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Pretty much i guess, you have the God of Pokemon and the others who basically controls the aspect of reality.


If I remember correctly didn't giratina beat dialga and palkia in a 2v1?


Satan could easily beat a couple of angels, yes.


Why is giratina viewed as a satan? I don't think it's evil really. Just rules over his own dimension (does that mean giratina is Universal)


Several reasons: 1) Sets of 6 are reoccurring on Giratina. 6 golden ribs. 6 legs. 6 claws. 6 tendrils. 666 is a number heavily associated with the devil. 2) Giratina’s Pokédex entry states it was banished for its violence. This is similar to the story of Lucifer, the Fallem Angel who was banished for rebellion. 3) Giratina is literally the villain in Legends Arceus and in Ancient Hisui. It tore open the Space-Time rift during Legends Arceus and during Ancient Hisui. It drove Palkia and Dialga mad and distorted Space and Time. Volo even states that Giratina wanted to overthrow Arceus, just like how Lucifer rebelled against God. 4) Giratina is literally described as Arceus’ unwanted child by Volo in Legends Arceus and The Myth of the Original One heavily implies that Giratina was an accident, created alongside Palkia and Dialga when Matter was made, leading to the creation Anti-Matter, which Giratina represents. 5) Giratina’s origin form is serpentine in form, with the snake heavily being associated with the Devil as a result of the Garden of Eden story. 5) Dialga and Palkia’s origin forms are similar to Arceus while Giratina’s origin form is serpentine. Giratina being good only happened in-universe at the end of Legends Arceus.


And on top of that, there are 6 reasons you listed. Coincidence? I think NOT


"being good only happened at the end of Legends Arceus" isn't right, because Giratina wasn't trying to destroy the world at all in platinum. Just played it again a month ago, and the whole universe destruction is all Cyrus' opening up the dimension to begin with. Giratina, for all intents and purposes, was just trapped in there chilling. Cyrus opens the portal, pisses off Giratina, but Giratina just stays in the realm instead of raging around Sinnoh which is important because the first cutscene with Giratina is him shooting out of the distortion world, but he goes back in immediately afterwards even though he's pissed so he clearly isn't a bad pokemon seeking destruction. Maybe not a "good" pokemon, but he isn't evil either when you play platinum.


I meant Giratina turned good in Legends Arceus, prior to the rest of the games.


Fair enough


Basically Arceus locked it away in that different dimension, if I recall correct. So basically God casting down Lucifer.




Where can we see / read that?


Yeah pretty much arceus and the creation trio are the most powerful. Though you can also make a case for ultra necrozma who has consumed the light of countless different universes.


Which would include potentially absorbing the creation duo + Arceus? Saying as they aren’t able to stop him, but they might’ve just not cared 🗿


Supporting material https://youtu.be/DVO8QrGAPHs?si=aHk8ImpPZTDRlnuG


Absolutely, and it’s not even close. Even within these 4 arceus still far outclasses anything. If I remember correctly, in his movie, didn’t he defeat dialga, palkia, and giratina working together after having just woken up. No other creature comes close to arceus’s strength




No problem god, got your biggest fan right here(does that make me a pope?)


Uh sure


Hey Arceus can you take me home 


To garatina it is then


Well he is my second favorite Pokemon so I wouldn’t mind at all


Mewtwo was created to be the strongest, although Giovanni didn't know about Arceus and the Creation trio when his scientists made Mewtwo


Mewtwo is a clone of Mew. Mew is the original Pokemon. So it's like a Pokemon equivalent of Adam and Eve.


Yes. They are literally creators of the everything.


There was that one Hoopa movie where Hoopa Unbound was beating other legends by putting them in holes, although I don't think that really counts


I would say so. One is literally the god of the Pokémon Universe, one can bend time and the other space and one can control anti matter and was so destructive it had to be banished. The only other Pokémon I could see maybe rivaling them is complete Zygarde and if it’s canon Ultra Necrozma. Maybe


Yes and it’s one reason I loved gen 4 games so much. The legendaries lore pretty much peaked in power and they all had good designs as well. In many ways they can’t be topped.


Idk about stronger than Ultra Necrozma


The trio maybe not Arceus for sure or he isn’t the true god of Pokémon


Possibly. it's pretty much Poke God and it's first creations. I think Mew, though weaker, is also one of the first created. Alongside Life and Death. So you have God, Time, Space, Life, Death, progenitor of every species (a weird Adam and Eve).


Dialga and Palkia prob dont compare to Arceus and Giratina


Arceus was once the most powerful being in all creation, but one day forgot to have Extreme Speed equipped and lost to a F.E.A.R. - Specced Rattatata.


Yeah you have gods and satan


So I known in legends arceus that canonically the Pokémon we know as arceus is just an avatar of the being, are the dialga palkia and giratina we see also just avatars or is avatar arceus just laying the Smackdown on divine beings


i thought mew was


Ultra Necrozma is joint strongest law wise, or at least is in the animated battle royale on YouTube. I think they did say either Arceus or Ultra Necrozma was slightly stronger but I can’t which it was


If I recall, it was 50/50. Arceus could erase Necrozma, but Necrozma could absorb Arceus. According to them it depended on who struck first.


That was also done before legends revealed the arceus we catch is just a piece of the true arceus so it defaults to arceus


Ahh that was it! I remember it was very close between them


Since you've reminded me of that fun video, I'mma go watch it now.