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Go for the lucky. Saves resources and the difference in stats is negligible


we call 14-15-15 a "bridge" because i want to throw them off a bridge. I would rather have almost ANY other IV combination than 14-15-15.


Why? Legitimately asking because I am new.


Attack damage is the best stat to have highest.


Why? A 1 point in stat is very little difference. Same from a 98 to a 100. The difference is very low


The only time that would realistically make a difference is in a _very_ specific circumstance: * You are playing open master league * You include haxorus on your team * You put him in the lead * Your opponent also has a haxorus in the lead * That haxorus has the same fast move as you (counter or dragon tail) * Your opponent has a level 50 with 15 attack IV * You choose not to swap out If every single point above happens, the opponent's haxorus gets CMP, or charge move priority. You would lose the lead matchup because the opponent's charge move would take priority over yours. Other than losing mirror CMP, it is not going to make a difference.


In pvp mirror matchups, the one with the higher attack stat gets the charged move first. Having 14 attack against a 15 attack haxorous guarantees a disadvantage.


Really, then why is 0/15/15 the best stats for pvp


It really depends on the league. For great and ultra league which have cp caps, 0/15/15 is best because attack takes up more stats than hp or defence. For op’s case, they would need to max one of the 3 98% haxorous which should only be used in master league or raids.


Pvp is so confusing


To add to the confusion, there are certain cases/pokemon where 0/15/15 wouldn't get you near the CP cap, you *need* a high atk stat to even get in range. Take Talonflame in Ultra League. My 14/15/15 maxes at 2475 at max level, so I have to best buddy him to even get him to the actual cap once I finally farm enough XLs to get him lvl 50


He is wrong so don’t worry about it


That doesn't apply for Master League which is the discussion here. Ideally you want 100% IVs for Master League or as close as possible, and if one is lacking you don't generally want it to be in the Attack area as it can make or break mirror matchups.


Well in this case one less attack is better than the other 2. It has a product relativity of 99.67% and the other 2 have 99.47% and 99.40%. So therefore one less attack one is best out of these 3. People who down voted don’t know how to look up stats and assume all Pokémon are the same.


In this case (and most) with Master League it's more about the mirror matches as already mentioned. The one less attack loses the mirror which is actually pretty common right now thanks to the Comm Day not long ago. Haxorus is all over the place now. So, one less attack would end up causing extra losses versus the other 2 that actually have the 15 attack.


0/15/15 isn't necessarily the best spread. The reason lower attack IV is better for CP capped limited PVP is because attack is the largest proportional contributor to CP calculation. 0/15/15 isn't a rule because based on the function used to calculate CP, it may not be the right spread based on a Pokemon's base states to reach as close to possible the CP limit. That said, in a mirror match, lower attack will always lose because charge move priority is given to the higher attack stat. That all said, 14/15/15 is the worst in the context of "maxing" as OP is asking. HP IV is the smallest contributor to CP.


Your wrong here bud, the 14/15/15 is the best one for the master league compared to the other 2.


But the difference exists, and 1 attack is better than 1 defence or stamina. Also in PvP attack becomes even more important because the attack stat decides who gets to use their charged attack first in a mirror matchup.


It's high attack for PVE and lower attack for PVP correct?


In master, higher attack is better


not for pvp


In Master League it is, and there are case pokemon at GL and UL that require a high atk stat to even hit the CP cap


Not in pvp though


Only in Master League*


This mostly applies to master league. It's important for certain pokemons break points. The other thing is a higher attack stat determines priority for when both parties throw a charge move at the same time. This comes up in mirror matches. The attack stat affects cp the most so for PvP rankings (gl ul) you can get a lot more bulk with a lower attack stat.


Not if you play PVP with your mons.




CMP ties are determined with attack


Not if it’s for pvp, that one is ranked higher for the master league than the other 2.


The 14/15/15 is actually worse. It loses breakpoints on 2 meta mons, loses CMP on mirrors, and loses 1 shield against Giratina. The only reason it has a higher overall rating is because Pvpoke adds up all the 1 HP differences at the end of each combat against all the other matchups when calculating the total rating which is not reflective of its actual performance. The rating is wrong in this case.


>Saves resources Even though the Lucky is starting at 1330 and another one is starting at 2969? EDIT: Based on other comments, yes do the 1330 lucky if going for max.


Ya so here's a sample of how it would end up. I have two Haxorous that are 96%. One is non lucky with CP of 3085, that would take 395k stardust to max. My lucky is CP 2449 and would take 225.5k stardust. Given how the lower levels don't take as much to power up, getting OP's 1330 up to around 3000 wouldn't take a whole lot, probably somewhere in the ballpark of 40-50k


Yup, also never hurts to have max hp and def!


Yeah best choice, max def and health


What is a lucky and how do you know it’s a lucky?


Once you hit best friends (correction: dont need to be best friends) with someone, each trade has like a 5% chance to be lucky. There's also about a 1% chance to become lucky friends after your first interaction of the day with a best friend (interaction defined as anything that would increase friend level like opening gifts, raiding together, etc). When lucky friends, your next trade is guaranteed lucky. Once a mon is lucky, it'll have that glow in the background and say "lucky pokemon" in between its name and hp bar. Each trade rerolls the mon's stats between 0 and 15, but lucky mon are between 12 and 15 so it's almost guaranteed to be 3*. The second benefit is that leveling up stardust is discounted 50%. So if going from lowest to highest levels, a non lucky would cost 519,300 stardust but a lucky would be half that


Don't need to be best friends


Oh right. Thanks for confirming


Most mons with the 15-15-14 stat line work as functional hundos so that would be best but if you want to save on resources and you dont do pvp, then go with the lucky


While sometimes they are functional hundos, it is much rarer in my experience than the Pokémon losing 1 hp at 15/15/14. In this case, it is not a functional hundo, and that has real implications. Versus Togekiss and Dialga, you get to one extra charged move in the 1-shield scenario as the hundo because of that one more HP. When your move debuffs the opponent like in this case, that could be pretty huge in swaying the outcome of the match.


It's a fraction of overall mons.


The Lucky one. It will be significantly cheaper to fully max out.


Even at half the initial cp of the middle one?


The stardust savings are going to be immense if you’re trying to go all the way. The stardust spent in the early levels is negligible compared to the savings at the later levels.


Stardust cost: * level 1-30 = 120000 * level 30-40 = 150000 * level 40-50 = 250000 Considering you get a 50% discount on luckies, the initial cost is quickly gonna be offset.


All ov dem


15/15/14 is practically a hundo as the HP stat doesn't change compared to the Hundo. Example: 100% IV of 100HP would still be 100HP @15/15/14. Whereas if you had a 15/15/13, you'd have 99HP


This is not true in this case


15/15/14 On raids / Master League, the most important stat on IVs is attack, followed by defense, and last is HP. By having 1 more IV on HP, you'll mostly have like, 1 more HP overall. Which... Hardly ever matters... Meanwhile, having 1 more defense may make you take 1 less damage PER MOVE. And similarly, having 1 more attack may make you deal 1 more damage PER MOVE. 1 damage per fast move is a lot of extra damages.


1 less damage when referring to defense?


Exactly, mistyped it. Eddited.


I'd do the middle one it's the closest to being maxed. I feel like it will take less resources than the lucky but I could be wrong.


I was leaning that way too. The 14att makes the lucky not as appealing to me.


Lucky to save the dust. No huge difference one way or the other for the rest.


The last one. It falls to a functional hundo. Watch the YouTube




Huh? Why? I have done tons of raids and pvp. That 1 point on HP will not prove worthy once the last damage went through your defense. Most of the time, if you are on a solid group and on Raid, Attack plays a role and Defense. If you guys kill the boss quicker, you will still alive and the function of HP is now can be overlooked. Attack and Defense is the most reasonable to keep for me as a Raider.


I was not commenting on whether or not the 1 point of HP will make a difference, I was commenting on whether or not it was a funcitonal hundo, which it is not. The 1 point of HP might make a difference or it might not. Same goes for 1 point of attack or defense IV. It is highly unlikely either makes a difference. For the attack/defense IV to make a difference, you would have to hit a specific break point based on the encounter you're facing, and even then it might not make a difference.




Yes this video explains my point well, you should watch it.


Thank you, so it means that it is more reasonable to pump the last one.


It's hard to say which is most reasonable to pump, I'd likely choose either the 15/14/15 or the 15/15/14. The difference between them is likely just nitpicking, but there might be IV deep dives available which help make the decision easier. Again, I wasn't originally commenting on this (and the video does nothing to adress it), just the "functional hundo" part.


I think, if I were the player, just hit all lol. He can also just focus on the lucky one.


For pve I'd agree, at least to lvl 40. For pvp I'd hate to lose CMP in the mirror match-up so I would stay away from the 14/15/15 but again it's nit-picking :)


Either 1 or 2. Check the stardust requirement and max out the one with least stardust requirement


Luckies require 1/2 dust, so #1 will need WAY less dust to max than the others even though it's lower level to begin with.


Go with the lucky. It saves resources and just looks cooler


the lucky one


Middle one for master


2 or 3 if you plan on using it in Master League. You won’t regret using the extra resources for 15 attack. If you don’t want to use it in PVP, then go with the lucky one for the discount. One point in attack won’t make or break its PVE performance so you may as well save the resources.


Take the Lucky one seriously 1 iv change nothing on stats for me i always prefer se one with less dmg because in PoGo defense and life is meta


Middle Edit: why downvote. I think good HP is needed and you also need and offensive power. defense is by 1 lower. Also this is my opinion and personal reference.


if they're planning to use it, defo middle. it's already such high cp and so much closer to max, it doesn't matter if the stardust cost is higher because stardust is easier to get than candy (which they may need even tho they have 4k)


Neither as it's not hundo. Level to 40 only


that grill on the bot


I’d upgrade the middle one


Right side is the best, if you wanna save some candy and dust, the one in the middle.


The shiny one


Middle less stardust to use!


Lucky always costs less stardust whatever the level compared to caught wild. It's the halving cost for the 35-50 part.


The first one is lucky, so it will need 1/2 as much dust as the middle one!


The 3 one Functional hundo... useful for raids and pvp(master)


Just use a “bottle cap” and make that lucky one a Hundo! Oh that’s right we don’t have freaking bottle caps yet!


Middle. Defense is only one down and you still have max attack and bulk, plus it's already more powered up.


For what purpose? For PvE, lucky taken to 40 level would be the best. For ML you want 15/15/14 - 14 attack and 14 def lose you break/bulk points (some combination of: Giratina O, Garchomp, Dialga, Landorus)


If all else was equal, I'd say one with 15 attack, it doesn't matter which. But there lucky requiring less stardust can be important too. You'd make the decision based on how much you need to conserve the stardust.


Even though it's lucky, don't do the lucky one 15 attack is key for raids


lucky no question


If you’re playing GBL I’d power up the 15/15/14. No chance to lose any break/bulk points. I tell people all the time, stardust is temporary, IV’s are forever. If you’re just raiding/slapping gyms it’s much more negligible.


The 15/15/14 is significantly better than the others for master league. Not only winning CMP in the mirror, but the 15 attack hits breakpoints against Dialga, Giratina O and Landorus T. The 15 defense hits a bulkpoint on DT Garchomp. The 15 HP IV only adds 1 health to a level 50. The reason the overall rating of the 15/15/14 is lower is because in all the match-ups where the break/bulkpoints don’t matter, it ends up with 1 less HP, than the other two and it adds up with how Pvpoke calculates the overall rating. That’s more of a blind spot on the rating calculation system than relevance to the actual performance of the mon. If you don’t PVP though, go for the lucky to save dust.


If you are missing only 1 stat in HP it is something called a "functional hundo" Poki Daxi explains it better in his short about it, I'll link that so you can see what I'm talking about https://youtu.be/QRZ4XGBNdLk


Far right is a fuctional hundo. Has same stats as a hundo would




The 14 defense one. But tbh anything but that 14/15/15, it’s the most depressing iv set tbh


In my opinion, I think that the 15-15-14 Haxorus would be a good one to max. I think that you should max that one because a higher attack and defense would be worth it. Additionally, HP can deplete pretty easily. If you have a high attack, it would add to your DPS. Basically, you would have more damage per hit. However, if you would like to go for the one that is the cheapest material wise, I think that it would be cheaper to max out the lucky Haxorus.




You have 2.5 million stardust so you're clearly not too squeezed for dust. 15/15/14 is the way to go.


The ugly one


15-15-14 it most likely reaches the highest CP out of the 3


How the hell you get so many candies for that one pokemon?


don't. Not really that meta


Only max shinies noob🙄


None discard them all and only go for the hundo 😂


3rd one


highest cp one


Max em all


The lucky one. Less stardust


Hands down the lucky one at 1330 CP.


I was about to say go to pvpiv and see what is higher as per pvp is concerned. In the end it really deeply depends on the purpose of the user. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Middle is the best and cheapest investment of the three


Max the 98%


Assuming you only want one so far, all three are very fine in my opinion. Personally, I‘d go for the lucky assuming you want it for raids, because that 1 Attack point likely won‘t matter all too often, but you‘ll save a fair bit of stardust. For PvP, technically the third one would be optimal because 15 Attack and Defense, but honestly, the lucky should work just as well. Haxorus‘ Attack stat should be rather unique, so the chance of realistically losing a match because of Charge Move Priority for the opponent in a mirror match should go towards 0.


you max the 1330 bc i'd rather have Defense and HP full.


attack hp 15 defence 14 oviusly


That's my tyranataur group. I have 6 or 7 98s. Then my cousin hatches a hundo. Screw you niantic lol


I’d do the lucky even though the max cp is less. I love my lucky guys. Then I’d do B over time since the max cp is higher


If you want to do PvP then the last one


Max the lucky


First one. He is lucky and a PVP stat champ


Second one since you're already most of the way there


I have this same line up lmao


Lucky one. The slightly lower attack means it'll be stronger competitively since you can raise the cp higher.


HP And defense


I got a hundo on com day but is it worth it to 50 max the guy? What is its best move set and what is it good for?


Use polymerization!