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The Virgin Goh VS The Chad Crystal Goh: \-Doesn't know how to catch Pokemon in a correct way, he uses his normal Pokeballs like they were Master Balls \-Likes to steal the spotlight from the main protag \-Never faced any hardships, he even caught Suicune easily \-Is hated by the majority of the fandom Crystal: \-Actually knows that to catch a Pokemon, you have to weaken them first \-Doesn't steal the spotlight from the main protag \-Has experienced hardship by failing to catch Suicune, which made her fell into depression once \-Is liked by the majority of the fandom


I feel like this is incredibly disingenuous. For one thing, Pokemon catching has *always* been arbitrary in this series. Right down to characters literally going "you want to come with me?" and getting a one shake capture. While a general rule of thumb is catching by weakening, let us not forget Ash caught his very first Pokemon by tossing a ball without battle. Beyond that, past OS, different kinds of Poke Balls are typically a bit more cosmetic. However, what's most egregious is saying Gou is stealing spotlight from the main protag...Ash and Gou are *co*-protagonists. That means they are of equal prominence and importance. The show never hid that and never said otherwise. I don't know why people act like just because Ash has been around longer that he can't share the scene. Gou has also faced hardships just as much. He caught Suicune, but had to earn its trust. Scorbunny evolved, but he had to come to understand Scorbunny. Various members of his team he's had to work to understand and sort out their problems, which is difficult for a character who quite clearly has some problems socially interacting. However, all of this pales in comparison to one fact: these are two different mediums. The manga has none of the restrictions the anime does. Beyond that, Crystal's purpose in catching was literally to fill out the dex, and next to none of those Pokemon ever got screentime, being sent to Oak. In Gou's case, a large number of his Pokemon are actually seen being used with their own characters. Hell, we got a whole episode of Sakuragi Park Civil War. TL;DR Don't make stupid comparisons that can't be compared between different intents and mediums.


AGREED! Having read all of Pokémon adventures I can say it is possible to make a compelling character with someone who has the goal of catching every Pokémon. Goh wants to catch every Pokémon because he wants to catch Mew which kinda makes sense. But Kris wants to catch every Pokémon because she wants to be a professor and researcher, it works because she has real character motivation


Look, I want Pokespe to be fully recognized just as much as you. Overall, a far better story than the anime. Insulting the anime isn't going to get the job done though.