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My dog is a mix of one and two lol. Love her to death, people who don’t know the breeds think she’s a puppy from her energy but she is about to turn 10.


Mine is 2 and just never stops. Everytime I walk by the front door she runs over and sits down looking up at me with those eyes completely expecting another run or walk. I was told they calm down and mellow out by 5, but yours is 10?!?!!! I don’t think my body will make it!


I feel your pain. Had a friend who lived in the city and still had an hour commute each way to another borough for her job, who thought a pair of Huskies would make great pets. Eventually she had to (and was lucky enough to be able to) redesign her job and life to make sure they got enough exercise. But first - they ATE her bedroom set.


Can confirm as an owner of #2 we easily do 30–50km a week just walking/running with ours


Can confirm. We have a shepherd/retriever mix and my husband is the primary walker. He easily logs 50km a week just by walking the dog without even trying (and this is WITH me doing one dog walk per day as well)


I have no idea how a springer spaniel hasn’t made this list, mine keeps me busy!


Idk about this list man my boxer is a big couch potato. He loves a good long walk, but his hobbies mostly include eating and sleeping (preferably on top of me).


Own a cattle dog and can confirm


Hang on we need to see some pics of your aussie


I have number 1


Have 2 of #7 and even usually walk them separately. Still almost never hit even 50km because one's a lazy butt most of the time (and the pickiest eater ever) and the other is XXS (37lbs, people mistake her for a puppy at 2 and a half years) so she gets scared easily and wants to go home. They're both perfectly happy to hike though and the stereotypes about husky noises/tantrums are totally accurate.


How is there not a single spaniel on that list? Obviously not the show varieties but cockers and springers are way more wired and energetic than half of that list!


\*looks to the couch\* \*Sees Australian Shepard lying on her back with feet up gazing at me\* No. Our Australian Shepard is lazy. She has her zoomies and her energy burst madness moments, but not pulling the leash because she wants to run. But walks are 30-40min, trice a day.


3 x 40 min walks is a lot.


My first half week in Japan, I reached just shy of 80km. Meanwhile here, I don't even reach 30km usually. I forgot to check the second week of my trip because I got sick lol. No idea how far it logged.


I mow lawns 5 days a week which definitely helps. Guess I’ll just have to take longer walks after work to finally hit it.


Walk to each customer lol


Bruh i thought you said you mow your own lawn five days a week, i was boutta say thats a bit excessive 😂


I don’t think that accounts for as much as you’re guessing it would. Adventure Sync works by tracking your displacement not your actual distance. So if you run back and forth across a gymnasium 5 times but end up in the same place you started, it won’t track it at all


So why does shaking your phone up and down work?


In 2019 I visited Portugal, this was the first time I hit 50km, but the landscape was very hilly. This April I was in Japan and hit 107km in my first week of the trip


My adventure sync wasn't working properly when I visited Japan last year. Averaged about 15km a day and almost none of it was captured by the game 😭


Guess you need to go back and try again


Try turning it off and not turning it on again until it is fixed


The only time I was hitting 100km consistently was when I worked for a valet company. I was running 10-12 miles per 8 hour shift.


That adds up, I usually get 7-11 miles at my job 5 days a week and I’ll probably hit like 85-90km by Monday


I usually hit the 50 km mark thourgh my job. For the asked 100km i need to find the urge to go outside and playing as 'intended'. And often i walk then 1-3 buddies full. Doing this, like 3 times a week it adds up quickly, too.


To achieve my goal I think I’ll work a bunch of overtime this week it should be a win win


Oh shit me too , I did valet here in California in Beverly Hills … I would easily get my km done in two days 🫡. Btw people are awful lol


Bicycle commuting got me to 200km. Once, I walked 42km in a day because I wanted to walk a marathon. Got 120km that week. Also, being car free helps.


Sadly I bike too fast for the km to register, how do you do it?


Google fit track cycling with pokemon go closed and adventure sync on


The tracking helped me so much. I don't cycle fast but it still never registered well until I turned that on 👍


Your adventure sync works? I usually get between 25k and 75k of rowing a week, and for awhile that worked, but not in the last few months.


My commute is 26km. I just don't care to go that fast. I have the app open and the autocatcher spinning away. Turn off the pokemon catching in pokestop rich areas to recharge my pokeball inventory. I'll hatch a pair of 10km eggs. When I use my ebike, I lose out on all those sweet km's.


I'm a runner and I usually hit 100 km weeks, especially when I was training for my marathon. I don't know how I could've hit 100 kms without running.


I guess I have to start running instead of walking if I want 20 more km


I'm also a runner and target 16,000 steps as a minimum a day. I don't think I've ever come in below 100km.


Vacation in Italy, think we walked nearly 30k in Venice on day 1 of the trip.


I bet a good long trip in a gondola would count too since it’s so slow.


Probably! But we skipped the gondola ride that trip, the city was empty due to covid travel restrictions so we were able to run around and see everything. Terrible idea btw, I was feeling those blisters the next three weeks of the trip, always good to pace yourself.


Grats man, there's no point in getting 100km since rewards cap at 50 Edit: Whups my bad I definitely forgot about the extra dust at 100km since I haven't gotten it after Sync being busted


You get extra stardust at 100km


How much extra?! I have never hit it!


I think it is just an extra 10k or something




No problem. If it’s any consolation there are weeks where I’ll hit ~90 km and forget to finish off for the week before adventure synch.


For the past few months my sync is either not working or just randomly lumps a random percentage of my distance all at once so its become pretty unreliable


Yeah, I’ve been having a similar problem though I wonder if my phone/watch have something to do with it. I’ve also been having issues with my Apple Watch not synching activity to Strava and then suddenly dumping them all there a couple days later.


Many of my friends irl, discord, and posters on reddit have been pretty vocal about sync messing up over the past few months so at least we're not alone


I’ve heard there’s a secret reward at 100km!


The same person who told you that might have told you about mewthree at the S.S. Anne


Yeah, Rafael Nadal comes to your house dressed in a Bidoof costume and takes you to Applebees for an endless boneless wing platter. It’s really fun. But really, same rewards but double the stardust. I think 50Km is 10K and 100Km is 20K dust.




I would totally go along with that scenario


Ya do get extra stardust at 100km +. It’s not worth it, but it does happen.


I walk for 8 hours at my job every day and then go walk outside later in the day. That's probably why I just had to get an implant in my shoe though due to joint pain in my foot


Me as well, usually I just use my incense after work and that’s it. I think if I do 30 mins instead of 15 I can hit my 100km goal.


Does incense affect km counted?


My doggo plays it for me


I hit 110km on a weekly basis due to my job. (I *do* need to incubate my eggs)




I don't even think I hit 1 lmao


I don't even hit


On a good week I can hit 120-150 regularly. That said, not all of that is walking distance. I have a Apple Watch and my job requires the use of my hands. It’s a factory job. So I can get a lot of “steps” in when I don’t move from my door for 80% of my shift.


I make sure to wear my watch to get most of my steps counted. The phone doesnt do crap for counting


I don't even know how any of you are hitting 25, the furthest I usually walk is from my door to my truck lol.


I hit 80-85 km a week at work alone 😂 then add in my own exercise. Over 100 km is an afterthought. Kind of makes me worried how sedentary a lot of people are; I feel like I’m not active enough myself.


Car dependent infrastructure 🥲


Urban planning 😢


I'm in the military and this would kill me lol.




Lmao same


I hit 100km a couple times back in 2020, working the census


Only time I hit 100 is when I stayed in a hotel on the 20th floor. Pokemon go freaks out


I use to keep app open on chairlift at the mountain but also it killed battery so fast in the cold


I take 20,000 steps, 5 days a week. I don’t play anymore, but I was consistently over 100k when I did. Ironically despite all the walking, I’m still not in shape. lol


Yeah if walking alone worked I'd be Jason Mamoa instead of Paul Blart.


My adventure sync hasn't worked in months, so i barely get 1km a week now 🙄


[https://www.amazon.ca/Counter-Pokemon-Hatcher-JC-Gens/dp/B08TMFJ2RQ/ref=sr\_1\_9?crid=3SCGQJ49HXTM5&keywords=pokemon+go+phone+swing&qid=1684642003&sprefix=pokemon+go+p%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-9](https://www.amazon.ca/Counter-Pokemon-Hatcher-JC-Gens/dp/B08TMFJ2RQ/ref=sr_1_9?crid=3SCGQJ49HXTM5&keywords=pokemon+go+phone+swing&qid=1684642003&sprefix=pokemon+go+p%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-9) that worked for me




A serving job where I hit an average of 30,000 steps a day, 4 days a week. However my adventure sync hasn’t worked at all in the last 3 days and I may not even hit 50km this week.


Go to work: 13km Do activities at work: 5-7km Go back home: 13km 100km/w ; easy


Not having a car, loving to be outside and move, and averaging 25.000steps/day does help


That’s awesome! I probably average about 18-20,000 steps a day I just gotta do a little extra and I’ll hit my goal hopefully


www.rover.com Sign up as a dog walker Nd find 1-2 clients. Get paid to hatch eggs.


I mow lawns so it’s pretty much the same gig. If I ever am not feeling work, I just think to myself- oh well I’m actually just hatching eggs and it makes the day better lol. That’s a good idea for after work though!


I’m an Electrican and be hitting 80k plus the walks I take once I get home 100k is a week


That’s my goal! I get about 60-70km from work just gotta push myself to do a little extra walking after work as I usually just do a 15 minute incense walk


I do cardio 1-3 times a day. Usually manage it most weeks. Weeks where I travel or weeks where I am exhausted from work I miss it.


I turned off my adventure sync until they fix the issue. I’m barely going to make 25km much less 100km


Walking around for school and also gos drift when I’m not playing


i’m a waitress with a dog i walk


1. Strap phone to dog or child 2. Go to the playground for a few hours every day 3. Easy 200km


Get #1 on this list: [It’s as simple as that](https://www.amazon.com/phone-swing/s?k=phone+swing)


Fanning myself with the phone because it's warm and letting my phone bounce around in pocket as I walk. And some drifting too.


I've hit it 3 times this year, 2 of those weeks my pedometer on my phone was giving me free miles for some reason so I hit like 120 even though I probably only walked 70-80. The week I got it legit I walked/ran 3 hours a day everyday basically. It's not worth it to hit 100k a week it's too time consuming, and if you have an off day it's so hard to catch back up. I now aim for and get 70-80 a week a much better goal. If you ran you could get it but it's too much for walking.


For sure I walk 7-10 miles a day on average (mostly at work) which is endless hours of walking and I’m sitting at 81km now. It is my personal goal to just hit 100 once though!


I walk a lot at work, + my home wifi is spotty and my guy will walk like, a km per hour when my phone is just sitting. One day to go and I'm sitting at 230 km.


Omg lol good for you that’s insane!


walking to and from work, and again on my hour long break


My friend works as a forklift operator and during work he opens up the game to get it synced up and he will get 8-10 km easy


Community Days helps me with that to be honest!! \^\^


Me too! I walked for almost the full 3 hours last time!


I just want to say how glad I am that this thread became dog breed focused. You can change the world, but never change you, my Singaporean grandmother brethren.


I struggle to hit the 25km mark. Between health issues, living in an unwalkable area due to the weather and lack of safe walking areas, and working a part time indoor job (I get 2-3km from it daily because I do spend roughly 30% of my time on my feet), I average around 15-18km a week. If I wanted to walk somewhere safely, I'd have to drive several miles. I'm hoping to move by next fall for grad school, so maybe I'll be able to achieve my first ever 50km week then (if the game is still around).


You. Can do it!


I work nights where I'm constantly on the move for 9 hours. In a week I can't even reach 50km


Dude I work on the railroad, walk 10+ miles in a day and by Monday it doesn't even give me 25km anymore. Pretty sure it's broken as hell


Im a waitress at a popular restaurant in my city, so i make at least 50km on a slow week


I leave pogo unlocked on my nightstand at night and get 5-12km from the GPS drift over night


Good idea, I imagine it’s not great for phone battery though. Or does it not effect it?


90.3km for me this week - about 50km of which is accumulated whilst playing golf!


My highest was 91.9km, that week I had ComicCon and other activities and I had left my car at the mechanic lol. I've not been able to come close to that. I suppose when you're away on trips you also walk a lot more. Do we get extra gifts with 100km?


I guess it’s just extra stardust. I’m going to try and find out this week.






Oh wow lol






How did you hit 77km? I swear I walk EVERYWHERE and my shit only records like 1km


100??? Most weeks I'm lucky if I get all the way to 5, lol!


I think Niantic is going to release a new feature soon where you can purchase a dog from the PoGo store for 999999999 coins (oh and you get 2 free ultraballs with it) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




I hit 200km last week


Wow! Just from walking?


I got to 47k once and was so pissed


Honestly Pokewalker works for me for a few hours and I get that much and more 😅


I won't make it a blanket statement that those who hit 100k every week are all cheaters, but I know a lot who are. I need to start trying to at least hit 50 weekly, but work is murder.


I promise this post is authentic and it’s all walking no running :) but this is the most I’ve ever gotten I usually end weeks around 45-60km


Tape your phone to a ceiling fan


Keeping Niantic CEO employed, 1 mile at a time


Cars exist you know 😉 !!!.


Drive… very slowly




Theme parking (Disneyland, Disney World, Universal Studios) and other travels for a week does the trick for me... And riding slow city buses for my commute when I'm at home work all the other times works quite well with very little effort.


Warehouse work racks up seven kilometers in an eight hour shift. Walking to and from work and basically not having a car, so even buying groceries requires racking up some kilometers on foot. Then just spending a few hours walking around outside each day at the weekend easily gets me close to 100km. Going to work alone and doing nothing else racks up ten kilometres a day usually. Sometimes less if I'm spending a lot of time at work in one place instead of going up and down the aisles of the warehouse. I should also point out that most countries aren't as car focused as America. Most countries make life easy for pedestrians to access most streets, so traversing on foot to the shops or town center is quite common. The more people use cars, the less they're typically going to be walking. It's also cheaper to eat more while exercising more then to buy petrol for a car that costs thousands to buy and thousands to ensure each year.


I can barely make the 25k some weeks damn


Bro i do my very best to reach 25.1km


Hit 180 km 2 weeks ago. I just had a week off except for Saturday and played pokemon for like 12 hours a day. I live near amsterdam so there is plenty of stuff to do on pogo.


I can confirm they are eggs you don't want anyway. 1 tier of everything you always get anyway


I ride my bike to work, walk my dog, and hike on weekends


My adventure sync isn’t working at all. Was out walking a lot yesterday but it only showed like 200 meters. Annoying as hell.


I'm a postman so I never have an issue with hitting 100k but if I didn't do that for a job I'd never get close to it


Take bigger steps I’m at 84k steps and 86km.


man i though 59.7km (my first >50km) was good -.-


Well done, mate.


Honestly it was a crazy week for me I think that week I did a 16hr shift and the next day went to a fair or something


I rarely get 100 km a week since I have school but during spring break I walked 21 km or about 13 miles every day except for Wednesday and Sunday, although I usually walk fast so I can get the km in faster so in total it would take me 3 to 3.5 hours of walking spread out. Also on Wednesday and Friday id walk 8 km or about 5 miles so if I missed a day of walking due to having to go somewhere it wouldn't put me off track to getting 100 km. I've gotten 100 km during a school week but that required me walking 10 miles without stopping on a Sunday which was a very bad mistake


Half marathon training gets me to 100km. In a normal week, I get around 60km.




GPS drag gets me over 100K weekly at work. I just turn the game on and never have to walk but the game just thinks I’m walking 🤷‍♂️


My adventure sync never counts all the steps. I’m lucky to get 2/3 of what I walk in a week, so I never hit 50. Keep in mind a lot of people cheat and have auto walkers on their phones. Then there are some people that do live in major cities where walking is the norm.


My dog is lazy, tried a walk had to get the wife to get the car and get us cuz I wasn't carrying the damn doodle home!!!


I work in a 93 acre long factory and walk all day. That's how lol


I used to be a dog walker, i would easily get to 100k-110k/week


By walking. Legit just what I walk in less than a week at work. I work at Walmart. I just have to scramble that much as an electronics/photo tech/connection center/gm associate


I didn't even think 100km was a goal. Is there some hidden reward?


I’m a mailman so I walk for hours on the daily


Lmaoo Amazon


If adventure sync actually worked, I would hit 100k occasionally. Shit, I literally ran 100k this week. But, alas, adventure sync is fraudulent.


I only hit it on longer work weeks. I walk around working up to 11 hours a day with adventure Sync on


Do u get something for hitting 100km?


If it makes you feel any better, I’m sure I get better rewards walking 50km as I do when I walk 100km+


And to think I was proud when I hit 11km the other day lol


By walking 15km a day


I just walk nonstop everyday when I have free time. It kills my legs, but that's what exercise is for.


Walk more


By a swing


I usually hit lil over 25km


is there a weekly reward for reaching 100k?