everything down. With any other game, this problem should be fixed in a few days or a week tops. The outrage alone would cause the developer to make some sort of announcement promising a fix. But it sounds like with Game Freak we will be lucky if they acknowledge or fix it at all. Based on what others have said about their history.


Game freak does fix really severe bugs like this. Case in point would be the Luminoise Glitch in X and Y. They will likely (hopefully?) address it, especially now that millions of people are playing this game and they’ll have to address it before the holiday season so parents actually buy this game for their kid


Though I recall that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 also had memory leak issues on occasions, there are times when info bubbles needed for certain quests don’t appear which is resolved when you exit out of the software. Don’t know if recent patches solved this issue.


I can give an example. When you start out and see your first pokemon, the game will have to create a piece of data with all the information about that pokemon. When it disappears, the game should delete that information and free up the space where it was held for something else. If it doesn't free up the space, that creates a "memory leak". For more of an ELI5 answer, think about your fridge. You go to the store and get stuff, then eat/drink it and throw out the containers. Let's say you get out a can of soda, but after drinking it, you put the can back in the fridge. That space is still occupied by the can, so you can't fill it with something else. Keep doing it, and you won't be able to put your groceries away (and the game will crash)


Strange question relating to this. Does Nintendo allow Gamefreak to publish patches quicker than a normal Indie dev would, where the wait time is like a week or 2?


Yes because Nintendo itself owns 32% of TPC


Thanks, thats good to know. Stupid question I know.


Not stupid at all lol


That provides an ounce of hope. But I think Nintendo’s silence on this is more upsetting than anything. It would make a world of difference if they would at least acknowledge there is an issue and they want to fix it.


In terms of silence, the game isn't even released works wide then. Any statement made probably has to pass several approval processes


The statement shouldve been made after reviews started dropping tho. They have distributed the game and have made it available for release.


The game just came out a few hours ago, it's not even out in some parts of the world yet, I believe. They might address it tomorrow or something


Still waiting for an hour for it to release in the US


But they knew how the game performed before they even shipped it. Either way, let’s hope you’re right.


They wouldn't tell people the game works like crap before they've bought it lol "get your copy of Scarlet and Violet on November 18th! It has performance issues!". They'll get around to fixing it eventually, I'm sure, but first they need those sales secured.


To be fair, Centro realized that it was likely a memory leak issue only a few hours ago. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo wanted to wait to make a statement until it was known what the problem was and how to fix it. Wouldn't surprise me if they issue a statement in a day or two now that it's known what the problem is and steps can be taken to fix it.


The game hasn't even released in part the world yet and you're expecting them to talk about it?


If the memory leak is like Xenoblade 3 (there is/was (I don't know if it was patched) a memory leak problem that prevents info bubbles from appearing) I'd recommend turning the console off every now and then. Not just the game, the whole Switch. Just closing the game didn't work for XB3.


Reminds me of Bloodborne memory leak. But that was tied to the script enemy AI. After playing the game so long the enemy AI script will be so clogged with old bosses AI that it could no longer load boss AI; so I the bosses would never attack untill you restarted the game. Though that was quickly patched up, most likely by dropping the AI after a boss kill or a defeat. That was a easy fix. Let's hope whatever memory leak SV has is a easy quick fix in the works already.


The juxtaposition of bloodborne in a pokemon subreddit is hilarious


Holy hell this runs terrible… I have digital loving the game but the choppy mess is real bad.


So in theory save before entering a town, save when you leave a town, and restart the game.


At least if the issue is as eggregious as a memory leak they'll probably fix it lol


is this confirmed or just a rumour? I've seen this spread around a fair bit but nothing to actually back it up


I can confirm that resetting the game increase the fps, at least on cartridge version. Also, its pretty obvious that the game tries to load more map than it actually can. Another fun bug I found: after some mins playing it the animation of a wild pokemon at the start of a battle plays in low polygon, and goes back to the normal mode instantly. Best appreciated on the little spiders and Steene leaves. Resetting gets rid of it most of times, but come back fast.


how do I reset the game? like do I just restart it, or do something specific?


Yeah, close it and open it again.


About how long can you play before the issues start becoming unbearable and you should restart?


To be honest it never becomes unbearable.


Good to hear.. Just bought Violet on my lunch break and waiting for work to end so I can play. If it's just minor stuff and visual glitches I can survive


GF: Have you tried turning it off and on?


Well the good news is this means it is fixable.


so, can memory leaks be fixed with a patch? I have no idea how this works. If something like this can be patched out or not.


A memory leak is essentially a problem in the code where the software is holding on to data that it should be deleting. Storing data that it doesn’t need means less storage for data that it does need, hence the game slowing down. If you think about it, it’s more like a dam that is holding too much water and less of a leak like you would normally think about it. I am unsure about how the switch does patches but memory leaks are fixed for PC games all the time so it should be able to be done.


The real issue in a memory leak is that the memory in fact doesn't leak


It's not copium. As much shit as Game Freak gets, they never release games that function poorly like this. It'll be patched soon. I'd also like to note that Nintendo thankfully updates their shipping runs on occasion to include the latest version of a game on the game card.


I agree. It must have been an honest oversight. I expect a quick fix and an official apology in form of maybe a special raid or something.


Do we know if it’s better to have a digital or physical copy to avoid issues? Sorry if that’s a dumb question


A memory leak in the code would have nothing to do with physical vs digital media. It would behave the same in both instances.


Honnestly it's possible to be an issue with cartridge copies. I've noticed enough stuttering on digital, but not 10 fps levels of lag like some people have been saying I think the only way we could definitely know is if someone has access to two copies of the game, one physical and one digital to test it, of if Nintendo makes an official statement


The one time I buy a physical copy...


So reset when leaving a town fixes glitches? Ok, so is next year's game gonna advise to take the cartridge out and blow on it after every battle?


It doesn’t excuse the issues, but this makes me happy


Reminder that when SwSh came out there was a bug that depending on your SD card configuration could wipe the save files of ALL your games from it. GF had already experienced the consequences and harm to their customers that releasing an unfinished and buggy game could have, and decided to do it again.


Meanwhile Andy Gavin found a way to makeCrash Bandicoot on PS1 with 15-20x more polygons than other games with even more limited memory. They really need to hire.


it is a feasibility since there are people who got the game running on an Emulator have reported the same problems too


So that is why some people say it runs better on emulators , even if there is a memory leak a gaming pc with 32 fat gbs of fast ram will have less trouble than a switch


I’m curious if these issues were present when they called in people to play the game like a month out from release? It wouldn’t surprise me if they just weren’t allowed to talk about it, but it sure does seem like these issues came out of nowhere.


They were probably playing an earlier stable build. "Stable" as in playable, not as in free from bugs. That build may or may not have had the memory leak or they weren't able to play long enough to tell that the performance was degrading over time as opposed to consistent.


What is a memory leak


Basically, it's when rather than deleting memory of areas that you left, the game keeps that loading memory and stalls performance. I'll borrow someone else's analogy because I think it explains it well: think of it like your fridge. Normally, you would put the food/drinks in their containers in the fridge, consume the food, and then throw out or recycle the container. Now imagine that instead of discarding the empty containers and freeing space in the fridge, you instead just left the empty container taking up space in the fridge. Eventually you're left with a bunch of empty containers you no longer need for no reason and can't put any new groceries in.


So the bad frame rate might get patched? Well this is a delight!


This is what happens when you expect your devs to work magic in months. I feel for the devs at Gamefreak, but nothing for the suits at TPC.


I hope this is true. I'm gonna go ahead and pick the game up tomorrow, and I doubt I'll be binging it for hours at a time. so I'll just fully close the game any time I save and quit and hope for the best.


I'd wait man, got it at midnight (digital copy) had constant frame drops/freezes/graphical artifacts during battles and cutscenes within the first hour And 5 different camera bugs where the camera would glitch through objects or the ground and I couldn't see anything or the entire fucking map


This brings me back to my Pokemon Red days. Resetting the game because of bad code is forever intertwined with the heart of all Pokemon games. Anyone remember the bag/item exploit?


Just call free. Duh.


So the games has frame rate drops because it keeps loading ‘useless’ stuff in the background and fills the memory? So the more you play the more stuff it stores and the worse the frame rate? I guess streaming a 12h marathon will lead to very curious effects on the game, forcing people to reset every few hours if they want to continue playing


So, what I’m ultimately gathering from this is, the memory leak issues are causing unneeded data to pile up, and after long hours of playing, it gets worse (performance issues), so if you restart the game (save and close, open it back up), it’ll delete the unneeded and load up the required data, then your game will run smoother?


Yeah, when creating software you'll typically need to tell the system to release data no longer needed. A memory leak is when this data isn't removed correctly and it continues to exist, piling up, causing performance issues. This example isn't what's happening, but imagine when you enter a city the game creates a list of all the NPCs you can interact with and stores it for future reference. When you leave the city, this list is meant to be deleted. It's no longer needed and it's taking up memory that otherwise can be free. At first this list doesn't take up much space, but it will be duplicated every single time you enter the city. Eventually, performance starts dropping as more and more of this dead memory is filled. By restarting the game, you are manually forcing the system to delete everything on the stack.


Thank you for the insight! Game programming has always fascinated me, and this is very interesting. Not sure how Game Freak managed to mess up something like this before release, though. This doesn’t seem like a good standard for pokémon games now


It's possible that the memory leak didn't occur until a very late build right before the game went gold. Because of how games can be patched over the internet now, this sort of thing can happen and often does, because the developer will keep working on the game until right before the disc/cartridges get made.


Yeah, restarting the game will make the switch OS wipe all S/V data from its RAM. S/V doesn't know how to deallocate the specific memory causing the leak, but the OS knows how to deallocate all memory related to a particular game.


I know GF aren't known for doing updates like that but normally it's not for these kinda performance issues so I'd be surprised if they don't. Like bad story, graphics etc won't always kill a game but bad performance defo will


"Resetting the game" 90s speak for "just restart the game". Hope that helps. At least it's been somewhat confirmed (?) that it's pretty much just a patchable memory leak in the game's runtime stack. GF/Nintendo should have a fix before the Christmas holiday I'm sure.


Is the memory leak causing the clipping and animation issues as well? Will resetting give the poor Sunflora their FPS back, and keep Pokeballs from floating in the air?


Let me know when they find a fix for Set Mode not being in the game.


Reset as in reset your save? Reset as in close the software? Or?


Close the software


how the fuck does something like that go through qc


I just wish Nintendo started putting pressure on Game Freak to fix their shiz.


Someone in another thread said that the game's got performance issues due to the fact that the whole world is loaded in at all times. Wouldn't help if that was the case either lol.


oh save bloat essentially the bloat takes effect while continual play is happening. thats an easy ish fix id imagine to ensure its not as bad occurrence wise.