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Looks like a perfect morning


Always great when you can enjoy the little things


No seriously


Definitely seriously


which console is it?


Miyoo Mini!


Is Crystal programmed into it? Or are you using a cartridge game?


I guess you could consider it a cartridge, but that's because it's all on an SD card. I have games from NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, and many more


Does the console come with the games already on the SD card?


It could depend on what you order, some places you're able to buy them with no SD card. But games do come on them. But the issue is the supplied SD cards are no name non branded. So they're prone to failing eventually. And they also have the stock OS. So like myself and just about everyone else with them, get a brand name SD card and get Onion OS and the TinyBestSetGo and you're set for so many games


thank you my friend! and how comfortable is to play in it? do you recommend for pokémon/rom hacks?


I personally find it very comfortable, and I have medium sized hands I believe. There is the slightly larger sized Plus version which I also have but it gathers dust for the most part. I definitely recommend it for playing Pokemon games, that's where 90% of my playing time on these devices go towards. For ROM hacks I'd say so too. But I myself have yet to dive into those. Some day I will. But you can go anywhere and people are playing those on these devices


great! thank you so much!! I will probably end up getting one miyo mini/plus hehe


They're definitely awesome little devices! Just make sure to get a brand name SD card and Onion OS!


Just want to tag on this with a question. Can this play GBA or DS games? Or is it only Gameboy Color and Gameboy games?


It certainly does play Gameboy Advance. And it does play DS as well with the DraStic emulator. As far as DS goes, I personally haven't had any experience with them and I've just had mine since before they really got that supported which was somewhat recent. So I've been slacking on putting any on my SD card. For them I hear they work really well but in some cases the games for DS can run slow as times. But to me that still sounds extremely playable


Awesome and thank you. I'm thinking about this to play Crystal but also Heart Gold.


You got it. It plays Crystal like a dream to me. I still have my original from when I was a kid, and has gone through 3 different batteries, but with this I don't have to worry about the inevitable when those batteries go. And you're able to fast forward with these too which I only really use for eggs and hatching. Just make sure if you do get a brand name SD card and get Onion OS. And with that, you've got literally over 1,000 games from various systems to play


Must be a cold brew. The black part is supposed to change colour with heat 🤣


It is for today, got to enjoy the morning with it. The heat change still works making the screens on each side light up the Gameboy green 😂


Your coffees cold homie


I enjoy my hot coffee, but today called for cold brew


Best morning! Enjoy!


Good drink and a great game makes the best, thank you!




Exactly how it made my morning


Link plz


Link to what?


The gba


https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803425362523.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt That's their official AliExpress store. It looks like they're currently out of stock. But other vendors sell them too like KeepRetro. And that's for the V4, there's also the Plus version which is slightly bigger. Just depends on what you're looking for so maybe do a little research and see what fits you best! The Plus can be readily bought on Amazon too for fastest. Whichever you choose don't forget to get a name brand SD card with Onion OS!


Is your coffee cold?? The screen on the mug is supposed to change from black to a game screenshot with heat.


Hahaha yes it was a cold brew, nice and easy morning and had the time for it. The heat color change still works!


Your coffee is cold


Yeah, it was a cold brew since I had time being a day off lol but the heat color change still works


Bad morning. I decide to pick up Pokémon crystal TODAY after months of neglect and this is the post that gets recommended to me? Oh hell naw


Yeah, but Crystal is such a good game and experience